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Neoconservatorismo americano. Dottrina, politica, prospettive


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AA. VV., Against the World for the World: the Hartford Appeal and the Future of American Religion, a cura di P.L. Berger e R.J. Neuhaus, New York, Seabury, 1976.

AA. VV., A Free Society Reader: Principles for the New Millennium, a cura di W. Brailsford, C. Heester e M. Novak, Lanham, Lexington Books, 2000.

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G. BAUER, Our hopes, our dreams; a vision for America, Colorado Springs, Focus on the Family

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D. BELL, The Cultural Contradictions of Capitalism, New York, Basic Books, 1978;

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E. BURKE, Further Reflections on the Revolution in France, a cura di D.E. Ritchie, Indianapolis, Liberty Fund, 1992;

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“Le Radici del Neoconservatorismo americano”, MondOperaio, n°3 anno 9, 2004;

“Mondo Unipolare. L’Eredità Critica di George Kennan”, Emporion, n° 49, 6 aprile 2005.


G. DORRIEN, “Benevolent Global Hegemony. William Kristol and the Politics of American Empire”, Logos, 3.2, primavera 2004;

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M.W. DOYLE, Ways of War and Peace, New York/London, W.W. Norton &Company, 1997.

E.DREW, Fear and Loathing in George W. Bush's Washington, New York, The New York Review

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M. DURHAM, “The Republic in Danger. Neoconservatism, the American Right and the Politics of

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L. EDWARDS, Goldwater. The Man who Made a Revolution, Washington D.C., Regnery Publishing,


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“The Conservative Consensus: Frank Meyer, Barry Goldwater, and the Politics of Fusionism”, First Principles, n°8, 22 gennaio 2007;

The Conservative Revolution: The Movement that Remade America, New York, The Free Press, 1999;

The Power of Ideas. The Heritage Foundation at 25 Years, Ottawa (IL), Jameson Books, 1997.

E. EFRON, The News Twister, New York, Manoe Books, 1972.

J. FALWELL, Falwell: An Autobiography, Lynchburg (Va), Liberty House, 1997.

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“Il Vero Profitto Dipende dall’Abilità dell’Imprenditore”, L’Occidentale, 24 maggio 2007;

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E.J. FEULNER e D. WILSON,Getting America Right. The True Conservative Values Our Nation Needs Today, New York, Crown Forum, 2006.

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G. GIORGINI, Liberalismi Eretici, Trieste, Edizioni Goliardiche, 1999.

N. GLAZER, “Is Busing Necessary?”, Commentary, 53, marzo 1972;

“Neoconservative From The Start”, The Public Interest, Issue n° 159, primavera 2005; Remembering the Answers: Essays on the American Student Revolt, New York, Basic Books, 1970;

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F.I. GREENSTEIN; “The Contemporary Presidency: The Changing Leadership of George W. Bush. A

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Per le citazioni relative alla Presidenza Ronald Reagan:

http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/ http://www.reaganfoundation.org/reagan http://www.thereaganlegacy.com

Per le citazioni relative alla Presidenza George W.H. Bush



Per le citazioni relative alla Presidenza George W. Bush

http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/ http://www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/

Contract with America


National Security Strategy

http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2002/index.html http://www.whitehouse.gov/nsc/nss/2006

National Defense Strategy


Patriot Act e documentazione relativa

http://www.epic.org/privacy/terrorism/hr3162.pdf. http://www.supremecourtus.gov/oral_arguments/argument_transcripts/03-334.pdf http://fl1.findlaw.com/news.findlaw.com/hdocs/docs/gitmo/inregitmo20305apl.pdf ASPA http://www.state.gov/t/pm/rls/othr/misc/23425.htm A Clean Break http://www.israeleconomy.org/strat1.htm.

Intervista a Paul Wolfowitz



American Enterprise Institute


Project for the New American Century


National Endowment for Democracy

http://www.ned.org American Values http://www.ouramericanvalues.org Heritage Foundation http://www.heritage.org Istituto Acton http://www.acton.org

Ethics and Public Policy Center


Focus on the Family


Moral Majority Coalition


Christian Coalition


Eagle Forum


Center for Progressive Chrsitianity


Cato Insitute


Leo Strauss (straussian.net)



Flavio Felice

Acton Institute, Roma, 5 luglio 2006.

Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma, 19 settembre 2006. Pontificia Università Lateranense, Roma, 8 ottobre 2007.

Gary Schmitt

AEI, Washington DC, 11 ottobre 2006.

Fondazione Magna Carta, Roma, 8 giugno 2007.

George Weigel

EPPC, Washington DC, 11 ottobre 2006.

Lee Edwards

Heritage Foundation, Washington DC, 11 ottobre 2006.

(pubblicata sulla rivista Nuova Storia Contemporanea con il titolo “Lo Spirito del Conservatorismo Americano: Valori e Politiche. Intervista a Lee Edwards”, n°3, 2007)

Joshua Muravchik

AEI, Washington DC, 12 ottobre 2006.

Walter Berns

AEI, Washington DC, 12 ottobre 2006.

Michael Novak

AEI, Washington DC, 12 ottobre 2006.

(pubblicata in lingua originale sulla rivista Crisis Magazine, aprile 2007, con il titolo “Who Are the Neoconservatives? An Interview with Michael Novak”; di prossima pubblicazione sulla rivista Incipit. Etica della Scienza e della Società)

Reuel Marc Gerecht


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