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Prenatal diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy: clinical experience and molecular genetics of SMN gene analysis in 36 cases


Academic year: 2021

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(1)1-Errata corrige_Prenatal 4-2013 10/02/14 12:08 Pagina 1. Errata corrige. 2013 July-September; 7(3): 32–34. ISSN: 1971-3282 ISSN: 1971-3290. zio na li. Prenatal diagnosis of spinal muscular atrophy: clinical experience and molecular genetics of SMN gene analysis in 36 cases. Sima Mansoori Derakhshan1, Shamsei Abasalizadeh2, Fatemeh Abbasalizadeh2, Mahmoud Shekari Khaniani1. 2. Department of Medical Genetics, Medical Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Science, Tabriz, Iran Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology, Medical Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Science, Tabriz, Iran. rn a. 1. ©. CI. C. Ed. izi o. ni. In te. Corresponding author: Mahmoud Shekari Khaniani Department of Medical Genetics, Medical Faculty, Tabriz University of Medical Science, Tabriz, Iran Fax/Tell number: +98 411 3371587 E-mail: Mahmoud.khaniani@gmail.com Shekarima@tbzmed.ac.ai. Journal of Prenatal Medicine 2013; 7(4):47. 1.



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