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Return to Play A


Academic year: 2021

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Resumption of sport after an accident or surgery is an important step for every athlete. The eager wish to return, the fear of another accident, and the haunting doubt that previous levels of performance may no longer be attain- able are all weighty features that must be taken into consideration by those engaged in rehabilitation. Sports in general and football in particular are gen- erally seen as a form of recreation and distraction that cannot be readily sur- rendered. An accident is thus a dramatic event that may deprive both profes- sionals and amateurs of the possibility of resuming sport and often has an adverse effect on their social and emotional lives. The rapid, unending devel- opment of therapeutic methods, therefore, has endowed functional recovery with a new and specific role in the handling of sports disorders.

The consequences of any accident are graded at three levels. The initial level is solely concerned with the physical deficit induced and the extent to which one or more of the specific characteristics that may be involved, such as force, strength, range of motion (ROM), and flexibility, has been impaired.

The second level assesses functional disability, in other words, the extent to which the deficit has affected a player’s movements in the form of reduced ability to run, jump, etc. The third level relates to what may be called a sport- derived handicap and hence examines the psychological and social conse- quences of the deficit. All too often, however, rehabilitation does not set out to achieve complete functional re-instatement. Instead, attention is simply devoted to reduction of the deficit or, even worse and even more frequently, the alleviation of pain. This attitude obviously delays healing. It also exposes a player to the risk of recurrences or other disorders. If healing is confined to the resolution of symptoms, in fact, the player may even start playing again but not at optimum level and certainly not at maximum safety. Treatment of even top-flight players, indeed, is far too frequently founded on irrational casuality rather than on rehabilitation correctly planned in the light of what has emerged from the application of the basic sciences to sport. The objective


of such a plan must be re-instatement of the subject’s prior psychological and physical condition through rehabilitation based on the evidence and centred on the subject. Even if our knowledge of the biological aspects of soft tissue healing is not complete, there can be no excuse for failing to understand the processes involved and the biomechanical and physiological demands of a given sport, or for applying irrational therapeutic and rehabilitative proce- dures. Treatment must thus take account of the biological healing of tissues and the performance required from the player when sport is resumed, in the elaboration of re-educating and re-conditioning exercises and in modulation of the load to be applied.

Load modulation is a concept that approximates rehabilitation to the more classic forms of medical management. Application of a load, in fact, can be likened to the administration of a drug insofar as the benefits hoped for may be accompanied by unwanted side-effects. Gradual application of increasing loads is the basis of a correct approach to the resumption of sport.

Overloading, in fact, must be the subject of maximum attention since it can readily result in muscle and tendon disorders.

Investigation into and clarification of the way injured structures heal and the time required to do so have enabled treatment to be founded on these parameters rather than empirical notions. It is thus more appropriate to speak of a functional recovery project as opposed to a rehabilitation project since the former comprises all the pertinent branches of sports medicine. The time required for biological tissue healing is obviously dependent on the type and extent of a lesion as well as the patient’s ability to respond. Constant clin- ical and instrumental monitoring is thus required to guide and adjust the course of treatment during rehabilitation. The parameters best suited to the monitoring of rehabilitation and to determination of the best moment for resumption of the activity are the subject of extensive research. Clinical stud- ies, however, are few and of poor quality. Their results, in fact, nearly always express personal experiences and opinions rather than conclusions drawn from sound scientific bases, and even less so from so-called “medicine based on the evidence”. For these reasons, therefore, it is particularly difficult to decide whether a player should resume sport activity. The intricacy that has always been a feature of such a decision has continued to make it the weak link in the functional recovery process. Sport resumption is the critical end point of functional recovery. Its superficial or hurried attainment carries the risk of recurrences, the consequences of which are often devastating.

Functional Recovery after an Accident

Biological soft tissue healing must be taken into account when treating the five stages [1–3] of sports disorders: inflammation, proliferation, maturation


and remodelling, functional recovery, and prevention of recurrences. As already indicated, the temporal sequence of these stages is dependent on the type and extent of a lesion as well as the patient’s ability to respond, and con- stant clinical and instrumental monitoring is thus required to guide and adjust the course of treatment during the functional recovery project. The six aims of a such a project are:

1. Reduction of pain

2. Reduction of inflammation 3. Reduction of swelling 4. Reestablishment of ROM

5. Maintenance and/or reestablishment of prior muscle and organic (force, strength, velocity) levels

6. Complete functional reestablishment and resumption of sport [1–3].

Understanding the biomechanical requirements of a sport enables the design of rehabilitation in keeping with the functions needed. A recovery project can thus be tailored to a player’s sport or even the particular role in that sport.

The progress of such a project is determined by a series of activities sim- ulating the movements a sport requires. It ensures the gradual re-acquisition of qualities lost due to injury and needed for the resumption of effective and, above all, safe performance. The first thing to be done in the functional recov- ery process is to provide the patient with an intelligible explanation of the disorder, treatment objectives and how they are to be reached, difficulties that may arise, and the importance of the patient’s co-operation. The aim is not just to restore functional efficiency of the damaged structure as quickly as possible but also to prevent post-traumatic degeneration.

The period devoted to sport constitutes a limited period of a person’s life. What is needed, therefore, is a personalised series of steps that follow the principles of biological tissue healing and guide and direct it without forcing the pace. Understanding and observance of healing times are per- haps the most important outcomes of scientific progress in recent years.

Technological developments serve to optimise attainment of the objectives that are set but must not constitute the foundation of the healing project.

Treatment objectives and the ways of reaching them are now the subject of general agreement among those concerned with the rehabilitation of sports persons. A similar clarity and consensus, however, have not emerged with regard to the progression times of a recovery project. This state of affairs often stems from both a lack of communication between surgeons, rehabili- tators, trainers, and players and the paucity and non-generalisability of the statistical validation and scientific investigation of the procedures proposed.

It is these concepts that underlie modern evidence-medicine.

Resumption of sport is the natural consequence of the functional stage


of rehabilitation. This begins when the subject has reached four clinical objectives (disappearance of pain and swelling, substantial recovery of ROM, normal gait, and force and strength levels in the injured area 70% of those of the contra-lateral limb) and concentrates on recovery of running, motor control, muscle concentric and eccentric force and strength, and aer- obic capacity.

Resumption Assessment Tests

Functional assessment of a sports person provides a quantitative and qualita- tive picture of the extent of the functional deficit induced by an accident and serves as a guide when choosing the process of recovery and deciding whether sport can be resumed. It is difficult to reach an objective decision, and a full evaluation of the subject’s psychological and physical condition is required. Very often, the type of assessment adopted, such as isokinetic tests;

or parameter values regarded as decisive, such as the attainment of 80% of the force capacity of the contra-lateral limb, measurement of thigh circumfer- ence, or joint mobility, as such do not correspond to the subject’s functional requirements, prevent the formation of an appropriate judgement, and carry the risk of recurrences.

We believe that such tests must be supplemented by functional evaluation tests that furnish a more accurate representation of the dynamic situations inherent in football. Isokinetic evaluation is widely employed to investigate neuro-muscular function [4–9]. Within the sphere of functional assessment, however, it provides limited, small-scale information that has little to do with the real functional requirements imposed by a match or during training [10–12]. It must be remembered that a constant speed is an inherent feature of isokinetic work whereas this is rare in real life. All sport movements and actions, in fact, are conducted in antigravity and acceleration conditions and hence with changes in velocity. Their assessment cannot be undertaken with instruments incapable of weighing these parameters.

It is none the less customary to use isokinetic dynamometry to determine muscle force. Concentric evaluation of the peak moment of force of agonists and antagonists is the most frequent approach. The isokinetic dynamometer evaluates muscle force expressed in open chain and in the absence of loading and thus cannot reproduce joint kinematics in a closed chain in the presence of loading. It is thus unsuitable for evaluation of the role of the musculature as a dynamic joint stabiliser. Aagard et al. [13] have suggested interpolation of the hamstring eccentric peak force with the concentric peak of the quadriceps to produce what they call the “extensor functional ratio of the knee”. In this case, the peal force of the hamstrings is directly proportional to the angular


velocity at which the exercise is performed and inversely proportional to the degree of knee flexion. This evaluation is, in effect, more functional for assessment of the state of the muscles responsible for dynamic stabilisation of the knee, with biomechanical implications for kicking a football, which requires explosive, concentric contraction of the quadriceps and eccentric braking on the part of the flexors. This form of “functional” isokinetic assess- ment must always be used during both pre-season evaluation and when deciding whether an injured player should resume playing.

In the case of recovery after a lower-limb accident, we advise a concentric isokinetic test to evaluate the force moment peak of the quadriceps and flex- ors at both slow and medium-to-high velocities (60° and 180–240°s/-1, respectively) and a “functional” test (eccentric for the flexors and concentric for the quadriceps) at 60° and 180°/s-1. Scales with scores have often been advanced as criteria for the resumption of sport and assigned a worth they cannot have since they express the extent of a disability and not the func- tional ability attained by the subject.

Daniel et al. [14], followed by Barber et al. [15] proposed one leg-hop for- ward and three leg-hops forward as tests for the dynamic evaluation of lower- limb disorders. The patient takes off and lands on the same foot and tries to go as far as possible. Both tests are obviously simple and require little space.

They combine explosive force, co-ordination, and balance and indicate both the recovery of force and the ability to land after a leap. The contra-lateral limb serves as reference. This, however, presents the drawbacks described below. The result is classed as normal when the difference between the hop- ping distances reached by the two legs is not more than 10% whereas a high- er percentage is interpreted as an indicator of instability and hence the likeli- hood of “giving way” if sport is resumed.

We believe these tests are certainly indicated for the functional assessment of a footballer since they allow investigation of three main requirements, namely, explosive force, co-ordination, and ability to adapt. They are, howev- er, unable to evaluate a common component of athletic and technical move- ments, namely, the shear and rotatory forces imposed on leg joints during swerves and other changes of direction.

Augustsson et al. [16] observed differences between the single-leg-hop test of reconstructed anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) patients before and after strenuous exercise. All subjects had normal results under baseline conditions whereas 68% displayed abnormalities after leg extension to the point of exhaustion. This study shows that “normality” may be deceptive and hence that the test should be performed in a state of fatigue. It also emphasises the need for thorough investigation of a player’s physical characteristics, includ- ing resistance to prolonged effort.

Since there are no tests that specifically reproduce such characteristics,


some workers [17] have validated more complete dynamic tests that reflect the manoeuvres typical of football. Lephart et al. [18] have elaborated the

“functional performance test” (FPT). This consists of three tests that impose rotational forces on the knee to evaluate the dynamic stresses elicited by spurts, braking, sudden stops, swerves, starts, and squatting. These are timed tests with scores; high scores are correlated with resumption of sport at the pre-accident level.

1. The first test is called the “co-contraction” test. The subject moves five times and as quickly as possible along the perimeter of a semi-circle painted on the floor, against the forward pull of an elastic cord 122-cm long and 2.5-cm in diameter (Sportcord, Pro Orthopedic Devices, Inc., Tucson, AZ, USA) around the waist. This cord is attached to a wall at a height of 154 cm, and the radius of the semi-circle from the wall is 244 cm.

The test requires the use of the leg muscles for sideways movement and knee stability.

2. The second test is called the “carioca” test. The subject moves sideways, crossing the legs and as quickly as possible, to the end of a 12-m path and back.

3. This third test is called the “shuttle-run” test. In this classic test, the sub- ject sprints four times as quickly as possible to the end of a 6-m path and back.

The FPT score is the sum of the best times in the three tests. A test can only be regarded as valid if it can be used to obtain a sensitive, specific, and accurate diagnosis [19]. Those tests that do not meet this requirement pro- vide data that are correct but not reliable. The most sensitive assessments are those that faithfully reproduce the actions and movements that take place during a match.

Some fundamental features of evaluation tests must be borne in mind to determine their appropriateness with respect to the purpose of measure- ments and the parameter being measured. The validity of a test defines its ability to measure what is intended to be measured [20–22] and takes three forms:

1. Construct validity, which indicates the degree to which an instrument, such as a dynamometer, provides measurements consonant with the theo- retical model, for example, a physiological/biomechanical model, from which it was devised

2. Concurrent validity, namely, how closely the result of a test correlates with that of another test regarded as the gold standard

3. Predictive validity, that is, a test’s prognostic value.

Also, four factors must be measurable for a test to be valid:

1. Reliability: the ability of a test to give analogous results when repeated either by another operator (inter-operator reliability or concordance) or


by the same operator at different times (intra-operator reliability or con- cordance)

2. Sensitivity: the ability to provide “true positives”, namely, those that pos- sess the parameter concerned and are assigned it by the test

3. Specificity: the ability to provide “true negatives”, namely, those that do not possess the parameter concerned and are not assigned it by the test 4. Accuracy: the overall ability to identify true positives and true negatives.

Functional evaluation must also take into account a feature that is often underestimated, namely, the reference parameter with which the results of a test are compared.“Normal” or, in the case of limbs,“contra-lateral” values are generally employed for this purpose. They are not the best, however, and should be replaced by reference values. What, in fact, is meant by normal and contra-lateral values, and why are they not the best? Normal values usually reflect the extraction of two fringe values (bracketing virtually the whole of the population) from the series of values within which all values for a given parameter for a supposedly healthy and hence “normal” population are dis- tributed. It is obvious that a population of injured athletes is neither normal nor healthy. Contralateral values, too, assume that the other limb is healthy and hence normal. This assumption, however, requires further consideration.

The contra-lateral limb of an injured athlete, especially if the injury is not recent or the “unhealthy” limb is afflicted by a chronic disorder, cannot be regarded as “normal” since it will have undergone adaptation to offset the defective function of its fellow, or become involuted owing to the lack of training signals due to the athlete’s immobility. To treat a contra-lateral limb as automatically normal and use it as a term of comparison is obviously like- ly to result in an incorrect evaluation.

It would thus be clearly preferable to draw upon reference values, namely, extracted in the same way as “normal” values but from a selected population – sports persons, in our case, or, better still, those engaged in the same sport and, as far as team sports are concerned, in the same role as the subject of our tests. Moreover, the optimum solution would be to have reference values acquired when the injured subject was in a state of good psychological and physical health.

This, then, is why it is essential to gather data during pre-season training by means of both clinical and functional tests. This, of course, is for high-level athletes served by a multi-disciplinary staff. Cacchio et al. have suggested that this end can be reached by coupling the “field-test” coaches’ use for function- al evaluation [23] with anthropometric parameter values [24, 25], blood chemistry tests [26], imaging [27], and instrumental assessment of muscle qualities [28] and the entire neuro-muscular system [23, 29]. Periodic func- tional evaluation furnishes a series of physiological baselines for the creation of a database upon which decisions concerning the attainment/improvement


of high-performance levels and their recovery after an accident can be found- ed [23]. It is evident, in fact, that a player’s physiological baselines will serve as excellent reference values for the determination of work loads and attain- ment of an objective decision concerning return to sport when planning functional recovery after an accident [23].

The aim of a multidisciplinary équipe is to elaborate an objective grid for evaluation of a player’s performance from that player’s field and functional laboratory test scores. When combined with the clinical, imaging, and blood chemistry results, this evaluation constitutes a functional profile of the play- er at a given moment in time. More or less sport-specific guidelines have been devised to facilitate the planning of a recovery programme. These tests have been constructed with an eye to the fine balance between practicability and inexpensiveness and their reliability. Field tests are obviously easier to apply and execute, especially when many players are involved as in team sports, but are not in themselves sufficient to provide exhaustive information about the functional efficiency of certain mechanisms. When resumption of sport is involved, such tests must be supplemented with more analytical methods.

This does not necessarily require the use of highly specialised and expensive laboratory equipment. The literature describes the following field and labo- ratory tests:

- Squat;

- Squat jump;

- Counter-movement jump;

- Twenty-five metre shuttle;

- Standing long jump;

- Sprint with timing at 10, 30, 40 and 50 m;

- Fatigue index derived from six 70-m shuttles, the running time of which (total running/recovery time: 1 min) is calculated as mean running time x (max/min time) x 6 divided by the number of completed shuttles [30, 31];

- Construction of tension-time curves from the following parameters: max- imum voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), T30, T50, and T90, and rate of force development (RFD) 30, 50 and 90 (i.e., at 30%, 50%, and 90%

of the maximum voluntary contraction corresponding to the mean gradi- ent of the segment of the tension-time examined: this gives both the absolute muscle force capacity and the time taken to reach it).

When using isometric measurements, the selection of correlated time parameters for the evaluation of injured players lies in the observation that the patterns of motor recruitment and the more qualitative expressions of force in general are those that should be of most interest with regard to resumption of play. The neuro-muscular mechanical feature of all power


sports, in fact, is apparent in the form of rapid force peaks that rarely exceed sub-maximal values. It is therefore considered that, while the maximum force is a value to which due attention must be paid when evaluating an injured player, only dynamic parameters, such as the RFD, are in a position to indi- cate the level of protection the neuro-muscular system is able to provide for the dynamic stability of a joint [32]. It has also been shown that the RFD, like the T25–50 and other time-dependent parameters, is significantly correlated with explosive force and vertical jumping expressions [33–35], which are an excellent illustration of complex ballistic movements that are a good refer- ence for sport expressions. The decision to not electively indicate unilateral jumping tests, e.g., the leg-hop test, as indices of correct recovery stems from the observation that the execution of a unilateral vertical jumping test is more difficult to standardise and also presents greater psychological complications when performed by an injured athlete. The persistence of altered RFD values suggests that whereas the maximum expression of force is unchanged, neuro- muscular motor unit recruitment patterns, quality of muscle fibres, and mus- cle stiffness values have been modified by the injury and require more time and better targeted interventions to secure their optimum re-instatement, as already illustrated by studies employing other investigation methods [36].

We thus believe that the RFD in its various forms is a good indicator for handling the return to sport. It has been employed to create an evaluation grid called the “sport recovery score” [23] in which the minimum and maxi- mum values to be reached in the various aptitude tests are indicated. This grid is founded on a database comprising 850 national- and international- level athletes [23]. Resumption is approved when the clinical, imaging, blood chemistry, and instrumental parameters are met and the subject’s functional test values are equal to or more than 80% better than those reached in the same tests prior to his accident. If the athlete has no previous records, the mean values obtained by athletes in the same sport or engaged in the same role can be used as reference values [23].


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