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A simplified I-Q digital multicarrier demodulator


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "A simplified I-Q digital multicarrier demodulator"


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Enrico Del Re and Romano Fantacci U n i v e r s i t a di Firenze

Dipartimento di In e neria E l e t t r o n i c a V i a S. Marta, 3 5%189, Firenze, ITALY


Regenerative, on-board Processing FDMAlTDM payloads have been recently pro osed as valid

candidates for user-orientex satellite

systems. Both business traffic for fixed service and mobile satellite systems can

potentially take advantage of the

peculiarities of,such payloads, which sub- stantially require multicarrier demodulation (MCD) of the uplink FDMA carriers to recover the individual modulating streams, which.are in turn TDM-formatted to modulate a unique downlink carrier. Therefore two main func- tions are implemented by a MCD: the demul- tiplexing (DEMUX) and the demodulation (DEMOD). We focus here only on a digital im- plementation of the MCD looking at its advantages, flexibtljty, better performance and VLSI integrability. This pa er is con- cerned with suitable digital tecLiques to implement on-board MCD. In particular the im- pact of the use of a kind of network clock synchronization on the overall MCD complexity is investigated in detail. The di ita1 ar- chitecture of the proposed MCD can %e adapted to different digital modulation techni ues. However, we focus here only to the applica- tion for QPSK signals, considering the inter- est of this modulation scheme for digital satellite communications.


The evolution of satellite conlmunica- tions requires advanced satellite which can operate with earth stations with reduced complexity. This paper is concerned about

satellite with on board processing

capability. in particular, an on board processing system which receives an input FDMA signal and supplies an output to inter- face the TDM links is considered. Therefore it must accomplish the function of the separation of each individual radio channel and its demodulation and its correct switch- ing to the appropriate downlink channel. An appropriate name for the on board processing system performing the first two operations is the "multicarrier demodulator" (MCD)


Two main functions are implemented by a MCD: the demultiplexing (DEMUX) and the demodulation (DEMOD). The focus here is only on a digital implementation of the MCD [ l ] , [ 2 ] because in perspective it offers several advantages such as flexibility, VLSI integrability, bet- ter efficiency



The demultiplexing of a FDMA signal can be performed following two basic approaches: block methods and per-channel methods. A com- plete survey of demultiplexing techniques is presented in [l]. The aim of this paper is to show that separation of I-Q components of the incoming QPSK signal can be efficiently per- formed in the DEMUX. Therefore, we focus here on the Analytic Signal (AS) approach, which is a per-channel approach able to exploit this possibility. A detailed description of the AS principle is given in [1]-[3] and for the sake of brevity it will not be recalled here. The structure of the DEMUX according to the AS method is shown in Fig. 1 (DEMUX section). The FDMA input signal, after ap- propriate analog down-conversion of the received signal to a low frequency range, is sampled according to the sampling theorem at the high-rate frequency f,=l/T, and processed in order to obtain N, TDM digital signals, each sampled at the low-rate frequency fd=l/Td=f,/N,, N, being the number of multi- plexed channels. In Fig. 1 HL(fT,), H'L(fT,) represent the conjugate symmetric and an- tisymmetric parts, respectively, of the high- rate complex bandpass filter B,(fT,) which can be regarded as a frequency translated version of a low-pass prototype E(fT,) such

that :

where W is the channel spacing. In the same figure, Gi( f T d ) represents a real low-rate filter. which integrates the required pulse- shaping function. At the output of the high- rate filters Hl(fT,),H'+(fT,) we have the real and imaginary part of the desidered QPSK signal. Through the decimation operation by a factor N, equal to the number of the input channels a translation to baseband of these' two signals is achieved. It is straighforward


to verify that by performing the multiplica- tions by the terms cos(nn/2), sin(nn/2) ( which do not influence the DEMUX implementa- tion complexity) shown in Fig. l, after low pass filtering (filters G(fTa)) the separa- tion of I-Q components of the received QPSK signal is obtained. It is evident from Fig. 1 that the integration of the pulse-shaping filtering and separation into I-Q components of the QPSK signal into the low-rate stage of the DEMUX avoids the use of additional low pass filter in the DEMOD and therefore reduces the implementation complexity of the MCD. Another interesting feature of the im- plementation structure of Fig. 1 is that only processing of real quantities is required. The overall number of operations required per input channel and per second can be estimated as a function of the channel spacing W, the number of channels N, and the filtering bandwidth B as [2]:


= 4W{ K[N,W/ (W-B)+W/ (W-2B)l


l} (addslchlsec) where


is given by:



-2Log[5616a] /3

The terms 6= and 62 denote the overall ac- ceptable in band and the out-of-band ripples respectively derived according to given sys- tem specifications; for example a filter design procedure is reported in [2]. It results from the previous equations that for specified values of B and N, an optimum value fo the channel spacing W, can be found in or-

der to achieve the lowest &=-. However, taking into account that for the subsequent demodulation operation an integer number of samples per symbol is convenient a suboptimum value of W closest to W, is generally used. To this end, a suitable choice of the DEMUX output sampling frequency 2W=1.5 R turned out to be equal to 3 samples/symbol, with


the transmission rate.


This section considers two alternatives

for the digital implementation of a

demodulator suitable for QPSK signals. In particular, simplified carrier and clock recovery approaches necessary to perform a coherent demodulation of the demultiplexed QPSK signals are described. The benefits in- troduced by the possibility of network clock

synchronication in terms of a reduction of the overall MCD implementation complexity are also investigated.

a1 Nonlinear estimation method of

QPSK-modulated carrier phase.

The block diagram of the phase es- timator considered here is shown in Fig.1. Its principle of operation is described in [4]. Interesting feature of this carrier phase estimator are that preambles can be usually avoided and a short and defined ac- quisition time is required. The influence of a finite arithmetic implementation on the carrier estimated value can be derived only by simulations. In Fig.2 the mean square er- ror on the carrier phase is shown as function of E/No, with E the energy-per-bit and No the one-sided noise power density. A floating point implementation (curve a) and a finite arithmetic implementation with br = 6 bits (curve b) are considered. It can be noted from this figure that a carrier phase mean square error less than 5 degrees can be achieved for E/No greater than 5 dB with bf =6 bits. This quantization loss can be sig- nificantly reduced by a more accurate quan- tization process. Naturally this has a direct impact on the size of the ROM. The implemen- tation complexity of the proposed carrier phase estimator method, taking into account that the separation into I-Q components of the QPSK signal is performed in the DEMUX, can be derived as:

A, = 2 (3N+1)



by considering three samples per symbol and with Ne2N+1 the number of processed symbols.

a.2 A simplified QPSK timing-error detector

The simplified QPSK timing-error

detector approach presented herein avoids the use of any interpolation /decimation and uses three samples per symbol to perform sym-

bol detection. The outputs of the low-rate filters of the DEMUX (G*) which also carry out the pulse shaping with an appropriate roll-off factor, are two real sequences {yl(.)} and Cys(.)}. Timing information must be recovered from these sequences. Symbols are transmitted synchronously, spaced by the symbol interval. Each sequence has three samples per symbol and the samples are time- coincident between the in-phase sequence Cyl(.)} and the quadrature one {yq(.)}. The main goal of the proposed timing-error derec- tor is to correctly select the set of three samples that belong to the same symbol; in other words the timing correction for the


considered timing error detector algorithm consists to correctly partitioning the received samples into sets of three samples, each set belonging to a unique symbol. The implementation complexity of the proposed timing estimation method can be derived as: A, = 1.5 R addslsec

By comparing the implementation complexity of the proposed method with that of other digi- tal approaches, as for example that proposed by Gardner in [5], it is evident that a con- siderable reduction is achieved. However, the method proposed by Gardner [SI introduces lower degradation than the simplified ap- proach considered in this section. Lastly, it can be said that the simplified timing-error detector method represents a suitable choice for MCD systems in which the overall im- plementation complexity, and therefore the power consumption, is the primary concern and a tradeoff with the degradation introduced is possible.

b. Clock synchronous system

This section considers the benefits of the use of a network clock synchronization on the DEMUX and DEMOD design. Indeed, when all the carriers are clock synchronized at the satellite receiver, only one sample per sym- bol at the optimum decision time instant can be used at the DEMOD input. For the AS ap-

proach the use of a network clock

synchronization results in a reduction in the implementation complexity. Indeed in this case only one sample per symbol is required at the DEMUX output. Therefore, by maintain unchanged the signal bandwidth and the chan- nel spacing, a frequency sampling reduction by a factor of three can be included in the low-rate stage of the DEMUX. The number of multiplications required per channel and per second is now given by:

~ E E I U X = 2KW2




N=/[Z(W-B)I }

% E m = 4W{ K[N,W/(W-B)+W/3(W-ZB)]



From the previous equation it can be noted that a significant reduction for MDEm- and APE- is achieved making use of the network clock synchronization. Moreover, it can be pointed out that also the carrier recovery circuit can be simplified making use of a network clock synchronization. In fact, taking into account that the carrier phase estimation method presented in sect. a.1 can operate with only one sample per symbol, the implementation complexity results to be :

For the clock recovery only one clock error estimator is required for all the N, channels. It can estimate the clock error operating in time sharing on all the channels. Hence the contribution on the over- all MCD implementation complexity due to the

clock recovery circuit is pratically



The MCD design is discussed in this section. The two different DEMOD implementa- tion techniques are considered. To this regard an important consideration to be made is that the number of channels processed by the DEMUX (N,) influences the input sampling frequency and conseguently the processing rate and the complexity of the first stage of the MCD. In particular, a feasible constraint is to require that the input AID converter sampling frequency (clock) should be close to its maximum possible value. Starting from these considerations, as the design goal, we have selected N,=8 and N,=10 at R=2048 Kbitlsec. The design of the DEMUX according to the AS approach is first presented. The high-rate and low-rate lowpass prototypes have been designed as a FIR linear phase fil- ter by using the equiripple method [61. It can be noted that the low-rate lowpass prototype has been designed to include the required pulse-shaping function with a 40% roll-off factor equally shared between the transmitter and the receiver. The implementa- tion complexity in terms of multiplications per second and per channel is reported in tab.1 for the different considered values of N,. A finite arithmetic implementation is necessarily required to implement any digital processing system. To this end, the filter- ing specifications and the DEMUX finite precision design has been derived to intro- duce at each demultiplexer output a suitable degradation, with respect to the input signal-to-noise ratio SNRL [2]. The finite arithmetic wordlengths are reported in tab. 2. In Fig. 3 the degradations in dB for the output signal-to-noise ratio introduced by the digital implementation of the DEMUX are reported as function of E/No. It can be noted that there is a good agreement between the results derived through the theoretical analysis [2] and those obtained through com- puter simulations. Moreover, it should be said that the theoretical analysis considers the worst case degradation. The overall DEMOD implementation complexity results equal to 69.5 R (adds/ch/sec) with NE=23


The degradation of the DEMOD (DEMOD l o s s ) are due to the phase jitter introduced by the carrier phase estimate and to a symbol timing offset introduced by the symbol timing estimate. In


order to obtain an evaluation of the l o s s due to the phase jitter and symbol timing offset, we have assumed them as two independent noise contributions. The loss due to a phase jitter can be derived through the following equation



4.34 (1+2n)[l+(l+2n)/2a]/a

where Q is equal to E/No and a for moderate to high signal-to-noise ratios, can be as- sumed equal to 1/ue2 with uQ) the root-mean- square (r.m.s.1 value of the phase error. The degradation is reported in Fig. 4 as function of E/No with a finite precision implementa- tion at 6 bits. In the same figure the degradation due to the symbol timing offset, also including the effect of a finite preci- sion implementation at 6 bits, are also reported. The benefits of the use of a net- work clock synchronization on the MCD design are now illustrated. The resulting DEMUX and DEMOD implementation complexity ( not includ- ing the common clock recovery circuit) in terms of number of multiplications per chan- nel and per second is reported in Tab. 3 for N,=8 and R=2048 Kbitlsec.. In the same table the achieved implementation complexity for DEMUX and DEMOD, without using network synchronization, is also reported for com- parison purposes. From the previous results it can be pointed out that, when a network clock synchronization is used, a reduction for the overall MCD implementation complexity is achieved.

Work supported by ESTEC contract

6096/84/NL/GM(SC), The NeFherlands, and Minister0 Pubblica Istruzione, Italy.


E. Del Re,


Fantacci, " Alternatives

for On-Board Digital Multicarrier

Demodulator", Int. Journal of Sat. Comm., Vo1.6, pp. 267-281, July-Sept. 1988. E. Del Re, R. Fantacci, et al.,

"Multicarrier Demodulator Design", Estec Contract 6096/84/NL/GM(SC), Final Report, 1986.

E. Del Re, P.L. Emiliani, I ' A n Analytic Signal Approach for Transmultiplexers: Theory and Design", IEEE Trans. on

CO"., Vol. COM-30, No. 7, pp. 1623-1628, July 1982.

A.J. Viterbi, A.M. Viterbi, "Non Linear Estimator of PSK Modulated Carrier Phase with Application to Burst Digital Transmission", IEEE Trans on Inf. Theory,vol.II-29,N.4,pp. 543-551, July 1983.

(51 F.M. Gardner, "A BPSK/QPSK Timing-Error Detector for Sampled Receivers", IEEE Trans. on Comm., vol. COM-34, No. 5 , pp. 423-429, May 1986.

[6] Programs for Digital Signal Processing, ASSP DIGITAL Signal Processing

Committee, Ed. IEEE Press, N.Y.,1979. [7] R. Matyas, "Effect of Noisy Phase

References on Coherent Detection of FFSK Signals", IEEE Trans. on Comm., vol. COM-26, pp. 807-815, June 1978.














44 21 13.5

Tab. 1


Denux in lenentation





Hiqbrate low-pass filter coefficients nutber;



Low-rate low-pass filter coefficients nuuber.



Input Si




puant izalion

H( fT,


Gi fT





12 11


11 11





12 11


11 11 8

Tab. 2


Finite arithnetic DEnUX design.


= i n

ut signal,wordlengh*

b, : fifter

coefficient worhenah:



filter arithmetic wordleng6;'

b. :

filter output wordlengh.



With Net. Sync.

130 39.15




Without Net. Sync. 183

66.75 69.5 0


Tab. 3


DEMJX and DEnOD impleuentation complexity for




Pig. 3


perforrance,degradation due to a finite precision

2 . 5 U Y Y < L







I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J

Fig. 1


Inpleaentation block diagran of the


5 7 9 11

E. /U, (dE)




Carrier phase error as function

of K / N o .

a floating polnt iaplenentatiop;

b) finite precision irpleientation at



0 . 0 7


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