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Lo studio degli isotopi del carbonio e dell'azoto per ricostruire cronologia, clima e agricoltura nell'Olocene medio ad Arslantepe (Anatolia) - Carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis reveals chronology, palaeoclimate and agricultural practices at Arslantep


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Lo studio degli isotopi del carbonio e dell'azoto per ricostruire cronologia, clima e agricoltura nell'Olocene medio ad Arslantepe (Anatolia) - Carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis reveals chronology, palaeoclimate and agricultural practices at Arslantep"


Testo completo



Table  2  –  Identification  of  plant  remains  by  archaeological  contexts  (floor,  bench,  domed  oven  - -entrance/inside, parching oven - upper surface/inside, hearth) from botanical samples in room A718, Arslantepe period VIII
Table 4 – Meat yield for the main edible animals of Arslantepe period VIII.
Fig. 4 – Age at death: a. Sheep culling profiles; b. Goat culling profiles. See Figure 3 for age interval legend.
Fig. 4 Relative frequency of taxa for each depositional context and period. The total number of recovered samples for each context (total n) and the number of samples in which each taxon is present for each period (n) are shown


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