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Geomorphology of the Ceyhan River lower plain (Adana Region, Turkey)


Academic year: 2021

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Geomorphology of the Ceyhan River Lower Plain, Adana Region, Turkey

Isola I.*, Bini M.**, Ribolini A.**, Zanchetta G.**, D'Agata A.L.***

© Journal of Maps, 2016

Akyatan L agoon

Ağyatan Lagoon

SCALE 1:200,000


er Wal

sh-Kennedy et al

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t Zo ne; KFZ: Karat

aş Faul


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0 2.5 5 10km

Shaded relief and elevation point from ASTER DEM, product of NASA and METI

690000.000000 700000.000000 710000.000000 720000.000000 730000.000000 740000.000000 40 50 00 0 .0 00 00 0 40 60 00 0 .0 00 00 0 40 80 00 0 .0 00 00 0 40 90 00 0 .0 00 00 0

** Dipartimento di Scienze della Terra, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy *** Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Roma, Italy

* Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia, sez. Pisa, Italy



Projection: UTM36N, Datum:WGS84

Anthropogenic forms

and deposits

Topographic elements

Main road Secondary road Elevation point !5 Modern quarry Urbanized area B Traces fo ancient exploitation activity

Coastal and lagoon

forms and deposits

Not stabilized dune deposit (sand) Reworked dune deposit (sand) Stabilized dune deposit (sand) Marsh deposit (sand, silt, peat) Deltaic fan deposit (sand, silt)

Lagoon deposit (silt, clay) Marine deposit (sand) Deltaic plain deposit with tidal channels (sand, silt)

Slope forms and deposits


Intensely weathering bedrock

Terrace like surface with tufa and/or calcrete


Debris slope deposit

Rocky pediment with tufa and/or calcrete

Fluvial forms and deposits

Fluvial scarp Paleochannel

Temporaneus active gully Area with concentrated gullies Seyhan-Ceyhan uncertain watershed

Recent fluvial terrace Old fluvial terrace

Alluvial fan deposit (gravel, sand) Alluvial deposit (gravel, sand) Colluvial deposit (gravel, sand) Oxbow lake and/or swamp


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