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Surveying the material and immaterial qualities of a shared urban landscape. Flows of users in transit in a contemporary Adriatic city


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Surveying the material and immaterial qualities of a shared urban landscape. Flows of users in transit in a contemporary Adriatic city"


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World Heritage
























Architecture, Culture, Environment, Agriculture, Health, Economy, Landscape, Design, Territorial Governance, Archaeology, e-Learning

Le Vie dei Mercanti XVIII International Forum Editing: Alessandro Ciambrone

Il volume è stato inserito nella collana Architecture, Heritage and Design, fondata e diretta da Carmine Gambardella, in seguito a a peer review anonimo da parte di due membri del Comitato

The volume has been included in the series Architecture, Heritage and Design, founded and directed by Carmine Gambardella, after an anonymous peer-review by two members of the


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(1)!Department!of!Architecture,!University!of!Chieti!and!Pescara,!Italy>!antonella.salucci@unich.it!! !(2)!giovanni.mataloni@unich.it>!(3)!!francescaliberatore5@gmail.com!! ! ! ! Abstract!! The!contribution!presents!the!final!results!of!a!path,!between!research!and!teaching,!which!concerns! the!representation!of!the!material!and!immaterial!aspects!of!an!urban!sector!of!a!university!city.!The! interpretative! keys! of! the! transformation! processes! of! an! urban! landscape! of! the! Adriatic! coast! are! proposed.!The!study!concerns!the!university!district!of!the!city!of!Pescara!(Abruzzo,!Italy)!–!close!to! the! centenary! since! its! foundation! in! 1927! –! crossed! by! an! articulated! system! of! flows! of! users! in! transit.! The! contribution! aims! to! illustrate! an! analysis! and! documentation! supported! by! the! multiple! identity!dimensions!of!the!Drawing!and!the!Representation.!

The! documentation! of! the! material! and! ephemeral! aspects! that! characterize! these! shared! places! –! through! multidisciplinary! theoreticalNoperational! methods! inclusive! of! the! photographic! medium! in! all! surveying!phases!N!makes!it!possible!to!identify!and!represent!some!interesting!specificities.!

The!main!objective!of!the!study!is!to!define!several!aspects!of!the!identity!of!this!complex!architectural! and! environmental! system! creating! certain! sequences! captured! by! walking! through! and! surveying! these!areas.! ! Keywords:!Drawing!–!Architectural!Survey!–!Photography!–!Structure!from!Motion!–!Pescara,!Italia! ! 1.! Premise.!Material!and!immaterial!qualities!of!a!shared!urban!landscape! The!contribution!presents!the!final!results!of!a!path,!between!research!and!teaching,!which!concerns! the!representation!of!the!material!and!immaterial!aspects!of!an!urban!sector!of!a!university!city.!The! interpretative! keys! of! the! transformation! processes! of! an! urban! landscape! of! the! Adriatic! coast! are! proposed.!The!study!concerns!the!university!district!of!the!city!of!Pescara!(Abruzzo,!Italy)!–!close!to! the! centenary! since! its! foundation! in! 1927! –! crossed! by! an! articulated! system! of! flows! of! users! in! transit.! The! contribution! aims! to! illustrate! an! analysis! and! documentation! supported! by! the! multiple! identity! dimensions! of! the! Drawing! and! the! Representation.! The! documentation! of! the! material! and! ephemeral! aspects! that! characterize! these! shared! places! –! through! multidisciplinary! theoreticalN operational!methods!inclusive!of!the!photographic!medium!in!all!surveying!phases!N!makes!it!possible! to! identify! and! represent! some! interesting! specificities.! The! main! objective! of! the! study! is! to! define! several!aspects!of!the!identity!of!this!complex!architectural!and!environmental!system!creating!certain! sequences!captured!by!walking!through!and!surveying!these!areas.!(Fig.1N2)! We!present!below!the!final!phase!of!an!investigation!between!teaching!and!research!–!carried!out!on! the!three!scales!of!architecture,!the!city!and!the!environment!–!in!the!university!district!of!the!city!of! Pescara,!located!in!Pindaro!Avenue,!southNwestern!sector!of!the!city,!with!the!aim!of!synthesizing!an! urban!survey!experience,!that!is!the!observation!of!a!contemporary!university!landscape,!through!the! lens!of!its!main!users.!(Fig.3)! Survey,!drawing!and!photography,!in!the!context!of!this!discussion,!are!seen!as!tools!of!investigation! and!expressive!means!in!the!narration!of!temporary!living,!with!the!aim!of!orienting!the!observation!on! the!role!of!shared!spaces!in!the!dynamics!of!a!university!district:!sensor!of!the!transformation!of!the! city!as!a!whole.! As!part!of!this!investigation!process,!the!survey!project!allows!the!student!to!acquire!methodologies! and!procedures!for!the!construction!of!an!interpretative!model!of!all!the!qualities!of!the!urban!


landscape!that!he!inhabits!daily>!according!to!a!design!process!that!goes!from!reality!to!its! representation!through!the!identification!of!the!relationships!that!the!study!area!conceals!inside.! The! survey! was! organized! according! to! three! nonNconsequential! phases,! aimed! at! recognizing! the! architectural!and!environmental!values,!through!a!combination!of!direct!and!indirect!methodologies.! The!first!phase!–!referable!to!the!environmental!scale!of!the!survey!–!turned!attention!on!the!routes! that! students! run! across! daily! from! university! to! their! homes.! Thus! creating! a! plot! of! paths! that! thickens! approaching! progressively! the! entrance! of! the! academic! district,! taken! as! the! origin! of! a! cartesian!system.![5]!The!second!phase!–!referable!to!the!architectural!scale!of!the!survey!–!focused! attention!on!the!'residential!entrance!hall'!element,!the!starting!and!arrival!point!of!the!students'!daily! journey,!hub!of!the!environmental!analysis.![4]![5]!The!third!phase!–!referable!to!the!urban!scale!of!the! survey! –! provided! for! the! analysis! of! the! urban! scenes! that! characterize! the! whole! length! of! the! Pindaro! Avenue,! urban! axis! on! which! the! university! department! buildings! are! located.!Through! the! surveying!actions!–!eidotipi,!collecting!data,!restitution!phase!to!the!urban!scale!carried!out!with!direct! and! indirect! instrumental! methodologies! –! the! fronts! of! the! buildings! were! detected! considering! a! system!of!cartesian!axes!positioned!at!the!main!pedestrian!entrance!of!the!School!of!Architecture.!The! representation!of!the!data!collected!allowed!to!create!seven!sections:!a!horizontal!section!at!the!level! of!the! main! entrance>! two! vertical! longitudinal! sections>! three!vertical!cross! sections>! different! threeN dimensional!models.!(Fig.!2N5)!!!

The!experience!was!conducted!by!integrating!direct!and!instrumental!methodologies!using!both!digital! systems! based! on! SFM! 'Structure! from! Motion'! and! laser! scanning! acquisitions.! By! processing! the! photographic!frames!overlapping!for!60N80%,!with!Photoscan!software!is!possible!to!generate!a!dense! cloud! composed! of! homologous! points! and! define! accurate! Mesh! surfaces.! This! methodology! is! based! on! the! photographic! survey! carried! out! with! the! camera! of! the! mobileNphone! and! generate! a! dense! cloud! composed! of! homologous! points! and! define! accurate! Mesh! surfaces,!the! methodology! applied! is! based! on! the! photographic! survey! carried! out! with! the! camera! of! the! mobile! phone,! reworking!the!data!collected!from!the!camera!by!smartNphone!and!processed!through!the!Photoscan! software.! The! laser! scanner! gives! a! very! precise! result,! which! consists! in! the! combination! of! the! photogrammetric!data!together!with!the!metric!one.!(Fig.1N4N6)!

The!summary!of!the!results!of!this!phase!will!be!the!subject!of!this!discussion.! !

2.! !Learning!from!Pindaro!Avenue,!Pescara,!Italia!!

A!preliminary!historical!investigation!that!preceded!the!collecting!data!phases!allowed!to!identify!the! main! episodes! of! the! evolution! of! Pescara,! which! was! founded! in! 1927,! when! the! village! of! Castellammare!Adriatico,!located!to!the!north!of!the!river,!merges!with!the!village!of!Pescara,!located! instead!at!the!south!of!the!homonymous!river.!This!rapid!process!of!anthropization!of!the!territory!was! promoted!by!the!arrival!of!the!railway!line!and!the!demolition!of!the!city!walls!that!circumscribed!the! city,! preventing! further! development.! After! these! particular! events,! the! image! of! the! entire! Pescara! valley! changes! –! as! some! authors! have! noted! [2]! –! new! street,! banks,! theaters! and! palaces! were! created,! giving! the! new! city! a! modern! image! and! conformed! with! the! rapidly! evolving! times.! The! building! expansion! also! affects! the! coastal! strip,! in! fact! after! numerous! studies! the! project! of! Eng.! Antonino! Liberi! for! the! construction! of! a! seaside! neighborhood! in! Saline,! located! southNeast! of! Pescara,! is! approved.! Intended! for! mediumNhigh! users,! the! project! is! inspired! by! the! contemporary! gardenNcities,! would! have! occupied! a! large! part! of! the! Avalos! park! –! near! the! area! covered! by! our! study!–!providing!up!to!1000!square!meters!of!buildings!divided!into!52!blocks,!just!40!meters!from!the! sea.! The! project! began! in! the! 1920s,! but! the! growth! of! the! fervent! town! entails! a! process! of! deforestation! which! has! significantly! reduced! the! wooded! areas! until! then! almost! completely! untouched.![2]!

Despite! the! damage! suffered! for! the! Second! World! War,! Pescara! is! experiencing! a! period! of! development! and! growth,! in! this! regard! some! scholars! have! recognized! several! souls! in! the! city! of! Pescara:!“the!city!of!pioneers!who!followed!the!railway!track,!the!city!of!tourism!and!bathing!(...)!the! garden!city!with!wide!streets!lined!with!young!slender!trees!and!twoNstorey!houses!and!villas,!the!city! of!palaces!of!power!that!interpret!the!rhetoric!of!the!fascist!regime,!the!city!of!engines!crossed!by!the! circuit!of!the!Acerbo!Cup!(...)!the!city!gutted!and!disfigured!by!the!bombs!of!the!Americans!and!the! mines! of! the! Germans.! The! still! green! and! measured! city! of! houses! for! the! homeless! and! popular! neighborhoods,!the!city!of!elegant!buildings!(...)!the!city!that!thickens!without!order!and!decoration!to! saturate!the!coast!and!the!hills".!![1]! A!city!with!a!recognizable!Design,!which!is!configured!and!developed!according!to!the!guidelines!of! building!expansion!that!evolved!in!the!decade!following!the!postNwar!period,!therefore!a!clear!design!is! traceable:!“the!road!network,!comprised!of!longitudinal!crossings!(parallel!to!the!coast)!and!transversal! intersections!(perpendicular!to!it),!has!in!reality!defined!the!structure!of!its!evolution!in!the!bare!coastal! areas!to!north!of!the!river!".![3]! Between!the!Eighties!and!Nineties,!the!building!expansion!began!near!the!current!Pindaro!Avenue!–! object! of! our! study! –! strategic! connecting! road! between! D'Annunzio! Avenue! and! Marconi! Avenue,!


located!in!the!southNwestern!sector!of!the!city,!not!far!from!the!ExNAurum!factory,!today!recognized!as! one!of!the!cultural!centers!of!the!city.!(Fig.3)! The!entire!system!of!services!and!the!structure!of!the!district!conform!in!relation!to!the!university!pole! which!is!built!on!Pindaro!Avenue,!within!a!complex!of!buildings!recovered!from!other!use,!amplifying! the!economic!value!of!the!area.! The!Pindaro!Avenue!is!characterized!by!the!presence!of!two!long!rows!of!monumental!Plane!trees.! Most!of!the!building!can!be!defined!as!ordinary!architecture,!unprovided!of!particular!stylistic!features,! with!the!exception!of!some!aesthetically!most!relevant!buildings!and!installations:!the!Fire!Station>!the! Piazza!Accademia!(Studio!Saud!2002N2007)>!the!Torre!OperA!residential!building!(Mario!Botta!2009N 11)>!the!Tribunale! railway! station>!the! Palace! of! Justice! (AgrestaNFioravanti! 2005)>!the! Monument!to! the!Fallen!of!Nassirya!(Giangiacomo!D’Ardia!2005)>!the!'Disco'!fountain!(Ettore!Spalletti!2004)!located! in!the!area!in!front!of!the!Palace!of!Justice>!the!green!area!of!the!Dannunziana!Park!!and!the!Park!of! the!former!barracks!Cocco.!(Fig.2N3N5)!

The! observation! and! representation! of! the! environment,! urban! texture! and! architecture! of! this! particular! piece! of! the! city! of! Pescara! reveal! how! those! who! live! in! this! place! are! mainly! university! students! and! how! the! commercial! activities! were! born! according! to! the! needs! of! users.! The! entire! context! here! meant! that! the! neighborhood! was! characterized! as! a! 'university',! with! the! consequent! intensification!of!the!infrastructure!network!and!services!aimed!at!moving.!

The!Pindaro!university!center,!although!born!later!than!the!foundation!of!the!city,!has!contributed!to! the! configuration! of! its! image,! with! the! same! contribution! previously! made! by! tourism,! sport! and! economic!life.!


The!first!refers!to!a!methodology!for!approaching!the!observation!and!analysis!of!places!that!we!could! define!'fragile',!i.e.!not!architecturally!connoted,!and!in!this!direction!to!identify!a!model.!The!second!is! to! highlight! –! reported! to! Robert! Venturi! –! how! often! the! perception! that! the! user! can! have! of! architecture! in! his! daily! life,! is! not! attributable! only! to! the! built,! but! above! all! to! the! entirety! of! his! process!and!his!symbolism,!deriving!from!how!the!space!changes!over!time!according!to!the!needs!of! those!who!use!it:!“Architecture!may!be!ordinary!–!or!rather,!conventional!–!in!two!ways:!in!how!it!is! constructed!or!in!how!it!is!seen,!that!is,!in!its!process!or!in!tis!symbolism”.![8]!


3.! Photography!and!Laser!Scanner!for!the!survey!of!Pindaro!Avenue!

The! BLK! 360! sensor,! recently! marketed! by! Leica! Geosystem,! was! used! for! the! Laser! scanning! detection!project.!The!area!concerns!the!west!sector!of!Pindaro!Avenue,!for!an!extension!of!about!300! meters,!flanked!by!the!buildings!of!the!University!Pole.!(Fig.1N4N6)!

As!has!been!said,!it!has!a!double!row!of!trees,!specifically!monumental!Plane!trees,!on!both!sides.!On! the!west!side!there!are!four!large!buildings!of!the!University!Center,!arranged!on!three!levels,!while!on! the! east! side! there! are! buildings! existing! prior! to! the! construction! of! the! Polo,! of! inhomogeneous! height!and!distances!from!the!road.!

The!survey!project!took!into!account!the!difficulties!of!physical!and!visual!access!to!the!spaces!in!front! of!the!facades,!i.e.!the!high!fence!attached!to!the!buildings.!This!condition!compromised!preliminary! creation! of! optimal! recovery! schemes>! as! a!result! we! limited! ourselves! to! running! the! only! possible! scheme,!a!linear!recovery!axis,!parallel!to!the!facades,!positioning!the!sensor!on!the!sidewalk!near!the! massive! drums! of! the! trees! that! follow! one! another! lined! up! at! intervals! of! about! 7N8! meters.! The! above! scheme! has! allowed! us! to! guarantee! a! homogeneous! point! density! on! the! surfaces! with! an! average!distance!between!the!points!varying!between!5!and!10!mm.!

The!scans!were!performed!at!about!8!meters!from!the!facades!and!at!a!distance!between!consecutive! scans! of! 7/8! meters.! Following! this! scheme,! a! total! of! 55! scans! were! performed,! for! a! total! of! 362891010!million!points,!with!an!average!overlap!of!45%!and!a!group!error!in!the!overall!recording!of! less!than!6!mm.!

In!relation!to!the!instrument!chosen,!we!can!point!out!the!great!versatility!of!the!Leica!BLK!360!sensor,! a! handy,! light! and! fast! scanner! recently! marketed! by! the! Leica! Geosystem,! the! result! of! the! collaboration! of! Leica! (for! sensors! and! lenses),! Apple! (for! the! design)! and! Autodesk! (for! software! management).!

Below!are!summarized!the!main!features:!3D!scanner!with!integrated!spherical!imaging!system!and! thermographic! sensor! with! panorama! function>! height:! 165! mm>! diameter:! 100! mm>! weight:! 1! kg>! standNalone!start!with!one!button,!remote!start!App!for!iPad,!Apple!iPad!Pro®!12.9!"/!iOS!10!or!later,! integrated!WiFi>!range!from!0.6N60!m>!acquisition!frequency:!360,000!points!per!second>!accuracy:!4! mm!at!10!m!/!7!mm!at!20!m>!RGB!camera!system:!3!cameras!(15Mpixel!sensor),!maximum!resolution! 150!Mpx,!HDR,!Flash!LED,!360°x300°!coverage>!Flir!longwave!thermographic!camera!with!360°x70°! coverage>!in!less!than!3!minutes!acquires!the!point!cloud,!the!spherical!image!and!the!thermographic! image>!3D!point!accuracy!6mm!at!10m!/!8mm!at!20m.!

Since! the! instrument! is! equipped! with! an! internal! calibrated! camera,! we! obtained! an! extremely! realistic!3D!point!cloud!as!the!points!are!also!equipped!with!the!radiometric!data.!It!has!been!used!in!


standNalone!mode,!started!in!all!the!preset!scan!points!with!the!only!button!it!is!equipped!with,!placed! alternately!on!the!light!tripod!supplied!and!on!a!telescopic!tripod!to!assume!a!position!to!obtain!a!more! detailed!one!description!of!the!urban!context.!

Given! the! considerable! overlap! between! the! consecutive! scans! and! the! presence! of! the! regular! geometries!of!the!buildings,!it!was!decided!not!to!prepare!flat!or!spherical!targets!along!the!300!m!of! the!route.!This!choice!was!comforted!in!the!postNprocessing!phase!by!the!excellent!values!provided!by! the!Registration!Report,!both!in!the!individual!connections!and!in!the!metric!evaluation!of!the!overall! group!of!scans.!

In!support!of!the!recording!and!georeferencing!of!the!entire!point!cloud,!9!points!were!acquired!with! satellite! measurements! in! RTK! mode,! divided! into! 3! groups! of! points,! suitably! materialized! at! the! beginning,!at!the!center!and!at!the!end!of!the!long!straight!stretch!of!scans.!The!9!points!were!helpful! in! geoNreferencing! the! entire! cloud! and! to! keep! under! control! the! propagation! of! small! errors! in!the! 'cloud!to!cloud'!alignments!of!the!pairs!of!clouds,!which!at!the!end!of!a!long!linear!path!can!give!very! large!errors.!

All!the!data!acquired!in!the!measurement!campaign!was!transferred!from!the!sensor!to!the!PC!with! the!"Leica!BLK!Data!Manager"!software,!the!recording!of!the!large!amount!of!information!from!the!55! scans!was!managed!within!the!"Leica!Register!360"!software.!Finally,!"Leica!CloudWork!for!AutoCAD"! allowed! us! to! extract! all! the! geometric! information! and! the! twoNdimensional! and! threeNdimensional! drawings!from!the!dense!and!accurate!cloud!of!points.!


4.! Conclusions.!Surveying!the!chromatic!expressiveness.!

In!this!investigation!we!have!followed!two!parallel!paths:!the!first!of!a!material!order!and!the!second!of! an!intangible!one.!The!first,!concerns!the!built,!the!geometric!and!morphological!aspects!described!by! the! Drawing! N! cognitive! means! and! analysis! tool! indispensable! for! a! critical! reading! of! space! N! consequent! to! the! actions! of! collecting! material! and! morphological! data! of! the! urban! scenes.! The! second!concerns!the!perception!of!the!neighborhood!and!how!it!is!used.!A!very!effective!reading!key! is! based! on! Photography! and! for! this! type! of! analysis! it! was! supported! by! the! observation! of! the! kaleidoscopic! sample! of! images! produced! by! the! users! of! this! area.! In! this! regard,! an! effective! laboratory! experience! was! the! workshop! /! photographic! competition! "The! Inbetween! photographing! Viale! Pindaro",! in! which! many! students! of! the! school! of! architecture! took! part! aimed! at! raising! awareness,! to! the! observation! and! prefiguration! of! architecture! and! the! environment! through! the! medium!of!photographic!shooting.!A!visual!story!of!the!places!of!everyday!life,!of!the!spaces!usually! frequented!as!part!of!the!university!activities!on!the!campus!of!Pindaro!Avenue,!over!the!course!of!a! day.![4]![6]!

These!are!immaterial!aspects,!described!by!photography!N!the!privileged!language!in!the!narration!of! contemporary! architecture! and! specifically! of! the! ephemeral! spaces! of! living! N! a! modality! for! representation!of!collective!spaces!N!of!transit,!stop,!fun,!meeting,!socialization,!waiting,!rest!N!through! which! it! is! possible! to! trace! some! singular! dynamics! observed! from! a! privileged! point! of! view.! The! result!is!a!visual!system!composed!of!fragments,!impressions,!which!make!the!customs!and!aesthetic! inclinations!of!the!main!'inhabitants'!of!the!university!district!recognizable.!

A!mode!of!observation!that!gives!ample!space!to!photography,!both!as!an!operating!practice!and!as!a! system!of!thought,!throughout!the!research!phases.!


We! want!to! answer!this! question! by!citing! one! of!the! greatest!contemporary! scholars! in! the!field! of! survey,! 3D! modeling! and! data! interpretation,! Livio! De! Luca,! who! on! the! occasion! of! a! recent! conference! on! the! future! development! of! 3d! Imaging! concluded! as! follows:! "Why! imageNbased! ?! A! photograph! is:! the! most! diffuse! mean! for! "recording"! the! reality>! a! proof! of! a! temporal! state! of! an! object.!If!we!have!to!say:!"this!is!a!photorealistic!representation",!why!don't!we!use!photograph!?>!in! line! with! ancient! optical! and! geometric! principles.! We! can! always! recover! information! from! a! photograph.! People! take! photographs! to! memorize! and! this! is! a! heritage! perspective! in! itself.! I! can! add! people! can! take! photographs! without! any! sponsors! and! this! in! a! perspective! in! OpenNData! Science!(...)".[8]! ! Credits! This!paper!is!the!result!of!a!common!discussion!and!elaboration!among!the!authors!–!Antonella!Salucci! (Paragraph!1!and!4)!Francesca!Liberatore!(Paragraph!2),!Giovanni!Mataloni!(Paragraph!3)!–!and!summarizes!the! last!phase!of!a!project!between!teaching!and!research,!coordinated!by!Antonella!Salucci,!in!which!the!students!of! the!Architecture!Survey!courses!2014N2019!took!part.!The!original!photographic!documentation!and!elaborations! are!by!the!authors.! !


! Fig.! 1:! Pindaro! Avenue,! Pescara,! Italy.! 'Gabriele! d'Annunzio'! University! District.! View! of! the! entrance! to! the!

Faculty! of! Architecture! taken! as! the! origin! of! the! coordinates! of! the! survey.! Chromatic! processing! of! the! point! cloud!extracted!by!laser!scanning!with!Leica!BLK360.!



drawing!between!the!general!plan,!elevations!and!sections.!(Graphic!elaboration!by!Sonia!Lupidii)! !


! ! ! Fig.!3:!Pindaro!Avenue,!Pescara,!Italy.!'Gabriele!d'Annunzio'!University!District.!The!main!architectural! emergencies!highlighted!into!the!caseNstudy!area>!(left!side)!current!state>!(right!side)!visualization!of!the!urban! fabric!and!its!expansion!over!the!span!of!three!decades.! ! ! !

Fig.! 4:! Pindaro! Avenue,! Pescara,! Italy.! 'Gabriele! d'Annunzio'! University! District.! Aerial! View.! Chromatic!


! !


above:! Department! building,! frame! of! elevation>! residential! building,! frame! of! elevation>! former! Cocco! barrack,! elevation>!university!secretariat,!elevation>!Department!building,!staircase!detail>!commercial!activities,!elevation>! Fire!Station!barrack,!elevation>!Eni!Petrol!Station,!elevation.!


! !


the! processing! of! the! 55! scans! performed! with! the! Leica! Geosystem! BLK360! Laser! Scanner.! Chromatic! processing!of!the!point!cloud.!



Bibliographical!References!! [1]!!ALICI,!Antonello.!2004.!Le!vite!della!città.!In:!Pescara,(forma(identità(e(memoria(della(città(fra(XIX( e(XX(secolo.!ALICI!Antonello,!POZZI!Carlo!(eds).!Pescara:!Carsa!Edizioni.! [2]!FIADINO,!Adele.!2018.!Pescara!tra!Ottocento!e!Novecento:!da!paesaggio!agrario!a!paesaggio! antropizzato.!In:!BERRINO!!Annunziata,!BUCCARO!Alfredo!(eds).!Delli(Aspetti(de(Paesi.(Vecchi(e( nuovi(Media(per(l’Immagine(del(Paesaggio.!!Napoli:!CIRICE.!!ISBN!9788899930004,!pp.!353N359.! [3]!PALESTINI,!Caterina.!2016.!!Atlante(della(palazzina(a(Pescara.(Progetti,(realizzazioni,(rilievi.! Roma:!Gangemi!Editore.!ISBN:!9788849232585.!! [4]!SALUCCI,!Antonella.!2017.!Photography!as!a!Medium!for!Urban!Regeneration.!A!Case!Study!on! the!University!District!of!Pescara,!Italy.!In:!Proceedings!of!International!and!Interdisciplinary! Conference!Immagini?(Image(and(Imagination(between(representation,(communication,(education( and(psychology,!Brixen,!Italy,!27–28/11/2017.!PROCEEDINGS!2017,!MPDI!1(9),!939>! https://doi.org/10.3390/proceedings1090939! [5]!SALUCCI,!Antonella,!LIBERATORE,!Francesca.!2019.!Rappresentare!la!Fragilità!dell'abitare! temporaneo:!#allievivialepindaro.!In!PIGNATTI!Lorenzo!et.!al.!(eds),!Territori(Fragili.(Paesaggi(Città( Architetture(/(Fragile(Territories.(Landscape(Cities(Architecture.(2nd!IFAU18.!International!Forum!on! Architecture!and!Urbanism.!Pescara!2018>!Roma:!Gangemi!Editore!International>! ISBN:9788849236675>!pp.958N966.!! [6]!UNALI,!Maurizio.!2015.!Disegnare(Pescara(nell'Esperienza(Didattica:(da(Piazza(Salotto(a(Times( Square.(Yearbook(Rilevamento(dell'Architettura(2015.!Roma:!Gangemi!Editore.! [7]!VENTURI!Robert,!SCOTT!BROWN!Denise,!IZENOUR!Steven,!1972.!Learning(from(Las(Vegas.( The(forgotten(symbolism(of(architectural(form.!The!MIT!Press!p.128! [8]!Web:!DE!LUCA,!Livio.!2019.!Towards!the!massive!realityNbased!3d!semantic!annotation!of! heritage!artefact,!!Simposio!"Rip,(Model(&(Learn"!!Roma,!25/10/2019!Sapienza!Università!di!Roma,! Dipartimento!di!Storia,!Disegno!e!Restauro!https://youtu.be/dmiPUv0cP3A?t=7826!(Accessed! 2020/02/07)!


15 ID 002. Structures and infrastructures of the central Adriatic. Topics for new environmental



25 ID 005. Çilehane as A Place for Thinking Melih KURNALI, Duygu KOCA

34 ID 006. Processes behind regional planning in Lebanon’s Hinterland: The Cases of the

Unions of Municipalities of Jezzine and Tyr

Balsam MADI

42 ID 007. The “Terzo Paradiso”: the meeting point between Man, Art, Agriculture Francesca MUZZILLO, Fosca TORTORELLI

47 ID 008. The role of art for the regeneration of the public city. The experiences of the

Metropolitan Cities of Palermo and Naples


57 ID 009. Abandoned for good? Peenemünde as an example for dealing with a cultural

landscape facing multifaceted contamination issues

Peter I. SCHNEIDER, Constanze RÖHL

65 ID 013. Preliminary approach to conservative actions on artefacts of historical and

monumental value. Application to 4 old bridges crossing the Savuto river in Calabria

Caterina GATTUSO, Domenico GATTUSO

75 ID 014. Urban regeneration policies to enhance touristic mobility and economy Domenico GATTUSO, GianCarla CASSONE, Margherita MALARA

85 ID 015. Advanced knowledge techniques and proposals for a compatible reuse and

enhancement of a disjointed urban area: Villa Bossi in Busto Arsizio and its surroundings

Daniela ORENI, Gianfranco PERTOT

95 ID 016. Structure/external envelope relationship in the Monte dei Paschi di Siena

headquarters in Colle Val d’Elsa (SI) by Giovanni Michelucci

Frida BAZZOCCHI, Cecilia CIACCI, Vincenzo DI NASO

104 ID 018. Landscape aesthetic contamination, from weak point to urban redemption element:

case Eleusis, Greece

Costantino PATESTOS, Neratzia TZORTZI

115 ID 019. Management Plans for cultural heritage sites, as tools for inclusive approach in the

developing countries: Case study of Prizren Historic Center Management Plan


123 ID 020. The eighteenth-century lucanian landscape from ‘drawings of travellers’ and

notebooks of land surveyors

Enza TOLLA, Giuseppe DAMONE

132 ID 021. Elena Mendia and women’s professionalism in Neapolitan post-war architecture Chiara INGROSSO

142 ID 022. Intermodal digital experiences for the documentation and storage of

historical-critical data aimed at the enhancement and use of the historical-urban landscape


160 ID 025. Numerical evaluation of environmental performance of a renaissance building to

Ferrara (Italy)


170 ID 026. Alternative museum in Rome. Industrial architecture heritage colonized by XXI

century’s art


180 ID 027. The Experience of Parametric modeling design GIS: An Abruzzo hamlet case study Domenico D’UVA, Federico EUGENI

185 ID 028. The representation for the knowledge and development of the city and its territory Massimo MALAGUGINI

195 ID 029. Seismic aspects on architectural design Marsida TUXHARI, Markel BABALLËKU

204 ID 030. Water as architecture


214 ID 031. Notes on the material communication of design intentions: a case study in Molise of

particular collective value


223 ID 032. Enhancing the Defensive System of the City of Sagunto Giulia PETTOELLO

231 ID 033. Conserving the Chromatic Value of Plaza Doctor Collado in Valencia Giulia PETTOELLO

239 ID 034. A perfect example of a Vitruvian atrium: the main atrium of the Casa del Centenario

in Pompeii


249 ID 035. The UN2030 Sustainable Development Goals and the Parrhasian Heritage Park Giuseppe BIAGINI

257 ID 040. A Study on Distribution Planning for Citizens’ Hydrants with the User Experimental

Drill of Extra Connectable Hoses in Kiyomizu WCH Zone, Kyoto JAPAN

Takeyuki OKUBO, Dowon KIM, Tomohiko OWADA, Michiko HAYASHI

267 ID 041. The overseas contamination of Enlightenment legal thought. The correspondence

between Gaetano Filangieri and Benjamin Franklin (1781-1787)


276 ID 042. Drawings and Utopias: A Never Built House by the Sea; A Project by Noronha da

Costa to Magoito, Sintra, Portugal, 1971-


286 ID 043. The Drawing and the Painting as a Possible or an “Impossible”(?) Architectural

Project(s) or Hypothetical House(s) in Luís Noronha da Costa


305 ID 045. Small construction sites for the regeneration of public space Fernanda CANTONE, Francesca CASTAGNETO

315 ID 046. Fès and its Medina: a key-case study of architectural contamination Elena DE SANTIS, Tiziano INNOCENZI

325 ID 048. Revitalization the integrated values of the Darius I the Great inscription, as the

cultural property belonging to humanity. Bisitun, Iran


336 ID 050. A network of slow routes between Italian UNESCO sites. A territorial strategy to

enhance the in-between territories and the inner areas


345 ID 051. Interventions on Cultural Heritage: Architecture and Neuroscience for Mindful



353 ID 052. From Dawn to Dusk. Space and Contamination in Markets. Salvatore SANTUCCIO, Marta MAGAGNINI

363 ID 054. From Italy to Montenegro: cultural contaminations and disciplines exchanges for

the enhancement of the Roman town of Doclea


373 ID 055.

Gigliola AUSIELLO, Manuela COMPAGNONE, Francesco SOMMESE

383 ID 057. Discovering, conserving and communicating the past. Synergies and antagonies

between archaeology, restoration and museography in order to make accessible the past legacy


391 ID 059. Without Borders. I don’t see any enemies in my neighborhood

399 ID 060. Drawing as a Legacy: the drawn landscapes of the city and its reading in the

thickness of the present

Pedro António JANEIRO

408 ID 061. For an intercultural approach to knowledge of cultural heritage Rossana GABAGLIO

414 ID 063. Industrial heritage regeneration in Beijing: a sustainable case study Marichela SEPE

424 ID 066. Art and public space. Between history and nature Laura RICCI, Francesco CRUPI

434 ID 067. Famous architectures in urban contexts: the impact of colours and materials Gigliola D’ANGELO, Marina FUMO, Claudia LOMBARDI, Pia LOPEZ IZQUIERDO BOTÍN

444 ID 068. Survey, Modeling, and Documentation for Preservation: Digitization Challenges

towards Cultural Heritage Enhancement and Conservation

Federica MAIETTI, Federico FERRARI, Marco MEDICI, Marinos IOANNIDES


463 ID 071. Early medieval Benedictine settlements and monastic landscape in Italy. A shared

path and a case study

Ruggero LONGO, Enrico MONCALVO

475 ID 072. Digital Technologies for preservation and promotion of Cultural Heritage: Tivoli and

the Sanctuary of Hercules Victor.


484 ID 078. Strada Nuova: as an example of a resilient cultural landscape Patrizia BURLANDO, Sara GRILLO

494 ID 079. Contaminated Architecture Luca ZECCHIN

504 ID 082. Aversa towards a new instrument of territorial governance: a proposal Claudia DE BIASE, Irene D’AGOSTINO

515 ID 083. Capri and modern architecture in Plinio Marconi’s drawings Simona TALENTI

523 ID 085. Surveying the material and immaterial qualities of a shared urban landscape. Flows

of users in transit in a contemporary Adriatic city

Antonella SALUCCI, Giovanni MATALONI, Francesca LIBERATORE

532 ID 087. Rethinking the building envelope. Rehabilitation project and maintenance strategies

for the RAI Auditorium in Naples

Pasquale MIANO, Maria Rita PINTO, Stefania DE MEDICI

542 ID 088. Ancient Noto. Reading the “absence” as a strategy in the conservation and

enhancement of the archaeological ruins

552 ID 091. From historical railways to cycleways. Re-functioning the heritage of linear


Andrea Alberto DUTTO, Stefano DIGHERO, Erika FRANCO GONZALEZ

562 ID 092. From the project drawing to the survey model: the Enrico Fermi school in Celano


Alessandra TATA

570 ID 093. The power of collective imagination: A methodological opportunity for reading the

presence of architecture’s hidden explanatory potential

Francesca SIBILIO

575 ID 094.

Maria Gabriella ERRICO, Anna ATTADEMO

585 ID 095. Cultural and Agri-Cultural Heritage “contamination” at the Milan south periphery Nerantzia TZORTZI, Laura GUAITA, Aspassia KOUZOUPI

596 ID 096. Coast-amination. Regeneration paths between water and land along the Lazio

southern coast

Francesca ROSSI, Antonella CANTARO

606 ID 097. Towards Eco-Planning principles. Torre-Cancello decommissioned railway in

Campania Region a regeneration masterplan proposal


624 ID 100. 3D data modeling toward social innovation. The documentation of the minor cultural

heritage damaged by the earthquake

Fabiana RACO

632 ID 101. KHAN EL ECHLE, SAIDA: a case study for the building stratigraphic analysis

supporting the structural strengthening and conservation design


642 ID 102. Built heritage contamination: the case of João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brazil


652 ID 104. Liberty winter gardens in Palermo: contamination from solar design Simona COLAJANNI, Calogero VINCI, Marco BELOMO

660 ID 106. Acireale Living Lab Culture and Technology. Small towns, internal areas and new

landscapes: strategies to protect heritage

Mariagrazia LEONARDI

669 ID 107. Under modernity sky. Pierre Bossan’s industriousness in 19 th century European

sacred architecture

Maria Carolina CAMPONE

679 ID 109. Locus Umbria. The project as a recomposition of the tradition/innovation antinomy Paolo BELARDI

689 ID 111. History and project. Reuse of historical tracks

699 ID 112. The creation of values through Art and Design thinking Mariacarla PANARIELLO

705 ID 115. Waterfront regeneration in front of heritage protection: challenges and opportunities

in Catania waterfront


713 ID 116. Contamination Through a Second Skin on Contemporaneity Architectonics Alexandra AI QUINTAS, Mário SALEIRO FILHO

723 ID 117. Fortress town of Palmanova. Actions on the driver of cultural values: designing

contemporary borders enhancing overall landscape quality and identity


732 ID 119. The analyses of the settlement strategies of the minor historic centres. The case

study of Piedicastello in Trento

Valerio DA CANAL

740 ID 120.

Maria Dolores MORELLI

750 ID 121. Urban Revitalization: “Domus in via degli Orti” Area, in Santa Maria Capua Vetere Francesco Pio ARCELLA

760 ID 124. Intangible heritage between landscape protection and territory development. A plan

for the Island of Pantelleria


776 ID 128. Abstract Architectural Design for the Contamination by Cultural Ideas Dominik LENGYEL, Catherine TOULOUSE

786 ID 129. Risks and Landscapes: exploring relationships and opportunities in the Campania


Adriana GALDERISI, Giuseppe GUIDA

794 ID 130. Villa La Gallietta on Lake Como: an example of best practice in the design,

restoration, management and development of cultural heritage


803 ID 134. Reinterpreting urban open spaces as hub with high technological performance Rossella FRANCHINO, Caterina FRETTOLOSO, Francesca MUZZILLO

811 ID 135. A new baroque for the environmental quality of the city

Roberta COCCI GRIFONI, Maria Federica OTTONE, Graziano Enzo MARCHESANI

817 ID 136. Contamination between architecture and contemporary art: good practices of

temporary use of spaces in the historic city


825 ID 137. “Sapienza” University District, between management and enhancement Williams TROIANO, Giuseppe PAGANELLI, Giovanna CRESCIANI

836 ID 140. Restoration and Ruins. Achievements and Theoretical Issues Clara VERAZZO, Mariangela BITONTI

846 ID 141. The incorporation of vernacular traditions in 20 th century erudite architecture and

music: a choice of freedom

Clara Germana GONÇALVES

856 ID 143.

Antonio BIXIO, Giuseppe D’ANGIULLI

864 ID 145. Renewed Sicilian Urban Landscapes. Transformation, Regeneration and Reuse of

degraded areas


874 ID 146. Learning from Berlin: The Case for Heritage Contamination as Mnemonic Device in

Post-Yugoslav Space


882 ID 149.

Massimiliano AGOVINO, Maria Carmela GAROFALO, Sabina MARTUSCIELLO, Enrica PAGANO

890 ID 150. The impact of creative workers on economic prosperity. A regional level analisis in


Massimiliano CERCIELLO, Antonio GAROFALO, Maria Carmela GAROFALO

898 ID 151. Echoes of the European “paths”: the paths of San Corrado a Noto between history

and enhancement of the landscape


913 ID 153. Estimation, Forecasting and Reduction of Vibration Caused by Transport and



921 ID 154. From private to public to cult site. The changing architecture of Pagani’s Toselli Maria MARTONE, Alessandra Marina GIUGLIANO

931 ID 155. New tools of strategic management for revitalizing small historical centers: the

“Historical Small Smart City” Protocol

Valentina PICA

944 ID 159. Landscape and memory of places. The new insert of sacred buildings Saverio CARILLO

954 ID 161. The restoration of the facades of the Royal Palace of Caserta: a new contribution in

the knowledge of the materials of the architectural surfaces

Amalia GIOIA

962 ID 164. Advanced representation for preservation and communication of cultural heritage Giulia PELLEGRI, Francesca SALVETTI

971 ID 165. The Vases Collections of the Museo Campano. Acquisitions and Installations Gianluca DE ROSA

977 ID 166. Smart materials and Phase Change Material (PCM): potential applications to

architectural design

Federico ORSINI, Paola MARRONE

985 ID 167. The invention of Castel Sant’Elmo in Naples

Cesare CUNDARI, Gian Carlo CUNDARI, Maria Rosaria CUNDARI

991 ID 168. The “measurements” of the Complex of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane Giuseppe ANTUONO

1000 ID 169. 4D-HBIM for the conservation and valorization of cultural heritage

Cesare VERDOSCIA, Antonella MUSICCO, Giovanni MONGIELLO, Riccardo TAVOLARE, Alessia SALOMONE

1009 ID 170. Cultural Capital vs. Technological Capital: A Critique of Online Learning Commodity


Rachel Suet Kay CHAN

1017 ID 171. Sana-school project

Giuseppe D’ANGELO, Rosaria SAVASTANO

1025 ID 172. Digital cultural heritage: some notes from conservative experience Laura BARATIN, Francesca GASPARETTO

1035 ID 173. The industrial area of Crotone: from problem to opportunity for development Domenico PASSARELLI, Pasquale CITRIGNO, Ferdinando VERARDI

1047 ID 174. Fascist summer camps. Space, hygiene and distance Antonella MARCIANO

1055 ID 175. Experimental preservation: art, air-pollution, preservation and Jorge Otero-Pailos Marina D’APRILE


underground line C in Rome

Emanuel DEMETRESCU, Simona MORRETTA, Rossella REA

1085 ID 180. Design and Bim for the management of hospitals and nursing homes: proposals at

the time of Covid-19


1097 ID 187. Design of contemporary architectures and urban spaces in Paris Alessandro CIAMBRONE

1107 ID 188. Rockfall Hazard and Heritage Sites: a Risk Acceptability Perspective

Maddalena MARCHELLI, Valerio DE BIAGI

1115 ID 189. Territorial government polcies for migration management: between generation and overcoming of situations of vulnerability


1125 ID 190. Spaces ‘con_fusione’


1135 ID 191. Is the conservation of Lombard Industrial Heritage a potential cultural/economic trigger at small/medium urban scale? The study case of Carugo - CO


1144 ID 192. Inhabiting the Memory: The Ineffable Contamination


1152 ID 193. Urban compositions inspired by memories and possible scenarios


1160 ID 194. Notes about lieux, space and memory

Daniele Giovanni PAPI, Fulvio PAPI

1166 ID 195. Sea, cruises and cities: images and communication of a new status

Maria Elisabetta RUGGIERO, Ruggero TORTI

1172 ID 196. Eternitten Village 21: the city of knowledge. From industrial contamination to social and cultural contamination

Alessandra BADAMI

1182 ID 197. Design experiments for the Domitian Coast Masterplan

Gianluca CIOFFI, Alessandro CECE

1192 ID 198.


1196 ID 199. Protected and degraded landscapes in the La Campana- Peñuelas Biosphere Reserve territory. Central Zone of Chile

María Dolores MUÑOZ, Gerardo AZOCAR

1205 ID 200. Built Heritage, Contamination and Aesthetic Theory


1213 ID 201. An intervention on an emerging industrial architectural heritage: the transformation of a chemical plant in Tarragona



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