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The Gut


Academic year: 2021

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M.P. Fink


The gut probably participates in the pathogenesis of the multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS) in many different ways. In order to keep this chapter focused and concise, the author will focus on three potential mechanisms: 1) alterations in intestinal epithelial permeability, leading to the systemic absorption of pro- inflammatory mediators or toxins derived from luminal microbes; 2) release into the lymphatic drainage from the gut of toxic materials; 3) release from enterocytes of pro-inflammatory cytokines, especially high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1).

Intestinal Epithelial Permeability is Increased in Critically Ill Patients

Alterations in the barrier function of the intestinal epithelium could permit the leakage of bacteria or microbial products, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or exotoxin A (ETA), from the lumen of the gut into the systemic compartment, leading to the initiation or amplification of a deleterious inflammatory response and/or direct toxic effects on distant tissues. The notion that this process actually occurs in patients with MODS is supported by results from a number of clinical studies, which have documented increases in intestinal epithelial permeability in a variety of acute conditions that are associated with systemic inflammation [1–7].

Moreover, in several recent studies, increased intestinal permeability in critically ill patients has been shown to be associated with an increased risk of complications, MODS, or even mortality [3, 4, 7–9].

The strong association between increased gut mucosal permeability and MODS

and mortality in critical illness suggests the existence of a causal linkage: i. e., the

gut is the ‘motor’ that drives development of MODS [10]. There is, however, an-

other, equally plausible, possibility. According to this second notion, altered gut

mucosal permeability during critical illness is just one aspect of a more general-

ized phenomenon that affects epithelial barrier function in a variety of organs,

including the lungs, liver, and kidneys [11]. This more global view suggests the

pathophysiological mechanisms that are responsible for the derangements in gut

barrier function also pertain to epithelia in other organs. Moreover, this view

suggests that many of the clinical features of MODS, such as alveolar flooding in

the lung, cholestatic jaundice, and azotemia, can be explained – at least in part –


by a single unifying cellular mechanism: impaired expression and/or targeting of some or all of the proteins that form the tight junctions (see below) between adjacent epithelial cells.

Alterations in Intestinal Epithelial Permeability

The normal functioning of the lungs, liver, kidneys, and intestine, among other organs, depends on the establishment and maintenance of compositionally dis- tinct compartments that are lined by sheets of epithelial cells. An essential element in this process is the formation of tight junctions between adjacent cells making up the epithelial sheet. The tight junction serves as a fence that differentiates the cytosolic membrane into apical and basolateral domains. This fence function pre- serves cellular polarity and, in combination with transcellular vectorial transport processes, generates distinct internal environments in the opposing compartments that are formed by the epithelial sheet. In addition, the tight junction acts as a regu- lated semi-permeable barrier that limits the passive diffusion of solutes across the paracellular pathway between adjacent cells. Thus, the barrier function of the tight junction is necessary to prevent dissipation of the concentration gradients that exist between the two compartments defined by the epithelium. In some organs, notably the gut and the lung, this barrier function is also important to prevent systemic contamination by microbes and toxins that are present in the external environment [12].

Multiple Proteins are Necessary for the Assembly and Function of Tight Junctions

The formation of tight junction involves the assembly of at least nine different

peripheral membrane proteins and at least three different integral membrane

proteins [13]. Among the peripheral membrane proteins associated with tight

junctions are the membrane-associated guanylate kinase-like (MAGUK) proteins,

ZO-1, ZO-2, and ZO-3. The integral membrane proteins involved in tight junction

formation include, but are not limited to, occludin, and members of a large class of

proteins called claudins. Both occludin and the claudins contain four transmem-

brane domains and are thought to be the actual points of cell-cell contact within

the tight junction [14]. ZO-1 has been shown to interact with the cytoplasmic tails

of occludin and the claudins [15]. In addition, ZO-1 interacts with ZO-2 and ZO-3,

which then interact with various actin-binding proteins, such as pp120



thereby linking the tight junction with the cytoskeleton. Studies of mouse embryos

indicate that ZO-1 localizes in plasma membrane plaques well before occludin is

incorporated [18, 19], suggesting that ZO-1 probably plays a central role in the

assembly of mature tight junctions.


Nitric Oxide (NO) and/or Peroxynitrite (ONOO ) Are Involved in the Regulation of Tight Junction Protein Expression and Function

We [20–22] and others [23–25] have shown that the permeability of cultured epithelial monolayers increases when the cells are incubated with various pro- inflammatory cytokines. The mechanisms responsible for cytokine-induced ep- ithelial hyperpermeability are incompletely understood. It is known, however, that compounds that spontaneously release NO increase the permeability of cultured intestinal epithelial cell monolayers [26,27]. This observation is pertinent, since in- cubating Caco-2 human enterocyte-like cells with the pro-inflammatory cytokine, interferon (IFN)- γ , or a mixture of the pro-inflammatory cytokines, IFN γ + tu-

mor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukin (IL)-1 β , leads to increased expression of inducible NO synthase (iNOS) and increased production of NO [21, 28, 29].

Moreover, compounds that inhibit iNOS have been shown to ameliorate the de- velopment of hyperpermeability induced by exposing Caco-2 cells to IFN γ [21]

or ‘cytomix’ (IFN- γ + TNF + (IL)-1 β ) [29]. Similarly, L-N(6)-(1-iminoethyl)lysine (L-NIL), an isoform-selective iNOS inhibitor, blocks the development of hyper- permeability when Calu-3 (human alveolar epithelial) monolayers are incubated with cytomix [30]. Thus, IFN- γ or cytomix appear to increase intestinal epithelial permeability, at least in part, by increasing the production of NO by enterocytes.

NO reacts rapidly with superoxide (O


) to form the potent oxidizing and ni- trating species, ONOO

[31, 32]. Several lines of evidence support the view that ONOO

(or some related species) rather than NO per se is responsible for the deleterious effects of NO on intestinal epithelial barrier function. Thus, when Caco-2 monolayers are incubated with the NO donor, SNAP, permeability is sig- nificantly increased, but the magnitude of the effect is small [27]. Furthermore, the permeability of Caco-2 monolayers is not affected when the cells are incu- bated with pyrogallol, a compound that spontaneously generates O


in aqueous solutions [27]. However, if Caco-2 cells are co-incubated with both SNAP and py- rogallol, then epithelial permeability is dramatically increased [27]. SNAP-induced hyperpermeability is also markedly enhanced by co-incubating the cells with di- ethyldithiocarbamate, a compound that is known to inactivate Cu-Zn superoxide dismutase and would thereby be expected to increase the concentration of en- dogenously generated O


[27]. Taken together, these findings support the view that NO-induced hyperpermeability is enhanced by the simultaneous availability of O


; i. e., conditions favoring the formation of ONOO

. Since ONOOH is a weak acid (pKa ∼6.8) and many of the effects of ONOO

are thought to be mediated by an unstable form of the protonated species, studies from our group showing that NO-induced hyperpermeability is enhanced under mildly acidic conditions further support the notion that ONOO

/ONOOH is the responsible moiety [20,33].

The mechanism(s) responsible for NO- or ONOO

-mediated intestinal ep-

ithelial hyperpermeability remain to be elucidated. However, our laboratory re-

ported that NO generated endogenously as the result of iNOS expression induced

by incubating Caco-2 cells with cytomix, or exogenously from the NO donor

DETA-NONOate [(Z)-1-[2(2-aminoethyl)-N-(2-ammonioethyl) amino]diazen-1-


ium-1,2-diolate] decreased the expression and impaired proper localization of the tight junction proteins, ZO-1, ZO-3, and occludin [22]. We also showed that incubating Caco-2 cells with either DETA-NONOate or cytomix increases the ex- pression of another key tight junction protein, claudin-1, and promotes the ac- cumulation of this protein in what appear to be vesicles within the cells. These findings support the view that NO (or a related reactive species) increases epithe- lial permeability by causing derangements in the expression and/or localization of several key tight junction proteins.

NO-dependent Changes in Na + ,K + -ATPase Activity can Affect Tight Junction Assembly and Function

Sugi et al. proposed that one way that NO might alter the expression or localiza- tion of various tight junction proteins is by modulating the activity of the mem- brane pump, Na




-ATPase [34]. In a series of studies using monolayers of T84 enterocyte-like cells, these investigators reported that intracellular sodium con- centration and cell volume increase following exposure to the pro-inflammatory cytokine, IFN γ . Additionally, Sugi et al. showed that incubating T84 cells with either NO or IFN γ decreases the expression and activity of Na




-ATPase. Remarkably, growing the monolayers in medium with low sodium concentration inhibits the development of hyperpermeability following exposure to IFN γ and also prevents IFN γ -induced alterations in occludin expression. These findings suggest a pathway that involves the following steps: IFN γ (and/or other pro-inflammatory cytokines)

→ iNOS induction → NO production → inhibition of Na




-ATPase expres- sion and function → cell swelling → altered expression and/or targeting of tight junction proteins (e. g., occludin) → hyperpermeability.

Qayyum et al. reported that treatment of rat brain membranes with ONOO

in vitro decreases the activity of the Na




-ATPase, and hypothesized that this effect may be caused by nitration of the Na




-ATPase [35]. However, these authors did not demonstrate that ONOO

actually modifies the Na





In an earlier report, the same authors also implicated lipid peroxidation in the inactivation of the Na


, K


-ATPase [36], but only showed an association between lipid peroxidation and altered Na




-ATPase activity in their studies. However, these authors convincingly showed that ROS decrease the affinity of the Na




- ATPase for Na


and K


, inhibiting transport of these ions [35, 36]. Taken together, these results support the notion that oxidative or nitrosative post-translational modifications of Na




-ATPase can lead to decreased epithelial barrier function.

Functional iNOS Expression is Essential for LPS-induced Alterations in Intestinal Permeability in Mice

Several years ago, our laboratory showed that gut mucosal permeability to a flu-

orescent macromolecule, fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran (molecular

mass, 4 kDa; FD4), was increased 24 hours after injecting rats with a low dose of


LPS [37]. However, when rats were treated with either of two chemically dissimilar isoform-selective iNOS inhibitors, aminoguanidine or S-methylisothiourea, the injection of LPS failed to increase gut mucosal permeability.

In a more recent study, the biochemical basis for the increase in gut mucosal permeability was investigated by our laboratory. Specifically, C57Bl/6J mice were injected with a sublethal (2 mg / kg) dose of E. coli LPS, and ileal mucosal perme- ability to FD4 was assessed 18 hours later [38]. Although mucosal permeability increased significantly when mice were injected with LPS, treatment with L-NIL, an isoform-selective iNOS inhibitor [39], reversed this effect. Basal ileal mucosal permeability in control (PBS-treated) iNOS knockout (iNOS


) mice on a C57Bl/6J background was greater than that measured in control (wild-type) iNOS




mice, a finding that is consistent with reports that basal levels of NO are required for normal gut homeostasis [40, 41]. Despite a basal defect in intestinal barrier func- tion in iNOS


mice, permeability to FD4 failed to increase further when these mice were challenged with LPS.

In these studies [38], we used a portion of ileal tissue to prepare total and NP-40 (detergent)-insoluble protein extracts, the latter being enriched for tight junction-associated and other cytoskeletal proteins [42]. Total protein extracts were subjected to immunoblotting. NP-40 insoluble proteins were first solubilized with detergent-containing buffer and concentrated by immunoprecipitation prior to immunoblotting. The expression of occludin in NP-40 insoluble extracts was decreased in samples obtained 6 hours after injecting mice with LPS [38]. Occludin expression in NP-40 insoluble extracts decreased still further at 12 hours, but was starting to return toward normal 18 hours after LPS challenge. In total protein extracts, changes in occludin levels were less dramatic, and the maximal decrease was observed at 12 hours. ZO-1 expression decreased slightly in total protein extracts from ileal mucosa of mice exposed to LPS. However, there was a large decrease in ZO-1 levels in the NP-40 insoluble fraction. This finding suggests that the ZO-1 that is present in the cells of endotoxemic animals is unable to assemble into tight junctions. Consistent with our observations obtained using the Caco-2 system [22], claudin-1 expression increased in total protein extracts prepared from ileal mucosa. Immunoblotting total protein extracts for actin revealed equivalent loading of the samples in these gels. As expected, iNOS protein expression increased in total protein extracts from ileal mucosa of LPS-treated mice.

Endotoxemia is Associated with Derangements in Ileal Mucosal Tight Junction Protein Localization

Immunohistochemical studies of ileal tissue from endotoxemic mice were per-

formed using samples harvested 12 hours after injection of LPS. ZO-1 formed

a continuous staining pattern around the enterocyte layer near the apical region of

the lateral membrane of crypt and villous cells of the epithelium and the endothe-

lium of the lamina propria from normal mice. Following injection of mice with LPS,

ZO-1 staining was maintained in the crypts, but staining progressively decreased


over the tips of the villi. In sections from endotoxemic mice, the staining patterns for ZO-1 were disrupted only in focal regions of the ileum; approximately 60% of the villi in a given section stained normally. If the endotoxemic mice were treated with L-NIL to pharmacologically block iNOS-dependent NO production, then the correct targeting of ZO-1 in the ileal mucosa was preserved. Similar findings were obtained when staining was carried out for occludin instead of ZO-1.

Parallel experiments were performed using iNOS


mice. The levels of oc- cludin and ZO-1 in ileal mucosa from control iNOS


mice (i. e., those not chal- lenged with LPS) were reproducibly lower than the levels of these proteins in control iNOS




mice. To some extent, these basal differences in occludin and ZO- 1 expression confounded interpretation of the results obtained in LPS-challenged animals. Nevertheless, it was apparent that injecting iNOS


mice with LPS failed to cause a further decrease in the expression of ZO-1 or occludin in ileal mucosa.

The localization of ZO-1 and occludin was preserved in ileal sections prepared from LPS-treated iNOS


mice, being essentially unchanged from what was observed in sections from iNOS


animals injected with vehicle.

Surgical Stress Leads to Systemic Absorption of Gut-derived Toxins

Dating back to the era of Jacob Fine [43, 44], investigators have recognized that the gut represents a huge reservoir of bacteria-derived products, especially LPS, and that derangements in gut barrier function might lead to systemic absorption of these agents. Although Moore et al. were unable to detect LPS in the portal venous or peripheral venous blood samples obtained from critically ill trauma victims [45], other clinical and laboratory findings provide strong support for the notion that LPS can be systemically absorbed in patients or animals with acute conditions, such as hemorrhagic shock [46], necrotizing pancreatitis [5–7], or cardiopulmonary bypass [47, 48], that are associated with derangements in gut mucosal permeability.

Despite its other name, endotoxin, LPS is not really a toxin in the true sense of the word. Rather LPS is toxic because it is capable of activating intracellular signal- ing pathways in a variety of cell types, leading to the production of a variety of po- tentially cytotoxic mediators, including ROS and cytokines, such as TNF. However, in addition to releasing LPS and other pro-inflammatory molecules, many bacteria also produce extremely potent true toxins. For example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa are known to secrete at least 19 different soluble exoproteins, including several exotoxins (A, S, U and Y), elastase, staphylolytic protease, lipase, and phospholi- pase C. ETA is distantly related to diphtheria toxin produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriae [49]. Both ETA and diphtheria toxin kill the eukaryotic cells of the host by promoting mono-ADP-ribosylation and, thereby, inactivation of a key protein, translation elongation factor 2 (eEF2), which is essential for protein synthesis [49].

ETA is an extremely potent toxin, possessing a LD50 (dose that kills 50% of treated animals) of 0.2 g / kg following intraperitoneal injection into mice [49].

Based on a remarkable series of publications from Alverdy and colleagues at

the University of Chicago as well as other investigators, data have accumulated to


support the hypothesis that surgical stress (or presumably other forms of critical illness) lead to two synergistic gut-related consequences that promote development of distant organ dysfunction and even mortality. First, P. aeruginosa within the gut lumen respond to signals from the host, such as the cytokine, IFN γ [50], other factors released by hypoxic enterocytes [51], or norepinephrine [52]. In response to these signals, the bacteria increase their expression of virulence proteins, such as the PA-I lectin, a protein that is capable of causing derangements in gut epithelial permeability. Second, when P. aeruginosa are incubated under hypoxic conditions, secretion of ETA increases substantially [53]. It is likely that IFN γ also increases ETA secretion by P. aeruginosa, although this hypothesis remains to be tested. Thus, through a variety of mechanisms, critical illness can both increase elaboration within the gut lumen of a very potent toxin (ETA) and increase the permeability of the intestinal epithelium, permitting systemic absorption of this protein. The validity of this concept has been directly verified in a series of elegant in vivo studies using mice [52].

Release of Toxic Materials into the Lymphatic Drainage from the Gut

Although many lines of investigation suggested that the gut might be the “motor of multiple organ system failure” [10], the failure in some key clinical studies to observe clear evidence of LPS in portal venous blood [45] or bacteria in mesen- teric lymph nodes [54] in trauma victims led to skepticism about this concept.

Nevertheless, two research groups, one directed by Deitch in Newark and another directed by Moore in Denver, formulated a novel hypothesis to explain the data:

rather than the portal venous system, the draining mesenteric lymphatics might be the source of key gut-derived factors that promote distant organ dysfunction in critical illness [55, 56]. Over the past few years, an impressive body of evidence, obtained mostly by studying rat models of hemorrhagic shock or burn injury, has accumulated in support of this concept. Briefly, it has been shown that post-shock (but not control) mesenteric lymph primes or activates neutrophils in vitro [56,57], and is toxic to various cell types in culture [57]. Furthermore, ligation of the main draining mesenteric lymphatic in rats ameliorates hemorrhagic shock- or burn- induced distant organ injury [55,56,58]. Finally, administration of post-shock (but not control) mesenteric lymph is capable of inducing distant organ dysfunction in rodents [55].

The precise nature of the factor (or factors) in post-shock lymph that is re-

sponsible for its deleterious actions remains elusive. Both lipophilic [59–61] and

hydrophilic [61, 62] factors have been implicated. One of the factors may be a pep-

tide, derived from the action of serine proteases on albumin [61, 63].


Release from Enterocytes of Pro-inflammatory Cytokines

The gastrointestinal tract is the largest immune organ in the body. Numerous spe- cialized lymphocytes, intraepithelial lymphocytes (IELs), reside between adjacent enterocytes within the epithelium. Plasma cells, lymphocytes, macrophages, mast cells, and neutrophils are present within the lamina propria even under basal con- ditions, and, following the induction of a local or systemic inflammatory response, many more immune cells migrate into this layer of the bowel wall as well as into the muscularis propria. These immune cells are capable of producing a wide ar- ray of cytokines and other mediators, such as platelet activating factor (PAF) and histamine.

Although they are not ‘professional’ immune cells, enterocytes making up the epithelial layer of the gut are capable of secreting chemokines [64, 65], cy- tokines [66, 67] and other pro-inflammatory mediators [68]. Recent data from our laboratory suggest that HMGB1, a recently discovered cytokine-like protein, is among the pro-inflammatory substances that are released by immunostimulated enterocytes.

High-mobility group proteins are small DNA-binding proteins that serve an important role in transcriptional regulation [69]. One of these proteins, HMGB1, has been identified as a late-acting mediator of LPS- [70] or sepsis-induced [71]

lethality in mice. HMGB1 also has been implicated as a mediator LPS- [72] or hemorrhagic shock-induced acute lung injury (ALI) in mice [73]. Additionally, our laboratory showed that adding recombinant HMGB1 to the culture medium for Caco-2 human enterocyte-like monolayers increases the permeability of the ep- ithelial barrier to a fluorescent macromolecule, fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled dextran with an average molecular mass of 4,000 Da (FD4) [74]. Moreover, we showed that injecting mice with HMGB1 induces gut mucosal hyperpermeability to FD4 and promotes bacterial translocation to mesenteric lymph nodes [74]. Ad- ditional studies have documented that HMGB1 is a cytokine-like molecule that can promote TNF release from mononuclear cells [75].

HMGB1 also has been implicated in the pathogenesis of human disease. In the original report describing HMGB1 as a mediator of LPS-induced lethality, Abraham et al. reported that circulating levels of this protein are increased in patients with severe sepsis [72]. Shortly thereafter, Ombrellino and co-workers described a patient with high circulating levels of HMGB1 following an episode of hemorrhagic shock [76]. More recently, increased levels of HMGB1 mRNA have been detected in whole blood samples from patients with septic shock, particularly among non-survivors [77]. Similarly, persistently high serum levels of HMGB1 protein have been detected in patients with septic shock [78]

HMGB1 is actively secreted by immunostimulated macrophages [70, 79–81],

natural killer cells [82], and pituicytes [83]. This protein is also released by necrotic,

but not apoptotic, cells [84]. Because HMGB1 has been shown to modulate in-

testinal epithelial barrier function [74], we hypothesized that active secretion by

enterocytes might be yet another source for this cytokine-like protein. Recently, we


reported that stimulating either Caco-2 cells or primary cultures of murine ente- rocytes with cytomix induced secretion of HMGB1 [85]. Additionally, we showed that addition of a neutralizing polyclonal anti-HMGB1 antibody partially blocked the increase in permeability caused by incubating Caco-2 monolayers with cy- tomix [85]. The data also indicate that HMGB1 is secreted in soluble form as well as a particulate form that is sequestered within exosomes. These data sup- port the view that enterocyte-derived HMGB1 may be an autocrine amplifier of derangements in epithelial barrier function initiated by other pro-inflammatory stimuli.


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