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A weekly spatio-temporal distribution of drought events over the Po Plain (North Italy) in the last five decades


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A weekly spatio-temporal distribution of drought events over the Po Plain (North Italy) in the last five decades

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A weekly spatio-temporal distribution of drought events

over the Po Plain (North Italy) in the last five decades

Alice Baronetti



José Carlos González-Hidalgo



Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano



Fiorella Acquaotta



Simona Fratianni


1Earth Sciences Department, University of Turin, Turin, Italy

2Department of Geography, University of Zaragoza, Saragossa, Spain

3IUCA, University of Zaragoza, Saragossa, Spain

4Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología (IPE-CSIC), Saragossa, Spain

5Centro Interdipartimentale sui Rischi Naturali in Ambiente Montano e Collinare, University of Turin, Turin, Italy


Alice Baronetti, Earth Sciences Department, University of Turin, 10125, Turin, Italy.

Email: alice.baronetti@unito.it

Funding information

Regional Government of Aragon, Geoenvironmental, and Global Climate Change Research Group, Grant/Award Number: E02-17R; CLICES, Grant/Award Numbers: CGL2017-83866-C3-3-R, CGL2017-83866-C3-1-R; Erasmus Traineeships+


The aim of this research is to identify and characterize, in terms of length, intensity, and spatial propagation, the main drought events which took place in the Po Valley (Italy) from 1965 to 2017. Two drought indices were applied, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) and Standard-ized Precipitation Index (SPI). Daily precipitation and temperature series belonging to the National System for the Collection, Processing, and Dissemi-nation of Climatic Data of Environmental Interest (SCIA) database were col-lected. Subsequent to an accurate quality control, the converted weekly climatic values were spatialized on a 20× 20 km cell grid, and for each index, weekly severe and extreme drought episodes at a 12-, 24-, and 36-month time scale were calculated. Results showed that the application of two indices is fundamental in the study of drought episodes, and that different triggering fac-tors act over time. Especially, since the 2001 drought, episodes have become stronger in terms of frequency and length, and they seem to be mostly related to changes in the intra-annual precipitation distribution. An analysis of the spatial propagation also indicates that two spatial gradients follow each other during the analysed period.




Drought is a normal and recurrent climate feature and one of the most important climate hazards causing nega-tive effects on natural and socioeconomic systems (Stahl et al., Stahl et al., 2016); they can occur anywhere. Never-theless, their severity, magnitude, and frequency can vary from region to region, and it is not an easy task to deter-mine their spatial and temporal distribution (Vicente-Serrano, Vicente-Serrano et al., 2010). As a consequence, several drought indices have been developed recently to detect and characterize drought events (Mukherjee et al., 2018), and various available online services provide drought forecasts, reports, and bulletins, such as the

European Drought Observatory (EDO, http://edo.jrc.ec. europa.eu), the Drought Management Centre (http:// www.dmcsee.org/), and the SPEI Global Drought Moni-tor (http://sac.csic.es/spei/).

The Mediterranean basin is located in the subtropical region and has been identified as a potential climate change “hot spot” (Diffenbaugh and Giorgi, 2012). Dur-ing the 20th century, there was a noticeable increase in temperature in the area, coupled with a generalized decrease (in many cases not significant) in precipitation and soil moisture (Hannaford et al., 2011). Consequently, several studies suggested that the area suffered the highest increase in drought magnitude, and several research projects analysed their impact on agriculture

DOI: 10.1002/joc.6467


(Sepulcre-Canto et al., 2012) and hydrological conditions (Sellami et al., 2016).

The climate of the Mediterranean basin possesses spe-cific characteristics with well-defined wet-dry seasons, and one of the main effects of climate change could be the intensification of drought events reducing fresh water sup-plies (Drumond et al., 2017). It is interesting to note that drought conditions observed during the wet season would have the highest impact on agriculture, because of the reduction in groundwater availability affecting reservoirs and soil moisture during the dry season (Raymond et al., 2016; Lasagna et al., 2018). In this regard, although drought in the dry season usually captures the attention of the mass media, long spells of precipitation shortages during the wet season could seriously damage agricultural economics.

In the central Mediterranean basin (Italian penin-sula), a great deal of effort was spent on the study of drought episodes, due to the very significant rainfall reduction recorded in the southern Italian regions during the last 50 years (Longobardi et al., 2016; Sirangelo et al., 2017). However, the northern part of Italy (Po Valley) is historically an area rich in water resources, and one the most fertile and productive agricultural regions with vari-ous high-quality outputs, such as wines. However, recently drought events have risen. Since 2000, a further increase in the prolongation of the Po river lean period has been recorded, and the dry and warm conditions observed across northern Italy in the years 2003, 2011, 2015, and 2017, in particular, influenced the hydrological behaviour of the Po river (Marchina et al., 2017). Recently, some authors developed hydrological analyses evaluating the effect of these drought episodes in the geo-chemical composition of the main rivers in northern Italy (Vezzoli et al., 2015).

The present research aims, for the first time, to iden-tify and characterize the main drought events which took place in the Po Valley from 1965 to 2017, by applying two drought indices. The study is performed on a weekly scale by analysing a high quality, homogenized climate data-set from original daily values (temperature and pre-cipitation). SPEI and SPI indices are used to study the drought analyses at different time scales, and the starting and ending data, duration in weeks, and magnitude according to index values were identified from the vari-ous episodes. The week in which extreme drought values were recorded, and the percentage of area affected under specific thresholds were also established. Finally, we analysed the spatial propagation patterns of the main drought events in the region and discussed possible mechanisms and triggering factors.




The Po Valley is located in the northern part of Italy and covers 46,000 km2 or 71% of all the flat areas in Italy (Figure 1). It is elongated from east to west and accounts for 15% of the land in Italy. It is a depression surrounded by high mountain ranges including the Alps chain to the north and north-west, the Apennines chain to the south, and the northern Adriatic Sea to the east. The sig-nificant difference between the Apennines and Alps influenced the evolution of the plain and characterized it by a complex topographical system, with peaks of over 3,600 m asl, in the north (Disgrazia, 3,678 m, Cevedale, 3,764 m, Zupo, 3,996 m), whereas in the northern Apen-nine chain, the highest peak is Monte Cimone standing at 2165 m. The Po valley is crossed by the 691 km long

F I G U R E 1 Map of Italy, and the location of the meteorological stations in the Po plain (North Italy)


Po river, making it the longest and most important river in Italy. It flows into the Adriatic Sea, where it feeds the Po Delta. The valley is crossed by a number of tribu-taries running down from the Alps in the north and from the Apennines in the south. As reported by the Koppen classification, the Po Valley has a humid sub-tropical climate (Cfa), with the conformation of the plain causing a high level of relative humidity, increas-ing from south to east (Vallorani et al., 2018). Winters are cool, and the mean temperature recorded during the 1971–2010 reference period ranges between 1C and 4C. Temperature inversion is common during the cold period when the height of the Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) rarely exceeds 450 m. Summers are hot, and tem-peratures range between 22C and 25C (1971–2010, Bigi et al., 2012). Annual precipitation distribution is more complex than temperatures. The annual rainfall varies between 700 and 1,200 mm. The highest rainfall is reached in spring and autumn, with peaks of 2000 mm in the eastern part in November. Precipitation rates are low in winter (January) and summer (June and July), with peaks of 100–300 mm. Only in few western sectors of the north of Italy (Susa Valley and Alessandria Valley) is observed a dry period in summer with a monthly precipitation average of 40–30 mm. Due to the favourable weather conditions and the presence of water, the Po Valley is largely devoted to agriculture (Vezzoli et al., 2015), and the principal use of soil is for mono-cultivation like sugar beet, rice, soya, corn, and poplar, followed by viticulture (Acquaotta et al., 2019). Climatic analysis in the Po Valley returned changes in precipitation, with an annual reduction of 20%. At sea-sonal scale, spring experienced the highest reduction (50%), and in winter, snowfall has also decreased since 1980 (Terzago et al., 2012, 2013). Climate change in the north of Italy has led to heavy strain on the social and economic systems, experienced as drought episodes since 2000 affecting cultivation and the Po river dis-charge (Marchina et al., 2017).




Daily maximum and minimum temperature and precipita-tion series were obtained from the Naprecipita-tional System for the Collection, Processing, and Dissemination of Climatic Data of Environmental Interest (SCIA). The SCIA data-base has been developed since 2006 by the Italian National Institute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) with the collaboration of the Regional Environ-mental Protection Agencies (ARPA) located over all Italian regions, and belonging to different meteorological net-works. The available data are integrated with metadata to

highlight inhomogeneities in the series, such as changes in instrumentation and station relocation.

To analyse the main drought episode, 53 years of a common period of study from January 1, 1965 to December 31, 2017 were identified and quality control performed. The first step was digitizing errors, such as maximum temperature lower than minimum tempera-ture and negative precipitation, and daily outliers were also flagged. Precipitation outliers, as a weekly accumula-tion transcribed into the value of 1 day, were analysed, and the most recurrent errors detected. For temperature, suspicious data were examined by threshold values over the fourth standard deviation (Fortin et al., 2017). Subse-quently, a visual quality control was performed, and the daily precipitation and temperature data were plotted, permitting outliers and the variance of data to be identi-fied, according to Aguilar et al. (2005). Finally, the detected outliers were compared with values recorded in the surrounding stations for final outlier identification. As a second step in quality control, daily values were converted to weekly series, and with precipitation data, a week with at most 1 day of missing value was deemed not available, whereas for temperature, weeks with 80% of daily data were analysed.

To facilitate the inter-annual comparison of the cli-matic series, and avoid the problem of leap years, each month was divided into 4 weeks: first week from the first to the eighth day; second week from the 9th to the 15th day; third week from the 16th to the 22nd day; and fourth week from the 23rd until the end of the month. Subse-quently, fragmented weekly series (candidate) were reconstructed by means of a gap-filling process based on the averages of measurements observed at nearby stations. In this study, the selection of reference series was based on three parameters: the difference in elevation (<200 m), the distance (<20 km), and the overlapping period (more than 5 years) observed between the candidate and the reference series (Acquaotta et al., 2015; Acquaotta et al., 2019). Sub-sequently, the correlation analysis was computed by mean of the statistical analysis developed in the Co.Rain script (Guenzi et al., 2017) for precipitation, and Co.Temp script (Guenzi et al., 2019) for temperature. All the stations matching this methodological scheme were considered ref-erence series for the process of gap filling.

As a third step in quality control, the homogeneity analysis was performed, and the Standard Normal Homo-geneity Test (SNHT) used to detect any changes in the series (Alexandersson, 1986). The inhomogeneities identi-fied were corrected using the difference between the series before and after the inhomogeneity.

The results of the quality control did not highlight substantial inhomogeneities, and the dataset produced consists of 60 series for precipitation and 60 for


maximum and minimum temperature, with less than 10% of gaps for each weekly series. Figure 1 provides the spatial distribution of the selected stations and also showed that 95% of the weather stations are distributed in the plain and hill areas (under 700 m asl), whereas the other 5% is located in the mountainous area.




The weekly precipitation and temperature data were interpolated by a geostatistical approach. A spatial grid at 20 × 20 km resolution was created with the follow-ing vertices, expressed in WGS84 UTM-32N carto-graphic coordinates: North 5,220,300 m 4,847,300 m South, East and West 882,908 m 312,908 m. The uni-versal kriging (UK) was applied to the climatic series (Wang et al., 2014), and because the stations are located at a different altitudinal range and distance, for each cell grid, the latitude, longitude, elevation, and distance to shoreline were taken into account as auxil-iary variables. In this study, the UK was calculated by means of the gstat R package (Pebesma and Gräler, 2018), and a maximum of between 10 and 15 neigh-bouring stations and a range of 150 km were included to obtain the weights for the interpolations, and a spherical semivariogram with the nugget effect was fitted (Beguería et al., 2018).

The atmospheric evaporative demand was obtained through the Hargreaves and Samani (HS) method (Hargreaves and Samani, 1985). HS is an empirical model, and the influence of the humidity is approximated with diurnal temperature range (DTR) and solar radia-tion (Rs). The Hargreaves method is expressed in the fol-lowing equation which calculates the potential evapotranspiration (ET0):

ET0=Ra0:0022  ðT +17:8ÞΔT^0:5

where, Ra is the terrestrial radiation (mmd−1), T is the mean temperature ([Tmax+ Tmin]/2C), andΔT is the

dif-ference between Tmaxand Tmin.

The most common indicators of drought used in Europe are the SPI and SPEI indices. The Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) is based on precipitation data and gives a picture of anomalies in wet and dry condi-tions (McKee et al., 1993); it has been applied in almost every European region (Spinoni et al., 2015). However, the Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index (SPEI) is based on the climatic water balance, calculated as the difference between precipitation and the atmo-spheric evaporative demand (Vicente-Serrano et al., 2010). It has been widely used in the Iberian Peninsula

(González-Hidalgo et al., 2018) but is increasingly applied in other parts of Europe (Beguería et al., 2014). SPI and SPEI indices are cumulative standardized values, mean-ing that it is possible to compare SPEI results with SPI values over time and space.

In this study, the two drought indices were applied at a weekly scale to the gridded atmospheric evaporative demand, precipitation and temperature data. The indices were applied at 12-, 24-, and 36-months scales. Once the two indices were calculated, SPEI and SPI global series were derived for each cell grid.

The drought events were identified based on three parameters: (i) classification of severe and extreme epi-sodes by means of thresholds (Table 1); (ii) minimum duration of 3 consecutive weeks; (iii) more than 25% of the study area was affected (González-Hidalgo et al., 2018). Each drought episode was characterized by the date of the starting and ending weeks, duration, magnitude, percent-age of area affected, and weekly spatial evolution. To com-pare each class of events, calculated at different time scales by the SPEI and SPI, a bubble plot was applied (Ouzeau et al., 2016). The bubble plot highlights the differ-ent outcomes obtained, respectively, with SPEI and SPI, comparing severe and extreme drought episode duration (x axis), with magnitude on the y axis (SPI or SPEI value), and percentage of area under drought (bubble size).

Finally, spatial behaviour of the drought events was investigated, and the spatial propagation gradients with the latitude and longitude detected. This last analysis is especially interesting, because, in the Po Valley, more than 50% of total freshwater resources are used in agri-culture, whereas water availability is becoming scarcer due to over-exploitation, salinization and long periods of drought (Antonellini et al., 2008).






Drought detection and comparison

of indices

Table 2 shows the main events recorded in the Po Plain on a 12-month time scale. For each drought episode, the table contains the starting and ending weeks and the

T A B L E 1 Classification of drought episodes in two class of events: severe and extreme, where R is the observed SPEI or SPI value

Class event Range

Severe −1.65 ≤ R < −1.28


duration expressed in weeks. The analysis detected nine major drought events that affected at least 25% of the study area defined below −1.28 index value in the 1965–2017 period. The results indicated strong agreement between the episodes recorded by SPEI and SPI indices, except for two events.

The first one was in 1990, lasting for 41 consecutive weeks according to SPEI (April 9, 1990–February 9, 1991), whereas SPI highlighted a drought event of 27 weeks with a similar starting date (April 23, 1990), but finishing earlier on November 9, 1990. Figure 2 reports the seasonal precipitation and potential evapotranspira-tion (ET0) recorded in the study period. The figure high-lights the fact that, at the beginning of summer 1990, the Po Plain was affected by a precipitation deficit with 208.2 mm instead of the seasonal average of 255.8 mm of the reference period 1970–2001. Subsequently, since win-ter 1991, the drought episode was exacerbated by poten-tial evaporation values of 51.2 mm/weeks, 9.4 mm/weeks above the normal. The second drought episode was recorded in 2007, specifically March 1, 2007–April 9, 2008 for SPEI, lasting 54 weeks, whereas SPI observed a longer episode also in 2006 (starting date October 1, 2006) and finishing on April 9, 2008. Figure 2 shows that the drought episode in the Po basin in 2007 was gen-erated by a precipitation deficit recorded at the beginning of winter 2006, with 160.6 mm instead of the winter aver-age of 190.2 mm of the reference period 1970–2001. Dur-ing sprDur-ing 2007, potential evapotranspiration values (82.9 mm/weeks) above the normal of 10.7 mm/weeks acted as a triggering factor of the drought episode through to April 2008.

Moreover, the SPEI index usually provides early starting weeks, giving rise to longer drought events. Meaningful events were recorded from 1983, with 15 consecutive weeks under drought (November 9, 1983–February 23, 1984), and the episodes become

longer and more frequent after 2001. Among the identi-fied episodes, the most prolonged were in 1990 with 41 weeks, 1997 with 44 weeks, 2003 with 35 weeks, 2007 with 54 weeks, 2011 with 47 weeks, and 2017 with 29 weeks. Table 2 also points out the two different prop-agation gradients observed in the Po Plain: east to west and south to north.

The comparison of the severe and extreme drought events is shown in Figures 3 and 4. Basically, the two indices detected the same events; however, they show different patterns in length and percentage of affected area, particularly between severe and extreme episodes. For drought at 12 months, Figure 3 shows that the majority of severe events reach threshold of 25% of the affected area, with a maximum of 42% and 44% in 1990 and 1997. While for extreme episodes, the number of events exceeding 25% are lower, but represent over 50% of the area under drought. A different behaviour was also detected in episode length. The bubble plot (Figure 4) showed that, except for a few episodes, the mean length recorded is approximately 10 weeks for severe episodes and 15 weeks for extreme ones. How-ever, on 24-month scales results are similar to those of 12-months, whereas on the 36-month scale, fewer events exceeded the 25% spatial threshold, and in particular, for the extreme events, the comparison highlighted the fact that peaks of severity have fallen to less than 50% of the study area. Figure 4 also showed that at long time scales, drought episodes become longer (Figure 4). The comparison between the two indices, SPE and SPI, for severe and extreme episodes at 12, 24, and 36 months is reported in Figure 5. The comparison is expressed as the difference of percentage of total land surface under drought recorded by SPEI and SPI. Positive values indi-cate a larger area of drought according to the SPEI and vice versa. Figure 4 indicates different behaviour between the two indices, which is quite clear for the

T A B L E 2 Main severe drought episodes observed in the 1961–2017 period by SPEI and SPI, calculated at 12 months. For each event are reported the propagation gradient, starting week and ending week and length (number of consecutive weeks)

Gradient SPEI Duration SPI Duration

EW Nov 9, 1983–Feb 23, 1984 15 Nov 9, 1983–Feb 16, 1984 14

EW Jan 16, 1989–Jul 23, 1987 26 Jan 9, 1989–Jul 1, 1987 24

EW Apr 9, 1990–Feb 9, 1991 41 Apr 23, 1990–Nov 9, 1990 27

SN Oct 9, 1997–Sep 23, 1998 44 Oct 16, 1997–Sep 1, 1998 43

SN Oct 9–May 23, 2002 20 Jan 9–May 16, 2002 18

EW Aug 9, 2003–Apr 23, 2004 35 Sep 16, 2003–Mar 1, 2004 23

SN Mar 1, 2007–Apr 9, 2008 54 Oct 1, 2006–Apr 9, 2008 74

SN Dec 23, 2011–Nov 16, 2012 47 Dec 23, 2011–Nov 16, 2012 47


extreme episodes. In fact, since 2003, SPI has detected longer and more severe drought episodes than the SPEI.



Spatial propagation of drought

The analysis of the major drought episodes identified two different gradients. The first one is east to west, and the second one is south to north. These two gradients were

recognized in a specific sequence of charts over the analysed period. From 1983 to 1991, the main propaga-tion gradient was EW, then until 2017, SN predominated except for 2003.

The major episode observed under an east–west prop-agation gradient was on August 9, 2003–April 23, 2004 lasting for 35 consecutive weeks (Figure 6), an event gen-erated in the north-eastern sector, close to the Carnican and Julian Alps. The spatial evolution of the drought F I G U R E 2 In figure are reported in the left part the seasonal precipitation and in the right part the seasonal potential


showed clear asymmetry between the northern (Alpine chain) and southern (Apennine chain) part of the study area. In fact, during the 35 weeks of drought, the south-ern part of the study area recorded SPEI values between 0 and −0.8, suggesting that the southern sector of Italy was undergoing a precipitation deficit, whereas in the northern part, SPEI values were between −3 and −1.5, except for the Valtellina valley, where positive SPEI values (0–1.5) were recorded. The analysed episode is characterized by an extreme event of 27 consecutive weeks in March 23, 2002–April 24, 2004. The peak of high severity was recorded on January 9, 2004 with an SPEI value of −3 and 58% of area under drought (Table 3), corresponding to the north eastern part.

The second major episode was identified from December 23, 2011 to October 16, 2012, lasting for 47 con-secutive weeks (Figure 7). The spatial evolution of

drought runs in a south to north gradient. On December 23, 2011, an SPEI value between −3 and −2.3 was recorded in the southern part (Apennines chain) with 25% of the area under drought, whereas in the north, no drought condition was detected (SPEI close to 0). The south to north evolution was evident during the two drought extremes reached on March 9, 2012–April 9, 2012 and on July 16, 2012–September 1, 2012, in the south-eastern sector of the Po Plain. In fact, the northern part of the study area acts as a barrier, suggesting that northern Europe did not experience drought conditions. In particular, the two extreme events were short (5 weeks for the first and 7 weeks the second), and the first peak of severity was reached on April 23, 2012 with magnitude of −2.4 and 55% of the area under drought, and the second one on July 23, 2012 with magnitude of−2.7 and 49% of the area affected by drought (Table 3).

F I G U R E 3 Evolution of the land affected by drought events at a 12, 24, and 36 month time scale for severe and extreme. The blue line is the land portion individuated by the SPEI and the yellow is the one observed by the SPI index [Colour figure can be viewed at







Drought analysis and indices


In this study, the main drought episodes in the Po Plain during the 1965–2017 period were detected and charac-terized. Because drought episodes are hard to quantify and identify, we proposed to use two indices to analyse, for the first time in the international literature, drought episodes in a region apparently rich in water resources.

The results highlighted an increase in drought epi-sodes since 2001. In their studies, Hoerling et al. (2012) and Gudmundsson and Seneviratne (2015) stated that there had been an intensification of drought in the

Mediterranean basin over the two last decades. This could be related to a migration of the North Atlantic Oscillation from the North Atlantic to more northerly regions (200–300 hPa) in recent years. This migration reflects higher than average surface temperatures in the Mediterranean (Wallace and Gutzler, 1981).

The application of SPEI and SPI indices has dem-onstrated that drought episodes are highly complex. In fact, even if agreement was found between the epi-sodes recorded by SPEI and SPI indices, the events of 1990 and 2007 recorded a large difference between the two indicators. Particularly in 2007, drought impacted several parts of Europe, and the SPI suggested that, in the Po Plain, the drought episode started in 2006 with a precipitation deficit and F I G U R E 4 Comparison of the main drought episodes (severe and extreme) calculated by means of SPEI and SPI at 12, 24, and 36 months. Each bubble gives the duration (x), magnitude (y), and percentage of area under drought (bubble size). Blue colour is used for SPEI, whereas yellow for SPI [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]


subsequently evolved in spring 2007 because of a potential evapotranspiration demand above the nor-mal. Sepulcre-Canto et al. (2012) reported that, due to the deficient winter precipitation, the Po River had reached a historically low level, and the Italian gov-ernment declared a state of emergency in April 2007. Herceg (2012) in his study identified the 2007 drought

episode as being one of the major drought events dur-ing 1971–2010 in south-eastern Europe.

Detection of weekly severe and extreme drought events at different time scales was also performed. The classification into two drought event classes means that they may depend on different controlling factors. Trenberth et al. (2013) studied the various drought F I G U R E 5 Difference of land affected by severe and extreme drought between SPEI and SPI. The red colour represents the temporal scale of 12 months, the orange one is for 24 months, and the black one is for 36 months [Colour figure can be viewed at


F I G U R E 6 Spatial and temporal evolution of the drought event observed in the August 9, 2003–April 23, 2004 period. The picture also reported the temporal evolution of the percentage of land covered by the drought episode [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]


triggering factors on a global scale. In this regard, the characterization of the main severe and extreme drought episodes highlighted that, in the Po Plain, the triggering

factors could have changed over time, and the study found two different behaviours. Before 2003, drought events seem to be mostly related with an evaporative T A B L E 3 Characterization of extreme drought episodes observed in the 1961–2017 period by SPEI and SPI, calculated at 12 months. For each detected events are reported the propagation gradient, starting week and ending week, and duration length (number of consecutive weeks)


Period Length Magnitude Area Period Length Magnitude Area

Nov 23, 1983–Dec 9, 1983 3 −2.6 41 Nov 23, 1983–Dec 9, 1983 3 −3.1 49

Feb 1, 1989–Feb 16, 1989 3 −2.7 29 Jan 23, 1989–Feb 23, 1989 5 −3.4 33

May 16, 1989–Jun 23, 1989 6 −2.5 36 May 23, 1989–Jun 23, 1989 5 −2.9 25

Jul 9, 1990–Nov 23, 1990 19 −2.7 84 Aug 16, 1990–Oct 9, 1990 8 −2.9 51

Nov 16, 1997–Apr 1, 1998 19 −2.8 60 Jan 1, 1998–Apr 1, 1998 13 −4.1 34

Jun 23, 1998–Sep 9, 1998 11 −3.9 66 Aug 1, 1998–Aug 23, 1998 4 −3.5 30

Mar 23, 2002–Apr 23, 2002 5 −2.7 42 Mar 23, 2002–Apr 23, 2002 5 −2.6 51

Aug 16, 2003–Mar 1, 2004 27 −3 58 Oct 9, 2003–Feb 9, 2004 17 −3.7 44

Aug 9, 2007–Oct 16, 2007 10 −2.6 36 Aug 9, 2007–Oct 16, 2007 10 −2.9 33

Mar 9, 2012–Apr 9, 2012 5 −2.4 55 Feb 23, 2012–Apr 9, 2012 7 −3.3 51

Jul 16, 2012–Sep 1, 2012 7 −2.7 48 Jun 1, 2012–Sep 23, 2012 16 −3.3 48

Aug 1, 2017–Dec 23, 2017 20 −3.5 46 Jun 9, 2017–Dec 23, 2017 27 −4.3 51

F I G U R E 7 Spatial and temporal evolution of the drought event observed in the December 23, 2011–October 16, 2012 period. The picture also reported the temporal evolution of the percentage of land covered by the drought episode [Colour figure can be viewed at wileyonlinelibrary.com]


demand above the expected. This is consistent with the temperature trend increase detected by Toreti et al. (Toreti et al., 2010) in the period 1961–2006 and Acquaotta et al. (2015) in the period 1961–2010. How-ever, after 2003, the predominant triggering factor seems to be precipitation, but not in the expected way. In fact, most recent research has identified no significant trend in precipitation in northern Italy (Fratianni and Acquaotta, 2017). Nevertheless, a detailed analysis in rainfall distribution by Baronetti et al. (2018) and Acquaotta et al. (2019) identified changes in the intra-annual distribution of precipitation recently, more specif-ically an increase in the length of period characterized by consecutive days without precipitation; also more intense extreme episodes were experienced, suggesting that after 2003 the main triggering factor is the change in temporal distribution of rainfall. These results would agree with the previous comment about affected area before and after 2003 according to SPEI and SPI, respectively.



Major drought events and spatial


The results of the main extreme drought episodes showed high complexity at regional scale (Capra and Scicolone, 2012), and the two different propagation gradients suggested that different factors can affect the onset and evolution of these events particularly related to tele-connection patterns observed in the Mediterranean basin (Raymond et al., 2018).

The August 9, 2003–April 23, 2004 drought period was characterized by a persistent anticyclonic situation with exceptionally few cyclonic days throughout the summer of 2003 (Fink et al., 2004). Previous studies by Rebetez et al. (2006) and Mues et al. (2012) showed that extreme drought conditions were recorded in most of central and western Europe. The climatic conditions comparison between 2003 and the baseline (1961–1990) highlighted the fact that the north of Italy was one of the driest regions, as from August 2003 to April 2004, every month recorded precipitation rates lower than the baseline, with the exception of October 2003 and January 2004. The potential evapotrans-piration was clearly above normal during summer 2003 and did not decrease until the end of the year. Regarding temperature, summer 2003 was exceptionally hot and the minimum and maximum temperatures were 4C higher than the baseline. During the drought event, an east–west propagation gradient was detected, and presumably, tem-perature played an important role as a triggering factor. Indeed, the same spatial evolution was observed by Zaitchik et al. (2006) for the heat wave recorded during the drought period. This episode was also characterized by

hours of sunshine above the annual average, and the air humidity was below normal. García-Herrera et al. (2010) stressed that the heat wave registered in 2003 was the result of several anomalous conditions occurring during winter and summer 2003. In fact, between February 2003 and April 2003, a large, persistent negative precipitation anomaly was recorded between Scandinavia and Europe, and a large positive temperature anomaly at the surface was observed between the British Isles and Scandinavia. These were the effects from a strong positive phase of the East Atlantic teleconnection pattern. The heat wave that led to a late summer drought episode in 2003 had a strong influence on regional hydrology.

The second significant drought episode occurred from December 23–November 16, 2011. This event affected countries in south-west Europe, especially the Iberian Pen-insula, south of France and north Italy. Unlike 2003, the affected countries received less precipitation than expected, in addition to a moderate temperature and positive evapo-transpiration anomaly, which led to a severe drought epi-sode (Spinoni et al., 2015). The rainfall analysis proposed by EDO (2012) showed that this drought episode was char-acterized by a precipitation deficit that started in winter 2011, and lasted until spring 2012, affecting southwest to northwest regions. In April 2012, the highest positive pre-cipitation anomaly was recorded in north Italy; however, since January 2011, the wettest part was England. The observed south–north drought propagation gradient in comparison with the precipitation analysis proposed by EDO showed that, during 2012, the precipitation deficit may have acted as factor triggering drought. The episode caused a serious soil moisture deficit in the north of Italy, due to failure of the water supply rather than high evapo-transpiration values. Recent reanalysis carried out by the Climatic Research Unit (http://www.cru.uea.ac.uk/) on several circulation patterns demonstrated that the strong precipitation anomaly recorded in 2012 was probably linked to two teleconnection patterns commonly found in the Mediterranean basin. The first is the Western Mediter-ranean Oscillations (WeMO) (Martin-Vide and Lopez-Bustins, 2006). The second is the Upper-Level Mediterra-nean Oscillation index (ULMOi), which is a combination of the Balearic Sea and Libya/Egypt windows. Both the indices identified a negative phase in 2012 (UB, 2017; Redolat et al., 2018) giving rise to a ridge above the Medi-terranean area, causing high pressure in southern Europe and low-pressure in the north.




This work proposes to classify, for the first time in the international literature, the most important drought


events in the Po Plain (North Italy) during recent decades by using two indices, SPEI and SPI, and aims to identify the main events, their characteristics, spatial propagation, and information on the possible triggering factors. The results showed that although the Po Plain is historically rich in water resources. Several drought epi-sodes have been detected since 1983. The study also emphasizes the importance of applying multiple indices, because the comparison brought to light several drought triggering factors acting over the years. A positive evapotranspiration anomaly seems to have been the main trigger in the period before the 2003, whereas in the last two decades, droughts could be mostly related to precipitation because of changes in their temporal distribution. Finally, this study contributes to better understanding of drought episodes, pointing out that although the triggering factors changed over time, circu-lation patterns also influenced the occurrence of drought events. In particular, in 2003, a link with the positive phase of the East Atlantic teleconnection pat-tern detected an east to west drought propagation gradi-ent. While in 2012, the south to north spatial evolution of drought was the result of a link with the negative phase of two teleconnection patterns in the Mediterra-nean basin: Western MediterraMediterra-nean Oscillations and Upper-Level Mediterranean Oscillation.


This work is financed by the projects Erasmus Traineeships + (University of Turin, Italy, I TORINO01), CLICES (CGL2017-83866-C3-1-R, CGL2017-83866-C3-3-R, Spanish Government, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness), and E02-17R (Regional Government of Aragon, Geo-environmental, and Global Climate Change Research Group). The authors would thank the Italian National Insti-tute for Environmental Protection and Research (ISPRA) for the free and friendly availability of the SCIA database. Many thanks also to the research groups of the Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología and Department of Geography in Zaragoza, Spain. Finally, thanks to the reviewer for the comments that have improved the quality of the manuscript.


Alice Baronetti https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8576-4795

José Carlos González-Hidalgo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8518-9177

Sergio M. Vicente-Serrano https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2892-518X

Fiorella Acquaotta https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9498-3313

Simona Fratianni https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8706-882X


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How to cite this article: Baronetti A, González-Hidalgo JC, Vicente-Serrano SM, Acquaotta F, Fratianni S. A weekly spatio-temporal distribution of drought events over the Po Plain (North Italy) in the last five decades. Int J Climatol. 2020;1–14.


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