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Compressed asymptotic analysis of a quantum transport equation


Academic year: 2021

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Compressed asymptotic analysis of a quantum transport equation

Chiara Manzini and Giovanni Frosali

Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata “G.Sansone”

Universit` a di Firenze - Via S.Marta 3 I-50139 Firenze, Italy

chiara.manzini, giovanni.frosali@unifi.it


We perform the asymptotic analysis of the Wigner quantum transport equation in a semiconductor. What we mean as asymptotic analysis:

Let us suppose that the evolution process is characterized by the operator A  , acting in the Banach space X,


dt = A  u  , u  (0) = u 0

where u 0 is the initial condition. We are interested in finding a new simpler operator, say B  , such that the new problem


dt = B  v  , v  (0) = v 0

admits a solution v  which is sufficiently “close” to the exact solution, u  , in the



ku  − v  k X = O( 2 ).

The main purpose of this paper is to revisit the derivation of drift-diffusion approximation for a linear quantum transport in a semiconductor.

Our aim is to make a rigorous asymptotic analysis using the modified (compressed) Chapman–Enskog method (Mika & Banasiak, 1995a).

This method was applied successfully to more complicated models, yielding a rigorous mathematical theory of the asymptotic expansion. Here we apply the compressed method to the quantum Wigner equation, clarifying the derivation and giving the exact meaning of the hydrodynamic coefficients.

The problem is studied in the L 2 setting, where the norm is the natural one

from the physical point of view.


The quantum kinetic model

We consider the linear Wigner equation that describes the evolution in time of the quasi-distribution function w = w(x, v, t) associated to a quantum system with d degrees of freedom, under the effect of a potential V = V (x):

∂t w + v · ∇ x w − Θ[V ]w = 0, t > 0, (x, v) ∈ IR 2d .

Here the (real-valued) potential V enters through the pseudo-differential operator Θ[V ] defined by

(Θ[V ]w)(x, v, t) = i (2π) d







δV (x, η)w(x, v 0 , t)e i(v−v


)·η dv 0 dη ,

where δV (x, η) := 1


V (x + 2m ) − V (x − 2m ) 


Let us modify the Wigner equation by adding a collisional term which mimics the dissipative interaction of the quantum system with the environment. The simpler model is a BGK relaxation-time operator, which says that after a time 1/ν the system will relax to a state w eq . Accordingly,

∂t w + v · ∇ x w − Θ[V ]w = −ν(w − w eq ) , t > 0, (x, v) ∈ IR 2d .

We shall describe the equilibrium state by the O(~ 2 )-quantum corrected thermodynamical equilibrium function calculated by Wigner (1932). Precisely,



(x, v) :=

 m 2π~





1 + ~





− β







+ β








+ β
















 + O( ~



where H(x, v) := mv 2 /2 + V (x) is the Hamiltonian of the system, β ≡ 1/kT ,


with T the (constant) temperature and k the Boltzmann constant. We recall that this follows from an expansion in terms of ~ of the unconstrained minimizer of the relative (von Neumann) entropy.

Like in Gardner 1994, since the particle density is given by n(x, t) ≡ n[w](x, t) :=

R w(x, v, t) dv, we parametrize the equilibrium function via Z



w eq (x, v) dv = n(x, t) .

Then we can write the Wigner thermal equilibrium function as



(x, v) = n(x, t)F (v)

1 + ~













+ β
















 + O( ~



 ,

where F (v) is the classical Maxwellian 

βm 2π


e −βmv


/2 .

Such function is corrected by a term of order ~ 2 .


Formulation of the problem

In the sequel we are interested to study the case in which a “strong” potential is included, accordingly, we introduce the potential characteristic time t V (i.e. the time needed by a particle of mass m to cover the distance x 0 under the effect of the potential). Moreover we introduce the mean free time t C between interactions of the system with the background.

The rescaled adimensionalized equation looks as follows


∂t w + v · ∇ x w − Θ[V ]w = −ν (w − w eq ) , t > 0, (x, v) ∈ IR 2d . (1) where  := l/x 0 with l := v 0 t C is a characteristic length corresponding to the classical mean free path

We have assumed that the times t V and t C are comparable, and t V

t 0 ≈ t C

t 0 ≈  .


We are now in position to put (1) in abstract form: let X k be the space L 2 (IR 2d , (1 + |v| 2k )dx dv; IR) with the usual norm

kuk 2 X


= Z



|u(x, v)| 2 (1 + |v| 2k ) dxdv ,

and X k v be the Hilbert space L 2 (IR d , (1 + |v| 2k )dv; IR). We have the following system

 

 


dt =  Sw + Aw + Cw, lim t→0


kw(t) − w 0 k X


= 0


• streaming operator Su := −v· ∇ x ,

• field operator Aw := Θ[V ]w,

• collision operator Cw := −(ν w − Ω w) ,


where the collision operator Ω is defined by

Ω w(x, v, t) := νF (v)

1 + ~ 2

− β 2 24m




2 V

∂x 2 r + β 3 24




v r v s2 V

∂x r x s

× Z

w(x, v, t) dv ,

We shall call F (2) the previous O(~ 2 )-coefficient and Ωw(x, v) = νn[w](x) h

F (v) + ~ 2 F (2) (x, v) i .

Remark: A formal integration in the v-variable of the evolution equation gives

the continuity equation.


For what the operator A+C is concerned, we can state the following preliminary result.

Lemma 1.

If V ∈ W k,∞ with 2k > d, then the operator A + C is well-defined from X k into itself and is bounded by

kA + Ck B(X


) ≤ C(d, k) h

kV k W


(1 + kF k X



) + kF k X



+ 1 i . Moreover, A + C is well-defined (bounded) from X k v into itself.

The existence and uniqueness problems for the initial value system (2) for any

 > 0 can be investigated by using analogous arguments in Manzini-Barletti(2004),

related to semigroup theory in the L 2 -setting.


We shall apply the compressed Chapman-Enskog procedure, as proposed by J.

Mika (1981) (see also the monograph by Mika & Banasiak (1995)).

Accordingly, it is necessary to study the problem with  = 0, i.e. the equation (A + C)f = 0, in the space X k . (in the space X k v for any fixed x ∈ IR d ).

Proposition 1.

Under the same assumptions of the previous Lemma, for any fixed x ker(A + C) := {cM (v), c ∈ IR} ⊂ X k v


M (x, v) := νF −1

F F (η) ν − iδV (x, η)

1 − β~ 2 24m 2




η r η s2 V (x)

∂x s x s

(x, v), Moreover, for all h ∈ X k v , (A + C)u = h has a solution if and only if




h(v) dv = 0 .


Formal expansion

According to Proposition 1., we can decompose the space X k as follows X k = (X k ) M ⊕ (X k ) 0

where (X k ) M is the eigenspace spanned by M := {α(x)M (v), α ∈ X k x } ⊂ X k and

(X k ) 0 =

f ∈ X k


f (v)dv = 0


We define the corresponding spectral projection P from (X k ) into (X k ) M Pf = M


f (v)dv

and Q = I − P.

We decompose the function w ∈ X k as w = Pw + Qw.


From now on we call Pw and Qw as ϕ and ψ. We remark that for all w ∈ X k , Pw = M n[w].

ϕ is called the hydrodynamic part

ψ is called the kinetic part of w.

Operating formally on both sides of the evolution equation (2) for the function w with the projections P and Q, we obtain the following system of equations

 

 


∂t = PSP ϕ + PSQψ


∂t = QSP ϕ + QSQψ + 1

 Q(A + C)Qψ


with initial conditions

 ϕ(0) = ϕ 0 = Pf 0

ψ (0) = ψ 0 = Qf 0 .


Applying the compressed asymptotic expansion, we split the solutions ϕ and ψ into the sums of the “bulk” parts ¯ ϕ and ¯ ψ and of the initial layer parts ˜ ϕ and ˜ ψ, which take account of the rapid changes of f for small times

ϕ(t) = ϕ(t) + ˜ ¯ ϕ  t

ψ(t) = ψ(t) + ˜ ¯ ψ  t


The bulk hydrodynamic part ¯ ϕ is left unexpanded and the other parts are expanded as


ϕ(τ ) = ϕ ˜ 0 (τ ) +  ˜ ϕ 1 (τ ) +  2 ϕ ˜ 2 (τ ) + . . . ψ(t) ¯ = ψ ¯ 0 (t) +  ¯ ψ 1 (t) +  2 ψ ¯ 2 (t) + . . . ψ(τ ) ˜ = ψ ˜ 0 (τ ) +  ˜ ψ 1 (τ ) +  2 ψ ˜ 2 (τ ) + . . ., where τ = t



Accordingly, Eqs. (3) for the bulk part terms of the expansion up to the order

 2 become:

 

 

∂ ϕ ¯

∂t = PSP ϕ ¯ + PSQ ¯ ψ 0 + PSQ ψ ¯ 1 0 = Q(A + C)Q ¯ ψ 0

0 = QSP ϕ ¯ + Q(A + C)Q ψ ¯ 1 thus

∂ ¯ ϕ

∂t = PSP ¯ ϕ − PSQ(Q(A + C)Q) −1 QSP ¯ ϕ (4) ψ ¯ 0 ≡ 0

ψ ¯ 1 = −(Q(A + C)Q) −1 QSP ¯ ϕ ,

which have to be supplemented by appropriate initial conditions to be determined

from the analysis of the initial layer terms and the balance of the initial conditions.


The unexpanded function ¯ ϕ(x, v, t) can be written as the product


ϕ(x, v, t) = n(x, t) M (x, v),

since we shall consider the contribution of the initial layer part ˜ ϕ via an appropriate initial condition for Eq. (4).

Auxiliary problems. In order to invert the operator Q(A + C)Q, we solve in (X k ) 0

(A + C)u =

−v· ∇ x M + M Z

v· ∇ x M dv

, (5)


(A + C)u =


−v + Z

vM dv

. (6)

Let us call D 1 (x, v) and D 2 (x, v) ≡ (D 2 ) i (x, v) the respective solutions with

D 1 , (D 2 ) i ∈ (X k ) 0 .


Hence the equation (4) takes the form


∂t = −∇ x



vM dv

+ ∇ x ·


v ⊗ D 2 dv

· ∇ x n + n Z

vD 1 dv


Before going further, we derive formally the initial layer conditions. Such initial value can be found by the analysis of the initial layer terms:


ϕ 0 (τ ), ψ ˜ 0 (τ ), ϕ ˜ 1 (τ ), ψ ˜ 1 (τ ) .

We obtain the correct initial value for the bulk hydrodynamic functions


ϕ(0) = ϕ 0 − ˜ ϕ 0 (0) −  ˜ ϕ 1 (0) = ϕ 0 − PSQ(Q(A + C)Q) −1 ψ 0 . Putting n 0 (x) = R w 0 (x, v) dv

n(x, 0) = n 0 (x) +  Z

v· ∇ x D 3 (x, v)dv

where D 3 = D 3 (x, v) is the unique solution of (A + C)D 3 (x, v) = ψ 0 (x, v).


The bulk part

We shall prove that all terms of the bulk part of the expansion are well-defined.

Such properties of the expansion terms are relevant into the rigorous asymptotic analysis.

If we neglect the initial layer part (which will be appropriately taken into account via the initial condition), we have

J = J (0) + J (1) := n Z

vM dv +  Z

v ¯ ψ 1 dv where

J (0) = − n

νm ∇V (x) − Drift term J (1) =


v ¯ ψ 1 dv = −


v ⊗ D 2 dv

· ∇ x n + n Z

vD 1 dv



Let us call D the matrix given by D ij (x) :=


v i (D 2 ) j (x, v)dv,

Lemma. The first term in J (1) is D· ∇ x n where the tensor D is given by D = 1



βm + 1

ν 2 m 2 ∇V ⊗ ∇V + β~ 2

12m 2 (∇ ⊗ ∇) V

+ O(~ 4 ) .

Lemma. The second term in J (1) is given by n times RvD 1 (x, v) dv =

= 1 ν


ν 2 m 2 (∇ ⊗ ∇) V ∇V + 1

ν 2 m 2 ∆V ∇V + β~ 2

12m 2x · (∇ ⊗ ∇) V

+ O(~ 4 ) .


Accordingly, the drift-diffusion equation looks like


∂t = 1

νm ∇· (n∇V ) + 

νβm ∇· ∇n + 

ν 3 m 2 ∇· (∇V ⊗ ∇V ∇n)


ν 3 m 2 ∇· [2n (∇ ⊗ ∇) V ∇V + n∆V ∇V ] + β~ 2

12νm 2 ∇· [(∇ ⊗ ∇) V ∇n + n∇· (∇ ⊗ ∇) V ]


In the same spirit of the approximation

∇ log n = −β∇V + O(~ 2 ) ,

we have the fourth order nonlinear drift-diffusion equation for the electron density n


∂t = 1

νm ∇· (n∇V ) + 

νβm ∇· ∇n


ν 3 β 2 m 2 ∇·

n∇ · (∇n ⊗ ∇n)

n 2 + (∇ ⊗ ∇n)∇n n

− ~ 2 12νm 2

4 n − ∇ ⊗ ∇ (∇n ⊗ ∇n) n



Rigorous results: bulk and initial layer parts

Bulk and the initial layer solutions, derived formally in Section 3, contain functions whose existence and regularity have to be proved in order to make rigorous the asymptotic analysis.

• The (strongly continuous) semigroup G generated in (X k ) 0 by Q(A + C)Q is u(x, v, τ ) = G(τ )u(x, v, 0) = e −τ F −1 

e i δV (x,η)τ F u(x, η, 0)  .

• Estimates of kG(τ )hk X


and kG(τ )hk D(S)

• All terms of the initial layer expansion are well-defined

• Regularity of the solution of the drift-diffusion equation

• Strong differentiability of the bulk function ¯ ψ 1


Estimate of the error

We prove that the asymptotic expansion up to the first order gives an approximation of order  2 to the Wigner quantum system (2).

Consider hydrodynamic and kinetic parts, whose errors are given by y(t) = ϕ(t) − [ ¯ ϕ(t) + ˜ ϕ 0 (τ ) +  ˜ ϕ 1 (τ )]

z(t) = ψ(t) − [ ¯ ψ 0 (t) +  ¯ ψ 1 (t) + ˜ ψ 0 (τ ) +  ˜ ψ 1 (τ )]

where τ = t  .

Taking account of the evolution equations, we can show that the errors y and

z satisfy the system


 

 

 

 


∂t = PSPy + PSQz + f


∂t = QSPy + QSQz + 1

 Q(A + C)Qz + g


with initial condition

y(0) = 0 , z(0) = 0 . The inhomogeneous terms f and g are given by

f (t) =  h

PSP ˜ ϕ 1 (τ ) + PSQ ˜ ψ 1 (τ ) i g(t) = 

− ∂ ¯ ψ 1

∂t + QSQ ¯ ψ 1 (t) + QSP ˜ ϕ 1 (τ ) + QSQ ˜ ψ 1 (τ )


It is necessary to separate the evolution of the initial layer part from the bulk part.


Main Theorem

If the initial value w 0 and the potential V are sufficiently smooth, then for any T , 0 < T < ∞, there is a constant C independent of  but depending on the problem data such that

ky(t) + z(t)k X ≤ C 2

uniformly for 0 ≤ t ≤ T .



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