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17 th European Conference on ABA


Academic year: 2022

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17 th European Conference on ABA


Video Communications



Janis Allen

Founder of Performance Leadership Consulting

Nicole Gravina

Assistant Professor of Behavior Analysis, Department of Psychology at the University of

Florida Richard Malott

Professor at the Western Michigan University Mike McCarthy

Principal of Sustain Leangains Steve Roberts

Co-founderande senior partner of Safety Performance Solutions


With the collaboration of

Daniela Baldi BCBA Fabiola Casarini

BCBA Gaspare Cusimano Psychologist and psychotherapist

Guido D’Angelo BCBA Siri Ming

BCBA-D Jennifer Posey Assistant Professor at Baylor College

of Medicine Liliana Ruta

Child Neuropsychiatrist, ESDM researcher and trainer

Henry Schlinger

Professor of Psychiloy at California State University

Olimpia Sinfarosa BCBA Roberto Truzoli Professor at University of Milan


17 th European Conference on ABA

European Congress

on Autism and Certification



Video Communications

With the sponsorship of

For info: +39 3939666146



Olimpia Sinfarosa Abstract: L’intervento

focalizzerà la sua attenzione su un particolare tipo di comportamento:

il comportamento verbale,

descriverà le variabili che lo controllano e cosa si intende quando si parla di ABA VB.

Fabiola Casarini

Abstract: L’analista del comportamento come membro di una “Verbal Community”In ogni area disciplinare, la padronanza del linguaggio della ricerca è prerequisito per fruire dei risultati del progresso scientifico sia come listener (coloro che leggono, comprendono e replicano) che come speaker (coloro che descrivono le contingenze dei propri esperimenti e li condividono attraverso riviste specializzate). La disseminazione dell’Applied Behavior Analysis in Italia è ostacolata da diversi fattori tra cui la scarsa fluenza di lettura e scrittura in lingua inglese dei praticanti, la mancanza di consenso sull’uso di definizioni e termini tecnici tra le scuole di formazione e la bassa integrità scientifica tra implementazioni cliniche. In questa presentazione proporremo traduzioni derivate dalla ricerca applicata, al fine di arricchire il comportamento verbale sulla scienza di significati aggiornati, derivati dalla ricerca applicata recente. Con riferimento al testo “Verbal Behavior Analysis”

di Greer e Ross, tradotto e pubblicato in italiano da Giovanni Fioriti Editore, discuteremo della necessità, per i ricercatori Italiani, di appartenere alla stessa comunità verbale in Italia e nel mondo. Verranno infine discussi i risultati dei professionisti itliani al test per la certificazione BCBA e proposti percorsi di preparazione all’esame.

1. The challenges of social robot for the treatment of individuals with a diagnosis of autism

14.00 - 15.45, Italiana language

13.30 - 14.00 Participants registration

Moderator: Davide Pinio

2. Autism and Verbal Behavior 14.30 - 16.30, Italian language

14.00 - 14300 Participants registration

Roberto Truzoli, Olimpia Sinfarosa and Fabiola Casarini

Parallel pre-congressual symposiums

European Congress on Autism and Certification Pre-congressional activities

Preliminary Program – 24 th of June 2021 - CET Time


3. Back to Basics: What Every Behavior Analyst Should Know About Reinforcement

16.00 - 18.00, English and Italian language -

simultaneous translation

15.45 - 16.00 Participants registration

Moderator: Melania Chistè VALID FOR 2 CEU

Henry Schlinger

Abstract: This presentation takes another look at the concept of reinforcement beginning with Thorndike’s (1898) Law of Effect and Skinner’s first descriptions in The Behavior of Organisms (1938). After briefly discussing how definitions in the natural sciences are derived, we review some standard definitions of reinforcement and note commonalities among them. Problems with the standard definitions of reinforcement are identified and an alternative definition of reinforcement as a function-altering operation (FAO) is proposed.

This conception of reinforcement is consistent with Skinner’s (1953) description. Implications of this alternative view of reinforcement for the concepts of extinction, punishment, motivating operations and discriminative stimuli are discussed. Some procedures with reinforcement in their name (e.g., NCR, DRO) but that do not function as reinforcement will be addressed. In addition to an alternative definition, some additional features of the reinforcement relation will be listed. We reiterate the point that determining whether some event functions as a reinforcer requires an experimental analysis. Behavior analysts’

verbal behavior about reinforcement, that is, how we talk about reinforcement, will be a unifying and recurring theme throughout the presentation. Throughout, implications of this conception of reinforcement for practitioners

For information and registrations segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146 www.aarba.eu

14.00 - 18.00 Parallel pre-congressual symposiums

Giovanni Pioggia

Abstract: I disturbi dello spettro autistico (ASD) sono caratterizzati da deficit di comunicazione sociale, nonché da interessi e comportamenti limitati e ripetitivi con difficoltà percettive e di elaborazione sensoriale. Negli ultimi anni, un campo di studio emergente è stato l’integrazione delle nuove tecnologie con le terapie cognitivo- comportamentali. In particolare, gli interventi mediati da robot per l’ASD sono diventati un’area di applicazione emergente e promettente. Ricercatori e clinici lavorano insieme allo sviluppo di modelli robotici con una vasta gamma di aspetti, caratteristiche e capacità funzionali che attingono a competenze in campi come l’ingegneria e la psicologia clinica con approccio cognitivo- comportamentale (CBT). In questo studio, abbiamo applicato nuovi protocolli CBT di gruppo ed individuali di interazione con un robot sociale, denominato NAO, incentrato sulla abilità socio- relazionali emotive, quali competenze emotive e teoria della mente, all’interno di contesti specifici e sulle relative abilità di mentalizzazione. Al centro dei nostri studi, il robot esercita un ruolo centrale come mediatore sociale, prendendo i turni, dirigendo l’attenzione, fornendo spunti e sollecitando e rinforzando risposte e comportamenti adeguati in modo naturale e interattivo. I primi risultati della sperimentazione, attualmente ancora in atto, mostrano che i bambini dello spettro autistico, randomizzati nel gruppo sperimentale che prevede l’intervento mediato dal robot, evidenziano (1) un aumento delle loro competenze emotive e relazionali dopo l’intervento e (2) un marcato miglioramento nelle abilità sociali rispetto ai bambini dello spettro autistico appartenenti al gruppo di controllo senza l’assistenza del robot. I risultati rafforzano l’evidenza che un robot sociale facilità l’apprendimento di pattern comportamentali efficaci.

Flavia Marino Abstract: Negli ultimi anni, la letteratura suggerisce l’efficacia dell’uso robot sociali all’interno dei percorsi

abilitativi rivolti a persone con disturbo dello spettro autistico. Gli studi scientifici mostrano, infatti, che i robot rappresentano il potenziale per arricchire le


17 th European Conference on ABA

Plenary Session Greeting from authorities

Italian language Chairman: Giampaolo Perna

European Congress on Autism and Certification Preliminary Program – 25 th of June 2021


8.30 - 9.00 Participant’s registration

9.00 - 9.20 Opening of the work and greetings from the authorities

Doctor David Lazzari – President of the Consiglio Nazionale degli Psicologi Doctor Franco Vimercati – President of FISM

Doctor Felice Damiano Torricelli –President of ENPAP Honorable Roberto Speranza – Minister of Health (invited)

Engineer Armando Zambrano - President of the Ordine Nazionale degli Ingegneri (invited) 9.20 - 10.00 Lectio Magistralis

Professor Fabio Tosolin – President of AARBA and IACABAI The importance of the scientific method for behavior development:

Integration of laws of science and bureaucratic regulation.

10.00 – 10.15 Coffee Break

For information and registrations segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146



Morning Symposiums

Italian language 10.15 - 13.30 Symposium

European Congress on Autism and Certification Preliminary Program – 25 th of June 2021 - CET Time

FREE PARTECIPATION; for the symposiums established CEU credits are available (1CEU = €20)

1. Plenary Session on Autism and Certification 10.00 – 12.15 – Italian language

10.00 - 10.15 Participant’s registration

Chairman : Carlo Hanau

Will present:

Associazione Autismo e ABA

ANGSA Nazionale (presidente Giovanni Marino) ANGSA Campania

ANGSA Umbria ANGSA Piemonte ANGSA Lombardia ANGSA Emilia Romagna

13.30 - 14.30 Lunch break

3. The importance of the ethic code 12.30 – 13.30 – Italian language

12.15 - 12.30 Participant’s registration

Moderator : Tiziana Bossis VALID FOR 1 CEU

For information and registrations segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146 www.aarba.eu

2. Innovative method for the early treatment for individuals with ASD

10.00 – 12.15 – Italian language

10.00 - 10.15 Participant’s registration

Moderator : Rosa Torsiello

4. Teaching how to use empathic expressions 12.30 – 13.30 – Italian language

12.15 - 12.30 Participant’s registration

Moderator : Olimpia Sinfarosa VALID FOR 1 CEU

Guido D’Angelo Titolo: Teaching children with autism to make empathic statements in presence of non verbal affective stimuli.

Title: Empathy is the ability to identify verbal and non-verbal stimuli associated with different affective states and to respond to them appropriately. The deficit in showing empathy, commonly found in people with autism, can significantly compromise the ability to establish, maintain and develop social relationships. The purpose of this study is to increase the ability of people with autism to identify nonverbal affective stimuli and respond to them with empathic responses. The present research included two participants, aged 7 to 9 years, with autism spectrum disorder. Across multiple exemplars training, nonverbal affective stimuli were presented, commonly associated with various private events, such as physical pain, sadness and fatigue. The therapist (a) provided a rule, (b) presented the non- verbal stimulus, (c) suggested leading questions in order to lead participants to identify non-verbal stimuli associated with other people's private events and to respond with empathic statements. The results indicated that both participants acquired the ability to respond Daniela Baldi

Title: The importance of the Ethical Code for a behavior analyst

Abstract: L’esposizione mira a mettere in risalto gli aspetti positivi ed unici dell’analisi del comportamento e l’importanza di avere delle linee guida da seguire durante la pratica professionale, che mettano al centro di ogni nostra azione il bene dell’utente dei servizi, ne rispetti la dignità e ne promuova la più grande autonomia possibile, lavorando su comportamenti funzionali alla sua vita quotidiana, raccogliendo dati che verifichino e dimostrino l’efficacia dell’intervento e seguendo le tecniche aggiornate più efficaci dal punto di vista scientifico.

Gaspare Cusimano

Titolo:Early psychoeducational treatment of the child with a diagnosis of ASD within a naturalistic tele habilitation model.

Liliana Ruta

Titolo: Early developmental Trajectories in response to the Early Start Denver Model. Efficacy and sustainability.


17 th European Conference on ABA

Afternoon symposiums in parallel

English and Italian language – simultaneous translation 14.30 – 16.45 Symposium

European Congress on Autism and Certification Preliminary Program – 25 th of June 2021

FREE PARTECIPATION; for the symposiums established CEU credits are available (1CEU = €20).

16.45 - 17.00 Coffee break 1. The importance of the continues formation

14.30 – 15.30

14.15 - 14.30 Participant’s registration

Moderator : Aristide Saggino

Will present:

Alessandro Frolli

2. RFT, EIBI and VB: Building foundations and teaching for generativity

14.30 – 16.00

14.15 - 14.30 Participant’s registration

Moderator: Irene Borziella VALID FOR 1 CEU

3. Joint Attention 15.45 – 16.45

15.30 - 15.45 Participant’s registration

Moderator : Guido D’Angelo VALID FOR 1 CEU

Will participate:

Jennifer Posey

For information and registration segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146 www.aarba.eu

European Congress on Autism and Certification Preliminary Program – 25 th of June 2021 - CET Time

FREE PARTECIPATION; for the symposiums established CEU credits are available (1CEU = €20)

Siri Ming


For behavior analysts working with children with autism, taking an RFT perspective fundamentally shifts the focus of our language programming. By viewing the development of complex verbal behavior, including the development of a sense of self, as learning to respond to increasingly complex relational patterns, we can approach language intervention from a truly functional standpoint, setting the foundations for generative language from the very start. Beginning with the social roots of language in joint attention, Dr.

Ming describes a powerful and developmentally-informed framework for assessment and intervention based on both Skinnerian verbal behavior and RFT.

Moving systematically from teaching

simple non-arbitrary relational

responding along with establishing

appropriate sources of control for taught

verbal operants allows us to build the

foundation for establishing complex

arbitrarily applicable relational

responding in numerous relational

patterns. Throughout, she shares lessons

learned from research and practice to

shed light on the path for behavior

analysts on their journey of learning and

using RFT.


17.00 – 17.40

Richard Malott

Behavior-Based Safety, Autism, and the Mystery of Rule-Governed Behavior Abstract:

Why will a person risk their life and limb with unsafe behavior, but behave very cautiously, for fear of a small fine?

Why are deadlines one of our best friends, even though we hate them?

Why are some rules so hard to follow, whereas others we follow devoutly?

Can children with autism have rule-governed behavior?

And what the heck is rule-governed behavior, anyway?

Plenary – Closing session

English and Italian language - simultaneous translation Chairman: Giampaolo Perna

Lectio magistralis

European Congress Autism and Certification Preliminary Program – 25 th of June 2021


17.45 – Closing up

For information and registration segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146 www.aarba.eu

4.30PM - 5.00PM Participant’s registration

5.00PM – 5.45PM Plenary


17 th European Conference on ABA

The link will be shared for free, at the end of the congress, following verification of participation of the interested party in at least one event within the congress.

Link to the recording of the International Webinar for the COVID-19 Containment Protocol

In English language

European Congress on Autism and Certification Preliminary Program – 25 th of June 2021


For information and registration segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146




The number of places available are limited. Therefore, registration is mandatory.

To sign up, click here.

Continuing Education Unit - CEU

Thanks to the collaboration with ADC Italy, it is possible to make request for CEUs, for the specific workshops and symposiums, that are indicated in the program. However, it will be necessary, during the registration to the event, to specify for which specific presentation you want to receive them and then proceed with the payment.

1 CEU = €20

Participation at the session will be necessary for the assignment of the required CEUs.

With the sponsorship of

European Congress on Autism and Certification Information

For information and registration segreteria@aarba.it

+39 3939666146 www.aarba.eu

Media Partner

In partnership with


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