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Constructive Learning Modulo Theories


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Constructive Learning Modulo Theories


DISI, University of Trento, Italy


DISI, University of Trento, Italy


DISI, University of Trento, Italy

1. Introduction

Modelling problems containing a mixture of Boolean and numerical variables is a long-standing interest of Artificial Intelligence. However, performing inference and learning in hybrid domains is a particularly daunting task. The abil-ity to model these kind of domains is crucial in “learn-ing to design” tasks, that is, learn“learn-ing applications where the goal is to learn from examples how to perform auto-matic de novo design of novel objects. Apart from hybrid Bayesian Networks, for which efficient inference is limited to conditional Gaussian distributions, there is relatively lit-tle previous work on hybrid methods. The few existing at-tempts (Goodman et al.,2008;Wang & Domingos,2008;

N¨arman et al.,2010;Gutmann et al.,2011;Choi & Amir;

Islam et al.,2012) impose strong limitations on the type of constraints they can handle. Inference is typically run by approximate methods, based on variational approxima-tions or sampling strategies. Exact inference, support for hard numeric (in addition to Boolean) constraints and com-bination of diverse theories are out of the scope of these approaches. In order to overcome these limitations, we fo-cused on the most recent advances in automated reasoning over hybrid domains. Researchers in automated reasoning and formal verification have developed logical languages and reasoning tools that allow for natively reasoning over mixtures of Boolean and numerical variables (or even more complex structures). These languages are grouped un-der the umbrella term of Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT) (Barrett et al., 2009). Each such language corre-sponds to a decidable fragment of First-Order Logic aug-mented with an additional background theory T , like lin-ear arithmetic over the rationals LRA or over the integers LIA. SMT is a decision problem, which consists in

find-Preliminary work. Under review by the Constructive Machine Learning workshop @ ICML 2015. Do not distribute. An ex-tended version of this work was accepted for publication at the Artificial Intelligence Journal.

ing an assignment to both Boolean and theory-specific vari-ables making an SMT formula true. Recently, researchers have leveraged SMT from decision to optimization. The most general framework is that of Optimization Modulo Theories(OMT) (Sebastiani & Tomasi,2015), which con-sists in finding a model for a formula which minimizes the value of some (arithmetical) cost function defined over the variables in the formula.

In this paper we present Learning Modulo Theories (LMT), a max-margin approach for learning in hybrid domains based on Satisfiability Modulo Theories, which allows to combine Boolean reasoning and optimization over con-tinuous linear arithmetical constraints. The main idea is to combine the discriminative power of structured-output SVMs (Tsochantaridis et al.,2005) with the reasoning ca-pabilities of SMT technology. Training structured-output SVMs requires a separation oracle for generating counter-examples and updating the parameters, while an inference oracle is required at prediction stage to generate the highest scoring candidate structure for a certain input. Both tasks can be accomplished by a generalized Satisfiability Mod-ulo Theory solver. We show the potential of LMT on an artificial layout synthesis scenario.

2. LMT as structured-output learning

Structured-output SVMs (Tsochantaridis et al.,2005) gen-eralize max-margin methods to the prediction of output structures by learning a scoring function over joint input-output pairs f(I, O) = wTψ(I, O). Given an input I, the predicted output will be the one maximizing the scoring function:

O∗= argmax O

f(I, O) (1)

and the problem boils down to finding efficient procedures for computing the maximum. Efficient exact procedures exist for some special cases. In this paper we are


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Constructive Learning Modulo Theories

ested in the case where inputs and ouputs are combina-tions of discrete and continuous variables, and we’ll lever-age SMT techinques to perform efficient inference in this setting. Max-margin learning is performed by enforcing a margin separation between the score of the correct struc-ture and that of any possible incorrect strucstruc-ture, possibly accounting for margin violations to be penalized in the ob-jective function. A cutting plane (CP) algorithm allows to deal with the exponential number of candidate structures by iteratively adding the most violated constraint for each ex-ample pair given the current scoring function, and refining it by solving the augmented quadratic problem with a stan-dard SVM solver. The CP algorithm is generic, meaning that it can be adapted to any structured prediction problem as long as it is provided with: (i) a joint feature space repre-sentation ψ of input-output pairs (and consequently a scor-ing function f ); (ii) an oracle to perform inference, i.e. to solve Equation (1); and (iii) an oracle to retrieve the most violated constraint of the QP, i.e. to solve the separation problem:

argmax O0

wTψ(Ii, O0) + ∆(Ii, Oi, O0) (2)

where ∆(Ii, Oi, O0) is a loss function quantifying the penalty incurred when predicting O0instead of the correct output O. In the following we will detail how these com-ponents are provided within the LMT framework.

input-output feature map Recall that in our setting each object(I, O) is represented as a set of Boolean and rational variables: (I, O) ∈ ({>, ⊥} × . . . × {>, ⊥}) | {z } Boolean part × (Q × . . . × Q) | {z } rational part We indicate Boolean variables using predicates such as touching(i, j), and write rational variables as lower-case letters, e.g. cost, distance, x, y. Features are represented in terms of (soft) constraints {ϕk}mk=1, each constraint ϕk being either a Boolean- or rational-valued function of the object(I, O). These constraints are constructed using the background knowledge available for the domain. For each Boolean-valued constraint ϕk, we denote its indicator functionas1k(I, O), which evaluates to 1 if the constraint is satisfied and to −1 otherwise. Similarly, we refer to the costof a rational-valued constraint ϕk as ck(I, O) ∈ Q. The feature vector ψ(I, O) is obtained by concatenating indicator and cost functions of Boolean and rational con-straints respectively.

inference oracle Given the feature vector ψ(I, O), the scoring function f(I, O) is a linear combination of indi-cator and cost functions. Since ψ can be expressed in

terms of SMT(LRA) formulas, the resulting maximiza-tion problem can be readily cast as an OMT(LRA) prob-lem and inference is performed by an OMT-solver (we use the OPTIMATHSAT solver1). Given that OMT-solvers are

conceived to minimize cost functions rather than maximize scores, we actually run it on the negated scoring function. separation oracle The separation problem amounts at maximizing the sum of the scoring function and a loss func-tion over output pairs (see eq.(2)). We observe that by pick-ing a loss function expressible as an OMT(LRA) problem, we can readily use the same OMT solver used for inference to also solve the separation oracle. This can be achieved by selecting a loss function such as the Hamming loss in fea-ture space:

∆(I, O, O0) := kψ(I, O) − ψ(I, O0)k1

This loss function is piecewise-linear, and as such satisfies the desideratum. While this is the loss which was used in all experiments, LMT can work with any loss function that can be encoded as an SMT formula.

3. A Stairway to Heaven

We show the potential of the LMT framework on a toy con-structive problem which consists in learning how to assem-ble different kinds of stairways from examples. A stairway is made up of a collection of m blocks (rectangles) in a 2D unit-sized bounding box. Figure1shows examples of different types of stairways (a-c), varying in terms of orien-tationand proportions between block heights and widths, and a configuration which is not a stairway (d).

0 1 0 1 (a) 1 2 0 1 0 1 (b) 1 2 0 1 0 1 (c) 1 2 0 1 0 1 (d) 1 2

Figure 1. (a) A left ladder stairway. (b) A right ladder 2-stairway. (c) A right pillars 2-2-stairway. (d) not a 2-stairway.

Each block is identified by a tuple(x, y, dx, dy), consisting of bottom-left coordinates, width and height. An output O is given by the set of tuples identifying the blocks. Input is assumed to be empty in the following, but non-empty inputs can used to model for instance partially observed scenes.

Learning amounts to assigning appropriate weights to a set of soft-constraints in order to maximize the score of stair-ways of the required type, with respect to non-stairstair-ways


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Constructive Learning Modulo Theories

and stairways of other types. Inference amounts to gen-erating configurations (i.e. variables assignments to all blocks) with maximal score, and can be easily encoded as an OMT(LRA) problem. As a first step, we define a set of hard rules to constrain the space of admissible block assign-ments. We require that all blocks fall within the bounding box, and that blocks do not overlap:

∀i 0 ≤ xi, dxi, yi, dyi≤ 1

∀i 0 ≤ (xi+ dxi) ≤ 1 ∧ 0 ≤ (yi+ dyi) ≤ 1 ∀i 6= j (xi+ dxi≤ xj) ∨ (xj+ dxj ≤ xi) ∨

(yi+ dyi≤ yj) ∨ (yj+ dyj ≤ yi)

Furthermore, we require (without loss of generality) blocks to be ordered from left to right, ∀i xi ≤ xi+1. Note that stairway conditions (apart from non-overlap between blocks) are not included in these hard rules and will be im-plicitly modelled as soft constraints. To this aim we intro-duce a set of useful predicates. We use four predicates to encode the fact that a block i may touch one of the four corners of the bounding box, e.g.:

bottom right(i) := (xi+ dxi) = 1 ∧ yi= 0 We also define predicates to describe the relative positions of two blocks i and j, such as left(i, j):

left(i, j) := (xi+ dxi) = xj∧ ((yj ≤ yi≤ yj+ dyj)∨ (yj≤ yi+ dyi≤ yj+ dyj)) that encodes the fact that block i is touching block j from the left. Similarly, we also define below(i, j) and over(i, j). Finally, we combine the above predicates to define the concept of step:

left step(i, j) := (left(i, j) ∧ (yi+ dyi) > (yj+ dyj)) ∨ (over(i, j) ∧ (xi+ dxi) < (xj+ dxj)) We define right step(i,j) in the same manner. This background knowledge allows to encode the property of being a stairway of a certain type as a conjunction of pred-icates. However, our inference procedure does not have access to this knowledge. We rather encode an appropri-ate set of soft rules (costs) which, along with the associ-ated weights, should bias the optimization towards block assignments that form a stairway of the correct type. Our cost model is based on the observation that it is possible to discriminate between the different stairway types using only four factors: minimum and maximum step size, and amount of horizontal and vertical material. For instance, in the cost we account for both the maximum step height of all left steps (a good stairway should not have too high steps) and the minimum step width of all right steps (good

stairways should have sufficiently large steps):

maxshl= m × max i∈[1,m−1]      (yi+ dyi) − (yi+1+ dyi+1) if i, i+ 1 form a left step 1 otherwise minswr= m × min i∈[1,m−1]      (xi+1+ dxi+1) − (xi+ dxi) if i, i+ 1 form a right step 0 otherwise

The value of these costs depends on whether a pair of blocks actually forms a left step, a right step, or no step at all. Finally, we write the average amount of vertical ma-terial as vmat = 1

m P

idyi. All the other costs can be written similarly. Putting all the pieces together, the com-plete cost is:

cost := (maxshl, minshl, maxshr, minshr, maxswl, minswl, maxswr, minswr, vmat, hmat) w

The actual weights are learned, allowing the learnt model to reproduce whichever stairway type is present in the training data.

To test the stairway scenario, we generated “perfect” stair-ways of2 to 6 blocks for each stairway type to be used as training instances. We then learned a model using all train-ing instances up to a fixed number of blocks (e.g from2 to 4) and asked the learnt models to generate configurations with a larger number of blocks (up to10) than those in the training set. The results can be found in Figure2.

The experiment shows that LMT is able to solve the stair-way construction problem, and can learn appropriate mod-els for all stairway types, as expected. Some imperfections can be seen when the training set is too small (e.g., only two training examples; first row of each table), but already with four training examples the model is able to generate perfect10-block stairways of the given type, for all types.

4. Conclusions

Albeit simple, the stairway application showcases the abil-ity of LMT to handle learning in hybrid Boolean-numerical domains characterized by complex combinations of hard and soft constraints, whereas other formalisms are not suited for the task2.The application is a simple instance


The stairway problem can be easily encoded in the Chuch probabilistic programming language. However, the sampling strategies used for inference are not conceived for performing op-timization with hard continuous constraints. Even the simple task of generating two blocks, conditioned on the fact that they form a step, is prohibitively expensive. A more comprehensive discus-sion on alternative approaches and their limitations can be found in the journal version of this work.


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Constructive Learning Modulo Theories

# train. # output blocks

blocks 3 6 7 8 9 10 3 6 7 8 9 10 Results for “ladder” stairways (left and right)

2 to 3 2 to 4 2 to 5 2 to 6

Results for “vertical pillar” stairways (left and right) 2 to 3

2 to 4 2 to 5 2 to 6

Results for “horizontal pillar” stairways (left and right) 2 to 3

2 to 4 2 to 5 2 to 6

Figure 2. Results for the stairway construction problem. From top to bottom: results for the ladder, horizontal pillar, and ver-tical pillarcases. Number of blocks in training and generated images are reported in rows and columns respectively.

of a layout problem, where the task is to find an optimal layout subject to a set of constraints. Automated or in-teractive layout synthesis has a broad range of potential applications, including urban pattern layout (Yang et al.,

2013), decorative mosaics (Hausner, 2001) and furniture arrangement (Yu et al.,2011). Note that many spatial con-straints can be encoded in terms of relationships between blocks (Yu et al., 2011). Existing approaches typically design an energy function to be minimized by stochastic search. Our approach suggests how to automatically iden-tify the relevant constraints and their respective weights, and can accomodate hard constraints and exact search. This is especially relevant for water-tight layouts (Peng et al.,

2014), where the whole space needs to be filled (i.e. no gaps or overlaps) by deforming basic elements from a pre-determined set of templates (as in residential building lay-out (Merrell et al.,2010)). Generally speaking, the LMT framework allows to introduce a learning stage in all ap-plication domains where SMT and OMT approaches have shown their potential, ranging, e.g., from engineering of chemical reactions (Fagerberg et al.,2012) to synthetic bi-ology (Yordanov et al.,2013).


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