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ECG e antipsicotici


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "ECG e antipsicotici"


Testo completo


QT lungo

Flavio Ribichini


Università di Verona

01/10/2010 1


01/10/2010 2


Principi di base dell’ECG

01/10/2010 3

L'amperometro è uno strumento

per la misura dell'intensità di

corrente elettrica, che percorre una

sezione di un conduttore

Il galvanometro è uno strumento

che traduce una corrente elettrica

in una torsione meccanica.



01/10/2010 4


(ECG) è la registrazione

dell'attività elettrica del

cuore che si verifica nel

ciclo cardiaco.



Ciclo depolarizzazione


01/10/2010 6

il prolungamento QT é correlato al blocco dei canali del

potassio, questi riducono la corrente di ripolarizzazione in

uscita e prolungano la durata del potenziale d’azione e

l’intervallo QT.


E il QT lungo?

01/10/2010 7


distanza tra la prima

deflessione del QRS e la

fine dell’onda T.

IL QTc misura la durata

(tempo) diviso la radice

dell’intervallo RR in sec

Nota: il QT viene misurato in msec,

L’intervallo RR in sec,

quindi il QTc è una standardizzazione

della durata del QT per la FC


Valori di normalità del QT

01/10/2010 8

Un intervallo QT non corretto oltre 500

msec è usualmente considerato


ECG normale: esercizio 1

01/10/2010 9


piccolo 40 msec

1 quadrato grande

200 msec

1 quadrato grande e

3 piccoli:

200+120=320 msec


Esercizio 2

01/10/2010 10

3 quadrati

grandi da

200 msec



piccolo 40



Esercizio 3

01/10/2010 11

3 quadrati

grandi =

600 msec


Numerosi sono i meccanismi con cui gli antipsicotici alterano

la conduzione cardiaca, quasi sempre gli antipsicotici

antagonizzano la componente rapida

del canale del

potassio Ikr.

Il canale del potassio IKr è codificato dal gene umano HERG

(human Ether-à-go-go Related Gene) e studi di tranfezione di

cellule del gene HERG mostrano un antagonismo diretto di

alcune sostanze tra cui


(Suessbrich 1997)








tioridazina e clorpromazina

(Tie H 2001). Questo è il

meccanismo maggiormente implicato

nell’allungamento del

QT (William J 2006)

Il blocco del recettore IKr risulta dose dipendente (Drolet

1999, Tie H 2000)

Alcuni antipsicotici sembrano interferire anche con i canali del

sodio e del calcio (Shader 1999)


01/10/2010 13

L’inizio del problema…


01/10/2010 14

Non è chiaro l’effetto sul QTc a bassi dosaggi (5 mg die) o a

dosaggi moderati (5-20 mg die) (Fulop 1987, Czekalla 1961)

Segnalato allungamento del QTc e torsioni di punta per alti

dosaggi per os (>20 mg die) (Kriwisky 1990, Metzger 1993) o

in caso di sovradosaggio (Henderson 1991)

Alti dosaggi (>50 mg die) per via endovenosa si associano ad

un allungamento del QTc con casi descrtitti di torsioni di punta


Lawrence 1997, O’Brien 1999)

Per dosaggi endovenosi da 5-25 mg sono segnalati aumenti

del QTc a valori superiori a 500 ms (Hatta 2000)

Per somministrazione intramuscolare di una dose di 7.5 mg

seguita da dose di 10 mg è segnalato un aumento medio del

QTc di 15 ms.(Miceli JL 2002)


01/10/2010 15

Concetti pratici…


La dose e la via di somministrazione ha un’importanza

nella possibile tossicità?


E’ da preferire/evitare una via parenterale ad una via



L’effetto degli antipsicotici sul QT è sinergico?


01/10/2010 16

Concetti pratici…


La dose e la via di somministrazione hanno

un’importanza nella possibile tossicità?


, la dose e le somministrazioni parenterali aumentano la

biodisponibilità di questi farmaci e quindi possono

causare un maggior blocco dei canali del K e maggior

allungamento del QT.


01/10/2010 17


STUDY OBJECTIVE: To characterize the effect of oral ziprasidone and haloperidol on the corrected QT (QTc) interval under steady-state conditions. Design. Prospective, randomized, open-label, parallel-group study.

SETTING: Inpatient clinical research facility. Patients Fifty-nine adults (age range 25-59 yrs) with

schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder who had no clinically significant abnormality on electrocardiogram (ECG) at screening. Intervention. During period 1 (days -10 to -4), antipsychotic and anticholinergic drugs were tapered. On the first day (day -3) of period 2, the drugs were discontinued, and placebo was given for the next 3 days (days -2 to 0). On the last day (day 0) of period 2, serial baseline ECGs were collected. During period 3 (days 1-16), patients received escalating oral doses of ziprasidone and haloperidol to reach steady state. Period 4 (days 17-19) allowed for study drug washout and initiation of outpatient antipsychotic therapy; safety assessments were also performed during this period.

MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: At each steady-state dose level, three ECGs and a serum or plasma sample were collected at the predicted time of peak exposure to the administered drug. Point estimates and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were determined for the mean QTc interval at baseline and for the mean change from baseline in QTc at each steady-state dose level. Mean changes from baseline in the QTc interval (msec) for ziprasidone were 4.5 (95% CI 1.9-7.1), 19.5 (95% CI 15.5-23.4), and 22.5 (95% CI 15.7-29.4) for steady-state doses of 40, 160, and 320 mg/day, respectively; for haloperidol, -1.2 (95% CI

-4.1-1.7), 6.6 (95% CI 1.6-1-4.1-1.7), and 7.2 (95% CI 1.4-13.1) for steady-state doses of 2.5, 15, and 30 mg/day.

Although no patient in either treatment group experienced a QTc interval of 450 msec or greater, the QTc interval increased 30 msec or more in 11 and 17 ziprasidone-treated patients at 160 and 320 mg/day, respectively, and in 3 and 5 haloperidol-treated patients at 15 and 30 mg/day, respectively. Most treatment-emergent adverse drug reactions were mild in intensity, and none were severe.

CONCLUSION: The QTc interval in ziprasidone- and haloperidol-treated patients increased with dose.

Treatment with high doses of ziprasidone or haloperidol did not result in any patient experiencing a QTc interval of 450 msec or greater.

Pharmacotherapy. 2010 Feb;30(2):127-35. Effects of Oral Ziprasidone and Oral Haloperidol on QTc

interval in patients with Schizophrenia or Schizoaffective disorder. Miceli JJ, Tensfeldt TG, Shiovitz T,

Anziano R, O'Gorman C, Harrigan RH.

Abstract BACKGROUND: Antipsychotic agents have been associated with a prolonged QT interval. Data on the effects of ziprasidone and haloperidol on the QTc interval are lacking. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterize the effects of 2 high-dose intramuscular injections of ziprasidone and haloperidol on the QTc interval at T(max). METHODS: This randomized, single-blind study enrolled patients with

schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in whom long-term antipsychotic therapy was indicated. Patients were randomized to receive 2 high-dose intramuscular injections of ziprasidone (20 and 30 mg) or

haloperidol (7.5 and 10 mg) separated by 4 hours. The primary outcome measure was the mean change from baseline in QTc at the T(max) of each injection. Each dose administration was followed by serial ECG and blood sampling for pharmacokinetic determinations. Twelve-lead ECG data were obtained immediately before and at predetermined times after injections. ECG tracings were read by a blinded central reader. Blood samples were obtained immediately before and after injections. Point estimates and 95% CIs for mean QTc and changes from baseline in QTc were estimated. No between-group hypothesis tests were conducted. For the assessments of tolerability and safety profile, patients underwent physical examination, including measurement of vital signs, clinical laboratory evaluation, and monitoring for adverse events (AEs) using spontaneous reporting. RESULTS: A total of 59 patients were assigned to treatment, and 58 received study medication (ziprasidone, 31 patients; haloperidol, 27; age range, 21-72 years; 79% male). After the

first injection, mean (95% CI) changes from baseline were 4.6 msec (0.4-8.9) with ziprasidone (n = 25) and 6.0 msec (1.4-10.5) with haloperidol (n = 24). After the second injection, these values were 12.8 msec (6.7-18.8) and 14.7 msec (10.2-19.2), respectively. Mild and transient changes in heart rate

and blood pressure were observed with both treatments. None of the patients had a QTc interval >480 msec. Two patients in the ziprasidone group experienced QTc prolongation >450 msec (457 and 454 msec) and QTc changes that exceeded 60 msec (62 and 76 msec) relative to the time-matched baseline values. With haloperidol, QTc interval values were <450 msec with no changes >60 msec. Treatment-emergent AEs were reported in 29 of 31 patients (93.5%) in the ziprasidone group and 25 of 27 patients (92.6%) in the haloperidol group; most events were of mild or moderate severity. Frequently reported AEs were

somnolence (90.3% and 81.5%, respectively), dizziness (22.6% and 7.4%), anxiety (16.1% and 7.4%), extrapyramidal symptoms (6.5% and 33.3%), agitation (6.5% and 18.5%), and insomnia (0% and 14.8%). CONCLUSIONS: In this study of the effects of high-dose ziprasidone and haloperidol in patients with

schizophrenic disorder, none of the patients had a QTc interval >480 msec, and changes from baseline

QTc interval were clinically modest with both drugs. Both drugs were generally well tolerated.

Clin Ther. 2010 Mar;32(3):472-91. Effects of high-dose ziprasidone and haloperidol on the QTc interval

after intramuscular administration: a randomized, single-blind, parallel-group study in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Miceli JJ, Tensfeldt TG, Shiovitz T, Anziano RJ, O'Gorman C,


01/10/2010 18

Concetti pratici…

E’ da preferire/evitare una via IM ad una via IV?

Una minor biodisponibilità del farmaco riduce il rischio di

tossicità nelle somministrazioni estemporanee in PS.

Rischio che permane comunque modesto.


01/10/2010 19

Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2003 Nov;2(6):543-7.

Torsade de pointes associated with the administration of intravenous haloperidol:a review of the literature and practical guidelines for use.

Hassaballa HA, Balk RA.

Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine, Rush-Presbyterian St Luke's Medical Center, 1653 West Congress Parkway, Chicago, IL 60612, USA.


Haloperidol is the most commonly used medication for the treatment of delirium and psychosis in the critically ill patient. Whilst generally considered to be safe, haloperidol has been associated with a

number of important cardiovascular side effects. The major toxicities include hypotension, cardiac

arrhythmias and prolongation of the corrected QT (QTc) interval. In particular, torsade de pointes, a

polymorphic ventricular tachyarrhythmia, has been associated with both intravenous and oral haloperidol administration. The management of torsade de pointes consists of discontinuation of the possible offending agent(s), correction of electrolyte abnormalities, administration of magnesium sulfate and, if necessary, overdrive pacing. Although clinicians should be aware of this potentially lethal complication of

intravenous haloperidol therapy, it should not deter clinicians from using intravenous haloperidol to treat acute agitation in the critically ill patient with a normal QTc.

J Hosp Med. 2010 Apr;5(4):E8-16.

The FDA extended warning for intravenous haloperidol and torsades de pointes: how should institutions respond?

Meyer-Massetti C, Cheng CM, Sharpe BA, Meier CR, Guglielmo BJ.

Department of Clinical Pharmacy, School of Pharmacy, University of California San Francisco, Medication Outcomes Center, San Francisco, California, USA. carla.meyer@unibas.ch


BACKGROUND: In September 2007, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) strengthened label

warnings for intravenous (IV) haloperidol regarding QT prolongation (QTP) and torsades de pointes (TdP) in response to adverse event reports. Considering the widespread use of IV haloperidol in the

management of acute delirium, the specific FDA recommendation of continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) monitoring in this setting has been associated with some controversy. We reviewed the evidence for the FDA warning and provide a potential medical center response to this warning.

METHODS: Cases of intravenous haloperidol-related QTP/TdP were identified by searching PubMed, EMBASE, and Scopus databases (January 1823 to April 2009) and all FDA MedWatch reports of haloperidol-associated adverse events (November 1997 to April 2008).

RESULTS: A total of 70 of IV haloperidol-associated QTP and/or TdP were identified. There were 54 reports of TdP; 42 of these events were reportedly preceded by QTP. When post-event QTc data were reported, QTc was prolonged >450 msec in 96% of cases. Three patients experienced sudden cardiac arrest.

Sixty-eight patients (97%) had additional risk factors for TdP/prolonged QT, most commonly receipt of concomitant proarrhythmic agents. Patients experiencing TdP received a cumulative dose of 5 mg to

645 mg, patients with QTP alone received a cumulative dose of 2 mg to 1540 mg.

CONCLUSIONS: While administration of IV haloperidol can be associated with QTP/TdP, this complication most often took place in the setting of concomitant risk factors. Importantly, the available data suggest

that a total cumulative dose of IV haloperidol of <2 mg can safely be administered without ongoing electrocardiographic monitoring in patients without concomitant risk factors.


01/10/2010 20

Concetti pratici…

L’effetto della politerapia con antipsicotici sul QT è


SI, sono potenzialmente sinergici sull’allungamento del

QT e quindi questi pazienti meritano più attenzione

Ann Gen Psychiatry. 2005 Jan 25;4(1):1.

QT interval prolongation related to psychoactive drug treatment: a comparison of monotherapy versus polytherapy.

Sala M, Vicentini A, Brambilla P, Montomoli C, Jogia JR, Caverzasi E, Bonzano A, Piccinelli M, Barale F, De Ferrari GM. Department of Health Sciences-Section of Psychiatry, IRCCS Policlinico S, Matteo, University of Pavia, School of Medicine, Pavia, Italy. michelasalacap@yahoo.it.


BACKGROUND: Several antipsychotic agents are known to prolong the QT interval in a dose dependent manner. Corrected QT interval (QTc) exceeding a threshold value of 450 ms may be associated with an increased risk of life threatening

arrhythmias. Antipsychotic agents are often given in combination with other psychotropic drugs, such as antidepressants, that may also contribute to QT prolongation. This observational study compares the effects observed on QT interval between antipsychotic monotherapy and psychoactive polytherapy, which included an additional antidepressant or lithium treatment. METHOD: We examined two groups of hospitalized women with Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder and Schizoaffective Disorder in a naturalistic setting. Group 1 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with antipsychotic

monotherapy (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or clozapine) and Group 2 was composed of nineteen hospitalized women treated with an antipsychotic (either haloperidol, olanzapine, risperidone or quetiapine) with an additional

antidepressant(citalopram, escitalopram, sertraline, paroxetine, fluvoxamine, mirtazapine, venlafaxine or clomipramine) or lithium. An Electrocardiogram (ECG) was carried out before the beginning of the treatment for both groups and at a second time after four days of therapy at full dosage, when blood was also drawn for determination of serum levels of the

antipsychotic.Statistical analysis included repeated measures ANOVA, Fisher Exact Test and Indipendent T Test.

RESULTS: Mean QTc intervals significantly increased in Group 2 (24 +/- 21 ms) however this was not the case in Group 1 (-1 +/- 30 ms) (Repeated measures ANOVA p < 0,01). Furthermore we found a significant difference in the number of patients

who exceeded the threshold of borderline QTc interval value (450 ms) between the two groups, with seven patients in Group 2 (38%) compared to one patient in Group 1 (7%) (Fisher Exact Text, p < 0,05).

CONCLUSIONS: No significant prolongation of the QT interval was found following monotherapy with an

antipsychotic agent, while combination of these drugs with antidepressants caused a significant QT prolongation.

Careful monitoring of the QT interval is suggested in patients taking a combined treatment of antipsychotic and antidepressant agents.


01/10/2010 21

Concetti pratici…


Lo è anche con i farmaci antiaritmici?


Assolutamente SI, i farmaci antiaritmici di classe terza


01/10/2010 22

Definizione della Sindrome del QT lungo

La sindrome da QT lungo (LQTS) è un

eterogeneo gruppo di disturbi congeniti o

acquisiti dei canali ionici coinvolti nella


E’ caratterizzata da un prolungamento

dell’intervallo QT all’ECG di superficie

e dalla

conseguente predisposizione a sviluppare

sincope e morte cardiaca improvvisa (SCD)

per causa aritmica.

Nella maggior parte dei casi l’exitus è

provocato da tachicardie ventricolari polimorfe

maligne chiamate “torsades de pointes” (TdP).


01/10/2010 23

Fattori di rischio per il QT lungo

Legati al paziente :

• Sindrome congenita del QT lungo

• Sesso femminile

• Bradicardia significativa, storia di

aritmie sintomatiche o altre

malattie cardiache

• Bilancio elettrolitico alterato

• Alterate funzioni renale o epatica

• Ipotirodismo


01/10/2010 24


Esistono diverse forme di LQTS:

congenite: canalopatie

(poche), interesse cardiologico

acquisite: iatrogene (molte),

interesse cardiologico e psichiatrico


È con il QT lungo cosa succede?

01/10/2010 25

L’allungamento dell’intervallo QT

può esacerbare una Triggered

activity, ossia la comparsa di

“post-potenziali" tipicamente


Questi sono anormale oscillazioni

del potenziale di membrana che

seguono un potenziale d’azione. A

differenza dell’automaticità, i

post-potenziali dipendono dal

precedente potenziale d’azione (il

"trigger") e l’aritmia che ne risulta

mantiene una relazione con esso.


Torsione di punta, e adesso?

01/10/2010 26

O termina o innesca un rientro che

determina un fibrillazione ventricolare con

exitus del paziente se non defibrillata.


Quanto è grande il problema?

01/10/2010 27

Un QT marcatamente prolungato, spesso accompagnato da

torsioni di punta, può accadere nell’1-10% dei pazienti che

ricevono farmaci antiaritmici noti per prolungare il QT,

ma è

molto più raro nei pazienti che ricevono farmaci “non

cardiovascolari “ che potenzialmente prolungano il QT.

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death

Il problema è principalmente correlato a farmaci cardiologici

che prolungano il QT per loro stesso meccanismo d’azione,

questi farmaci andrebbero iniziati in ambiente ospedaliero con

monitoraggio ECG


Problema limitato in psichiatria

01/10/2010 28


BACKGROUND: Psychotropic drugs have the potential for QT interval prolongation, the

frequency is not known. The aim of this study was to monitor the occurrence of QT interval

prolongation in a non-selected population of patients treated with psychotropic drugs with

proarrhythmic potential.

METHODS: In consecutive patients hospitalized at psychotic wards at the Department of

Psychiatry treated with antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs with known or unexplored

proarrhythmic potential a 12-lead ECG was recorded (50 mm/s, 20 mm/mV) on therapy; the QT

interval was measured manually, corrected according to Bazett and Fridericia. QTc intervals of

470 ms (females) and 450 ms (males) were considered borderline, longer QTc intervals were

considered pathologic.

RESULTS: ECGs were recorded in 452 patients (187 females, 265 males, aged 43+/-16

years). Using Bazett's correction, abnormal QTc values were observed only in 2% of the whole

group and in 1.8% of the patients treated with drugs associated with QT prolongation (the

greatest QTc value is 490 ms in female and 480 ms in male). With Fridericia's correction, there

was only 1 case of borderline QTc in the whole group (the greatest QTc value is 450 ms in both

sex groups).

CONCLUSIONS: Our 2-year real-life experience shows that occurrence of QTc prolongation in

present psychiatric patients is low. Values associated with high risk of arrhythmias

(QTc>500 ms) were not observed. This might be related to the recent changes of spectrum of

antipsychotic therapy used, the general trend to use lower doses, and increasing awareness

about the drug-induced long QT syndrome.

Int J Cardiol. 2007 May 2;117(3):329-32. Epub 2006 Jul 24. Monitoring of QT interval in patients treated with psychotropic drugs. Novotny T, Florianova A, Ceskova E, Weislamplova M, Palensky V, Tomanova J, Sisakova M, Toman O, Spinar J.


Although intravenous haloperidol (HAL) is an effective medication that is often prescribed to

treat agitation, several instances of torsade de pointes or prolonged QT interval have been

reported. To investigate the association between intravenous HAL and QT prolongation and

between intravenous HAL and ventricular tachyarrhythmia, a cross-sectional cohort study was

performed that included measuring corrected QT intervals (QTc) on an emergency basis before

intravenous HAL and continuously monitoring electrocardiographic (ECG) findings after

intravenous HAL. During a 2-month period, 47 patients received intravenous injections to

control psychotic disruptive behavior. According to clinical practice, patients were divided as

follows. The FZ-alone group was treated with intravenous flunitrazepam (FZ), and the

FZ-plus-HAL group received intravenous FZ followed by intravenous FZ-plus-HAL. Although the difference in the

mean QTc immediately after intravenous FZ between the two groups was not significant, the

mean QTc after 8 hours in the FZ-plus-HAL group was longer than that in the FZ-alone group (p

< 0.001). Four patients in the FZ-plus-HAL group had a QTc of more than 500 msec after 8

hours. The change in QTc during 8 hours significantly differed between the two groups (t = 2.64,

p > 0.05). Furthermore, the change in QTc was moderately correlated with the dose of

intravenous HAL, as evidenced by a coefficient of correlation of 0.48 (p < 0.001). However,

ventricular tachyarrhythmia was not detected among 307 patients within a 1-year period,

although the ECG was continuously monitored for at least 8 hours after intravenous HAL. The

modest nature of QTc prolongation and the apparent absence of ventricular tachyarrhythmia

under continuous ECG monitoring indicate that QTc prolongation associated with intravenous

HAL is not necessarily dangerous. However, in an emergency situation, clinicians cannot

exclude patients predisposed to torsade de pointes, such as those with inherited ion channel

disorders. Therefore, clinicians should be aware of the association between intravenous HAL

and QT prolongation.

J Clin Psychopharmacol. 2001 Jun;21(3):257-61.The association between intravenous haloperidol and prolonged QT interval. Hatta K, Takahashi T, Nakamura H, Yamashiro H, Asukai N, Matsuzaki I, Yonezawa Y. Department of Psychiatry, Tokyo Metropolitan Bokuto General Hospital, Japan. hattak8s@cd.mbn.or.jp

Abstract BACKGROUND: Antipsychotic agents have been associated with a prolonged QT interval. Data on

the effects of ziprasidone and haloperidol on the QTc interval are lacking. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to characterize the effects of 2 high-dose intramuscular injections of ziprasidone and haloperidol on the QTc interval at T(max). METHODS: This randomized, single-blind study enrolled patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder in whom long-term antipsychotic therapy was indicated. Patients were randomized to receive 2 high-dose intramuscular injections of ziprasidone (20 and 30 mg) or haloperidol (7.5 and 10 mg) separated by 4 hours. The primary outcome measure was the mean change from baseline in QTc at the T(max) of each injection. Each dose administration was followed by serial ECG and blood sampling for pharmacokinetic determinations. Twelve-lead ECG data were obtained immediately before and at

predetermined times after injections. ECG tracings were read by a blinded central reader. Blood samples were obtained immediately before and after injections. Point estimates and 95% CIs for mean QTc and changes from baseline in QTc were estimated. No between-group hypothesis tests were conducted. For the assessments of tolerability and safety profile, patients underwent physical examination, including

measurement of vital signs, clinical laboratory evaluation, and monitoring for adverse events (AEs) using spontaneous reporting. RESULTS: A total of 59 patients were assigned to treatment, and 58 received study medication (ziprasidone, 31 patients; haloperidol, 27; age range, 21-72 years; 79% male). After the first injection, mean (95% CI) changes from baseline were 4.6 msec (0.4-8.9) with ziprasidone (n = 25) and 6.0 msec (1.4-10.5) with haloperidol (n = 24).After the second injection, these values were 12.8 msec (6.7-18.8) and 14.7 msec (10.2-19.2), respectively. Mild and transient changes in heart rate and blood pressure were observed with both treatments. None of the patients had a QTc interval >480 msec. Two patients in the ziprasidone group experienced QTc prolongation >450 msec (457 and 454 msec) and QTc changes that exceeded 60 msec (62 and 76 msec) relative to the time-matched baseline values. With haloperidol, QTc interval values were <450 msec with no changes >60 msec. Treatment-emergent AEs were reported in 29 of 31 patients (93.5%) in the ziprasidone group and 25 of 27 patients (92.6%) in the haloperidol group; most events were of mild or moderate severity. Frequently reported AEs were somnolence (90.3% and 81.5%, respectively), dizziness (22.6% and 7.4%), anxiety (16.1% and 7.4%), extrapyramidal symptoms (6.5% and 33.3%), agitation (6.5% and 18.5%), and insomnia (0% and 14.8%).CONCLUSIONS: In this study of the effects of high-dose ziprasidone and haloperidol in patients with schizophrenic disorder, none of the patients

had a QTc interval >480 msec, and changes from baseline QTc interval were clinically modest with both drugs. Both drugs were generally well tolerated.

Clin Ther. 2010 Mar;32(3):472-91. Effects of high-dose ziprasidone and haloperidol on the QTc interval after intramuscular administration: a randomized, single-blind, parallel-group study in patients with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Miceli JJ, Tensfeldt TG, Shiovitz T, Anziano RJ, O'Gorman C, Harrigan RH.


Farmaci che frequentemente prolungano il QT

01/10/2010 29

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death



01/10/2010 30

antagonista dopaminergico non





01/10/2010 31

Effetto principale:

- blocco canali IKr (correnti del potassio rapide) e corrente IKs

(correnti del potassio lente).

- Altri effetti sono blocco dei canali per il sodio (classe Ia), del

calcio e fungere da beta-bloccante (classe II).

Meccanismo: Il blocco dei canali per i potassio comporta una

incapacità da parte della cellula miocardica di ritornare nei tempi

fisiologici al potenziale di riposo; in particolare, viene ad essere

prolungato il periodo refrattario, condizione che comporta un

impedimento elettrico nella genesi di nuovi potenziale d'azione

nelle cellule con bassa soglia di eccitabilità, con conseguente

marcato effetto anti-aritmico. tale fenomeno è testimoniato nella

pratica clinica dal prolungamento dell'intervallo QT.



01/10/2010 32

Beta bloccante non selettivo



01/10/2010 33

Farmaci con rischio di TDP


Un paziente “vero” della cardiologia, UCIC,

rianimazione o medicina generale…

Anziano con infezione respiratoria, in FA cronica, con

agitazione psicomotoria (notturna).

E’ sotto cordarone (FA), ha iniziato la claritromicina

da tre giorni, e nella notte diamo il Serenase iv…


Nuovi farmaci confronti

01/10/2010 35

Curr Drug Saf. 2010 Jan;5(1):97-104. QT alterations in psychopharmacology: proven candidates and

suspects. Alvarez PA, Pahissa J. Department of Internal Medicine, CEMIC, Buenos Aires, Argentina. palvarez@cemic.edu.ar


Psychotropics are among the most common causes of drug induced acquired long QT

syndrome. Blockage of Human ether-a-go-go-related gene (HERG) potassium channel by

psychoactive drugs appears to be related to this adverse effect. Antipsychotics such as

haloperidol, thioridazine, sertindole, pimozide, risperidone, ziprasidone, quetiapine,

olanzapine and antidepressants such as amitriptyline, imipramine, doxepin, trazadone,

fluoxetine depress the delayed rectifier potassium current (IKr) in a dose dependent

manner in experimental models. The frequency of QTc prolongation (more than 456 ms)

in psychiatric patients is estimated to be 8%. Age over 65 years, tricyclic antidepressants

(TCA), thioridazine, droperidol, olanzapine, and higher antipsychotic doses were predictors of

significant QTc prolongation. In large epidemiological controlled studies a dose dependent

increased risk of sudden death has been identified in current users of antipsychotics

(conventional and atypical) and of TCA. Thioridazine and haloperidol shared a similar

relative risk of SCD. Lower doses of risperidone had a higher relative risk than

haloperidol for cardiac arrest and ventricular arrhythmia. No increased risk was identified in

current users of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI). Cases of TdP have been

reported with thioridazine, haloperidol, ziprazidone, olanzapine and TCA.

Evidence of QTc

prolongation with sertindole is significant and this drug has not been approved by the

Food and Drugs Administration (FDA). A large trial is ongoing to evaluate the cardiac risk

profile of ziprazidone and olanzapine.

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors have been

associated with QTc prolongation but no cases of TdP have been reported with the use of these

agents. There are no reported cases of lithium induced TdP. Risk factors for drug induced LQT

syndrome and TdP include: female gender, concomitant cardiovascular disease, substance

abuse, drug interactions, bradychardia, electrolyte disorders, anorexia nervosa, and congenital

Long QT syndrome. Careful selection of the psychotropic and identification of patient's risk

factors for QTc prolongation is applicable in current clinical practice.


Raccomandazioni specifiche del AIFA

Sull’utilizzo di:






01/10/2010 37

ACC/AHA/ESC 2006 guidelines for management of patients with ventricular arrhythmias and the prevention of sudden cardiac death


Il mio paziente ha il QT lungo,

cosa faccio?

01/10/2010 38


sospensione dei farmaci implicati nell’allungamento del tratto QT;

2- il mantenimento di livelli di concentrazione di K+ plasmatici tra 4 – 4,5


3- la somministrazione di 1 – 2 g di solfato magnesio EV, con possibilità di

aumentare la dose e la velocità d’infusione in base alla gravità del quadro


4- in caso di refrattarietà al trattamento e di concomitante bradicardia, può

essere d’aiuto il “pacing cardiaco temporaneo” o l’isoproterenolo.





Pazienti a basso rischio (QTc basale 0.41 sec): non

necessitano di ECG dopo l’introduzione di un singolo antipsicotico

in monoterapia. Necessario ECG di controllo per farmaci associati

all’antipsicotico con potenziale aumento del QT

Pazienti borderline (QTc 0.42-0.44.sec): sono a basso rischio di

aritmia. Necessitano di un ECG dopo la prima dose e allo steady

state. Se QTc >450 ms ridurre i dosaggi o cambiare con un

farmaco meno a rischio. ECG di controllo per polifarmacoterapie.

Pazienti ad alto rischio (QTc >0.45 sec) Sono ad alto rischio di

aritmie necessitano di un ECG dopo la prima dose e allo steady

state. Se QTc >500 ms cambiare con farmaco meno a rischio.

ECG di controllo per polifarmacoterapie. Monitoraggio degli


Moss AJ, Zareba W, Benhorin J, et al. ISHNE guidelines for electrocardiographic evaluation of drug-related QT prolongation and other alterations in ventricular repolarization: Task force summary. A report of the Task Force of the International

Society for Holter and Noninvasive Electrocardiology (ISHNE), Committee on Ventricular Repolarization. Ann Noninvasive Electrocardiol 2001;6:333–341


Livello di

rischio Definizione Screening ECG Follow-up ECG Consulenza cardiologica Monitoraggio sec. Holter


basso Maschi senza fattori di rischio necessario Non necessario Non necessariaNon Non necessario Basso Donne senza fattori di rischio necessario Non necessario Non necessariaNon Non necessario Medio Patologie cardiache Consigliabile Consigliabile Consigliabile Non necessario Alto Interazioni tra farmaci Necessario Necessario Necessaria Discutibile Molto alto Storia di LQTS Obbligatorio Obbligatorio Obbligatoria Obbligatorio

Approccio clinico e strumentale in base al

livello di rischio.

Viskin S. Long QT syndrome caused by non-cardiac drugs. Progress in Cardiovascular Disease. 2003; 45:415-427.


01/10/2010 41

Il farmaco che sto dando

prolunga il QT?



Su questi siti si trova una lista

sempre aggiornata dei

farmaci che possono

prolungare il QT


E il QT corto?

01/10/2010 42

La sindrome del QT breve è una patologia

ereditaria a carattere autosomico dominante

Si caratterizza per la presenza sull’ecg di

base di un intervallo QT spiccatamente

breve ed una propensione a sviluppare

aritmie ipercinetiche a livello atriale e/o

ventricolare in assenza di anomalie


01/10/2010 43

ECG QT corto

• Intervallo QT breve,

genericamente ≤ 300 ms, che non

cambia in maniera significativa

con il ritmo cardiaco.

• Si possono notare in oltre onde

T alte ed appuntite.

• Alcuni individui possono anche

presentare fibrillazione atriale


01/10/2010 44

Basi genetiche

Basi genetiche della Short QT Syndrome

Wilde AAM e Coll. Heart 2005;91:1352-1358

Le mutazioni nei geni KCNH2, KCNJ2 e

KCNQ1. Questi geni codificano le


01/10/2010 45


Al momento l’unica azione terapeutica efficace

per i soggetti affetti da sindrome del QT breve

è l’impianto di un defibrillatore automatico.

Trattamento mediante AICD

• L’unica “copertura” sicuramente efficace nei

pazienti considerati ad alto rischio, in rapporto

anche alla difficile valutazione della efficacia


• Sono stati segnalati diversi casi di “Shock

inappropriato da doppio conteggio includente

una onda T di elevato voltaggio



Un suggerimento da cardiologo:

Provate a dare l’aloperidolo…. magari si

allunga il QT e risparmiamo un defi…!


Commenti conclusivi

Il QT lungo esiste nella misura in cui lo si misura. L’occhio del cardiologo

quasi non vede un QT <500msec, mentre l’elettrocardiografo misura

variazioni anche “impercettibili” che spesso corrispondono

all’allungamento massimo che questi farmaci possono causare (40msc)

sono sempre poi un quadratino da 1 mm…

Gli effetti cardiotossici avvengono quasi sempre in pazienti cardiopatici,

con farmaci antiaritmici, in politerapia o con disturbi elettrolitici.

Quando vi arriva un referto ECG con diagnosi di QT lungo, spesso è già

soppesato dal cardiologo. Il significato è = sospendi il farmaco.

Non sottovalutare il QT lungo, ma valutalo insieme al cardiologo.

Le dimostrazioni del nesso tra l’allungamento del QT e la morte cardiaca

sono note ma l’incidenza (NNT - NNH) è poco conosciuta poiché molto

bassa. Infatti, le torsioni di punta da antipsicotico sono molto molto rare.

01/10/2010 47


La riflessione di un cardiologo

Il possibile rischio cardiologico conferito da questi farmaci

è comunque MINORE del sicuro effetto dei fattori di

rischio convenzionali tra i quali il fumo, sedentarietà, il

sovrappeso e l’ipertensione o della sindrome

metabolica spesso presenti nei pazienti psichiatrici.


Grazie dell’attenzione

01/10/2010 49


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