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Relation between the activation energy of the Johari-Goldstein beta relaxation and T(g) of glass formers


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Relation between the activation energy of the Johari-Goldstein


and T


of glass formers

K. L. Ngai

Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, D.C. 20375-5320, USA S. Capaccioli

Dipartimento di Fisica and INFM (UdR Pisa), Universita` di Pisa, Via Buonarroti 2, I-56127, Pisa, Italy 共Received 8 August 2003; published 30 March 2004兲

For glass-forming substances, we show that the ratio E/RTg can be predicted quantitatively from the

coupling model. Here Eis the glassy state activation enthalpy of the Johari-Goldstein␤ relaxation, Tgis the glass transition temperature of the ␣ relaxation, and R is the gas constant. The calculated value is in good agreement with the experimental value in many glass formers. The results locate the origin of this cross correlation between Eof the Johari-Goldstein␤ relaxation and Tgof the␣ relaxation, although there are some notable exceptions to this cross correlation.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.69.031501 PACS number共s兲: 64.70.Pf, 77.22.Gm


Among secondary relaxations in glass formers, the in-triguing ones are those that involve the motion of essentially all parts of the molecule and not just an isolated part of the molecule. Evidences of the existence of such secondary re-laxation are provided in the works of Johari and Goldstein

共JG兲 关1,2兴. They found secondary relaxation even in rigid

molecular glass formers, any motion of which must involve the entire molecule. Thus it is appropriate to refer to a sec-ondary relaxation as JG␤relaxation if it is originating from motion of essentially all parts of the molecule. Naturally, the JG relaxation so defined is not intramolecular but intermo-lecular in origin, a phrase commonly used in the literature to define JG ␤relaxation. Since the primary ␣ relaxation also involves motion of the entire molecule, albeit cooperatively with other molecules, there is reason to expect that the dy-namic properties of JG ␤ relaxation defined here may bear some correlation with that of the␣relaxation. In fact, based on such correlations, more precise criteria for identification of JG␤ relaxation are given in a recent work关3兴. Since the independent relaxation of the coupling model 共CM兲 关4–6兴 also involve the local motion of the entire molecule, one such criterion is the correspondence between the most prob-able JG␤-relaxation time␶JGand the independent relaxation

time␶0 关7–10兴, i.e.,

␶JG⬇␶0. 共1兲

The correspondence has been shown to hold for genuine JG ␤ relaxation in a number of glass formers at temperatures above the glass transition temperature Tg 关7–10兴. This is an

indication of the possible fundamental role played by the JG ␤relaxation in glass transition because, via␶0, it relates␶JG

to parameters that characterize the ␣relaxation, namely, the relaxation time␶ and exponent n in its correlation function given by the Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts function

共t兲⫽exp关⫺共t/␶␣兲兴1⫺n. 共2兲

Explicitly, the relation from the CM that relates␶0 to␶ is ␶0⫽共␶␣兲1⫺ntc

n, 共3兲

where tcis the crossover time in the coupling model which is

about 2 ps for small molecular and polymeric glass formers


Another possible connection of the JG ␤ relaxation to glass transition is suggested by the empirical relation be-tween Tg and the activation enthalpy E␤ of␶JG

E⫽24RTg, 共4兲

found by Kudlik et al.关11–13兴. Although the relation is only approximate and there are deviations, it is a remarkable find-ing. The purpose of this work is to derive a relation between

E and Tg from Eqs.共1兲 and 共3兲 of the coupling model, and

compared it with experimental data as well as with the em-pirical relation共4兲.


At temperatures below Tg, the most probable relaxation

times of all secondary relaxations have Arrhenius tempera-ture dependence. In particular, for the JG relaxations, we have

␶JG共T兲⫽␶⬁exp共E/RT兲, T⭐Tg, 共5兲

where ␶ is the prefactor and R the gas constant. This ex-pression for␶JGtogether with Eqs.共1兲 and 共3兲 lead us to the


E/RT⫽2.303关共1⫺n兲log10共T兲⫹n log10tc⫺ln␶兴,

T⭐Tg, 共6兲

At T⫽Tg, Eq.共6兲 is reduced to a relation between E␤ and Tg given by

E/RTg⫽2.303关共1⫺n兲log10␶␣共Tg兲⫹n log10tc⫺log10␶⬁兴. 共7兲


Most measurements of secondary relaxations are obtained by means of dielectric relaxation spectroscopy, where Tgis

con-veniently defined as the temperature at which the dielectric relaxation time␶ reaches an arbitrarily long time, typically 102 s. Following this convention, on substituting ␶(Tg) ⫽102 s and t

c⫽2 ps into Eq. 共7兲, we arrive at the expression E/RTg⫽2.303共2⫺13.7n⫺log10兲. 共8兲 The ratio E/RTg for JG ␤ relaxation depends on the

exponent n of the␣relaxation and the prefactor␶of the JG ␤ relaxation, but it is not immediately clear why the ratio stays close to 24 for JG ␤relaxation in many glass formers examined by Kudlik et al. We hasten to mention here that not all secondary relaxations examined by Kudlik et al. are genuine JG␤relaxation关3兴. Most glass formers that exhibit well-resolved JG ␤ relaxation have n⭓0.40. This condition was found empirically关7–9兴. It is also required theoretically by Eqs. 共1兲 and 共3兲 for sufficient separation of the JG ␤ relaxation from the␣relaxation. Otherwise, if n is too small, the separation is not sufficient and the JG␤relaxation cannot be resolved. Instead an excess wing is observed 关10兴. With very few exceptions, most of these glass formers have n

⬍0.70. The majority has n lying within the approximate

range of 0.65⭓n⭓0.40. The prefactorvaries but most are within the range of 10⫺13⬎␶⬎10⫺18s. There is also a cor-relation between n and. Smaller n is associated with longer ␶. These bounds of n and, as well as the corre-lation between n and, hold for genuine JG␤relaxations in most of the glass-formers considered by Kudlik et al. and by us in this work共Table I兲. For several representative values of ␶, the ratio is calculated as a function of n according to Eq. 共8兲. Thus, for the majority of glass formers, it is suffi-cient to display the calculated E/RTgwithin the established

bounds of n 共the abscissa兲 and␶ 共the parameter兲 as shown by the straight lines in Fig. 1. Indeed the calculated values of the ratio (E/RTg)cal are in the neighborhood of the value

24 共horizontal line in Fig. 1兲 found for many glass formers by Kudlik et al.

The experimental data of glass formers considered in this work are introduced and further discussed in the following paragraphs. But before that, we enter into Fig. 1 the experi-mental values of the ratio (E/RTg)expt for the majority of glass formers that obey the imposed bounds of n and. Many glass formers indeed have (E/RTg)expt 共symbols in

Fig. 1兲 in the neighborhood of empirical value 24. Overall (E/RTg)expthas a spread but is matched by the calculated

(E/RTg)cal共straight lines兲.

To see if the ratio (E/RTg)expt can be adequately

ac-counted for by Eq.共8兲 of the coupling model 共CM兲, we have to examine individually the experimental data of a number of glass formers that show genuine JG ␤ relaxation. For each glass former, we calculate the ratio according to the right-hand side of Eq.共8兲 using n andfrom experimental data, and compare the ratio obtained directly from E and Tg. The

results together with the parameters used are shown in Table I. Several small molecular glass formers have two secondary relaxations. They are triphenylolmethane triglicidyl ether

共TPMTGE兲 关14兴, diglycidyl ether of bisphenyl-A 共DGEBA兲

关15兴, poly关共phenyl glycidyl ether兲-co-formaldehyde兴 共PPGE兲 关15兴, dipropyleneglycol dibenzoate 共DiPGDiB兲 关16兴, and

benzoin isobutylether 共BIBE兲 关17兴 共see Table I兲. The differ-ent dynamic properties of the two secondary relaxations have been used to tell which one is a JG␤relaxation关3兴. Without exception, the slower one is the JG ␤ relaxation. This is intuitively obvious because JG␤relaxation involves motion of essentially all parts of the molecule must be slower than the other secondary relaxation. For DGEBA, PPGE, and DiPGDiB, the experimental values of E/RTg of the JG ␤

relaxation is not far from the value of 24 proposed by Kudlik

et al. TMPTGE has notably a smaller value of 17.8. In

con-trast, BIBE has a larger value of 30.1. Nevertheless, in spite of such variations, for each of these glass-formers there is good agreement between the experimental value of ratio (E/RTg)expt and the calculated value (E/RTg)cal for the

JG␤relaxation共see Table I兲.

The calculation by Eq. 共8兲 does not apply to non-JG re-laxations, and therefore no calculated value of E/RTg is supplied for them in Table I. The experimental values (E/RTg)expt of the faster non-JG secondary relaxations in

TMPTGE, DGEBA, and PPGE are all about 13, which is significantly smaller than the proposed values of 24. There are more trivial non-JG secondary relaxations in other glass formers that have even smaller values of (E/RTg)expt. An

extreme example is the rotational motion of a pendant me-thyl group in poly共vinyl methyl ether兲, which has a small E of about 8.4 kJ/mol and Tg⫽250 K 关18兴, and thus

(E/RTg)expt⫽4.0. This falls way outside the empirical

cor-relation of E with RTg. Hence non-JG secondary relax-ations are to be excluded in order to preserve any correlation. The polymeric glass-formers, poly共ethylene terephthalate兲

共PET兲 and poly共ethylene 2,6-naththalene dicarboxylate兲 共PEN兲, also have more than one secondary relaxations 关19–

22兴. Again the slowest one 共commonly called ␤*兲 is likely the JG ␤relaxation, particularly since it involves motion of the bond linking the aromatic ring carbon to the ester carbon. The value of (E/RTg)exptfor PET is 24.3, nearly the same as 24. But for PEN, it takes a much larger value of 41.4. We draw attention to the very large value of E compensated by a corresponding large value of⫺log10␶of the␤*relaxation

关21,22兴, which we identified as the JG ␤ relaxation here. These large values have led others to believe there exists some degree of cooperative of the naphthalene groups

关20,22兴. Thus the␤*relaxation in PEN is a special case and the assumption that it is a JG␤relaxation may not be valid. Nevertheless, there is good agreement between the experi-mental and calculated values of the ratio for the slowest sec-ondary relaxation for both PET and PEN. The faster non-JG secondary relaxations in PET show up more prominently in the dielectric spectrum. They are the motions of the ester ether oxygen to the aliphatic carbon bond and the aliphatic carbon-carbon bond, and have larger dielectric strength than the slowest JG ␤relaxation. The values of (E/RTg)exptfor the fastest non-JG secondary relaxation in PET and PEN are appreciably smaller than 24共see Table I兲, just as in the cases of TMPTGE, DGEBA, and PPGE. Again, inclusion of these


non-JG secondary relaxations would further undermine the already not-so-perfect correlation between Eand RTgof JG


Toluene, ortho-terphenyl 共OTP兲, 1-propanol and 1,4 polybutadiene are among the glass formers considered by Kudlik et al. in obtaining the near constancy of (E/RTg)exptgiven by Eq.共3兲. They are included in Table I

together with the newcomers, sorbitol关23–25兴, xylitol 关26兴, 5-methyl-2-hexanol 关27兴, 2-ethyl-1-hexanol 关28兴, polyvinyl-chloride 关29兴, and several heterocyclic polymer networks systems with different linear to network ratios关30兴. The sec-ondary relaxation in all these glass-formers are genuine JG␤

relaxations. The values of (E/RTg)expt straddle about the

suggested value of 24. In all cases, except polyvinylchloride, as with the other glass formers discussed above, the calcu-lated value (E/RTg)cal, matches the experimental value (E/RTg)expt. Some glass formers in Kudlik et al. are not

considered in this work. Isothermal dielectric relaxation spectra of the ␣-relaxation in these glass-formers are either incomplete or unavailable, making the determination of n and hence the calculation of (E/RTg)calvia Eq.共8兲

impos-sible. Since one of the main goals of this work is to compare (E/RTg)calwith (E/RTg)expt, the absence of (E/RTg)cal

for these glass formers is the reason for not including them

TABLE I. Comparison of the ratio (E/RTg)expt obtained directly with Eand Tg taken from experimental data and (E/RTg)cal

calculated according to Eq.共8兲 with n andfrom experimental data. All secondary relaxations are genuine JG␤ relaxation unless otherwise stipulated. No value of (E/RTg)calis given for non-JG secondary relaxations because Eq.共8兲 only applies to JG␤ relaxations.

Glass former Tg 共K兲 n ⫺log10␶⬁ E 共kJ/mol兲 (E/RTg)expt p (E/RTg)cal Refs. TMPTGE 287 0.54 12.54 41.9 17.8 16.4 关14兴, 关16兴 TMPTGE共non-JG兲 287 14.3 30.6 13 关14兴, 关16兴 DGEBA 253.7 0.47 14.78 47.6 22.6 23.8 关15兴, 关16兴 DGEBA共non-JG兲 253.7 14.35 27.6 13.1 关15兴, 关16兴 PPGE 258.4 0.54 14.6 47.3 22.0 21.2 关15兴, 关16兴 PPGE共non-JG兲 258.4 14.7 27.9 13.0 关15兴, 关16兴 DiPGDiB 220 0.38 14.7 49.6 26.8 26.2 关16兴 DiPGDiB共non-JG兲 220 13.7 32.8 18 关16兴 BIBE共JG兲 220 0.35 16.3 55 30.1 31.1 关17兴 BIBE共non-JG兲 220 14.3 28 15.3 关17兴 PET amorphous 353 0.52 17.4 63.8 24.3 28.3 关20兴, 关35兴 PET amorphous 共non-JG␤1) 353 31.4 13.3 关20兴 PEN amorphous 389 0.52 22.3 133.9 41.4 39.9 关19兴, 关20兴 389 0.52 24 147 45.5 43.5 关21兴 PEN共non-JG␤1) 389 31.4 9.7 关19兴, 关20兴 389 12.2 36 11.1 关21兴 Sorbitol 268 0.52 15.2 51.96 23.3 23 关8兴, 关23–25兴 Xylitol 246.7 0.46 13.7 44.73 21.8 21.6 关8兴, 关9兴, 关26兴 5-methyl-2-hexanol 152.7 0.46 14.2 26.0 20.5 22.8 关8兴, 关27兴 2-ethyl-1-hexanol 148 0.46 11.82 19.2 15.6 17.3 关28兴 1-Propanol 95 0.40 15.5 23.1 29.3 27.7 关7兴, 关36兴 Toluene 116 0.46 17.0 25.3 28.5 29.2 关8兴, 关11兴 OTP 245 0.50 16.8 53.0 26.0 27.5 关11兴, 关24兴 1,4 Polybutadiene 176 0.56 15.3 35.7 24.4 22.2 关8兴, 关11–13兴 Polyvinylchloride 350 0.73 19.5 57.5 19.8 26.4 关7兴, 关29兴 Heterocyclic polymer Network共linear to Network ratio L/N) HPN(L/N⫽100/0) 291.6 0.57 15.53 54.0 22.3 22.4 关30兴 HPN(L/N⫽75/25) 311.9 0.61 15.78 55.3 21.3 21.7 关30兴 HPN(L/N⫽60/40) 322.3 0.63 15.75 55.2 20.6 21.0 关30兴 HPN(L/N⫽43/57) 333.0 0.63 16.33 57.4 20.7 22.3 关30兴 HPN(L/N⫽0/100) 351.3 0.71 16.47 58.3 20.0 20.1 关30兴 Maltitol共dielectric兲 313 0.60 16.0 56.51 21.7 22.52 关32兴 Maltitol共mechanical兲 310 0.60 15.52 61.7 23.9 21.5 关33兴 Glucose 309 0.66 16.79 51.83 20.18 22.5 关34兴 Fructose 277.2 0.66 15.62 48.03 20.8 19.8 关34兴


in this work. We also exclude glass formers that are binary mixtures because concentration fluctuations introduce a dis-tribution of environments and coupling parameters, causing extraneous broadening to the␣relaxation and even the most probable n cannot be determined without large uncertainty

关31兴. Lastly, we include maltitol 关32,33兴, fructose 关34兴, and

glucose关34兴 in Table I, but we caution that there are larger uncertainties in the values of n given there for these glass formers, because of the lack of complete data.

In this work we have confined our consideration of the JG ␤-relaxation below Tg, where the relaxation time ␶JG has

Arrhenius temperature dependence. However, the tempera-ture of␶JGabove Tg is less certain because of the overlap of

the JG ␤ relaxation with the ␣ relaxation. Some procedure with assumption has to be used to resolve the JG␤relaxation in the isothermal spectra at ambient temperature and deter-mine␶JG. Some workers found that the Arrhenius

tempera-ture dependence does not continue to hold at temperatempera-tures above Tg 关23–25,37兴, while the results of others 关13,36兴

seem to indicate otherwise. The situation becomes even more confusing when non-JG secondary relaxations and genuine JG␤ relaxation are both included in the discussion of tem-perature dependence above Tg. Non-JG secondary

relax-ations are more local, occur at higher frequencies, and bear little or no relation to the ␣relaxation. Hence its Arrhenius temperature dependence below Tgcan continue to above Tg.

Examples of such behavior are found in the␥ relaxation of TPMTGE 关14兴, DGEBA 关15兴, and PPGE 关15兴. Other ex-amples are the well-resolved secondary relaxation in BMPC

关36,38,39兴, diethyl phthalate 共DEP兲 关40兴, and fluroaniline 共FAN兲 关13兴. None of these well-resolved secondary

relax-ations in the latter group of glass formers with narrow␣-loss peaks 共smaller n兲 are genuine JG ␤ relaxation 关3兴. An

ex-ample of the evidence is the total lack of pressure depen-dence of the relaxation time 关39兴, in stark contrast to the ␣-relaxation time. This difference shows that they are unre-lated to the ␣-relaxation and hence not genuine JG␤ relax-ations according to our definition. The genuine JG ␤ relax-ations are not resolved but appear as part of the excess wing. For FAN, there is evidence of hydrogen-bond induced clus-ters关41兴 from neutron scattering and computer simulations. The clearly observed secondary relaxation in FAN关13兴 pos-sibly arises from some motion associated with hydrogen-bond induced clusters 关41兴. If so, then it is definitely not a genuine JG ␤ relaxation. The apparent persistence of the Arrhenius temperature dependence of the non-JG secondary relaxation in the aforementioned glass-formers give an im-pression may cause many to jump to the conclusion that all secondary relaxations, including the genuine JG ␤ relax-ations, behave in the same way. Thus it is of paramount importance to separate out genuine JG ␤ relaxations from non-JG secondary relaxation in discussing properties. Re-cently indisputable evidence has been acquired关42兴 to show that genuine JG ␤ relaxations do not have the Arrhenius temperature dependence of its relaxation time below Tg

con-tinued to temperatures above Tg. At elevated pressure, the

separation between the ␣- and ␤-relaxation peaks is larger than at ambient pressure, enabling the JG␤-relaxation times to be directly and unambiguously determined without using any arbitrary procedure. Taking advantage of this, it was proven that the Arrhenius temperature dependence of the JG ␤-relaxation time ␯ for temperatures below Tg does not

persist for temperatures above Tg 关42兴.


Any relation between the parameters that characterize the Johari-Goldstein 共JG兲 ␤ relaxation and the ␣ relaxation is interesting because it links the two relaxations together and indicate the possibility that the former is a ‘‘local step’’ or the precursor of the latter. Thus the correlation of E with RTg

found by Kudlik et al. has drawn attention to workers in glass transition, including us. By examining additional glass formers, we confirm the findings of Kudlik et al. that the ratio (E/RTg)expt for the JG ␤ relaxation in many glass

formers straddles the value of 24. However, there are notable large deviations in a few glass formers. Finally, the values of (E/RTg)exptfor non-JG secondary relaxations examined in

this work are significantly smaller than 24.

For JG ␤relaxations, the ratio E/RTg can be computed

by the extended coupling model, which relates the JG ␤-relaxation time to the ␣-relaxation time. There is good correspondence between the calculated and the experimental values for all glass formers considered with one minor ex-ception. The computation of the exact value of E/RTg

re-quires the knowledge of the prefactor␶ of the JG␤ relax-ation. Even without knowing ␶ but locating it within a broad range of 10⫺13⭐␶⭐10⫺18s, it is sufficient to show that the computed values of E/RTg fall within a broad

neighborhood about 24 for most glass formers 共Fig. 1兲, an empirical result first found by Kudlik et al. Thus our work

FIG. 1. The straight lines are the ratios E/RTgcalculated as a

function of n according to Eq.共8兲 for several representative values of␶ as indicated. The figure shows the results within the bounds of n andestablished共see text兲. The experimental values of the ratio E/RTgfor the glass formers considered in this work having n and within the bounds are shown by symbols. TMPTGE共⫹兲, DGEBA 共䉲兲, PPGE 共䊏兲, DiPGDiB 共*兲, PET 共䊊兲, Sorbitol 共x兲,

Xylitol共䉱兲, 5-methyl-2-hexanol 共䉭兲, 1-propanol 共䊐兲, toluene 共䉮兲, OTP 共〫兲, 1,4 polybutadiene 共⽧兲, HPN 关L/N⫽100/0, 75/25,60/ 40,43/57兴 共䊊兲.


provides a rationale for the empirical relation between E and Tg of the ␣ relaxation. Such a relation is just one

ex-ample of several relations found to exist 关3,7–10,42兴 be-tween dynamics of the JG␤relaxation, on the one hand, and dynamics of the␣relaxation, on the other. These cross rela-tions all have the physical meaning that the JG ␤relaxation is not only a ‘‘universal’’ feature in glass formers but also has fundamental implications for the mechanism of glass transi-tion. The good correspondence of the JG ␤relaxation time

with the primitive relaxation time of the coupling model im-plies that both relaxations can be considered as a ‘‘local step’’ or the precursor of the cooperative␣relaxation.


The research at NRL was supported by the Office of Na-val Research, and at Pisa by I.N.F.M.

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