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16 Patellar Tendinopathy: The Science Behind Treatment


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Patellar tendon injuries constitute a significant problem in a wide variety of sports.


Despite the morbidity associated with patellar tendinopa- thy, clinical management remains largely anec- dotal


as there have been few well-designed treatment studies. The goal of this chapter is to update the reader on basic science as it relates to the patellar tendon, and then to discuss the evi- dence supporting current patient management.

Anatomy and Histopathology

When examined under a light microscope, abnormal tendon from patients with chronic patellar tendinopathy differs from normal ten- don in several key ways. It has a loss of collagen continuity (Figure 16.1) and an increase in ground substance, vascularity, and cellularity.

Special light microscopy staining


and electron microscope studies


confirm that cellularity results from the presence of fibroblasts and myofibroblasts, not inflammatory cells. As dis- cussed in the previous chapter, inflammatory cells are absent in patients who have chronic overuse tendinopathies.


Clinical Presentation of Patellar Tendinopathy

In the patient with patellar tendinopathy, knee pain may arise insidiously. Patients who can recall when the pain began often recall one heavy training session or, less commonly, a spe- cific jump that initiated the pain. In addition,

they often remember a specific activity that seemed to make the pain worse. Pain is usually precisely localized to the inferoanterior patellar region, and many patients notice tenderness at the inferior pole of the patella even before they present for a medical examination.

Early in the clinical course, the patient’s knee pain and discomfort may ease completely while exercising. In this case, the player often disre- gards the injury and does not seek treatment.

With time and continued activity, however, pain worsens and limits sporting performance.

Eventually, pain can develop during activities of daily living and can even be present at rest.


Examination reveals tenderness at the junction of the patella and the patellar tendon, and this is most evident when the knee is fully extended and the inferior pole of the patella is raised. This clin- ical scenario has a number of names, including jumper’s knee, patellar tendinopathy, patellar tendinosis, and patellar tendinitis. The preferred diagnostic term is patellar tendinopathy,


with the terms tendonitis and tendinosis best reserved for histopathology findings only.

Palpation of the tendon attachment at the inferior pole of the patella has been the classic physical examination technique for detecting patellar tendinopathy, but mild tenderness at this site is not unusual in a normal tendon.


Only moderate and severe tenderness is signifi- cantly associated with tendon abnormality as defined by ultrasonography. Thus, mild patellar tendon tenderness should not be overinter- preted, and may be a normal finding in active athletes.



Patellar Tendinopathy:

The Science Behind Treatment

Karim M. Khan, Jill L. Cook, and Mark A. Young


Figure 16.1. Micrographs of tendon viewed under polarized light microscopy. (a) A specimen of normal patellar tendon reveals tightly bundled collagen with characteristic golden reflectivity, also referred to as birefringence. (b) A specimen of tendon tissue obtained at surgery. The 26-year-old patient had 4 months of patellar tendon pain. Polarized light microscopy reveals separation of collagen fibers and the presence of an amorphous (mucoid) ground substance.


Patellar Tendinopathy: The Science Behind Treatment 271

Patients with chronic symptoms may exhibit quadriceps wasting. Thigh circumference may be diminished, and calf muscle atrophy may or may not be apparent. Testing the functional strength of the quadriceps may be done by comparing the ease with which the patient can perform 10 sin- gle-leg step-downs. The athlete bends at the knee and then straightens again without letting the other foot touch the floor (Figure 16.2A).

Alternatively, a 25-degree decline board (Figure 16.2B) can be utilized to assess squat function.

Craig Purdam and his colleagues from the Australian Institute of Sport have developed the decline board to enable greater specificity when loading the patellar tendon.


The downward angle decreases calf contribution to the squat, and by keeping the trunk upright this minimizes gluteal function and enables the knee extensors to be loaded maximally. The decline board is also a useful tool in the management of patellar



Work capacity of the calf is assessed by asking the patient to perform single- leg heel raises. Jumping athletes should be able to do at least 30 raises. It is important to monitor both the onset of fatigue and the quality of move- ment (e.g., control, as measured by wobbling) as either can be affected in the symptomatic limb.

Pelvic stability is also assessed, as poor pelvic control is a common feature of the athlete with jumper’s knee. Weakness of the gluteal, lower abdominal, quadriceps, and calf muscles can lead to fatigue-induced aberrant movement pat- terns that may alter forces acting on the knee. It is therefore imperative that proximal and distal muscle groups be assessed in patients with chronic patellar tendinopathy.

In general, the clinical features of patellar tendinopathy make diagnosis relatively straight- forward.


In some cases, however, patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS) or fat pad symptoms

Figure 16.2. (a) Step squat and (b) decline squat, performed on a 25-degree decline. Note the change in angles at the hip and ankle enabling increased load through the knee extensors.


may be difficult to differentiate from patellar tendinopathy, or the conditions may coexist.

Typically, pain is localized to the inferior pole of the patella with PT, and tends to warm up with activity as opposed to PFPS, which is poorly local- ized and becomes worse with activity.

A useful clinical tool for assessing the athlete with jumper’s knee is the Victorian Institute of Sport Assessment (VISA) score


(Figure 16.3).

Ranging from 0 to 100, the VISA score consists of 8 questions assessing symptoms, simple tests of function and ability to play sport. A maxi- mum score of 100 points represents full pain- free function. Competing athletes with patellar tendinopathy commonly record a score between 50 and 80 points. The VISA score enables both the therapist and the patient to objectively measure progress, and allows early detection of any worsening of symptoms.

Imaging Appearances

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging and ultra- sound (US) are the investigations of choice in the jumping athlete with knee pain. Here we summarize the typical findings in a patient with patellar tendinopathy and we discuss the clinical utility of the imaging modalities.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

The abnormal patellar tendon contains an oval or round area of high signal intensity on T1 and T2 images, or a focal zone of high signal inten- sity in the deep layers of the tendon inser- tion


(Figure 16.4). Tendons with patellar tendinopathy have an increased anteroposterior diameter in the affected region.


The T2 weighted sequences (particularly the T2 GRE weighted sequences) have better sensitivity than the T1 weighted protocols,


but even T1 weighted sequences reveal most cases of patellar tendinopathy.

In clinical practice, MR scans can identify the exact location and extent of tendon involve- ment, and help exclude other clinical conditions such as bursitis and chondromalacia.


Surgeons often use MR to assess the extent of the pathol- ogy and provide guidance as to how much ten- don to excise.

Disadvantages of MR include cost, and the slow, often incomplete, resolution of signal changes after surgical intervention.


Furthermore, when Shalaby and colleagues investigated the signifi- cance of MR findings in patellar tendinopathy, they found that in younger patients with relatively

mild symptoms, MR images did not show signi- ficant changes. Also, in older, active patients changes may be present in asymptomatic knees


(Figure 16.5).

Abnormal signal without change in size must be interpreted with caution, as the normal patel- lar tendon has a range of appearances due to technical factors and intrinsic fiber differ- ences.


In particular, the “magic angle” phe- nomenon can result in false-positive high signal intensity on T2 GRE weighted images of normal tendon.



Sonographic studies in athletes with the clinical features of patellar tendinopathy should include both knees using high-resolution linear array 10 or 12 MHz ultrasound transducers. The tendon must be examined with the probe exactly per- pendicular to the tendon to avoid a false positive image due to artifactual hypoechogenicity.


Sonographic appearances in jumper’s knee reveal a focal hypoechoic area (Figure 16.6) combined with an enlargement of the surround- ing tendon. Note that in some cases, the tendon can have an enlarged appearance without any presence of a hypoechoic region.

A proportion of asymptomatic athletes have sonographic hypoechoic regions in their patellar tendons. Among volleyball players, 54% of asymptomatic knees contained patellar tendons with hypoechoic regions on US.


Similarly, 15%

of basketball players with no past history of knee pain had abnormal tendon morphology on US.


Furthermore, longitudinal studies found that hypoechoic US regions did not predict subse- quent development of symptoms in sports- women


or sportsmen,


but conferred relative risk of patellar tendinopathy in 16- to 18-year-old basketball players.


These data sug- gest that ultrasound appearance alone would be a poor guide to prognosis and management.

Also, a sonographic hypoechoic region is not of itself an indication for surgery.


Surgeons have, however, used US to accurately locate the area of tendinopathy to allow correct placement of the scalpel blade when performing multiple percu- taneous longitudinal tenotomies.


Conservative Management of Patellar Tendinopathy

Given the degree of morbidity associated with

chronic tendon problems, and the extent of


Patellar Tendinopathy: The Science Behind Treatment 273

Name Date

The Modified VISA Score

Please mark R for RIGHT knee and L for LEFT knee and complete both sides of the form.

The term “pain” refers specifically to pain in the patellar tendon region.

1. For how many minutes can you sit pain free?

100 mins 0 mins

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

2. Do you have pain walking downstairs normally?

No pain Severe

Pain / Unable

3. Whilst sitting down, do you have pain at the front of the knee when straightening your leg?

No pain Severe

Pain / Unable

4. How much pain do you have in the front leg when doing a full lunge?

No pain Severe

Pain / Unable

5. Do you have pain when squatting?

No pain Severe

Pain / Unable

6. Do you have pain during and/or after doing 10 single leg hops?

(If you cannot do 10 then your score is 0)

No pain Severe

Pain / Unable

Figure 16.3. Visa score questionnaire.



knowledge in certain areas of medical treat- ment, there is a surprising lack of scientific rationale for tendon treatment.


Conservative and operative treatments for tendinopathies vary considerably among surgeons and across countries. Unfortunately, there is little scientific evidence for the majority of treatments pro- posed and used for chronic tendon problems.


There is, however, a growing body of evidence for a small number of treatments.

We discuss conservative management of the athlete with patellar tendinopathy under four broad headings: (1) decreasing load on the tendon, (2) eccentric strengthening, (3) elec- trotherapy and massage, and (4) pharmacological management. Finally, we discuss surgical options.

Decreasing Load on the Tendon

In jumping sports, forces generated in landing are substantially greater than those that produce

7. Are you currently undertaking full training?

0 Not at all

4 Modified training ± modified competition

7 Full training ± competition but not at same level as when symptoms began 10 Competing at the same or higher level as when symptoms began

8. Please complete EITHER A, B or C in this question.

A. If you have no pain while undertaking activity please complete Q8a only.

B. If you have pain while undertaking sport but it does not stop you from completing the activity, please complete Q8b only.

C. If you have pain that stops you from completing sporting activities, please complete Q8c only.

8a. If you have no pain while playing sport, for how long can you train?

Nil 0 – 20 mins 20 – 40 mins 40 – 60 mins > 60 mins

0 7 14 21 30

Nil 0 – 10 mins 10 – 20 mins 20 – 30 mins > 30 mins

0 5 10 15 20

Nil 0 – 5 mins 5 – 10 mins 10 – 15 mins > 15 mins

0 2 5 7 10

8b. If you have some pain while playing sport, but it does not stop you from completing your training, for how long can you train?

8c. If you have pain that stops you from playing sport, for how long can you train?

TOTAL VISA SCORE ______________

Figure 16.3. (continued)


the jump.


Therefore, correcting biomechanics improves the energy-absorbing capacity of the limb both at the affected musculoskeletal junc- tion and at the hip and ankle. The ankle and calf are critical in absorbing the initial landing load, and any functional compromise of these struc- tures increases the load transmitted to the knee.

Animal studies estimate that about 40% of land- ing energy is transmitted proximally.


Thus, the calf complex must absorb a major portion of the load that would otherwise be transmitted proximally to the patellar tendon–quadriceps complex. Jumping and running technique is therefore important. Compared with flat-foot landing, forefoot landing generates lower ground reaction forces; if this technique is combined with a large range of hip or knee flexion, vertical ground reaction forces in landing can be reduced by a further 25%.


The practical implication of these data is that, aside from the standard joint, muscle, and kinetic chain assessments, the practitioner should assess the patient’s functional biome- chanics. Some static abnormalities, such as pes

planus, may be evident during static assess- ment, but others, such as excessively rapid pronation, may only be evident during dynamic evaluation. Inflexibility of the quadriceps, ham- strings, iliotibial band, or calf have the potential to restrict range of motion at the knee and ankle joints and are thought to increase the load on the patellar tendon. Posterior leg tightness (decreased sit and reach test) is associated with increased prevalence of patellar tendinopathy.


Although clinically biomechanical assessment is important, evidence to support its contribu- tion to patellar tendinopathy management is unclear.


Eccentric Exercise Protocols: The Evidence

Eccentric strengthening has long been recognized as the keystone to successful management of tendinopathies.


Surprisingly, only a few studies have investigated the benefits of strengthening

Patellar Tendinopathy: The Science Behind Treatment 275

Figure 16.5. A T2 weighted MRI image of the patellar tendon illustrat- ing that symptoms do not necessarily correlate with imaging appear- ance. An MRI shows the tendon from a 40-year-old man with an excellent clinical outcome but marked increases in signal in the patellar tendon.

Figure 16.4. A T2 weighted gradient echo MRI of the patellar tendon in an 18-year-old jumping athlete shows an area of markedly increased sig- nal intensity relative to that of the remainder of the tendon. This appear- ance corresponds with tendinosis (collagen degeneration).


for patellar tendinopathy.


In contrast, well- designed studies have demonstrated the efficacy of strengthening as a treatment for both Achilles and adductor tendinopathies.


Traditionally, when eccentrically loading the patellar tendon,


the key exercise is a single-leg squat from standing to about 70–90 ° of knee

flexion. Patients perform 3 sets of 10 repetitions per session (one session daily). This traditional treatment program emphasizes training speci- ficity, maximal loading, and progression.


Maximal loading occurs when patients feel their tendon pain in the final set of 10 repeti- tions. Progression is achieved by increasing the speed of movement or by increasing the exter- nal resistance, again using pain as a guide. Ice is used to cool the tendon after the eccentric training.

Following the success of a pain-based eccen- tric exercise program in the treatment of

Achilles tendinopathy,


we recently investi- gated the effect of painful eccentric training using decline boards during the rehabilitation of volleyballers with patellar tendinopathy.


We found that the use of a decline board and train- ing into pain offers greater clinical gains than the traditional squat programs in athletes who continue to train and play with pain. These pro- grams are particularly useful to athletes who have failed a pain-free conservative program during the season. They are best completed dur- ing the off-season, when training commitments are greatly reduced.

Prescribing Eccentric Exercise:

Clinical Experience

Therapists often have concerns as to when and how they should begin a strengthening program.

A rehabilitation program should always begin

Figure 16.6. An ultrasonographic image in the axial (transverse) plane of the patellar tendon of a 31-year-old man reveals a characteristic hypoechoic region in the patellar tendon. This appearance corresponds with tendinosis (collagen degeneration).


with strengthening exercises. Table 16.1 pres- ents a strength program embracing the activities and timelines that our clinical experience has shown to be effective. Even athletes with severe patellar tendinopathy should be able to begin some exercise, at the very least standing calf strength and isometric quadriceps work. On the other hand, the athlete who has not lost appre- ciable knee strength and bulk can progress quickly to the speed part of the program.

Both pain and the musculotendinous unit’s ability to do work should guide the amount of strengthening activity. If pain is a limiting fac- tor, then the program must be modified so that the majority of the work occurs relatively pain free, and does not cause delayed symptoms, commonly pain in the morning after exercise.

However, some recent studies challenge this theory,


and exercising into tendon pain appears a viable option, especially in the chronic athlete who is between seasons.

In most cases, if pain is under control, then the practitioner supervising the program should monitor the control and quality with which the patient performs the exercises. Athletes should only progress to the next level of the program if the previous workload is easily managed, pain is controlled, and function is satisfactory.

Because athletes with patellar tendinopathy tend to “unload” the affected limb to avoid pain, the symptomatic leg is not only weak, but also displays abnormal motor patterns that must be corrected. Strength work must progress to sin- gle-leg exercises, as bilateral exercises only offer options to continue to unload the tendon. Some physicians and therapists maintain that quadri- ceps-only exercises such as leg extensions have a place in the rehabilitation of patellar tendinopa- thy, specifically to load the quadriceps exclu-

sively, thus not allowing the calf and gluteal muscles to take over the exercise. Similarly, we have found that squats performed on a 25 degree decline board are effective in reducing the influ- ence of the calf group in retarding knee flexion such as occurs in a normal squat done with the heels fixed.


The therapist can help the patient progress by adding load and speed to the exer- cises, and then endurance can be introduced once the patient can do these exercises well.

After that, combinations such as load (weight) and speed, or height (e.g., jumping exercises) and load can be added. These end-stage eccen- tric exercises can provoke tendon pain, and are only recommended after a sufficiently long rehabilitation period and when the sport demands intense loading. In several sports it may not be necessary to add height to the reha- bilitation program at all, whereas in some sports (volleyball, for example), it is vital.

Failure in rehabilitation strength programs can stem from many sources. They include too rapid a progression of rehabilitation; inappro- priate loads (e.g., not enough strength or speed work, eccentric work too early or aggressively, insufficient single-leg work); too many passive treatments, such as electrotherapeutic modali- ties; and lack of monitoring patients’ symptoms during and after therapy. Rehabilitation and strength training must also continue once returning to sport, rather than ending immedi- ately on return. Finally, plyometric training must be undertaken with care, as it is often per- formed inappropriately or poorly tolerated.

Electrotherapy and Deep Tissue Massage

To control initial tissue response to tendon injury most clinicians advise rest, cryotherapy, and anti- inflammatory medication.


Cryotherapy may limit tissue damage by decreasing blood flow and metabolic rate. Electrical modalities that have been used in patellar tendinopathy include ultra- sound, heat, interferential therapy, magnetic fields, pulsed magnetic and electromagnetic fields, TENS, and laser. The true effects of all of these modalities remain unknown, with equivo- cal results thus far.


Remedial massage aims to decrease load on tendons by improving muscle stretch. Deep fric- tion massage may activate mesenchymal stem cells to stimulate a healing response.


A con- trolled study failed to find any positive effects of massage treatment in patients with patellar tendinopathy.


Patellar Tendinopathy: The Science Behind Treatment 277

Table 16.1. Outline of strengthening program for treatment of patellar tendinopathy

Timing Type of overload Activity

0–3 months Load endurance Hypertrophy and strengthen the affected muscles; focus attention on the calf as well as the quadriceps and gluteals

3–6 months Speed endurance Weight-bearing and speed- specific loads 6+ months Combinations Sports-specific

dependent on rehabilitation sport (e.g., load,

speed, jumping)



The main pharmaceutical agents used to treat patellar tendinopathy have been nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and corti- costeroids. After discussing these, we review the data regarding novel agents for treating tendinopathies.

Although the biological basis for using NSAIDs in tendinopathies is not obvious,


these drugs are undoubtedly the most commonly used sympto- matic therapy.


In a double-blind placebo- controlled study of NSAIDs in tendinopathy, piroxicam did not benefit patients with Achilles tendinopathy.


Although the use of “anti-inflam- matory” medication seems paradoxical in a degenerative condition, NSAIDs act in ways beyond their well-known anti-inflammatory mode.


For example, in tendons, some NSAIDs stimulate, and some inhibit, glycosaminoglycan synthesis.


This suggests a mechanism whereby NSAIDs could influence the extracellular matrix.

Thus, it would appear premature to rule out any potential benefit of this class of medication merely because tendinopathy is not an inflamma- tory condition.

Injection and infiltration of corticosteroids by means such as iontophoresis has a dramatic effect on symptoms arising from inflamed syn- ovial structures.


However, the role of corticos- teroids in management of tendinopathy remains controversial.


Józsa and Kannus’s


guide- lines for appropriate use of corticosteroid injec- tions should be adhered to in the absence of scientific evidence as to when these injections may be most appropriate. Although corticos- teroids injected into tendons are catabolic, this type of injection is now rarely performed, and the effect of corticosteroids on the surrounding tendon structures is unknown.


Aprotinin has been trialled in the management of patellar tendinopathy.


Aprotinin is a polyvalent inhibitor of the proteases collagenase, elastase, metalloprotease, kallikrein, plasmin, and cathep- sin C. At least in the short term, aprotinin (two to four injections of 62,500 IU with local anesthetic in the paratendinous space) seems to offer a greater chance of pain relief than corticosteroids.

However, patients with an insertional tendinopa- thy fared less well than those with tendinopathy of the main body of the tendon.

Another promising development in pharma- cotherapy is the use of nitrous oxide. Topically

applied nitric oxide has been shown, in animal models, to be effective for the treatment of frac- tures and cutaneous wounds through mecha- nisms that may include stimulation of collagen synthesis in fibroblasts.


Recent positive find- ings in the treatment of extensor and Achilles tendinopathies


indicate that treatment of patellar tendinopathy may be enhanced by the addition of nitrous oxide.

Surgical Management

Patellar tendon surgery


is generally per- formed when the patient has not improved after at least six months of conservative man- agement. A variety of surgical methods for treatment of jumper’s knee have been described.


These include: drilling of the infe- rior pole of the patella, resection of the tibial attachment of the patellar tendon with realign- ment,


excision of macroscopic necrotic areas,


repair of macroscopic defects,


scarifi- cation (i.e., longitudinal tenotomy/tenoplasty of the tendon),


percutaneous needling,


per- cutaneous longitudinal tenotomy,


and arthroscopic debridement.


Surgical technique is based on each surgeon’s opinion/experience, as the pathophysiology of patellar tendinopa- thy is not known.

Patellar tendon surgery has a rather unpre- dictable outcome. A review of 23 papers found that authors reported surgical success rates of between 46% to 100%.


In the three studies that had more than 40 patients, authors reported com- bined excellent and good results of 91%, 82%, and 80% in a series of 78, 80, and 138 subjects respec- tively. The mean time for return to pre-injury level of sport varied from 4 months to greater than 9 months. A long-term study of outcome in patients who underwent open patellar tenotomy for patel- lar tendinosis showed that only 54% were able to return to their previous level of sporting activity.


In two prospective studies that evaluated time to return to sport, most subjects required more than 6 months, and often 9 months, to return to full sporting competition.


Unfortunately, several factors confound

analysis of outcome of surgery.


Surgeons differ

in their diagnostic criteria, selection of cases for

surgery, the actual operation performed, and

their postoperative protocols. Different types of

surgery result in a difference in the amount of

bone either excised or drilled, the margin of nor-

mal tissue excised around the macroscopically

degenerative tissue, the use or avoidance of


longitudinal tenotomies, and the type of closure of the tendon after surgery. Intersurgeon techni- cal ability is another major factor whose influ- ence has never been studied.

Recently, we have shown that the scientific methodology behind published articles on the outcome of patellar tendinopathy after surgery is poor, and that the poorer the methodology, the higher the success rate.


Obviously, improv- ing study design would provide clinicians with a more rigorous evidence-base for treating patients who have recalcitrant patellar tendinopathy.


Patellar tendinopathy is a degenerative, not inflammatory, condition of the patellar tendon most likely resulting from excessive load bear- ing. Clinical assessment is the key to diagnosis, although the presence of US or MR abnormali- ties increases the likelihood that the patient’s symptoms arise from the patellar tendon.

Imaging appearances should not dictate man- agement, which, for the time being, remains based on clinical experience rather than scien- tific rationale.

A variety of management modalities exist, including correcting perceived underlying bio- mechanical problems, local physical modalities such as ice and, when the patient is pain free, a graduated strengthening program emphasizing functional exercises including eccentric train- ing. Eccentric training protocols appear most promising, and training into tendon pain is a viable option to relieve long-standing symp- toms. To prescribe exercise effectively requires thorough assessment of the patient’s functional capacity and a skillful approach to gradually increasing the demand that the athlete imposes on the tendon. Many athletes tend to cycle between full load and complete rest, while it is far more effective to aim for gradual increases in activity.

Surgery is indicated after a 6- to 9-month trial of appropriate conservative management. Open patellar tenotomy is the conventionally acce- pted surgical treatment of insertional patellar tendinopathy but often requires 6 to 12 months’

rehabilitation. Arthroscopic debridement has been proposed, and, although randomized con- trolled trials are lacking, this procedure may per- mit earlier return to sport than traditional open surgery, even though both techniques have an equal success rate at 12 months.



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