• Non ci sono risultati.

4.2 Value proposition and Business Model

4.2.10 Social & Environmental Benefits

The main benefits generated by this business model are:

• Use of recycled material (circular economy): The use of recycled material as much as possible, such as pizza boxes, promoting a circular economy that limits environmental impacts.

• Using environmentally friendly means of delivery: Deliveries will be made by electric vehicles or bikes only.

• Integration of disadvantaged people into labour market: In the company's hiring policy, the hiring of disabled people will be favored with a view to social integration.

• Promoting the use of organic and healthy products: A healthy lifestyle and balanced diet will be promoted. The website will describe the products used and the number of calories in each pizza offered on the menu.

• Use local products to support small producers: Small local producers will be favored to the detriment of large suppliers in order to have a positive impact on the ecosystem in which the pizzeria is to be inserted.




As the focus on sustainability and sustainable development is becoming more and more relevant nowadays the purpose of this research is to find new business models that can achieve these goals while maintaining economic viability. The main objective of this thesis is the integration of sustainable practices in the world of catering with a special focus on delivery. The delivery market has grown a lot in recent years and as we have seen will grow at an increasing rate and considering the environmental impact caused by this industry, it is vital to develop sustainable models. With this objective, the first part of the thesis is dedicated to the description of the delivery business models diffused up to now with the analysis of the main players born up to now and then put our attention to the newest business models such as dark kitchens and dark shops. Thanks to the widespread diffusion of dark shops, deliveries are made by green means, reducing a lot the pollution due to the last mile that is the main source of pollution of the whole supply chain. The second part of this research project is devoted to present the theoretical foundation underpinning the sustainability concept and the systematic literature review carried out to define sustainable best management practices that companies operating in the food sector should implement to reach the Sustainable Development target. The goal set by the European Union of zero emissions by 2050 is also influencing the restaurant industry by encouraging the emergence of new sustainable models. In addition, the culture of the importance of following a correct and balanced diet is spreading. In the third part of this research, an analysis of the restaurant industry was carried out with special attention to take-away pizzerias.

Through Pestel analysis were identified the boundaries in which new business models are inserted and then reviewed the main competitors and their positioning in terms of quality and price. The last section of the third part studied the market and the main trends for the future. The restaurant industry is experiencing a moment of great ferment mainly due to two factors. The first one is related to sustainability, therefore the analysis showed how many companies are looking for innovative solutions to reach this important goal. Another important aspect comes from the market in which more and more consumers are looking for local products with low impact and above all with fast and reliable delivery. The impact of covid has played a very important role because on the one hand, it has forced many to rely on home delivery of food and the other hand it has led many to rediscover the importance of a healthier diet and the consequent need to know the origin of ingredients through a shorter and controlled production chain. The last part of this thesis is instead proposed a business model that responds in an innovative way to the problems discussed above. A takeaway pizzeria is sustainable and timely through the following key points: Use of innovative software for the management of the restaurant for the management of production times, deliverymen, consumption of


raw materials. The second point instead responds to the need to be reliable in terms of the quality of the product provided through an innovative organization of the restaurant that starts from a choice of thought out menu. The third important aspect is delivery with ad hoc equipment to be sustainable and guarantee the customer a product that maintains its organoleptic properties and temperature. The fourth point instead focuses on the supply of raw materials from local producers and attention to waste. The last important aspect is customer care, the goal is to ensure a customer experience of the highest level. The economic feasibility of such practices can be achieved only by defining in a very accurate way the market segment to which one is addressing because the costs of such a model will be higher but with a right positioning of the place, and a targeted marketing campaign that conveys to the final consumer the differentiation from a traditional takeaway pizzeria can make this model economically feasible.


5 R


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