• Non ci sono risultati.

Politica e strategia di salute

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Epidemiologia della situazione nutrizionale e progressione sovrappeso/obesità

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◊ Lombardo FL, Spinelli A, Lazzeri G, Lamberti A, Mazzarella G, Nardone P, Pilato V, Buoncristiano M, Caroli M. Severe obesity prevalence in 8- to 9-year-old Italian children: a large population-based study. Eur J Clin Nutr. 2014.

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Metodo di studio

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IMC: curve di riferimento e studi pregressi

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Fattori di rischio modificabili

◊ Valerio G, Balsamo A, Baroni MG, Brufani C, Forziato C, Grugni G, Licenziati MR, Maffeis C, Miraglia Del Giudice E, Morandi A, Pacifico L, Sartorio A, Manco M; on the behalf of the Childhood Obesity Group of the Italian Society of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetology..

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◊ Fakhouri TH, Hughes JP, Brody DJ, Kit BK, Ogden CL. Physical activity and screen-time viewing among elementary school-aged children in the United States from 2009 to 2010.

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◊ Davis CL, Pollock NK, Waller JL, Allison JD, Dennis BA, Bassali R, Meléndez A, Boyle CA, Gower BA. Exercise dose and diabetes risk in overweight and obese children: a

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Interventi e linee guida per l’azione

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Consumo del sale iodato:

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Taglio cesareo:

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Status socio-econimico:

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