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Results from the project


Academic year: 2021

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Appendice 1

Approccio I, velocità assiale, risultati regressione Results from the project "Regression model 1"

Model Definition: Y = a*x^b

Number of observations 697 Number of missing observations 0

Solver type Nonlinear Nonlinear iteration limit 250 Diverging nonlinear iteration limit 10 Number of nonlinear iterations performed 23 Residual tolerance 0.0000000001 Sum of Residuals -4385.58749401603 Average Residual -6.29209109614925 Residual Sum of Squares (Absolute) 934206.231587682 Residual Sum of Squares (Relative) 934206.231587682 Standard Error of the Estimate 36.6630826334027 Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2) 0.9964165856 Proportion of Variance Explained 99.64165856%

Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (Ra^2) 0.9964114296 Durbin-Watson statistic 4.16344731441957E-02

Regression Variable Results

Variable Value Standard Error t-ratio Prob(t)

a -577,026976 4,45684919 -129,4697109 0.0

b -1,04360957 0,002909782 -358,6555545 0.0

68% Range of confidence

Variable Value 68% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -577,026976 4,435456314 -581,4624325 -572,59152

b -1,04360957 0,002895815 -1,046505383 -1,04071375

90% Range of confidence


Variable Value 90% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -577,026976 7,340430616 -584,3674068 -569,686546

b -1,04360957 0,004792411 -1,048401979 -1,03881716

95% Range of confidence

Variable Value 95% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -577,026976 8,7505777 -585,7775539 -568,276399

b -1,04360957 0,005713066 -1,049322634 -1,0378965

99% Range of confidence

Variable Value 99% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -577,026976 11,51159577 -588,538572 -565,51538

b -1,04360957 0,007515677 -1,051125244 -1,03609389

Variance Analysis

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Prob(F) Regression 1 259768613,8 259768613,8 193254,1022 0

Error 695 934206,2316 1344,181628

Total 696 260702820



Approccio II, velocità assiale, risultati regressione scenario 1

Results from the project

"Regression model II: Scenario 1"

Model Definition:Y = a+b/x Number of observations = 697 Number of missing observations = 0 Solver type: Nonlinear

Nonlinear iteration limit = 250 Diverging nonlinear iteration limit =10 Number of nonlinear iterations performed = 11 Residual tolerance = 0.0000000001

Sum of Residuals = 1.91057836218533E-10 Average Residual = 2.74114542637781E-13

Residual Sum of Squares (Absolute) = 1265841.95439805 Residual Sum of Squares (Relative) = 1265841.95439805 Standard Error of the Estimate = 42.6773397726375

Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2) = 0.9951445023 Proportion of Variance Explained = 99.51445023%

Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (Ra^2) = 0.9951375159 Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.88234890068211E-02

Regression Variable Results

Variable Value Standard Error t-ratio Prob(t)

a 1.208879 1.637096 0.738429 0.4605

b -642.857 1.703319 -377.415 0

68% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 68% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a 1.208879 1.629238 -0.42036 2.838117

b -642.857 1.695143 -644.553 -641.162


90% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 90% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a 1.208879 2.696297 -1.48742 3.905176

b -642.857 2.805367 -645.663 -640.052

95% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 95% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a 1.208879 3.214274 -2.0054 4.423153

b -642.857 3.344297 -646.202 -639.513

99% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 99% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a 1.208879 4.228455 -3.01958 5.437334

b -642.857 4.399503 -647.257 -638.458

Variance Analysis

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Prob(F)

Regression 1 2.59E+08 2.59E+08 142441.7 0

Error 695 1265842 1821.355

Total 696 2.61E+08



Approccio II, velocità assiale, risultati regressione scenario 2

Results from the project

"Regression model II: Scenario 2"

Model Definition:Y = a+b/x Number of observations = 696 Number of missing observations = 0 Solver type: Nonlinear

Nonlinear iteration limit = 250 Diverging nonlinear iteration limit =10

Number of nonlinear iterations performed = 11 Residual tolerance = 0.0000000001

Sum of Residuals = -1.34576794152963E-11 Average Residual = -1.93357462863453E-14

Residual Sum of Squares (Absolute) = 1717752.86557185 Residual Sum of Squares (Relative) = 1717752.86557185 Standard Error of the Estimate = 49.7508615129938 Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2) = 0.9933312761 Proportion of Variance Explained = 99.33312761%

Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (Ra^2) = 0.993321667 Durbin-Watson statistic = 2.70786536957601E-02

Regression Variable Results

Variable Value Standard Error t-ratio Prob(t)

a -70.8623 1.909838 -37.1038 0

b -638.806 1.986842 -321.518 0

68% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 68% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -70.8623 1.900671 -72.7629 -68.9616

b -638.806 1.977305 -640.783 -636.828


90% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 90% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -70.8623 3.145694 -74.008 -67.7166

b -638.806 3.272528 -642.078 -635.533

95% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 95% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -70.8623 3.749776 -74.612 -67.1125

b -638.806 3.900966 -642.707 -634.905

99% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 99% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -70.8623 4.93292 -75.7952 -65.9294

b -638.806 5.131815 -643.938 -633.674

Variance Analysis

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Prob(F)

Regression 1 2.56E+08 2.56E+08 103373.9 0

Error 694 1717753 2475.148

Total 695 2.58E+08



Approccio II, velocità assiale, risultati regressione scenario 3

Results from the project

"Regression model II: Scenario 3"

Model Definition:Y = a+b/x Number of observations = 696 Number of missing observations = 0 Solver type: Nonlinear

Nonlinear iteration limit = 250 Diverging nonlinear iteration limit =10 Number of nonlinear iterations performed = 2 Residual tolerance = 0.0000000001

Sum of Residuals = 4.78195261166547E-12 Average Residual = 6.87062156848488E-15

Residual Sum of Squares (Absolute) = 2255910.84760273 Residual Sum of Squares (Relative) = 2255910.84760273 Standard Error of the Estimate = 57.0139631969885 Coefficient of Multiple Determination (R^2) = 0.9912254124 Proportion of Variance Explained = 99.12254124%

Adjusted coefficient of multiple determination (Ra^2) = 0.9912127689 Durbin-Watson statistic = 1.90847813114641E-02

Regression Variable Results

Variable Value Standard Error t-ratio Prob(t)

a -30.0024 2.188654 -13.7081 0

b -637.922 2.27832 -279.996 0

68% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 68% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -30.0024 2.178149 -32.1805 -27.8242

b -637.922 2.267384 -640.189 -635.654

90% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 90% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -30.0024 3.604932 -33.6073 -26.3975

b -637.922 3.752621 -641.674 -634.169


95% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 95% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -30.0024 4.297204 -34.2996 -25.7052

b -637.922 4.473253 -642.395 -633.448

99% Confidence Intervals

Variable Value 99% (+/-) Lower Limit Upper Limit

a -30.0024 5.653075 -35.6555 -24.3493

b -637.922 5.884672 -643.806 -632.037

Variance Analysis

Source DF Sum of Squares Mean Square F Ratio Prob(F)

Regression 1 2.55E+08 2.55E+08 78398.04 0

Error 694 2255911 3250.592

Total 695 2.57E+08


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