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Io sottoscritta Galyna Shabat, MD, PhD, dichiaro quanto segue


Academic year: 2022

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Io sottoscritta Galyna Shabat, MD, PhD, dichiaro quanto segue



Nome e Cognome G




Nazionalita’ Ucraina

Data di Nascita 21/03/1983 Stato Civile C



23 Ottobre 2019 – Laurea in Medicina Riconosciuta da Ministero della Salute di Italia – Riconoscimento del titolo di Medico conseguito in Ucraina

25 Novembre 2021 – Ministero della Salute di Italia – riconoscimento del titolo di Specializzazione in Chirurgia Generale conseguito in Ucraina ai fini dell’esercizio in Italia della professione di Medico Specialista in Chirurgia Generale





04 Ottobre – in corso

07 Giugno 2021 – 28 Settembre 2021

16 Luglio – 16 Novembre 2020

9 Aprile 2020 – 10 Luglio 2020

Dicembre (giorni festivi) 2019

19 Marzo 2018 - 15 Settembre 2018:

11 Febbraio 2016 – Settembre 2016:

01 Novembre 2014 – 31 Gennaio 2016:

10 Decembre 2012 – 31 Ottobre 2014:

01 Febbraio 2012 – 15 Agosto 2014:

Agosto 2009 – Dicembre 2010:

01 Agosto 2007 - 30 Giugno 2009:

01 Agosto 2006 - 30 Giugno 2007:

Medico (diversi incarichi) contratto libero professionale presso San Pier Damiano Hospital GVM, Faenza, Italia

Medico Aiuto (diversi incarichi) contratto libero professionale presso Casa Cura “Istituto Ortopedico Villa Salus” Gruppo Tigano, Siracusa (SR), Italia

Medico Assistente (diversi incarichi) a tempo determinato breve presso Policlinico Abano Terme (Euganea 6), Abano Terme (PD), Italia

Medico di guardia contratto libero professionale a Casa di Cura Sant’Anna, Gruppo Tigano, Trapani (TP), Italia

ASL Trapani sostituzione del Medico di Base Pietro Ignazio Marino, Marsala (TP), Italia

Post Doc Fellow nella Divisione di Chirurgia Colorettale, Unita’ di Chirurgia Generale presso il BWH (Brigham and Womans Hospital) Harvard Medical School, 75 Francis St. Boston (MA), USA – Direttore di Programma Post Doc – Prof. Dr. Nelya Melnitchouk Chirurgo ed endoscopista del Reparto di Endoscopia e poi del Reparto di Chirurgia Mini- Invasiva ed Endoscopica – presso il Istituto Nazionale di Cancro di Ucraina, Kyiv, Ucraina Fellow presso IRCAD (Research Institute against Digestive Cancer), Strasburgo, Francia – Presidente: Professor Jacques Marescaux

Assistente (assistente Professore) di Cattedra e Chirurgo nella Unita’/ Reparto di Chirurgia

№2 e Cardiochirurgia presso l’ Universita Nazionale di Medicina di Ivano-Frankivsk, situata nell’ Ospedale Clinico della Regione di Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina) Endoscopista presso il Clinical – Diagnostical Centre “SiMedGroup”, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

Chirurgo presso il Centro di Emergenze Medicho – Chirurgice presso Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

Chirurgo Specialista in Formazione (Chirurgia Generale) presso l’Ivano-Frankivsk Regional Clinical Hospital, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

Chirurgo Specialista in Formazione (Chirurgia Generale) presso l’Ivano-Frankivsk Central City Clinical Hospital, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina)


25 Novembre 2021 Ministero della Salute - riconoscimento del titolo di Specializzazione in chirurgia generale conseguito in Ucraina ai fini dell’esercizio in Italia della professione di medico specialista in chirurgia generale


01 Gennaio – 29 Gennaio 2021

01 Dicembre – 30 Dicembre 2020

Immatricolata Novembre 2018, 01 Febbraio – 19 Novembre 2019 – uditore, 20 Novembre 2019 – 15 Aprile 2020 – studente normale di Master

20 Novembre 2019 – 06 Marzo 2020

23 Ottobre 2019:

01 Marzo 2018:

01 Aprile – 30 Aprile 2013:

02 Novembre 2009 - 03 Dicembre 2012:

Marzo 2011 – Giugno 2011


01 Ottobre 2006 – 07 Luglio 2009:

01 Agosto 2006 –

Aggiornamento pratico – scientifico di specialita “Endoscopia” presso Universita Nazionale di Medicina di Donetsk (Kramatorsk, Ucraina)

Aggiornamento pratico – scientifico di specialita “Chirurgia” presso Universita Nazionale di Medicina di Donetsk (Kramatorsk, Ucraina)

Master di II livello in Endoscopia Digestiva Operativa presso Universita’ di Torino, Italia (Supervisore: Prof. Alberto Arezzo). Diploma di Master 110/110 e lode.

Tesi: “Stent endoscopico “bridge to surgery” versus chirurgia d’urgenza nel trattamento dell’occlusione del colon sinistro”.

Tirocinante AZIENDA OSPEDALIERO-UNIVERSITARIA, Città della Salute e della Scienza di Torino (Prof. Alberto Arezzo). Chirurgia Generale Universitaria I – Minimally Invasive Therapy and Innovation Centre ed Endoscopia Digestiva – Gastroenterologia Universitaria (Direttori: Prof. Mario Morino e Prof. Alberto Arezzo)

Laurea in Medicina Riconosciuta da Ministero della Salute - Riconoscimento del titolo di medico conseguito in Ucraina

Conseguimento del COLLABORATIVE INSTITUTIONAL TRAINING INITIATIVE (CITI PROGRAM) - Brigham and Women's Hospital Chirurgia, Human Research CITI Good Clinical Practice Course, Score Ottenuto: 100/100 (%)

Conseguimento del titolo di Seconda Categoria qualificativa nel corso formativo di

“Chirurgia” presso il Reparto di Chirurgia Post Laurea situata nell’Ospedale Clinico della Regione di Ivano-Frankivsk di Universita Nazionale di Medicina di Ivano- Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

Dottorato Clinico e di Ricerca “Aspirantura” in “Chirurgia” presso il Reparto di Chirurgia Post-Laurea Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. Chirurgo in profonda specializzazione presso Reparto di Chirurgia Post Laurea (Chirurgia Addominale, Generale e Miniinvasiva) situata nell’ Ospedale Clinico della Regione di Ivano-Frankivsk, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina. Tesi (codice 14.01.03 – malattie chirurgiche): «The Dynamics of Bile Toxicity in Patients with Mechanical Jaundice and Choice of Surgical Treatment» (DYPLOM KANDIDATA NAUK, 17.01.2014 – ottenuto dopo la Discussione pubblica di Tesi dal Board Nazionale di Chirurgia presso l’Universita’ Statale di Medicina di Ternopil (Ucraina)

Corso di sub-specializzazione in Endoscopia presso la Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ucraina

Corso di Specializzazione con il conseguimento del titolo di “Dottore magistrale in medicina, specializzazione in “Chirurgia” durante il quale ho lavorato con le mansioni di medico – specialista in specializzazione di “Chirurgia” presso la Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (07.07.2009 – con lode – diploma di onore “Dyplom Maghistra”) presso nell’ Ospedale Clinico della Regione di Ivano-Frankivsk e presso l’Ivano-Frankivsk Central City Clinical Hospital, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina. Tesi (codice 14.01.03 – malattie chirurgiche): “Ruolo di mediacalcinosi per la formazione dei cambiamenti ischemico – necrotici dei tessuti nei casi del diabete mellito”

Corso di Specializzazione in “Chirurgia” presso la Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University (30.06.2009 – Certificato di medico – specialista “Sertyficat”) presso


30 Giugno 2009:

01 Settembre 2000 – 15 Giugno 2006:

01 Settembre 1990 – 21 Giugno 2000:

STAGES / OBSERVERSHIP Ottobre 2016 – Febbraio 2018 e Ottobre 2018 – Dicembre 2018:

Giugno 2012:

01 Febbraio – 31 Marzo 2006:


l’Ospedale Clinico della Regione di Ivano-Frankivsk e presso l’Ivano-Frankivsk Central City Clinical Hospital, Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

Laurea in Medicina presso la Ivano-Frankivsk State Medical University, Medical Department (15.06.2006 “DYPLOM SPETSIALISTA” – “DYPLOM” con lode – diploma di onore, medico), Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

Scuola dell’istruzione media secondaria di I – III grado No.20 della citta di Ivano- Frankivsk (Diploma “ATESTAT” con lode, Premio Medaglia d’Oro “Per i grandi progressi nello studio”), Ivano-Frankivsk, Ucraina

“Studio Medico Marino” (Dr Pietro Marino), Marsala (TP), Italia

Reparto di Chirurgia Epato/Biliare/Pancreatica presso Hospital Beaujon, (Professore Jacques Belghiti), Clichy, Parigi, Francia

Jagiellonian University, Centro per la cura del Diabete Mellito e malattie Cardiovascolari Hospital of Jana Pavla II, Cracovia, Polonia

12, 13, 18 Ottobre 2021 – Corso per addetti squadra antincendio- Rischio Alto COMANDO PROV.LE VVF BOLOGNA - Via Ferrarese, 166/2, Bologna, Italia

27 Maggio 2019 – NEXT Useful New Technologies for the Colon & Rectum – Citta’

della Scienza e della Salute, Torino, Italia

8 – 10 Giugno 2017 – Participazione al 6th congress of AIGO – SIED – SIGE, Palermo, Italia

12 – 13 Maggio 2017 – Update in Colon Cancer Treatment, Firenze - Italia

18 Ottobre 2016 Corso hands – on per l’approccio TEO/TEM – ESSAT – durante la UEG Week, Vienna, Austria

20 Gennaio 2016 Actualization of treatment of pulmonological and ORL pathology – presso IHU Strasburgo, Francia

17 – 19 Dicembre 2015 – “New perspectives in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery”, presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

14 – 15 Dicembre 2015 – Endoscopy advanced course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

03 – 05 Dicembre 2015 – Laparoscopic Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Advanced Course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia



15 – 17 Ottobre 2015 – Advanced Course in Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery, presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

30 Settembre 2015 – “Chirurgie Ciblee des Tumeurs Endocrines” – presso IHU, Strasburgo, Francia

21 – 25 Settembre 2015 – Laparoscopic General Surgery Intensive Course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

11 – 12 Settembre 2015 – Minimally Invasive Perianal and Transanal Surgery International Advanced Course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

13 – 15 e 20 – 22 Aprile 2015 – IHU – Formation A L’Experimentation Animale – presso Universita’ di Strasburgo, Strasburgo, Francia

15 – 16 Dicembre 2014 – Interventional GI Endoscopy advanced course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

13 – 15 Novembre 2014 – Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Advanced Course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

12 Novembre 2014 – Minimally Invasive Perianal and Transanal Surgery International Advanced Course – presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

30 Giugno – 04 Luglio 2014 – Laparoscopic General Surgery Intensive Course presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

19 – 21 Giugno 2014 – New Perspectives in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery Advanced Course presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

12 – 14 Giugno 2014 – Laparoscopic Colorectal Surgery Advanced Course presso IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

2001 – 2014 – molti Congressi, Convegni e corsi di livello Nazionale e Intarnazionale a Ucraina

Ottobre 2016 - Travel Grant della EDS – 24 Congresso della United European Gastroenterology Week 2016 e corso TEO Hands – on training (Vienna, Austria) 27 Febbraio 2016 – Diploma per il Contributo allo Sviluppo dei Giovani Medici Ucraini “European Experience in Medical Traineeship”, “INGENIUS”, Kyiv, Ucraina

09 – 10 Novembre 2015 – Travel e educational grant della Olympus – Ucraina

“Basic techniques of endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD)” corso – Olympus Medical Expert Training – ENDO CLUB Academy Amburgo, Germania

Maggio – Giugno 2015 – Travel Grant della UNWLA (The Ukrainian National Women’s League of America) – Meeting annuale della American Society of Colorectal Surgeons (ASCRS) a Boston, USA



Giugno 2014 – Union International Cancer Control (UICC) ICRETT fellowship (IRCAD, NHC, Strasburgo, Francia)

Ottobre 2013 - Travel Grant della European Digestive Surgery (EDS) – 21 congresso della United European Gastroenterology Week 2013 (Berlino, Germania)

Maggio 2013 - Travel Grant per il 7imo EDS Postgraduate Course (Istanbul, Turchia) Novembre 2012 - Travel Grant per il CEED Seminar (Cracovia, Polonia)

Ottobre 2012 – International Scholarship della United European Gastroenterology (United European Gastroenterology Week 2012, Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi)

Giugno 2012 – Short Term Scholarship of French Government organizzato dalla Ambasciata Francese in Ucraina (eseguita presso Hospital BEAUJON, Supervisore:

Professore Jacques BELGHITI) (Clichy/Parigi, Francia)

Novembre 24 - 26, 2011 - Travel Grant of EDS Postgraduate Course ("Advances in gastro-intestinal surgery" in Lublin, Poland)

01 Febbraio – 31 Marzo 2006 – Scholarship presso The Jagiellonian University (Cracovia, Polonia), Queen Jadwiga scholarship

2003 - 2006 - 12 premi per Primi posti delle Conferenze e Congressi di livello Nazionale e Internazionale a Ucraina

2006 – Vincitrice (primo premio) per il Migliore Lavoro Scientifico dell’anno in Biologia e Medicina offerto dal Ministero della Educazione della Ucraina

24 – 25 Aprile 2015 “How oncologists must use colonoscopy for screening, diagnostics and follow-up”. European School of Oncology (ESO) – 7imo Clinical Oncology Update, Cracovia, Polonia

28 Maggio 2015 – “Hybride Laparoscopic – Endoscopic Approaches in Colorectal Diseases Treatment” - Boston (BWH, Harvard Medical School, Journal Club), USA

11-12 Giugno 2015 – “Colonoscopy in colon and rectal cancer screening, diagnostic and surveillance”. - “Modern Technology in Cancer Surgery of the Digestive Tract” – Ukrainian Society of Surgical Oncology (USSO) in collaborazione con IRCAD, Kyiv, Ucraina

24 – 29 Agosto 2015 – partecipazione come faculty al B.E.S.T. (Business Engineering Surgical Technologies) Innovation course – IHU, Strasburgo, Francia

06 – 07 Novembre 2015 – partecipazione come trainer – al corso “Advanced course in Flexible and Hybride Endoscopic Surgery” – IRCAD, Strasburgo, Francia

27 Febbraio 2016 – “International medical educational experience”, evento organizzato dalla “INGENIUS”, Kyiv, Ucraina

01 Aprile 2016 - Endoscopic treatment of early cancer of upper GI tract – “Armata Manus and National Cancer Institute of Ukraine course”, Kyiv, Ucraina



26 – 28 Maggio 2016 – “Minimally invasive methods of treatment of precancerous rectal tumors”. – XIII meeting degli oncologi e radiologi dell’ Ucraina, Kyiv, Ucraina

16 Dicembre 2017 – “Colorectal cancer: hybride approach”, Congresso dello SNAMID

“Oncologic and chronic inflammatory diseases”, Marsala (TP), Italia

1. Levytskyj V.A., Mihejeva N.G., Nevgod S.V., Pobigun A.A., Sabadosh R.V., Shabat G.I., Skriblyak G.I., Shutka B.V. ”Monceberg’s Sclerosis. New Clinical and Pathophysiological Aspects”. “Galician Doctors’ Herald” І, 2006.


2. Shabat G.I. “The focus on the billiary obstruction problem and the way of it is licvidation by different surgical school (literary review)” “Galician Doctors’

Herald” ІV, 2011. Ukrainian.

3. Tkachuk O.L., Shabat G.I., Yanovskyy V.R., Pasichnyk V.I. “Influents duration of cholestasis on the bile acids spectrum” “Galician Doctors’ Herald”

І (19), 2012. Ukrainian.

4. Tkachuk O.L., Shabat G.I., “Algorithm of surgical tactic in patients with obturation jaundices basis on the quantitative analysis of toxic fraction of bile acids’, Ministry of Health of Ukraine – UkrMedPatentInform – Informative Letter about innovations in the health care system, 2012. Ukrainian.

5. Tkachuk O.L., Shabat G.I., Palyvoda A.P. “After endoscopy lithoextraction naso-biliary drain expedience at longtime mechanical jaundice” “Galician Doctors’ Herald” IІ (20), 2012. Ukrainian.

6. O.L.Tkachuk, G.I.Shabat «Choice of the method of before operation biliary drain at the patients with malignant mechanical jaundice» “Medical Practice”

2012-3 (XVIII). Ukrainian.

7. O.L.Tkachuk, G.I.Shabat “Choice of the Method of Billiary Decompression During Mallignant Mechanical Jaundice” “Galician Doctors’ Herald” IV (19), 2012. Ukrainian.

8. G.I.Shabat «Bile acids spectrum in patients with different ethiological forms of obstructive jaundice” “Medical Practice” 2012-5 (XX). Ukrainian.

9. G.I.Shabat «The bile – diverting procedure choice in durable obturation jaundice» “Clinical Surgery”, №1 (839), 2013. Ukrainian.

10. Shevchuk I.M., Gedzyk S.M., Shabat G.I. “Choosing of the decompression way in patients with acute and chronic pancreatitis with obturation jaundice”.

Archive of clinical medicine. – 2014. №2 (Part 2). P. 144 – 145. Ukrainian.

11. Lee Swanstrom. Commentary on “Guidelines for the management of large non- pedunculated colorectal polyps” by the BSG/Association of Coloproctologist of GB and Ireland // Lee Swanstrom, Galyna Shabat / Translational Gastrointestinal Cancer. – Vol 5, No 1 (January 2016)

12. Kong SH, Haouchine N, Soares R, Klymchenko A, Andreiuk B, Marques B, Shabat G, Piechaud T, Diana M, Cotin S, Marescaux J. Robust augmented reality registration method for localization of solid organs' tumors using CT- derived virtual biomechanical model and fluorescent fiducials. Surg Endosc.

2016 Oct 27. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 27796600.

13. Angela Inviati. A method of reconstruction after pancreaticoduodenectomy for pancreatic malignancies in very young children: Two cases reports // Angela Inviati, Marco Vito Martino Marino, Olena Kolesnik, Grigoriy Klimnuk, Galyna Shabat, Andrey Lukashenko, Gaspare Gulotta, Sebastiano Bonventre / Recent Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports Articles. August 2016


14. Volodymyr Pylypchuk. Resection operation in surgical treatment of patients with chronic pancreatitis complicated by biliary hypertension // Volodymyr Pylypchuk, Andriy Yavorskyy, Galyna Shabat, Marco Marino Vito / Eureca:

Health Sciences. – No 3 (2016).

15. Marino M. Robotic Pancreatectomy: Technical aspect and new development //

Marino M, Pylypchuk V, Gulotta G, Yavorskyi A, Shabat G. / Klin Khir. Nov (11) 2016: 8-11 Ukrainian.

16. Robotic pancreatic surgery: old concerns, new perspectives. Acta Chir Belg.

2018 Mar 8:1-8. doi:10.1080/00015458.2018.1444550. Marino MV, Shabat G, Potapov O, Gulotta G, Komorowski AL

17. Comparative Study of the Initial Experience in Performing Robotic and Laparoscopic Right Hepatectomy with Technical Description of the Robotic Technique. Dig Surg. 2018 Mar 14. doi: 10.1159/000487686 Marino MV, Shabat G, Guarrasi D, Gulotta G, Komorowski AL

18. From Illusion to reality: a brief history of robotic surgery. Surg. Innov. 2018 Jun;25(3):291-296. Marino MV, Shabat G, Gulotta G, Komorowski AL.

19. Fields AC, Goldberg J, Senturk J, Saadat LV, Jolissaint J, Shabat G, Irani J, Bleday R, Melnitchouk N. Contemporary Surgical Management and Outcomes for Anal Melanoma: A National Cancer Database Analysis. Ann Surg Oncol.

2018 Sep 12. doi:

10.1245/s10434-018-6769-y. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 30209727 20. Melnitchouk N, Shabat G, Lu P, Lyu H, Scully R, Leung K, Jarman M, Lukashenko A, Kolesnik OO, Goldberg J, Davids JS, Bleday R. Colorectal Cancer in Ukraine: Regional Disparities and National Trends in Incidence,

Management, and Mortality.

J Glob Oncol. 2018 Oct;(4):1-8. doi: 10.1200/JGO.18.00145. PubMed PMID:


21. Lu P, Fields AC, Vise AS, Shabat G, Irani J, Bleday R, Goldberg JE, Melnitchouk N. Anatomic Distribution of Colorectal Adenocarcinoma in Young Patients. Dis Colon Rectum. 2019 May 29. doi:

10.1097/DCR.0000000000001422. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:


22. Lu P, Fields AC, Meyerhardt JA, Davids JS, Shabat G, Bleday R, Goldberg JE, Nash GM, Melnitchouk N. Systemic chemotherapy and survival in patients with metastatic low-grade appendiceal mucinous adenocarcinoma. J Surg Oncol. 2019 Jun 24. doi: 10.1002/jso.25599. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31236958.

23. Leung KM, Shabat G, Lu P, Fields AC, Lukashenko A, Davids JS, Melnitchouk N. Trends in Solid Tumor Incidence in Ukraine 30 Years After Chernobyl. J Glob Oncol. 2019 Aug; 5:1-10. doi: 10.1200/JGO.19.00099.

PubMed PMID: 31454285.

24. Nelya Melnitchouk, Galyna Shabat. A view on the problem of inadequate screening of colorectal cancer in Ukraine. Likarska sprava / Vrachebnoe delo, April 2019 - 3(1151), P. 3 – 5, DOI 10.31640/JVD.3.2019(1), ISSN 1019-5297.

25. N.I. Melnitchouk, G.I. Shabat, I.K. Churpiy. Short review or colorectal cancer screening. “Art of Medicine” 2019 July – September 3 (11): p. 105 – 110. ISSN 2521-1455 (Print), ISSN 2523-4250 (Online), DOI:


26. Lu PW, Fields AC, Shabat G, Bleday R, Goldberg JE, Irani J, Stopfkuchen- Evans M, Melnitchouk N. Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC in an Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program: A Feasibility Study. J Surg Res. 2019 Nov 22. pii:S0022-4804(19)30772-3. doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2019.10.042. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 31767280.



27. Legner A, Kong SH, Liu YY, Shabat G, Halvax P, Saadi A, Worreth M, Marescaux J, Swanström L, Diana M. The GAMMA concept (gastrointestinal activity manipulation to modulate appetite) preliminary proofs of the concept of local vibrational gastric mechanical stimulation. Surg Endosc. 2020 Jan 6.

doi:10.1007/s00464-019-07325-5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID:


28. Ghaffarpasand E, Welten VM, Fields AC, Lu PW, Shabat G, Zerhouni Y, Farooq AO, Melnitchouk N. Racial and Socioeconomic Disparities After Surgical Resection for Rectal Cancer. J Surg Res. 2020 Aug 12;256:449-457.

doi: 10.1016/j.jss.2020.07.008. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32798992.

29. DOI:10.1007/s12262-020-02475-6, Corpus ID: 219730933. Experimental Acute Pancreatitis-Induced Lung Injury—Prevented with “Cytoflavin®”. M.

Fedorkiv, M. V. Marino, R. Kuzenko, M. Bahrii, Sergiy Gvozdyk, Galyna Shabat. Published 2020. Indian Journal of Surgery

30. Lu PW, Shabat G, Semeniv S, Fedorkiv M, Fields AC, Lyu HG, Beznosenko A, Davids JS, Melnitchouk N. The Current Landscape of Staging and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer in a Region of Ukraine: a Mixed Methods Study. World J Surg. 2020 Sep 25. doi: 10.1007/s00268-020-05796-5. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 32978664.

31. Lu PW, Semeniv S, Shabat G, Welten V, Pylypchuk VI, Galyuk V, Fields AC, Melnitchouk N. Barriers to Evidence-Based Colorectal Cancer Care in Ukraine.

World J Surg. 2021 Aug 3. doi: 10.1007/s00268-021-06267-1. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 34342687.

1. Galyna Shabat. “Antistaphylococcal activity of herbal extracts”. Lectures’ theses of the 71st all-Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2002.


2. Galyna Shabat. ”Disrespect and lack of understanding of a human personality as the reason for young people’s depressions”. Lectures’ theses of the 71st all- Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2002. Ukrainian.

3. Galyna Shabat, Galyna Shkriblyak, Sergiy Nevgod. “Clinical and morphological characteristics of pure line mice C57Bl/Rs-S+DB/1+2+ diabet with inborn diabetes”. Lectures’ theses of the 72nd all-Ukrainian university students’

conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2003. Ukrainian.

4. Galyna Shabat, Galyna Skriblyak, Sergiy Nevgod. “Experimental investigation of Monceberg’s sclerosis on the mice of pure line C57Bl/Rs-S+DB/1+2+diabet. 4th International conference of students and young scientists “Medicine-Health of the 21st Century”, Dnipropetrovsk, 2003. Ukrainian.

5. Galyna Shabat, Sergiy Nevgod. “Ca2+ metabolic disturbance in experimental Monceberg’s sclerosis”. The actual problems of modern medicine. The theses of the 58th international scientific and practical conference for students and young scientists. Kyiv National Medical University, 2004. Ukrainian.

6. Galyna Shabat, Andriy Pobigun, Sergiy Nevgod. “Monceberg’s sclerosis as a step toward ischemia”. Lectures’ theses of the 73rd all-Ukrainian university students’

conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2004. Ukrainian.

7. Galyna Shabat, Lyudmyla Gerasymchuk, Marta Gerasymchuk, Roman Bolekhivskyy.”Analysis of HIV vertical transmission risk factors and preventive measures”. Khyst – all – Ukrainian medical journal of young scientists. No. 7, 2005. Chernivtsi. Ukrainian.

8. Galyna Shabat, Marta Gerasymchuk. “The use of thoracoscopy in chest organs injuries”. Khyst – all – Ukrainian medical journal of young scientists. No. 7, 2005.

Chernivtsi. Ukrainian.


9. Galyna Shabat, Lyudmyla Gerasymchuk, Roman Bolekhivskyy, Marta Gerasymchuk. “The ways of expansion and dynamics of HIV/ AIDS cases eliciting in Ivano-Frankivsk region”. AIDS – the Plague of the 21st Century. Ivano- Frankivsk, 2005. Ukrainian.

10. Galyna Shabat, Andriy Pobigun, Sergiy Nevgod. “Changes in organs in experimental Monceberg’s sclerosis”. The actual problems of modern medicine.

The theses of the 59th international scientific and practical conference for students and young scientists. Kyiv National Medical University, 2005. Ukrainian.

11. Galyna Shabat, Andriy Pobigun, Sergiy Nevgod “Experimental production of Monceberg’s sclerosis and its consequences”. Lectures’ theses of the 74th all – Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2005. Ukrainian.

12. Galyna Shabat, Marta Gerasymchuk. “Use of video assisted thoracoscopy in chest organs injuries”. Lectures’ theses of the 74th all-Ukrainian university students’

conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2005. Ukrainian.

13. Roman Bolekhivskyy, Galyna Shabat, Lyudmyla Gerasymchuk, Marta Gerasymchuk. “Risk factors influencing the vertical transmission of HIV infection and preventive measures”. Lectures’ theses of the 74th all-Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2005. Ukrainian.

14. Maryana Fedorkiv, Galyna Shabat “The treatment of children’s gastroschisis”.

Lectures’ theses of the 74th all-Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano- Frankivsk. 2005. Ukrainian.

15. Galyna Shabat, Marta Gerasymchuk, Sergiy Nevgod ”Video assisted thoracoscopy in surgery” Lectures” Scientists of the future” Odessa, 2005.


16. Galyna Shabat, Marta Gerasymchuk “Use of the thoracoscopy for prevention of complication after chest organs injuries”. Lectures’ “Future of modern surgery”

Lviv, 2005. Ukrainian.

17. Shabat G.I., Zaremba I.O., Herasumchuk L.V. “Maternal-fetal factors in realization of HIV vertical transmission” All – Ukrainian contest of science research works. Infectious diseases. Ivano-Frankivsk, 2006. Ukrainian.

18. Galyna Shabat. ”Morphological changes in diabetes mellitus in experiment and clinics. Methods of prevention”. Lectures’ theses of the 75th all-Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2006. Ukrainian.

19. Shabat G.I., Zaremba I.O., Herasumchuk L.V. ”Prevention of infection vertical transmission and significance of maternal-fetal factors in its realization”.”

Lectures’ theses of the 75th all – Ukrainian university students’ conference. Ivano- Frankivsk. 2006.

20. Galyna Shabat. ”Optimization of diagnostics and treatment of diabetes complications” European Journal of Medical Research, volume 8/supplement II October 8, 2006

21. Galyna Shabat. ”The prevention of development of diabetical foot”. ”Ukrainian scientific medical youth journal”. Kyiv. 2006. Ukrainian.

22. Galyna Shabat. “The Research of Mediacalcinosis Development as Diabetes Mellitus Complication” Lectures’ theses of the finished scientific-practical conference internal – doctors. Ivano-Frankivsk. 2009. Ukrainian.

23. Shabat G.I., Yanovskyy V.R. “The longtime mechanical jaundices complication analysis” Lectures’ theses of the 81th all-Ukrainian university conference. Ivano- Frankivsk. 2012. Ukrainian.

24. Galyna Shabat. How oncologists must use colonoscopy for screening, diagnostics and follow-up. Archipelag Oncologia – 2015, Cracow, Poland (Polish)

25. Galyna Shabat. Colonoscopy in colon and rectal cancer screening, diagnostic and surveillance. Ukrainian Society of Surgical Oncology, Kyiv, Ukraine – 2015.



26. Nelya Melnitchouk. Colorectal cancer in low and middle income countries (LMIC), example of Ukrainian paradox // Nelya Melnitchouk, Galyna Shabat, Maria Traa, Ronald Bleday / Journal of the American College of Surgeons - e57 – e58. October 2015

27. Galyna Shabat. “European Experience in Medical Traineeship”, “INGENIUS”, Kyiv, Ukraine, February 2016. Ukrainian.

28. Early experience with a novel dedicated port system for intra-gastric surgery.

Renato V Soares, Lee L Swanstrom, Mark Molos, Noriaki Kameyama, Seong-Ho Kong, Poornima Donepudi, Pietro Riva, Galyna Shabat, Jacques Marescaux.

SAGES – 2016.

29. Shabat G.I. Minimally invasive methods of treatment of precancerous rectal tumors. XIII meeting of oncologists and radiologists of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 26 – 28.05.2016. Ukrainian.

30. Robotic Pancreatic Surgery: a young surgeon point of view // Oral Presentation at HPBSurg Meeting 2016 of 18 November 2016 in Lyon - France. Marino M, Shabat G, Gulotta G.

31. Marino M. Robotic Pancreatic Surgery: is it really helpful? // Marino MV, Shabat G, Potapov O, Gulotta G. / Video Presentation at the 25th EAES Congress of 14- 17 June 2017 in Frankfurt - Germany. / Surg Endosc DOI 10.1007 / s00464-017- 5542-9

32. Robotic right hepatectomy: technical considerations // Video Presentation at XXI ESS Congress on 29 September 2017 in Krakow- Poland / Marino MV, Shabat G, Komorowski AL.

33. M.V.Marino, G.Shabat, G.Gulotta. “My first twenty robotic right hepatectomy:

our initial experience”. // Oral Presentation at IASGO World Congress 2017 HPB SurG Meeting, 16 November, Lyon, France 15 – 17 November 2017

34. M.V.Marino, G.Shabat, A.Frontali, G.Gulotta, A.Komorowski. Vascular resection during robotic pancreaticoduodenectomy: our initial experience. // Video Presentation at IASGO World Congress 2017 HPB SurG Meeting, 17 November, Lyon, France 15 – 17 November 2017

35. M.V.Marino, G.Shabat, G.Gulotta, A.Komorowski. The complication in robotic pancreatic surgery: our experience. // Video Presentation at IASGO World Congress 2017 HPB SurG Meeting, 17 November, Lyon, France 15 – 17 November 2017

36. Robotic-assisted repair of common bile duct injury after laparoscopic cholecystectomy \\ Video Presentation at EAES Congress 30 May - 1 June in London \ Published in Surg Endosc (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00464-018- 6179-z\ Marino MV, Shabat G, Mirabella A, Komorowski A.

37. The application of Indocyanine Green during robotic right hepatectomy \\ Video Presentation at EAES Congress 30May-1 June in London\ Published Surg Endosc (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00464-018-6179-z \ Marino MV, Shabat G, Komorowski A

38. Intracorporeal anvil introduction during robotic rectal resection “vjian pop”

technique: initial results \\ Video Presentation at 30° IASGO World Congress 9-12 September 2018 in Moscow (Russian Federation) \\ Marino MV, Shabat G.

Published in Vol. 23 Suppl. 1 of SGO Journal

39. Robotic partial caudate lobectomy: video description \\ Oral Presentation at 30°

IASGO World Congress 9-12 September 2018 in Moscow (Russian Federation) \\

Marino MV, Shabat G Published in Vol. 23 Suppl. 1 of SGO Journal

40. Barriers to Evidence-Based Colorectal Cancer Care in Ukraine. Pamela Lu, Galyna Shabat, Volodymyr I Pylypchuk, Volodymyr Galyuk, Solomiia Semeniv, Adam C Fields, Joel E Goldberg, Jennifer L Irani, Ronald Bleday, Nelya Melnitchouk, Scientific Forum Abstracts S125, Vol. 229, No. 4S1, October 2019



DURANTE CONGRESSI 1. G. Shabat, M. Fedorkiv P 098 “Manifestation of endogenous intoxication in acute pancreatitis-associated lung damage in experimental cytoflavin correcting” “United European Gastroenterology Journal” 1(1S), October 2013: Volume 1: Supplement, A 160.

2. A. Khrunyk, G. Shabat, Igor Shevtchuk, Myroslav Debenko P1364 “Disorders of carbohydrate metabolism in patients with chronic pancreatitis before surgery”

“United European Gastroenterology Journal” 1(1S), October 2013: Volume 1:

Supplement, A499.

3. MX Traa. PTH-288 Trends in colon and rectal cancer epidemiology in Ukraine:

incidence, mortality and surgical management in comparison to a us hospital // MX Traa, G Shabat, A Lukashenko, I Shchepotin, R Bleday, N Melnitchouk/ Gut 2015;

64:A537-A538 doi:10.1136/gutjnl-2015-309861.1176

4. Robotic Pancreatic Surgery: our initial experience // Poster Presentation at the 49th Meeting of the European Pancreatic Club of 28 June - 1 July 2017 in Budapest - Hungary // Pancreatology Volume 17, Issue 3S, 2017 / Marino MV, Shabat G, Gulotta G.

5. Robotic Liver Resection: Advantages and Disadvantages // E-Poster Presentation at the 1st ILLS Congress of 6-8 July 2017 in Paris - France. Marino MV, Shabat G, Potapov O, Gulotta G.

6. The robot – assisted proctectomy in ulcerative colitis: lights and shadows // Poster Presentation at ESCP Congress on 20-22 September 2017 in Berlin - Germany //

Colorectal Disease 19 (Suppl. 2), 35-139 / Marino MV, Shabat G, Frontali A, Gulotta G.

7. Robotic right hepatectomy: lights and shadows // Poster Presentation at XXI ESS Congress on 29 September 2017 in Krakow – Poland / Marino MV, Shabat G, Komorowski AL.

8. Understaging and Undertreatment of Colorectal Malignancies in Ukraine \\ Poster Presentation at ASCRS Annual Meeting 19-23 May 2018 in Nashville, Tennessee, US \ Lu P, Shabat G, Lyu H, Marino MV, Goldberg J, Bleday R, Melnitchouk N.

9. Complication after robotic pancreatic surgery: our experience \\ Poster Presentation at 50° PEC meeting congress 13-16 June 2018 in Berlin (Germany) \\ Marino MV, Shabat G, Gulotta G. Published in Pancreatology vol 18, issue 4, S 136-137 10. Intracorporeal anvil introduction during robotic rectal resection: technique and initial

resuls \\ Poster Presentation at 13° Meeting of ESCP 26-28 September 2018 in Nice, France \\ Marino MV, Shabat G. Published in Colorectal Disease Vol 20 Suppl. 4 11. Robotic-assisted versus laparoscopic left hemicolectomy: a comparative study \\

Poster Presentation at 13° Meeting of ESCP 26-28 September 2018 in Nice, France

\\ Marino MV, Shabat G. Published in Colorectal Disease Vol 20 Suppl.4

12. Systemic Chemotherapy Does Not Prolong Survival in Patients with Metastatic Low Grade Appendiceal Mucinous Adenocarcinoma. Pamela Lu1,5, Adam C. Fields1, Jeffrey Meyerhardt2, Jennifer S. Davids3, Galyna Shabat1, Ronald Bleday1, Joel E. Goldberg1, Garrett M. Nash4, Nelya Melnitchouk1,5 1Department of Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA; 2Dana Farber Cancer, Center, Boston, MA; 3University of Massachusetts Memorial Medical Center, Worcester, MA; 4Memorial Sloan, Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY; 5Center for Surgery and Public Health, Department of Surgery, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA // Mass Chapter of ACS 65 Annual Meeting, December 1, 2018

13. 95.06 Variability in Chemotherapy Use for Metastatic Low Grade Mucinous Appendiceal Adenocarcinoma P. Lu1,2, G. Shabat1,3, A. C. Fields1, R. Bleday1, J.

Goldberg1, N. Melnitchouk1,2. ASC Abstracts, 2019





- September 2014 –Association of UICC Fellows

- March 2010 –WeBSurg (World Electronic Book of Surgery, World Virtual University)

Ucraino (Lingua Madre), Russo (Ottimo, 2014 – 2016 traduttrice di corsi IRCAD WeBSurg in lingua Russo), Inglese (Ottimo), Polacco (Molto Buono), Francese (base), Italiano (Molto Buono)

Presentazione e comunicazione, Leadership, Team management, Creativita’, ruolo di organizzazione di diversi convegni di livello Internazionale, co – organizzatrice di diversi programmi di cooperazione tra di Ucraina, Polonia, Stati Uniti, Francia, Italia, ricerca clinica, dry e vet lab, ricerca riguardo medicina e chirurgia/oncologia globale


Ai sensi e per gli effetti del DPR n. 445/2000, il sottoscritto sotto la propria responsabilità, attesta la veridicità delle dichiarazioni riportate nel presente curriculum

Data Firma

30 – 12 – 2021


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