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3 Perinatal Pharmacology 䉲


Academic year: 2021

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Perinatal Pharmacology


Increased Plasma Volume Increased Blood Volume Free Drug Concentration Addition of Epinephrine

Maternal Metabolism and Elimination of the Drug Maternal Protein Binding

Maternal pH and Drug pKa Placental Transfer of Drugs

Area of Transfer and Diffusion Distance

Molecular Weight and Spatial Configuration of Drugs pKa of Drugs

Protein Binding and Lipid Solubility of Drugs Drug Interaction

Metabolism of Drugs Fetus

Uptake Distribution Fetal Liver

Progressive Dilution of Umbilical Vein Blood Concentration Extensive Right-to-Left Shunt of the Fetal Circulation

Metabolism and Elimination

Perinatal pharmacology involves the three most important

participants in pregnancy: the mother, the placenta, and the

fetus (Fig 3-1). There are only a few drugs (heparin, protamine)

used in parturients that cannot traverse the placenta and go to

the fetal side. Therefore, most of the drugs used in pregnant


women will affect the fetus to a certain extent; hence peri- natal pharmacology should be an important part of obstetric anesthesia.

Maternal drug administration can affect the fetus mainly in two ways: (1) having a direct fetal effect and (2) indirectly involving the uteroplacental circulation. This chapter will discuss the three main participants.

Figure 3-1. Drug disposition in the mother, placenta, and




The maternal plasma concentration of any agent will depend upon the site of administration as well as the amount of agent administered. In the case of local anesthetics, the highest to lowest maternal plasma concentration will be achieved by the following route of administration: intravenous > paracervi- cal > caudal epidural > lumbar epidural > intramuscular >

subarachnoid block. Once the drug reaches the maternal cir- culation, the maternal plasma concentration will depend upon several important factors: (1) the volume of distribution and elimination and (2) changes in the cardiovascular system due to pregnancy.

Increased Plasma Volume

An increase in plasma volume as well as total body water during pregnancy increases the volume of distribution mainly of lipid-soluble drugs. This increased volume of distribution can also increase clearance of the drugs. This increase in volume of distribution has an important clinical implication. Bupivacaine and fentanyl concentrations were measured from the mother’s vein as well as an umbilical vein from parturients with long duration of labor. Free bupivacaine and fentanyl concentrations in both mother and baby were extremely small. Highly lipid-soluble drugs like bupivacaine and fentanyl are associated with rapid distribu- tion as well as uptake by the maternal tissue. Hence a very small amount of the drug appears in the neonate.


In non- pregnant women, the maximum and minimum concentrations of drugs will be higher than those observed at 10 to 40 weeks of gestation.


Increased Blood Volume

Increased maternal blood volume as well as cardiac output

will increase uteroplacental blood flow. The exact impact of

these hemodynamic changes in placental transfer of drugs to

the fetus is not clearly understood. However, an interesting

concept has been suggested related to uterine contraction and


the placental transfer of drugs. Placental transfer of drugs is especially reduced when they are injected intravenously into the mother at the beginning of the uterine contraction because of stoppage of placental circulation; tissue redistrib- ution of the drugs in the meantime will lower the maternal plasma concentration before re-establishment of the placental circulation.

Free Drug Concentration

The free drug concentration in the uterine artery that will ultimately reach the placenta will depend on several impor- tant factors: (1) the addition of epinephrine, (2) maternal metabolism and elimination of drugs, (3) maternal protein binding, and (4) the maternal pH and pKa of the drugs.

Addition of Epinephrine

Epinephrine has been shown to reduce the peak maternal plasma concentration of lidocaine and mepivacaine.


How- ever, epinephrine has an insignificant effect on peak concen- trations of bupivacaine and etidocaine.

Maternal Metabolism and Elimination of the Drug

Ester drugs like 2-chloroprocaine, succinylcholine, and

trimethaphan are destroyed by cholinesterase; hence the

maternal plasma half-life of these drugs is very short, and

thus less drug will ultimately reach the fetus. On the other

hand, normeperidine, a metabolite of meperidine, is twice

as toxic as the parent compound and interestingly only half as

analgesic. This metabolite will ultimately reach the fetus.


These studies observed that infants born more than 4 hours

after maternal medication have more time to accumulate

normeperidine in their tissues, because of maternal metabo-

lism of meperidine; however, infants born within 1 hour of

maternal medication have less time for nomeperidine to accu-

mulate and, neonatal depression can be due to direct action

of meperidine.


Maternal Protein Binding

Plasma protein binding may be important for placental transfer. Local anesthetics like bupivacaine and etidocaine with significantly higher plasma protein-binding capacity than lidocaine and mepivacaine will have less placental transfer and lower fetal concentrations. The umbilical vein and mater- nal vein (UV/MV) concentration ratio has been shown to be lower in the case of bupivacaine and etidocaine as compared with lidocaine and mepivacaine. On the other hand, in a study in animals this lower UV/MV ratio has been explained by the higher fetal tissue uptake of bupivacaine and etidocaine because of their high lipid solubility.


Maternal pH and Drug pKa

Drugs with a pKa close to the body’s pH of 7.4 will remain in higher amount in nonionized form in maternal blood, and this will be associated with higher placental transfer. Mepivacaine with a pKa of 7.6 will cross the placenta in higher amounts when compared with bupivacaine with a pKa of 8.1. The two new local anesthetics, ropivacaine and levobupivacaine, are like the present form of bupivacaine because of their similar pKa.

Placental Transfer of Drugs

Placental transfer of drugs will depend on several important factors: (1) the area of transfer and the diffusion distance, (2) the molecular weight and spatial configuration of the drugs, (3) the pKa of the drugs, (4) the protein binding and lipid sol- ubility of the drugs, (5) drug interaction, and (6) the metabo- lism of the drugs. Hence, placental transfer of drugs can be described by the diffusion equation

where Q/t is the quantity of the drugs transferred in a unit of time; K is a diffusion constant; A is the total area of the pla-

Q t KA C C D

m f

= ( - )


centa; C


and C


are the maternal and fetal concentration of free drugs, respectively; and D is the distance across the placenta.

Area of Transfer and Diffusion Distance

The rate of drug transfer will depend upon the area of trans- fer. The maternal part of the placenta contains 180 to 320 spiral arteries. The functional unit of the placenta is the “pla- centone”, which is supplied by a single spiral artery. Reduced placental perfusion will decrease the blood flow through the “placentone” and will affect drug transfer. The distance of diffusion is also important. Pre-eclampsia, which is associ- ated with placental abnormality, can increase the diffusion distance.

Molecular Weight and Spatial Configuration of Drugs

Drugs between 100 and 500 daltons (Da) will freely cross the placenta. Drugs above 500 Da will cross with difficulty, and drugs above 1,000 Da will not cross the placenta. Most of the clinically useful drugs will cross the placenta because of their low molecular weight. However, heparin, and protamine cannot cross the placenta because of their large molecular weight.

pKa of Drugs

Only the un-ionized form of drugs can cross the placenta;

hence drugs with a pKa closer to the maternal pH of 7.4 will be able to cross the placenta in a high amount.

Protein Binding and Lipid Solubility of Drugs

Drugs bound to plasma protein cross a biological mem-

brane like the placenta with great difficulty. Hence drugs

such as bupivacaine, with its higher protein-binding capac-

ity, will have less placental transfer. On the other hand, a

higher total plasma concentration of any drug (administered


in a large amount) will remain in unbound form and will cross the placenta in a higher amount. Lipid solubility eases the transfer of drugs through the placenta. Highly lipid- soluble drugs, such as barbiturates, can reach the fetus in large amounts after easy placental transfer.

Drug Interaction

Different drugs do possess different affinity for plasma protein-binding or tissue-binding sites. Diazepam is a highly protein-bound drug. Diazepam given intravenously after local anesthetic administration will compete with protein binding and will thus increase the free local anesthetic concentration.


Hence, multiple drugs administered at the same time to the mother may affect placental transfer and ultimately fetal drug concentration.

Metabolism of Drugs

The placenta can manufacture and excrete specific enzymes that will destroy maternally administered prednisone;

hence it will not cross the placenta.


Fetal uptake, distribution, and metabolism and elimination will ultimately be responsible for the fetal drug concentration and its effect on the fetus. Once drugs reach the fetus, several important factors will determine the free umbilical artery con- centration of drugs.


Fetal uptake of drugs will depend on protein binding, lipid

solubility, and the pKa of the drugs. Because of lesser amount

of total protein in the fetus, plasma protein-binding capacity

in the fetus is less than in the mother; hence a higher amount

of free drug will be available in plasma. High]y lipid-soluble

drugs like bupivacaine and etidocaine have been shown to be

absorbed by the fetal tissues in a significant amount and thus


reduce the fetal plasma concentration.


Finally, the fetal pH is important for determining the proportion of ionized and un- ionized forms of the drug. Normal fetal pH varies between 7.32 and 7.38, whereas maternal pH varies between 7.38 and 7.42. In a normal situation, maternal fetal transfer of the drug will depend significantly on the concentration gradient. If the fetus is acidotic (pH > 7.20), then un-ionized drugs from the mother will reach the fetus and ultimately will be dissociated to ionized form. The ionized form of drugs will get trapped in the fetus since they will be unable to cross the placenta. This phenomenon has been described as “ion trapping.“



Because of the uniqueness of the fetal circulation (Fig 3-2), there is a significant difference between umbilical vein and umbilical artery concentrations of drugs. The umbilical artery concentration is a true reflection of the fetal brain concentration.

Fetal Liver

The umbilical vein blood from the placenta either reaches the liver or flows through the ductus venosus. The left lobe of the liver is transfused by the umbilical vein blood, whereas the right lobe is perfused by portal vein blood. Thiopental admin- istered intravenously to the mother is taken up by the fetal liver in a significant amount.


Thus the fetal liver helps in extract- ing substantial amounts of drug entering the fetus and thereby helps in protecting the fetal brain. This high uptake has also been observed with halothane, lidocaine, and cyclamate.

Progressive Dilution of Umbilical Vein in Blood Concentration

Umbilical vein blood going through either the fetal liver or the ductus venosus will ultimately be diluted by the blood received from the inferior extremity or gastrointestinal tract.

This diluted umbilical vein blood will be shunted through the

foramen ovale of the heart and ultimately to the fetal brain.


Figure 3-2. Fetal circulation (numbers indicate percent satu- ration). IVC = inferior vena cava; P = placenta; Li = liver;

RHV, LHV = right and left hepatic veins; SVC = superior vena cava; RA, LA = right and left atria; DA = ductus arteriosus;

PA = pulmonary artery; Ao = aorta; Lu = lung; DV = ductus

venosus; PV = pulmonary vein; UV = umbilical vein; UA =

umbilical artery. (From Martin R. Prepartum and Intrapartum

fetal monitoring. In Datta S (ed): Anesthesthetic and Obstet-

ric Management of High-Risk Pregnancy, 3rd ed. New York,

Springer, 2004.)


Extensive Right-to-Left Shunt of the Fetal Circulation

About 57% of fetal cardiac output returns to the placenta without perfusing fetal tissues. This is related to extensive shunting of the fetal circulation via the foramen ovale of the heart as well as the ductus arteriosus. This mechanism leads to diminished exposure of the fetal brain to circulating drugs.

The three major reasons that thiopental, maternally admin- istered in therapeutic doses (4 to 6 mg/kg), will result in an awake and screaming baby despite the mother being asleep are (1) extraction by the fetal liver, (2) progressive dilution of umbilical vein blood concentrations, and (3) a large right-to- left cardiac shunt in the fetus.

Metabolism and Elimination

Although hepatic enzyme activity in the fetus is usually less than that in the adult, the human fetus can take care of the drugs administered to the mother in therapeutic doses. The human fetal liver stores a significant amount of cytochrome P-450 and reduced nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide phos- phate (NADPH) cytochrome c reductase even at the 14th week of gestation. Hence premature fetuses can metabolize mater- nally administered local anesthetics. 2-Chloroprocaine was found to be metabolized by the human premature fetus without any problem.


On the other hand, mepivacaine’s metabolism is incomplete, and the majority of this drug is excreted by the kidney in an unchanged form.


In summary, the majority of maternally administered drugs will cross the placenta and reach the fetus, but because of the unique fetal circulation, only a small amount of the drugs will reach the fetal brain and myocardium and cause fetal depres- sion. Apgar scores, acid-base values, and neurobehavior tests have been used to observe drug effects on the fetus.


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