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Linear combination


Academic year: 2021

Condividi "Linear combination"


Testo completo


Università di L’Aquila Claudio Arbib

Operations Research

Bases of IRn



Linear, affine, conic and convex combination

Linear and affine dependence and independence

Rank and determinant

Base for a set of vectors in IRn

Representation theorem

Substitution theorem (Steinitz)

Linear matroid


Linear combination

1 2

0 3


= λ1 + λ2 4

with λ1 = –2/3, λ2 = 1

–2/3(0 , 3) +1(1 , 4)

Definition A vector x ∈ IRn is said to be a linear combination of vectors a1, …, am ∈ IRn with

coefficients λ1, ..., λm ∈ IR if x = λ1a1 + … + λmam



Affine combination


1 2

0 2


= λ1 + λ2 2

with λ1 = –1, λ2 = 2

–1(0 , 2)

+2(½ , 2)

Definition A vector x ∈ IRn is said to be an affine combination of vectors a1, …, am ∈ IRn with coefficients λ1, ..., λm ∈ IR if

x = λ1a1 + … + λmam and

λ1 + ... + λm = 1


Conic combination


1 3

0 2


= λ1 + λ2 2

with λ1 = 1, λ2 = ½

+1(0 , 2)

+½(2 , 2)

Definition A vector x ∈ IRn is said to be a conic combination of vectors a1, …, am ∈ IRn with

coefficients λ1, ..., λm ∈ IR if x = λ1a1 + … + λmam and

λ1, ..., λm > 0


Convex combination

Definition A vector x ∈ IRn is said to be a convex combination of vectors a1, …, am ∈ IRn with coefficients λ1, ..., λm ∈ IR if

x = λ1a1 + … + λmam and

λ1 + ... + λm = 1 λ1, ..., λm > 0

+½(0 , 2)

+½(2 , 2) 1


0 2


= λ1 + λ2 2

with λ1 = ½, λ2 = ½ Example



Definition The affine (conic, convex) hull of a set S ⊆ IRn is the set of all the vectors x ∈ IRn which can be obtained as affine (conic, convex) combination of vectors of S.



aff(S) conv(S)


Dependence and independence

Definition A set A = {a1, …, am} ⊆ IRn is linearly dependent if there exist m not identically null real numbers λ1, …, λm such that

λ1a1 + … + λmam = 0.


A = { 12 , } is linearly independent21

B = { , , } is linearly dependent

(λ1 = λ2 = 2/3, λ3 = –1)

1 2

2 1

2 2

Affine dependence is defined in a similar way adding the clause λ1 + … + λm = 0.


Dependence and independence

Definition A set A = {a1, …, am} ⊆ IRn is affinely dependent if there exist m not identically null real numbers λ1, …, λm such that

λ1 + … + λm = 0 and λ1a1 + … + λmam = 0.


B = { 1 , , } is affinely independent


2 1

2 2

C = { , , } is affinely dependent

(λ1 = λ3 = –1, λ2 = 2)

1 2

2 1

3 0


Dependence and independence

Proposition The following statements are equivalent:

1) a1, a2, …, am are affinely (in)dependent

2) a1 – am, a2 – am, …, am–1 – am are linearly (in)dependent

B = { 12 , 21 , } is affinely independent22 D = { –10 , –10 } is linearly independent


Dependence and independence

Proposition The following statements are equivalent:

1) a1, a2, …, am are affinely (in)dependent

2) a1 – am, a2 – am, …, am–1 – am are linearly (in)dependent

E = { , } is linearly dependent

(λ1 = –1, λ2 = 2)

–2 2

–1 1

C = { , , } is affinely dependent

(λ1 = λ3 = –1, λ2 = 2)

1 2

2 1

3 0


Dependence and independence

Proof (1) is true, there exist not identically null λ1, …, λm ∈ IR such that λ1a1 + … + λmam = 0 (i) λ1 + … + λm = 0 (ii) Then

λ1(a1 – am) + … + λm–1(am–1 – am) =

= λ1a1 + … + λm–1am–1 – (λ1 + … + λm–1)am =

= λmam – (λ1 + … + λm–1)am =

= – (λ1 + … + λm)am = 0

Note that it cannot be λ1 = … = λm–1 = 0 otherwise (ii) would imply λm = 0.

This proves (2).

Proposition The following statements are equivalent:

1) a1, a2, …, am are affinely (in)dependent

2) a1 – am, a2 – am, …, am–1 – am are linearly (in)dependent


Dependence and independence

Proof Conversely, (2) implies the existence of µ1, …, µm–1 ∈ IR not identically null and such that µ1(a1 – am) + … + µm–1(am–1 – am) = 0


µ1a1 + … + µm–1am–1 – (µ1 + … + µm–1)am = 0

Set λi = µi for i = 1, …, m – 1, λm = – (µ1 + … + µm–1): then λ1 + … + λm = 0, and there exists at least one λk ≠ 0. This proves (1).

Proposition The following statements are equivalent:

1) a1, a2, …, am are affinely (in)dependent

2) a1 – am, a2 – am, …, am–1 – am are linearly (in)dependent

Esercise Show that (1) and (2) are equivalent to

3) a1 , …, ∈ IRn+1 are linearly (in)dependenti






Definition Let A = {a1, …, am} ⊆ IRn. The largest number rg(A) of vectors in A which are linearly independent is called the rank of A.


B = { 1 , , } has rank 2


2 4


A = { 1 , , } has rank 2 5 2

2 1

3 0

C = { 1 , , } has rank 1


–4 8


6 D = { 1 , } has rank 2


2 1

E = { 1 , } has rank 1



4 F = { 1 } has rank 1




A matrix A ∈ IRn×m defines two sets of vectors:

• C, formed by its n columns,

• R, formed by its m rows.

The largest number of linearly

independent vectors in C coincides with the largest number of linearly

independent vectors of R, and is called the rank of matrix A: rg(A).

One clearly has

• rg(A) = rg(AT)

• rg(A) < min{m, n}

1 –3 2 0

–2 6 –4 0

A =

rg(A) = 1 Example

1 –3 2 0

–1 –7 4 –2

1 2 –1 1

A =

rg(A) = 2



Proposition The following statements are equivalent:

1) the system of linear equations Ax = b has a solution 2) rg(A) = rg(A, b)

Proof Let b = 0. In this case both statements are trivially true. In fact, the system Ax = b has x = 0 as a trivial solution; and adding b = 0 to any subset S of columns of A makes S linearly dependent: hence adding b to A cannot increase the rank of A, and therefore rg(A) = rg(A, b).

Suppose now b ≠ 0. If Ax = b has a solution x°, this is clearly ≠ 0: then, since b can be expressed as a linear combination of the columns of A with not identically null coefficients x1°, …, xn°, [A, b] is a dependent set of vectors. Hence rg(A) = rg(A, b).

Conversely, let S be a set of linearly independent columns with |S| = rg(A).

If rg(A) = rg(A, b), then S is also an independent in [A, b] of maximum size, thus S ∪ {b} is linearly dependent, and therefore ∃x: Ax = b.



Definition Let A ∈ IRn×n. The determinant of A is the real number det(A) defined as follows:

1) if n = 1, then A = [a11] and det(A) = a11

2) if n > 1 then det(A) = Σj=1..n (–1)i+j aijdet(Aij)

where Aij is the submatrix (n – 1)×(n – 1) obtained by deleting the i-th row and the j-th column of A.


1 2 1

A = 2 0 –3

0 –1 1

det(A) = (–1)2+12 det 2 1 +

–1 1

(–1)2+20 det 1 1 +

0 1

(–1)2+3(–3) det 10 –1 2 =

= –2(2 + 1) + 0(1 – 0) + +3(–1 – 0) = –9

Notice: computing det(A) by starting from any other row or column yields the same result



Definition A matrix B ∈ IRn×n is said to be singular if det(B) = 0.

Proposition Let A ∈ IRm×n with m < n. Then the homogeneous system of equations Ax = 0 has a non-trivial solution (that is, x ≠ 0) iff ∃B ⊆ A, B ∈

IRm×m, such that det(B) = 0.

Corollary The columns (and the rows) of B are linearly dependent iff det(B) = 0.


For any A ∈ IRm×n, rg(A) is the order of the largest square non- singular submatrix B of A.



Definition Let S ⊆ IRn. A set B = {b1, …, bm} ⊆ IRn is said to be a base for S if

B is linearly independent

B ∪ {x} is lin. dependent for any x ∈ S – B

(in other words, there exist not identically null real coefficients λ0, λ1, ..., λm such that λ0x + λ1b1 + … + λmbm = 0).

Observe that x 0 implies λ0 0, or B would not be independent.

Then we can write

x = – λ1b1/λ0 – … – λmbm/λ0

(representation of x in B)



Theorem 1 The representation of x ∈ S in a given base B is unique.

Proof: assume

x = α1b1 + … + αmbm x = γ1b1 + … + γmbm Then

0 = (α1 γ1)b1 + … + (αm γm)bm

and if ∃i: αi γi 0, then B is linearly dependent (contradiction).



Theorem 2 Let x ∈ S – B, with B base for S e x 0. Suppose x = α1b1 + … + αmbm with α1 0.

Then B’ = {x, b2, …, bm} is a base for S.

Proof: first of all, B’ is independent. If not:

0 = µ1x + µ2b2 + … + µmbm

with µ1 0 (if µ1 = 0, then B would be dependent).

Moreover, B’ is maximal in S, because y = λ1b1 + … + λmbm ∀y∈S and

replacing b1 = x/α1 α2b2/α1 – … – αmbm/α1 one obtains a representation of y in B’.

But then

x = µ2b2/µ1 – … – µmbm/µ1

x = α1b1 + α2b2 + … + αmbm contradiction


Linear matroid

Theorem 3 Let U be a finite set of vectors of IRn, and ℑ the collection of all the subsets X of U which are linealry independent.

Then (U, ℑ) is a matroid.

Proof: first, ℑ is clearly subclusive, because every subset of an independent set is independent as well.

Let us show that the exchange property holds:

∀A, B ∈ ℑ: |B| > |A|, ∃x ∈ B – A: A ∪ {x} ∈ ℑ

that is, an element of the largest linear independent set can be added to the smallest, with the resulting set still being independent.


Linear matroid

Theorem 3 Let U be a finite set of vectors of IRn, and ℑ the collection of all the subsets X of U which are linearly independent.

Then (U, ℑ) is a matroid.

Proof (continued): Let

A = {a1, …, am} B = {b0, b1, …, bm}

Should not the exchange property hold, then A∪{bi} would be dependent ∀i: bi A, that is, A is a base for B.

Assume bm ∉ A: let then bm = λ1a1 + … + λmam and without loss of generality suppose λm 0. Then by Theorem 2 one can replace bm for am, and

Am = {a1, …, am–1, bm} still is a base for B.

If instead bm ∈ A, the substitution returns Am = A which still is base for B by assumption.


Linear matroid

Theorem 3 Let U be a finite set of vectors of IRn, and ℑ the collection of all the subsets X of U which are linearly independent.

Then (U, ℑ) is a matroid.

Proof (continued): Going ahead in this way, if bm–1 ∉ A we can write bm–1 = µ1a1 + … + µm–1am–1+ µmbm

noticing that µm–1 0 (otherwise B would be dependent).

Then Am–1 = {a1, …, am–2, bm–1, bm}

Am–2 = {a1, …, am–3, bm–2, bm–1, bm} …

A1 = {b1, …, bm–3, bm–2, bm–1, bm} = B – {b0}

are all basis for B. But then using A1 we can represent b0 in terms of b1, …, bm, contradicting the independence of B.


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