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Search for black holes and other new phenomena in high-multiplicity final states in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=13TeV


Academic year: 2021

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Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 279–307

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Articlehistory: Received 3 May 2017

Received in revised form 15 August 2017 Accepted 11 September 2017

Available online 22 September 2017 Editor: M. Doser

Keywords: CMS Physics Black holes

Asearchfornewphysics inenergetic, high-multiplicityfinalstateshasbeenperformedusingproton– proton collision data collected with the CMS detector at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV and corresponding toan integratedluminosity of2.3 fb−1.The standardmodel background,dominated by multijet production, isdetermined exclusivelyfromcontrol regions indata. Nostatistically significant excess ofevents is observed. Model-independent limits on the productof the cross section and the acceptanceofanewphysicssignalinthesefinalstatesaresetandfurtherinterpretedintermsoflimits ontheproductionofblackholes.Semiclassicalblackholesandstringballswithmassesashighas9.5 TeV, andquantumblackholeswithmassesas highas9.0 TeV areexcludedbythissearchinthecontextof modelswithextradimensions,thussignificantlyextendinglimitssetatacenter-of-massenergyof8 TeV withtheLHCRun1data.

©2017TheAuthor(s).PublishedbyElsevierB.V.ThisisanopenaccessarticleundertheCCBYlicense (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).FundedbySCOAP3.

1. Introduction

Thestandardmodel(SM)[1–3]ofparticlephysics isa remark-ablysuccessfultheory.However, severaloutstandingproblems re-main. One of these is the “hierarchy problem” [4], i.e., the vast separationbetweentheelectroweakenergyscaleandthescaleat whichgravitybecomesstrong.Thelatter,referredtoasthe“Planck scale” (MPl), is some 17 orders of magnitude greater than the

former.TherearevarioustheoreticalextensionsoftheSMthat ad-dressthe hierarchy problem, such as supersymmetry (SUSY) and modelswithextradimensions.

Inmanyofthesemodels,high-multiplicity,energeticfinalstates naturally occur. Strong single or pair production of various new physicssignalsresultinmultijetfinalstates,oftenaccompaniedby energeticleptons and/or invisible particlesresulting intransverse momentum(pT)imbalanceintheevent.Examplesincludealarge

varietyofSUSYsignals,bothwithR-parity[5]conservation[6]and violation[7], andsignals associated withtechnicolor models [8], axigluons[9],colorons[10–13],andvariousmodelswithlow-scale gravity.

InthisLetter,wedescribeamodel-independentsearchfornew physicsinhigh-multiplicityfinalstates,andexplicitlytestthe pre-dictionsoftwopossiblesolutionstothehierarchyproblem.Oneof thesesolutionsinvokesamodelwithn largeextradimensions,

col- E-mailaddress:cms-publication-committee-chair@cern.ch.

loquiallyknownasthe“ADD model”,namedafterits proponents, Arkani-Hamed,Dimopoulos,andDvali[14–16].Theother solution is basedon the Randall–Sundrum model[17,18], calledthe “RS1 model”.Inthismodelasingle,compactextraspatialdimensionis warped,andthe SM particles are localizedon a TeV-scalebrane, while gravity originates on the second, Planck brane, separated fromtheTeVbraneintheextradimension.

In the ADD model, the fundamental multidimensional Planck scale(MD)isrelatedtothe“apparent”3-dimensionalPlanckscale MPlas: MD


1 r




2 n+2



wherer isthecompactificationradiusorthecharacteristicsizeof extradimensions.


afunction oftheexponential warpfactork and the compactifica-tionradiusr: MD





e −πkr



In both models, MD can be of order 1 TeV, thus eliminating the


At high-energyhadron colliders,such asthe CERNLHC, ifthe collision energy exceeds MD, both the ADD and RS1models

al-low for the formation of microscopic black holes (BHs) [19–23].


0370-2693/©2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/). Funded by SCOAP3.


In the simplest scenario, microscopic BHs are produced when the distance of closest approach between two colliding particles is less than the Schwarzschild radius RS, which for a BH in a















1 n+1



where MBH is the mass of the BH. The parton-level production



R2 S [19, 20]. In more complicated scenarios with energy loss during the formation of the BH horizon, the production cross section could significantlydepartfromthissimplegeometricalformula.Sincethe productionofBHsisathresholdphenomenon,weassumea mini-mummassthresholdMmin



In the semiclassical case, corresponding to MBH


evaporate rapidly via Hawking radiation [25], with a lifetime of order10−27seconds.Asgravitycouplesuniversallytothe energy-momentumtensoranddoesnot distinguishbetweenvarious par-ticle species, microscopic BHs decay democratically into all SM degreesof freedom, i.e., all SM particle species withall possible valuesof quantumnumbers, such asspin,color, andcharge. The final state istherefore populated by a variety ofenergetic parti-cles,such ashadrons (jets), leptons,photons, andneutrinos.Due to the large number of color degrees of freedom, about 75% of theparticlesproducedare expectedtobequarksandgluons.The final state may contain significant transverse momentum imbal-ancefromthepresenceofneutrinos,whichconstituteabout5%of thedecayproducts. Otherprocesses,such asthedecayofW and Zbosons, orofheavy-flavor quarks,andthe possibleemission of gravitonsortheformationofanoninteractingstableBHremnant, contributetothetransversemomentumimbalanceaswell.

Thesemiclassicalapproximationbreaksdownwhenthemassof theBHapproachesMDandtheBHbecomesaquantumobjectora

quantumblackhole(QBH).TheseobjectsdonotobeytheusualBH thermodynamicsand hence decaymuch more rapidly than their semiclassical counterparts. Their decays are characterized by the presenceofonlyafew particles,e.g.,apairofjets[26–28].These QBHscould also decayintolepton flavor violating final states,as preserving baryon numberor lepton numbers separately is typi-callynotarequirementofthedecayprocess[26,27].

Inaddition tosemiclassical BHs andQBHs,one couldalso ex-plore stringy precursors of BHs, called “string balls” (SBs) [29]. Suchobjects,whichariseinstringtheory,arehighly excited,long, foldedstrings that formbelowtheBH productionthreshold.Like semiclassicalBHs,SBsevaporatethermally,butataconstant Hage-dorntemperature[30]independentoftheSBmass,andalso pro-ducea largenumberofenergetic particlesinthefinalstate, with thecompositionsimilartothatforasemiclassical BH.Stringballs undergoa phase transitioninto ordinary semiclassical BHs when their mass reaches MS


g2S [29], where MS and gS are the string

scaleandthestringcouplingconstant,respectively.ForanSBmass between MS


gS and the BH transition, MS


g2S, the parton-level





M2S,whileforlighterSBs,itgrows as




M4S [29].

While ourchoice offinal states is inspired by the production of microscopic BHs, in this Letter we focus on a generic search (Section8) thatcanbeusedtoprobealargeclassofnew-physics models.Consequently,ouremphasisisontheexplorationofa mul-tiparticlefinalstatewithamodel-independentsearch.

DuringRun1oftheLHC,anumberofsearchesforsemiclassical andquantum BHs were performedata center-of-massenergy of 8 TeV.AreviewoftheseresultscanbefoundinRef.[31].Thelimits on theminimum BH massset by thesesearches lie inthe 6 TeV

range. With the increased LHC center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, theBHphasespacecanbeprobedmuchmoreextensively,aswas demonstratedintherecentATLASpublications[32–34],whichset BHmasslimitsreaching9 TeV.

2. Analysisstrategy

The most challenging aspect of the analysis presentedin this Letterisaccurately describingtheQCDmultijetbackground,since the BH signalleads to a broadexcess inthe ST spectrum,rather

than anarrow peak.Here, ST is definedasthe scalarsumofthe

transverseenergiesofjets,leptons,photons,aswellasthemissing transverse energy (Emiss

T , definedas the magnitudeof the





i=1 ET,i





where N is thetotal numberoffinal-stateobjects (excludingthe


T ), or the object multiplicity. For the QCD background, the

final-stateobjects are almostexclusively jetsandthe Emiss T is

ex-pected tobesmall, so the ST variableisreducedto ascalarsum

of thetransverse momenta ofthe jets. The signal region forthis searchtypicallyliesinthehigh-multiplicityregimewheretheQCD multijetbackgroundisdominatedbyhigher-ordereffects.These ef-fectshavenotbeencalculatedforhigh-multiplicityfinalstates,and thereforean accurate simulationoftheQCD multijetbackground, pertinenttooursignalregion,doesnotyetexist.

ThissignificanthurdleismitigatedbypredictingtheQCD mul-tijet backgrounddirectlyfromdata usinganew technique devel-oped inRun1oftheLHC[35–37].Studiesperformedwith simu-latedQCD multijeteventsandwithdataatlowobject multiplici-tiesshow that theshape ofthe ST distribution aboveits turn-on

thresholdis approximatelyindependentofthe multiplicity ofthe final state.Thisobservationisconsistentwiththedevelopmentof the partonshower via nearly collinear emission, which approxi-matelyconservesthe ST value,up totheeffectsofadditionaljets

fallingbelowthekinematicthreshold.Forthisreasononecan pre-dict the ST spectrum of a multijet final state using samples of

dijetortrijetevents.Thisfeatureprovides apowerfultool to pre-dict the shape ofthe ST spectrum athigher multiplicity using a

low-multiplicity control region. The method has found wide ap-plicability in various CMS searches, such as a search for stealth SUSY[38]andasearchformultijetresonances[39].AnearlierCMS analysis[35]alsoconsideredotherkinematicvariables,suchasthe invariantmassortransverseinvariantmassoftheevent.However, themultiplicityinvarianceisnotexhibitedbythesevariabletothe degreeshownbytheST variable.


gearedtowardamultiparticlefinalstate, dominatedby QCD mul-tijets in the case of semiclassical BHs, and toward a dijet final state for the QBHs. The variable ST is the single discriminating

variable used in the analysis, chosen for its robustness against variations in the BH evaporation model and its lack of sensitiv-ity to the relative abundance of various particles produced. This variableencompassesthetotal transverseenergyinaneventand is therefore useful in discriminating between the signal and the background. There is a minimum transverse energy (ET)

thresh-old of50 GeV [35] that each ofthe objects (including the Emiss

T )

has tosatisfy to be countedtowardthe definitionof ST. The

ex-act choice of the ET threshold is not particularly important; the

50 GeV threshold ischosenasitmakes theanalysisinsensitiveto additional interactions in the same or adjacent bunch crossings (pileup) andmoderatesthe effectof initial-stateradiation,which generallyspoilstheSTinvariance.


The CMS Collaboration / Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 279–307 281

The ST distributions are produced in a number of inclusive

objectmultiplicity bins (N

Nmin). The background isestimated exclusively fromcollision data via the appropriately chosen con-trolregions.ThisapproachdoesnotrelyontheMonteCarlo(MC) descriptionof the backgrounds. Inaddition, this methodhas the advantageofbeingmoresensitiveandlessmodeldependentthan exclusivesearchesinspecificfinalstates,e.g.,thelepton


jetsfinal state[40,41].TheATLASCollaborationhasrecentlyadopteda sim-ilar inclusivesearch strategy based on the 2012



8 TeV [42]




13 TeV data[33].

3. TheCMSdetector

The central feature of the CMS apparatus is a superconduct-ing solenoidof 6 m internal diameter,providing a magnetic field of3.8 T. Withinthesolenoid volumeare a siliconpixel andstrip tracker,aleadtungstatecrystalelectromagneticcalorimeter(ECAL), andabrassandscintillatorhadroncalorimeter(HCAL),each com-posed of a barrel and two endcap sections. Forward calorime-ters extend the pseudorapidity coverage provided by the barrel andendcapdetectorsup to





5.Muons aremeasured in gas-ionization detectors embedded in the steelflux-return yoke out-sidethesolenoid.

Thesilicontrackermeasureschargedparticleswithinthe pseu-dorapidity range







5. It consists of 1440 silicon pixel and 15 148siliconstripdetectormodules. Fornonisolatedparticlesof 1




10GeV and







4, thetrackresolutions are typically

1.5%in pTand25–90(45–150) μm inthetransverse(longitudinal)




Inthe region







74, theHCAL cells have widthsof 0.087 in pseudorapidity and 0.087 radians in azimuth (


). In the












5 arraysof ECALcrystals to form calorimetertowers projecting radially out-wardsfromclosetothenominalinteractionpoint.For







74, thecoverageofthetowers increasesprogressivelytoamaximum of0.174in



.Withineachtower,theenergydepositsin ECALandHCALcellsaresummedtodefine thecalorimetertower energies,subsequentlyusedtoprovidetheenergiesanddirections ofhadronicjets.

The first level of the CMS trigger system [44], composed of custom hardware processors, combines information from the calorimeters and muon detectors to select the most interesting events in a fixed time interval of 3.2 μs. The high-level trigger (HLT)processorfarmfurtherdecreasestheeventratefromaround 100 kHz tolessthan1 kHz,beforedatastorage.

AdetaileddescriptionoftheCMSdetector,togetherwitha def-inition ofthecoordinate systemusedandthe relevantkinematic variables,canbefoundinRef.[45].

4. Eventreconstruction

The analysis is based on proton–proton collision data corre-sponding to an integrated luminosity of 2.3 fb−1, collected with the CMSdetector in2015. The trigger chosen for the analysisis based on the total transverse energy of jetsin an event. At the HLT,eventsareselectediftheypassedan800 GeV thresholdonthe scalarsumofthetransversemomenta ofallhadronicjets, which arereconstructedwiththeparticle-flow(PF)algorithm[46],as de-scribed below. The trigger is nearly 100% efficient for ST above

1 TeV.

Inthesubsequent analysis,we selectevents withat leastone reconstructedvertex[43] within 24 (2)cmof thenominal inter-actionpoint measured parallel (perpendicular)to the LHC beam-line.The vertexwiththehighestsumofthetransversemomenta

squared ofthe associated tracks ischosen asthe hard-scattering vertex.

The reconstructionofphysics objects intheeventisbased on the PF algorithm that identifies each single particle in an event (photon,electron,muon,chargedhadron,neutralhadron)usingan optimizedcombinationofall subdetectorinformation.Theenergy ofphotonsis directlyobtainedfromtheECALmeasurement, cor-rected for zero-suppression effects [47]. The energy of electrons isdeterminedfromacombinationofthetrackmomentumatthe main interaction vertex, the corresponding ECAL cluster energy, andtheenergysumofallbremsstrahlungphotonsattachedtothe track. The energy of muons is obtained from the corresponding track momentum. The energy of charged hadrons is determined fromacombinationofthetrackmomentumandthecorresponding ECALandHCALenergy,correctedforzero-suppressioneffectsand fortheresponsefunctionofthecalorimeterstohadronicshowers. Theenergyofneutralhadronsisobtainedfromthecorresponding corrected ECAL andHCAL energy. Finally,the EmissT is definedas theabsolutevalueofthevectorial pTsumofallthePFcandidates


Foreach event, hadronicjetsareclusteredfromthe PF candi-dates usingthe anti-kT algorithm [49] withadistance parameter

of 0.4, as implemented inthe FastJet package [50].The jet mo-mentum is determined as the vectorial sum of the momenta of all its constituents, and is found to be within 5 to 10% of the true(particle-level)momentum over thewhole pT spectrumand

the detector acceptance. Jet energy corrections are derived from simulation and in situ measurements of the energy balance in dijet, multijet,



jet, and leptonic Z


jet events [51,52]. The contribution of charged hadrons that do not originate from the hard-scatteringvertex(“pileup”), butareclusteredduring the re-construction ofa jet, is subtracted. Corrections based on the jet area[53]areappliedtoremovetheenergycontributionofneutral hadrons frompileup interactions. The jet energy resolution (JER) isapproximately8%at100 GeV and4%at1 TeV[51,52].The mini-mumthresholdonthecorrectedETofthejetsusedintheanalysis

is 50 GeV, and jetsare accepted in the full pseudorapidity range of theCMS calorimeters(





5). To reduce contamination from poorlyreconstructedmuons,thefractionofthejetmomentum car-riedby amuonis requiredto belessthan80%.Also, tosuppress jetsduetorare,spuriousanomalouscalorimetersignals,jetsmust contain atleasttwo particles, one ofwhich isa chargedhadron, andthejetenergyfractioncarriedbyneutralPFcandidates (neu-tralhadronsandphotons)shouldbe lessthan 90%.Thesecriteria haveanefficiencygreaterthan99%perjet.

DetailsofmuonreconstructioncanbefoundinRef.[54].Muon candidates are required to satisfy a minimum pT threshold of

50 GeV andtobewithin







4.Thetransverseimpact parame-terandthelongitudinaldistanceofthe trackassociated withthe muon with respect to the primary vertex is required to be less than2and5 mm,respectively,toreducecontaminationfrom cos-mic muons. Themuon candidateis requiredto haveatleastone energydepositinthepixeltrackerandatleastsixdepositsinthe silicon strip tracker. The global track fitto the trackertrajectory andtoatleasttwomuon detectorsegmentsmusthavea


2 per


Details of electron reconstruction can be found in Ref. [55]. ElectroncandidatesarerequiredtohaveET










ex-cludingthe 1










57 transitionregion betweentheECAL barrelandendcap detectorswhere thereconstruction is subopti-mal,andtopass standardidentificationcriteria, correspondingto aworkingpointwithanaverageefficiencyof80%perelectron.

Both muons and electrons are required to be isolated from otherenergydepositsinthetrackerandthecalorimeters.The rel-ativeisolation


isdefined astheratio ofthe sumoftransverse


Table 1

Generator settings for various semiclassical BH model points probed in this analysis. These parameters are defined in Refs.[56]and [57]for the BlackMax and charybdis 2 generators, respectively. The generator settings not specified are kept at their default values.


Model Choose_a_case Mass_loss_factor Momentum_loss_factor turn_on_graviton

B1 tensionless_nonrotating 0 0 FALSE

B2 rotating_nonsplit 0 0 FALSE

B3 rotating_nonsplit 0.1 0.1 TRUE


Model bhspin mjlost yrcsc nbodyaverage nbodyphase nbodyvar rmstab






energiesofphotons,andchargedandneutralhadronsinaconeof radiusof0.4 (0.3)inthe



spacecenteredonthemuon (elec-tron)candidatetothe pT ofthelepton:







p T



where the sum runs over charged hadrons originating from the hard-scatteringvertex,neutralhadrons,andphotons.The numera-toroftheratioiscorrectedforcontributionsduetopileup(EPUT ), usingthefractionofenergycarriedbythechargedhadrons origi-natingfromother verticestoestimate thecontributionofneutral particlesfrompileupformuons,andanaverageareamethod[53], asestimatedwith FastJet forelectrons. Muons(electrons)are re-quiredtohaverelativeisolationvalueslessthan0.15(0.10).

Photons are required to have pT


50 GeV and to be in the

samefiducial regionasthe electrons,andare reconstructed with a standard algorithm [47] using a medium working point. They are also required to be isolated, with the definition of isola-tion tuned to yield constant efficiency as a function of pho-ton pT. The pileup-corrected charged-hadron transverse energy

sum within the isolation cone of radius of 0.3 is required to be less than 1.37 (1.10) GeV in the barrel (endcaps). A simi-larly defined neutral-hadron isolation sumis required to be less than 1










000019GeV−1p2T in the barrel and











000025GeV−1p2T in theendcaps. Finally,

thepileup-correctedisolationsumofanyadditionalphoton candi-datesintheisolationconemustbelessthan0













0034pT)inthebarrel(endcaps). 5. Signalsimulation

Signal events are simulated using dedicated MC event gen-erators. For semiclassical BHs, the BlackMax v2.02.0 [56] and charybdis 2 v1.003 [57] generators are used, as summarized in

Table 1anddetailedbelow.QuantumBHs aregeneratedusingthe qbhv3.00generator[28].Thefragmentationandhadronizationof parton-level signal samples is done with pythia 8.205 [58], with theunderlyingeventtuneCUETP8M1[59].

Inthesemiclassicalcase,severalmodelsareexplored.We sim-ulate the following scenarios: nonrotating BHs (models B1, C2), rotatingBHs withoutenergyloss(modelsB2,C1)andwithan al-ternative evaporationmodel (C3), rotating BHs with 10% loss of mass and angular momentum (B3), rotating BHs with Yoshino– Rychkov bounds[60] (model C4), androtating BHs witha stable remnantwiththemassequaltothemultidimensionalPlanckscale

MD (model C5,for whichadditionally the Charybdis2parameter

NBODYwas changedfromitsdefaultvalue of2to0). The gener-atorparametersusedforsemiclassicalBHsignal modelsaregiven in

Table 1


TheparametersassociatedwiththeBHsignalgeneration,ascan beinferredfromEq.(3),arethenumberofextradimensionsn,the multidimensional Planckscale MD,andthe massoftheBH MBH.



2,4,and6,whileMD isvaried

be-tween 2 and9 TeV, andMBH isvaried in therangebetween MD

and11 TeV.InthecaseoftheQBHs,n




2–9 TeV

and MBH

MD withthe upperbound kept at 11 TeV. For QBHs

inthe ADDmodelweusen

2, whileintheRS1modeln is re-strictedto1.

Stringballsaregeneratedusingthe charybdis 2event genera-tor forthe nonrotatingscenario.Thenumberofextradimensions is fixed atn


6, asitwas in earlierCMSpublications. Notealso that asthedependenceoftheSBdynamicsonn isonlyimplicit, viatherelationshipbetweenthePlanckandstringscales.Themass ofthestringball (MSB)isvaried between5 and10 TeV.Four










1 TeV, gS













1 TeV, gS













5 TeV, gS













0 TeV, gS





These benchmarks are chosen such that the various regimes of the SB dynamicsare probed, mainly betweenthe first transition atMSB




gS andtheBHtransitionatMSB





second transition,SBsturnintosemiclassicalBHs,sothestandard BHanalysisfullyapplies.(Wenotethatasignificantfractionofthe SBparameterspaceprobedbytheATLASCollaboration[33]infact fallsinto theBH, andnotthe SBregime.)Inall casesthe funda-mentalPlanckscaleMDischosentosatisfythematchingcondition






























are the BH and SB parton-level

production cross sections, as functions of their masses, respec-tively.

The choice of parton distribution functions (PDFs) used in this analysis was made as a result of detailed studies of the PDF dependence of signal cross sections. The leading order (LO) MSTW2008LO [61,62] PDFs are chosen for all the signal sam-ples. This PDF set provides a conservative estimate of the sig-nal cross section athigh BHmasses withrespect tothe modern NNPDF3.0[63]PDFs.ThecrosssectionatlargeBHmassesobtained withdifferentPDFsetscanvaryuptoanorderofmagnitude. The use oftheMSTW2008LO PDFcorresponds to thecrosssection at the lower edge ofthe uncertainty rangefor the NNPDF3.0PDFs, thereforeindicatingareasonableandconservativechoiceforsignal simulation. The MSTW2008LO PDF has beenrecently superseded by the MMHT2014LO [64] set. However, a numericalcomparison ofthesignalcrosssectionscomputedusingbothofthesePDFsets revealsnodifferences. Thisisexpected,asnonewdata


constrain-The CMS Collaboration / Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 279–307 283

ing PDFs forprocesses with such high momentum transfer have beenutilized in the global fitused to extract the MMHT2014LO PDF set.Giventhat MSTW2008LO was thePDF of choice forthe Run1versionofthisanalysis,theuseofthisPDFalsoallowsone todirectlycompareRun1andRun2results.

TheCMSdetectorsimulationisperformedusingboth detailed simulationvia Geant4 [65] (semiclassical BlackMax and charyb-dis2 C1–C3 BH samples) andfast parametric simulation via the FastSim [66] package (QBH andSB samples, as well as charyb-dis2 C4–C5 samples). The fastsimulation samples are validated againstthefullsimulation,andthesmallobserveddifferences be-tweenthetwoapproacheswerefoundtohaveanegligibleimpact onthesignalacceptance.

In addition we use simulated samples of W


jets, Z





jets, tt, andQCD multijet events forauxiliary studies. These events are generated with the MadGraph5_amc@nlo [67] event generator,followedby pythia fordescriptionofhadronizationand fragmentation. The NNPDF3.0 PDF set with the tune CUETP8M1 isused forthe backgroundgeneration, andthe CMSdetector re-sponseissimulatedvia Geant4.

6. Backgrounds

ThemainSMbackgroundstothemultiparticlefinalstatesfrom new-physicsprocessesare QCD multijet and



jets production, vectorbosonsproducedinassociationwithjets(V


jets,whereV standsforaWorZboson),andtt process.TheQCDmultijet back-groundisbyfarthedominantone.Theadditionalbackgroundsare notexplicitlyconsideredfortheremainderoftheanalysis,asthey together contribute only a few percent of the total background. They also have a very similar shape to the QCD multijet back-ground, as evident from Fig. 1, which shows the comparison in the ST distribution of the total contribution of all the simulated



2 and high-multiplicity N

6 selections. While simulated samples are notusedtoestimatethebackgroundinthisanalysis,wenotethat thesimulationneverthelessdescribesdatareasonablywell.


ST distributioninthe tailregion ofthespectrum being

indepen-dentoftheobjectmultiplicity.Asaconsequenceofthisinvariance, the ST distributioninhighermultiplicity regions canbeobtained


signal contamination is expected to be minimal. Given the simi-larity of the shapes ofthe QCD multijet and other backgrounds, thistechniquealsoimplicitlyaccountsformostofthecontribution ofthenon-QCD backgrounds.Thetechnique hasbeenextensively validatedin previous CMS publications [35–37], using both low-multiplicitydatasamplesandsimulatedQCDmultijetevents.

The shape of the background is obtained by performing a binnedlikelihoodfitoftheSTspectrumtoafunctionalformgiven

by P0






P1xP2−P3log(x), wherethe Pi are free parametersof

thefit,inthe rangebetween1.4and2.4 TeV.Thefunctionalform used to fit the background is taken fromearlier searches at the LHC and at the Fermilab Tevatron [68], and represents a well-establishedcharacterizationofrapidlyfalling ET spectra.Sincethe

goalistooperateinthebackground-onlycontrolregionforthe ex-tractionoftheseshapesortemplates,themultiplicitieschosenfor thebackgroundextractionareN


2 and3.Thischoiceisjustified bythededicatedRun2analyses(e.g.,[69])aswell asby the ear-lier iterations ofthis analysis(e.g.,[70]) whereno signal of new physicswasobservedintheselow-multiplicityregions.

Thebackgroundtemplateextractedby fittingthe ST spectrum

correspondingtotheexclusiveobjectmultiplicityof N


2 is nor-malizedappropriatelytoobtainanestimateofthebackgroundfor the ST spectra athighermultiplicities. Thenormalization regions

Fig. 1. Contributions

of the main

QCD multijet background, as well as γ+jets, V+jets (V =W, Z), and tt backgrounds to the ST distribution for (top) exclu-sive multiplicity N=2 and (bottom) inclusive multiplicity N≥6. All background predictions are based on simulated samples.

in ST dependon theobject multiplicity.Theirdefinitionis based


sam-ples. The lower ST bound of the normalization region is chosen

such that it is above the ST turn-on region, while the choice of

theupper ST boundisguidedbytheneedtooperateinaregime

of low signal contamination, namelywhere one does not expect a significant event yield for signals that have cross sections be-low thosealreadyexcludedby theprevious CMSsearch [37].The


Table 2

The normalization regions and the corresponding N=2 background template nor-malization factors s and

their uncertainties for inclusive multiplicities,

N≥2 . . .10.

The normalization factor uncertainties are given by s/NNR, where NNRis the num-ber of events in each normalization region.

Multiplicity Normalization

Region [ TeV] Factor

≥2 2.0–2.3 8.66±0.15 ≥3 2.0–2.3 7.66±0.13 ≥4 2.0–2.3 5.67±0.10 ≥5 2.3–2.6 3.28±0.09 ≥6 2.3–2.6 1.71±0.05 ≥7 2.3–2.6 0.770±0.022 ≥8 2.5–2.8 0.330±0.013 ≥9 2.5–2.8 0.124±0.005 ≥10 2.6–2.9 0.047±0.002

normalizationfactors arecalculatedastheratioofthenumberof data eventsin the normalizationregions forthe inclusive multi-plicities of N


. . .

10 and that for the exclusive multiplicity of



2. Thesefactors, along with thechoice of the normalization region,aredetailedin

Table 2


To ascertain the uncertainties associated withthis method of backgroundextraction,twoadditionalfittingfunctionsare consid-ered, givenby P0






P2 andP0









aim to compute a conservative estimate of the uncertainty, both the N


2 and3 ST spectra areusedto estimate thebackground

shape. This leads to six different functions used in the fit: one nominal andfive additionalones that forman uncertainty enve-lopethat issymmetrizedaround themainfit.The shape system-aticuncertaintyisindicatedwiththegray shadedbandsin

Figs. 2

and 3,which showthe ST spectrumobservedin dataforvarious

inclusivemultiplicities andthebackgroundpredictionswiththeir uncertainties.It rangesbetween1and200%andrapidlyincreases in thehigh-ST rangebecauseof thelimitednumberof eventsin

the N


2 and 3 ST spectra usedto derive the background

tem-plates. We assign an additional 5% systematic uncertaintyto ad-dresspossibledeviationfromthe ST invariancebyestimatingthe



2 (default) and N


3 templates.Thisisa subdominantuncertainty inthehigh-ST rangerelevantfortheanalysis. Thesystematic

un-certainties in the backgroundestimate are detailedin Table 3of Section7.

Fig. 2. The

distributions of the total transverse energy,

ST, for inclusive multiplicities of objects (electrons, muons, photons, or jets) N≥2,3,4,5. Observed data are shown by points with error bars, the solid blue lines along with the gray shaded band show the main background estimation (central blue line), along with the uncertainty band (outer blue lines). The deviation of the fit from the data is shown in each lower pane. The top two plots also show predictions for two quantum black hole benchmark scenarios added to the corresponding background predictions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)


The CMS Collaboration / Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 279–307 285

Fig. 3. The

distributions of the total transverse energy,

ST, for inclusive multiplicities of objects (photons, muons, photons, or jets) N≥6,7,8,9,10. Observed data are shown by points with error bars, the solid blue lines along with the gray shaded band show the main background estimation (central blue line), along with the uncertainty band (outer blue lines). The deviation of the fit from the data is shown in each lower pane. The lower three plots also show predictions for two semiclassical black hole signal benchmarks added to the corresponding background predictions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)


Table 3

Summary of the systematic uncertainties. The range of the background uncertainties correspond to the STrange probed. A dash implies that the corresponding uncer-tainty source does not apply.

Uncertainty Effect on signal

acceptance Effect on background estimate JES ±5% – JER ±4% – PDF ±6% – FSR ±1.2% – Integrated luminosity ±2.7% – Background normalization – ±(0.5–5.2)% Background shape – ±(1–200)%, Potential STnoninvariance – ±5%

Asseen from

Figs. 2 and

3,thedata agreewell withthe pre-dictedbackgroundandnoevidencefornewphysics productionis observedinanyofthemultiparticlefinalstatesstudied.

7. Systematicuncertainties

Adetailedstudyofthesystematicuncertaintiesassociatedwith thisanalysiswas carried out,and theseuncertainties were taken intoaccountwhilecomputingexclusionlimits,asdetailedin Sec-tion8.Thedominantsourcesofsystematicuncertaintiesarisefrom theeffectsofthejetenergyscale(JES)andJERuncertainties,from thechoiceofthePDFs,andfromthemigrationbetweenevent cat-egories asa resultoffinal-stateradiation(FSR).The uncertainties varyfordifferentsignalsamplesanddifferentinclusive multiplici-ties.Thefollowingsectionsgivedetailsontheirestimationandthe typicalrangeforeachuncertainty.

7.1. Partondistributionfunctions

There are two different sources of the PDF uncertainty that could affect the signal acceptance. The uncertainty could simply comefromthechoiceofthePDFset.Alternatively,thesystematic uncertaintycouldcomefromthevariationsinducedbythe uncer-taintiesassociatedwiththefitparametersinachosenPDFset.The latteruncertainty is estimated by calculating 2k


1 weights per event,wherek isthenumberofalternativePDFsetswith parame-tersvariedwithintheirassociateduncertaintieseitherupordown. ThesealternativesetsareprovidedbytheauthorsofeachPDFset, alongwiththemainPDFsusedinthesignalgeneration.Thesignal acceptanceisthencalculatedforeachoftheseweights,resultingin 2k


1 valuesoftheacceptance.ForaparticularchoiceofPDFset, thesystematicuncertaintyintheacceptanceisquotedasthesum inquadratureofthedeviationsfromthecentralvalueforeachof

thek PDFeigenvectors.Thisanalysisisfurtherextendedby using

variousPDFs,suchasMSTW2008LO,CTEQ6.1L[71],andCT10[72]. Theuncertaintyiscomputedforaparticularbenchmarkscenario, anonrotatingBHwithMD






5 TeV,andn



rep-resentativeoftheuncertaintiesforotherbenchmarkpoints inthe rangeprobed by thisanalysis. The uncertainty in theacceptance using the variation of the chosen PDF, MSTW2008LO, does not exceed0.5%.TheuncertaintyduetothechoiceofthePDFis signifi-cantlylargerandcanbeashighas6%.Followingthe recommenda-tionsofthePDF4LHCgroup [73,74],weassignatotal uncertainty of6%associatedwiththissourceofthesystematicuncertainty.

7.2. Jetenergyscaleandresolution


to the applicationof correctionsassociated withthe energyof a jet. Afterthe subtraction of the additionalenergy dueto pileup,

theenergiesofthereconstructedjetsarecorrectedforthe nonlin-earresponseofthecalorimeter.Thesecorrectionsareparametrized inpTand






jet,andleptonic Z


jet events[51,52].Giventhepredominanceofjetsinthefinal stateofinterest,theuncertaintyrelatedtotheJEScansignificantly affectthe signal acceptance.TheJES ismodified by onestandard deviationinbothupwardanddownwarddirections,andthe corre-spondingchangesinthejetenergiesarepropagatedintotheEmissT

and ST computation.Forvariousmodel-specificscenarios,wefind

the variation to lie between1 and 5% andconservatively assign a uniformuncertainty in signal acceptance of 5% due to the JES uncertainty.

TheuncertaintyduetotheJERisestimatedbyoversmearingjet energies insimulatedsignalsampleswith


-dependentfactors to matchtheresolutionobservedindata.Theeffectofthischangeto thejet energyispropagated tothe Emiss

T and ST calculations. The

JER uncertainty in the signal acceptance variesbetween 1.2 and 4.0%;wethereforeassignaconservativeuniformuncertaintyof4% toaccountforthiseffect.

In estimatingboththe JESandJER uncertainties,we find that there are migrations of eventsin differentmultiplicity categories duetothejet pT valuesmovingeitheraboveorbelowthe50 GeV

threshold. The respective values of uncertainties associated with both of these sources sufficiently cover the effect of event mi-gration. These two uncertainties affectonly the simulated signal yields, asthebackgrounddeterminationdoesnotrely on simula-tion.

7.3. Final-stateradiation

The presence ofimperfectly modeled FSRmay resultinevent migration betweenvariousmultiplicity binsdueto thechangein the numberofobjects countedtoward the ST.Theuncertaintyin

thesignal acceptanceduetotheimperfectmodelingofFSRis es-timated byvaryingtheparameters inthe pythia 8generator that governFSRmodeling,andisfoundtobe1.2%.

Thesourcesofsystematicuncertaintiesconsideredinthe anal-ysisandtheirmagnitudearelistedin

Table 3


In addition, an uncertainty in the integrated luminosity of 2.7%[75]ispropagatedtoboththemodel-independentand model-specificlimits.Allotheruncertaintiesarenegligible[35–37].

8. Model-independentlimits

No statistically significant deviations of data relative to the backgroundpredictionsare observedinanyofthespectra. Exclu-sionlimitsonvarioussignalsaresetusingthemodifiedfrequentist CLs approach[76,77] withthe profilelikelihoodasatest statistic

andnuisanceparameters implementedvia log-normal priors. The likelihood of the observed number of events is modeled with a Poisson distribution.The limit calculation isperformedusing the methodology developed by theATLAS and CMSCollaborations in the search fortheHiggsboson [78]. Thesystematicuncertainties takenintoaccountaredetailedinSection7.

As mentionedin Section1,the mainemphasis oftheanalysis is the computation of model-independent limits on the product of the hypothetical signal cross section and acceptance (σA) in inclusiveN

Nminmultiplicitybins,asafunctionoftheminimum ST requirement (SminT ). Theselimits representthe minimum



ofa potential signal excludedby the analysisanddo notassume any particular signal model. This makes the limits applicable to a large variety of BH models and other theoretical models with processesthatresultinhigh-multiplicityfinalstates.Toobtainthe model-independentlimits,acountingexperimentisperformedfor


The CMS Collaboration / Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 279–307 287

Fig. 4. Model-independent

95% CL upper limits on the cross section times acceptance for four sets of inclusive multiplicity thresholds:

N≥2, 3, 4, and 5. Observed (expected) limits are shown as solid (dashed) lines, and the two bands correspond to ±1 and 2 standard deviations in the expected limit.





SminT .Theselimits,at95%confidencelevel(CL),


Figs. 4 and

5 forNmin



. . . ,



A approach1.3 fb athighvaluesofSmin

T .

Model-independentlimitscanbeusedstraightforwardlytotest any model of new physics that predicts signal corresponding to high-multiplicity, energetic final states. Giventhat the object se-lectionefficiencyiscloseto100%,allisneededtotestaparticular modelagainst the resultsof thissearch is to estimate the signal acceptanceasa functionof theminimum ST requirement,

corre-sponding to the selections described in Section 4, which can be donewithsufficientprecision evenatthegeneratorlevel.A com-parison of the product of the signal cross section and the ac-ceptanceasafunction ofthe minimum ST requirementwiththe

model-independentlimitattherelevantobjectmultiplicitywould then indicate whether a particular model has been excluded by thisanalysis.

9. Model-specificlimits

In the caseof the model-specific limits, the selection criteria (Nmin,SminT ) werechosenforoptimumsensitivitytoeach particu-larmodel.Thiswasdonebyusingthelowestvalueoftheexpected

limit,aswell asthemaximumvalue oftheZbi [79] statistic,and

convertingthecorrespondingmodel-independentlimitintoalimit on theBH orSBmass,using theknown signal crosssection and acceptance. The Zbi statistic is a measure of equivalent Gaussian

signalsignificanceobtainedbyconsidering thebinomial probabil-ityoftheeventsindatabeingdistributedatleastassignal-likeas observed, under the assumption of the background-only hypoth-esis. In the majority of cases, the limit- and significance-based optimizations are in agreement and lead to the same set of op-timum selection requirements. Since the signal MC benchmark points were produced on a grid of discrete MBH values (with a

typical spacing of 1 TeV), in order to obtain the mass limit, we smoothlyinterpolatethesignalcrosssectiontimesacceptanceand theexclusionlimit betweentheadjacentpoints onthegrid. Typ-icalprecision ofthisprocedure expressedasalimit onthe mini-mumBHmassis

0.1 TeV,althoughforsomeofthepointswhere the gridspacing was not asfine,the precision canbe somewhat worse.

Model-specificlimitsspantheentiresetofmodelsdiscussedin Section 5.The limitsonsemiclassical BHs in allcases, exceptfor themodelwithstableremnant(C5),comefromtheoptimized val-uesof Nmin equal to9 or10forlow BHmassesandfromlower


Fig. 5. Model-independent

95% CL upper limits on the cross section times acceptance for five sets of inclusive multiplicity thresholds:

N≥6, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Observed (expected) limits are shown as a solid (dashed) lines, and the two bands correspond to ±1 and 2 standard deviations in the expected limit.


The CMS Collaboration / Physics Letters B 774 (2017) 279–307 289

Fig. 6. The

95% CL lower limits on the minimum semiclassical black hole mass as

a function of the Planck scale MD, for several benchmark models generated with BlackMax: nonrotating and rotating black holes without graviton emission and ro-tating black holes with energy-momentum loss.

Fig. 7. The

95% CL lower limits on minimum semiclassical black hole mass as a

function of the Planck scale MD, for several benchmark models generated with charybdis2: rotating and nonrotating black holes, rotating black holes with an alternative evaporation model, rotating black holes with Yoshino–Rychkov bounds, and rotating black holes with a stable remnant.

valuesofNminforhighBHmasses,thankstosmallerbackgrounds athighvaluesof ST.In Fig. 6,we show the observedlower

lim-its on the semiclassical BH mass at 95% CL for BlackMax signal samples.In thesemodels, we exclude minimum BHs masses be-low7.0–9.5 TeV,foralargesetofmodelparameters.Similarlimits formodelsgeneratedwiththe charybdis 2generatorareshownin

Fig. 7.Consideringthatanindependentoptimizationwas usedfor eachmodel,andforeachMDandn point,theselimitsarein

gen-eralagreementwiththoseobtainedusing BlackMax foranalogous models.ThelimitssignificantlyextendthosefromLHCRun1[37], whichonlyreach6.5 TeV.

Inthe caseofQBHs andthe caseofsemiclassical BHs with a stableremnant,wherethe numberofproducedparticles issmall as the massive stable remnant escapes detection, the best sen-sitivity is achieved for Nmin


2. This sample partially overlaps withthe N


2 data set used for deriving the background tem-plate. Nevertheless, even in this casewe still can use the back-groundestimate basedontheN


2 spectrum, becausethe back-groundisdeterminedusingonlythelow-STrangeofthespectrum

Fig. 8. The

95% CL lower limits on minimum quantum black hole mass as a function

of the Planck scale MD, for several benchmark models. The blue (lower) line corre-sponds to quantum black holes in the RS1 model; while the other lines correspond to the ADD model for the number of extra dimensions n=2,. . . ,6.

Fig. 9. The

95% CL upper limits on the cross section for the production of string

balls and the corresponding theoretical cross sections. The solid colored lines cor-respond to the observed cross section limits; the dashed colored curves corcor-respond to theoretical cross sections.

(1.4–2.4 TeV), where the signal has already been excluded up to

5 TeV bythe 8 TeV analysis[37].Thus the potential signal con-taminationoftheSTrangeusedinderivingthebackgroundshape



Fig. 8

andspanthe7.3–9.0 TeV rangefortheADD(n


2)and5.1–6.2 TeV rangefortheRS1(n


1)QBHs.Again,theselimitsextend signifi-cantlythoseobtainedintheLHCRun1(4.6–6.2 TeV).

Finally,forthecaseoftheSBs,themassexclusionlimitsshown in

Fig. 9

reach8.0–8.5 TeV. Mostoftheselimitscorrespondtothe saturated string ball regime, MS








g2S. The

transi-tions between the saturated SB and BH regimes are not clearly visibleintheoreticalcrosssectioncurves,astheparton-levelcross sectionthatexhibitsthistransitionasachangeinslopeis signifi-cantlymodifiedbytherapidlyfallingPDFs.

10. Summary

We have conducteda search fornew physics in multiparticle final statesin a datasample of proton–protoncollisions at




13 TeV collectedwiththeCMSdetector,corresponding toan inte-gratedluminosityof2.3 fb−1.Thediscriminatingvariablebetween signal and the dominant QCD multijet background is the scalar sumofthetransverseenergies ofallreconstructed objectsinthe event,ST.TheshapeoftheSTdistributioninlow-multiplicitydata

isusedtopredicttheQCDmultijetbackgroundinhigh-multiplicity signal regions. No significant excess of events over the standard model expectationis observed in any ofthe analyzed final-state multiplicities.ComparingtheSTdistributionindatawiththatfrom

thebackgroundprediction,wesetmodel-independentupper lim-itsat95%confidencelevelontheproductofthecrosssectionand theacceptance forhypotheticalsignals. Inaddition,we set limits on various theoretical black hole andstring ball models, includ-ing models ofrotatingandnonrotating blackholes andquantum black holes. In all cases the exclusions represent significant im-provementsoverthelimitsachievedinRun1oftheLHC.


WecongratulateourcolleaguesintheCERNaccelerator depart-ments for the excellent performance of the LHC and thank the technicalandadministrativestaffs atCERN andatother CMS in-stitutes for their contributions to the success of the CMS effort. Inaddition,wegratefullyacknowledgethecomputingcentersand personneloftheWorldwideLHCComputingGridfordeliveringso effectivelythe computinginfrastructureessential to ouranalyses. Finally, we acknowledge the enduring support for the construc-tionandoperation oftheLHCandthe CMSdetectorprovidedby thefollowingfundingagencies:BMWFWandFWF(Austria);FNRS and FWO (Belgium); CNPq, CAPES, FAPERJ, and FAPESP (Brazil); MES (Bulgaria); CERN; CAS, MoST, and NSFC (China); COLCIEN-CIAS(Colombia);MSESandCSF(Croatia);RPF(Cyprus);SENESCYT (Ecuador); MoER, ERC IUT, and ERDF (Estonia); Academy of Fin-land,MEC,andHIP(Finland);CEAandCNRS/IN2P3(France);BMBF, DFG, and HGF (Germany); GSRT (Greece); OTKA and NIH (Hun-gary);DAEandDST(India);IPM(Iran);SFI(Ireland);INFN(Italy); MSIPandNRF(RepublicofKorea);LAS (Lithuania);MOE andUM (Malaysia); BUAP, CINVESTAV,CONACYT, LNS, SEP, and UASLP-FAI (Mexico); MBIE (New Zealand); PAEC (Pakistan); MSHE and NSC (Poland);FCT(Portugal);JINR(Dubna);MON,RosAtom,RAS,RFBR andRAEP(Russia);MESTD (Serbia);SEIDI,CPAN,PCTI andFEDER (Spain);SwissFundingAgencies(Switzerland);MST(Taipei); ThEP-Center, IPST, STAR, and NSTDA (Thailand); TUBITAK and TAEK (Turkey);NASUandSFFR(Ukraine); STFC(United Kingdom);DOE andNSF(USA).

Individuals have received support from the Marie-Curie pro-gram and the European Research Council and EPLANET (Euro-pean Union); the Leventis Foundation; the A. P. Sloan Founda-tion; the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation; the Belgian Fed-eral Science Policy Office; the Fonds pour la Formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture (FRIA-Belgium); the Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technolo-gie (IWT-Belgium); the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS) ofthe Czech Republic;the Council ofScience and Indus-trial Research, India; the HOMING PLUS program of the Foun-dation for Polish Science, cofinanced from European Union, Re-gional Development Fund, the Mobility Plus program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the National Science Center (Poland), contractsHarmonia 2014/14/M/ST2/00428, Opus 2014/13/B/ST2/02543, 2014/15/B/ST2/03998, and 2015/19/B/ST2/ 02861,Sonata-bis2012/07/E/ST2/01406;theNationalPriorities Re-search Program by Qatar National Research Fund; the Programa Clarín-COFUND del Principado de Asturias; the Thalis and Aris-teia programs cofinanced by EU-ESF and the Greek NSRF; the Rachadapisek Sompot Fund for Postdoctoral Fellowship,

Chula-longkornUniversityandtheChulalongkornAcademic intoIts2nd Century Project Advancement Project (Thailand); and the Welch Foundation,contractC-1845.


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A.M. Sirunyan,

A. Tumasyan


W. Adam,

E. Asilar,

T. Bergauer,

J. Brandstetter,

E. Brondolin,

M. Dragicevic,

J. Erö,

M. Flechl,

M. Friedl,

R. Frühwirth



V.M. Ghete,

C. Hartl,

N. Hörmann,

J. Hrubec,

M. Jeitler



A. König,

I. Krätschmer,

D. Liko,

T. Matsushita,

I. Mikulec,

D. Rabady,

N. Rad,

B. Rahbaran,

H. Rohringer,

J. Schieck



J. Strauss,

W. Waltenberger,

C.-E. Wulz

1 InstitutfürHochenergiephysik,Wien,Austria

O. Dvornikov,

V. Makarenko,

V. Mossolov,

J. Suarez Gonzalez,

V. Zykunov


N. Shumeiko


S. Alderweireldt,

E.A. De Wolf,

X. Janssen,

J. Lauwers,

M. Van De Klundert,

H. Van Haevermaet,

P. Van Mechelen,

N. Van Remortel,

A. Van Spilbeeck


S. Abu Zeid,

F. Blekman,

J. D’Hondt,

N. Daci,

I. De Bruyn,

K. Deroover,

S. Lowette,

S. Moortgat,

L. Moreels,

A. Olbrechts,

Q. Python,

K. Skovpen,

S. Tavernier,

W. Van Doninck,

P. Van Mulders,

I. Van Parijs


H. Brun,

B. Clerbaux,

G. De Lentdecker,

H. Delannoy,

G. Fasanella,

L. Favart,

R. Goldouzian,

A. Grebenyuk,

G. Karapostoli,

T. Lenzi,

A. Léonard,

J. Luetic,

T. Maerschalk,

A. Marinov,

A. Randle-conde,

T. Seva,

C. Vander Velde,

P. Vanlaer,

D. Vannerom,

R. Yonamine,

F. Zenoni,

F. Zhang

2 UniversitéLibredeBruxelles,Bruxelles,Belgium

A. Cimmino,

T. Cornelis,

D. Dobur,

A. Fagot,

M. Gul,

I. Khvastunov,

D. Poyraz,

S. Salva,

R. Schöfbeck,

M. Tytgat,

W. Van Driessche,

E. Yazgan,

N. Zaganidis


H. Bakhshiansohi,

C. Beluffi



O. Bondu,

S. Brochet,

G. Bruno,

A. Caudron,

S. De Visscher,

C. Delaere,

M. Delcourt,

B. Francois,

A. Giammanco,

A. Jafari,

M. Komm,

G. Krintiras,

V. Lemaitre,

A. Magitteri,

A. Mertens,

M. Musich,

K. Piotrzkowski,

L. Quertenmont,

M. Selvaggi,

M. Vidal Marono,

S. Wertz


N. Beliy


W.L. Aldá Júnior,

F.L. Alves,

G.A. Alves,

L. Brito,

C. Hensel,

A. Moraes,

M.E. Pol,

P. Rebello Teles


E. Belchior Batista Das Chagas,

W. Carvalho,

J. Chinellato



A. Custódio,

E.M. Da Costa,

G.G. Da Silveira



D. De Jesus Damiao,

C. De Oliveira Martins,

S. Fonseca De Souza,

L.M. Huertas Guativa,

H. Malbouisson,


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