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Point-affine quadrangles


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Point-affine quadrangles

Bernhild Stroppel

Mathematisches Institut B, Universit¨ at Stuttgart, D-70550 Stuttgart, Germany, bernhild@mathematik.uni-stuttgart.de

Received: 15 October 1999; accepted: 15 October 1999.

Abstract. We give an axiomatic description of point-affine quadrangles as obtained by deleting a point star from a generalized quadrangle. We define a completion and observe that isomorphisms can be extended to isomorphisms between completions.

Keywords: generalized quadrangles, affine generalized quadrangles, elation quadrangles MSC 2000 classification: primary 51A10, secondary 51A50, 51E12, 51E14

1. Introduction

We consider incidence structures Q = (P, L, F ) where P and L are disjoint sets and F ⊆ P ×L is the incidence relation. The elements of P and L are called points and lines respectively, the elements of F are called flags. The (incidence geometrical) distance will be denoted by d and we use the following notation:

D i (x) := {y ∈ P ∪ L | d(x, y) = i} , D i := 

(x, y) ∈ (P ∪ L) 2  d(x, y) = i  .

Definition 1. An incidence structure Q = (P, L, F ) is called generalized quadrangle if, and only if, the following axioms are satisfied:

(V 1 ) |D 1 (x) | ≥ 3 for all x ∈ P ∪ L.

(V 2 ) There are neither binangles nor triangles in Q.

(V 3 ) The diameter of Q is 4, that is sup {d(x, y) | x, y ∈ P ∪ L} = 4.

The following properties are checked easily:

() Take any two elements x and y of P ∪ L. Then there exists an ordinary quadrangle containing x and y.

( ⊥) For each anti-flag (x, g) ∈ (P ×L)\F there exists exactly one flag (y, h) ∈ F

such that (x, h) ∈ F and (y, g) ∈ F hold. We denote y and h by π(x, g)

and λ(x, g) respectively.


2. Affine derivation of quadrangles

In this section we consider a generalized quadrangle Q = (P, L, F ) with distance d and a chosen point p ∈ P . Our aim is to motivate the axioms in Section 3 and to prepare for Theorem 2.

Definition 2. The affine derivation of Q in p is the incidence structure A p ( Q) = (A, G, I), where A := D 4 (p), G := D 3 (p) and I is the restriction of F to A p ( Q). We will denote the distance in A p ( Q) by δ, and put

i (x) := {y ∈ A ∪ G | δ(x, y) = i} ,

i := 

(x, y) ∈ (A ∪ G) 2  δ(x, y) = i  .

We call the elements of A and G affine points and affine lines respectively.

Example. The affine derivation of the smallest generalized quadrangle is the graph of the cube.



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Note that there are points at distance 6 in this example. If Q is anti-regular (for instance if Q is an orthogonal quadrangle over a field of characteristic different from 2) then A p Q does not contain points at distance 6.

Remarks 1.

1. For any a ∈ A we have ∆ 1 (a) = D 1 (a). That means, for every pair (a, g) (A × G) \ I there exists λ(a, g) ∈ G.

2. For g ∈ G there exists q ∈ D 2 (p) such that ∆ 1 (g) ∪ {q} = D 1 (g), namely q = π(p, g).

3. G = {a ∨ b | a, b ∈ A; d(a, b) = 2}, where a ∨ b is the joining line of a and b.

(In fact, assertion 2 above gives us ∆ 1 (g) ≥ 2 for all g ∈ G. So we have a 1 , a 2 ∈ A with g = a 1 ∨ a 2 . The other direction follows from assertion 1.)

Now we consider the distances in A := A p ( Q). Let A also denote A ∪ G.

Lemma 1. We have δ ≥ d. More exactly:


1. For (x, y) ∈ A 2 ∩ (D 2 \ ∆ 2 ) we have: (x, y) ∈ ∆ 6 and x, y ∈ G.

2. For (a, g) ∈ A 2 ∩ (D 3 \ ∆ 3 ) we have: (a, g) ∈ ∆ 5 .

3. For (x, y) ∈ A 2 ∩ (D 4 \ ∆ 4 ) we have: (x, y) ∈ ∆ 6 and x, y ∈ A.

Proof. As incidence in A is induced from Q we have δ(x, y) ≥ d(x, y) for all x, y ∈ A.

(1.) Let us take (x, y) ∈ A 2 ∩ (D 2 \ ∆ 2 ). Then we have x, y ∈ G by Re- marks 1.3 and there exists z ∈ D 1 (x) ∩ D 1 (y) ∩ D 2 (p). With () we get a chain (x, a, k, b, l, c, y) with a = z = c. By Remarks 1.2 we have {a, c} ⊆ A. Now if b ∈ A then k, l ∈ A by Remarks 1.3. If b ∈ A we choose a  ∈ D 1 (x) \ {a, z} such that π(a  , l) ∈ A. This is possible by Remarks 1.2. So we have a chain of length 6 from x to y in A. Any shorter chain would give binangles or triangles in Q.

(2.) Take (a, g) ∈ A 2 ∩ (D 3 \ ∆ 3 ), say a ∈ A and g ∈ G. So we have π(a, g) ∈ A. From Remarks 1.2 we get the existence of an affine point b ∈ ∆ 1 (h) for a line h ∈ ∆ 1 (a) such that λ(b, g) ∈ A and π(b, g) ∈ A. Then the chain (a, h, b, λ(b, g), π(b, g), g) has length 5 in A.

(3.) Let (x, y) ∈ A 2 ∩ (D 4 \ ∆ 4 ). Then we have x, y ∈ A by Remarks 1.2 and D 2 (x) ∩ D 2 (y) ⊆ D 2 (p). Choose g ∈ ∆ 1 (x) and h ∈ ∆ 1 (y) \ {λ(y, g)}. By Remarks 1.2 there exists a ∈ (∆ 1 (g) ∩A)\{x} with π(a, h) ∈ A. Thus the chain

(x, g, a, λ(a, h), π(a, h), h, y)

is a chain of length 6 in A.


We want to reconstruct the generalized quadrangle from its affine derivation.

To this end, we describe points of D 2 (p) in terms of A.

Definition 3. Let a pseudo-pencil be a maximal set H ⊆ G of lines with δ(g, h) ∈ {0, 6} for all g, h ∈ H.

Lemma 2. For q ∈ D 2 (p) we have that Π q := D 1 (q) ∩ A is a pseudo-pencil.

Moreover, for every pseudo-pencil H there exists a point x ∈ D 2 (p) such that H = D 1 (x) ∩ A. Thus the system of pseudo-pencils is a partition of G.

Proof. Take two distinct lines g and h in D 1 (q) ∩ A. By Lemma 1 we have δ(g, h) = 6. Let l ∈ G \ Π q , that means d(q, l) = 3. If π(q, l) ∈ A holds, we have δ(λ(q, l), l) = 2 = 6. If π(q, l) ∈ A, there exists by () and Remarks 1.2 a line h ∈ Π q \ {λ(q, l)} with δ(h, l) = 4 = 6.

Now let H be any pseudo-pencil and g = h ∈ H. Lemma 1 yields d(g, h) = 2.

So we have that all lines of H meet in x := π(p, g) by Remarks 1.2 and thus we

have H = D 1 (x) ∩ A.


Our next aim is to describe the lines through p with δ. Let us regard the

following assertions about x, y ∈ D 2 (p).


A: x and y are not collinear in P.

B: x and y are collinear in P.

C: For all g ∈ Π x there exists an h ∈ Π y with δ(g, h) = 2.

D: For all g ∈ Π x and all h ∈ Π y we have δ(g, h) = 4.

Lemma 3. Let x, y ∈ D 2 (p) be distinct points. Then we have A ⇐⇒ C and B ⇐⇒ D

Proof. Obviously we have implications

E: A ⇐⇒ ¬B and C = ⇒ ¬D.

If x and y are collinear points, assertion D holds because there are no triangles in Q. So we have B =⇒ D and C =⇒ A by E. In order to show A =⇒ C we choose two not collinear points x, y ∈ D 2 (p), that is d(x, y) = 4 and we have d(g, y) = 3 for all lines g ∈ Π x . Absence of triangles in Q yields π(y, g) ∈ A. Thus we have δ(g, λ(y, g)) = 2 and assertion C holds. Now E implies D = ⇒ B.


Now we define an equivalence relation ∼ on the set of all pseudo-pencils in A, as follows:

Π x ∼ Π y ⇐⇒ δ(g, h) = 2 for all g ∈ Π x and all h ∈ Π y

We see that Π x ∼ Π y means d(x, y) ≤ 2. Thus the equivalence classes of ∼ are exactly the sets D 1 (l) \ {p} for lines l ∈ D 1 (p).

In addition we consider the equivalence relation whose equivalence classes are the pseudo-pencils of A. Using both equivalence relations we can reconstruct the quadrangle Q from its affine derivation A.

Proposition 1. We have Q ∼ = ( ˆ P , ˆ L, ˆ F ),where

P := A ˆ G  ∪ {p} and L := G ˆ G  

The incidence ˆ F is described as follows:

F := I ˆ ∪ {([g]  , g) | g ∈ G} ∪ 

(x, [x] )  x G  

(p, [x] )  x G   , where I ⊆ A × G is the incidence relation of A.

For the distance γ in ( ˆ P , ˆ L, ˆ F ) we obtain from 3:

Corollary 1. If x, y ∈ D 2 (p) are two different points then we have γ(Π x , Π y )

= 6 − min {δ(g, h) | (g, h) ∈ Π x × Π y }.


3. Axioms for point-affine quadrangles

Our aim is to give an axiomatic description of a point-affine quadrangle A such that we can construct a generalized quadrangle Q with A being the affine derivation of Q. A main motivation was the observation that several con- structions of generalized quadrangles in fact start with building a point-affine quadrangle. Prominent examples are elation generalized quadrangles, see Sec- tion 5.

There is a more general notion of “affine quadrangle”, denoting incidence structures obtained from a generalized quadrangle by deleting a geometric hy- perplane. Pralle [6] gives an axiomatic characterization of this general class, based on the notion of totally connected pairs of lines. Our approach, in con- trast, is based on distances.

Definition 4. An incidence structure A = (A, G, I) with distance δ is called a point-affine quadrangle if the following axioms hold.

(A 1 ) For a ∈ A we have |∆ 1 (a) | ≥ 3, for g ∈ G we have |∆ 1 (g) | ≥ 2.

(A 2 ) There are neither binangles nor triangles in A.

(A 3 ) The diameter of A is 6.

(A 4 ) We require that g h ⇐⇒ δ(g, h) ∈ {0, 6} is an equivalence relation on G and that each equivalence class of contains at least 2 elements. The equivalence class of g is denoted by [g]  , and the canonical map will be denoted by α : g → [g]  .

(A 5 ) On G  ,

[x]  ∼ [y]  ⇐⇒ δ(g, h) = 2 for all g ∈ [x]  and all h ∈ [y] 

defines an equivalence relation with at least 3 equivalence classes and at least 2 elements in each class.

(A 6 ) For g ∈ G we have that α|


(g) is a surjection onto {[x]  | [x]  ∼ [g]  }.

(A 7 ) For a ∈ A we have that α|


(a) is a surjection onto G \∆ 


(a) . (A 8 ) Let β : G 

[x]  x G  

: g → [[g]  ] . Then the restriction β |


(a) is surjective for each a ∈ A.

Example. If Q is a generalized quadrangle then the affine derivation at any

point of Q is a point-affine quadrangle, see Section 2. In fact, we shall see that

there are no other examples, cf. Theorem 1 below.


Remark 1. Note the analogy with affine planes (“line-affine triangles”), where one would require (A 1 ), absence of binangles, diameter 4, transitivity of the relation δ(g, h) ∈ {0, 4} (parallelism of lines) and the corresponding variant of (A 7 ) (existence of parallels). As, for instance, the Pappos figure shows, we have to require also that there are no pairs of points at distance 4 (existence of joining lines).

Now we want to reverse affine derivation. To this end, we construct a com- pletion C(A). Let

P := A G  ∪ {∞} and L := G G  

and define incidence by

F = I ∪ {([g]  , g) | g ∈ G} ∪ 

(x, [x] )  x G  

( ∞, [x] )  x G   . This means that affine points are only incident with affine lines and to an affine line we add exactly one new point. Moreover the point ∞ is incident only with the new lines.

Let us denote the distance on C(A) = (P, L, F ) by γ.

Definition 5. The incidence structure C(A) = (P, L, F ) described above is called the completion of the point-affine quadrangle A = (A, G, I).

Remark 2. Let Q be a generalized quadrangle. Then Proposition 1 says that Q ∼ = C(A p ( Q)) holds for each point p ∈ Q. Thus completion reverses derivation.

Theorem 1. The completion C(A) = (P, L, F ) of a point-affine quadrangle is a generalized quadrangle.

Proof. (V 1 ) For a ∈ A we have |Γ 1 (a) | ≥ 3 by (A 1 ). For x := [g]  ∈ P \ A we have 1 (x) | ≥ 3 by (A 4 ) and [x] ∈ Γ 1 (x). Axiom (A 5 ) ensures 1 ( ∞)| ≥ 3.

Let g ∈ G. By (A 1 ) and [g]  ∈ Γ 1 (g) we have 1 (g) | ≥ 3. Let l ∈ L \ G. By (A 5 ) we get at least two elements in ∆ 1 (l), and ∞ ∈ Γ 1 (l) yields 1 (l) | ≥ 3.

(V 2 ) We have neither binangles nor triangles in A by (A 2 ). In C(A) \ A the point ∞ is the only one which meets more than one line of L \ G. If there would be a triangle with two distinct collinear points x, y ∈ P \ A, we would have δ(g, h) = 4 for all (g, h) ∈ Π x ×Π y by definition of collinearity. So we cannot get any triangle. If there would be a binangle with points x ∈ P \ A and a ∈ A, this would mean that x = [a]  . But (a, g) ∈ I and (a, h) ∈ I for two lines g, h ∈ Π x

means that δ(g, h) = 0 and thus there exists no binangle.

(V 3 ) First we show γ(x, y) ≤ 4 for all x, y ∈ C(A).

(i) Let us consider the point ∞. For x ∈ A the chain (x, g, [g]  , [[g]  ] , ∞) has

length 4 and γ(x, ∞) ≤ 4 holds. For x ∈ G  we have γ(x, ∞) = 2 by definition


of F . For x ∈ G we have the chain (x, [x]  , [[x]  ] , ∞) and so γ(x, ∞) ≤ 3. For x ∈ L \ G we have γ(x, ∞) = 1 again by definition of F .

(ii) Let p G  . For x G  we have the chain (x, [x] , ∞, [p] , p), that is γ(x, p) 4. For x ∈ L \ G we have the chain (x, ∞, [p] , p), that is γ(x, p) ≤ 3. For x ∈ G either we have [x]  ∼ p and γ(x, p) ≤ 3 or there exists a line in ∆ 2 (x) incident with p by (A 6 ). So we have γ(x, p) ≤ 3 again. For x ∈ A choose a line g ∈ ∆ 1 (x) and get γ(x, p) ≤ 4 with the same argument as above.

(iii) Let a ∈ A. For x ∈ ∆ 6 (a) choose g ∈ ∆ 1 (x) and get δ(a, g) ≤ 5. If δ(a, g) = 5 holds, we get a line l ∈ ∆ 1 (a) with [l]  = [g]  by (A 7 ). Thus we have γ(x, a) ≤ 4.

For x ∈ G and δ(a, x) > 4 we have again by (A 7 ) a line l ∈ ∆ 1 (a) with [l]  = [x]  and so γ(x, a) ≤ 3 holds. For x ∈ L \ G the axiom (A 8 ) yields a line in ∆ 1 (a) which meets x, and we have γ(x, a) ≤ 3.

(iv) It remains to look at distances between lines. Let g ∈ G. For x ∈ ∆ 6 (g) we have [x]  = [g]  , that is γ(x, g) ≤ 2. For x ∈ L \ G we have the chain (x, ∞, [[g]  ] , [g]  , g) and so γ(x, g) ≤ 4 holds. For two new lines l, h ∈ L \ G we have γ(l, h) ≤ 2 because of (∞, x) ∈ F for all x ∈ L \ G.

Finally, we observe that (A × Γ 1 ( ∞)) ∩ F = ∅ and so γ(x, ∞) > 2 for all x ∈ A. Thus we have Γ 4 ( ∞) = ∅ and (V 3 ) is proved.


4. Isomorphisms

Definition 6. Let Q = (P, L, F ) and Q  = (P  , L  , F  ) be incidence struc- tures with distance functions d and d  , respectively. A bijection ϕ : P ∪ L → P  ∪ L  is called an isomorphism (from Q onto Q  ) if we have P ϕ = P  and F ϕ = F  .

Remark 3. A surjection ϕ : Q → Q  is an isomorphism if, and only if, we have P ϕ ⊆ P  and d(x, y) = d  (x ϕ , y ϕ ) for all x, y ∈ Q.

From Definition 3 and Corollary 1 we infer:

Lemma 4. Each isomorphism ϕ : A → A  between point-affine quadran- gles maps pseudo-pencils to pseudo-pencils, and for Π x , Π y ∈ C(A) we have:

γ  ((Π x ) ϕ , (Π y ) ϕ ) = γ(Π x , Π y ), where γ and γ  are the distances in C(A) and C(A  ) respectively.

Now let A and A  be point-affine quadrangles and let ϕ be an isomorphism from A onto A  . Then we can define an extension Φ from C(A) onto C(A  ) of ϕ as follows. Let Φ | A = ϕ and ([g]  ) Φ := [g ϕ ]  , ([x] ) Φ := 

x Φ 

, Φ :=  . Then Φ is an isomorphism from C(A) onto C(A  ).

Proposition 1 gives isomorphisms from Q 1 onto C(A p


( Q 1 )) and from

C(A p


( Q 2 )) onto Q 2 that induce the identity on A 1 and A 2 , respectively. Com-

bining these with Φ, we obtain:


Theorem 2. Let A 1 = A p


( Q 1 ) and A 2 = A p


( Q 2 ) be affine derivations of generalized quadrangles and let ϕ : A 1 → A 2 be an isomorphism. Then there exists an isomorphism ˆ ϕ : Q 1 → Q 2 with ˆ ϕ | A


= ϕ and p ϕ 1 ˆ = p 2 .

Corollary 2. For each generalized quadrangle Q and any two points p, q ∈ Q we have A p ( Q) ∼ = A q ( Q) if, and only if, there exists α ∈ Aut Q with p α = q.

Proof. Apply Theorem 2 to find α and use Remark 3 to conclude D 4 (p) α =

D 4 (q) and D 3 (p) α = D 3 (q) from p α = q.


5. Elation generalized quadrangles

In [4] Kantor constructs finite elation quadrangles as group coset geometries.

This construction was extended to the infinite case in [2], [5]. See Remarks 2 below for more remarks on the literature. We give an alternative proof of these results, which serves as an example how the axioms for point-affine quadrangles can be verified. Note also the analogies with the treatment of affine translation planes by Andr´ e [1].

Proposition 2. Let E be a group and F a family of subgroups. To each T ∈ F, let a subgroup T be associated such that the following conditions are satisfied: For all T, S, V ∈ F we have

(i) {1} < T < T < E,

(ii) T = S implies E = T S(= ST ) and T ∩ S = {1}, (iii) T = S = V = T implies T S ∩ V = {1},

(iv) E = T 

S ∈F ST . Then A := (E, 

T ∈F E/T, ∈) is a point-affine quadrangle and C(A) is an elation quadrangle with elation group E and elation center ∞.

Before we start with the proof of Proposition 2, we note the following Lemma 5. Under the assumptions of Proposition 2, one also has for all T, V ∈ F:

(v) T = V implies E = 

S ∈F T SV .

Proof. Consider T, V ∈ F. For any x ∈ E = V 

S ∈F SV we then have x ∈ V or x 

S ∈F SV . For x ∈ V we pick t ∈ T \{1}, then (ii) yields tx ∈ V , and tx 

S ∈F SV follows. Thus x 

S ∈F T SV holds for all x ∈ E.


Remark 4. Assertions (i)–(v) hold in each elation quadrangle. However,

assertion (iv) is independent of (i), (ii), (iii), (v), see [3].


Proof of Proposition. We remark that the line T x determines T ∈ F, in view of

T x = Sy ⇐⇒ T = S and yx −1 ∈ T.

Multiplication (from the right) with a ∈ E induces an automorphism of the incidence structure. Therefore, it suffices to describe distances from 1. For x ∈ E we have:

δ(1, x)

 

 

 

= 0

≤ 2 ≤ 4

≤ 6

 

 

 


 

 

 

x = 1 x 

V ∈F V x 

S,V ∈F SV x 


δ(1, T x)

 

= 1

≤ 3 ≤ 5

 


 

x ∈ T x 

S ∈F T S x 


(A 1 ) We have ∆ 1 (1) = F. From (iv) and (i) we deduce |F| ≥ 2. If we have |F| = 2, then (v) and (ii) yield E = T V = T V and so T = T , which contradicts (i). For T ∈ F the inequality |∆ 1 (T ) | = |T | ≥ 2 is a consequence of T = {1}.

(A 2 ) If there is a 2-gon with lines T and S, then there exists x ∈ E \{1} with x ∈ T ∩ S ⊆ T ∩ S, contradicting (ii). If there is a 3-gon with lines S, T, V x, we have V t = V x = V s for some t ∈ T and s ∈ V t∩S ⊆ V T ∩S, which contradicts (iii).

(A 3 ) For any x ∈ E we have x ∈ 

S ∈F T SV by (v) and therefore δ(1, x) ≤ 6.

The same argument shows that δ(1, T x) ≤ 5 for all T ∈ F. The proof of (A 4 ) will also show that there exist lines at distance 6.

(A 4 ) Here we will show

δ(T x, Sy) ∈ {0, 6} ⇐⇒ T = S and xy −1 ∈ T . First we choose x = 1, so we must prove

δ(T, Sy) ∈ {0, 6} ⇐⇒ T = S and y ∈ T .

Starting from T = S and y ∈ T , we obtain δ(T, Sy) = δ(T, T y) = 0 if y ∈ T . For y ∈ T \T we have T ∩T y = ∅ and therefore δ(T, T y) ≥ 4. But δ(T, T y) = 4 is equivalent to the existence of some z ∈ T y ⊆ T and some V ∈ F \ {T } such that V z ∩ T = ∅. So we take u ∈ V z ∩ T and get uz −1 ∈ V ∩ T z −1 ⊆ V ∩ T . This yields z = u ∈ T and T y = T z = T , a contradiction. We have thus proved that y ∈ T implies δ(T, T y) ∈ {0, 6}.

Now we assume δ(T, Sy) = 6. For T = S we would have E = 


by (v) and for each y ∈ E there exist s ∈ S, t ∈ T, v ∈ V such that y = s −1 vt.


Thus we have vt ∈ Sy and (Sy, vt, V t, t, T ) is a chain of length 4 from Sy to T . So we have S = T . Moreover δ(T, T y) ≥ 6 implies δ(1, T y) ≥ 5, that is y ∈ E \ 

S ∈F T S ⊆ T by (iv).

To show transitivity we take T x Sy and Sy V z and obtain first T = S = V . Without loss of generality we take x = 1 and get y ∈ T and there exists w ∈ E such that y, z ∈ T w, that is T w = T y = T and therefore we have z ∈ T . We have shown [T ]  = T /T and [T x]  = (T /T )x = {T tx | t ∈ T }. The inequality [T ]  = {T } follows from T > T .

(A 5 ) We claim

(T /T )x ∼ (S /S)y ⇐⇒ T = S By definition (T /T )x ∼ (S /S)y means

∀t ∈ T ∀s ∈ S : δ(T t x, Ss y) = 2 (1) that is, we have T t x = Ss y or T t x ∩ Ss y = ∅.

For T = S we have T S = E  xy −1 , that is xy −1 ∈ T s for some s ∈ S , which implies s y ∈ T x ∩ Ss y. This means that (1) is false, and (T /T )x ∼

(S /S)y. For T = S we have T u ∩ T v = ∅ whenever T u = T v and so the corresponding pseudo-pencils are collinear. This establishes the claim. It follows that ∼ is an equivalence relation with |F| ≥ 3 equivalence classes and |E/T | ≥ 2 elements in each equivalence class.

(A 6 ) Let Sx be a given line and (T /T )y ∼ (S /S)x, that is T = S. Then we have yx −1 ∈ E = T S. Take t ∈ T , s ∈ S such that sx = t y ∈ Sx ∩ T t y.

Thus we have T t y ∈ ∆ 2 (Sx) and T t y ∈ [T y]  .

(A 7 ) Let a ∈ E be arbitrary. Consider lines T y with δ(a, T y) = 3.

If δ(a, T y) = 1 holds, we see that T a = T y ∈ ∆ 1 (a) and T a T y. If δ(a, T y) = 5, we have ∀S ∈ F : Sa∩T y = ∅. So we see that ay −1 ∈ 

S ∈F ST and therefore ay −1 ∈ T by (iv). This is equivalent to a ∈ T y and so T a is the line with T a T y we searched for.

(A 8 ) If [T /T ] and x ∈ E are given, then T x is the pre-image we need.


Remarks 2. In addition to conditions (i)–(iii) as in Proposition 2, Kan- tor [4] assumes finiteness of the groups and equality of certain cardinalities.

Bader and Payne [2] and also L¨ owe [5] generalize this construction to infinite elation generalized quadrangles. In both papers, cardinality conditions are for- mulated, but it turns out that these are superfluous. Bader and Payne add an axiom (K 4 ) that says (in the notation from Proposition 2): ∀T ∈ F : T = B(T ), where

B(T ) := T  

T x  x ∈ E and T x ∩ S = ∅ for all S ∈ F \ {T } 



owe assumes Proposition 2 (iv) and characterizes T as complement L(T ) of the set 

S ∈F\{T } T (S \ {1}).

Lemma 6. Let E be a group and F a family of subgroups which satisfies (i) and (ii) of Proposition 2. Then we have B(T ) = L(T ) for each T ∈ F.

Proof. Let z ∈ L(T ). Then either z ∈ T ⊆ B(T ) holds, or z ∈ L(T ) \ T = E \ 


S =T T (S \ {1}) = E \ 

S ∈F T S. So we have for all S ∈ F that z ∈ T S. This means z ∈ T s and s ∈ T z for all s ∈ S. Thus T z ∩ S = ∅ holds for all S ∈ F \ {T }. This conclusion implies z ∈ T z ⊆ B(T ) and thus we have L(T ) ⊆ B(T ).

Now consider z ∈ B(T ). Again we have two possibilities. First assume z ∈ T \ L(T ). Then there would exist S = T such that z ∈ T (S \ {1}), say z = ts.

But then we have t −1 z = s ∈ S \ {1} and t −1 z ∈ T which contradicts (ii). Now we take z ∈ B(T ) \ T . Then there exists x ∈ E such that z ∈ T x and for all S = T we have T x ∩ S = ∅. Let us suppose z = tx ∈ T (S \ {1}). Then tx = t 0 s for some t 0 ∈ T, s ∈ S \ {1}. This yields s = t −1 0 tx ∈ T x ∩ S which contradicts z ∈ B(T ). Thus we have for all S ∈ F \ {T } that z ∈ T (S \ {1}) holds which

implies z ∈ L(T ).


Lemma 6 implies that the additional axioms of [2] and [5] are equivalent.

In Proposition 2 we include L¨ owe’s additional axiom as assumption (iv). Note that, in the infinite case, some axiom beyond Kantor’s original conditions is needed, as the example in [3] shows.


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Z. 60 (1954), 156–186.

[2] L. Bader, S.E. Payne: On infinite K-clan geometry. J. Geometry 63 (1998), 1–16.

[3] S. Boekholt, M. Stroppel: Independence of axioms for fourgonal families. J. Geometry (to appear).

[4] W. Kantor: Some generalized quadrangles with parameters (q, q


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[5] S. L¨ owe : Fourgonal extensions. Geometriae Dedicata 69, No. 1 (1998), 67–81.

[6] H. Pralle: Affine Generalized Quadrangles—an Axiomatization. Geometriae Dedicata

84 (2001), 1–23.


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