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Primary Cellular Arm Spacing

Nel documento oscillating scan strategy (pagine 73-81)

5.3 Microstructure analysis

5.3.5 Primary Cellular Arm Spacing

Speaking about sub-grain structure and cells, another parameter to consider is the dimension of the primary cellular arm Spacing (PCAS). Increasing the energy density, the primary cellular arm spacing is expected to grow [20].

In the Table 15 and 16 below follow the results obtained measuring the PCAS of the samples selected for the microstructural analysis.

Table 15: PCAS measured with triangle method

Sample 20-75-00 05-75-30 04-75-45

Segments [➭m] Local PCAS [➭m] Segments [➭m] Local PCAS [➭m] Segments [➭m] Local PCAS [➭m]

2,992 3,401 3,494 4,154 4,196 7,161

3,778 4,462 8,854

3,432 4,506 8,434

2,996 2,484 3,314 3,809 9,024 7,994

2,391 3,838 5,017

2,065 4,276 9,942

2,782 3,248 3,705 3,735 6,684 7,072

3,835 3,905 8,764

3,126 3,595 5,769

2,757 3,263 3,719 3,64 5,71 8,047

3,66 3,411 9,813

3,372 3,79 8,617

Average PCAS [➭m] 3,099 3,835 7,569

Table 16: PCAS measured with triangle method

Sample 30-100-00 10-100-30 07-100-45

Segments [➭m] Local PCAS [➭m] Segments [➭m] Local PCAS [➭m] Segments [➭m] Local PCAS [➭m]

1,573 2,103 3,969 5,104 5,94 5,822

2,146 5,069 4,303

2,59 6,273 7,223

4,07 3,547 4,551 4,894 4,419 4,924

2,757 4,687 5,121

3,813 5,444 5,232

2,253 3,402 5,16 4,799 5,436 5,231

3,962 5,138 6,288

3,99 4,099 3,969

3,586 3,21 5,965 5,571 3,878 4,183

3,45 4,794 3,969

2,595 5,954 4,702

Average PCAS [➭m] 3,065 5,092 5,040

The results are contrasting, on one side there seems to be a slight increase in cell size between the two energy densities considered (in this case 07-100-45 would be an exception), on the other the “local” PCAS results are very different according to the area of the sample where the measurement is taken. Certainly, the primary cellular arm spacing increases as the oscillation amplitude of the head increase, lowering the cooling rate of the process.

More definitive results could be obtained repeating the measurements on more locations across the sample. Probably the number of measurements used in this study is not enough to obtain a full picture of the problem.

Figure 43: Primary Cellular Arm Spacing vs Oscillation amplitude

In Figure 43 the primary cellular arm spacing values related to the oscillating amplitude are reported. As noticed before, the cellular morphology seems to get coarser increasing the beam oscillation angle, but it is not clear from this data the relationship between energy density and PCAS size.

6 Conclusions

The main focus of this thesis is the optimization of a Direct Energy Deposition additive process for AISI 316L stainless steel with an oscillating scan strategy.

Major findings are listed as follows:

1. Through SSTs, stable process windows for both the Superficial Energy Den-sities (EDS) investigated in this study were found. Increasing the energy density was possible to print successfully at higher beam oscillation ampli-tudes.

2. After selecting the best set of parameters from the previous phase, it was pos-sible to successfully complete the deposition of twelve 20x20x20mm3 cubes with oscillating scan strategy amplitudes ranging from zero to sixty degrees.

3. The depositions realized with an oscillating scan strategy were proven to be faster than the traditional ones. Among our depositions, thanks to the process parameters chosen, this was more evident in the 75 J✴mm2 case.

4. Most of the samples, whilst presenting a very rough surface finish, were substantially straight. The majority of geometrical inaccuracies was found for higher beam oscillation angles.

5. The analysis of the porosity of the samples was very successful. The porosity of the samples deposited with an oscillating scan strategy is comparable with the one of the samples printed traditionally. In agreement with literature, higher EDS seem to lead to smaller porosity values.

6. From microscope observation, it is evident that the size of the melt pools increases with the beam oscillation amplitude and the energy density.

7. Regarding grains, the samples mostly exhibit a heterogeneous and coarse grain structure. Columnar grains developed in the growth direction of the sample were present only with high oscillation angles. Both the morphologies are comparable with what was found in literature.

8. At sub-grain level we found a fine cellular microstructure with cells having different orientations. Primary cellular arm spacing grows increasing the amplitude of the laser beam oscillation, while there is not enough data to establish a clear relationship between PCAS and Superficial Energy Density.

In conclusion, after an accurate selection of parameters, it is possible to successfully print dense and accurate (for DED standards) simple shapes with an oscillating scan strategy. This allows for shorter deposition times and can provide an option to obtain different microstructures and spot sizes with the same machine and printing head.

With further studies it’s totally feasible to start the deposition of more complex shapes using an oscillating scan strategy, implementing IT tools for the complete industrialization of the process.

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Nel documento oscillating scan strategy (pagine 73-81)

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