• Non ci sono risultati.

2.2 Robots receiving objects from humans

2.2.1 The Framework

For this work I used HERB, the Home-Exploring Robotic Butler (Fig 2.1) [66, 1].

HERB is a robot from the Intel Personal Robotics Lab and a research platform at Carnegie Mellon’s Quality of Life Technology Research Center. HERB, in the cur-rent version (Herb 2.0), has two Barrett WAM arms mounted on a Segway base that enable it to move around an environment and perform advanced manipulation tasks.

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HERB has a suite of onboard sensors to help it perceive the world, including a spin-ning laser scanner for building 3D world models, a vision system for object recog-nition and pose estimation [67], and a commercial system for indoor localization. In addition to these sensors the robot has a pair of low-power onboard computers. On-board components communicate over a wireless network with offOn-board off-the-shelf PCs.

A key challenge for robot systems in the home is to produce safe goal-driven behavior in a changing, uncertain and dynamic environment. A complex system like HERB, that has a host of sensors, algorithms, and actuators, must address issues ranging from software robustness (sensors or communication failing, processes dying) to problems that emerge from inaccurate or unknown models of the physical world (collisions, phantom objects, sensor uncertainty). To address this challenge, HERB uses a soft-ware architecture loosely based on the sense-plan-act model for providing safe and rich interactions with humans and the world. Figure 2.2 shows the interaction be-tween the different components of the robot architecture: perception, decision and execution components.

The robot exploits its sensors to gather information about the world in the form of fixed and dynamic objects, agents (humans and other robots), and semantics (e.g.

HERB’s location in the home).

HERB has three classes of components that can make decisions: safety, agent, and teleoperation components. Safety components ensure that the robot does not harm humans, the environment, or itself. Some examples of safety components include the limitation of forces that the arm is allowed to exert, or the limitation of joint veloci-ties. Safety limits cannot be overridden by other components. Agent components try to accomplish goals based on the perception of the world, including manipulating objects, expressing intent via gestures, and physically interacting with humans. The teleoperation components enable users to explicitly command the robot, both at a low level (e.g. moving single joints) or at a high level (e.g. grasping a particular object).

These components can override agents, but cannot override safety components.

Finally, the execution components perform actions to accomplish the tasks com-manded by the decision components. This includes planning and executing arm and

40 Chapter 2. Development of Human-Robot Physical Interaction Tasks

Figure 2.2: HERB 2.0 system architecture.

base trajectories, making sounds, and interacting with other computer systems.

HERB works across many computers and employs several distributed robotics pack-ages to accomplish its tasks. The entire HERB system consists of a group of sepa-rate processes that communicate with the others through the network (Fig 2.3). The Robotic Operating System(ROS) package [68] is used for the communication in-frastructure and process management. ROS allows us to easily transfer processes onto different computers as necessary. When deciding where and how each algo-rithm should be computed, as much computation as possible is moved to dedicated computers off the robot. The onboard computational power is always limited due to weight and power constraints, so it should be used for real-time tight-feedback processes only. The design space for computation is tricky because the onboard and offboard computation are separated by a wireless network and bandwidth/latency be-come an issue. In HERB, the execution layer lies on-board the robot because the arm movement and Segway navigation require tight feedback loops at rates greater than 10 Hz. The sensing component is divided between onboard real-time obstacle avoid-ance and offboard perception. The onboard camera data is compressed and streamed offboard to construct a snapshot of the environment. The manipulation planning algo-rithms producing global plans are strictly offboard since each planner returns a new

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Figure 2.3: Distribution of computing resources. Each box represents a dedicated computer.

trajectory on the order of seconds.


HERB typically works in a domestic kitchen environment, as shown in Fig. 2.4. In this work, HERB is positioned next to and facing a table which has two types of items on it: Pop-Tarts boxes and Fuze bottles. HERB has already demonstrated its ability to recognize and manipulate these objects autonomously [66], while avoiding humans safely. In this work, the goal is to explore how HERB can actively collaborate with a human to accomplish the handoff task.

A Microsoft Kinect camera is located 2.5m from the table in order to have a com-plete view of the scene. Images from the camera provide two types of data at 30Hz:

raw depth and color, and human tracking data. The human tracking data is a 14-point skeleton outlining a human’s pose from head to feet (Fig. 2.7).

42 Chapter 2. Development of Human-Robot Physical Interaction Tasks

Figure 2.4: Scenario: The human stands in front of the robot and hands off objects to it. The robot processes data from 4 different frames; world frame w, hand frame h, robot frame r, camera frame s. Thanks to a localization system on the robot and the calibration system of the camera, the transformations between the frames are known.

Information from four different coordinate frames are combined (Fig. 2.4): the fixed world frame w located at the bottom of the kitchen cabinets, the fixed camera frame clocated on the Kinect camera, the robot frame r located on HERB’s base, and the moving human hand frame h located on the hand.

HERB’s localization system is used to obtain its transform r. The extrinsics of the camera c are calibrated with a calibration procedure where salient point correspon-dences on the kitchen cabinets and on HERB are matched. When a human is detected, a hand frame h is computed online (Fig. 2.5). The hand frame is centered at the hand point detected by the human tracking system with axes defined as follows. Let Xh

2.2. Robots receiving objects from humans 43

Figure 2.5: Hand frame.

and Xsh be the 3D positions of the human skeleton hand and shoulder, respectively, as detected by the human tracking software and with respect to the world frame. Let Xhbe the modified position of the hand in the world frame where the z-component has been matched to the height of the shoulder.

Xh= hXh,x, Xh,y, Xsh,zi

Then the axes of the hand frame (~xh, ~yh,~zh) with respect to the world frame are given by

~zh= Xh− Xsh

|Xh− Xsh| ~yh= h0, 0, 1i ~xh= ~yh×~zh

This frame is used as a target for the robot’s planning and control. The Z-axis of the hand frame lies on the world X-Y plane and points along the shoulder-hand direction, and the Y-axis points upwards opposing gravity.

System Description

The system developed is mainly divided into two subsystems: a Perception system and a Robot Control system ( Fig 2.6 ). The Perception system consists of two mod-ules: a data acquisition module reads raw data from the Kinect and sends them to the hando f f detector that processes the data in order to infer handoffs. When the

44 Chapter 2. Development of Human-Robot Physical Interaction Tasks

Figure 2.6: Architecture of the system.

Perception systemdetects a handoff the Robot Control system moves the robot arm to perform the handoff. Two different control methods are available. A first control method consists of two modules: a planning module that computes a trajectory and a control module that executes the planned trajectory. A second method bypasses the planning phase and uses only the control module to move the robot arm towards the object. These components are described in the next paragraphs.