• Non ci sono risultati.

Web Application Code

A.3 InsertNewPatient Page

A.3.1 HTML

The following HTML code (Listing A.10) defines the layout of InsertNewPatient page.

1 <p style=" font-size:140 %">Inserire i dati del paziente:</p>

2 <p style=" font-size:140 %" align=" center " >ANAGRAFICA</p>


4 < form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

5 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

6 < label >

7 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style=" display:inline;

width:50 %; text-transform:uppercase " type=" text " id="

inName " placeholder=" Nome *" />

8 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

9 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style=" display:inline;

width:47 %; text-transform:uppercase " type=" text " id="

inSurname " placeholder=" Cognome *" >

10 </ label >

11 </ fieldset >

12 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

13 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

14 < label >

15 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:100 %" type=" email " id=" inEmail "

placeholder=" Email *" />

16 </ label >

17 </ fieldset >

18 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

19 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

20 < label >

21 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:100 %; text-transform:uppercase " type=

" text " maxlength="16" id=" inCode " placeholder=" Codice Fiscale *" />

22 </ label >

23 </ fieldset >

24 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

25 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

26 < span style=" display: inline-block; width: 30% ">DATA DI NASCITA *</ span >

27 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

28 < label >

29 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:auto; " type=" date " data-date-format=

"DD MM YYYY " id=" inBirthday " placeholder=" DD-MM-YYYY " />

30 </ label >

31 </ fieldset >

32 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

33 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

34 < label >

35 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:100 %; text-transform:uppercase " type=

" text " id=" inBirthplace " placeholder=" Luogo di Nascita " /


36 </ label >

37 </ fieldset >

38 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

39 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

40 < span style=" display: inline-block; width: 30% ">RESIDENZA</

span >

41 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

42 < label >

43 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:30 %; text-transform:uppercase " type="

text " id=" inResRoad " placeholder=" Via " />

44 & nbsp;

45 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:30 %; text-transform:uppercase " type="

text " id=" inResCity " placeholder=" Citt & agrave " />

46 </ label >

47 </ fieldset >

48 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

49 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

50 < label >

51 < input class=" mdl-textfield__input " style="

display:inline;width:100 %; text-transform:uppercase " type=

" text " id=" inTelephone " placeholder=" Telefono " />

52 </ label >

53 </ fieldset >

54 </ form >< form style=" display:block;border:groove ">

55 < fieldset style=" display:block;margin:1 %">

56 < span style=" display:inline-block;width:30 %">SESSO</ span >

57 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

58 < label >

59 < input type=" radio " name=" gender " id=" gender " value=" Maschio

">Uomo 60 </ label >

61 & nbsp; & nbsp;

62 < label >

63 < input type=" radio " name=" gender " id=" gender " value=" Femmina

">Donna 64 </ label >

65 </ fieldset >

66 </ form >

67 <p>(I parametri contrassegnati da * sono obbligatori )</p>


69 <br/><br/>

70 < button class=" mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised "

type=" submit " id=" register " name=" register ">Registra</ button


71 & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp;

72 < button class=" mdl-button mdl-js-button mdl-button--raised " id=

" cancel " name=" cancel " >Annulla</ button >

Listing A.10: InsertNewPatient Page Elements

A.3.2 Js

To generate a new user, it is needed to define a dummy password. GeneratePass function, defined by code in Listing A.11, is used to do this.

1 function generatePass( ){

2 var chars = " 0123456789 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz -ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ";

3 var pass = "";

4 for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {

5 pass += chars [ Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];

6 }

7 return pass;

8 };

Listing A.11: GeneratePass Function

CheckDatafunction (Listing A.12) is instead devoted to verify that all manda-tory data have been inserted by the physician during registration. If the check is passed, handleSignUp function is called to perform sign up (Listing A.13).

1 function checkData( ) {

2 var ok = true;

3 var id = null;

4 var email = inEmail.val ue; 5 var name = inName.val ue;

6 var surname = inSurname.val ue; 7 var birthday = inBirthday.val ue; 8 var code = inCode.val ue;

9 if (! birthday ){

10 ok = false;

11 id = " pBirthday "; 12 }

13 if (! code ){

14 ok = false;

15 id = " pCode "; 16 }

17 if (! email ){

18 ok = false;

19 id = " pEmail "; 20 }

21 if (! surname ){

22 ok = false;

23 id = " pSurname ";

24 }

25 if (! name ){

26 ok = false;

27 id = " pName "; 28 }

29 if (!ok) {

30 var errorMessage = " Dati Mancanti !";

31 alert(errorMessage );

32 console.log(errorMessage );

33 document.getElementById(id ).focus();

34 } else {

35 handleSignUp( );

36 } 37 }

Listing A.12: CheckData Function

1 function handleSignUp( ){

2 var email = inEmail.val ue;

3 var name = inName.val ue.toUpperCase();

4 var surname = inSurname.val ue.toUpperCase();

5 var birthday = inBirthday.val ue;

6 var code = inCode.val ue.toUpperCase();

7 var birthplace = inBirthplace.val ue.toUpperCase();

8 var resRoad = inResRoad.val ue.toUpperCase();

9 var resCity = inResCity.val ue.toUpperCase();

10 var telephone = inTelephone.val ue;

11 var inGender = document.querySelector(" input [id='gender ']:

checked ");

12 var gender = "";

13 var pass = generatePass( );

14 var secondaryAuth = firebase

15 .initializeApp(config , " Secondary ");

16 if (inGender ){

17 gender = inGender.val ue; 18 }

19 secondaryAuth.auth().createUserWithEmailAndPassword(email , pass )

20 .then(function() {

21 var newUser = secondaryAuth.auth().currentUser; 22 newUser.updateProfile( { email: email });

23 patient = newUser.uid;

24 }).then(function() {

25 firebase.auth().sendPasswordResetEmail(email ).then(function() {

26 alert(" Email inviata al paziente. ");

27 }).then(function(){

28 var postData = {

29 DateOfBirth: birthday , 30 Email: email ,

31 FiscalCode: code , 32 Name: name ,

33 Surname: surname , 34 Gender: gender ,

35 Birthplace: birthplace , 36 ResidencyRoad: resRoad ,

37 ResidencyCity: resCity , 38 Telephone: telephone

39 };

40 var managementData = { 41 FiscalCode: code ,

42 Name: name + " " + surname

43 };

44 firebase.database().ref(" patients /" + patient + "/

PersonalData ").set(postData );

45 firebase.database().ref(" patientsUid /" + patient ).set (managementData );

46 }).then(function() {

47 console.log(" Paziente registrato ");

48 secondaryAuth.auth().signOut() 49 }).catch(function(error ){

50 var errorMessage = error.message;

51 alert(errorMessage );

52 console.log(error );

53 }).then(function(){

54 secondaryAuth.delete();

55 }).then(function(){

56 var firstVisitMessage = " Paziente registrato con successo. \n

\ nProseguire con la prima visita ?";

57 if (window.confirm(firstVisitMessage )){

58 window.location .replace(" newVisit.html " + "?" + " patient="

+ patient );

59 } else {

60 window.location .replace(" home.html ");

61 }

62 });

63 });

64 }

Listing A.13: HandleSignUp Function

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