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edge radiography and applications to Cultural Heritage

Fluorescenza X. Prontuario per l’analisi XRF portatile applicata a superfici policrome

K- edge radiography and applications to Cultural Heritage

Tesi di Dottorato in Fisica, Anni Accademici 2009-2011

 D’Avossa, 2012 D’Avossa E.

“Donna in lettura sul letto ed anziano”. Valutazione con metodi non invasivi dello stato di conservazione del dipinto

Tesi di laurea triennale (Corso in Scienze e Tecnologie per l’ambiente, la natura e i Beni Culturali – Università di Ferrara), Anni Accademici 2011-2012

 Del Farra, 2013 Del Farra A.

Characterization of XVI Century Pigments from the Veneto Region through Micro- Invasive Analysis

Tesi di laurea triennale (Corso di laurea in Scienze Chimiche – Università di Ferrara), Anni Accademici 2012-2013

 Farioli, 2012 Farioli V.

Desco da parto: tipologia di manufatti artistici del XV secolo e diagnostica di un caso esemplificativo

Tesi di laurea in Scienze e Tecnologie per l’ambiente, la natura e i Beni Culturali – Università di Ferrara , Anni Accademici 2011-2012

 Holakooei, 2013 Holakooei P.

Technological study of the seventeenth century haft rang tiles in Iran with a comparative view to the cuerda seca tiles in Spain

Tesi di Dottorato in Scienze e Tecnologie per l’Archeologia e i beni Culturali, Anni Accademici 2010-2012

 Labate, 2011 Labate M.

Valutazione delle proprietà ottiche di consolidanti per restauro conservativo tramite tecniche fisiche non invasive

Tesi di laurea triennale (Corso in Tecnologie per i Beni Culturali – Università di Ferrara), Anni Accademici 2010-2011

 Pasetti, 2002 Pasetti L.

Studio di un sistema di acquisizione di immagini multi spettrali per la diagnostica di opere d’arte


 Peccenini, 2012 Peccenini E.

2013A scanning device for wide band infrared reflectography Tesi di Dottorato in Fisica, Anni Accademici 2009-2011

 Pellicori, 2013 Pellicori V.

Image spectroscopy for diagnostic and conservation of contemporary art materials

Tesi di Dottorato in Fisica, Anni Accademici 2010-2012

 Petitta, 2012 Petitta B.

Relazione di laboratorio

Laboratorio di Archeometria, Corso in Scienze e Tecnologie per l’ambiente, la natura e i Beni Culturali, Università di Ferrara, Anni Accademici 2011-2012



Firstly, I need to thank the Physics and Earth sciences department, University of Ferrara, in the persons of Mauro Gambaccini and Roberto Calabrese, past and present directors of the Department, for hosting me in these three years. Many thanks also go the INFN (National Institute for Nuclear Physics, Section of Ferrara) and to TekneHub (High Technology Network, Emilia Romagna) for giving me the possibility to use the equipment.

The numerous works undertaken and developed over these three years gave me the opportunity to meet many people. And to grow, because from each of them I've learnt something valuable.

My deep gratitude goes to Professor Ferruccio Petrucci, a constantly present reference point. For his way, always respectful and unexceptionable, to face each issue. For his availability and the lucidity to find out always reasonable solutions. I really hope I can continue to work together much longer.

I shared this experience with Lara Boselli, Fauzia Albertin, Eva Peccenini and Virginia Pellicori. From and with them, I realized even more, that different ways to approach things can lead to very good results, always improvable. Thank you girls.

I am deeply grateful to Carinna Parraman, for welcoming me with warmth and kindness, and for having followed me with dedication during the internship at the Centre for Fine Print Research in Bristol. And... for sharing the pictures of Gromits... I am also very thankful to Peter and Peter, Linsay, Katie, Melissa, Cecilia, Angie, Sarah and Sarah, Steven, David, Paul and Paul, Jesse, Joanna, Tom, Chris (who very kindly 3D printed the basis for the dome), and to Grace and Nick and all the others, for welcoming me so warmly.

In addition, I would like to thank in a very special way Victoria, Poppy and Ned, for making me feel at home. Thanks to all of these special persons I felt pampered.

I am also grateful to my other referees, Prof. Aurelio Climent Font (University autonoma Madrid), and Arch. Antonio Rava (Torino), for reading and giving their opinions on my thesis.

Thanks to Maria Labate, Parviz Holakooei, Veronica Farioli, Emanuela D’Avossa, for the great work they’ve done in preparing their Master and PhD theses, to which, if only for a small part, I participated. Part of these work is presented in this thesis.

160 A big thanks goes to Laura Ruffoni and all the staff of the Casa Museo Remo Brindisi, to the architects Michela Biancardi, Alessandro Massarente (University of Ferrara), to Dr. Gaia Cammarata, to the Municipality of Comacchio and all the other people involved in the projects. All of them share the efforts for the valorisation and the preservation of the Heritage in the Casa Museo.

... Last but not least, I know that my family is always here, even if somebody from afar... I am deeply grateful to my parents, Laura and Gianluigi, because if I am what I am, that’s also because of them. Thanks to my lovely and wise little sister Chiara, that I am very proud of.

To put into words how I feel right now is very difficult. But the special persons I’ve met in these three years made me stronger and more aware of myself. Each having their own way. Special persons, to me, are many...

Some of them are solar and laugh heartily, never make me feel alone, even if far away. Some of them teach me to fight for an objective, to complicate my life or, sometimes, to make it easier.

Somebody comes from India and is very wise, some of them are obstinate and put soul into everything they do.

They are simple and curious and hungry for new things, and they want to make better both the present and the future.

And someone, Enrico, the most special of all, has made and is making happen something very big and has simply changed my life...


… I Lestrigoni e i Ciclopi … The Lestrygonians and the Cyclops, o la furia di Nettuno non temere, the angry Poseidon, do not fear them: non sarà questo il genere di incontri You will never find such as these on your path, se il pensiero resta alto e un sentimento if your thoughts remain lofty, if a fine fermo guida il tuo spirito e il tuo corpo. emotion touches your spirit and your body.

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