Primates, Circulating Autoreactive
Claude P.Genain,*David
My-HoaNguyen,*LucaMassacesi,*NarendraJoshi,* RobertFerrante,* Kathleen Hoffman,*MichaelMoseley,* Norman L.Letvin,§andStephen L.Hauser**University of California,SanFrancisco, California 94143;
Research Education ClinicalCenter, BedfordVeteransAffairsMedical Center, Bedford,Massachusetts01730; Departments ofNeurologyandPathology,Boston UniversitySchoolof Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts01730; and tTheNewEnglandRegionalPrimate Research Center, Southborough,Massachusetts01772
A T cell response against myelin basic protein (MBP) is thought to contributeto the central nervous system(CNS)
inflammation that occurs in thehuman demyelinating dis-easemultiplesclerosis. Totestwhether MBP-reactive T cells that arenormally retrievedfrom the circulationarecapable ofinducing CNS disease, MBP-reactive T cell clones were
isolated from theperipheral blood ofhealthy,unimmunized
Callithrirjacchus (C. jacchus)marmosets.This primate spe-cies is characterizedbyanaturalchimerismofbonemarrow
elements betweensiblings that should make possible adop-tive transfer of reacadop-tive T cells. We report that MBP-reactive T cell clones efficiently and reproducibly transfer CNSinflammatory disease between members of C. jacchus chimeric sets. The demyelination that is characteristic of experimental allergic encephalomyelitis induced in C.
jac-chus byimmunizationagainst human white matter did not occurafter adoptive transfer of theMBP-reactiveclones. It was noteworthy that encephalitogenic T cell clones were diverse in terms of theirrecognition of different epitopes of
MBP, distinguishing the response in C.
from that in some inbred rodents in which restricted recognition of MBP occurs.Thesefindings are the first direct evidence that natural populations ofcirculating T cells directed againsta CNS antigen canmediate an inflammatory autoimmune
disease. (J. Clin. Invest. 1994. 94:1339-1345.) Key words: experimental allergic encephalomyelitis * multiple sclerosis
Myelin basic protein
is, in mostmammalian species, themajorantigen responsible for experimental allergicencepha-Address correspondence to Claude P. Genain, MD, Department of
Neu-rology, Box0114,University ofCalifornia, San Francisco, CA 94143. Receivedfor publication 16 February 1994 and in revised form 6
1. Abbreviations used in this paper: APC, antigen-presenting cells;
CNS, central nervous system; CSF, cerebrospinal fluid; EAE, experi-mental allergic encephalomyelitis; MBP, myelin basic protein; MRI,
magnetic resonance imaging; MS, multiple sclerosis; SI, stimulation index.
lomyelitis (EAE), an autoimmune disease which serves as a
model for the humandemyelinating disease multiplesclerosis
(MS). In several rodentmodels, EAE is mediated byaT cell
responsetoMBP,asdemonstratedbytheabilityof MBP-reac-tive T cellsderived fromspleen andlymphnodes ofan immu-nized donorto
transferdisease into naivesyngeneic
recipients( 1-4). In humans, MBP-reactive T cells arethought
toplayarole inacutedisseminated encephalomyelitis that fol-lows infection orvaccination (5, 6) and have long been
sus-pectedas effector cells in MS (7). MBP-reactive T cells are
presentin thecirculation ofpatients with MS butarealso
pres-entinhealthyindividuals(8-12).The role of these
T cellpopulations in theinduction of human MS is unknown. Cross-species adoptive transfer experiments have been
at-tempted with human donor cells transferred into rodent hosts,
but have been unsuccessful (N. Joshi, unpublished
observa-tions) orhaveyielded uncertain results (13-15).
ThecommonmarmosetCallithrixjacchus (C.jacchus) rep-resents aunique species for the study of T cell-mediated
dis-easesinprimates,because thesemonkeysarebornasnaturally
occurring bonemarrowchimeras. While the individual animals arise from separate ova that are fertilized independently, the placentas of the developing animals fuse, resulting ina crosscir-culation of bone marrow-derived elements between thefetuses. Thus, while the animalsaregenetically distinct, they share, and
aretolerantto,each other's bonemarrow-derivedcell
popula-tions (16). The natural chimerism in C. jacchustheoretically
makes possible adoptive transfer of functional T cell popula-tionsbetween members ofanoutbred species withoutinitiating
analloresponse.We haverecently found thata
relapsing-remit-ting form of EAE which bearsastrongclinical andpathological resemblance to human MS can be induced in C. jacchus by
immunization with human CNSwhite matter.2 Immunized ani-malsdisplay specific proliferativeresponses toMBP,suggesting that MBP is an autoantigen in C. jacchus EAE. Thus, this outbred species ofnon-humanprimateischaracterized bybone
marrowchimerismandsusceptibility to CNS disease, creating
anopportunitytoelucidate theantigenicrepertoireand the
en-cephalitogenic potential of circulating populations of MBP-re-active T cells.
Here weshow thatMBP-reactiveT cellclones can be de-rived from the circulationofunimmunized, healthy C. jacchus. Furthermore, these T cell clonesareconsistentlyable toinduce
aninflammatoryCNS disease byadoptive transfer.Different T
2.Massacesi, L., C.P.Genain,D. Lee-Parritz,N. L.Letvin,and S.L.
Hauser, manuscript submitted for publication.
J.Chin. Invest.
© TheAmericanSociety forClinicalInvestigation, Inc.
0021-9738/94/09/1339/07 $2.00
cell clones derived from the same animal and reactive against
different epitopes of MBP appear to be equally
encephalito-genic. The data are the first direct demonstration that T cells reactive against a self-antigen and present in the normal circulat-ing pool are capable of mediatcirculat-ing an autoimmune disease.
Animals. C. jacchus marmosets were maintained in primate colonies at theUniversity of California, San Francisco and New England Regional Primate ResearchCenter. The animals used in this study were cared for inaccordance with the guidelines of the Committee on Animals of the Harvard Medical School and those of the Committee on Care and Use of Laboratory Animals of the Institute of Laboratory Animal Resources, National ResearchCouncil. A maximum of 2.5 ml of blood every other week was taken from each animal. CSF was obtained by puncture of the cisterna magna. Phlebotomy, cisternal puncture, and intravenous transfer of T cells were done under brief anesthesia (Ketamine, 10 mg i.m.). Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed under anesthesia withPropofol, 20-50 mg/h in intravenous drip.
Production and characterization of T cell clones. MBP-reactive T cell clones were derived from PBMC of naive (e.g., unimmunized) C. jacchus by limiting dilution. Freshly isolated PBMC were cultured at 105cells/well in 96 round-bottom well plates (Corning Inc., Corning, NY) with purifiedhuman MBP (50
finalconcentration) (17) in RPMI 1640 supplemented with 2 mM glutamine (Gibco, Grand Island, NY), 20 mM Hepesbuffer and 10% controlled processedserum replace-ment-2(CPSR-2) (Sigma Chemical Co., St. Louis, MO), and penicillin/ streptomycin/gentamycin at standard concentrations (Gibco). After 3 d the culture medium was supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated human AB serum(Pel-Freez Biologicals, Rogers, AR), 10% human T cellgrowth factor (Cellular Prods. Inc., Buffalo, NY), 40 U/ml recom-binant IL-2 (Hazelton Systems, Inc., Aberdeen,MD)and 4U/mIIL-4(Genzyme Corp., Cambridge, MA) and this growth medium was changed every 3 d for 9 d. T cells were restimulated at the end of the cycle by addition of 105 syngeneic and/or chimeric freshly isolated PBMCpulsed with MBP (50Htg/ml)andirradiated (3000 rad) as APC. T cell clones wereexpandedby multiple cycles of restimulation with MBP/APC followed by culture in growth medium. After 4-6 cycles, MBP-reactive clones were identified and characterized for peptide speci-ficity by [3H]thymidine incorporation in a 72-h proliferation assay. 5 x 104Tcells werecultured with i0'irradiated APC and 25
of MBP, 50ttg/ml
of each MBP-peptide or no antigen (background) in10%CPSR-2 medium for 72 h. 18 h before termination,[3H]thymidine
was added. The stimulation index (SI) wasmeasured for each MBP-reactive cloneonthedayof transfer and was calculated as the ratio ofincorporationof [3H]thymidine (cpm) in the presence of MBPover that ofbackground. Fine mapping ofpeptide reactivity was studiedusing apanel of sixteen 20-mersynthetic peptidescorre-spondingtooverlapping peptidesof humanMBP. Human andmonkey
MBPdifferby only4of 172 amino acids(18).Allpeptidesrecognized
by the MBP-reactive T cell clones shared sequenceidentitywithmonkey
MBP, with theexceptionofoneclonedirectedagainstthe human 143-162 amino acidsequence that differsby asingleamino acid between thespecies.Tcell clones used in controlexperiments wereisolatedby
the same limiting dilution technique but did notreact with MBP or
peptides in theproliferationassay.
Adoptive transfer. Attheend of the stimulation cycle 107Tcells wererested for 48 h inCPSR-2medium, then restimulated with either: MBP(50 4g/ml) in the presenceof irradiated (3000 rad) syngeneic/
chimeric PBMC asAPC; or 4
concanavalin A.Control, MBP nonreactive clones were restimulated with 4jsg/ml
concanavalin A.Growth mediumwasadded after 48h,and24 h later cellswere
har-vested,washed withRPMI,resuspendedin 2 mlof 0.9% saline i.v. and
injectedinto thepopliteal vein, followedimmediately by intravenous injection of 100 killed Bordetella pertussis organisms. 48 hlater, a second intravenousinjectionof Bordetellapertussiswasadministered. In anadditional control group,twoanimalsreceived thetwoinjections
ofBordetellapertussis butnocells.
Table1. Effective Cross-presentation of MBP and the Synthetic Peptide 153-172 to the T cell Clone 31.N.2.73 by APC from ChimericSiblings
cpm (SI)
Animal source MBP aa153-172
of APC Background (25yg/ml) (50/g/ml)
A* 1,350 15,159 (8.8) 14,761 (9.1) 1,887 13,498 B 2,107 13,531 (6.2) 13,112 (5.8) 2,427 14,943 C 654 11,835 (17) 15,239 (23) 679 10,954
Clone 31.N.2.73 was derived from animal A (*) in chimeric set 3 (see Table II).
AssessmentofEAE. The appearance of EAE was monitored in recip-ient animals by daily clinical evaluation, examination of CSF, MRI, and neuropathologic criteria. The severity of disease was graded by two independentobservers blinded as to the identity of the clonetransferred: 0, normal; 1, lethargy, anorexia, weight loss; 2, ataxia and either parapa-resis/monoparesis, sensory loss or brain stem syndrome including gaze palsy, blindnessordysarthria; 3, paraplegia or hemiplegia; 4, quadriple-gia. Postmortemexamination was performed on formalin-fixed tissues.
Adoptive transfer of EAE by natural MBP-reactive T cell
clones. Wefirst demonstrated that APC fromchimericsiblings wereequivalent to syngeneic APCinthe presentation ofMBP orthe relevant peptide tothe T cell clones derived from one memberof thesets(Table I).Therefore, selected clones could
be adoptively transferred into the animal of origin or into a
chimericsibling.Table IIsummarizes the resultsfor five adop-tive transfers performed with MBP-reactive clones, and three control adoptive transfers carried out with MBP nonreactive
clones(chimericsets 1-4).Inchimericset5, animals received intravenous Bordetella pertussis but no cells. The SI ofthe
different MBP-reactive clones used for adoptive transfers ranged from 6 to 215. No reactivity to MBP (SI < 1) was
detectedin thecontrol clones. Clinicalsigns ofEAEdeveloped within 13-27 d afterTcell transferin all five C.jacchusthat
receivedanMBP-reactiveTcell clone(chimericset1, animals
A andB; chimeric set2, animalA; chimeric set3, animalsA andB), and in no control animal. Signsincluded weight loss, sensoryloss in thelowerlimbs, tremor,mono- orparaparesis,
or abrainstemsyndromeconsistingofanalteredcryand
disor-deredconjugate gaze. Diseaseseveritydidnotexceedgrade2
(Table II). In two animals not killed, clinical signs persisted foraperiod of4-8 wkbefore graduallydisappearing (animals
AandB, chimeric set 3). In one experiment(chimeric set3,
clone 31.N.2.73), concanavalinAappearedasefficientasMBP
for stimulation oftheencephalitogenic clone priorto transfer. IneachanimalwithEAE,cerebrospinalfluid(CSF) pleocytosis
indicative of central nervoussystem(CNS) inflammatory dis-ease was present atthe onsetofclinical signs (Table II).
Se-quentialCSFanalysesperformed intwoanimals(chimericset
3) indicatedthatpleocytosis preceded the onsetofneurologic
signs (Fig. 1). In the same two animals, MRI studies were
performed after the onsetof the neurologic signs. Foci of
Table I. Adoptive Transferof EAE byNaturallyOccurringMBP-reactive TCell Clones
Chimeric No. ofcells CloneNo.and
set Animal transferred specificity SI Onset Clinicalsigns (EAEgrade) CSF Pathology
daftertransfer WBC/mm3
1 A 107 24.N.2.14 52 13 Extraocularmotorpalsy, 750
aa153-172$ dysarthria euthanizedday 20
B* 107 24.N.2.7 215 14 Paraparesis andsensoryloss 60 +
aa 11-30* lower limbs: euthanizedday
C 107 24.N.2.5 - (48 dobservation) None:euthanizedday 48(0) 9
2 A 107 21.N.2.26 21 13 Paraparesis,tremor;euthanized 360 +
aa 143-162* day22(2)
B 107 21.N.2.23 (94 dobservation) None(0) 0 ND
3 A* 107 31.N.2.73 8.8 14 Completesensoryloss lower 75 ND
aa 153-172* limbs(2)
B 107 31.N.2.73 6.3 27 Leftlowerlegweakness(2) 465 ND
4 A* 107 6.N.2.0 (270 dobservation) None(0) 0
5 A i.v. pertussis - (72 dobservation) None(0) 0 ND
B i.v.pertussis (48 dobservation) None(0) ND ND
*Originof MBP-reactive T cell clones andcontrol,non-MBPreactive clones usedfor transfer,e.g.,animalB,chimericset1;animalC,
set2(notshown); animal A, chimeric set3;animalA,chimericset4. Stimulation ofTcell clonespriortotransferwasperformedwith either MBP(*)orconcanavalin A(I).MPB-reactive T cellclonesinchimeric sets1 and 2werestimulated with MBP. In chimeric set3,twoadoptive
transferwereperformedwiththesameclone(31.N.2.73)stimulated with either MBP(animal A)orconcanavalin A(animal B).Allcontrol,non MBP-reactive cloneswerestimulated with concanavalin A.ND, Not done.
creasedsignal intensity on T2-weighted images were present,
suggestive of edema (Fig. 2A). On Ti-weighted images, ob-tained following administration of contrast material, areas of gadolinium enhancement appeared in CNS white matter, indica-tiveofblood brain barrier breakdown(Fig. 2,BandC). Some of the MRIfindingsin the animals studied correlated with the clinicalsigns. For example, animal B displayed left lower limb weakness and a lesion within the right side of the midbrain. AnimalAhad sensory loss in the lowerlimbs and evidence of
alesion withmasseffect in theposterior column of the cervical cord (Table II and Fig. 2, B and C). Control animals were observed foraperiod ranging between 48 and 270 d. None of the five C. jacchus in this group developed clinical signs of
sioo / o 200 --4
J ,,,,,,
Aj 1 :
0 10 20 30 40 DAYSAFTERTRANSFER 0 10 20 30 DAYSAF1ERTRANSFEREAE. CSF studies performed atday 14 and 28 aftertransfer
werenormal (TableII).
Postmortem examination of the cerebrum and thespinal cord
was performed in three animals with EAE and in one control animal. Theanimals with EAEwerekilled betweenday 20 and day 22 after adoptive transfer ofTcellclones, correspondingto
6-9 d after theonsetof the clinicalsigns (TableII). At this stage
ofdisease, occasional areas of necrosis and inflammation were
present in two of the diseased animals (Table II, Fig. 2D), but foci ofdemyelination and gliosis were notably absent. Nolesion wasobserved in the control animal studied.
Antigenic repertoire of natural encephalitogenic T cell clones.Thefrequencyof MBP-reactive T cell clones in
IA , Figure 1. CSF pleocytosis precedes the onset of
EAE.Two animalswerestudiedby sequentialcisternalpunctureand O clinical examination. Foreach,the CSF cell
count(circle)andcorresponding clinicalscore 40 (triangle)is shown in relation to the timeofFigure 2. MRI and Pathologic Findings in adoptiveEAE. (A) Afocus of increased T2 signal intensity appears in the left temporal-parietal white matter (1) and mass effect from a second lesion produces thinning of the left splenium of the corpus callosum (2); (B) ATi scan following intravenous administration of Gadolinium-DTPA demonstrates an enhancing lesion within the right side of the midbrain (arrow); chimeric set 3, animal B. (C) Cervical cord section demonstrates aTi-Gadoliniumenhancing lesion in the right posterior column (arrow) with mass effect on theposterior hornof the gray matter of the cord; chimeric set 3, animal A. (D)Pathologicalexample of a necrotic focus without demyelination in the dorsal mesencephalon. Frozen section. (Hematoxylin/eosin, x300);chimeric set 2, animalA.
ing PBMC of normal C. jacchus ranged between 3 and 7 per
lo-, similar to the frequency estimated to be present in the circulation ofhealthy humans (8-12). Mapping of the antigenic peptidesrecognizedby individual clonesindicated thatmultiple
regions of the MBP molecule were recognized by naturally occurringTcells(Fig. 3). The pattern ofreactivity to overlap-ping peptides identified differences in the fine specificity
be-tween clones reactive against similarregions of MBP, further increasing the number ofepitopes recognized. For example, the fine specificity of aminoterminus-reactive clones 31N.2.18 and 31.N.2.54 could bedistinguished by reactivity against aa 1-21 in theformer clone only(Fig. 3). Similarly, encephalitogenicity in the blood-derivedTcell clones was notrestricted by recogni-tion of a single antigenic region ofMBP. Four clones, each
reactive against one of threedifferent fragments of the molecule (aa 11-30, 143-162, and 153-172), couldefficiently transfer disease (Table II). Inchimeric set 1, twodifferent clones de-rived from the same animal, reactive respectively against the amino terminus andcarboxyl terminus regions of MBP, were encephalitogenic. These data indicate diversity in the T cell response to MBP that may resultin clinical disease.
MBP-reactiveTcellscouldreadily be cloned from the periph-eral blood ofnormal unimmunized C. jacchus primates. They
weresimilar in several respects to the repertoire of circulating MBP-reactive cells described in human blood (8-12). First, circulating MBP-reactive T cells occur at similarfrequencies in the twospecies.Second, fine specificity mapping of different
Tcell clonesderived from single individuals indicateddiversity of recognitiontomultiple different epitopes of MBP. Thus, both in C. jacchus and human primate PBMC, a high fiequency of MBP-reactive T cells anddiversity inMBPepitope recognition
The bone marrowchimerism in C. jacchus madepossible thedirectdemonstration that MBP-reactiveTcellswere enceph-alitogenicfollowing expansion and adoptive transfer.Thus, po-tential disease-inducing populations of MBP-reactive T cells
arenormally present inprimates.Inrats,Schluesener and Wek-erlewere able toisolateasingle encephalitogenic MBP-reactive
T cell line from lymph node of the EAE susceptible Lewis strain, buta similar line derived from the resistant BN strain
wasnonencephalitogenic (19). The Lewis linewassuccessfully
derived only after multiple negative attempts, and following
negative selection of autologous MHC-reactive T cells. This wasthe first demonstration thatEAE-inducingpopulations are
present in the normalimmunesystem.The currentdata
demon-stratethat thesecellsarein relative abundance in the circulation of normal outbred primates and are diverse in terms of their recognition of differentepitopesofMBP. InC.jacchus,
MBP-31. N.2.13 31. N.2.18 31.N.2.54 31.N.2.73 31. N.2.97 31.N.2.111 t... ::... ... 31. N.2.25 31. N.2.185 31.N.2.193 31. N.2.222 31. N.2.239 31.N.2.240
Figure 3.The naturalrepertoire ofcirculatingMBP-reactive T cells in ahealthy C. jacchus marmoset. Each clone was mappedforreactivity against synthetic 20-mer peptidescorrespondingtooverlapping regionsof human MBP. In this animal(chimericset3, animalA)atleastseven
discreteepitopesof MBPwererecognized bydifferent T cell clones.
reactive T cells are neither deleted, norirreversibly tolerized, in theperipheralpool.
What mechanisms prevent development of spontaneous
EAEin C. jacchus? MBP-reactive Tcells mustfirst penetrate the blood-brain barrier to mediate disease, a process that is influenced by activation (20). Activation by specificantigen,a
relevant superantigen (21) or a mitogen (4), could enhance CNS migrationofnaturally occurring circulating
encephalito-genic Tcells. The critical role of environmental exposureon
thecourseof EAEwasillustratedrecentlyinatransgenicmouse
model.AfunctionalTcell receptorderived froman
encephalito-genic MBP-reactiveTcellwasexpressed inanMHC compati-ble host (22). All peripheral immune system CD4 cells
ex-pressed the transgenic T cell receptor. Surprisingly,
develop-ment of EAE in these animals required additional exposure
to environmental pathogens or immunization with Bordetella pertussis. Transgenic animals unimmunized or housed in a
germ-free environment did not spontaneously develop EAE. Thus, alarge burden of encephalitogenic T cells may be toler-ated under some conditions without pathogenic consequences
tothe host. This appears alsotobe thecasein C.jacchus. It is possible that active suppression might inhibit spontaneous induction of EAE by natural encephalitogenic Tcell popula-tions.InLewisratstolerized with CNSantigens (23)or
recov-ered fromEAE, suppressorTcelllineshave beenisolated that
arecapableofpreventingEAEafteradoptivetransfer of enceph-alitogenicTcelllines(reviewed in24).InH-2Umice,recovery from MBP-inducedEAEis associated withexpansion ofaCD4
Tcellpopulation that expresses the
Tcell receptor gene segmentand responds to aV,98.2
peptide expressed on mostMBP-reactive encephalitogenic Tcells in this strain(25). Mappingdata inC.jacchusarein agreementwithaprevious
report suggesting that the carboxy terminus ofMBP contains
antigenic determinants in primates (26) but also indicates that the natural encephalitogenic repertoire in C. jacchus is broad. In most inbred rodents examined, only exceedingly restricted populations of T cells mediate acute EAE. For example, the encephalitogenic response to MBP is largely directed against
the 1-9 amino terminus in the H-2U mouse, against several epitopes within the 89-101 fragment in H-2S mouse, and against the 68-88 fragment in the Lewis rat (27-29). Similar toC.jacchus, diversity inrecognition of MBP peptides appears to be characteristic ofhealthy humans and also patients with multiple sclerosis(MS) (8, 9, 12,30-33). In outbred primates, both human andnonhuman,heterozygosity at different loci of theMHC may contribute to effective recognition ofagreater number ofepitopes of MBP than ispossible in inbred rodents. Based uponanalogy with C. jacchus, it islikely that, in humans, T cellsthatrecognize diverse epitopes ofMBP arepotentially encephalitogenic. This concept hasimportant implications for future attempts to specifically modulate an autoimmune re-sponse to MBP inhumans.
Prominent andearly demyelination is ahallmark of acute EAE induced inC.jacchusby active immunization with whole human white matter in adjuvant.2 Following adoptive transfer
tonaiverecipients,MBP-reactive T cells induced clinical signs, inflammation in theCSF, and multifocalareas ofdisruptionof the blood-brain barrieronMRIscans. Incontrast,however, to theactiveimmunizationmodel, disease severitywas mild and demyelination was conspicuously absent in adoptive transfer
recipients. This indicates that, in C.jacchus, MBP-reactiveT cells are capable ofinducing CNS inflammation and clinical
signs, butare notsufficient forplaqueformation. In the active immunization model of EAE, early and intense macrophage
infiltrationoccurswithinlesions2 and these cells appearto
medi-ate the characteristic demyelination that occurs. This
response was not noted following adoptive transfer byMBP-reactive T cells. It ispossible that, in synergy with aT cellresponseto
InadditiontoTcells,acorequire-ment for antibodies in the pathogenesis of demyelination is present inrabbits
(34), guinea
pigs (35) andrats (36, 37). Itisalso
likely that,
in additiontoMBP,other CNS antigensarerelevant to EAE in C. jacchus, as active immunization with
results inanondemyelinatingform of EAE similar to that
adoptive transfer (C.Genain and S. L.
Hauser, unpublished observations).
Based upon the
immune responses to someantigens
are notefficiently generated
within theCNS, it haslong
that thenervoussystemisimmunologi-cally privileged.
Relative isolation of thenervous systemfrom the immunesystemmight
result infailuretotolerizeTcellstoCNS
incontrast toantigens expressed
in otherorgans ofthebody.
Naturally occurring
autoimmuneTcells may exist that mediateencephalomyelitis
but not disease in other organ systems.Alternatively,
T cellscapable
inflamma-tory diseaseinmanydifferent organs may begenerally
present in thecirculation ofprimates.
Incontrasttohumans andnonhu-man
in whichnaturally occurring
MBP-reactivePBMC are present
9, 12, 30-33,
we are unaware of any successful identification of MBP-reactive T cells in the circulation of rodents.TheC.jacchus
marmosetis thus remark-ableforcirculating
and naturalchimerism of bonemarrowderivedelements,
tothis model.Thesecharacteristicscreate an
and fate ofdisease-inducing
Tcells innormalprimate
The authors wish to thank Shelley Ambrose, Laurie McCarthy, Katie Bunte, and Dayna Webber for technical assistance and Caroline Figoni for secretarial assistance.
These studies weresupported bytheNational Institutes of Health grantsRR-00168 andNS-30727, andbygrantsfrom the Penates Foun-dation and Devenshire Trust. Dr. Genain isapostdoctoralfellow of the NationalMultiple SclerosisSociety.
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