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In the previous chapters of this book, we have seen that pressure ulcers (de- cubitus ulcers) are extremely common in patients who are bed or chair bound, e.g. during hospitalization or because of spinal cord injuries. The ul- cers can range frommild coloration of the skin to deep non-healing wounds, which extend into organs or bone. This complex pathology and aetiology of pressure ulcers makes a clinical evaluation by physical examination alone very difficult, if not impossible. Therefore, there is a great need for diagnostic methods to evaluate the depth and extent of pressure ulcers.

With their ability to measure structural, functional and metabolic pa- rameters in healthy and diseased tissue, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and spectroscopy (MRS) offer a variety of fast and non-invasive tools that can be used not only for diagnosis and suitable planning of treatment, but also for a better understanding of the mechanisms underly- ing the formation of pressure ulcers.

In this chapter the current MR literature on pressure ulcers is discussed and new techniques that can be used in research and clinical diagnosis are proposed. The outline of the chapter is as follows. First the present role of MR techniques in pressure ulcer research is reviewed. Subsequently, a brief description of the basic principles of MR is given, followed by an explana- tion of a number of MR modalities and their (possible) applications in re- lation to the investigation of pressure ulcers. We conclude with a summary and perspective.

Present Role of MR

Magnetic resonance imaging has proven an important non-invasive experi- mental tool in the detection and characterization of pathologies in the musculoskeletal system (see e.g. [1±7]). The technique offers excellent soft tissue contrast and high anatomical resolution. Therefore, it is rather sur- prising that there are only a few systematic MRI studies of pressure ulcers in humans and animal models, especially because MRI can provide the clues for a fast and accurate diagnosis, which might prove crucial for effi- cient medical or surgical treatment.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

and Spectroscopy of Pressure Ulcers

Gustav Strijkers, Jeanine Prompers, Klaas Nicolay



Human clinical studies have been conducted mainly on debilitated pa- tients with spinal cord injuries, who often develop chronic pressure ulcers (see other chapters of this volume). In a study by Hencey et al. [8], 37 male spinal cord injury patients who had current or recent sacral, ischial or peritrochanteric pressure ulcers were examined with MRI. It was concluded that MRI could play an important role in the clinical evaluation of decubi- tus ulcers. The technique was able to detect the extent of soft tissue changes, adjacent fluid collection and the involvement of bone.

In contrast, Rubayi et al. [9] reported a case study of six spinal cord in- jury patients with iliopsoas abscess evaluated by MRI, computed tomogra- phy (CT), conventional radiography, and radionuclide scanning. Iliopsoas abscesses were best diagnosed and treated using CT. Fromthis study it was concluded that CT was superior to MRI and other radiographic methods.

More recently Huang et al. [10] evaluated the clinical accuracy of MRI was in the diagnosis of osteomyelitis in the pelvis/hips of 44 paralysed pa- tients and the utility of MR mapping of the disease extent as a guide to the extent of surgical resection. It was found that MRI is able to diagnose the associated findings in spinal cord-injured patients and can also guide the surgeons as to the anatomic extent, allowing accurate and limited treat- ment.

Ruan et al. [11] also evaluated the use of MRI in making clinical deci- sions when assessing non-healing pressure ulcers and non-healing myocu- taneous flaps for the presence of abscesses, osteomyelitis, sinus tracts and fluid collections. This was done in 12 patients as part of their pre- and postoperative diagnostic evaluation. A number of case studies illustrated the complicated treatment and evaluation. It was concluded that MRI could be used to identify and evaluate the pressure ulcers in the preoperative per- iod.To our knowledge, there are only a few histological animal model stud- ies on pressure ulcers [12±15], and only one that combines histology and MRI [16]. In the latter work decubitus ulcers were induced in the tibialis anterior muscle and overlying skin in the right hind limb of the rat by compression from an indenter over the tibia. MR images were obtained in vivo 24 h after load application, and subsequently tissues were processed for ex vivo histological examination. The amount and extent of the damage determined with MRI and from histology were in good agreement. It was concluded that MRI, as it is non-destructive, is a promising alternative for histology in research on pressure ulcer aetiology and, especially, in follow- up studies to evaluate the development of muscle damage over time and in clinical studies.

The studies above, although limited in number, have clearly shown that MRI can be a useful tool for the clinical assessment and in the research of the aetiology of pressure ulcers. However, apart fromthe use of MRI, to provide basic contrast and mainly anatomical information, there are a number of MRI modalities available nowadays that have found no applica- tion in pressure ulcer research yet. Tagging MRI, diffusion-weighted MRI and perfusion MRI offer the possibility to measure local muscle fibre de-


formation, orientation and tissue perfusion, respectively. Magnetic reso- nance elastography measures the viscoelastic properties of muscle in rela- tion to health and disease. Finally, with MRS the concentration of low-mo- lecular-weight metabolites can be determined, which provides information on the biochemical status of tissues. The principles of these additional and alternative MR modalities and their potential value in pressure ulcer re- search will be discussed in the next sections of this chapter.

MR Techniques

Basic Principles and Practical Considerations

Nuclear magnetic resonance (abbreviated to MR in the biomedical literature) is a physical technique that is based on the fact that most atomic nuclei have a magnetic moment. When a large number of such nuclei are placed in a strong magnetic field, this leads to the generation of a net spin magnetization that can be detected with a radio-frequency receiver coil, after excitation by a short radio-frequency pulse. Many nuclei can be detected by MR, of which

1H, 13C, and31P are most relevant in biological tissues.

MR as applied in vivo has two basic modalities, MRI and MRS. MRI of bio- logical systems is usually based on the measurement of the distribution of the hydrogen nuclei of water. The use of water as a probe molecule has many ad- vantages: (1) the hydrogen nucleus has the highest sensitivity among biolo- gically relevant nuclei; (2) water is present in high concentrations in most tis- sues; (3) the magnetic properties of water are sensitive to the local micro- structure and composition of biological tissues as well as to environmental factors such as temperature and pH; (4) water displacement inherent to pro- cesses like diffusion, perfusion, flow, and movement can be quantified by spe- cific MRI measurement sequences; and (5) the magnetic properties of the hy- drogen nuclei in water can be modulated by interactions with paramagnetic entities, which are either endogenous to the tissue (e.g. deoxyhaemoglobin in the red cells of the blood) or can be injected as an exogenous contrast agent (examples include chelates of rare earth metal ions, or targeted nanoparticles containing paramagnetic centres). The above factors explain the rich spec- trum of image contrast parameters for which MRI is so well known. As an imaging technology, MR has advanced considerably in the past 10 years, but it continues to evolve and new capabilities and applications will likely be developed (for introductory reading see [17±21]).

A MR systemconsists basically of the following components. A large magnet provides the static magnetic field. Radio-frequency coils transmit and receive the radio signals. Magnetic field gradient coils provide the spa- tial localization of the signal, and a computer is used to reconstruct the radio signal into the final image or spectrum. The MR examination of hu- mans is usually carried out within the radiology department of a hospital.

The patient is positioned on a narrow bed within the magnet and the MR

a MR Techniques z 319


technologist or radiologist performs the examination. An entire examina- tion may take from 20 min to 1.5 h, depending on the type and amount of information required. The design of the MR system restricts the subjects to a horizontal lying position inside the bore of the magnet. This means that tissue deformation, relevant to pressure ulcer research, can be exam- ined only in a lying position, not under realistic conditions in a sitting po- sition, such as when a patient is confined to a wheelchair.

MR has no known negative effects on living tissue, but some potential haz- ards, related to metal objects entering the scan room, should be considered.

Because of possible interference with the high magnetic and RF fields pre- sent, patients who have a heart pacemaker, surgical staples, aneurysm clips, or any other implanted metal device are not allowed to undergo a MR scan.

The MR examinations of animals are similar to those of humans, except that the animals are usually sedated to avoid movement during the scans.

This also allows for longer scanning times, up to several hours. MR exami- nations on small laboratory animals are usually performed with specialized high-field animal scanners.

Basic Contrast

The proton density, and the T1 and T2 relaxation times provide the basic contrast in MR images. The proton density is the distribution of water in tissue, which gives the main anatomical contrast in the images. The bright- ness of pixels in the MR images also depends, however, on the chemical and physical environment of the protons, which can be described by T1 and T2. The spin-lattice or longitudinal relaxation time T1describes the ex- ponential increase of the spin magnetization towards equilibrium when placed in a strong magnetic field or when disturbed by a radio-frequency pulse. The spin-spin or transverse relaxation time T2 describes the expo- nential decrease of the spin magnetization in the transverse plane (perpen- dicular to the static magnetic field). This transverse magnetization, which is created by tipping the spin magnetization from longitudinal equilibrium by a radio-frequency pulse, creates the measured signal in MRI.

The intensity of the MR signal is given in first approximation by

I / Ne TE=T2…1 e TR=T1† …1†

where N, T1, and T2are the proton density, the spin-lattice relaxation time and the spin-spin relaxation time, respectively. TR is the radio-frequency pulse repetition time and TE is the echo time, or signal delay time. Contrast is obtained because different tissues have different proton densities and re- laxation times [22±25]. Equation 1 shows that when TR is long and TE is short compared to T1and T2, respectively, the contrast is mainly determined by the proton density, yielding a so-called proton density-weighted image.

When TR is of the order of the spin-lattice relaxation time, contrast is ob-


tained on the basis of differences in T1, in which case the image is called a T1- weighted image. When TE is of the order of the spin-spin relaxation time, contrast is obtained on the basis of differences in T2, resulting in a so-called T2-weighted image. Note that Eq. 1 holds only for a spin-echo imaging pulse sequence. For other imaging pulse sequences the intensity depends in a more complicated manner on N, T1, and T2[20].

The spin-lattice relaxation time T1depends on the motion of water mol- ecules in tissue and the interactions with surrounding macromolecules.

The spin-spin relaxation time T2 is in addition strongly affected by the slowly varying magnetic fields at the molecular level. A detailed discussion of the physical and chemical origin of the relaxation processes in living tis- sue is beyond the scope of this chapter. It is more useful to consider the relaxation times typically observed in musculoskeletal tissues and the ef- fects of pressure ulcer pathology on these relaxation times. Table 18.1 shows typical relaxation times at 1.5 T for some relevant tissues.

The relevant pathologic conditions of pressure ulcers that affect muscle proton density and relaxation times are inflammation, haemorrhage, mass le- sions, fibrosis, and fatty infiltration [1, 7]. Inflammation, oedema and haem- orrhage usually lead to an increased proton density, caused by increased in- tracellular and extracellular free water. The T1and T2are increased because free water has longer relaxation times. Most mass lesions, such as solid neo- plasms, abscesses and tumours, also are characterized by relaxation times that are prolonged relative to the surrounding tissues. Because both inflam- matory processes and mass lesions lead to increased relaxation times, differ- entiation on the basis of relaxation times only is difficult. However, usually a clear distinction between the two can be made on the basis of morphology.

Fibrous tissue formed by fibrosis does not provide much MR signal, due to low water content, and may be difficult to detect until a substantial amount of tissue has formed. Fat is characterized by a short T1, and T1-weighted MRI can therefore easily detect fatty infiltration.

Because of the well-documented effects of muscle pathology on the pro- ton density and the relaxation times, contrast in proton density-weighted, T1-weighted and T2-weighted MRI provides a useful tool for the detection and diagnosis of pressure ulcers [8±11, 16]. This is illustrated in Fig. 18.1, showing transverse T2-weighted MR images of the hind limbs of three rats

a MR Techniques z 321

Table 18.1.Typical relaxation times for relevant human tissues at 1.5 T [22±25]

Tissue T1(ms) T2(ms)

Muscle 1077 47

Adipose tissue 260 84

Nerve 740 77

Bone marrow 250 25


24 h after induction of a pressure ulcer in the tibialis anterior muscle by compression [16]. Patchy regions with high signal intensity are observed in the muscle, probably caused by oedema due to inflammation. The amount of muscle damage assessed in vivo with MRI correlated well with the area of damage obtained from ex vivo histology.

Dynamic Deformation

In a number of recent studies it has been hypothesized that prolonged de- formation of cells plays a major role in the onset of tissue damage [16, 26±

31]. This hypothesis was tested on cultured cells [28, 31] and in a rat mod- el in which the tibialis anterior muscle and overlying skin were compressed between an indenter and the tibia [16, 29, 30]. For the rat model, the amount and location of the pressure ulcers that developed were determined with histology and MRI (see Fig. 18.1), and the results were compared to finite-element calculations of shear strain distributions in the muscle dur- ing loading. Unfortunately, most calculations resulted in shear strain distri-

Fig. 18.1a±c.Transverse T2-weighted MR images of the hind limbs of three rats, 24 h after induction of a pressure sore in the tibialis anterior muscle (TA). Bright areas correspond to regions of muscle damage (V ventral, D dorsal). Reproduced with per- mission from Bosboom et al. [16]


butions not corresponding to the location and amount of muscle damage observed. The discrepancy was attributed mainly to insufficient knowledge about the exact deformations of the muscle induced by the indenter.

We propose an approach using MRI to locate the exact position of the in- denter and the resulting amount of global deformation of the muscle. Figure 18.2 shows an ex vivo coronal MR image of the lower hind limb of a rat. In the image an indenter is visible, pressed into the tibialis anterior muscle. The indenter is visible because it is fabricated of a hollow Perspex tube, filled with regular water. The Perspex tube itself is not visible, but since the dimensions of the tube are known, the exact three-dimensional position of the end of the tube can easily be extrapolated fromthe position of the water in the tube. In this way the indenter can be pressed into the muscle in a precise and repro- ducible manner. The ex vivo MR image in Fig. 18.2 was recorded for demon- stration purposes. The technique works in vivo as well.

With MR tagging it is possible to measure the three-dimensional tissue de- formation also locally [32]. This technique uses a set of preparation radio- frequency pulses to produce a periodic modulation of the longitudinal mag- netization prior to imaging. The resulting images show a characteristic striped or checkerboard pattern. Motion (deformation) between the time of preparation and imaging will show up as a displacement of the pattern.

This technique is widely used to measure heart wall motion [33]. MR tagging can also be used to measure contraction and deformation of skeletal muscle.

This is demonstrated in Fig. 18.3, which displays in vivo MR tagging images of a mouse hind leg at rest and during contraction by stimulation of the scia-

a Dynamic Deformation z 323

Fig. 18.2. Coronal ex vivo MR image of a rat hind limb with a water-filled indenter pressed into the tibialis anterior muscle. Courtesy of A. Stekelenburgand G.J. Strijkers, Eindhoven


tic nerve. By combining a set of slices at different positions and orientations, the three-dimensional local movements, deformation and stresses in the muscle can be determined. This technique can also be used in combination with the indenter shown in Fig. 18.2 to obtain accurate information about the exact deformation of the muscle under external pressure conditions.

Diffusion Weighting and Diffusion Tensor Imaging

The random motion (diffusion) of water molecules in living tissue can be measured with MR by using diffusion-weighted sequences, such as devel- oped by Stejskal and Tanner [34]. Diffusion weighting can be achieved by introducing a set of pulsed magnetic field gradients, which subsequently dephase and rephase the proton spin magnetization. In tissue with diffu- sion, signal loss is observed, because moving spins are not completely re- phased by the gradients.

Diffusion of water in biological tissue is composed of the random motion of water in the intra- and extracellular compartments as well as exchange pro- cesses. Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) can yield important information about the condition of healthy and pathological tissues [35]. DWI has been applied most extensively in the brain, in which it is highly sensitive to the de- tection of brain ischaemia in an early stage of development [36]. Necrotic tu- mour tissue can be differentiated from viable tissue by an increased diffusion- related signal loss [37±39]. Oedema, inflammation, and haemorrhage in soft tissue lead to increased free water content and therefore to strong diffusion attenuation of the signal in DWI [40]. It is expected that DWI might therefore prove useful in the detection and diagnosis of skeletal muscle pressure ulcers.

A high degree of orientation in tissue leads to anisotropy of the diffusion.

This can be observed, for example, in white matter tracts in the brain [41±

Fig. 18.3. Coronal in vivo MR tagging images of a mouse hind limb a at rest and b during contraction by stimulation of the sciatic nerve. Courtesy of A.M. Heemskerk, Eindhoven and M. R. Drost, Maastricht


44], but also in muscle [45±50]. Water diffusion along fibres is relatively fast, while diffusion perpendicular to the fibres is restricted. By measuring the di- rectional dependence of the water diffusion and using the diffusion tensor concept for data analysis, the orientation of the fibres can be determined in three dimensions. This technique is called diffusion tensor imaging (DTI).

Figure 18.4 shows two slices of a diffusion tensor image of a mouse hind leg. The lines indicate the in-plane direction of easy water diffusion, corre- sponding to the local muscle fibre orientation. The DTI data are plotted on top of a regular T2-weighted MR image. Muscle damage might lead to a lo- calized decrease in the diffusion anisotropy. The muscle fibre orientation can provide input for mathematical finite-element models of skeletal mus- cle mechanics, relevant to pressure ulcer formation [16, 29, 30]. DTI can be combined with MR tagging to determine fibre orientation during con- traction or deformation.


The aetiology of pressure ulcers is very complicated. One of the competing hypotheses suggests that local ischaemia of the tissue, caused by occlusion of the capillaries under pressure and subsequent reperfusion damage by oxygen free radicals, is an important trigger for the development of pres- a Diffusion Weighting and Diffusion Tensor Imaging z 325

Fig. 18.4a,b.Two slices of an ex-vivo diffusion tensor image of a mouse hind limb. The lines indicate the in-plane direction of preferential water diffusion, correspondingto the local muscle fibre orientation. The DTI data are plotted on top of a regular T2-weighted MR image. Courtesy of A.M. Heemskerk and G.J. Strijkers, Eindhoven


sure ulcers (refs. [12, 13, 15, 51, 52] and Chap. 13 of this volume). Mea- surement of local perfusion and reperfusion of skeletal muscle could pro- vide important clues concerning the development of pressure ulcers.

A number of techniques are available for measuring perfusion in skeletal muscle, such as strain-gauge plethysmography, the use of microspheres, radioactive tracer methods, thermodilution measurements and laser Dop- pler velocimetry [53±56]. None of these, however, is capable of providing the high temporal and spatial resolution desired when measuring in vivo muscle. MR, on the other hand, does offer a range of techniques to mea- sure perfusion. Presently, most MR perfusion studies have been applied to the brain [57, 58], in which perfusion is higher and easier to measure than in skeletal muscle. Nevertheless, recent studies have demonstrated convinc- ingly that perfusion measurements with high temporal and spatial resolu- tion are possible in skeletal muscle too [59, 60].

Measurements of muscle perfusion with MR can be classified in two ma- jor techniques: the endogenous and the exogenous tracer methods. The first method uses endogenous water in blood as a contrast agent and is of- ten called the arterial spin labelling (ASL) technique. ASL uses radio-fre- quency pulses to label the spin magnetization of arterial blood by inverting or saturating its magnetization. The labelled water molecules are delivered to the imaging slice by flow, followed by exchange with tissue protons. A control experiment is performed without labelling. The difference signal of control and labelled images, in which static tissue signals are identical, ori- ginates fromblood that has perfused into the tissue only. Several ASL tech- niques have been designed, differing in how and at which position the blood is labelled [57, 58]. The drawback of ASL lies in its relatively low sensitivity and in the fact that quantification of the absolute perfusion is difficult and needs extensive mathematical modelling. The ASL technique is demonstrated in Fig. 18.5, showing perfusion images of the lower legs of four healthy volunteers. The images were recorded after the subjects had finished an exercise protocol in a plantar-flexion ergometer with weights of 10 lb (4.5 kg) and 20 lb (9.1 kg). Variations in perfusion rates with weight are clearly visible. Perfusion increases are associated with distinct muscle groups. Clear variations between different subjects can also be observed.

The perfusion measurements were consistent with those obtained by tradi- tional techniques. The results of this study show that perfusion measure- ments of skeletal muscle with the ASL technique are feasible.

The second perfusion MRI technique uses an exogenous paramagnetic contrast agent, such as gadolinium-DTPA. Following an intravenous injec- tion of the contrast agent, the delivery of the agent to the tissue can be made visible with T1-weighted fast MRI sequences. Recently this technique was successfully demonstrated in a rat model of hind-limb ischaemia [60].

After femoral artery ligation of one of the hind limbs, the remaining perfu- sion reserve was quantified using the Gd-DTPA uptake rate, obtained using a T1-weighted fast imaging technique. Perfusion was also measured during hyperaemia, caused by stimulation of the sciatic nerves of both hind limbs.

Figure 18.6a shows the perfusion index for a cross section of the non-li-


gated and ligated hind limbs, at rest and after stimulation. The MR signal enhancement can be assumed to be proportional to the Gd-DTPA concen- tration, and the perfusion index was defined as the maximum Gd-DTPA uptake. The reduced perfusion index due to the ligation during hyperaemia is obvious. Very good agreement was observed between the MR perfusion data and microsphere blood flow measurements. In Fig. 18.6b the time course of the perfusion index during hyperaemia is shown from 1 h to 42 days after ligation, demonstrating that this technique can be applied repro- ducibly during a long period of time.

As shown, both endogenous and exogenous tracer methods have been successfully used to measure local perfusion in skeletal muscle. This opens the possibility of non-invasive measurement of perfusion changes in mus- a Diffusion Weighting and Diffusion Tensor Imaging z 327

Fig. 18.5. aAnatomical axial MR images of the lower leg of four human subjects.bPerfusion images for both the 10-lb and the 20-lb exercise protocol. Courtesy of L.R. Frank et al. [59]:

ªDynamic imaging of perfusion in human skeletal muscle during exercise with arterial spin la- beling,º Magn Reson Med 42, Copyright ° 1999. Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Liss Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc


Fig. 18.6. aExamples of perfusion index maps from the hind limb muscles of a control rat and a rat with femoral artery ligation of one of the hind limbs, in resting condition and during stimulation- induced hyperaemia. The perfusion index was obtained with MR perfusion measurement usingthe contrast agent Gd-DTPA.bTime course of the perfusion index duringhyperaemia after ligation. The bars indicate different muscle groups. From left to right: tibialis cranialis, tibialis caudalis plus flexor digitorum longus, gastrocnemius, and total muscle groups in the cross section. Courtesy of Y. Luo et al. [60]: ªEvaluation of tissue perfusion in a rat model of hind-limb muscle ischaemia usingdynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging,º J Magn Reson Imaging 16, Copyright ° 2002.

Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Liss Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc


cle during applied pressure and following reperfusion in relation to pres- sure ulcer formation. MR provides the possibility to measure acute changes in muscle perfusion on a short timescale. In addition, subtle changes in perfusion rates over extensive periods of time can be followed reproduci- bly. This might provide important new clues needed for unravelling the ae- tiology of pressure ulcers.

Magnetic Resonance Elastography

It is well known that a variety of disease processes lead to a change in the visco-elastic properties of tissue. A relatively new diagnostic method for de- tecting changes in the mechanical properties of tissue is magnetic resonance elastography (MRE) [61±64]. MRE can be applied to a variety of tissues. So far the technique mainly has been successful in the detection of tumours [65±

68] (e.g. in the breast or brain), which are observable as stiff solid masses in the MRE images. Little is known about the elastic properties of muscle in vivo, and present MRE studies of muscle are therefore mainly focused on de- termining the mechanical properties of healthy muscle [69±72]. We antici- pate that MRE can also be used to detect changes in muscle elasticity caused by decubitus ulcers in an early stage of development.

In brief, MRE works as follows: With MRE it is possible to directly vi- sualize propagating acoustic strain waves in tissue. These waves are intro- duced into the tissue by excitation with a mechanical transducer. A velo- city-sensitive phase-contrast MRI method is used to measure the small dis- placements when the waves propagate in the tissue. From these displace- ments, the velocity, wavelength and attenuation of the shear waves can be determined. Stiff material is characterized by a long wavelength and high wave velocity, elastic material by a short wavelength and low velocity. Fig- ure 18.7 shows an example of MRE of the biceps brachii muscle of a healthy volunteer [69]. In this investigation MRE was applied to quantify the changes in stiffness of skeletal muscle under load. In Fig. 18.7a a sche- matic diagram of the experimental set-up is shown. The transducer, which excites the biceps tendon periodically, is placed on the skin. The volunteer holds a load of 4 kg. Figure 18.7b shows the conventional axial MR image of the arm, with the slice position of the coronal MRE wave image indi- cated by the rectangle. Figure 18.7c shows the MRE shear wave pattern at a single phase propagating in the coronal slice of the biceps. Combining wave images at different phases enables visualization of the propagating waves through the tissue.

For the characterization, modelling and diagnosis of pressure ulcers in skeletal muscle, MRE might be a very useful tool. Although no experimental evidence is available yet, we anticipate that oedematous ulcers will be visible as regions of changed elasticity [65]. MRE can provide the material parame- ters, needed for finite-element modelling of muscle deformation in relation to the formation of pressure ulcers (ref. [16] and Chap. 12 of this book).

a Magnetic Resonance Elastography z 329


Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy

In vivo1H and31P MRS might yield information of potential value in pres- sure ulcer research. 1H spectroscopy provides a window on energy and fat metabolism, while 31P MRS yields more specific biochemical information on tissue bioenergetics (for introductory reading see e.g. refs. [18, 21, 75]).

Figure 18.8 shows examples of1H and31P NMR spectra fromhuman skele- tal muscle, using a magnetic field of 1.5 T.

The most sensitive nucleus for MRS is 1H. Figure 8a shows a localized

1H NMR spectrumof human skeletal muscle. During acquisition the high Fig. 18.7. a Schematic diagram of the set-up for the MRE measurements of the biceps brachii muscle under loadingconditions. bNormal axial MR image of the arm. cMRE wave image at a single phase in the coronal slice indicated by the rectangle inb. Courtesy of M.A. Dresner et al. [69]: ªMagnetic resonance elastography of skeletal muscle,º J Magn Reson Imaging 13, Copy- right ° 2001. Reprinted by permission of Wiley-Liss Inc., a subsidiary of John Wiley & Sons, Inc


signal fromfree water is suppressed, to obtain a spectrumwith the peaks of several metabolites that contain protons. From left to right the peaks correspond to methyl and methylene protons of creatine and phosphocrea- tine (total creatine=tCr), to protons in trimethylammonium groups (TMA), and to methyl and methylene protons of extra- and intramyocellu- lar lipids (EMCL and IMCL). Creatine and phosphocreatine serve as a ma- jor energy buffer in muscle, and fatty acids are the main fuel for ATP syn- thesis. Lactate, an important marker for tissue ischaemia and hypoxia [75±

78], cannot be observed in this spectrumbecause it is masked by the large lipid signals and occurs only in low levels in resting muscle. Two-dimen- sional NMR or spectral editing techniques are necessary to observe lactate in human skeletal muscle [78±81].

Figure 18.8b shows a 31P spectrumof human skeletal muscle. Fromleft to right the peaks correspond to inorganic phosphate (Pi), phosphocreatine (PCr), and the three phosphate groups (a, b, c) of ATP. The 31P spectrum reflects the metabolic state of the tissue. Biologically relevant parameters, such as intracellular pH, free magnesium concentrations, and ADP concen- trations, can be deduced.

MRS is much less sensitive than MRI because it measures metabolites that are present in millimolar concentrations, while tissue water that is uti- lized for MRI is present in bulk amounts. Consequently, MRS is usually re- stricted to measuring signal from a relatively large amount of tissue. For example, a rough estimate shows that a minimum volume of 30 cm3 is needed to measure the31P ATP signal of skeletal muscle at 1.5 T with suffi- ciently high signal-to-noise ratio [81]. Volume selection can be achieved by applying single-voxel localization techniques or by using surface coils, which record the signals froma restricted area only. Multi-voxel localiza- tion and spectroscopic imaging techniques can be used to obtain spatially resolved metabolic information [21].

a Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy z 331

Fig. 18.8. aLocalized1H NMR spectrum of human skeletal muscle.b31P NMR spectrum of hu- man skeletal muscle. Courtesy of J.J. Prompers, Eindhoven

a b


Summary and Future Perspective

As we have illustrated, there is a broad range of structural, functional, as well as metabolic parameters that can be measured non-invasively by MRI and MRS under in vivo conditions in humans and laboratory animals. This makes MR ideally suited for the detection and characterization of pressure ulcers. Most MRI and MRS techniques can be combined in a single experi- ment, which makes the information density of MR very high. T1, T2 and diffusion weighting provide the basic contrast, capable of detecting pres- sure ulcer pathology, e.g. oedema, inflammation and haemorrhage. Perfu- sion MR and MRS capture the nutrient flow and metabolic state of the tis- sue. Combinations of MR tagging, diffusion tensor imaging and MRE can provide information on geometry, fibre orientation, deformation behaviour and material parameters, indispensable for the mathematical modelling of the behaviour of muscle under pressure.

To conclude, MR is expected to gain importance and establish itself as an essential tool both in the clinical assessment of pressure ulcers and in research on pressure ulcer aetiology.


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