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Nel documento UNIVERSITY OF GENOA (pagine 77-83)


4.1. Scenarios


69 In the following section, several scenarios related to different agricultural techniques, changing tillage methods, and harvesting procedures will be presented.

Sweet Corn Cultivation Process

• Flat, at par, with tractor


• Minimum tillage technique when combined with harrowing, with rubber tyred tractor


• Minimum tillage technique when combined with subsoiling, with rubber tyred tractor


• Direct, in open field


• Rotatory hoe, driven by rubber tyred tractor


• Roller, driven by rubber tyred tractor


• Hoe, driven by rubber tyred tractor


• Weed and dicotyledon removal


• Pesticides

Chemical Protection

• Sprinkler irrigation (Pivot and Rainger)


• Urea, Ammonium nitrate, Ammonium nitrate phosphate


• Performed with a combine harvester



• Scenario 1: Business-As-Usual.

• Scenario 2: Application of biochar and substituting inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers.

• Scenario 3: Reduced tillage.

• Scenario 4: Application of biochar and substituting inorganic fertilizers with organic fertilizers under Reduced tillage.

The goal of this work is to define the carbon uptake carried out by the crop under study and determine how it can be improved through more appropriate carbon farming techniques, evaluating what benefits they can bring. Four different scenarios will be compared.

Each scenario has some characteristics that entail the use of different values for the parameters necessary to apply the methodology presented in the previous chapter. More specifically the input data that can vary in the ranges previously reported (Tables 11 to 13) and are related to tillage techniques, yield consequent to different fertilizations, carbon content of the biomass and the amount of the biomass left on the field after harvesting.

For given yield, the actual productivity of the case study, the methodology introduced by Bolinder et al. (2007) [40] used gives the range of results shown in figure 12:

Figure 12: Total CO2-eq sequestration as a function of tillage techniques and the amount of crop left on field after harvesting according to the methodology by Bolinder et al. (2007), for given yield.

Where, as already mentioned, Ss is the amount of crop residue left on field after harvesting (0 to 1) and the tillage dependent carbon content is referred both to Above Ground Biomass (0,45 to 0,55) and to the Below Ground Biomass (0,30 to 0,45).

71 For actual yield conditions the minimum value for carbon sequestration, where tillage is very intense and no crop residues are left on field, is about 422 kg CO2-eqha-1yr-1. While the best scenario sequestration, where soil disturbance is at the lowest and all crop residues are left on field, amounts to 3657 kg CO2-eqha-1yr-1.

4.1.1. Business As-Usual-Scenario

4.1.2. LCA results of the cultivation phase in BAU Scenario

Table 14 shows the results obtained for the indicator considered, referring to the cultivation of 1 t of sweet corn.

Table 14: CF results referred to 1 t of corn, B-A-U Scenario

Carbon Footprint (kg CO2-eq/t) [%]

Emissions 64,72 36,3

Maize seeds 0,69 0,4

Urea 33,50 18,8

Ammonium Nitrate 5,13 2,9

Nitrogen Fertiliser 8,36 4,7

Pesticide 7,19 4,0

Polyethylene 0,052 0,0

Diesel 58,83 33,0

Total 178,49 100,0

With regard to the CF emissions have the greatest impact with a contribution of 36%, followed by the diesel consumption is the phase of life, with an impact of 33% and the use of Urea which impacts to the 18,8% of the total (figure 13).


Figure 13: Cultivation CF specific contributions in BAU scenario. The results are referred to 1 t of sweet corn.

4.1.3. Carbon sequestration in the BAU Scenario

The first scenario studied is the so-called Business as Usual (BAU). The data reported in the case study chapter refer to the business-as-usual scenario.

It represents the baseline condition to which every other data will be compared to. As reported in the previous section the level of tillage is high and the use of inorganic fertilizers is widespread in all the companies in the case study. Actually, specific information about some features of the tillage methods is not available because it was not given, such as the amount of biomass left on the field or removed after the harvest.

It is possible to associate present conditions with the “Conventional Tillage” which typically includes a sequence of soil tillage, such as plowing and harrowing, to produce a fine seedbed, and the removal of most of the plant residue from the previous crop. In this context, the terms cultivation and tillage are synonymous, with an emphasis on soil preparation. Conventional tillage is any system that attempts to cover most of the residue, leaving around 20% of the soil surface covered with residue after planting. Usually, a variety of tillage implements are used, bringing some advantages in terms of labour but also some disadvantages:

Equipment, fuel, and labour costs associated with seedbed preparation are high;


Field traffic is significant, increasing the risk of compaction and weeds spreading in the field;

Risk of soil erosion by wind and water as well as crusting are greater with inadequate surface residue;

Tillage reduces organic matter levels.

The value of the parameters employed for the CO2-eq uptake in this scenario are summed in table 16.

Table 15: Values for NPP methodology in conventional tillage scenario

The result of the calculation model shows that in this case the carbon sequestration is equal to 1013,99 kg CO2-eqha-1yr-1.

And the results are also shown in figure 14:

Figure 14: Total CO2 sequestration in BAU Scenario compared to the spectrum of potentiall CO2 sequestration as a function of tillage techniques and the amount of crop left on field after harvesting according to the methodology by Bolinder et al.

(2007), for given yield.

Plant Carbon Content

Roots Carbon Content

Amount of residue crop left on field after harvesting

Ccp [-] Ccr [-] Ss [-]

0,48 0,345 0,20


Figure 15: Fraction of CO2 sequestered in AGB and BGB compared to the total in BAU Scenario

It is also interesting to observe the contribution for carbon uptake given respectively by the ABG and the BGB, which rates are shown in figure 15, AGB is responsible for 52% of the total sequestration while the remaining 48% is to be attributed to the BGB.

4.2.Scenario 2: Substituting inorganic fertilizer with organic fertilizers and application

Nel documento UNIVERSITY OF GENOA (pagine 77-83)