Consider a TU-game (N,v) such that v(S)=f(s) for each S∈ 2
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Inol- tre, questa soluzione ` e data (per un problema di contrattazione essenziale) dall’unico punto efficiente di S che si trova sul segmento che congiunge d con b.
Otherwise, you can compute a basis as in the
Reduce the equation to canonical form, find the coordinates, with respect to the standard basis of V 2 , of the center/vertex and find the equations/equation of the symmetry
NOTE: In the solution of a given exercise you must (briefly) explain the line of your argument1. Solutions without adequate explanations will not
In fact we can find an orthonormal basis of eigenvectors, corresponding respectively to the eigenvalues 2, −2, 3, −3... All answers must be given using the usual
However, the latter possibility is ruled out by the fact that A is supposed to be symmetric, hence its eigenvalues need to be real.. Moreover, since A is symmetric, the eigenvectors
An easy computation (for example with determinants) shows that this happens if and only if t 6= 4 and s 6=