• Non ci sono risultati.

a wide range of system parameter values, whilst generating limited data traffic and coping reasonably well with significant packet losses. Hence, we are confident that D4V could be effectively used on the road to reduce the number of drivers involved in traffic jams, as well as to disseminate alert messages about potentially dangerous road stretches, thus allowing drivers to reduce risks and nuisances along their paths.

The second application combines the P2P-based DGT with network coding, to achieve large scale information management in smart cities. While the former technique em-phasizes load balancing capabilities and avoids the presence of bottlenecks and sin-gle points of failure, the use of NC techniques brings redundancy and thus fault-tolerance to make information retrieval extremely reliable and applications like real-time streaming highly robust. Indeed, NC improves the performance of P2P content sharing systems since it mitigates the block transfer scheduling or piece selection problem, especially when nodes dynamically join/depart from the network. More-over, NC is important also for another functionality of the smart city infrastructure, i.e., distributed storage: should a storage node fail, the stored information could be retrieved by properly combining the information contained in other storage nodes.

Simulations of dynamic scenarios in a realistic environment have shown that the sys-tem is robust against storage node disconnections. Even in extreme conditions (e.g., 80% of storage nodes disconnected), maintenance strategies guarantee high resource availability. In particular, we have shown that periodic maintenance performs slightly better than sporadic maintenance, at the expense of much higher storage space con-sumption. On the other hand, sporadic maintenance is effective only with popular resources, since regeneration is performed only after a successful download.

4.1 Further Work

Multiple research opportunities may spark off from the work, analysis and results presented in this thesis. In this section we outline some of the most promising

re-118 Chapter 4. Conclusions

search directions.

First of all, we plan to investigate and take into account the estimation of peer tra-jectory (e.g. nodes traveling along highways), in order to reduce the number of ex-changed messages. Then, an additional effort could be focused on the extension of the current model, by defining a new one that will combine the DGT overlay characteris-tics, user/vehicle mobility and connectivity/coverage type, thus providing a complete and integrated estimation of involved variables.

We intend to integrate local (ad-hoc networks) communication to directly retrieve available peers in the neighborhood and exchange useful information about GB data.

The support for ad-hoc connectivity will be initially analyzed through simulative means to understand the new involved parameters as well as benefits and costs. Of course an extensive evaluation on the field will be mandatory to validate the choice of type of direct communication (Bluetooth, WiFi, NFC) that should be used, according to the application context — either vehicular or pedestrian, indoor or outdoor. Due to the characteristics of the DGT algorithm we believe that direct communication be-tween two nodes with no infrastructure support seems feasible and potentially bene-ficial for protocol performance, allowing a node to communicate at the same time in multiple ways to its neighbors. This evolution will require only limited redesign and adaptation of data structures, in order to correctly identify the most effective method to communicate with a target node according to its distance, network interface or be-havior/context.

Starting from the encouraging results obtained with our first D4V prototype, we also intend to organize and deploy a large scale experiment across the city of Parma, in or-der to evaluate the application with a huge number of active users over a long period.

The experiment will provide us with multiple types of data and logs at different lev-els. Users will comment about the User Interface usability, allowing us to understand how to improve it to reduce the number of interaction between drivers and their smart-phones. Network and DGT logs will provide the required information to analyze the

4.1. Further Work 119

performance in terms of data traffic requirements, coverage percentage and distance from the event. Last but not least ambitious development of the DGT/D4V solution will be the integration of the system with a smart vehicle able to sense the environ-ment and automatically provide messages about external events or conditions. The communication with the smart vehicle engine will be obviously bidirectional, as the D4V node will be able to provide the car supervisor with information about environ-ment conditions received from other vehicles, allowing it to adapt vehicle behavior or to reconfigure algorithms for the analysis of incoming raw data.


Finally, I am here watching the last white page of this editor as I am ready to write acknowledgements. Looking backward these three years were rich of activities, trav-els, papers and a lots of coding but essentially they have been full of amazing people that influenced and helped me during my work.

First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Francesco Zanichelli and Dr.

Michele Amoretti for supporting and guiding me during this long travel and at the same time giving me enough freedom to be independent in my research. I hope that it is only the beginning and that our research group may grow up and improve as we did during last years. I am also very grateful to Prof. Gianluigi Ferrari, Prof. Luca Veltri, Dr. Marco Martalò, Dr. Simone Cirani for our worthwhile collaboration and for our several useful chats that have driven my activities on the correct path.

Special thanks and deep gratitude go to Dr. Cecilia Mascolo for the big opportu-nity that she gave me to study and work for six months in Cambrige and in particular to be part since the first day of an amazing group of colleagues and friends. Many thanks to Christos, Ilias, Salvo, Tassos, Kiran, Liam, John, Haris and Jisun, I hope to collaborate again with you and look forward having a pint together one more time.

Finally a huge thanks to all my friends in Parma and Palermo. You are too much to be listed here, but I would like to say “Thank You” because you make me feel at home every day. You are always there for me even if we do not see each other for a

122 Chapter 4. Conclusions

long time.

This thesis is dedicated to my parents who have been by my side understanding my choices and supporting me all the time during these eight years of studying.

Grazie ! Marco


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