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On the domains of elliptic operators in L 1


Academic year: 2022

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On the domains of elliptic operators in L 1

Alessandra Lunardi

Dipartimento di Matematica, Universit`a di Parma Via D’Azeglio 85/A, 43100 Parma, Italy

E-mail: lunardi@unipr.it, www: http://math.unipr.it/∼lunardi Giorgio Metafune

Dipartimento di Matematica “Ennio De Giorgi”, Universit`a di Lecce C.P.193, 73100, Lecce, Italy

E-mail: giorgio.metafune@unile.it


We prove optimal embedding estimates for the domains of second order elliptic opera- tors in L1spaces. Our procedure relies on general semigroup theory and interpolation arguments, and on estimates for ∇T (t)f in L1, in L, and possibly in fractional Sobolev spaces, for f ∈ L1. It is applied to a number of examples, including some degenerate hypoelliptic operators, and operators with unbounded coefficients.

1 Introduction

It is well known that the domains of the realizations of elliptic operators in L1 spaces are not as nice as in the case of Lp spaces with p ∈ (1, ∞). For instance, it is easy to see that the domain of the realization of the Laplacian in L1(RN) is not contained in W2,1(RN) if N > 1. However, it is continuously embedded in W1+β,1(RN) for each β ∈ (0, 1).

Therefore, if u and ∆u are in L1(RN), then any first order derivative Diu, i = 1, . . . , N , belongs to Wβ,1(RN) for each β ∈ (0, 1), and by Sobolev embedding it belongs also to Lp(RN) for each p < N/(N − 1), with

kDiukLp≤ C(p) kukL1 + k∆ukL1. (1.1) Easy counterexamples show that we cannot take p = N/(N − 1). They show also that, in general, Diu does not belong to any Lorentz space LN/(N −1),qloc (RN) with q < ∞, see Example 6.2. On the other hand, it is possible to prove that each derivative Diu belongs to the Besov space B1,1(RN), and


(RN)≤ C kukL1 + k∆ukL1. (1.2) See e.g. [5, Cor. 4.3.16]. Since B1,1(RN) is continuously embedded in the Lorentz space LN/(N −1),∞(RN), it follows that each derivative Diu belongs to LN/(N −1),∞(RN), and

kDiukLN/(N −1),∞(RN)≤ C kukL1 + k∆ukL1. (1.3) For definitions and properties of Lorentz and Besov spaces see Section 2. In this paper we show that similar embeddings hold for a large class of second order elliptic operators,

A =








biDi+ c. (1.4)


We assume that the realization of A, endowed with a suitable domain D(A), is the in- finitesimal generator of a semigroup (T (t))t≥0 in L1(Ω), Ω being an open set in RN with empty or smooth boundary. Our approach is based on interpolation arguments, on esti- mates for the semigroup (T (t))t≥0 and on the well known representation formula for the resolvent

R(λ, A) = Z


e−λtT (t)dt, for λ large enough. The needed estimates are

(i) k∇T (t)f kL1 ≤ Ceωtt−γ1kf kL1, (ii) k∇T (t)f k≤ Ceωtt−γ2kf kL1, t > 0, f ∈ L1(Ω), (1.5) for Lorentz regularity, with 0 ≤ γ1 < 1 < γ2, ω ∈ R, and

kT (t)f kWβ,1 ≤ Ceωtt−γkf kL1, t > 0, (1.6) for Besov regularity, with β > 0, γ > 1, ω ∈ R. Then we show that the map

∇ : D(A) → Lγ2−γ1γ2−1,∞(Ω, RN) (respectively, D(A) → Bβ/γ,1(Ω, RN))

is bounded, by a procedure which was used up to now to find optimal Schauder estimates.

See e.g. [17, Theorem 2.1], [20]. In the case of the Laplace operator in RN, the heat semigroup (T (t))t≥0 is easily seen to satisfy both (1.5) with γ1 = 1/2, γ2 = (N + 1)/2, and (1.6) with β = 3, γ = 3/2, for each f ∈ L1(RN). Hence we get (1.2) and (1.3).

Embedding results in weaker norms are much easier. Estimates (1.5), assuming for simplicity that ω = 0, imply by interpolation k∇T (t)f kLp ≤ C(N )tN (1−1/p)+1

2 kf kL1, for every p ∈ (1, ∞). Let u ∈ D(A) and, for λ > 0, set f = λu − Au. Then u = R

0 e−λtT (t)f dt, and taking p < N/(N − 1) we get

k∇ukLp ≤ C(N, p)λγ−1kf kL1 ≤ C(N, p)(λγkukL1 + λγ−1kAukL1), where γ = N (1−1/p)+1

2 < 1. Taking the minimum for λ > 0 one obtains the inequality k∇ukLp ≤ C(N, p)kuk1−γ1 kAukγ1,

which is well known for elliptic operators with bounded smooth coefficients, see e.g. [27, Theorem 5.8], [4, Theorem 8], [2, Proposition 9.2]. Taking p = N/(N −1) we get γ = 1 and this direct approach fails. To treat the limiting case we need the more refined argument used in the proofs of Theorems 3.1 and 4.1.

Estimates of the type (1.5) or (1.6) are satisfied by a number of elliptic operators, including elliptic operators in bounded domains with Dirichlet or Neumann boundary conditions, a class of elliptic operators with unbounded Lipschitz continuous coefficients in RN, and degenerate elliptic operators such as Kolmogorov type operators, the Heisenberg Laplacian in R3, and more generally sublaplacians in nilpotent stratified Lie groups. For all these operators the application of Theorems 3.1 and 4.1 gives optimal embedding results.

See Sections 5 and 6. Some of these embeddings were already known, and ours is just an alternative approach. This is the case of elliptic operators with bounded and H¨older continuous coefficients in the whole RN, and in regular bounded open sets in RN with Dirichlet boundary condition. See [14, Thm. 1.7, Thm. 3.3], where a class of general 2m-order elliptic systems is considered. On the other hand, the study of elliptic operators with unbounded coefficients is much more recent and the general theory is still under developement. Here we consider operators of the type

A = ∆ +






with globally Lipschitz continuous coefficients Fi. It has been recently proved that the domain of the realization of A in Lp(RN) is contained in W2,p(RN) for 1 < p < ∞ ([24]), and that the domain of the realization of A in Cα(RN) is contained in C2+α(RN) for 0 < α < 1 ([21]). We prove here that the semigroup T (t) generated by the realization of A in L1(RN) satisfies (1.5) with γ1 = 1/2, γ2 = (N + 1)/2, like in the case of bounded regular coefficients. As a first step, ultracontractivity of T (t) is proved adapting to our situation a classical argument based on Nash inequality. This gives kT (t)kL(L1,L)≤ Ceωtt−(N +1)/2. Then the estimate k∇T (t)kL(L)≤ Ceωtt−1/2, which is known for smooth F , is extended to our situation by a perturbation argument. Using the semigroup law, we arrive at (1.5)(ii). For (1.5)(i), we use the fact that the commutator T (t)∇−∇T (t) may be extended to a bounded operator from L(RN, RN) to itself, and then we use a duality argument and again the estimate k∇T (t)kL(L) ≤ Ceωtt−1/2 to conclude. Theorem 4.1 about Lorentz regularity implies then that for each u ∈ D(A), Diu belongs to LN/(N −1),∞(RN) for i = 1, . . . , N , and

kDiukLN/(N −1),∞(RN) ≤ C kukL1+ kAukL1.

2 Preliminaries, Besov and Lorentz spaces

In the next sections we shall consider the usual real interpolation spaces (X, D)θ,q for couples of Banach spaces (X, D) with D ⊂ X. We refer to the book [28] for an extensive treatment of these spaces. We recall that if X, Y , D are Banach spaces such that D ⊂ Y ⊂ X with continuous embeddings, and 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, Y is said to belong to the class Jθ(X, D) if there is C > 0 such that

kf kY ≤ Ckf k1−θX kf kθD, ∀f ∈ D.

The Reiteration Theorem (see e.g. [28, §1.10.2]) implies that if Y1 belongs to Jθ1(X, D), and Y2 belongs to Jθ2(X, D), then

(Y1, Y2)θ,q ⊃ (X, D)(1−θ)θ1+θθ2,q for all θ ∈ (0, 1), q ∈ [1, +∞], and the embedding is continuous.

Let Ω be an open set in RN. By Lp(Ω), 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, we mean Lp(Ω, dx) where dx is the usual Lebesgue measure. The norm of a function f in Lp(Ω) is denoted by kf kp.

Now we recall briefly definitions and main properties of the Besov and Lorentz spaces Bs,1(Ω) and Lp,q(Ω). We refer the reader to [29, 28, 13] for a detailed treatment of these spaces. Let s = r + α with r ∈ N and 0 < α ≤ 1. A function f ∈ Wr,1(RN) belongs to Bs,1(RN) if

kf kBs,1

= kf kWr,1(RN)+ X




|h|−αkDβu(· + h) − 2Dβu + Dβu(· − h)k1 < ∞.

Bs,1(RN) is a Banach space with the above norm. If Ω 6= RN, the space Bs,1(Ω) consists of the restrictions to Ω of the functions in Bs,1(RN). The norm of f is the infimum of k ef kBs,1

(RN) over all the extensions ef of f to the whole RN.

Besov spaces arise naturally as real interpolation spaces between Sobolev spaces. We recall the definition of Sobolev spaces of noninteger order. Let s = r + α with r ∈ N and 0 < α < 1. A function f ∈ Wr,1(RN) belongs to Ws,1(RN) if

kf kWs,1(RN)= kf kWr,1(RN)+ X




|Dβf (x + h) − Dβf (x)|

|h|N +α dx dh < ∞.


If Ω 6= RN, the space Ws,1(Ω) consists of the restrictions to Ω of the functions in Ws,1(RN).

The norm of f is the infimum of k ef kWs,1(RN) over all the extensions ef of f to the whole RN. If Ω is the whole RN, or a half space, or a bounded open set with Cρboundary, then for 0 < θ < 1, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ we have

(L1(Ω), Ws,1(Ω))θ,∞= Bθs,1 (Ω),

for 0 < s < ρ, with equivalence of the respective norms, see e.g. [29, 13]. This is in fact the only property of Besov spaces that we will need in the sequel.

Let now Ω be any measurable subset of RN. Let f : Ω 7→ C be a measurable function and define for σ ≥ 0

m(σ, f ) =

{x ∈ Ω : |f (x)| > σ}


where |E| denotes the Lebesgue measure of E. Next, we introduce the decreasing rear- rangement of f , that is

f(t) = inf{σ : m(σ, f ) ≤ t}.

The function f is decreasing on (0, ∞), it satisfies f(0) = sup ess|f | and, moreover, {t > 0 : f(t) > σ}


{x ∈ Ω : |f (x)| > σ}

. The Lorentz spaces Lp,q(Ω) (1 ≤ p ≤ ∞, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞) are defined by

Lp,q(Ω) =n

f ∈ L1(Ω) + L(Ω) : kf kp,q:=Z 0

(t1/pf(t))qdt t


< ∞o for q < ∞, and

Lp,∞(Ω) =n

f ∈ L1(Ω) + L(Ω) : kf kp,∞:= sup


t1/pf(t) < ∞o .

We remark that Lp,q1(Ω) ,→ Lp,q2(Ω) if q1 < q2 and that Lp,p(Ω) = Lp(Ω). We shall consider the Lorentz spaces mainly with q = ∞, using the following characterization in terms of the distribution function m(f, σ), see [28, Lemma 1.18.6].

Proposition 2.1 The following equality holds:

Lp,∞(Ω) =n

f : Ω → C : sup


σ(m(f, σ))1/p< ∞o . Moreover, kf kp,∞:= supσ>0σ(m(f, σ))1/p, for every f ∈ Lp,∞(Ω).

Also the Lorentz spaces arise naturally as real interpolation spaces between Lebesgue spaces. Indeed, for 0 < θ < 1, 1 ≤ q ≤ ∞ we have

(L1(Ω), L(Ω))θ,q = L1/(1−θ),q(Ω), with equivalence of the respective norms. See [28, §1.18.6].

The following lemma allows us to treat the vector-valued integrals appearing in the proofs of Theorems 3.1 and 4.1. The space V1,∞(Ω) is defined by

V1,∞(Ω) =n

f ∈ L1(Ω) : ∇f ∈ L(Ω, RN)o

(2.1) and it is a Banach space when endowed with the norm kf kV1,∞(Ω) = kf k1+ k |∇f | k. Lemma 2.2 Let Ω be an open set in RN. Then the following properties hold.

(i) Closed balls in W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω) are closed in L1(Ω).


(i) If s is not an integer and Ω = RN, or Ω is a half space, or Ω is bounded with Cρ boundary, ρ > s, then closed balls in Ws,1(Ω) are closed in L1(Ω).

Proof. (i) Let (fn) ⊂ W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω) converge to f in L1(Ω), and be such that kDifnk1 ≤ C1, kDifnk ≤ C2 for i = 1, . . . , N , with C1, C2 independent of n. Then kDifnk2 ≤ C = max{C1, C2} for each i, and hence (∇fn) converges to ∇f weakly in L2(Ω, RN). It follows that for every φ ∈ C0(Ω) and for each i = 1, . . . , N


Dif φ = lim



Difnφ ≤

C1kφk C2kφk1

Hence kDif k1 ≤ C1, kDif k ≤ C2. (ii) Let (fn) ⊂ Ws,1(Ω), kfnkWs,1(Ω) ≤ C be convergent to f ∈ L1(Ω). Write s = r + α with r ∈ N and 0 < α < 1. By interpolation, (fn) is a Cauchy sequence in Wr,1(Ω) and hence (fn) → f in Wr,1(Ω). Fatou’s Lemma yields easily kf kWs,1(Ω) ≤ C.

Observe that (ii) of Lemma 2.2 fails if s is an integer. For example, if s = 1, the function f in the proof above is just of bounded variation and it does not belong necessarily to W1,1(Ω).

3 Besov regularity

Throughout the section we shall consider the following assumptions (C > 0, ω ∈ R).

(H1) (T (t))t≥0 is a strongly continuous semigroup in L1(Ω) with generator A : D(A) 7→

L1(Ω), and

kT (t)f k1 ≤ Ceωtkf k1, f ∈ L1(Ω).

(H2) There are γ > 1, β > 0 such that for t > 0 and f ∈ L1(Ω), T (t)f belongs to Wβ,1(Ω) and satisfies the estimate

kT (t)f kWβ,1≤ Ceωtt−γkf k1.

Moreover, either Ω = RN, or Ω is a half space, or Ω is bounded with Cρ boundary, ρ > β.

We shall adapt to the present situation the procedure of [20, Theorem 2.5], to get an optimal embedding result for D(A). To be more precise, we get an optimal embedding result for (L1(Ω), D(A2))1/2,∞, in which D(A) is continuously embedded (see [28, Thm.

1.13.2(b)]. Since we work in specific Sobolev spaces, we do not need the measurability assumption made in [20].

Theorem 3.1 Let (H1) and (H2) hold. Then

(L1(Ω), D(A2))1/2,∞ ⊂ Bβ/γ,1(Ω) with continuous embedding, and therefore

D(A) ⊂ Bβ/γ,1(Ω) with continuous embedding.


Proof. As a first step, we prove that the statement holds for β 6∈ N. Since D(A2) = D((A − ωI)2) with equivalence of the norms, possibly replacing A by A − ωI we may assume also that ω = 0. We shall show that

(L1(Ω), D(Am))1/m,∞ ⊂ (L1(Ω), Wβ,1(Ω))1/γ,∞,

with continuous embedding, for m large enough. Indeed, it is well known (see e.g. [28, Thm. 1.13.5]) that (L1(Ω), D(A2))1/2,∞ = (L1(Ω), D(Am))1/m,∞ for every integer m ≥ 2.

Fix any integer m > γ. Let u ∈ D(Am), λ > 0 and set (λI − A)mu = f . Then u = (R(λ, A))mf , so that

u = (−1)m−1 (m − 1)!


m−1R(λ, A)f = 1 (m − 1)!

Z 0

tm−1e−λtT (t)f dt, (3.1) the integral being understood in L1(Ω). However, u belongs to Wβ,1(Ω), with

kukWβ,1(Ω)≤ C (m − 1)!

Z 0

tm−1−γe−λtdt kf k1. (3.2) Indeed,

u = L1− lim

a→0, b→∞

1 (m − 1)!

Z b a

tm−1e−λtT (t)f dt, and for fixed 0 < a < b < ∞,Rb

atm−1−γe−λtT (t)f dt = L1− limn→∞In, where In= b − a





(a + k(b − a)/n)m−1e−λ(a+k(b−a)/n)T (a + k(b − a)/n)f. (3.3)

Due to assumption (H2), In∈ Wβ,1(Ω) and kInkWβ,1(Ω)≤ C(b − a)





(a + k(b − a)/n)m−1−γe−λ(a+k(b−a)/n)kf k1.

The right hand side goes to CRb

atm−1−γe−λtdtkf kL1 as n goes to +∞. By Lemma 2.2(ii) closed balls in Wβ,1(Ω) are closed in L1(Ω), and then Rb

a tm−1e−λtT (t)f dt ∈ Wβ,1(Ω) and

Z b a

tm−1e−λtT (t)f dt Wβ,1(Ω)

≤ C Z b


tm−1−γe−λtdtkf k1.

Letting a → 0 and b → ∞ and using again Lemma 2.2(ii) it follows that u belongs to Wβ,1(Ω) and that it satisfies (3.2). The proof now goes on as in [20]; we write it down for the reader’s convenience. From (3.2) we get

kukWβ,1(Ω) ≤ C (m − 1)!

Z 0

e−λttm−γ−1dtkf k1= CΓ(m − γ)

(m − 1)! λγ−mkf k1

= CΓ(m − γ) (m − 1)! λγ−m




m r

λm−r(−1)rAru 1

≤ C1




λγ−rkAruk1, λ > 0.

We recall now the interpolation inequalities

kAruk1 ≤ C2kukr/mD(Am)kuk1−r/m1 , r = 1, . . . , m, u ∈ D(Am) (see e.g.. [28, §1.14.3]). Using such inequalities and then ab ≤ (a2+ b2)/2 we get

kukWβ,1(Ω)≤ C3λγ−mkukD(Am)+ kukL1), λ > 0,


so that, taking the minimum for λ > 0,

kukWβ,1(Ω) ≤ C4kuk1−γ/m1 kukγ/mD(Am).

This means that Wβ,1(Ω) ∈ Jγ/m(L1, D(Am)), and therefore, by the Reiteration Theorem, (L1(Ω), D(Am))1/m,∞⊂ (L1(Ω), Wβ,1(Ω))1/γ,∞= Bβ/γ,1(Ω),

with continuous embedding. So, the statement is proved if β /∈ N. If β ∈ N fix β0 ∈ (β − 1, β) such that γ0 = γβ0/β > 1. Using assumptions (H1) and (H2) we get by interpolation

kT (t)f kWβ0,1 ≤ Ceωtt−γ0kf k1, t > 0, f ∈ L1. Since β0 is not integer, the first part of the proof yields

(L1(Ω), D(A2))1/2,∞ ⊂ Bβ00,1(Ω) = Bβ/γ,1(Ω).

In the following corollary we consider an important special case of Theorem 3.1.

Corollary 3.2 Let either Ω = RN, or Ω be a half space, or Ω be a bounded open set with Cρ boundary, ρ > 2. Let (H1) and (H2) hold, with 2 < β < ρ and γ = β/2. Then

D(A) ⊂ B2,1(Ω),

with continuous embedding. Therefore, the gradient of each function u ∈ D(A) belongs to B1,1(Ω, RN), which is continuously embedded in the space LN/(N −1),∞(Ω, RN).

In the case of the Laplacian and of other elliptic operators with smooth coefficients in RN, (H2) is satisfied with β = 3, γ = 3/2 and we may apply Corollary 3.2. Therefore we get

D(A) ⊂ B2,1(RN), (3.4)

with continuous embedding. So, the gradient of each function u ∈ D(A) belongs to B1,1(RN, RN), which is continuously embedded in the space LN/(N −1),∞(RN, RN). In other situations, the semigroup T (t) does not map L1 into Wβ,1 for β > 2, and the embedding (3.4) is not known. However, we are still able to get optimal Lorentz regularity provided a somewhat weaker condition than (H2) holds. See next section.

4 Lorentz regularity

Throughout the section we shall consider Assumption (H1) together with the following one (C > 0, ω ∈ R).

(H3) There are constants γ1 ∈ (0, 1), γ2 > 1 such that for t > 0 and f ∈ L1(Ω) the function T (t)f belongs to W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω) and satisfies

k∇T (t)f k1≤ Ceωtt−γ1kf k1, k∇T (t)f k≤ Ceωtt−γ2kf k1. By a method similar to the one of Theorem 3.1 we get the following result.

Theorem 4.1 Assume that (T (t))t≥0 satisfies hypotheses (H1) and (H3). Then the map

∇ : (L1, D(A2))1/2,∞ → Lγ2−γ1γ2−1,∞(Ω, RN) is bounded. In particular, the map ∇ : D(A) → Lγ2−γ1γ2−1,∞(Ω, RN) is bounded.


Proof. We shall show that W1,1(Ω) and V1,∞(Ω) belong to Jγ1/m(L1(Ω), D(Am)) and to Jγ2/m(L1(Ω), D(Am)), respectively, for any integer m > γ2. By the Reiteration Theorem it will follow that (L1(Ω), D(Am))1/m,∞ ⊂ (W1,1(Ω), V1,∞(Ω))1−γ1

γ2−γ1,∞, with continuous embedding. The latter space consists of functions in W1,1(Ω) + V1,∞(Ω) whose first order derivatives belong to (L1(Ω), L(Ω))1−γ1

γ2−γ1,∞ = Lγ2−γ1γ2−1 ,∞(Ω). See [28, §1.18.6]. This yields the statement because (L1(Ω), D(Am))1/m,∞ = (L1(Ω), D(A2))1/2,∞, with equivalence of the respective norms ([28, Thm. 1.12.5]). We may assume that ω = 0 without loss of generality. Let u ∈ D(Am) with m > γ2, let λ > 0 and set (λI − A)mu = f . Then (3.1) holds, the integral being well defined in L1(Ω). We show now that u ∈ W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω), and

kDiuk1≤ C (m − 1)!

Z 0

tm−1−γ1e−λtdtkf k1,

kDiuk≤ C (m − 1)!

Z 0

tm−1−γ2e−λtdtkf k1.


As in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we remark that for 0 < a < b < ∞, the sums In defined in (3.3) belong to W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω), and for each i = 1, . . . , N we have

kDiInk1 ≤ C(b − a) n




(a + k(b − a)/n)m−1−γ1e−λ(a+k(b−a)/n)kf k1,

kDiInk≤ C(b − a) n




(a + k(b − a)/n)m−1−γ2e−λ(a+k(b−a)/n)kf k1. The right hand sides go to CRb

atm−1−γie−λtdtkf kL1, i = 1, 2, as n goes to +∞. It follows that the function Rb

a tm−1e−λtT (t)f dt belongs to W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω) and the proof of Lemma 2.2(i) gives

kDi Z b


tm−1e−λtT (t)f dtk1 ≤ C Z b


tm−1−γ1e−λtdtkf k1,

kDi Z b


tm−1e−λtT (t)f dtk≤ C Z b


tm−1−γ2e−λtdtkf k1,

for i = 1, . . . , N . Letting a → 0 and b → ∞ we find that u belongs to W1,1(Ω) ∩ V1,∞(Ω) and that it satisfies (4.1). Once (4.1) is established, arguing as in the proof of Theorem 3.1 we obtain that W1,1(Ω) belongs to Jγ1/m(L1, D(Am)), and V1,∞(Ω) belongs to Jγ2/m(L1, D(Am)), just what we needed.

Let us write down explicitly a particular but important case of Theorem 4.1.

Corollary 4.2 Assume that the hypotheses in Theorem 4.1 are fulfilled with γ1 = 1/2 and γ2 = (N + 1)/2. Then the map ∇ : (L1(Ω), D(A2))1/2,∞ → LN/(N −1),∞(Ω, RN) is bounded. In particular, the map ∇ : D(A) → LN/(N −1),∞(Ω, RN) is bounded.

A less sharp version of Theorem 4.1 has a simpler proof, that we write below.

Theorem 4.3 Assume that (T (t))t≥0 satisfies hypotheses (H1) and (H3). Then the map

∇ : D(A) → Lγ2−γ1γ2−1 ,∞(Ω, RN) is bounded.

Proof. Let λ > ω and let u ∈ D(A). Setting λu − Au = f , then u is the Laplace transform of T (t)f , that is

u = Z


e−λtT (t)f dt.


Let us fix ξ > 0 and split u = a(ξ) + b(ξ) where a(ξ) =

Z ξ 0

e−λtT (t)f dt, b(ξ) = Z


e−λtT (t)f dt.

The procedure of Theorem 4.1 gives a(ξ) ∈ W1,1(Ω), a(ξ) ∈ V1,∞(Ω), and k∇a(ξ)k1 ≤ C1ξ1−γ1kf k1, k∇b(ξ)k≤ C2ξ1−γ2kf k1.

Since {|∇u| > σ} ⊂ {|∇a(ξ)| > σ/2} ∪ {|∇b(ξ)| > σ/2} for every σ > 0, choosing ξ such that ξ1−γ2 = σ/2C2 we get {|∇b(ξ)| > σ/2} = ∅ and therefore

m(|∇u|, σ) ≤ |{|∇a(ξ)| > σ/2}| ≤ C3σγ2−γ1γ2−1 kf k1, with C3 independent of f . Applying Proposition 2.1 concludes the proof.

Remark 4.4 Assume that the hypotheses in Theorem 4.1 are fulfilled with γ1= 1/2, ω = 0. The first inequality in (4.1) with m = 1 yields

k∇uk1≤ Kλ−1/2kf k1 ≤ K λ1/2kuk1+ λ−1/2kAuk1 for each u ∈ D(A). Minimizing over λ > 0, we get

k∇uk1 ≤ Ckuk1/21 kAuk1/21 , that is, W1,1(Ω) belongs to the class J1/2(L1(Ω), D(A)).

5 Operators with Lipschitz continuous coefficients

In this section we apply the results of Section 4 to operators in RN of the form A = ∆ + F · ∇,

assuming that the drift vector field F is globally Lipschitz continuous. An important example is the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operator, which may be reduced to this one by an obvious change of coordinates,

A =




qijDij +





where Q = (qij) is a real symmetric positive definite matrix, and B = (bij) is a nonzero real matrix. The Ornstein-Uhlenbeck semigroup in L1(RN) has the explicit representation

(T (t)f )(x) = 1

(4π)n/2(det Qt)1/2 Z


e−<Q−1t y,y>/4f (etBx − y) dy, where

Qt= Z t


esBQesBds. (5.1)

Having an explicit representation formula, the hypotheses of Corollary 3.2 can be checked immediately. Therefore u ∈ B2,1(RN) and hence ∇u ∈ LN/(N −1),∞(RN, RN), for every u ∈ D(A). We shall prove that the last result still holds for general F . This will be done in some steps; the first one consists in showing that a suitable realization of A in L1(RN)


generates a strongly continuous semigroup. For technical reasons we need to consider the realizations of the operator A in every Lp(RN), hence we set for 1 < p < ∞

Dp = n

u ∈ W2,p(RN) : F · ∇u ∈ Lp(RN) o

, (5.2)



u ∈ C0(RN) ∩ Wloc2,p(RN) for every p < ∞ : Au ∈ C0(RN)o

. (5.3)

Here C0(RN) is the space of the continuous functions on RN vanishing as |x| → +∞, endowed with the sup norm. Observe that C0(RN) is dense in Dp for 1 < p < ∞. We set

k = sup


−div F (x). (5.4)

Proposition 5.1 For 1 < p < ∞ the operator (A, Dp) generates a strongly continuous positive semigroup (Tp(t))t≥0 in Lp(RN) satisfying

kTp(t)f kp ≤ ekt/pkf kp, f ∈ Lp(RN).

The operator (A, D) generates a strongly continuous semigroup of positive contractions in C0(RN).

Proof: The proof is in [24] for 1 < p < ∞. The statement about C0(RN) follows from [25, Corollary 3.18], since F has at most linear growth.

Note that for q 6= p, Tp(t)f = Tq(t)f for each f ∈ Lp(RN) ∩ Lq(RN). Letting p → 1 it follows that Tp(t) may be extended to a bounded operator T (t) in L1(RN), and

kT (t)f k1 ≤ ektkf k1, f ∈ L1(RN). (5.5) Actually more is true, as the next proposition shows.

Proposition 5.2 (T (t))t≥0 is strongly continuous in L1(RN) and its infinitesimal gener- ator is the L1-closure of A : C0(RN) 7→ L1(RN).

Proof. Let B = A + div F and u ∈ C0(RN) be real valued. Since Z


Au signu dx ≤ 0, (5.6)

the operator B : C0(RN) 7→ L1(RN) is dissipative. Next we show that (λI −B)(C0(RN)) is dense in L1(RN) for λ > 0. Let f ∈ L(RN) be such that



(λu − Bu)f dx = 0

for every u ∈ C0(RN). By local elliptic regularity (see [1, Theorem 6.2]), f belongs to Wloc1,2(RN) and it is a weak solution of the equation λf − Bf = 0, where B = ∆ − F · ∇ is the formal adjoint of B. Since the coefficients of B are locally bounded, the classical method of difference quotients yields f ∈ Wloc2,2(RN), hence λf − Bf = 0 a.e. in RN and, finally, f ∈ Wloc2,p(RN) for all p < ∞, by [12, Lemma 9.16]. Taking λ > 0 and observing that the coefficients of B have at most linear growth, we may apply the maximum principle in RN (see e.g. [19, Proposition 2.2]) to conclude that f = 0. Since A = B − div F , the Lumer-Phillips Theorem implies that the closure of A : C0(RN) 7→ L1(RN) generates a strongly continuous semigroup (S(t))t≥0 satisfying kS(t)f k1 ≤ ektkf k1. On the other hand, since the generator of (S(t))t≥0coincides with the generator of (T (t))t≥0on C0(RN) which is a core both in L1 and in Lp, it follows that the Laplace transform of S(t)f and T (t)f coincide for f ∈ L1(RN)∩Lp(RN). Therefore S(t)f = T (t) for f ∈ L1(RN)∩Lp(RN) and the proof is complete.


In some arguments below we need the adjoint semigroup (T (t))t≥0 of (T (t))t≥0. Let us consider the formal adjoint A of A defined by

A= ∆ − F · ∇ − div F. (5.7)

Since div F is bounded, it follows from Proposition 5.1 that A: Dp 7→ Lp(RN) generates a strongly continuous semigroup in Lp(RN) for 1 < p < ∞.

Lemma 5.3 Let 1 < p < ∞. Then the adjoint semigroup (T (t))t≥0 in Lp0(RN) is generated by (A, Dp0).

Proof. The adjoint semigroup in Lp0(RN) is generated by the dual operator of (A, Dp), let it be C : D(C) 7→ Lp0(RN). An elementary integration by parts yields Cφ = Aφ for each φ ∈ C0(RN). Since C0(RN) is a core for (A, Dp0), by Proposition 5.1 we obtain that (C, D(C)) is an extension of (A, Dp0), hence they do coincide because both of them are generators in Lp0(RN).

Next we prove an ultracontractivity property of (T (t))t≥0, showing that T (t) maps L1(RN) into L(RN) with a behavior similar to the one of the heat semigroup near t = 0.

We adapt a classical argument based on the so called Nash inequality

kgk2+4/N2 ≤ Ckgk2W1,2kgk4/N1 , g ∈ W1,2(RN) ∩ L1(RN). (5.8) See e.g. [7, Theorem 2.4.6].

Proposition 5.4 There exist constants M, ω such that for every f ∈ L1(RN), t > 0 kT (t)f k≤ M eωt

tN/2 kf k1. (5.9)

Moreover, for every t > 0, T (t) maps L1(RN) into C0(RN).

Proof. Let λ ≥ 1 + k/2, where k is given by 5.4. For each u ∈ C0(RN) we have Z


u(λu − Au)dx = Z


|∇u|2+ (λ +1

2div F )|u|2

 dx ≥



|∇u|2+ |u|2

dx. (5.10) Since C0(RN) is dense in D2, (5.10) is true for each u ∈ D2.

Let f ∈ C0(RN), f 6≡ 0, and set

v(t) = ke−λtT (t)f k22, t ≥ 0.

Since T (t)f goes to f as t → 0, then v(t) > 0 at least for t in a right neighborhood I of 0.

Moreover v is differentiable, and v0(t) = 2e−2λt



T (t)f ((A − λ)T (t)f )dx, t ≥ 0.

Since T (t)f ∈ D2∩ L1 for each t, we may apply estimate (5.10) and then estimate (5.8), getting for t ∈ I

v0(t) ≤ −2ke−λtT (t)f k2W1,2(RN) ≤ −Cke−λtT (t)f k2+4/N2 ke−λtT (t)f k−4/N1 . Therefore, for each t ∈ I,


dt(v(t)−2/N) ≥2C

N ke−λtT (t)f k−4/N1 ≥ C1e4(λ−k)t/Nkf k−4/N1 .


(We used (5.5) to get the last inequality). Integrating between 0 and t we get v(t)−2/N ≥ C2kf k−4/N1

Z t 0

e4(λ−k)s/Nds ≥ C2tkf k−4/N1 , t ∈ I, provided λ ≥ k. This gives

kT (t)f k2 ≤ C3eλtt−N/4kf k1, t > 0. (5.11) Thanks to Lemma 5.3, the same argument may be applied to T (t), and it yields for g ∈ C0(RN) and λ ≥ max{1 + k/2, 0}

kT (t)gk2 ≤ C4eλtt−N/4kgk1, t > 0. (5.12) Now we use a standard duality argument to get a bound for kT (t)f k. We have

kT (t)f k= sup

g∈C0(RN), kgk1=1



T (t)f g dx = sup

g∈C0(RN), kgk1=1



f T (t)g dx,

and for each g ∈ C0(RN) with kgk1 = 1, inequality (5.12) yields Z


f T (t)g dx ≤ kf k2kT (t)gk2≤ kf k2C4eλtt−N/4, t > 0 hence

kT (t)f k≤ C4eλtt−N/4kf k2, t > 0. (5.13) Since C0(RN) is dense in L1(RN), inequalities (5.11) and (5.13) hold for every f ∈ L1(RN) and we get (5.9) using the semigroup law. Finally, let us show that T (t) maps L1(RN) into C0(RN). If f ∈ C0(RN), then T (t)f ∈ C0(RN), since (T (t))t≥0 preserves C0(RN) (see Proposition 5.1). The general case where f ∈ L1(RN) follows by approximation, using estimate (5.9).

Now we turn to gradient estimates. We recall that inequalities like

k∇T (t)f k≤ eωtt−1/2kf k, (5.14) with f ∈ Cb(RN), are valid under a dissipativity condition on the drift F , that is when the quadratic form defined by the Jacobian matrix of F is bounded from above. Clearly this condition is satisfied in our case. We refer to [3] and to the references therein for a discussion of inequalities of the type (5.14). The paper [3] deals with a general class of second order elliptic operators with coefficients in Cloc1+α(RN). For this reason we assume for the moment that F ∈ Cloc1+α(RN); this extra assumption will be removed later.

Corollary 5.5 Assume that F ∈ Cloc1+α(RN) for some α > 0. Then the semigroup (T (t))t≥0 satisfies

k∇T (t)f k≤ Ceωtt−(N +1)/2kf k1, f ∈ L1(RN), for suitable C > 0, ω ∈ R.

Proof. Since k∇F k < ∞, the assumptions of [3] are satisfied, and (5.14) holds for each f ∈ Cb(RN). The statement then follows using Proposition 5.4 and the semigroup law.


Now we estimate the operator norm of ∇T (t) from L1(RN) to (L1(RN))N. It will be deduced from the analogous result for p = ∞ via the following lemma.

Lemma 5.6 Assume that F ∈ Cloc1+α(RN) for some α > 0. Then the operator ∇T (t) − T (t)∇ may be extended to a bounded operator Γ(t) from (C0(RN))Ninto itself, satisfying kΓ(t)f k≤ Ceωt

tkf k for suitable C > 0, ω ∈ R.

Proof. Let f ∈ C0(RN). The function u(t, x) = T (t)f (x) is in Cloc1+α/2,3+α((0, ∞) ×RN).

Moreover, ∇u is bounded in [0, ∞) × RN and it satisfies ∇u(t, x) → ∇f (x) as t → 0, see [3]. Set

v(t, ·) = ∇T (t)f − T (t)∇f, t > 0.

Then v ∈ Cloc1+α/2,2+α((0, ∞) × RN) ∩ L((0, ∞) × RN) and v is continuous up to t = 0.

A straightforward computation shows that v satisfies

 Dtv − Av = Fx∇u, t > 0, x ∈ RN, v(0, x) = 0, x ∈ RN,

where Fx denotes the Jacobian matrix of F . Since Fx is bounded, using estimates (5.14) we get

|Dtv(t, x) − Av(t, x)| ≤ C1eωtt−1/2kf k, t > 0, x ∈ RN. For i = 1, . . . , N let wi = vi−2C1eωt

tkf k. Then wi ∈ C1,2((0, T ]×RN)∩Cb([0, T ]×RN) for every T < ∞ and it satisfies

 Dtwi− Awi≤ 0, t > 0, x ∈ RN, wi(0, x) = 0, x ∈ RN.

The maximum principle (in the form stated e.g. in [15, Exercise 8.1.22] for operators with unbounded coefficients) yields wi ≤ 0. The same argument applied to −wi eventually gives

k∇T (t)f − T (t)∇f k= kv(t, ·)k≤ C2eωt√ tkf k,

for f ∈ C0(RN), hence for f ∈ C0(RN), by density. Finally we show that Γ(t)f ∈ C0(RN).

If f ∈ C0(RN) then T (t)f ∈ Dp ⊂ W2,p(RN) for each p > 1, and taking p > N , we get

∇T (t)f ∈ C0(RN) by Sobolev embedding. Since T (t)∇f also belongs to C0(RN) we deduce that Γ(t)f ∈ C0(RN). The case f ∈ C0(RN) easily follows by approximation, using the continuity of Γ(t) with respect to the sup norm.

Corollary 5.7 Assume that F ∈ Cloc1+α(RN) for some α > 0, and that F is Lipschitz continuous. Then T (t)f ∈ W1,1(RN) for every f ∈ L1(RN), t > 0 and

k∇T (t)f k1 ≤ Ceωtt−1/2kf k1, t > 0, (5.15) for suitable C > 0, ω ∈ R.

Proof. Let f, g ∈ C0(RN). Then T (t)f , T (t)g ∈ D2 and therefore

−h∇T (t)f, gi = hf, T (t)∇gi = hf, ∇T (t)gi + hf, (T (t)∇ − ∇T (t))gi.

Using estimate (5.14) and Lemma 5.6 we obtain h∇T (t)f, gi

≤ Ceωt(t−1/2+ t1/2)kf k1kgk

and the statement follows for f ∈ C0(RN). By density, (5.15) holds for every f ∈ L1(RN).


Now we are ready to remove the extra regularity assumption on F and to prove gradient regularity for functions belonging to the domain D(A) of A in L1(RN).

Theorem 5.8 Assume that F is globally Lipschitz continuous in RN. Then the map

∇ : D(A) → LN/(N −1),∞(RN, RN) is bounded.

Proof. As a first step, assume that F is in Cloc1+α(RN) for some α > 0. Corollaries 5.5 and 5.7 show that (T (t))t≥0 satisfies hypotheses (H1), (H3) of Section 4, and Theorem 4.1 yields the statement. The general case can be handled by perturbation. Let 0 ≤ ρ ∈ C0(RN),R

RNρ = 1 and define F0 = F ? ρ. Set moreover A0= ∆ + hF0, ∇i

and let D0 be the domain of A0 in L1(RN). Since F0 is smooth and Lipschitz continuous, for each u ∈ C0(RN) we have

k∇ukN/(N −1),∞ ≤ C kuk1+ kA0uk1

(5.16) Since F is globally Lipschitz continuous, F − F0 is bounded and therefore

kAu − A0uk1 = khF − F0, ∇uik1≤ Ck∇uk1. (5.17) Moreover, using Remark 4.4, for each ε > 0 we have

k∇uk1 ≤ εkA0uk1+C

εkuk1 ≤ εkAuk1+ Cεk∇uk1+C εkuk1, and, taking ε small enough,

k∇uk1 ≤ C kuk1+ kAuk1. (5.18)

Using (5.16), (5.17), and (5.18) we get

k∇ukN/(N −1),∞ ≤ C kuk1+ kA0uk1 ≤ C kuk1+ k∇uk1+ kAuk1 ≤ CkukD(A) for u ∈ C0(RN), and by density for u ∈ D(A).

6 Remarks and other examples

In this section we give further examples to show how Theorems 3.1, 4.1 and their corollaries may be applied to a wide class of second order elliptic operators in L1(Ω).

Example 6.1 Assume that the operator A in (1.4) is uniformly elliptic in RN with bounded and H¨older continuous coefficients. It is well-known that the realization of A in Lp(RN) generates an analytic semigroup Tp(t), 1 < p < ∞, which can be expressed through a kernel G(t, ·, ·) independent of p, i.e.

(Tp(t)f )(x) = Z


G(t, x, y)f (y) dy. (6.1)


|G(t, x, y)| ≤ Ceωtt−N/2e−b|x−y|2/t |∇G(t, x, y)| ≤ Ceωtt−(N +1)/2e−b|x−y|2/t (6.2) for suitable C, b > 0, ω ∈ R (see [9, Ch. 1, Sect. 6]), it is easy to see that Tp(t) may be extended to a strongly continuous semigroup T (t) in L1(RN) which satisfies (H1), (H3)


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