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Any software could be improved, but GRAssTrack is a good starting point to focus attention on side aspects and enhance the overall performance of the supply chain.


Academic year: 2021

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This thesis demonstrates how it is possible to enhance supply chain assets visibility through the use of radio frequency identification (RFID) emerging technology and real time location systems (RTLS).

After having introduced the issues in logistics automation and having illustrated what could be done to solve them, that is using automatic identification and data capture technologies (AIDC) and RTLS, all the design phase has been described, pointing out the service oriented, multi-tier and multi-layer architecture of the solution.

The GPS and RFID based asset tracking (GRAssTrack or GT) software suite, that has been developed, is composed of a mobile device application, GRAssTrack Mobile (GTM), a Web Service (server side program), GRAssTrack Server (GTS) and a program that performs database synchronization calling GTS, GRAssTrack Job Runner (GTJR).

Further developments will surely involve the design and implementation of GRAssTrack Desktop (GTD), an application that let the user graphically track a good on a map or a plan, viewing also any asset related information.

Several improvements could be done on GT, for example porting GTM to .NET Compact Framework 2.0 (a newer handheld device with Windows Mobile 5 or above is required) to improve the code using Microsoft libraries or adapting GRAssTrack suite to work with UHF active tags.

Another aspect to take into account is the implementation of security policies to access GTS using Web Services Enhancements (WSE) and role-based security.

Any software could be improved, but GRAssTrack is a good starting point to focus attention on side aspects and enhance the overall performance of the supply chain.


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