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7 Death Signaling and Therapeutic Applications of TRAIL


Academic year: 2022

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From: Cancer Drug Discovery and Development: Death Receptors in Cancer Therapy Edited by: W. S. El-Deiry © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ


7 Death Signaling and Therapeutic Applications of TRAIL

Mi-Hyang Kim and Dai-Wu Seol, P h D


Apoptosis is a biological process that plays a pivotal role in the development and homeostasis of multicellular organisms (1–3). Aberrations of this process can be detri- mental to organisms. Excessive apoptosis causes damage to normal tissues in certain autoimmune disorders; however, a failure of apoptosis allows cells to grow unlimitedly, resulting in neoplasia. A wide variety of molecules have been identified to induce apoptosis. Among these molecules, ligand-type cytokine molecules including the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family members have been best characterized. The TNF family members most extensively characterized for death signaling and structure include TNF-_, Fas ligand (FasL), and TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand (TRAIL).

TRAIL, also known as Apo2L, has been identified by a homology search of an expressed sequence tag database with a highly conserved sequence motif characteristic for the TNF family members (4,5). The open reading frame encodes 281 amino acids for human TRAIL and 291 amino acids for mouse TRAIL (4). TRAIL is primarily expressed as a type II membrane protein in which the carboxyl terminus of the receptor-binding domain protrudes extacellularly. As reported for TNF- _ and FasL, TRAIL can also be cleaved from the cell membrane by metalloproteases to yield a soluble and biologically active form (6). Structural studies have demonstrated that biologically active soluble TRAIL forms a homotrimer (7,8). The homotrimeric structure of TRAIL is stabilized by a cys- teine residue at position 230 that coordinates with a divalent zinc ion (8,9). The depletion of the zinc ion or a mutation of the cysteine residue to alanine or glycine abrogated functional activity of TRAIL protein (9,10), indicating that the trimeric structure of TRAIL is critical for biological activity.

TRAIL has been identified to bind five different receptor molecules, such as death

receptor (DR)4, DR5, decoy receptor (DcR)1, DcR2 (Table 1), and osteoprotegerin

(OPG). These receptor molecules, members of the TNF receptor (TNFR) family, are type

I transmembrane polypeptides with two to five cysteine-rich domains at the extracellular


Table 1 TRAIL Receptors

Receptors TRAIL-R1 TRAIL-R2 TRAIL-R3 TRAIL-R4 Osteoprotegrin

Other name DR4 DR5 DcR1 DcR2 OPG


Killer LIT

region. DR4 and DR5 are intact functional TRAIL receptors that contain a cytoplasmic death domain and transmit the apoptosis-inducing activity of TRAIL across the cell membrane (11–14). In contrast, the three other receptors do not have a functional death domain. Thus, they may act as decoy receptors, probably by competing with DR4 or DR5 for TRAIL. The decoy receptor DcR1 is a glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked membrane molecule and acts as an antagonizing receptor for TRAIL (12–16). The decoy receptor DcR2 contains a truncated death domain and is unable to elicit an apoptotic response upon stimulation by TRAIL (17–19). Similar to DcR1, overexpression of DcR2 blocks the function of DR4 and DR5 by competing with DR4 or DR5 for TRAIL. TRAIL has also been shown to interact with OPG, a soluble protein that regulates osteo- clastogenesis by competing with receptor activator of NF-gB (RANK) for RANK ligand (RANKL) (20). However, TRAIL has been shown to have a much weaker affinity for OPG (21); therefore, it is unclear whether or not OPG can efficiently act as a decoy receptor for TRAIL under physiological conditions. Except for OPG, the genes of the other four TRAIL receptors are tightly clustered on human chromosome 8q21-22 (16), suggesting that they have evolved by gene duplication.

Although TRAIL is a TNF family member protein, it has some notable differences from other family member proteins. Unlike other members of TNF family, whose expres- sion is restricted to some cells and tissues such as activated T-cells, natural killer (NK) cells, and immune-privileged sites, TRAIL is widely expressed in many cell types and tissues (4). Expression of TRAIL receptors closely parallels that of TRAIL (11–14), suggesting that most tissues and cell types are potential targets for TRAIL.

TRAIL has a unique selectivity for triggering apoptosis in tumor cells (22–24) and may

be less active against normal cells. Hence, in contrast to FasL or agonistic Fas antibody,

which induce fulminant massive liver damage (25,26) when introduced systemically,

TRAIL does not exhibit any undesirable cytotoxicity in mice (23) and nonhuman pri-

mates (22,24). Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-infected T-cells were also shown

to be more susceptible to TRAIL than uninfected T-cells (27). Recent results demon-

strated that TRAIL knockout mice are more susceptible to experimental and spontaneous

tumorigenesis and metastasis (28). These mice were also observed to be defective in

thymocyte apoptosis and impaired in negative selection of thymocytes. As a result of

defective thymocyte apoptosis, TRAIL-deficient mice showed accelerated experimental

autoimmune diseases such as collagen-induced arthritis and streptozotocin-induced dia-

betes (29). Recent studies have also shown that TRAIL is an active NK cell-mediated

blocker of tumor metastasis (30). These features have focused considerable attention on

TRAIL as an important cellular factor of natural defense mechanisms and as a potential

therapeutic to treat human cancers and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS).



The exact sequence of the signaling events triggered by TRAIL is not fully understood.

Nevertheless, it has been well known that caspase activation is a critical step to transmit TRAIL-initiated proapoptotic signals, and the activation of the executioner caspases, such as caspase-3 and -7, are pivotal to accomplish TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Based on their structural features, caspases can be divided into at least two groups: initial caspases (caspase-8, -9, and -10), with a long prodomain, and executioner caspases (caspase-3, -6, and -7), with a short prodomain. In the activation process, especially in death receptor- mediated apoptosis, each group of caspases is activated by different mechanisms. Initial caspases are activated by noncaspase cellular factors such as Fas-associated death domain (FADD) (31,32) and Apaf-1 (33), and executioner caspases are activated by upstream active caspases (33).

Biologically active trimeric TRAIL protein activates TRAIL receptors (Fig. 1) via trimerization (7,8). Similar to other TNF family receptors, stimulation of the death domain- containing TRAIL receptors DR4 or DR5 recruits cellular adaptor protein FADD through interaction of the death domains on each molecule (31,32). Recently, the GTP-binding adaptor protein death-associated protein-3 (DAP3), originally found as a mediator of interferon-a-induced apoptosis, has been identified as an additional adaptor protein for DR4 and DR5 (34). DAP3 has been shown to bind to the death domain of DR4 and DR5 and the death effector domain of FADD, presumably linking activation of DR4 and DR5 to FADD. However, recent studies have demonstrated that DAP3 is a ribosomal protein localized to the mitochondrial matrix, and DAP3 does not interact with FADD as long as subcellular compartments remain intact (35,36). Therefore, the involvement of DAP3 in TRAIL receptor-mediated apoptotic signaling is uncertain. Numerous studies have dem- onstrated a critical role of FADD in TRAIL-induced apoptosis; therefore, the recruitment of FADD to activated DR4 or DR5 is considered to be an initial step for DR4- and DR5- mediated signaling cascades. FADD, which is also crucially involved in apoptotic sig- naling for other death receptors such as Fas and TNFR1, recruits procasepase-8 (31,32) and procaspase-10 (37,38), forming a death-inducing signaling complex (DISC). The recruited procaspase-8 and procaspase-10 molecules undergo autopro-teolytic activation by induced proximity (39,40). Despite identification of procaspase-10 as a component of DISC, the involvement of caspase-10 in initial death signaling activated by stimulated TRAIL receptors is unclear. Several studies suggest a minor role of caspase-10 in initial events of the caspase cascade (37,41). A better understanding of subcellular localization and expression levels of caspase-10 is important to analyze its functional role in death receptor-mediated signaling cascades.

Once activated, caspase-8 initiates caspase signaling leading to cleavage of many

cellular components (Fig. 1). Proapoptotic signals following activation of caspase-8 are

known to transmit through at least two pathways (42,43). One proapoptotic signal path-

way, termed mitochondria-independent pathway, involves direct activation of execu-

tioner caspases (caspase-3 and -7) by caspase-8. Another proapoptotic signal pathway,

termed mitochondria-dependent pathway, employs mitochondrial events to activate the

executioner caspases. The mitochondria-dependent pathway is initiated by Bid, a Bcl-2

family member. After cleavage of Bid by caspase-8, truncated Bid (tBid) translocates to

the mitochondria and induces cytochrome c release into the cytoplasm (42,44). The

cytoplasmic cytochrome c binds to Apaf-1 and participates in caspase-9 activation (33).


Fig. 1. Signaling pathways activated by TRAIL.

The activated caspase-9 is then able to activate executioner caspases (33). Thus, activa-

tion of executioner caspases is the point that mitochondria-dependent and -independent

proapoptotic signal pathways meet. In most cell types, the mitochondria-dependent sig-

naling pathway is required for efficient induction of apoptosis despite the existence of a

mitochondria-independent signal pathway. The mitochondrial events also include the

release of Smac/DIABLO (45,46), apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) (47) and other

propapoptotic factors (48,49) from the mitochondria. The release of Smac/DIABLO

from mitochondria appears to be induced by tBid and occurs simultaneously with cyto-


chrome c release. Once activated, executioner caspases liberate a DNase termed CAD (caspase-activated DNase) by cleaving an inhibitor of CAD (ICAD/DFF-45) (50–52).

CAD activation leads to DNA degradation, a hallmark event in apoptosis. Activation of executioner caspases also leads to cleavage of numerous cytosolic, cytoskeletal, and nuclear proteins

There are two types of cells, termed type I and type II cells, depending on their response to stimulation by death ligands. In type I cells, stimulation of TRAIL receptors activates caspase-8 to an extent that is sufficient to activate an adequate amount of executioner caspases and induce apoptosis (53,54). Since mitochondria-independent direct activa- tion of executioner caspases by caspase-8 plays a major role in this cell type, high expres- sion levels of death domain-containing TRAIL receptors and caspase-8 are important for induction of apoptosis. In type II cells, caspase-8 activation is limited and only sufficient to cleave Bid. Generation of tBid triggers the mitochondrial events leading to activation of the mitochondria-dependent proapoptotic signal pathway. Postmitochondrial activa- tion of executioner caspases leads to activation of initial caspase such as caspase-8, forming a proapoptotic amplification loop, which results in effective induction of apoptosis.


Regulation of TRAIL-induced apoptosis occurs at multiple points and involves a battery of molecules and signals. Expression and subcellular localization of major sig- naling factors, including receptor molecules, affect the TRAIL susceptibility of the cell.

Antiapoptotic molecules and other factors can regulate TRAIL-induced apoptosis by affecting the activity of proapoptotic factors involved in the signaling cascades. Diverse extracellular cell survival signals also influence TRAIL susceptibility of cells by modu- lating many cellular factors involved in TRAIL signaling.

The expression levels of the factors involved in TRAIL-triggered death signaling may influence signal strength generated by stimulated TRAIL receptors. Early studies sug- gested that the expression levels of decoy receptor DcR1 and DcR2 might be critical in TRAIL-induced selective induction of apoptosis in tumor cells because the levels of these decoy receptors were higher in normal cells than in tumor cells (12,13,15,18). In experi- mental settings, overexpression of decoy receptors protected TRAIL-sensitive cells from TRAIL-induced apoptosis. However, subsequent studies, including more cell types derived from tumor and normal tissues, did not show a solid correlation between the expression levels of decoy receptors and TRAIL susceptibility (55–57). These results suggest that physiological levels of decoy receptors may not be sufficient to inhibit TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Nevertheless, these decoy receptors may contribute to TRAIL resistance under certain physiologic or pathologic conditions, since these conditions regulate the expression levels and subcellular localization of these decoy receptors (58).

Expression and mutations of death domain-containing TRAIL receptors DR4 and

DR5 can influence TRAIL susceptibility (59,60). DNA-damaging agents, such as che-

motherapeutic agents and ionizing radiation, have been shown to upregulate DR5 expres-

sion in both a p53-dependent and -independent manner (61,62). However, these

DNA-damaging agents also upregulate TRAIL decoy receptors DcR1 and DcR2 (63,64),


which may abrogate the augmented susceptibility due to the increased expression of DR4 and DR5. Since numerous DNA-damaging agents have been shown to sensitize cells to TRAIL, whether or not TRAIL sensitization by DNA-damaging agents requires upregulation of DR5 is unclear. A mutation of the DR5 gene in head and neck cancer tissues truncates its death domain, converting it to a decoy receptor-like molecule and resulting in loss of TRAIL-induced apoptosis induction (60). Similarly, a homozygous deletion of the death domain region in the DR4 gene has been identified in a nasopharyn- geal carcinoma cell line and associated with TRAIL resistance in this cell line (59).

In addition to receptor molecules, many cytosolic factors involved in TRAIL signaling also modulate TRAIL-induced apoptosis. In accordance with an essential role in death signaling, the adaptor molecule FADD regulates the TRAIL susceptibility of a cell (31,37,65). A FADD-deficient cell line failed to recruit procaspase-8 to the activated TRAIL receptors, resulting in complete resistance to TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Simi- larly, mouse embryonic fibroblasts derived from FADD knockout mouse were also resistant to apoptosis induced by DR4 and DR5 overexpression.

Caspase-8, another component of DISC, plays a critical role in TRAIL death signaling.

Caspase-8-deficient cells were shown to be resistant to TRAIL-induced apoptosis (41,66).

In childhood neuroblastoma, the gene for caspase-8 was found to be frequently silenced through DNA methylation and gene deletion (67–71). Cell lines established from the neuroblastoma tissues were resistant to apoptosis induced by TRAIL. Cellular FLICE- inhibitory protein (c-FLIP), structurally related to procaspase-8 but lacking an active site for proteolytic action, inhibits TRAIL-induced apoptosis (72,73) by competing with procaspase-8 for FADD, preventing the formation of a functional DISC. High expression of c-FLIP has been observed in many cancer cells that are resistant to TRAIL (55,74,75), suggesting that the expression levels of c-FLIP may be an important determinant in controlling the susceptibility of tumor cells to TRAIL. The level of c-FLIP is regulated by the transcription factor NF- gB (76–78), an antiapoptotic factor that upregulates antiapoptotic genes.

Cell survival factor Akt has been shown to inhibit TRAIL-induced apoptosis. Receptor ligation by platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) (79) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 (80) activates Akt following PI-3K activation. Akt is a protein kinase with targets including proapoptotic factors Bad (79) and caspase-9 (81) as well as a forkhead tran- scription factor FKHR (82–85). Activation of Akt by phosphorylation leads to phospho- rylation of its downstream targets. Phosphorylation of Bad and caspase-9 attenuates their proapoptotic activity (79,81), ablating the propagation of downstream proapoptotic sig- naling cascades. Phosphorylation of the FKHR prevents translocation of FKHR to the nucleus and results in a blockade of target gene transcription (82–85). However, the detailed mechanism by which FKHR regulates apoptosis has not yet been determined, including the identity of the target genes regulated by FKHR. A human prostate cancer cell line with constitutive activation of Akt is almost completely resistant to TRAIL (86,87), indicating that Akt may play a critical role in normal cell physiology, tumorigenensis, and apoptosis.

The protein kinase C (PKC) family of serine-threonine kinases is activated by diverse

stimuli and participates in many cellular processes, such as cell growth, differentiation,

and apoptosis. Different isoforms of PKC act as negative regulators of TRAIL-induced

apoptosis (88). A dominant-negative form of PKC sensitized TRAIL-resistant glioma


cells to TRAIL, and reintroduction of PKC to TRAIL-sensitive cells resulted in the reduction of apoptosis induced by TRAIL (88,89). Furthermore, inhibition of PKC activity restored sensitivity in TRAIL-resistant glioma cells. Thus, diverse cell-sur- vival stimuli activating Akt and PKC may negatively regulate TRAIL-induced apoptosis.

The deficiency of Bax, a proapoptotic Bcl-2 family member, also results in significant reduction of apoptosis induced by TRAIL (90–93). Treatment of Bax-deficient cells with TRAIL induced the formation of a functional DISC and led to caspase-8 activation and Bid cleavage. However, mitochondrial events involving the release of mitochondrial factors, such as cytochrome c and Smac/DIABLO, were impaired in Bax-deficient cells.

The impaired mitochondrial events prevented postmitochondrial proapoptotic events, including caspase-9 activation. Although the studies using Bax-deficient cells have shown that Bax plays a critical role in the release of mitochondrial factors, another available line of evidence indicates that Bax requires Bak, another Bcl-2 family member, to act as a gateway for the tBid-induced release of mitochondrial factors (94). Cells lacking both Bax and Bak, but not the cells lacking only one of these components, are completely resistant to tBid-induced cytochrome c release and apoptosis.

Antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family members such as Bcl-2 and Bcl-x


have been shown to inhibit apoptosis mediated by various death receptors. Overexpression of these proteins prevents the release of mitochondrial factors by interacting with proapoptotic Bax and Bad and attenuating their proapoptotic functions (95). Overexpression of Bcl-2 and/or Bcl-x


protects various TRAIL-sensitive cells from TRAIL-induced apoptosis (96–100).

Upregulation of Bcl-2 and Bcl-x


is also controlled by many extracellular cell-survival stimuli including growth factors (101,102) and hypoxia (103).

Inhibitor of apoptosis protein (IAP) family members including c-IAP1, c-IAP2, X chro- mosome-linked IAP (XIAP), and Survivin are potent inhibitors of caspases (104–110).

These proteins exert their inhibitory activity by interacting with caspases, specifically caspase-9, -3, and -7 but not caspase-8. Smac/DIABLO interacts with IAP family mem- bers, antagonizing their inhibitory activity and releasing the bound IAPs from caspases (45,111–115). Caspases free of IAPs are more susceptible to proteolytic cleavage and activation from upstream signals. As shown by caspase inhibitors, IAP family proteins block TRAIL-induced apoptosis. The protein levels of the family members are regulated by diverse signals, including self-regulation by an intrinsic ubiquitin protein ligase activity (116,117). This intrinsic ligase activity has also been shown to regulate the levels of other proteins such as caspase-3 and Smac/DIABLO. Downregulation or inactivation of IAPs induced spontaneous apoptosis and resulted in augmentation of apoptosis induced by TRAIL (118,119).


TRAIL has been shown to be a potent inducer of apoptosis in a wide variety of tumor

cell lines in vitro and cancer xenograft animal models in vivo. Despite its efficacy, TRAIL

did not show any detectable toxic side effects in safety tests using animals such as mice

(23), monkeys (22), and chimpanzees (24). Administration of soluble recombinant

TRAIL protein induced selective apoptosis in grafted tumor cells and improved survival

in mice bearing solid tumors without detectable damage to normal tissues.


In addition to administration of soluble recombinant TRAIL protein, gene therapy approaches have also produced promising results (120–124). Adenoviral vectors encod- ing the full-length human TRAIL gene induced apoptosis in many tumor cell lines in vitro. Intratumoral delivery of the TRAIL gene to the grafted tumor tissues in animal models led to apoptotic cell death and suppression of tumor growth. The transfer of the TRAIL gene induced apoptosis of target cells via direct activation of TRAIL receptors.

Interestingly, apoptosis is also increased in TRAIL-negative cells located in close prox- imity to TRAIL-transfected cells. Although the biochemical mechanism of this phenom- enon, termed the bystander effect (124), is unclear, this result suggests that apoptosis induced by the full-length TRAIL gene can sequentially propagate to neighboring cells to an extent. A gene therapy approach using a proliferation-specific promoter that drives the full-length TRAIL gene has not shown any cytotoxic effects in hepatocytes (125).

Instead, this approach selectively induced apoptosis in the established tumors in an animal model.

In addition to suppression of primary tumors, TRAIL also appears to participate in the suppression of metastasis. In human mammary carcinoma cells, nonanchored tumor cells were shown to be more susceptible to TRAIL than anchored cells (126). Furthermore, TRAIL has been found to play an important role in liver NK cell-mediated suppression of tumor metastasis (127). Blockade of TRAIL action using a neutralizing antibody against TRAIL significantly increased experimental liver metastases of TRAIL-sensi- tive tumor cells.

Recent studies suggest that TRAIL may also be effective for autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis. Chronic blockade of TRAIL by a soluble DR5 receptor exacerbated autoimmune arthritis in mice (128). TRAIL blockade in vivo resulted in profound hyperproliferation of synovial cells and arthritogenic lymphocytes. The block- ade of TRAIL action also led to the production of inflammatory cytokines and autoan- tibodies. TRAIL was shown to inhibit DNA synthesis and prevent cell-cycle progression of lymphocytes. In accordance with these observations, TRAIL-deficient mice showed accelerated experimental autoimmune diseases such as collagen-induced arthritis and streptozotocin-induced diabetes (29). The TRAIL-deficient mice turned out to be defec- tive in thymocyte apoptosis and impaired in deletion of autoreactive T-cells, which may result in increase susceptibility to autoimmune disorders. Thus, delivery of TRAIL pro- tein or the gene by a gene therapy approach may become a therapeutic tool to treat such autoimmune diseases as reumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

From a clinical point of view, one of the most important issues in drug development

is safety. Numerous studies have demonstrated stringent selectivity of TRAIL to tumor

cells but not to normal and nontransformed cells. However, recent reports challenge this

established apoptotic selectivity of TRAIL to tumors, demonstrating effective induction

of apoptosis in cultured normal human hepatocytes (129) and brain cells (130). These

observations suggested possible occurrence of severe damage in normal tissues and

organs in clinical trials. Reevaluation of these results, however, revealed that the toxicity

observed in cultured normal human hepatocytes is associated with the preparation and

version of the recombinant TRAIL protein (131,132). The soluble recombinant TRAIL

with a histidine-tag or a leucine-zipper at its amino terminus has been shown to induce

apoptosis in cultured normal human hepatocytes and keratinocytes. In sharp contrast, a

non-histidine-tagged soluble form of TRAIL did not show any cytotoxic activity in


cultured normal human hepatocytes or keratinocytes. Despite no cytotoxicity for normal cells, this non-histidine-tagged soluble TRAIL showed increased apoptotic activity against tumor cells. Mice, monkeys, and chimpanzees tolerated non-histidine-tagged TRAIL and showed no adverse reactions (22,24). The non-histidine-tagged TRAIL effectively suppressed tumor xenografts in mice. Thus, this non-histidine-tagged TRAIL is believed to be safe and more appropriate for use in clinical trials; however, the structural difference between these TRAIL proteins is not fully known. The non-histi- dine-tagged TRAIL is mostly trimeric and contains more zinc ions than histidine-tagged TRAIL, which is a mixture of dimeric and trimeric proteins (10,131). The leucine zipper- fused TRAIL is a homogeneous trimer (23) and believed to be structurally similar to non- histidine-tagged TRAIL. The toxicity to normal cells, however, is remarkably different for each version. Detailed understanding of structural differences between these mol- ecules and identification of major receptors for each version of TRAIL protein will spur the development of TRAIL as an anticancer therapy. Nonetheless, these results indicate that TRAIL has a great potential to be developed as a promising anticancer drug that effectively restricts primary tumors as well as metastatic cancers. Furthermore, TRAIL may be applied in the therapy of autoimmune diseases. There is great interest to see whether clinical trials will produce positive results for human cancers as in animal models.

The distribution of TRAIL receptors in tissues suggests a wider scope of targets than TNF-_ and FasL in apoptosis. Although TRAIL is a potent apoptosis inducer without damaging normal tissues in vivo, TRAIL alone has limited apoptotic capacity in some cancer cell lines (22); however, combination therapies with TRAIL and chemotherapeu- tic agents may produce better efficacy than individual therapies in cancer treatment.

Many chemotherapeutic agents are known to cause toxic side effects at an effective dose.

If a low dose of a chemotherapeutic agent can sensitize cells to TRAIL-induced apoptosis

(especially against TRAIL-resistant cancers), this combination therapy would be supe-

rior to TRAIL alone. Numerous chemotherapeutic agents have demonstrated augmenta-

tion of TRAIL-induced apoptosis in vitro and in vivo (61,91,133–135). This augmentation

of activity has been attributed to the inhibition of the antiapoptotic pathway, the activa-

tion of the proapoptotic pathway including the induction of the p53 pathway, or a com-

bination of both. For example, doxorubicin increased death domain-containing TRAIL

receptors in a p53-dependent manner (61,136) and significantly augmented TRAIL-

induced apoptosis. Doxorubicin treatment also resulted in synergistic cytotoxicity and

apoptosis for multiple myeloma cells that are resistant to TRAIL alone (137). However,

in many cases the molecular basis of the synergistic action of chemotherapeutic agents

for TRAIL is poorly understood. Chemotherapeutic agents also directly damage mito-

chondria (138,139), leading to activation of mitochondria-dependent proapoptotic signal

pathways. Despite the significance of the proapoptotic mitochondrial events, the detailed

mechanisms activated by and cellular targets for chemotherapeutic agents are largely

unknown. In addition to chemotherapeutic agents, a Smac/DIABLO antagonizing pep-

tide for IAPs has also showed a potent sensitization activity for TRAIL-induced apoptosis

(118,119). In an animal tumor model for brain cancer, this peptide molecule significantly

promoted TRAIL-induced apoptosis. The combination of this antagonizing peptide and

TRAIL eradicated established tumors without inducing detectable adverse side effects

(118). It would be interesting to test whether combinations of TRAIL and enhancers such

as chemotherapeutic agents and Smac/DIABLO peptide can be applied to nontransformed

normal cells including synovial cells in arthritis.



Accumulated experimental evidence supports the conclusion that TRAIL selectively induces apoptosis in tumors without damaging normal tissues. However, safety issues related to the different versions of TRAIL proteins have not yet been completely resolved.

Although the non-histidine-tagged version of TRAIL looks safe for clinical use, further clarification of structure versus potential toxicity to normal cells is needed.

For the past few years, most of the TRAIL research has been focused on proapoptotic activity of TRAIL. Thus, the normal physiological functions of TRAIL are poorly under- stood. Recent studies using TRAIL knockout mice and an animal model for chronic blockade of TRAIL function have shed light on the role of TRAIL in normal physiology.

A better understanding on the physiological role of TRAIL will broaden the possible therapeutic applications of the molecule.

Despite advancement in understanding of TRAIL action, little is known about TRAIL- triggered death signaling. In particular, modulation of TRAIL death signaling under conditions of continuous challenge with extracelluar cell-survival stimuli is poorly under- stood. Many extracelluar cell-survival stimuli have been shown to play an important role in apoptosis, since under normal cell physiology, apoptosis is counterbalanced with cell survival. Identification of signal pathways and cellular factors involved in cell-survival signaling will provide information for the potential targets to be specifically blocked, thereby enhancing TRAIL activity in therapeutic applications.

Understanding of the mechanisms by which chemotherapeutic agents act and sensitize TRAIL-induced apoptosis will provide various combination therapies using TRAIL.

Although numerous chemotherapeutic agents have shown death augmentation in TRAIL- induced apoptosis in vitro and in vivo, toxicity testing of the combinations in cultured normal human cells has not been intensively performed. These tests would reduce the concerns raised in clinical trials and provide better combination therapies that have higher efficacy and less toxicity than individual therapies.

TRAIL has a great potential to be developed as a promising new drug for cancers and autoimmune diseases. Even though there is a concern for toxic side effects, clinical trials using TRAIL should move forward. The benefits of TRAIL can only be proven through clinical trials.


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