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WordPress Music Player


Academic year: 2022

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WordPress Music Player

Che cosa cerchiamo?

Cerchiamo di convertire un player musicale scritto in HTML, CSS e Javascript.

Vogliamo riuscire a convertire questo player in Plugin per Wordpress.

Il player è perfettamente funzionante, tutte le funzioni di controllo (Javascript) sono già state scritte, sono già previsti anche tutto lo scheletro e la grafica del player (CSS e HTML).

Pagina impostazioni plugin

Servirebbe anche la sezione della pagina che permette all'utente di utilizzare questo Plugin.


Esempio di pagina settings:

La pagina deve permettere per esempio:

Cambiamento colori player.

Ridimensionamento player.

Caricamento canzoni (titolo, immagine, mp3 ecc).

Alterare la grafica del plugin.

Altre impostazioni da definire.

Codice plugin Javascript

// player

var music = document.querySelector('.music-element') var music_second = document.getElementById('tuned-song') var playBtn = document.querySelector('.play')

var seekbar = document.querySelector('.seekbar') var currentTime = document.querySelector('.current-time') var duration = document.querySelector('.duration') var rotateImage = document.getElementById("detectRotation");

function handlePlay() {

if (music.paused || music_second.paused) { music.play();


if(music_second.muted || music.muted) music_second.muted = false;


music_second.muted = true;




playBtn.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons">pause</i>' } else {



if(music_second.muted || music.muted) music_second.muted = false;


music_second.muted = true;





playBtn.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>' }

music.addEventListener('ended', function () { playBtn.classList.add("play");


playBtn.innerHTML = '<i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>' music.currentTime = 0

music_second.currentTime = 0 });


music.onloadeddata = function () { seekbar.max = music.duration var ds = parseInt(music.duration % 60) var dm = parseInt((music.duration / 60) % 60) if(ds < 10){

duration.innerHTML = dm + ':0' + ds }


duration.innerHTML = dm + ':' + ds }


music.ontimeupdate = function () { seekbar.value = music.currentTime }

handleSeekBar = function () { music.currentTime = seekbar.value; music_second.currentTime = seekbar.value; } music.addEventListener('timeupdate', function () {

var cs = parseInt(music.currentTime % 60) var cm = parseInt((music.currentTime / 60) % 60) if(cs < 10){

currentTime.innerHTML = cm + ':0' + cs }


currentTime.innerHTML = cm + ':' + cs }

}, false)

// volume

var volIcon = document.querySelector('.volume') var volBox = document.querySelector('.volume-box') var volumeRange = document.querySelector('.volume-range') var volumeDown = document.querySelector('.volume-down') var volumeUp = document.querySelector('.volume-up')

function handleVolume() {

volIcon.classList.toggle('active') volBox.classList.toggle('active') }

volumeDown.addEventListener('click', handleVolumeDown);

volumeUp.addEventListener('click', handleVolumeUp);

function handleVolumeDown() {

volumeRange.value = Number(volumeRange.value) - 20 music.volume = volumeRange.value / 100

music_second.volume = volumeRange.value / 100 }

function handleVolumeUp() {

volumeRange.value = Number(volumeRange.value) + 20 music.volume = volumeRange.value / 100

music_second.volume = volumeRange.value / 100 }

// Carousell functions

function Collab(nameCollab,nameSong,urlSong,logoCollab,urlSongNoTune) { this.NameCollab=nameCollab;




this.UrlSongNoTune = urlSongNoTune;


const collabName = document.getElementById("nameCollab");

const collabLogo = document.getElementById('logoCollab');

const collabSong = document.getElementById('songBro');

// Da non toccare, gestione carosello

const rightBtn = document.getElementById('right-btn');

const leftBtn = document.getElementById('left-btn');

const color_player = document.getElementById("music-player-container");

const color_right_container = document.getElementById("right-container");

const color_play = document.getElementById("play");


// const color_pause = document.getElementById("pause");

const color_forward = document.getElementById("left-btn");

const color_rewind = document.getElementById("right-btn");

// Images are from unsplash var collabs = [

new Collab("Sony","2","https://www.mboxdrive.com/tory-before-scloudtomp3downloader.com.mp3","https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en new Collab("Warner",2,3,"https://logowiki.net/wp-content/uploads/imgp/Warner-Music-Benelux-Logo-1-4592.png"),

new Collab("Atlantic",2,3,"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/26/Atlantic_Records_box_logo_%28colored%29.svg/1200p new Collab("Universal",2,3,"https://www.nikolasalbanese.it/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/UNIVERSAL-MUSIC-GROUP-vector-logo.png"), new Collab("Media Roncalli",2,3,"https://mir-s3-cdn-cf.behance.net/projects/404/fdf18a97402313.Y3JvcCw0OTIxLDM4NDksMCwxNTcx.jpg")];



collabName.innerHTML = collabs[0].NameCollab;

collabLogo.src = collabs[0].LogoCollab;

collabSong.src = collabs[0].UrlSong;

// https://www.mboxdrive.com/tory-after-scloudtomp3downloader.com.mp3 let position = 0;

const moveRight = () => {

if (position >= collabs.length - 1) { position = 0

collabName.innerHTML = collabs[position].NameCollab;

collabLogo.src = collabs[position].LogoCollab;



collabName.innerHTML = collabs[position + 1].NameCollab;

collabLogo.src = collabs[position + 1].LogoCollab;



const moveLeft = () => { if (position < 1) {

position = collabs.length - 1;

collabName.innerHTML = collabs[position].NameCollab;

collabLogo.src = collabs[position].LogoCollab;



collabName.innerHTML = collabs[position - 1].NameCollab;

collabLogo.src = collabs[position - 1].LogoCollab;



rightBtn.addEventListener("click", moveRight);

leftBtn.addEventListener("click", moveLeft);


<!DOCTYPE html>

<html lang="en">


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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="ie=edge">

<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons"


<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto" rel="stylesheet">

<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">

<title>Music Carousel Player</title>




<!-- <h1>Music Player</h1> -->

<!-- <button id="left-btn"><i class="arrow"></i></button> -->

<div class="container">

<!-- <span id="nameCollab"></span>

<div class="logoCollab">

<img id="logoCollab" src="" alt="">

</div> -->

<div class="left-container">

<div class="switch-toggle">


<input onClick="tuneIt()" type="checkbox">




<div id="music-player-container" class="music-player-container">

<img id="detectRotation" class="music-player" src="https://www.lastampa.it/image/contentid/policy:1.40772280:16333


<div class="white-dot"></div>


<div class="player margino">

<div class="info margino">

<div id="nameCollab" class="title">Angelo Caduto</div>

<div class="singer">Salmo - Flop</div>


<div class="volume-box margino">

<span class="volume-down"><i class="material-icons">remove</i></span>

<input type="range" class="volume-range" step="1" value="80" min="0" max="100"

oninput="music.volume = this.value/100">

<span class="volume-up"><i class="material-icons">add</i></span>


<div class="btn-box margino">

<i class="material-icons volume" onclick="handleVolume()">volume_up</i>


<div class="music-box margino">

<input type="range" step="1" class="seekbar" value="0" min="0" max="100" oninput="handleSeekBar()">

<audio id="tuned-song">

<source src="https://www.mboxdrive.com/tory-after-scloudtomp3downloader.com.mp3" type="audio/mp3">


<audio id="songBro" class="music-element">

<source src="" type="audio/mp3">


<span style="margin-bottom: 10px;" class="current-time">0:00</span>

<div style="display: flex;flex-direction: row;align-items: center;">

<span id="left-btn" class="forward">

<i class="material-icons">fast_rewind</i>


<span id="play" class="play" onclick="handlePlay()">

<i class="material-icons">play_arrow</i>


<span id="right-btn" class="rewind">

<i class="material-icons">fast_forward</i>






<div id="right-container" class="right-container">

<!-- Second Part -->

<div class="label">

<img id="logoCollab" class="labelContainer" src="https://www.universalmusic.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/univer </div>



<!-- <button id="right-btn"><i class="arrow"></i></button> -->


<script src="controller.js"></script>

<script src="https://unpkg.com/wavesurfer.js"></script>




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/* transform: translateX(-50%); */

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z-index: 1;

padding: 0 20px;


.volume-box .volume-down { left: -15px;

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cursor: pointer;

color: #72646f;


.volume-box .volume-up { right: -15px;

transform: translateY(-50%);

cursor: pointer;

color: #72646f;


.volume-box .volume-up::selection { background-color: unset;

} /*

.volume-down { position: absolute;

left: -15px;

top: 50%;

transform: translateY(-50%);

cursor: pointer;

color: #72646f;


.volume-up { position: absolute;

right: -15px;

top: 50%;

transform: translateY(-50%);

cursor: pointer;

color: #72646f;


.volume-up::selection { background-color: unset;



.volume-box input[type="range"] { height: 5px;

width: 150px;

margin: 0 0 10px 0;


.volume-box.active { display: block;


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flex-direction: column;

justify-content: center;

align-items: center;


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width: 230px;

margin: 0 0 10px 0;


.music-box input[type="range"]::-webkit-slider-thumb { height: 5px;

width: 7px;


.current-time { left: -35px;

/* transform: translateY(-50%); */

font-size: 12px;

color: #72646f;

} .duration { right: -35px;

/* transform: translateY(-50%); */


font-size: 12px;

color: #72646f;


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background-image: linear-gradient(316deg, #929799 0%, #dbdbdb 74%);

cursor: pointer;

transition: all 0.4s;


.forward, .rewind { width: 30px;



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cursor: pointer;

transition: all 0.4s;


.music-box .play i, .music-box .pause i { font-size: 36px;



.music-box .pause i { font-size: 32px;


.music-box .forward i, .music-box .rewind i { font-size: 22px;



.music-box .forward i { font-size: 22px;






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/* object-fit: cover; */



width: auto;

height: auto;


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z-index: 2;


display: flex;

justify-content: center;

width: auto;

display: table;



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display: flex;

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display: block;

margin: 20px 0px;


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box-shadow: 0 0 5px rgb(134, 133, 133);

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transition: 0.5s;


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transform: translateX(30px);


.switch-toggle label input:checked + span { background-color: #EA65F3;

background-image: linear-gradient(316deg, #EA65F3 0%, #65C6F6 74%);

} .tune-on{

background-color: #EA65F3;

background-image: linear-gradient(316deg, #EA65F3 0%, #65C6F6 74%);



display: hidden;



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