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Dual structure of dynamic linear systems


Academic year: 2021

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Dual structure of dynamic linear systems

One can easily prove that the formulas related to the observability and constructability pro- blems can be obtained by “duality” from the similar formulas provided for the reachability and controllability problems.

The system S and the corresponding dual system SD are related as follows:

S ↔ SD A ↔ ATD B ↔ CTD C ↔ BTD D ↔ DTD

T ↔ (P−1)T

S ↔ SD R+ ↔ (OD)T O ↔ (R+D)T X+ ↔ ED

E ↔ XD+

Let us now show the most common correspondences between systems S and SD. Reachabnility matrix:

R+ = h B AB . . . An−1B i

Observability matrix:

O =

C CA...


Reachability standard form:

A =

A11 A12

O A22

B =



C = h C1 C2 i

Observability standard form:

A =

A11 0 A12 A22

B =



C = h C1 0 i

Reachable subsystem:

SR = (A11, B1, C1)

Observable subsystem:

SO = (A11, B1, C1)

Not reachable subsystem: Unobservable subsystem:


Transformation matrix T that brings the system into the reachability standard form:

x= Tx, T = h T1 T2 i


ImT1 = ImR+ = X+

and T2 makes matrix T not singular.

Transformation matrix P−1 that brings the system into the observability stan- dard form:

x = Px, P−1 =




ImPT1 = Im(O)T

and P2 makes matrix P−1 non singular.

Transfer matrix H(s):

H(s) = C1(sI − A11)−1B1

depends only on the reachable subsy- stem.

Transfer matrix H(s):

H(s) = C1(sI − A11)−1B1

depends only on the observable subsy- stem.

Controllability canonical form (for reachable systems with only one input):

Ac =

0 1 0 . . . 0 0 0 1 . . . 0

... ... ...

−α0 −α1 . . . −αn−1

bc =

0 0...


cc = h β0 β1 . . . βn−1 i

where parameters α0, . . . , αn−1, are the coefficients of the monic characteristic polynomial of matrix A: ∆A(λ) = λn+ λn−1αn−1 + . . . + α0.

Observability canonical form (for observable systems with only one output):

Ao =

0 0 . . . 0 −α0

1 0 . . . 0 −α1

... ... ... ...

0 0 . . . 1 −αn−1

bo =



. . . βn−1


Transfer function G(s) for system in canonical form:

G(s) = cc(sI−Ac)−1bc = co(sI−Ao)−1bo = βn−1sn−1+ . . . + β1s+ β0 sn+ αn−1sn−1+ . . . + α1s+ α0

Transformation matrix Tc which brings the system S in the controllability canonical form (x = Tcxc):

Tc = R+(R+c )−1 = h b Ab A2b . . . An−1b i

α1 α2 α3 . . . αn−1 1 α2 α3 . . . 1 0 α3 . . . 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ...

αn−1 1 . . . 0 0 1 0 . . . 0 0

Transformation matrix P−1c which brings the system S in the observability canonical form (x = Pcxc):

P−1c = (Oc)−1O =

α1 α2 α3 . . . αn−1 1 α2 α3 . . . 1 0 α3 . . . 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... ...

αn−1 1 . . . 0 0 1 0 . . . 0 0

c cA cA2

. . . cAn−1

Let αi be the coefficients of the characteristic polynomial ∆A(λ) of matrix A:

A(λ) = λn + αn−1λn−1+ . . . + α1λ+ α0

and let di be the coefficients of monic polynomial p(λ) chosen freely:

p(λ) = λn+ dn−1λn−1 + . . . + d1λ+ d0


If the couple (A, b) is reachable, the gain vector k of the static state feedback u = k x which locates arbitrarily the eigenvalues of matrix A + bk is the following:

k= kcT−1c = kc

h b, Ab, . . . , An−1b i

α1 α2 . . . αn−1 1 α2 . . . 1 0 ... ... ... ... ...

αn−1 1 . . . 0 0 1 0 . . . 0 0


where kc = h α0 − d0, α1 − d1, . . . , αn−1 − dn−1 i.

If the couple (A, c) is observable, the gain vector l of an asymptotic sta- te observer which arbitrarily located the eigenvalues of matrix A + lc is the following:

l = Pclc =

α1 α2 . . . αn−1 1 α2 . . . 1 0 ... ... ... ... ...

αn−1 1 . . . 0 0 1 0 . . . 0 0

c cA cA2

. . . cAn−1


α0 − d0

α1 − d1


αn−1 − dn−1

| {z }


If the couple (A, b) is reachable, the gain vector k of the static state feedback u = k x which locates arbitrarily the eigenvalues of matrix A + bk can be computed using the following Ackerman formula:

k = −h 0 . . . 0 1 i(R+)−1

| {z }


p(A) = −qTp(A)

where qT is the last row of the inverse of the reachability matrix and where p(A) is the matrix obtained from the polynomial p(λ) when parameter λ is substituted by matrix A.


If the couple (A, c) is observable, the gain vector l of an asymptotic state obser- ver which arbitrarily located the eigenvalues of matrix A + lc can be computed using the following Ackerman formula:

l = −p(A) (O)−1


0 1

| {z }


= −p(A)q

where q is the last column of the inverse della matrice di osservabilit`a and where p(A) is the matrix obtained from the polynomial p(λ) when parameter λ is substituted by matrix A.


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