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14 First- and Second-Degree Atrioventricular Block


Academic year: 2022

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Atrioventricular Block

William A. Scott

The atrioventricular (AV) node is a complex structure. Anatomic descriptions of the AV node remain a subject of debate and signif- icant gaps remain in the understanding of AV node physiology. Despite these gaps, there are clinically distinct patterns of abnormal AV nodal conduction that provide insight to pathologic mechanisms. Recognition of these patterns, and the natural history associated with each, is crucial for appropriate patient management.

Electrical conduction through the my- ocardium (Chapter 2) is dependent on the individual myocyte, cell-to-cell conduction, and conduction through the whole organ. The more rapidly a local region of the cell mem- brane is able to change its potential (inside relative to the outside), the more rapid is conduction down the length of the myocyte.

Therefore, cells that depend on the rapid sodium current for the upstroke of phase 0 of the action potential conduct the signals rapidly, while cells that are dependent on the slower calcium current for phase 0 conduct signals more slowly. Although the various phases of the action potential of cell mem- branes are generated by more than one ion cur- rent, this notion is demonstrated by comparing

the conduction velocity in the AV node (dom- inant calcium dependent action potentials) with atrial and ventricular tissue (dominant sodium channel dependent action potentials).

This conduction through the AV node is strongly influenced by autonomic innervation to the node, a number of forms of cardiac abnormalities, as well as the patient’s basal state.

Abnormal conduction to the ventricles can result from intrinsic AV nodal or infran- odal (the His-Purkinje system) disease includ- ing inflammation, infection, and degenerative changes including cardiomyopathy and apop- tosis, or from extrinsic causes, including abnormal autonomic tone, electrolyte imbal- ance, hypothermia, and medication effects.

First-degree AV block is almost always due to abnormal conduction in the atrium or AV node. Up to 20% of patients with first- degree AV block and congenital heart disease, most notably AV septal defect and Ebstein’s anomaly, have prolonged intra-atrial conduc- tion. Transient prolongation or failure of AV conduction may result from concealed con- duction of atrial, junctional, or ventricular ex- trasystoles (Figures 1 and 2). Second-degree AV block may occur within the AV node,



FIGURE 1. Sinus rhythm with a junctional premature beat (J), which results in AV node refractoriness and block of the next sinus beat. Subsequent nonconducted atrial impulse may be due to concealed junctional extrasystole, again making the AV node refractory without activating atrium or ventricle. Proof of this phenomenon requires intracardiac recordings.

the His-Purkinje system, or at the ventricular level.

Similar to the sinus node, the AV node is innervated by the autonomic nervous system.

Sympathetic stimulation results in relative en- hancement and parasympathetic stimulation, and relative depression of conduction. The sympathetic innervation of the conduction system dominates in infancy but shifts to a balance of sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation by adulthood. Autonomic inner- vation is less prominent in the His-Purkinje system and has less influence on conduction in these areas. PR interval prolongation in as- sociation with bradycardia usually reflects in- creased vagal tone whereas PR interval pro- longation with normal sinus rates is sug- gestive of AV nodal dysfunction. Functional first- and second-degree AV block can also present during rapid atrial pacing (Figure 3), where, unlike sinus tachycardia, there is no sympathetic enhancement of AV nodal conduction.

There are a group of patients in whom AV conduction is at risk (Table 1). The pro- gression to complete heart block associated with l-transposition of the great arteries is well recognized. At least two separate genetic mu- tations have been identified with an autoso- mal dominant form of inheritance. A variety of neuromuscular diseases have also been as- sociated with progressive AV block. Recently a clear association has been established be- tween a mutation of NKX2.5 and progressive AV block in conjunction with some forms of congenital heart disease (Chapters 15 and 18).

In general, block within the His-Purkinje sys- tem is more likely to progress to complete heart block.


Multiple channel ECG recordings are often indispensable for detection of P-wave morphology and PR intervals. Recording of

FIGURE 2. Sinus rhythm with interpolated PVC. Concealed conduction into the AV node results in relative refrac- toriness and first-degree block of subsequent sinus impulse.


FIGURE 3. Atrial tachycardia that transitions to sinus rhythm. There is first-degree AV block during the tachycardia that resolves with the return of sinus rhythm.

atrial activity from esophageal or temporary epicardial pacing leads after surgery (Fig- ure 4) are also very useful when P-waves are indistinct. Long-term recordings from Holter monitoring often reveal patterns not apparent in the relatively short electrocardiogram.

First-Degree AV Block

First-degree AV block (Figure 5) is de- fined as a PR interval above the normal range for age, but with persistent 1:1 AV conduc- tion. The normal PR interval also decreases with increasing heart rate. Age appropriate PR intervals are summarized in Table 2. The PR interval can be very long (Figure 6) but usually, in the absence of heart disease, does not progress. The delay is located in the AV node mediated through excessive parasympa- thetic tone. Exercise, both recreational and during stress testing, induces parasympathetic withdrawal resulting in normalization of AV conduction and the PR interval.

TABLE 1. Conditions Associated with Progression to Complete Heart Block

Familial/Inherited AV Block Neuromuscular disease

Emery-Dreifuss Myotonic Dystrophy Limb-Girdle Kearns-Sayre

Peroneal muscular atrophy l-Transposition of the great arteries NKX2.5 deletion

Second-Degree AV Block

Several distinct patterns of second- degree AV block can be recognized. Consis- tent periodicity (i.e., dropping every 3


, 4


, or 5


beat, etc.) is frequently present. The ratio of P- to R-waves provides a descrip- tion of the pattern (i.e., 3:2, 4:3). This pattern of “grouped beats” should always sug- gest second-degree AV block. Regular non- conducted atrial extrasystoles may also present with this pattern and are distinguished by the irregular PP interval, as well as the dif- ferent P-wave morphologies (Figure 7).

Mobitz I (Wenckebach)

With typical Mobitz I, or Wenckebach (Figures 8 and 9), there is gradual prolon- gation of the PR interval prior to a non- conducted beat. The greatest increase in PR interval is between the first and second con- ducted beats of a series. The lesser increment on subsequent beats leads to a shortening of the RR interval. Following the non-conducted beat, the normal PR interval is restored result- ing in an RR interval that is less than twice the sinus rate.

Atypical Wenckebach, which may be more common than the typical form, refers to other patterns of PR prolongation in asso- ciation with the appearance of a dropped beat (no conduction to the ventricles)—AV block.

This pattern often occurs in the presence of

sinus arrhythmia and with longer runs of con-

ducted beats between block cycles.


FIGURE 4. Surface ECG (upper signal), atrial wire recording (middle signal), and ventricular wire recording in a patient with first-degree AV block following surgical repair of an AV septal defect. Atrial activity was not apparent from the surface ECG. Atrial wire recordings confirm 1:1 AV relationship with long AV conduction time.

FIGURE 5. Sinus rhythm with first-degree AV block. PR interval 0.36 seconds.

Mobitz II

The PR interval does not vary prior to non-conducted beats with Mobitz II second- degree AV block, and, in the absence of a

TABLE 2. Maximum Normal PR Interval

Age PR (sec)

0 to 3 days 0.16

4 to 30 days 0.14

1 to 3 months 0.13

4 to 6 months 0.15

7 to 12 months 0.16

1 to 5 years 0.16

6 to 12 years 0.17

>12 years 0.20

supraventricular arrhythmia, the RR inter- val is constant (Figure 9). Since there is no change in PR or RR interval during the con- ducted beats, the RR interval following a non- conducted beat should be twice that of a con- ducted RR interval.


When every other beat is non-conducted

in a 2:1 pattern, insufficient information is

present to distinguish the pattern of Mob-

itz I from Mobitz II. Long-term recordings

may reveal other ratios of conduction al-

lowing discrimination of these two entities

(Figures 9 and 10). Long QT syndrome may


FIGURE 6. Sixteen-year-old boy with first-degree heart block—PR interval 0.36 sec. Asymptomatic. With exercise, the PR interval shortened to normal with 1:1 conduction.

FIGURE 7. Sinus rhythm with frequent nonconducted atrial extrasystoles in a quadrigeminal pattern. The grouped beats mimic second-degree AV block, but the variation in P-wave timing and morphology are distinguishing features.


FIGURE 9. Sinus rhythm with Mobitz I second-degree AV block that transitions to 2:1 block.

present with 2:1 conduction as the ventricles, due to the mutated K+ ion channel (LQTS1) delaying ventricular repolarization, are re- fractory to successive sinus impulses (Figure 10). It is a poor prognostic sign.


Advanced AV block is present when two or more impulses are not conducted in the ab- sence of complete heart block (Figure 11). Pa- tients with advanced AV block may progress to complete heart block (Chapter 15).


Electrophysiologic studies have pro- vided invaluable insights into AV node phys- iology (Chapter 3). Currently, clinical history

FIGURE 10. Sinus rhythm with stable PR interval that transitions to 2:1 block. In the absence of prior PR interval prolongation, this most likely represents Mobitz II AV block.

and non-invasive diagnostic studies primar- ily guide diagnosis and management. Elec- trophysiologic study is not routinely per- formed solely for the assessment of first- and second-degree AV block because surface elec- trocardiograms provide adequate information for management. Invasive electrophysiologic studies of AV node function can be performed as an adjunct to hemodynamic study when deemed useful.

Measurements relevant to AV conduc-

tion include the intra-atrial conduction time

(from the high right atrium near the sinus

node to the low septal right atrium near the

AV node), the AH interval, a measure of

AV nodal conduction, and the HV interval,

which reflects conduction through the His-

Purkinje system to the ventricles. Intracar-

diac recordings allow distinction of the level

at which block occurs (Figures 12 and 13).


FIGURE 11. Sinus rhythm in a patient with nodoventricular pathway. Advanced AV block associated with narrow complex escape rhythm.

Slow intra-atrial or AV nodal conduction is almost always the mechanism for first-degree AV block and is confirmed by recording a pro- longed intra atrial conduction time or AH in- terval. Similarly, Mobitz I block is almost al- ways within the AV node such that the AH interval prolongs and there is no His bundle deflection with the onset of AV block. In con- trast, Mobitz II block is more frequently in- franodal. The AH interval typically remains constant and there is a His bundle deflection resulting in a non-conducted impulse and no ventricular activation.

Patients with first-degree or Mobitz I second-degree AV block often have prolonged

FIGURE 12. Intracardiac study of a patient with first-degree AV block. Note prolonged AH and Normal HV intervals localizing conduction delay to the AV node.

effective and functional refractory periods for the atrium or the AV node. Normally, the ef- fective refractory period of the His-Purkinje system and ventricular tissue is shorter than the functional refractory period for the AV node. Thus, block distal to the His during pro- grammed stimulation is abnormal though ex- ceeding rare in the young.


Most children with first- and second-

degree AV block do not experience progres-

sion to complete heart block and most do not


FIGURE 13. Supraventricular tachycardia with 2:1 block. Note His depolarization (H) for conducted and blocked impulses localizing block to distal conduction system.

require treatment. Transient first- and second- degree AV block may be observed during Holter recordings of healthy children and adolescents, particularly those who are ath- letes and particularly at night with predomi- nantly sympathetic withdrawal. Avoidance of medications known to slow AV conduction is prudent, especially in those patients at risk for AV conduction system disease. For patients who are already receiving these medications, the potential benefit must be weighed against the risk of impaired conduction.

Patients who are acutely symptomatic with second-degree AV block are uncommon, but can be treated with atropine, isoproterenol, and temporary pacing. With some infectious

TABLE 3. Conditions Requiring Permanent Pacing

Advanced AV block persisting more than 7 days after surgery

Advanced AV block with symptomatic bradycardia Long QT with 2:1 block or third-degree AV block Neuromuscular disease with any AV block

diseases, such as Lyme carditis, the block may resolve entirely. There are no chronic medical management options for patients with signif- icant AV block. Consensus guidelines exist only for advanced AV block, long QT syn- drome with 2:1 block or greater, and pro- gressive AV block related to neuromuscular disease (Table 3). Patients with associated structural heart disease, a family history of progressive AV block or sudden death, and those known to carry the mutation of NKX2.5, are likely to require permanent pacing as well.


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