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Academic year: 2021



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Search / 1 Search / 1

Irrevocable/tentative strategies - Blind/informed Irrevocable/tentative strategies - Blind/informed

search - U

search - Use of heuristics: A*, admissibility – se of heuristics: A*, admissibility – Performance measures

Performance measures

Problem State Space

Representing the problem state space allows

Formally defining the problem in terms of initial situation to be turned into a goal situation

Defining the solving process as a combination of

Pre-defined techniques

E.g., an operator/rule defining a step in the process

Search techniques

Exploration of the state space searching for a path – the “best”

path to attain the goal

Problem of finding a sequence of operations that turn one database into another

= finding a path in a directed graph

Nodes = problem states

Arcs = operators/rules whose application allows to go from a state to another

A general way to build the interpreter that acts as an inference engine :

endowing it with a generalized graph-search

By building a search tree, allows it to explore the problem space (database of configurations) looking for a path to reach the goal configuration

Modeling the Solution Process

Need to consider

Representation of each node in the search process

Selection of applicable operators

Topology of the search process

and direction in which carrying out the search

Possible use of (local- or global-level) knowledge to guide the search

When specifying the set of operators several aspects must be taken into account

E.g., in the case of rules:

The implicit assumptions in the informal description of the problem

The generality of the rules

The possibility of using in the rules previous knowledge in order to reduce the problem complexity



Starting from any initial layout of 8 numbered tiles in a frame, place the tiles by increasing order along the frame border

E.g.: Initial state Final State

How to describe it?

Does the description affect the computational effort?

2 8 3

1 6 4

7 5

1 8

7 6







Representing states is quite obvious

E.g., square matrices of characters

Possibly linearized

How to represent moves?

Problem space (set of all possible configurations):

9! = 362.880 configurations

Using a 3x3 matrix to represent the problem state, this will be the item in the global database

To model the problem all possible configurations created starting from the initial configuration by applying all possible moves must be described

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

8 2 3 1

6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5 2 8 3 6 7 1 4 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4

7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4

7 5 2 8 3

6 1 4 7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 6 1 4 7 5

2 8 3 6 7 1 4 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 1 3

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 4 6 7 5 2 8 3

6 1 4 7 5 2 8 1 3

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 7 4


2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5 8-puzzle


How to represent the operators/rules?

2 options

Describing all possible moves for all numbered tiles in all possible legal positions

Describing moves of the “empty” tile

Just 4 moves

Move empty to left

Move empty to right

Move empty upward

Move empty downward

Moves may be expressed as production rules

“preconditions” (antecedents) define the state configurations in which a move is possible



IF you are not in row (1) THEN move empty upward


May be explicit

The final state defined by the game

Or implicit

Expressed by a general boolean condition (goal condition) of the kind

“Sum of row (1) = 6”

AND “Sum of row (2) = 12”

AND “#”

AND “#”

Control Strategies

May be used by the problem solver in the solution process, intended as a path toward a goal state


Rules are chosen and never reconsidered

Possible only if much knowledge about the problem is available, up to a deterministic solution (algorithm)


The chosen rules may be reconsidered to obtain a better performance

Needed when the deterministic solution is impractical

Control Strategies

Irrevocable strategies

Efficient if knowledge about the problem is available

Even just “local” information that allows to proceed towards the goal

E.g., a function associated to each state description that provides an idea of the distance from the goal

Rule selection

Choose rule that decreases the function value

If no rule available to decrease the function value,

arbitrarily choose one that does not increase it


Control Strategies

Example: 8-puzzle

Distance from goal = number of misplaced tiles with respect to the final configuration

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5 8 2 3

1 6 4 GOAL 7 5

4 6 3 3 2


Tentative Strategies

Solution searched tentatively

by trying to improve efficiency of the procedure through a reduction of the search space

Both selective

e.g., backtracking

and generative techniques may be used

most used is generate-and-test (with greedy techniques)

For problems involving limited search, tentative (or anyhow exhaustive) control strategies may turn out to be perfectly adequate and efficient

Tentative Strategies

Selective technique with backtracking

A search tree is built to search a path in the problem state space

Nodes = states of the problem

Root = initial state

Operators are available : applied to a state, transform it into another state

Each node represents a stage in the solution

If any element in the search space is structured into n components, after i stages a partial solution will be available

If information is available to understand when, from a partial solution, a complete solution cannot be reached, then the search process may be stopped on that path and go back to try others

Exhaustive technique!

Exploits the whole search space of the problem


A semi-rigid and systematic strategy

Always move the empty tile (if possible) to the left, then upward, then to the right, then downward

Stop if

Generated a description already encountered

Applied a number of rules one does not want to exceed

Depth bound

No other applicable rule available

Technique effective if the db is well evaluated and more information is available to choose the move to make

We choose to

Not examine

the tree beyond a given depth

Define a depth bound DB

Ignore paths that produce already visited configurations

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4

7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4

7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4

7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5

1° 2° 3° 4°

7° 7°

DB = 6

N queens problem

n queens to be placed in a nxn chessboard so that they do not mutually threat each other





E.g.: 8 queens:


N queens problem

Termination condition

A generic rule might be expressed as follows

For 1  i,j  N: R

ij –


i = 1 (no queen in the schema)

1 < i  N (a queen in (i–1)-th row of the array)


Place a queen in row i, column j of the array

For N = 4, the backtracking algorithm backtracks 22 times before finding a solution

A more efficient algorithm might be obtained by using a “more informed” ordering on rules

E.g., using function

diag(i,j) = length of the longest diagonal through cell C(i,j)



will be chosen before R


if diag(i,j) < diag(m,n)

For N = 4, the order of rules will be









and the algorithm goes back just twice

Backtracking Strategy

recursive procedure in LISP-like [Nilsson, 1980]


1. IF term(Data) return NIL;

term(.) predicate : true for arguments that satisfy the termination condition of the production system

If it terminates with success, the empty list NIL is returned

2. IF deadend(Data) return FAIL;

deadend(.) predicate : true for arguments that are known not to belong to a solution path

In such a case, the procedure returns a failure

3. Rules  apprules(Data);

apprules(.) : function that computes the rules applicable to its argument, and orders them

Arbitrarily or heuristically

4. Loop: IF null(Rules) return FAIL;

If there are no more rules to apply, the procedure fails

Backtracking Strategy

5. r  first(Rules);

Choose the best rule to apply

6. Rules  tail(Rules);

Reduces the list of applicable rules by removing the selected rule

7. Rdata  r(Data);

Apply rule R to produce a new DB

8. Path  backtrack(Rdata);

Recursively call the procedure on the new DB

9. IF Path = FAIL go Loop;

If recursive call fails, try another loop

10. return new list with R it its head cons(R, Path);

Otherwise add R to the list of succesfully applied rules

Cons : a LISP function that adds an element in first

position in the previous list

List constructor in LISP dialects

Backtracking Strategy


The procedure terminates only if producing a DB that satisfies the termination condition

The list of rules to produce the DB is in 10

When termination fails (steps 2 and 4) the procedure goes back to a higher level

The procedure might never terminate

It may indefinitely generate new non-terminal DBs or loop. This may be avoided by defining a depth bound

The loop on DBs may be limited by maintaining a list of the produced DBs and checking new generated DBs against those in the list

Heuristic information on the problem may be exploited in rule ordering (step 3)

Backtracking Strategy

A more efficient backtracking procedure

To avoid loops, pass the list of DBs as an argument to the procedure

When calling the procedure for the first time, it only contains the initial DB as a singleton

In case of termination, the procedure returns a

sequence of rules that are applicable to the initial

DB to produce one that satisfies the termination



Backtracking Strategy

Recursive procedure backtrack1(Dlist)

1. Data  first(Dlist);

Dlist : list of all DBs on a path walked backward up to the initial node. Data : most recently produced DB

2. IF member(Data, tail(Dlist)), return FAIL;

Procedure fails if visiting again a previous DB

3. IF term(Data), return NIL;

4. IF deadend(Data), return FAIL;

5. IF length(Dlist) > Bound, return FAIL;

Procedure fails if too many rules were applied

Bound : a global variable specified before the procedure is called for the first time

6. Rules  apprules(Data);

7. Loop: IF null(Rules) return FAIL;

Backtracking Strategy

8. r  first(Rules)

9. Rules  tail(Rules)

10. Rdata  r(Data)

11. Rdlist  cons(Rdata, Dlist);

List of DBs is inspected and extended with the current DB

12. Path  backtrack1(Rdlist)

13. IF Path = FAIL, go to 7 (Loop)

14. return cons(R, Path)

Backtracking Strategy

Both strategies proceed step-wise

Failure at level n returns control to level n – 1, where another rule is attempted

However, sometimes failure is due to the choice of inappropriate rules made several levels before

In such a case, jumping many levels back would improve efficiency

Graph Search Strategy

Finding a sequence of operators that transform a state of the problem into another

= Finding a path in a directed graph

Nodes = problem states

Arcs = application of operators

All possible paths on the graph are represented, by generating a search tree rooted in the node that is the initial state

Strategy : explore the tree until producing a state that satisfies termination (coincides with the goal state)

General Graph Search Strategy

A graph may be explicitly specified

Implemented using suitable abstract data structures (e.g., adjacency or incidence matrices)

Generally impractical for AI applications for which the graph is unknown a-priori

or implemented dynamically

Generated during exploration

The control strategy itself makes explicit part of an implicitly specified graph

Solution path built starting from an initial node n


and applying the set of rules that allow to generate the nodes one after the other

General Graph Search Strategy

Dynamic generation of the problem graph (and the search tree)

Need for a successor operator, to be applied to a node to generate all of its successors

Nodes that can be obtained through application of suitable operators/rules

Expanding a node =

Applying the successor operator to a node

Expanding n


, then the successor of n


, and so on makes explicit a graph defined implicitly

Control strategy = the process to make explicit,

through the generation of the search tree, a portion

of an implicit graph that is sufficient to include a

goal node


General Search Method

Informal description

function general_search(problem, strategy) return solution or failure

Initialize search tree using the initial state of the problem

Loop do

If there are no nodes to expand then return failure


choose a leaf node to expand according to strategy

expand node and add resulting nodes to the tree



1. Generate a search tree T


consisting solely of the start node n


. Add n


to an ordered list OPEN

2. Generate a list CLOSED, initially empty

3. If OPEN is empty, exit with FAILURE

4. Choose first node n in OPEN, extract it and add it to CLOSED

5. If n is the goal node exit with SUCCESS with the solution obtained by tracing back a path along the arcs in T


from n no n


6. Expand node n generating a set M of successors. Add the nodes in M as successors of n in T


adding an arc from n to each element in M. Add these elements of M to OPEN

7. Reorder list OPEN based on some criterion

8. Go to step 3


Some considerations

The graphsearch procedure generates all successors of a node

The algorithm can be modified so as to generate one successor at a time

The node is not put in CLOSED until all of its successors are generated

Usually preferred

Application of rules to a DB to produce new DBs is computationally expensive

Control Strategies

Main problem for the problem solver:

choosing an applicable rule

Important feature: amount of knowledge used to select the operators to be applied

Arbitrary Selection

Knowledge-driven Selection

Control Strategies

Computational efficiency depends on the computational costs of the control strategy

Due to

Cost of applying the operators/rules

Control costs

Low control cost high cost to apply operators

High control cost low cost to apply operators

Total cost for P.S.

Control strategy cost

Rule application cost (cost of the heuristics)

C om pu ta ti on al c os t

Availability of knowledge


Control Strategies

2 extremes:

Few available knowledge implies that rule selection is arbitrarily made

Low control cost

High rule application cost because many may be attempted

Control strategy guided by a deeper problem knowledge, which allows to choose the “right” rule at the right moment

High control cost, due to the use of problem domain- related information

Low rule application cost, because the production system goes straight to the solution

Graph-Search Procedures

Search may be more or less informed

Ranges between blind search

Fruitful only for exhaustive exploration of the state space and informed search

Knowledge is available to choose the most promising node and/or the best/optimal path so as to dramatically reduce the search space

Search Strategies for Problem Solving

A systematization

[N. Nilsson, “Principles of Artificial Intelligence” 1980]


Depth first Breadth

first Non-

deterministic Beam

search Best first climbing Hill

Informed procedures

Graph-Search Procedures

Blind (Uninformed) Graph-Search Techniques

No heuristic criterion to sort nodes in OPEN

Ordering is just syntactic

Ascending or descending or other

Strictly speaking, should not be considered in the development of knowledge-based system

May be reduced to the graph search algorithm

Depth-first search

Breadth-first search

Search with Depth Iteration

Bidirectional search


Can be used to perform a search

In breadth (Breadth first)

New nodes are added at the end of OPEN

FIFO ordering

In depth (Depth first)

New nodes are added at the beginning of OPEN

LIFO ordering

Heuristic (Best First)

New nodes are ordered using a goodness criterion

Local heuristic

Search Strategies for Problem Solving

Depth-first Search

Orders nodes in OPEN in descending order based on the depth of the search tree

Deeper nodes are the first in the list

Nodes at the same depth are arbitrarily ordered

So, the deepest node is always selected for expansion

Breadth-first Search

Orders nodes in OPEN in ascending order based on the depth of the search tree

“in breadth” because the expansion of nodes in the

search tree proceeds along borders of equal depth


Search Strategies for Problem Solving

Depth-first Search (DFS)

Numbers = expansion order generated by DFS 0

1 8


2 5 9 c 1 c


3 4 1

3 1 c 4

6 7 1

0 1 1

Search Strategies for Problem Solving

Breadth-first Search (BFS)

Numbers = expansion order generated by BFS 0

1 2


3 4 5 c 6 c

7 8 1

3 1

c 4

9 1

0 1

1 1


Search Strategies for Problem Solving

Search with Depth Iteration [Korf, 1985]

Also in uninformed techniques efficiency can be improved by leveraging the linear memory requirements of the depth-first search, finding a goal node at minimum depth

Subsequent depth-first searches are carried out, each with a depth bound increased by 1 with respect to the previous one, until a goal node is found

The number of nodes expanded by the search with depth iteration is not much larger than that of the nodes expanded by the breadth-first search

Search Strategies for Problem Solving

Search with Depth Iteration [Korf, 1985]

Numbers = expansion order generated by DFID 0

1,3, 9

2,6,1 6 4,1 c



3 7,1 7 c 8,2 0

11 12 14 15 c 18 19 21 22

Search Strategies for Problem Solving

Bidirectional Search

Idea: searching simultaneously both starting from the initial state toward the goal state, and from the goal state toward the initial state,

letting the two borders meet in the middle

S Goal



Informed Search

Exhaustive search is impractical in problems having exponential complexity

Knowledge and experience about the problem used to detect most promising paths

Heuristic knowledge

Greek “eurisko” = to find

helps in doing “insightful” choices

Search not avoided, but reduced

Generally allows to find a good solution in acceptable time

Under some conditions completeness and

optimality guaranteed


Informed Search

Example: route finding

Given a set of towns to visit, a start town and a destination town, the aim is finding the roads to go to reach the latter from the former, covering the least possible distance

If all towns are connected, the problem is decidable and can be solved tentatively

Complete exploration generates a combinatorial explosion

Total time is O(n!)

For n towns the number of different paths is

(n-1)! = (n-1) • (n-2) •………. • 2 • 1

Examining a path requires a time proportional to n

Knowledge must be used to reduce the search space

Informed Search

Best first

The procedure to search a solution path ( graph search) may exploit local-level knowledge to choose the best rule to apply and generate the solution path with a good success probability

Search proceeds non-uniformly starting from the initial node, using a preference criterion in the selection of the nodes to expand based on the specific knowledge for each problem (heuristic)

Heuristic Evaluation Functions

In general, problem knowledge is available through a state evaluation function

Heuristic evaluation function f : n  R

Depends on the state only

8-puzzle: number of misplaced tiles

Checkers or Chess: advantage in pieces

Route-finding: the closest town (or the town which is closest to the goal via a straight line)

Best-first Search Algorithm

At each step, chooses the node on the border having the best value of f

Most promising node

Best = “less” if estimating the distance from the solution

Can be implemented using a priority queue ordered based on the value of the heuristic evaluation function

Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Step 1 A

Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Passo 1 A

3 Step 2


5 1



Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Passo 1 A

3 Passo 2


5 1

C Step 3



4 6

Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Passo 1 A

3 Passo 2


5 1

C Passo 3



4 6

Step 4



6 5

Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Passo 1 A

3 Passo 2


5 1

C Passo 3



4 6

Passo 4



6 5

Step 5



2 1

Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Passo 1 A

3 Passo 2


5 1

C Passo 3



4 6

Passo 4



6 5

Passo 5



2 1

Step 6


Best-first Strategy

Example: route finding

Passo 1 A

3 Passo 2


5 1

C Passo 3



4 6

Passo 4



6 5

Passo 5



2 1

Passo 6

I Step 7


2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

8 2 3 1

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 8 2 3 1

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 6 1 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3

6 1 4 7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5 5

5 3

5 2

4 5

6 4

3 3

3 4 3 4


0 2

Number in green  node expansion order

Circled values

= node goodness expressed as number of misplaced tiles (distance from goal)

1 Start node

Goal node 3

Toward useless exploration

8-puzzle: best-first with heuristic function = number of misplaced tiles


Using heuristics in search process (1)

1. decide which node to expand first, instead of proceeding blindly

Expanding the “most promising” node

“ordered” or “best-first” search

Local evaluation function f

To decide which is the best node to expand

Possible ideas:

Distance measure between an arbitrary node and the goal set (evaluation of what is locally optimum)

Application-related scores assigned to configurations

Example: Route finding

Possible evaluation function

Straightline distance from state n to destination

Example: Route finding

Route finding with Best-first search

In general, the algoritm does not guarantee convergence

Choice is greedy and would guarantee the optimal solution only if the graph were complete

Example: Route finding

From Arad to Bucharest

Greedy: Arad, Sibiu, Fagaras, Bucharest (450)

Optimum: Arad, Sibiu, Rimnicu, Pitesti, Bucharest (418)

From Iasi to Fagaras: ... false start ... or loop

Using heuristics in search process (2)

2. Level-wise search

decide, while expanding a node, which successors to generate first, instead of generating all indiscriminately

i.e., which operators applying to the next node/state

Node is partially expanded

Heuristic information used to reduce the number of offspring nodes to consider, possibly intending to complete the search later

Albeit the use of local heuristics may reduce the quantity of search needed to explore large graphs, sometimes memory may be out before finding a satisfactory path

In such cases, one may decide to truncate the search tree, guaranteeing that the paths left out are reconsidered in subsequent stages

Using heuristics in search process (3)

3. Search with successor limitation

Decide that some nodes will be discarded from the search tree

The search tree is pruned

Nodes seemingly not essential to the solution

E.g., expanding all successors except those having lower values than f

Should be done when reliable problem knowledge is available

A non-expanded node might be on the only solution path


Heuristic Search for an Optimal Path

Aim: not only the best node, but the best solution path!

Not just finding as soon as possible a generic path to the solution, but finding an optimum/best path

Need to define “best”

Costs may be associated to arcs to represent the cost of applying a rule



, n



Assumed to be positive and larger than an arbitrarily chosen positive number 

Aim: minimizing the cost of the path between two nodes

Path = sequence of arcs that make up the route from the source node to a destination node

 cost of the path = sum of all costs associated to arcs that make up the path

In modeling search strategies for a production system, the problem is simply

Finding a best path between a given node s

Representing the initial DB and another node t (tip node)

Representing another target/goal DB

DBs satisfying the termination condition define a set {t_i} called goal set

Searching for a best path means guaranteeing the minimum cost path

Interest in minimizing the combination of

Path cost, and

Associated search cost

Such combinations are never actually computed, but estimated based on the intuition associated to the problem knowledge

Indeed, to evaluate the path cost and the probability that a node is on the best path one needs to make estimations


g(n) be the cost of the minimum cost path between the starting node s and node n

h(n) be the cost of the minimum cost path between a node n and the goal node


f(n) = g(n) + h(n)

is the cost of the minimum cost path from source node s to node goal, constrained to passing from node n

Note: f(s) = h(s) is the cost of a minimum cost path from s to the goal node (not constrained to any n)

For any node n, let us denote

h*(n) heuristic factor

The estimation of h(n)

g*(n) depth factor

The cost of the lowest cost path found up to node n

A good search algorithm will use as an evaluation function

f*(n) = g*(n) + h*(n)




6 2

7 5

3 4



)= cost of the lowest cost path to the GOAL

f(n) = g(n) + h(n) cost of the lowest cost path from the source node to the GOAL node, constrained to pass from n

g(n) (in this example = 8)

Is the cost of the best path from s to n


Graph search A*

Search for an optimum path [Nilsson, 1980]

1. Generate a search graph G consisting only of the starting node n


. Add n


to an ordered list OPEN

2. Generate a list CLOSED initially empty

3. If OPEN is empty, exit with FAILURE

4. Choose the first node n in OPEN, extract it and add it to CLOSED

5. If n is a goal node, exit with SUCCESS with the solution obtained by tracing back the path along the pointers from n to n


in G

6. Expand n by generating a set M of its successors that are not already ancestors of n in G. Add such elements of M in G as successors of n

Graph search A*

Search for an optimum path [Nilsson, 1980]

7. generate a pointer to n from each element in M that is not already in G (i.e., in OPEN or CLOSED). Add such elements of M in OPEN. For all elements m in M that are already in OPEN or CLOSED, replace their pointer with one that points to n if the best path to m found so far is that through n. For all elements in M already in CLOSED, change the pointer of each of its descendents in G so that they point back in correspondence to the best paths found so far for such descendants

8. sort list OPEN by ascending values of f*. In case of ties on the minimum value of f*, prefer the deepest node in the search tree

9. goto 3

Graph search A*

Procedure is general

Generates an explicit graph G (search graph) and a subset T (search tree) in step 7

OPEN = leaves of the search tree

CLOSED = non-terminal nodes

In particular, at step 3

OPEN = nodes in the search tree not yet selected for expansion

CLOSED = terminals chosen for expansion that did not generate successors or non-terminals

Step 8 sorts the nodes so that the best one can be expanded in 4

When this is a goal node the process terminates with SUCCESS

Graph search A*

If the node already exists, one may

1. make the currently expanded node point to the existing node corresponding to its successor, instead of the new one

2. if keeping track at each node of the best (shortest, cheaper) path, one may determine if the new path is better or not than the previous one, and the change is made only in the former case

Nodes in CLOSED Nodes in OPEN

Black arrows along arcs = pointers defining the parents of nodes in the search tree

when expanding 1 4


5 3 1






5 3 1


Graph after expanding node 1



Graph search A*

Conditions guaranteeing the A* algorithm applied to the graph to always find the optimum path

Conditions on graph

All nodes in the graph have a finite number of successors (if any)

All arcs in the graph have costs  than a value  (>0)

Conditions on h*

For all nodes n in the search graph, it is h*(n)  h(n)

h* never overestimates the real value h

(optimistic estimation)

Graph search A*

So, A* is a graphsearch algorithm using a heuristic function that is a lower bound on h*

h=0 is certainly a lower bound on h*

 breadth-first search finds the minimum cost path as a special case of A*

Admissibility of A*

A search algorithm is admissible if, for any graph, it terminates in an optimum (minimum cost) path from s to a goal node, when a path from s to a goal node exists

Proof [Nilsson, 1968]

N. Nilsson: “Artificial Intelligence”

S.J. Russell, P. Norvig: “Artificial Intelligence: a Modern Approach”

A* Route finding

A* Route finding

A* Route finding

A* Route finding


A* Route finding

A* Route finding

In the graphsearch procedure, when a node n is expanded, some of its successors may already be in OPEN or CLOSED

Posing a reasonable restriction on h may avoid the (computationally heavy) effort to test if a node has already been generated or not

A heuristic function h satisfies the monotonic restriction if for all nodes n


and n


 n


is a successor of n





) – h(n


)  C(n




) with h(t) = 0

i.e., h(n


)  h(n


) + C(n





The estimation of the optimal path to the goal from node n


cannot be larger than the cost of the arc from n


to n


plus the estimation of the optimal path from n


to the goal

In the 8 puzzle, h(n) = w(n) (number of misplaced tiles) satisfies the monotonic restriction

It can be proven that, if the monotonic restriction is satisfied,

A* has already found an optimal path to any node selected for expansion

i.e., if A* chooses n for expansion, g(n) = g*(n)

f values for the sequence of nodes expanded by A*

are non-decreasing

So, the effect of such a restriction is to increase the chance that the first discovered path to a node is an optimal path

Comparison of A* algorithms

Precision depends on the heuristic function

h depends on the quantity of knowledge on the problem

h(n) = 0 means complete lack of information

Even if it is a minimum on h*(n) and thus, by definition, yields an admissible algorithm

If two version A


and A


of A* exist, with evaluation functions



(n) = g


(n) + h





(n) = g


(n) + h


(n) with both h


and h


lower bounds on h*, we say that A


is more informed than A


if, for all non-goal nodes, h


(n) > h



Comparison of A* algorithms

It can be proven that

If A


and A


are two version of A* such that A


is more informed than A


, upon termination of the search ran on any graph in which a path exists from n


to the goal node, any node expanded by A


is also expanded by A

1 –



expands at least as many nodes as A


A more informed algorithm expanding less nodes than a less informed one is intuitive, but this does not mean that it is more efficient

Computational complexity to compute the heuristics may

increase, limiting efficiency. In any case, the number of

expanded nodes is one of the factors affecting efficiency



Back to the 8-puzzle

A more articulate evaluation function than the previously proposed one (w(n) only)

f(n) = d(n) + w(n)

Where d(n) is the depth of n and w(n) is the number of misplaced tiles

For the start node it is f(s) = 0 + 4 = 4


f(n) = d(n) yields the breadth-first process

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

8 2 3 1

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 8 2 3 1

6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 6 1 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 4 6

7 5 2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5 2 8 3

6 1 4 7 5 2 8 3

1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1

6 4 7 5 4

6 4

6 2

4 5

6 6

5 5

6 7 5 7


5 7

Number in green  order of nodes expansion

Evaluation of f 1 Start node

Goal node 3

h = 0  ensures admissibility but leads to breadth- first, usually inefficient

h = highest possible value among the lower bounds on h*  expands the smallest number of nodes consistent with admissibility

Admissibility can be traded for more heuristic power, using h which is not a lower bound on h*

In the 8-puzzle, instead of w(n), consider the Manhattan distance P(n)

P(n) = 




where d


= distance of tile i from its final position

I.e., sum of distances of tiles from the final configuration

2 8 3 4 1 6 7 5

2 8 3 4 1 6 7 5

2 8 3 4 1 6 7 5 4 3 8

7 5

57 57 59


4 1

2 8 1 3 6 4 7 5 59

2 8 3 4 1 6 7 5

2 8 3 4 1 6 7 5

59 59

2 8


1 6 4 7 2

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

57 57

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

59 57

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

59 58 2

1 6 8 3 4 7 5

2 8 3 4 1 6

7 5

59 62

2 8 3 6 1 4 7 5

2 8 3 1 6 4 7 5

55 57

2 8 3 1 6 7 5 4 55



7 6

8 2 1 6

3 5

Example: 8-puzzle

A still better estimation is

h(n) = P(n) + 3 S(n)

Where S(n) is a sequence score obtained by checking the tiles around non-central quadrants

1 a tile in the middle

2 each tile not followed by its correct successor

0 otherwise

Not a lower bound on h*, but

Allows a solution path in 18 steps albeit not ensuring optimality at all

Another factor affecting the heuristic power of the search algorithm is the effort spent to compute f

The best function would seem to be equal to h*

Minimum number of expansions

Actually, g is essential to guarantee that (at least) one path is found, but it is convenient to reduce it with respect to h

E.g., using

f = g + wh with w a positive number

So, the factors affecting the heuristic power of A* are:

Cost of the path

Number of expanded nodes in finding the path

Computational effort needed to compute h


(Generic graph-search algorithms) (Best-first search)


(Uniform cost) = 0 = depth (Breadth first)

≤ h Depth first (LIFO ordering)



h f

= g* + h*

Performance Measures


P = L / T

L length of the solution path found

T total number of nodes generated during the search

Including the final node, excluding the start node

Gives an idea of how focused the search is towards an objective

Maximum value = 1

Reached if successor operator is precise

Small values for blind search

Measure how ‘elongated’ or ‘bushy’ the generated tree is

Performance Measures

Example: 8-puzzle

F = g (breadth-first) f = g + w(n) f = g + P(n) + 3 S(n)

5/46 5/13 18/43

0.108 0.385 0.419

Performance Measures

Actual branching value


Constant number of successors each node should have in an imaginary tree of depth equal to the length of the path and with a total number of nodes equal to the number of nodes generated during search

Depends on the length of path L and on the number of generated nodes T

B + B


+ ... B


= T

B close to 1  search focused towards the goal

Bushy graph  large B

Penetrance can be expressed in terms of B

P = L/T = L (B – 1) / B (B


– 1) B

B - 1 (B


- 1) = T

Further Readings

N.J. Nilsson: “Problem Solving Methods in

Artificial Intelligence”, McGraw-Hill 1971


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