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In the following we dis uss some re ent results about groups whi h are the produ t of two abelian-by-nite subgroups A and B


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Produ ts of groups whi h ontain abelian

subgroups of nite index

Bernhard Amberg

Fa hberei hPhysik,Mathematikund Informatik,




Abstra t. ItisunknownwhethereverygroupG = ABwhi histheprodu toftwoabelian-

by-nitesubgroupsAandB mustalwayshaveasolubleorevenmetabeliansubgroupofnite

index. Here we deal with the spe ial ase of this problem when A and B ontain abelian

subgroupsof"small"index,notablyofindexatmost2.Somere entresultsonthesolubility

ofsu hgroupsaredis ussedwhi hdependonspe ial al ulationsinvolvinginvolutions.

Keywords:fa torizedgroups,abeliansubgroups,solublegroups,dihedralgroups.

MSC 2010 lassi ation:20D40,20F16,20F50

1 Introdu tion

A group G is alled fa torized, if G = AB = {ab | a ∈ A, b ∈ B} is the

produ toftwo subgroupsA andB ofG.

If a fa torized group G = AB with two subgroups A and B is given, the

questionarisesinwhi hwaythefa torizationasaprodu toftwosubgroupshas

inuen e on the stru ture of the fa torized group. What an be said about G

if thestru tures of the two subgroupsA and B areknown? Statementsof this

type areof spe ialinterest when they arevalid for arbitrary groups Gwithout

additional assumptions for G. In the following we dis uss some re ent results

about groups whi h are the produ t of two abelian-by-nite subgroups A and B.

2 It's Theorem

Thefollowing elebrated theoremofN.It (1955)wasvery inuential inthe

investigation of fa torized groups. It is the basis for almost all known results

aboutprodu ts oftwo abelian subgroups.

Theorem 2.1. If the group G = AB is the produ tof two abelian subgroups A

andB, then G ismetabelian.




Theproofisbyasurprisinglyshort ommutator al ulation(seeforinstan e

[1℄, Theorem 2.1.1). It seems almost impossible to generalizethis argument to

more generalsituations, for instan efor produ tsof twonilpotent groups(even

of lasstwo).

3 Produ ts of abelian-by-nite groups

In view of It's theorem the following onje ture has been made (see also

Question 3in[1℄).

Conje ture. Let the group G = AB be the produ t of two abelian-

by-nite subgroups A and B (i.e. A and B have abelian subgroups of

niteindex).ThenGissoluble-by-niteandperhapsevenmetabelian- by-nite.

The validityofthis onje ture ouldonlybevariedsofar underadditional

requirements. Ya.Sysak proved it in 1986 for linear groups (see [19℄ and [20℄),

and J.Wilsonin1990for residually nitegroups (see[8℄ or [1℄,Theorem 2.3.4).

The importan e of the following theorem of N.Chernikov (1981) lies inthe

fa t that it requires no additional assumptions on the fa torized group G and

uses onlyproperties fromthefa torization ofG(see [1℄,Theorem 2.2.5).

Theorem 3.1. If the group G = AB is the produ t of two entral-by-nite subgroups A and B, then G issoluble-by-nite.

It isunknownwhetherG mustbe metabelian-by-nite inthis ase.

IfN isa normalsubgroupofagroupGandA andB areabeliansubgroups

of G, then subgroup N A = N A∩ AB = A(NA ∩ B) is metabelian by It's


This useful extension of It's theorem maybe generalized to any subgroup

H asfollows (see[20℄, Lemma9).

Lemma 3.2. LetG be a group andA andB two abelian subgroups of G. If the

subgroup H of G is ontained in the setAB, then H is metabelian.

ConsidernowagroupG = ABwhi histheprodu toftwosubgroupsAand B,whi h have (abelian)subgroup A0 resp.B0 ofnite index n =| A : A0 |and m =| B : B0 |.Then by Lemma1.2.5 of [1℄ thesubgroup < A0, B0 > hasnite

index at most nminG.

Clearly,if alsowe should have that A0B0 = B0A0 is a subgroupof G,then Ghasa metabeliansubgroup of niteindex (byIt).


This shows that if additional permutability onditions are imposed, some

fa torizationproblems be ome mu heasier andsometimes trivial.

Todealwiththeabove onje tureitisnaturalto onsiderrstthe asewhen

the indi es of the abelian subgroups A0 in A and B0 in B are small. We will


Problem. Let the group G = AB be the produ t of two subgroups A andB, whereA ontains an abelian subgroup A0 and B ontains an

abeliansubgroupB0 su h thattheindi esn =| A : A0|andm =| B : B0 |

are at most2. Is then G soluble and/or metabelian-by-nite?

4 Finiteprodu tsof subgroupswith solublesubgroups

of index at most 2

Finite produ ts of two subgroups that ontain y li subgroups of index

at most 2 were for instan e onsidered by B.Huppert [11℄, W.S ott [17℄ and


V.Monakhovshowed in[14℄that anite groupG = AB is solubleif Aand B have y li subgroups ofindex at most 2.


O.KegelandH.Wielandtonthesolubilityofeveryniteprodu toftwonilpotent

subgroups(seefor instan e[1℄, Theorem2.4.3).

Theorem 4.1. If the nite group G = AB is the produ t of two subgroups A

andB, ea h of whi h possesses a nilpotent subgroup of index atmost 2, then G


5 Produ ts of y li -by-nite groups

Produ ts of nite y li groups were for instan e studied in [10℄ (see also

[12℄). P.Cohn proved in [9℄ that every group G = AB whi h is theprodu t of

two innite y li subgroups A and B has a non-trivialnormal subgroup of G

whi h is ontained in A or B. This implies that G has a subgroup H of nite

index whose derived subgroup H and the fa tor group H/H are both y li

(see [18℄), so thatG = AB is meta y li -by-nite.The question arises whether every group whi h is the produ t of two y li -by-nite subgroups, must be

meta y li -by-nite.

The following theoremof B.Amberg and Ya.Sysak [5℄ generalizesthe result


Theorem 5.1. If the group G = AB is the produ t of two subgroups A and B,

ea hof whi hhas a y li subgroup ofindex atmost2,then Gismeta y li -by-


Note that a non-abelian innite group whi h has a y li group of index 2

mustbetheinnitedihedralgroup. Thisensurestheexisten eof involutionsin

A andB whi h we mayusefor omputationsinsidethefa torized groupG.

An important idea in the proof is to show that the normalizer in G of an

innite y li subgroupofoneofthefa torsAorB hasanon-trivialinterse tion withtheother fa tor.

Re all that a group G is dihedral if it an be generated by two distin t

involutions. The stru ture of su h groups is well-known. The main properties

are olle ted inthefollowing lemma.

Lemma5.2. LetthedihedralgroupGbe generatedbythetwo involutionsxand y.Letc = xy and C =< c >. Thenwe have

a) The y li subgroup C isnormal in G with index 2,the group G = C⋊ <

i > isthe semidire t produ tof C and a subgroup < i > of order2,

b) If G isnon-abelian, then C is hara teristi in G.

) Everyelementof G r C isaninvolutionwhi hinvertseveryelement ofC,

i.e. if g∈ G r C, then cg = c−1 for c∈ C,

d) The set G r C is a single onjuga y lass if and only if the order of C is

nite andodd;it is the union of two onjuga y lasses otherwise.

6 Finite Produ ts of dihedral groups

By Theorem 4.1 nite produ ts of dihedral subgroupsare soluble. The fol-

lowing more pre i estatement abouttheir derived length isproved in[2℄.

Theorem 6.1. Let G = AB be a nite group, whi h is a produ t of subgroups A andB, where A is dihedral and B is either y li or a dihedral group. Then G(7)= 1.

Itisalsoshownin[2℄thatif Gisanite2-groupthenweevenhaveG(5) = 1

in this ase, but there exist nite 2-groups of derived lenth 3 whi h are the

produ tof twodihedral subgroups.

TheproofofTheorem6.1isbasedonmethodsfornitefa torizedgroups.We

mentionhereonly twowell-knownlemmas thatplayaroleinourinvestigations


Lemma 6.2. Let the nite group G = AB be the produ t of two subgroups A

and B, then for every prime p there existsa Sylow-p-subgroup of G whi h is a

produ t of a Sylow-p-subgroup of A and a Sylow-p-subgroup of B.

Lemma 6.3. Let the nite group G = AB be the produ t of subgroups A and B and let A0 and B0 be normal subgroups of A andB, respe tively. If A0B0 = B0A0, then Ax0B0 = B0Ax0 for all x ∈ G. Assume in addition that A0 and B0

are π-groups for a setof primesπ. If Oπ(G) = 1, then [AG0, B0G] = 1.

7 Produ ts of periodi lo ally dihedral groups

AgroupGislo allydihedralifithasalo alsystemofdihedralsubgroups,

i.e.every nitesubset of Gis ontained insome dihedralsubgroup ofG.

Every periodi lo ally dihedral group is lo ally nite and every nite

subgroupof su ha groupis ontained ina nitedihedral subgroup.

Lemma 7.1. Every periodi lo ally dihedral group Ghas a lo ally yli normal

subgroup C of index 2,and everyelement of G r C isan involutionthat inverts

every element of C;

G = C⋊ < i >is the semidire t produ tof C and a subgroup < i > of order2.

The following well-knownlemma isuseful for thestudy oflo allynite fa -

torizedgroups(see for instan e[1℄,Lemma1.2.3).

Lemma7.2. Letthelo allynitegroupG = AB betheprodu toftwosubgroups AandB,andletA0 andB0 be nitenormalsubgroupsofA andB,respe tively.

Thenthere exists a nite subgroup E of G su h that A0, B0⊆ E ⊆ NG(A0, B0) andE = (A∩ E)(B ∩ E).

Thefollowingsolubility riterionisprovedin[2℄).Thespe ial asewhenthe

groupGisperiodi wasalreadydealt within[4℄.

Theorem 7.3. Let the group G = AB be the produ t of two periodi lo ally

dihedral subgroups A andB. Then Gis soluble.

For a omplete proof we refer the reader to [2℄. Here we sket h only the

argument that if the result is false, there will be a ounterexample with no

nontrivial solublenormalsubgroup.

AssumethatthetheoremisfalseandthereexistsanonsolublegroupG = AB

withperiodi lo allydihedralsubgroupsA andB.Then A = A0hci,B = B0hdi

fortwo involutionsc∈ A r A0 and d∈ B r B0,withcac = a−1 for ea h a∈ A0


and dbd = b−1 for ea hb ∈ B0; A0 and B0 are lo ally y li normalsubgroups

of Aresp.B.

By Lemma3.2it iseasy to see thatbothsubgroupsA and B mustbenon-

abelian. The ase that A∩ B =< c > is easier and onsidered rst. Thus we

mayassumethat A∩ B = 1.

Assume that N 6= 1is a solublenormal subgroup of G.Clearly R = N A = A(N A∩ B) is soluble by the modular law, and so lo ally nite (as a soluble

produ tof twoperiodi groups).

If L is a nite normal subgroup of A and S is a nite normal subgroup

of N A∩ B, then the subgroup H =< L, S > is nite and so the normalizer K = NR(< L, S >) = (K∩ A)(K ∩ B) isfa torized byLemma7.2.

Sin ethenitegroupK/CK(H)istheprodu toftwosubgroupsofdihedral

groups,itsderivedlengthisatmost7byTheorem6.1.Sin eH∩CK(H) = Z(H),

this impliesthatH(8) = 1.

If R0 =< A0, R∩ B0>,thenR(8)0 = 1 andsin e | R : R0 |≤ 4,thesubgroup RandsoN havederivedlengthatmost9.Thenalsotheprodu tT ofallsoluble

normal subgroupsof Gis a solublenormal subgroup of Gof derived length at

most9.ThusG/T isa ounterexamplewithnosolublenormalsubgroupN 6= 1.

The laim isproved.

8 Produ ts of generalized dihedral groups

It turns outthatgroups withthefollowing property an be handled byour


Denition8.1. AgroupGisgeneralizeddihedralifitisofdihedraltype, i.e. G ontains an abelian subgroup X of index 2 and an involution τ whi h

inverts every element inX.

It iseasy toseethatA = X⋊ < a >is thesemi-dire tprodu tof anabelian subgroup X andan involutiona,sothatxa= x−1 for ea hx∈ X.

Clearly dihedraland lo allydihedral groupsarealso generalizeddihedral.

The main propertiesof generalizeddihedral groups are olle ted inthe fol-

lowing lemma.

Lemma 8.2. Let A be a generalized dihedral group. Thenthe following holds 1) every subgroup of X is normalin A;

2) ifA isnon-abelian, thenevery non-abelian normalsubgroup of A ontains

the derived subgroup A of A;


3) A = X2 and so the ommutator fa tor group A/A is an elementary

abelian 2-group;

4) the enter of A oin ides with the set of all involutions of X;

5) the oset aX oin ides with the setof all non- entral involutions of A;

6) two involutions aand b in A are onjugateif and only if ab−1 ∈ X2.

7) if A is non-abelian, then X is hara teristi in A.

Thesolubilityofeveryprodu tof twogeneralizeddihedralgroups isproved

inB.Amberg andYa.Sysak [6℄.

Theorem 8.3. Let the group G = AB be the produ t of two subgroups A and B, ea h of whi h iseither abelian or generalized dihedral. Then Gis soluble.

Theproof ofthis theoremiselementary anduses almostonly omputations

withinvolutions.Extensiveuseismadebythefa tthateverytwoinvolutionsof

agroupgeneratea dihedralsubgroup.A mainideaof theproofis toshowthat

thenormalizerinGof a non-trivialnormalsubgroupof one ofthefa torsA or B hasa non-trivialinterse tionwiththeother fa tor.

If this is not the ase we may nd ommuting involutions inA and B and

produ ea nontrivial abelian normalsubgroup byother omputations. Thefol-

lowing lemma gives some onditions under whi h two permutable generalized

dihedralsubgroupsAand B of agrouphave permutableinvolutionsa∈ Aand b ∈ B. A spe ial ase of this is already used in the proof of Theorem 5.1 and

dis ussedin[20℄.

Lemma 8.4. Let G be a group of the form G = AB with subgroups A and B

su hthat A = X⋊ < c >andB = Y ⋊ < d > forabeliansubgroupsX andY and

involutions cand d.If xc= x−1 for ea h x∈ X and NA(< y >) = 1 = NB(< x >)

foreverynon-trivial y li normalsubgroup< x > ofA and< y >of B,thenthe

subgroup B is non-abelian and there exist involutions cx ∈ A and yd ∈ B su h

that (cx)(yd) = (yd)(cx).

The ase when one of thetwo subgroupsA and B is abelian, is onsidered

separatelyand leads to strongerresults. In this asewe obtain a bound on the

solubilitylength ofG.


Theorem 8.5. Let the group G = AB be the produ t of a generalized dihedral

subgroup A and an abelian subgroup B, then the derived length of G does not

ex eed 5.

Thefollowing onsequen eofTheorem8.3shouldbe omparedwithTheorem


Corollary 8.6. Let the group G = AB be the produ t of two subgroups A and B, ea h of whi h ontains atorsion-free lo ally y li subgroup of index atmost 2. ThenG is solubleand metabelian-by-nite.

9 Groups saturated by dihedral subgroups

A groupGissaturated by subgroupsina setSifeverynitesubgroup S of Gis ontainedinsubgroup ofG whi his isomorphi to asubgroup inS.

Lemma 9.1. A lo ally nite group whi h is saturated by dihedral subgroups is

lo allydihedral.

Proof. Let x and y be two elements of G with o(x) > 2 and o(y) > 2. By

hypothesis the nite group < x, y > is ontained in a proper nite dihedral

groupD =< a > ⋊ < i >.Sin e x∈< a >,y ∈< a >,it follows thatxy = yx.

This shows that the elements of G with order more than 2 generate a lo ally

y li normalsubgroupHofG.ClearlythesetG r H isnon-emptyand onsists

only ofinvolutions.

Let t∈ G r H be a xed and x∈ G r H an arbitrary involution. If h∈ H

with o(x) > 2, then the nite subgroup < h, x, t > is ontained in a dihedral

subgroup D =< h1 > ⋊ < t >. Then h1 ∈ H by the denition of H. Thus x∈ D ⊆ H⋊ < t > for every involution x∈ G. Itfollows thatG = H⋊ < t >.

Thelemma isproved.


A.ShlopkinandA.Rubashkinin[16℄extendedLemma9.1toseveral lassesof

periodi groups.UsingTheorem7.3onprodu tsoftwoperiodi lo allydihedral

subgroupswe prove thefollowing in[4℄.

Theorem 9.2. If the innite periodi group G is saturated by nite dihedral

subgroups, then G isa lo ally nite dihedral group.

Assume there exists a periodi group G saturated by dihedral subgroups

whi h is not lo ally dihedral. Then G is not lo ally nite by Lemma 9.1. By

results in [16℄ the entralizer CG(γ) of every involution γ in G is a (nite or

innite)periodi lo ally dihedralgroup,andthere existatleasttwo involutions

τ and µ6= τ ina Sylow-2-subgroupS of G.


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