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Copyright©1994, AmericanSocietyforMicrobiology

The B Subunit of the DNA Polymerase a-Primase Complex in

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Executes an Essential Function

at the Initial Stage of DNA Replication



Dipartimento di Geneticae diBiologia deiMicrorganismi, 20133Milan,1IstitutoZooprofilatticoSperimentale, 25100


andIstituto diGenetica, 07100




Received 9 August 1993/Returned for modification 14 September 1993/Accepted5November 1993

The four-subunit DNApolymerase a-primase complexis uniqueinitsabilitytosynthesizeDNAchainsde

novo, and some in vitro data suggest its involvement in initiation and elongation of chromosomal DNA replication,although direct in vivoevidence forarole in theinitiation reaction is still lacking. The function of the Bsubunit of the complex is unknown, but theSaccharomyces cerevisiaePOL12gene,which encodes this protein, is essential for cellviability.Wehave produced different poll2 alleles byin vitro mutagenesisof the cloned gene. The in vivo analysis of our 18poll2 alleles indicates that the conserved carboxy-terminal two-thirds of the protein contains regions that are essential for cell viability, while the more divergent NH2-terminal portion is partially dispensable. The characterization of the temperature-sensitive poll2-T9 mutantallele demonstrates that the B subunit is required for in vivo DNA synthesis andcorrectprogression through S phase. Moreover, reciprocal shift experiments indicate that the POL12 gene product plays an

essential role at theearly stage ofchromosomal DNA replication, before the hydroxyurea-sensitive step. A modelfor the role of the B subunit in initiation of DNA replication atanorigin is presented.

Biochemical andgenetic evidence indicate that the DNA polymerase a-DNA primase complex (Pol a-primase) is involved in initiation of DNAreplicationatanorigin and in the synthesis of Okazaki fragmentsonthelagging strand of thereplication fork(reviewed inreferences 12, 37, and 67).

Studies of simianvirus 40(SV40) DNAreplication invitro have demonstrated that Pola-primase, in conjunction with replication protein A and T antigen, is required for the initiation of DNA synthesis on duplex DNA molecules containing the SV40 originofreplication (13, 38, 66). As the replication fork progresses, Pol a-primase primes and ex-

tendsnewDNA chainson thelagging-strand template, as a

result of itsunique ability to startDNAsynthesis denovo.

An in vitro yeast DNA replication system, capable of initiating DNA replication specifically and efficientlyatyeast origin sequences (ARS), is still lacking. Therefore, the definition of the role of theyeastPola-primase polypeptides dependsonthe analysisof theirbiochemicalproperties and

onthe production and characterization of mutations in the correspondinggenes (forareview, seereference 12).

Thestructureandcatalytic properties of the Pol a-primase complex subunits are highly conserved in a wide range of eukaryotic organisms (67). The protein complex of theyeast

Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains four polypeptideswith apparentmolecularmassesof180, 86, 58, and 48 kDa (7, 53).

Thep180 polypeptide has been showntobe thecatalytic Pol

asubunit, while the DNA primase isaheterodimer of the 58 and 48 kDapolypeptides (6, 7, 52, 53). We haveshownthat the p48 subunit is sufficient for RNA primer synthesis in vitro, althoughan auxiliary role for the 58-kDa polypeptide inDNAprimaseactivityinvivocannotbe excluded(62). In

*Correspondingauthor.Mailingaddress:Dipartimento di Genet- icae di Biologia deiMicrorganismi, ViaCeloria 26, 20133 Milan, Italy. Phone: 39-2-26605222 or 39-2-26605219. Fax: 39-2-2664551.

Electronic mailaddress: plevanip@imiucca.csi.unimi.it.

fact, p58 mediates and/or stabilizes the binding of the cata- lytic p48 primase subunittothep180 Polapolypeptide (41).

Cloningof the S. cerevisiaePOLl, PRII,andPR12genes,

which encode thep180, p48, and p58 subunits of theyeast complex, respectively, and the study of poll, pril, and pn2 lethal and conditional alleles have been essential in estab- lishing the roles of the corresponding gene products in mitotic DNA replication and in identifying functional do- mains in thepolymerase and primasepolypeptides (8, 26, 29, 42, 51, 54). Moreover, poll, pnil, and pn2 conditional mutants are defective in premeiotic DNA synthesis and showan enhancedrate ofintrachromosomal recombination and spontaneous mutation, which is generally correlated with the severity of their defects in cell growth and DNA synthesis (9, 41, 42). Since these mutant strains fail to accumulate high-molecular-weight DNA products (9, 29), the formation ofnicked and gapped replicated DNA mole- culesmight be responsible for the hyperrecombination phe- notypeusually found inyeastDNAsynthesismutants(33).

No enzymatic activity has been found tobe associated with the86-kDaprotein species(B subunit), which is tightly boundtothep180polypeptide, and the physiological role of p86ispresently unknown (7). Invitroreconstitution studies withpurifiedcomponentsindicate thatp86 isnotrequired for polymerase-primase interaction, and itspresence does not change the catalytic properties of Pola (6, 7). Recently, it has beenproposed that thehuman p86 homolog mightserve as amoleculartetherduringDNAreplication, because this subunitmediatesthe in vitrointeraction between the human Pol a-primase complex and T antigen bound to the SV40 origin of replication (14).

Asafirststepinidentifying the physiological role of the B subunit of theyeastPola-primase complex in vivo,wehave mutagenized by the two-codon insertion mutagenesis method (3) the essential POL12 gene, which was recently foundtoencodethep86 polypeptide (7,36a). The analysis of 923


the resulting mutations provides a map ofessential domains of the B subunit. Furthermore, the characterization of a temperature-sensitive poi12 allele demonstrates that wild- type p86 is required for in vivo DNA synthesisandcorrect progression through S phase. Finally, by mapping the POL12-dependent step with respect to the hydroxyurea (HU)-sensitive step, we found that the 86-kDa B subunit plays an essential role at the early stage ofchromosomal DNA replication.


Plasmids. Plasmid pJN7 contains an 8.3-kb


yeast genomic fragment carrying the POL12 gene in the pBlue- script SK+ plasmid vector(Stratagene).PlasmidpAC27was constructed as follows: the 3.1-kbLEU2BglII fragmentwas used to replace the 1,458-bp BglII region internal to the POL12 openreading frame(ORF),and thegenerated 4.9-kb SacI-KpnI fragment, with the disrupted POL12 gene, was then clonedin thepBluescript SK+ vector. Plasmids pJN7 andpAC27 weregenerous gifts from D. Hinkle (University of Rochester, Rochester, N.Y.). Plasmid pFE2 was pro- duced byinserting the blunted 4.3-kbXbaI-NcoI fragment, containing the entire POL12 gene, into the NruI site of YCp5O(59). PlasmidpFE7 is a pFE2derivativein which the genomicSacI siteatposition -143 from the first ATG of the POL12 ORF has been destroyed by T4 DNA polymerase treatment(61). Thismutationdoes notcauseanyphenotypic changecomparedwithpFE2. PlasmidpFE10isaderivative of the ARSI TRP1 CEN6 pLA411 plasmid (50) containing the blunted 4.3-kbXbaI-NcoIPOL12 fragment insertedinto the NnI site. Plasmid pFE3 contains the blunted 4.3-kb XbaI-NcoI POL12 fragment inserted into the blunted SalI site of YEp24 (59). Plasmid pFE118 is a pFE2 derivative containingaSacI sitecreated inthe 3' noncoding region at position +2191 from the firstPOL12ATG. Plasmid pFE132 contains the2.8-kb EcoRI-SacIPOL12 fragment fromplas- mid pFE118 inserted into plasmid pRS316 (64). Plasmid pFE135 is a pFE132 derivative in which theBamHI site at position + 1946 from the firstPOL12ATG has been filled in byEscherichia coli Klenow fragment treatment (61). Plas- midpFE130 carries the 2.9-kb SphI fragment from a pFE7 derivative plasmid, containing thepoll2-T9 allele inserted between the EcoRI and NruI sites of YIp5, after filling in with Klenow fragment andexonucleolytic treatmentwith T4 DNApolymerase (61).

Yeast strains. StrainTD-28 (A4Tainol ura3-52 canl)has beenpreviously described(29). StrainsH1514(MA Taura3-52 trpl-63 leu2-3,112) and H1515 (MA4Ta ura3-52 trpl-63 leu2- 3,112) were constructed by A. M. Cigan in A. G. Hinne- busch'slaboratory (National Institutes ofHealth, Bethesda, Md.). CYd6 is a diploid strain obtained by crossing strains H1514 and H1515. One ofthetwocopiesof thePOL12 gene in CYd6 has been disrupted byone-step gene replacement (59), by using the 4.1-kb SacI-KpnI fragment from plasmid pAC27, to generate strain CYd24. Strain CY46 (ura3-52 trpl-63 leu2-3,112 po112::LEU2[pFE10 POL12 TRP1 CEN6]) is a meiotic segregant of a CYd24 transformant containingthepFE10 plasmid.StrainCY196(MA Taura3-52 trpl-63leu2-3,112


isisogenicto strain H1514 and was obtained by transformation of H1514 with plasmid pFE130 linearized with BamHI and subsequent 5-fluoro- orotic acidtreatment (59)oftheobtainedtransformants; the replacementof thePOL12 wild-type copy has beenverified bySouthern analysis. Strain CY211 was obtainedbyreplac- ing the wild-type POL12 gene with the


allele in

strain CG378 (AToTa adeS canl leu2-3 leu2-112 trpl-289 ura3-52) as described above for the construction of strain CY196.

Mutagenesis of the POL12 gene. To obtain two-codon insertions in the POL12 gene (3), plasmid pFE7waslinear- ized by partial digestion with TaqI or MaeII followed by ligation in the presence of the oligonucleotide 5'-CGAGCT- 3', which generates a single SacI site. The ligation mixture was cut withSacl, and the 1.3-kb SacI fragment, containing the kanamycin resistance (Kanr) gene isolated from plasmid pUC4-KISS (Pharmacia), was added before ligation and transformation of the E. coli kanamycin-sensitive strain DH5at (Bethesda Research Laboratories). To obtain two- codon insertions, Kanr insertion plasmids were digested with Sacl and religated, leaving a Sacl site between the cytosine and guanine nucleotides ofeach original TaqI and MaeII site. Plasmids were used to transform yeast strain CY46 either before or after excision of the Kanr cassette.

Transformants were selected onSCplateswithouturaciland tryptophan (59) at 25°C andtested for their ability to grow on the same medium at different temperatures. No dominant phenotype was observed for any of the tested mutations.

Transformants were then assayed for their ability to loose the TRP1 POL12 pFE10 centromeric plasmid after growth under nonselective conditions at 25°C bythe plasmid-shuf- fling procedure (29). Trp- Ura+ clones, containing the differentpoll2 alleles on the pFE7 derivative plasmids,were then assayed for their ability to growwhenstreakedonYPD or SC plates (59) incubated at different temperatures. In- frame deletions of the POL12 gene (see Fig. 4) were con- structed by digestion with SacI of two plasmids containing different two-codon insertions followed by ligation on the same plasmid of the NH2- and COOH-terminal portions of POL12 derived from the two original mutant plasmids. The effect of the generated deletions was assayed in vivo as described above. The nature and extent ofthe insertion and deletion mutations were controlled by direct nucleotide sequencing.

Preparation of yeast extracts. Total protein extracts were prepared from 4 x 108 cells collected from logarithmically growing yeast cultures. Cells were washed with 20% tri- chloracetic acid in order to prevent proteolysis and were resuspended in 200 ,ul of 20% trichloroacetic acid at room temperature. After addition of the same volume of glass beads, cells were disrupted byvortexing for 2 min. Glass beadswere washed twice with200 ,ul of5% trichloroacetic acid, and the resulting extract was spunfor 10min at 3,000 rpm in anEppendorfmicrocentrifuge at room temperature.

Thepellet wasresuspendedin200,ul of Laemmli buffer(61), neutralized by adding 100 ,ul of1 M Trisbase, boiled for 3 min, and finally clarified by centrifugation as described above. Twenty-five-microgram aliquots of the extract, as determined bya Bio-Rad protein assay(61), were analyzed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS-PAGE).

Production of monoclonal antibodies and Western blot (immunoblot) analysis. BALB/c micewere immunized sub- cutaneously with 30 ,g of Pol a-primase complex immu- nopurified as previously described (53). The immunization protocol, fusion ofspleen cellstoNSO myelomacells, and screeningof hybridomasupernatants by enzyme-linked im- munosorbent assay were performed according to published procedures (30). Positive hybridomas were tested for their ability to positively react with the B subunit of the Pol a-primase complex on Western blots of the purified com- plex, as previously described (25). Ascites fluids were pro-


duced as previously described (62), and antibodies were isolated byproteinA-Sepharose adsorption and elution.

Fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) analysis. Cells were grown in YPDmedium, sonicated for 15 s, collected by centrifugation, and suspendedin70% ethanolfor 16 h.Cells were then washed in 0.25 M Tris-HCl (pH 7.5) and sus- pended in the samebuffer containing 2 mg of RNaseA per ml.Sampleswereincubated for 12 h at37°C and collected by centrifugation, and the pellet was resuspended in 0.5 M pepsin freshly dissolved in 55 mM HCl. Cells were then washed in 180 mMTris-HCl (pH


mMNaCl-70mM MgCl2 and stained in the same buffer containing 50,ug of propidium iodideper ml. Sampleswere then diluted 10-fold in 50 mMTris-HCl (pH 7.8) and analyzed by using a Becton Dickinson FACScan.

Mapping the POL12-dependent step within the cell cycle by reciprocalshift experiments.Therationale of reciprocal shifts to map the order of events during the yeast cell cycle has beendescribedpreviously (32, 55) and is discussed further in Results. Strain CY196 was used in experiments IA to IH of Table 2.Inthese experiments, the HU concentrations were 0.1 and 0.3 M, respectively, when used in the first and second incubations. In the first incubation it was necessary to keep theyeast cultures in the presence of 0.1 M HU for 3.5 h toobtain >90% arrested cells. In the second incubation HU was used at 0.3 M to prevent cells from bypassing the HU block. The shift to the restrictive temperature was performedfor 4.5 h at 37°C to obtain >90% arrested large- budded cells during the first incubation and to allow their efficientrecovery. In the second incubation, the temperature was raised to 38°C to increase the tightness of the tempera- ture-sensitiveblock. Exponentially growing CY196 cultures (about 90% budded cells) underwent the first incubation in YPD or YPD plus HU liquid medium, and, after mild sonication, cellswere spotted on YPD or YPD plus HU agar plates forthe secondincubation. The percentage of budded cells present in the first incubation and producing adjacent pairs of large-budded cells in the second incubation was scored microscopically at different times. The values re- ported inTable 2 refer to the 6-h time point, when >90% of cells in the control experiments IC and IG gave raise to microcolonies in the second incubation. Strain CY211 was used in experiments IIA to IIE. In experiment IIA, an exponentially growing culture was shifted directly to 38°C.

In experiments IIB to IIE, cells were synchronized by addition of2 ,ug ofa-factor per ml (final concentration) and incubation at 25°Cfor 2.5 h. Approximately 80 and 20% of the cellswere,respectively, unbuddedor large budded after thistreatment. a-factorwasremoved byfiltration, and cells were either directlyplated after sonication on YPD (exper- iments IIBand IIC) or resuspended in YPD liquid medium containing0.1 M HUandincubatedfor anadditional 2.5 h at 25°C before being platedon YPD(experimentsIIDandIIE).

A 2.5-h incubation in the presence of HUwas sufficient to obtain >90% large-buddedcells. The percentage of adjacent pairs of large-budded cells in the second incubation was scoredas describedabove, and the values reported in Table 2 again refer to the 6-h time point.


Sixindependent mousemonoclonal antibodies recognizethe 86-kDapolypeptide encodedby thePOL12 gene. The second- largest polypeptide (B subunit) of the yeast Pol a-primase complex is encoded by thePOL12gene (7,36a). This gene is essential for cellviability, since tetradsheterozygousfor the


2B21° 6D2 5E5







2B1 4C4



p86 -'-



1 2 3

116- 97.4- 66-



FIG. 1. Western blot analysis of crude extracts from yeast cells overexpressing the POL12 gene. (A) Hybridoma cell lines producing the2B2, 6D2,5E5, 2H8, 2B1, and 4C4 monoclonal antibodies were raised as described inMaterialsand Methods, and ascites fluids at a dilutionof1:2,000 were used to probe by immunoblotting 30


of crude protein extract from strains TD-28[YEp24] (SC) and TD- 28[pFE3](HC).Theposition of the POL12 gene product (86 kDa) is indicated by the arrow. (B) A mixture of the six monoclonal antibodies (1:2,000 dilution) was used to probe a Western blot containing an aliquot of immunopurified Pol a-primase complex (lane 1)or30


of crude protein extract from strainTD-28[YEp24]

(lane 2)orTD-28[pFE3] (lane 3).

POL12 disruption contain only two viable spores (data not shown). The predicted molecular mass of the POL12 gene product is 78.9 kDa, while the purified protein migrates as an 86-kDa polypeptide when analyzed by SDS-PAGE (7). Since most of our immunopurified Pola-primase complex prepa- rations contain amajor74-kDa protein band (53, 62) and a panel of monoclonal antibodies was produced against this complex, it was of interest to verify whether some of these antibodies recognized the 86-kDa polypeptide in crude ex- tracts when proteolysis was prevented.

As shown in Fig. 1A, six independent antibodies specifi- cally identified an 86-kDa protein species which is enriched in extracts from cells containing the POL12 gene on a high-copy-number plasmid. When an immunopurified Pol a-primase complex was probed on a Western blot with a mixture of the six monoclonal antibodies, a band migrating with the same electrophoretic mobility as that of thePOL12



B Cdc6 Top2 polE


pola p86

10 327 701 4 180 95




KKR - 118

FIG. 2. Nuclearlocalization of p86. (A)Thenuclearlocalization ofp86instrainTD-28[pFE3]grownunder selective conditionswas

determined by insitu indirect immunofluorescenceonfixed cells, by usinga 1:2,000 dilution of the 6D2 anti-p86 monoclonal antibody (mAb)asthe primary antibody and a rodhamine-conjugated goat anti-mouseimmunoglobulin G (Boehringer) asthe secondaryanti- body (56).The DNA-bindingdye DAPIwasusedtovisualize the

nucleusin thesame cells (56). (B)Thepotential bipartite nuclear localization signal (boxed) found, at the indicated amino acid positions, inthe listedS. cerevisiae DNA replication proteins.

gene productwas clearly detectable (Fig. 1B), although a

74-kDapolypeptidewasfoundasthe majorimmunoreactive protein. These results confirm that the POL12geneencodes

an 86-kDapolypeptide which is highly sensitive to proteo- lysis duringpurification.

Thep86 polypeptide is localized in the nucleus. Since p86 belongstoaprotein complex whose activity isrequired for chromosomal DNAreplication, its subcellular localization should benuclear. Asshown in Fig. 2A, all p86expressedon a high-copy-number plasmid under the control of its own

promoterisdetected in the nucleusby indirect immunoflu-

orescence with monoclonal antibodies against the POL12

geneproduct. When the POL12 gene waspresentinsingle

copy, no immunofluorescent cells were found under the

sameexperimental conditions (datanotshown). These data confirm the specificity of the immunological reagents used andsuggestthatp86 ispresentatalowlevelinawild-type background.

Consistent withthefindingthatp86isanuclearprotein,a survey of the primary amino acid sequence of thePOL12

geneproduct identifies aregion, spanning 23 residues from position 95toposition 118, containingtwoclustersofbasic aminoacidsseparated byan18-amino-acidspacer(Fig. 2B).

Thisbipartitemotiffunctionsasanuclearlocalizationsignal (21) and ispresentinseveralyeastDNAreplication proteins (Fig. 2B).

Two-codon insertion mutagenesis and deletion analysis of thePOL12gene.Theamino acidsequencederived from the

largest POL12 ORFshowssignificant homology with those of thecorrespondingsubunits of the Pol a-primase complex fromhuman, mouse, and Drosophila melanogaster cells (14, 15, 43). Clusters of conserved amino acid residues are mostly confined within the COOH-terminal two-thirds of theseproteins (14). It isworth notingthatthe POL12 gene product exhibits weak homology (20% identity and 41%

similarity) also with the second-largest polypeptide (B sub- unit) of theyeast DNAPol II(e) complex, encoded bythe DPB2 gene (1). Themostconserved region among the p86 homologs is proximalto thecarboxylterminus andcontains the VINPG motif, which is found also in the DPB2 gene product (Fig. 3). The NH2-terminal half of p86 is more divergent, although, as in the human homolog(14), several putative p34Cdc/cdc2 phosphorylation sites can be found (datanotshown).

Inorderto evaluate the physiological role of p86 and to define its putative functional domains, wemutagenized the POL12 gene on a centromeric plasmid by the two-codon insertion method(3).Asdescribed inmoredetail inMateri- als andMethods,an oligonucleotide thatcreates a newand unique SacI restriction site was inserted at random into various TaqI andMaeII sites in thePOL12 gene(Fig. 4A), and linker insertions wereselected by ligation of the bacte- rialKanrgene in the Sacl site. The mutatedplasmidswere tested for their abilities tocomplement the lethal effect ofa chromosomalpoll2::LEU2 disruption, either beforeorafter the excision of the Kanr cassette, by assaying yeast cell viability and growth rates at 19, 25, 37, and 39°C after plasmid shuffling. No complementation was found with plasmids carrying theKanrcassettein thePOL12 gene atall the positions indicated in Fig.4B (datanot shown). There- fore, thelargest POL12 ORF is coextensive with the genetic complementationunit.

As summarized in Table 1, the two-amino-acid insertion Leu-261-Glu-Leu-Asp-262(poll2-T7)resulted in cell lethal- ity, while insertions Ile-417-Glu-Leu-Asp-418 (poll2-T9) andAsn-535-Glu-Leu-Val-536 (poll2-M2)causedtempera- ture sensitivity for growth at 37°C. All of the other two- amino-acid insertions (poll2-T2, poll2-T3, poll2-TS, poll2- T6, andpoll2-T8)had noeffect.In-framedeletions (Fig. 4B) werealsogenerated asdescribedinMaterials and Methods and testedasdescribed above.From thisanalysis(Table 1) we found that neither the 30-amino-acid region spanning fromAsp-6 toVal-35 (poll2-AT2, T3) northe45-amino-acid regionspanningfrom Ser-181toLeu-224(poll2-AT4, T6)was essential for p86 function. However, both a largein-frame deletion spanning from Glu-36 to Leu-261


andasmalldeletionspanningfromGlu-411toIle-417(poll2- AT8,19)were lethal to thecell. Filling in of the BamHI site at position +1946 from the first ATG of thePOL12 ORF generatesaframeshift mutationleadingtothe


ofa protein lacking the last COOH-terminal41 amino acidsof

Sc p86 Dm p73

628 P D I M I I P S E L Q H F A R V V Q N V V V I N P G R F I R 657 591 - N V L - L - - D Q R - - I - L - N D C L - - - - - - V A D 620 Mouse p68 535 - - V F - V - - - - R Y - V K D I F G C - C V - - - - L T K 564 Human p67 535 - - V L - - - - - - R Y - V K D - L G C - C V- - - - L T K 564 Sc Dpb2 646 S T M V L C D I T S A Q - D L T Y N G C K - - - - - S - - H 675

FIG. 3. Astretchof amino acids is conserved in theBsubunitsof DNAPolaand PolE.Numbers indicate the bordersof thecompared regions. Only nonidentical amino acid residuesareshown forpolypeptidesother thanyeastp86. Sc,S. cerevisiae; Dm,D. melanogaster.







T3 T5





TAG-CTA T2T4 T6' T8T82fM2fs



Taq cleavage

- AT2,T3

zzATII T4,T5





+ AT4,T6


_____________ _______________ AT7,T8

lkjabon AT8,T9

______ _

t AT9,M2

I IlebILGIuILeulAw ! frameshift


FIG. 4. Linker insertionmutagenesis of the POL12 gene.(A)Relevant steps of the two-amino-acid linker insertionmutagenesis method (see text for details). (B) The bar represents schematically the p86 protein,with arrows indicating the positions of the two-amino-acid insertionsatTaqI(T2toT9) and MaeII (M2) restriction sites,aswellasthe frameshift mutationatposition+1946(fs)of thePOL12 ORF.

The black box represents theputative nuclear localizationsignal,while the gray boxesindicate the amino acidregions conserved in the p86 homologs from othereukaryotes.Inthe bottom part of thefigure, the in-frame deletions and the frameshift mutation described in thetext are diagrammaticallyrepresented.

wild-type p86 andcarrying an altered amino acidsequence from position 664to674 (Fig. 4B). This mutation islethal, and therefore the p86regionfromSer-664toSer-705islikely tobe essential forp86 function.

TABLE 1. Growthphenotypes of thepoll2 mutantsa Growthlevelb at:

Allele Insertion-deletionc

25°C 37°C

Wild type ++++++ +++++++

T2 ++++++ +++++++ I-5-EL-D-6

T3 ++++++ +++++++ V-35-EL-E-36

T5 ++++++ +++++++ T-193-SS-S-194

T6 ++++++ +++++++ L-224-SS-S-225

T7 - - L-261-EL-D-262

T8 ++++++ +++++++ L-410-EL-E-411

T9 +++ -/+ I-417-EL-D-418

M2 + + + + + + N-535-EL-V-536

AT2,T3 ++++++ +++++++ E-6-L-36

AT3,T7 - - E-36-L-262

AT4,T5 ++++++ +++++++ S-181-S-194

AT4,T6 ++++++ +++++++ S-181-S-225

AT5,T6 ++++++ +++++++ S-194-S-225

AT7,T8 - - E-262-L-411

AT8,T9 - - E-411-L-418

AT9,M2 - - E-418-L-536

Frameshift - - S-664-ILCTNYCPMPZ

aTransformants of strain CY46containing


derivativescarryingthe indicatedpoll2mutations and cured of the TRPIplasmidcarrying the POL12 wild-type gene were streaked on YPD plates, which were incubated at different temperatures.

bThelevel ofgrowthwasevaluated after 3 days.A minus indicatesno growth, while the number of plus signs indicates theextentof growth compared withthat of strainscarrying thewild-typePOL12 gene on plasmid pFE2, pFE7, orpFE132. Nogrowth at both 25 and37°C indicates the inabilityofthe correspondingtransformant to lose thePOL12 copyontheTRPIplasmid.

IThepositions of the two-amino-acid insertions (boldface)and thebound- ariesof thein-frame deletionsareindicatedby numbers. The position of the frameshiftmutation and the modified amino acid sequence (boldface) of the derived truncatedproteinarealso shown. Amino acidresidues are indicated inthe one-lettercode.

Allof the two-amino-acid insertions causingeither a lethal (poll2-T7) or a temperature-sensitive (poll2-T9 andpoll2- M2) phenotype are located withinamino acid regions con- served in thep86 homologs from other species (Fig. 4B).All of the in-frame deletions without any detectable effect re- move amino acid residues in nonconserved regions within the NH2-terminal third of the protein. Conversely, poll2- AT8,T9, which removes only seven amino acids in a con- servedregion, is lethal, as are larger deletions in both the NH2- and COOH-terminal halves of p86.

The POL12 gene product is required for in vivo DNA synthesis and forprogressionthrough S phase. The produc- tion ofaconditional mutation in the POL12gene


allowedus toinvestigate the physiological role of thecorre- sponding gene product. Since the plasmid carrying the originalpoll2-79mutationwaslostathigh frequency,result- ing inaslow-growth phenotype even at25°C(Table 1), the wild-type chromosomal copyin strain H1514was replaced withthe


mutantallele(see Materials and Methods).

The growth rates, cell morphologies, DNA contents, and kinetics of DNA synthesis of the wild-type and isogenic mutantstrainswerecomparedatthepermissive andnonper- missive temperatures.

As shown in Fig. 5A, the growth rate of the


mutantstrain at25°Cwasonly slightlydifferentfrom that of the isogenic wild-type strain. Conversely, after the shift to therestrictivetemperature(37°C),the


strain exhib- ited a clear growth defect and mutant cells arrested as dumbbell-shapedcells withasingle nucleus,asobservedby 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) staining (data not shown).

Even at25°C,


cells were somewhat larger than normal and more likely than wild-type cells to be large budded, althoughthedoublingtimes weresimilarinthetwo strains (110 and 100 min, respectively). Furthermore, the percentage ofunbudded G1 cells at 25°C was significantly lower in thepol12-T9strainthan in thewild-type strain (Fig.

6A).This reducedproportionofG1 cellscould result from a delayduring progression throughSphase.Ithas been shown


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16



wi-ype 39% 26% 35%

p0112-79 10% 30% 60%


wild-type 370C

Hours 1.0

2.5 5 h 5.0


0 CoO

45% 16% 39%

32% 35% 33%

32% 32% 36%

2.5 h





2 4 6 8 10 12 14



FIG. 5. Growth rate of thetemperature-sensitivepoll2-79mu- tant strain. Cultures ofwild-type (closed symbols) andpol12-T9 (open symbols) cells, logarithmically growingat25°C,weredivided into two aliquots,whichwereincubated at25°C (A) orshiftedto

37°C at the indicated time (B). Cell numberswere monitored by direct cellcountingwithalight microscope.

thatalongerSphaseleadstolarger daughtercellsatthe time ofcell separation, reducing the requirementforgrowth and time inG1 in thesubsequent cell cycle (23, 39).The decrease inthe G1populationinthepoll2-T9strain islikelytobe due tothis indirect mechanism rather thantodirect acceleration ofthe G1-Stransition,becausepoll2-T9cellsarelargerthan wild-type cells. Infact, mutations that reduce the lengthof G1byacceleratingtheG1-Stransitionareusuallyassociated with a smaller size (16). When the DNA contents of the mutant andwild-typecellswereanalyzed byFACSatboth the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures, the poll2-T9 mutant strain was found to exhibit an abnormal DNA content even at 25°C (Fig. 6A). Consistentwith the morphological observation, averylowproportionofmutant cells had a normal G1 1C DNA content. Also, a higher

Hours 0 1.0 30%

2.5 18%

*5h 5.0 5%









_ I 1h1

FIG. 6. Cell morphology and FACS analysis ofwild-type and poll2-79cells.Samplesfrom theculturesgrownat25or37°Cshown in Fig. 5 were collected at the times indicated and analyzed morphologicallyand for DNAcontentbyFACS. Thepercentagesof unbudded, small-budded, andlarge-budded cellswere determined after sonication for 15 s and fixation in anequalvolume of3.7%

formaldehyde-0.15 MNaCl followedby countingof 10independent fields foratotal ofatleast 200 cellunits.

percentage of mutant cells than of wild-type cells were

traversing S phase.After 1 hat37°C, the proportionof cells inG1 increased in both thewild-type andmutantstrains, as a result of the temperature shock (60) (Fig. 6B and C).

However, thewild-type populationexhibiteda normal dis- tribution ofG1 andG2 cells after either 2.5or5 hat37°C,as

determined by cell morphology and FACS analysis (Fig.

6B). Conversely, after2.5hat37°Cthepoll2-T9 population accumulated an abnormal amount of S-phase cells, which

were stillpresentafter 5 h, atwhich time themajority had arrested as dumbbell-shaped cells with a nearly 2C DNA content (Fig. 6C). Therefore, thepoll2-T9 mutation must affect cell cycle progression by increasing the length ofS phase. All of the defective phenotypes resulting from the poll2-T9mutation, together with thebiochemical evidence that p86 is tightly bound to the replicative DNA Pol a,

stronglysuggestadirect role for thePOL12geneproductin

some aspects of chromosomal replication. To address this question more directly, we analyzed the kinetics of DNA synthesisinthewild-typeandpolJ2-T9strainsatpermissive andnonpermissive temperatures. As shown in Fig. 7A, no











2 0

0.0 CL

















CD) co

a) 0

FIG. 7. Ki mutantcells.

mented with aliquots, whic indicatedtimt measured as

incorporation tivitymeasur incubation at labeledprecu


precursorin at25°C. Ho' ture,poll2-1 sis(Fig. 7B) observed (c defect ofthi Mapping cycle by rec

replication 4

termination cuted in at4 cells, by us

and/or inhib replication f

because it appears to play a bifunctional role during the






and in the

elongation step (67,

68). However, it is unknown whether all components of the complex are involved in both reactions. Therefore, we decided to map thePOL12-dependent step with respect to the HU-sensitive step, since it is known that HU inhibits the elongation reaction and causes cells to arrest as large- budded cells (32, 65). If the POL12 gene product was


involved in initiation of DNA

replication, poll2

temperature-sensitive mutant cells would complete the cell cycle at the restrictive temperature after HU removal and arrest as adjacent pairs of large-budded cells (see Materials and Methods). Alternatively, if p86 played a role in DNA elongation and, therefore, thePOL12-dependent step over- lapped the HU-sensitive step, the shift from HU to thepoll2 restrictive conditions would not allow the cells to proceed further in the cell cycle and they would arrest as single 0 2 4 6 8 10 large-budded cells. Reciprocal shift experiments were car- ried out with poll2-T9 strains, and the results are summa- rized in Table 2. When

exponentially growing poi12-19

I O cultures blocked with HU at the permissive temperature

250C 370C

were shifted to


(Table 2, experiment IA), over 80% of the cells could recover from the HU block, since they arrested as adjacent pairs of large-budded cells. A shift of exponentiallygrowingpoll2-T9cultures (10% unbudded and 90% budded cells) from 25 to


(experiment IB) caused the cells toarrest either as single large-budded cells (14%) or l as pairs of adjacent large-budded cells (86%), as expected for a tight mutation leading to arrestin the first cell cycle. The HU treatment was reversible and not lethal (experiment IC), since 89% of cells were able to form colonies after HU removal, although the HU block was complete throughout the experiment (experiment ID). These data suggest that the POL12 gene product is required before the HU-sensitive step. The results of experiments IE to IH in Table 2 are consistent with this interpretation. In fact, transfer of 0 2 4 6 8 10 poll2-T9cells from 37°C to HU at 25°Cshould cause


Hours arrest with cells as single large-budded cells if the HU- sensitive step followed the step requiring the POL12 func- inetics ofDNA synthesis forwild-type andpoil2-T9 tion. Indeed, the proportion of budded cells able to execute Exponentially growing culturesat 25°C were supple- the HU-sensitive step (pairs of adjacent large-budded cells in [5,6-3H]uracil at 7,uCi/ml andwere divided into two HU) was markedly reduced when the first incubation was chwere incubatedat 25°C (A) orshifted to370C at the carried out at37°Cinstead of


(experiments IE and IF).

e(B). [3H]uracilincorporation intoDNA or RNA was arrest at37°Cwasreversible (experimentIG)

previously described (29). The increase in [3H]uracil The


a ,

isgiven as the ratio between theamountofradioac-




block was complete ed at the indicated times and that foundafter 1 h of throughouttheexperiment

(experiment IH).

t the permissive temperature in the presence of the To further confirm theorderingof the


rsor. tive step with respect to the HU-sensitive step during the cell

cycle, we performed the reciprocal shift experiment on a-factor-synchronized poll2-T9 cultures (Table 2, experi- ments IIB to IIE). For this purpose we used strain CY211, difference in the incorporation of the labeled whichcarriesthepoll2-T9 mutation in a genetic background ito DNAwas observed betweenthe two strains different from that of strain CY196, which was used in the wever, after the shift to the restrictive tempera- previous experiments. As shown by experiment IIA, strain 19cellsexhibited aclear defect in DNA synthe- CY211 behaves like strain CY196 when shifted from 25 to

I.Acomparabledefect in RNAsynthesiswas not 38°C.When cells were synchronized inG1 witha-factorand


not shown), indicating that the primary thenreleased from the pheromone treatment at38°C(exper- ismutant is an impairment in DNAreplication. iment IIB), they arrested in the first cell cycle as single the POL12-dependent step within the yeast cell large-budded cells, as expected for a tight mutationaffecting iprocal shift experiments. The process of DNA a function required after start. Conversely, cells completed can be divided into initiation, elongation, and the first cell cycle and arrested as pairs of adjacent large- events, which require different functions exe- budded cells when


cultures were emporal order that can be established, in yeast incubated in the presence of HU and released from HU at

;ing cell division cycle mutants (cdc mutants) 380C (experiment IID). These data demonstrate that the itorydrugs (31, 32, 36, 55). Among the different POL12 gene product plays an essential role at the initial factors, the Pol a-primase complex is peculiar, stage of the DNA replication, before the HU-sensitive step.


TABLE 2. Mappingof the POL12-dependent step with respect to the HU-sensitive step Second incubation

Strain Expt Conditions4of % of budded cells that produce:

first incubationincubationCConditions4 Totalexaminedno.of cells One large-budded Two adjacent large-

cell buddedcellsb

CY196 IA HU 380C 115 16 84

IB 250C 380C 114 14 86

IC HU 250C 120 11

ID HU HU 100 91

IE 370C HU 104 81 19

IF 250C HU 117 10 90

IG 370C 250C 107 15

IH 370C 380C 103 97

CY211 IIA 250C 380C 112 20 80

IIB a-Factor 380C 134 85 15

IIC a-Factor 250C 123 12

IID a-Factor-->HU 380C 125 16 84

IIE a-Factor-->HU 250C 142 10

SeeMaterialsand Methods for details.



gaverise to microcolonies in cases for whichnonumber is given.


Chromosomereplicationin Sphase isacentral event in all eukaryotic cell cycles,andthetiming ofentryinto S phaseis tightly regulated (reviewedinreferences 18, 24, 40, and 57).

Further,DNA replication is limited to onceper cell cycle, and control mechanisms exist to prevent rereplication and entranceinto mitosis when replication isnotproperlycom- pleted(reviewed in references17, 22, 27, 33, 40, 46, and49).

However, the moleculardetailsofturning replicationonand offarestilllargely unknown(58). Infact, whileanumber of genes have been shown to be necessary for the linkage between the START commitment control and entry into S phase (reviewed in references 48 and 57), the molecular mechanisms which regulate the activity of the replication machineryarenotyetunderstood. There issomeevidence that essential replication proteins are modified in a cell cycle-dependent manner (20, 28, 47), suggesting thatentry and exit into S phase might be modulated by posttransla- tionalmodifications that activate or repress the activity of replication factors.

Among the threeDNApolymerases involved in chromo- somal DNAreplication (67), DNA Pol a, with the tightly bound DNA primase, plays a peculiar function since it is involvedboth ininitiation of DNAreplication at an origin and in the elongation reaction. This dual role has been suggested by analysis of the biochemical and catalyticprop- erties of the Pol a-primase complex and by reconstitution studies withpurifiedcomponents,mostly performedwith the SV40 in vitro DNAreplication system (reviewed in refer- ences37 and 67). However, direct invivo evidence of the dualrole ofthe Pola-primase complex isstilllacking.

The four-subunit structureof the Pol a-primase complex has beenhighly conserved ineukaryotic organismsasphy- logeneticallydistant asyeasts andmammals(67).Aprotein, ranginginsize from 67to86kDa(B subunit),has beenfound tightlyassociated with the p180Pol apolypeptide. In vitro reconstitution experiments indicate that yeast p86 is not required for the formation of a physical complex between Pola and theprimase polypeptides(6). Furthermore, p86 is notnecessaryforRNAprimer formationanddoes not affect any of the parameters of Polacatalysis,such asprocessivity or the Km for deoxynucleoside triphosphates or for the

primerterminus(7). Nonetheless,afunctional POL12gene, encoding the86-kDa Bsubunit, is requiredfor cellviability, suggestingthatthis polypeptide performs anessential func- tion. Recently, it has been shown that the human Pol a-primase complex stimulates the ATP-dependent bindingof SV40Tantigentothe viraloriginofreplication (44), and the B subunit appears to playa crucial role in mediating theT antigen-Pol a-primase interaction (14).

Thephysiological characterizationof the 18differentpoll2 alleles described in thiswork, together with the finding that the B subunit of Pola-primase inall eukaryotic organisms analyzedsofarshows conservedregions withintheCOOH- terminal two-thirds of the proteins (14), suggests that this region might play an essential role for the interaction be- tweenp86andthep180Polapolypeptide.Infact,allbutone of the mutationsinthisregion lead eitherto atemperature- sensitivephenotypeor tocelllethality. Conversely, mostof the two-amino-acid insertions in the more divergent NH2- terminalregion, andeven some significant amino acid dele- tions in thisportion of the protein, donot causeanyaltered phenotype, although larger deletions in the same region, which include the nuclear localization signal, are lethal.

Proteins likely to be involved in the initial stages ofDNA replication, such asthe Pola-primasecomplex and replica- tionprotein A, are involvedinspecies-specific interactions (5, 45, 63). TheNH2-terminal230 aminoacidsof the human Pola-primaseBsubunitaresufficient for in vitrointeraction with Tantigen (14), and it is known thatthis interaction is species specific (45). Therefore, the more divergent NH2- terminal region ofthe Pola-primase B subunitmight have evolvedtointeractwithspecies-specific key factors,suchas origin recognition proteins, and therefore would lack the tightevolutionary constraints expected for proteindomains involvedin acatalytic function.

Amongstrains carrying the different mutations produced in the POL12 gene, the characterization of the


temperature-sensitivemutantstrainallowed us togainrele- vant information about the role of the Pol a-primase B subunitin DNAreplicationin vivo. We have shown that the


mutantstrainisimpairedinDNAsynthesisin vivo after shifttothenonpermissivetemperature. Underrestric- tiveconditions, cellsarrestwith adumbbellshape,withan


undividednucleus at the neck between mother and daughter cells. This terminal




of budding-yeast DNA synthesis mutants (12).

Whenthe cell


and DNA content



cells were


at the


and nonpermissive


cells showed a defect in cell cycle progres-

sion, probably

because of an


delay, and arrested witha


2C DNA content. This


isnot surprising, because even cells with mutations in essential DNA poly- merases often arrest with a


iC DNA content

(2, 10, 68),

and this behavior is interpreted to be a


of mutations which

only partially

affect the core

replication machinery

at the


tempera- ture. The observation that


cells can complete one round of cell division and DNA


atthe restrictive




with a


2CDNA content couldbe the result of residual and abnormal DNAsynthesis that


activate the RAD9

checkpoint (33,

68). It will be of interest to


the RAD9


of different



since this

dependency appears

to be allele specific andis influenced




conditions (68).





is initiated at multiple


it is



distinguish, solely

onthe basis of DNA

content, between a defect in initiation

and one in


For the same




inS phase does not

distinguish incomplete

initiation from an elongation defect.


the Pol a-primase complex appears

tobe involved in

both the

initiation and

elongation steps

ofDNA replica-


we used the


mutant to determine the



action of the

POL12 gene product

with respect to the HU-sensitive


We found that the B subunit of the Pol

a-primase complex

is able to


its functioneven when DNA


is inhibited

by HU,

as has been observed forthe CDC46



(11) gene products,

which also

appear to have essential

roles in initiation ofDNA replica- tion. The




allele doesnot rule out the


that the B subunit




a role in the

elongation step



and more alleles will be



complementary approaches

will be taken to



point. Nonetheless,

our results showingthat p86 is

required at a stage preceding the HU-sensitive

step clearly


that this


is essential for initiation of DNA replication in vivo.

Defective interactions among proteins required

for initia- tion of DNA




result in a less efficient activation of

replication origins,

leading to an in- crease in the


of S


as we detected in the

po1l2-T9 mutant. Since one of the initial

stages of DNA

replication requires



of the Pol



at an origin of replication,



that the



product mediates the interaction between the


complex and proteins


in modulating


(Fig. 8), such as the origin recognition complex

(4), replica- tion




or the CDC6and CDC46 geneproducts,

whose biochemical functions are still unknown.

The finding

that the human B subunit mediates Pol a-T

antigen interac-

tion in vitro (14) is in agreement with this

model. Since the

origin recognition complex appears to

be bound at yeast



replication during

mostor all of the cellcycle (19),

it is reasonable to suggest that origin firing may


by interactions with other critical protein factors

(18). In this

view, the p86 B subunit may have a regulatory

function in



synthesis by loading the



complex at the origin, either by direct interaction

with the

origin recognition complex


by mediating the

assembly of

the initiation complex through the interaction

with replica-





w p86 0











5' 5'

Npol 5/

5t 5'


8. Model for a regulatory role of the





in initiation of DNA


at an origin. Relevant


are indicated




A change from black to

white for the origin recognition complex (ORC) and

p86 symbols




in the


of these


(see text for details).

tion protein

A or

other, yet-unidentified key


(indicated by the question

mark in

Fig. 8).

We have recently found that the




B subunit is a stable

protein which is posttranslationally modified

in a cell cycle-



(unpublished data).

Therefore, we pro-

pose that changes in the phosphorylation state

of p86 might

modulate the regulatory role of the B subunit in




are indebted to D. Hinkle (University of Rochester,


ter, N.Y.), for communicating the nucleotide sequence

of the

POL12 gene and for the gift of plasmids pJN7

and pAC27, which were

essential prerequisites for

this work. We thankT. Kelly (Johns

Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.) for communicating

results from

his laboratory before publication. We are grateful

to M. Baroni

and D. Porro (University of Milan) for


help and

assistance in

FACS analysis. We thank Ricardo Capone for construction

of some

po1l2 deletions, A. G. Hinnebusch (NICHHD, Bethesda,

Md.) for

yeast strains,


all the members of our laboratory

for useful

discussions and criticisms.


work has been partially supported by grants

fromthe Target

Projects Biotechnology and Bioinstrumentation and



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