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Denti, Dispense di Dinamica del Volo, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Pisa, 2009 [14] Prof


Academic year: 2021

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[1] Alenia Aermacchi, "M346 PA Design and Functional Description", A.AEM internal doc, 2006 [2] MIL-F-8785C, Flying Qualities of Piloted Airplanes, US DoD, Notice 2, 1996

[3] Gibson J.C., Development of a Methodology for excellence in Handling Qualities Design for Fly-by-Wire Aircraft, Delft University Press, 1999

[4] MIL-STD-1797A, Flying Qualities of Piloted Airplanes, US DoD, 1987

[5] Mitchell D.G., Klyde D.H., Recommended Practices for Exposing Pilot-Induced Oscillations or Tendencies in the Development Process, USAF Developmental Test and Evaluation Summit Woodland Hills CA, November 16-18 2004

[6] Gibson J.C., Piloted Handling Qualities Design Criteria for High Order Flight Control Systems, AGARD CP333, April 1982

[7] Gibson J.C., The Definition, Understanding and Design of Aircraft Handling Qualities, TU Delft Report LR-756,, April 1995

[8] MIL-F-9490D, Flight Control System Design, Installation and Test of Piloted Aicraft, US DoD, 1975

[9] Alenia Aermacchi, CL Design & Clearance Criteria, A.AEM internal doc, 2003

[10] Zhang Y., Jiang J., Bibliographical review on reconfigurable fault-tolerant control system, Elselvier, 2008

[11] Ying P., Yiping L.P.Y., The application of function reconfiguration for digital fly-by-wire flight control system, IEEE, 1998

[12] Zhang Y., Rabbath C.A., SU C.Y., Reconfigurable control allocation applied to an aircraft benchmark model, American Control Conference, Washington, June11-13 2008



[13] Prof. Eng. E. Denti, Dispense di Dinamica del Volo, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Pisa, 2009

[14] Prof. Eng. E. Denti, Eng. F Schettini, Esercitazioni di Dinamica del Volo, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Pisa, 2009

[15] Casarosa C., Meccanica del Volo, Edizione Plus, 2007, Part VII, Chapter 8


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