• Non ci sono risultati.

The main idea behind the development of libCudaOptimize [118] is to offer a user the chance to apply MHs as simply and fast as possible to his own problem of interest, exploiting the parallelization opportunities offered by modern GPUs.

libCudaOptimize is a GPU-based open source library that allows users to run their methods in parallel to optimize a fitness function, introduce new optimization algorithms, or easily modify/extend existing ones. In the first case, the only thing one needs to do is to implement the new fitness function in C++ or CUDA-C, while in the second and third cases, one can take advantage of the framework offered by the library to avoid the need to go deep into basic implementation issues, especially as concerns parallel code.

Although no explicit understanding of CUDA-C or even of MHs is required, it is very useful anyway; nonetheless, one can use this library just by writing a C++ fitness function and launching one of the optimization techniques already implemented (to date PSO, DE and Scatter Search). This allows one to:

• implement commonly successful techniques with limited efforts;

• easily compare the results obtained by running different techniques on different functions;

• analyze the effects of changing values of the parameters which regulate the behavior of the optimization techniques on user-defined problems;

• run high-dimensional optimization experiments on consumer-level hardware, thanks to the efficient CUDA-C parallel implementation.

A.3 Overview of the library 117

The documentation of libcudaoptimize can be found online2and some examples have been provided in [118]. In short, to implement a MH, one only needs to fill the functions that replicate the pseudo-algorithm presented in Algorithm1:

• initSolutions initializes the population;

• step generates the population to be evaluated;

• fitnessEvaluation calls the fitness function;

• update selects the population to be passed to the next generation/iteration.

All the experiments presented in Chapter 5 have been implemented relying on this library. In the simplest cases, it has been enough to write a simple wrapper to allow the communication between the library and the already coded fitness function;

in other cases the function has been ported from the original language (Matlab, C++) into CUDA-C; in the most complex cases, the functions of interest have been ex-tracted from the library and embedded into the existing code. FigureA.3shows the differences in terms of performance for the hippocampus localization when (i) both fitness function and MH were implemented in C++; (ii) fitness function was imple-mented in C++ using libCudaOptimize’s MHs; (iii) the entire program was run on GPU.

Figure A.3: Execution time versus number of generations.



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