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Urinary albumin excretion in normal subjects and in diabetic patients measured by a radioimmunoassay: methodological and clinical aspects.


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Clin Biochem, Vol. 21, pp. 63-68, 1988 0009-9120/88 $3.00 + .00 Printed in Canada. All rights reserved. Copyright © 1988 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists.

Urinary Albumin Excretion in Normal Subjects and in

Diabetic Patients Measured by a Radioimmunoassay:

Methodological and Clinical Aspects




Cattedra di Malattie del Ricambio, Istituto di Clinica Medica II, C.N.R. Clinical Physiology Institute,

Universita' di Pisa, Italy

We have developed a radioimmunoassay method (RIA) to mea- sure urinary albumin excretion. We determined the albumin excretion rate (AER) (~g/min) of 122 healthy subjects and ~ 45 diabetic patients (115 type I, 30 type ll). The results indicate that the RIA is sensitive (0.39 +-- 0.08 rag/L), precise (CV 5-8%), and gives reliable results on previously frozen urine samples. The distribution of the AER val- ues in healthy subjects and diabetic patients was not normal, It was normalized by log or square-root transformation of the data. Seventy- three percent of diabetic patients lay within the normal range (0.6- 10.6 ~g/rnin). Twenty percent could be considered "at risk" to de- velop overt diabetic nephropathy because their albuminuria ex- ceeded a threshold level of 15 l~g/min chosen previously as the cutoff value for microalbuminuria.

We found no correlation between AER and glycated hemoglobin, and only a weak correlation between AER and diabetes duration in type I diabetic patients.

KEY WORDS: urinary albumin; microalbuminuria; AER; diabetic nephropathy; diabetes mellitus; radioimmunoassay.


icroalbuminuria is defined as an increased uri- nary albumin excretion r a t e (AER) t h a t is above the upper normal limit, b u t not detectable by s t a n d a r d clinical tests such as Albustix (Miles GmbH, Sparte Ames, Frankfurt, West G e r m a n y ) (1-2).

The clinical relevance and usefulness of the mea- surement of m i c r o a l b u m i n u r i a as a predictor of overt diabetic nephropathy has been assessed by long-term prospective studies performed both in type I, insulin- dependent (3-5) and in type II, m a t u r i t y - o n s e t diabetic subjects (6). These studies have shown t h a t micro- albuminuria is strongly prognostic of persistent, A1- bustix-positive proteinuria, the h a l l m a r k and starting point of clinical diabetic n e p h r o p a t h y (3-6). In addi- tion, microalbuminuria, both in type I and in type II diabetic patients, has been shown to predict increased mortality not only of r e n a l origin, b u t also from cardio- vascular disease (6,7).

Correspondence: Ottavio Giampietro, MD, Cattedra di Mal- attie del Ricambio, Istituto di Clinica Medica II, Via Roma, 67, 56100 PISA, Italy.

Manuscript received May 10, 1987; accepted August 12, 1987.

*In our laboratory, the normal range of HbAlc is 4 to 6%.

Several methods, among which radial immunodif- fusion (8) and r a d i o i m m u n o a s s a y (9-12) have been the most widely used, can m e a s u r e small concentrations of albumin in urine. Until now however, they have been limited to a few research laboratories (12). With the availability of new commercial kits for the RIA as- sessment of albuminuria, more extensive studies on the utility of m i c r o a l b u m i n u r i a as a m a r k e r of clinical ne- p h r o p a t h y is possible. Issues to be resolved are the dis- tribution of AER values in normal and diabetic subjects (13), the development of normal ranges, the day-to-day variability of u r i n a r y albumin excretion (14), and the mode of collection and storage of u r i n e samples. In this article, we describe the characteristics of the RIA method developed in our laboratory and report results t h a t ad- dress these issues.

Materials a n d m e t h o d s S U B J E C T S

U r i n a r y albumin excretion was m e a s u r e d in 122 h e a l t h y subjects (58 males and 64 females; age, 1 6 - 5 9 years; m +- SD, 29.6 - 8.5) in 115 type I, insulin-de- p e n d e n t diabetic patients (51 males and 64 females; age, 9 - 6 6 years; 31.1 +- 14; duration of diabetes: 1-37 years, 11.2 +- 7.5; fasting plasma glucose: 4.4-7.7 mmol/ L; glycated hemoglobin, HbAlc: 4.5-11%, 7.6 +- 1.3)*, and in 30 type II, m a t u r i t y - o n s e t diabetic patients (16 males and 14 females; age, 2 5 - 7 2 years, 50.4 +- 11.1; diabetes duration: 1-39 years, 9.9 -+ 8; fasting plasma glucose: 5-7.7 mmol/L; HbAlc: 5-10%, 7.6 +- 1.5). All the subjects studied were w i t h i n 10% of ideal body weight, h a d no history of r e n a l or u r i n a r y t r a c t disease, and had negative u r i n e cultures. They were Albustix- negative, normotensive, and with normal renal func- tion (creatinine clearance in normals, type I and II di- abetics was 2.02 -+ 0.6 × 10-3; 1.98 --- 0.41 × 10-3; 1.95 +- 0.41 x 10 -3 L/s, respectively). Timed, overnight ur- ine collections were used (3). E v e r y subject collected urine for at least t h r e e consecutive nights. Albumin was m e a s u r e d on each of these specimens, and the m e a n


value was expressed as AER in ~g/min. All urines were collected in plastic tubes with no additive or preserv- ative and stored at -20°C until assayed.


The standard for the RIA is purified h u m a n serum albumin (HSA) (HSA, crystallized and lyophilized, es- sentially globulin-free; Sigma, St. Louis, MO 63178). 125-I-HSA is the tracer and a specific anti-HSA serum, (Sclavo S.p.A., Cinisello Balsamo, Italy) is the antibody. The separation of the bound from the free phase is by second antibody (goat anti-rabbit-gamma globulins di- luted 1:100 in the Tris-EDTA buffer) plus PEG (8% polyethylene glycol in Tris 0.05 M, pH 8.6 buffer).

The standard curve is prepared by diluting a solution (100 mg/L) of purified HSA with Tris-EDTA buffer (Tris buffer 0.1 M, pH 8.6, with EDTA 0.02 M, sodium azide 1 g/L, and gelatin 2 g/L) to give seven standards, con- taining 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 50 mg/L of HSA, re- spectively (Figure 1); 25 ~L of each is used in the assay. The 125-I-HSA is prepared by the Chloroamine-T- method (15). The specific activity obtained after chro- matographic purification on Sephadex G75 column was 30 to 40 ~Ci/~g. A solution containing 3 to 4 x 104 cpm in 100 ~L (about 10 ~g/L of 125-I-USA in the Tris- EDTA buffer) is used in the assay. The antiserum was raised in rabbits and diluted 1 : 1000 with the Tris-EDTA buffer. The bovine serum albumin (BSA for RIA assay, Miles Laboratories, Inc., Naperville, IL 60566) shows no crossreactivity (B/B0 < 5%) up to a concentration of 100 g/L. There is negligible crossreactivity also with human gamma globulin (0.3%) and human transferrin (<0.01%).

The assay is performed as follows: 25 ~L of the stan- dard solution or undiluted urine sample, 100 ~L of the

antiserum and 100 ~L of the second antibody are added to each tube. After mixing, the tubes are incubated (1 h) at room temperature (18-22°C). Two mL of PEG solution are added to each tube and after centrifugation (1500 x g for 10 min at 4°C), the supernates are re- moved by aspiration and the precipitates counted in a well-type gamma counter. All sample values, the index of sensitivity, the precision profile, and the quality con- trol of the assay are calculated using a previously de- scribed data validation program (16). An AER cutoff value of 15 ~g/min was chosen for diagnosis of mi- croalbuminuria (5,6). S t a t i s t i c a l analysis of the pa- tients, data was performed using a standard statistical package (17) on an IBM 370.

R e s u l t s RIA SYSTEM

Figure 1 shows the mean standard curve (-SD), the mean precision profile, the mean degree of sensitivity, the mean binding capacity (Bo/T), and the mean per- cent nonspecific counts (N/T) of our RIA system, ob- tained from 40 different assays performed over 18 months. The degree of precision and sensitivity permits the measurement of AER even in normal subjects. How- ever, when necessary, 50 or 100 ~L of urine samples, instead of 25 ~L, may be assayed.

A linear response (r > 0.98) was obtained when in- creasing volumes of eight different urinary samples containing albumin concentrations from 20 to 130 mg/ L were assayed. Urine samples containing very high albumin concentrations may be diluted for the assay. Quantitative recovery was obtained when known amounts of purified HSA were added to three different urine samples (two assayed after storage at - 20°C and MEAN STANDARD CURVE (_+SD.n=40) MEAN PRECISION PROFILE ("+SO, n= 4 0 )

B/B % 100 90 80 70 60 50. 4 0 30 20 10 N / T % =1.81"+0.38 Bo/T% = 6780 +_ 6.10 Sens. =0.39"+0.08 m g / L CV% 11. 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Figure l I M e a n (-+SD) standard curve, mean precision profile, mean degree of sensitivity, mean binding capacity (Bo/T) and mean aspecific counts (N/T) of our RIA method obtained in different 40 experiments during 18 month-period.



Stability of Urinary Albumin Value (~g/ml) in Multiple Thawing and Freezing Experiments Performed During a Three Week Period

4 days 8 days 15 days 21 days

Sample Fresh (first thawing) (second thawing) (third thawing) (fourth thawing)

1 2.30 2.16 1.97 2.47 2.21 2 11.40 8.80 8.33 9.75 9.37 3 27.60 25.70 26.16 25.79 26.68 4 12.80 13.03 12.93 12.41 13.19 5 7.94 7.46 6.83 7.45 7.90 6 1.97 2.10 1.58 2.17 1.76 7 6.25 5.67 5.30 5.29 5.34 8 40.70 37.57 34.05 38.39 40.29 9 6.80 6.70 6.26 6.24 6.00 10 45.62 47.19 50.32 47.50 48.45 Mean 16.34 15.64 15.37 15.75 16.12 SD 15.92 15.78 16.22 15.97 16.6

NOTE: Each urine sample has been measured first at fresh, and then after four repeated freezing and thawing experiments.

one without freezing), m e a n percent recovery r a n g i n g from 98 to 103%.

The between-batch precision was assessed by assay- ing three urine pools over several m o n t h s (16 months: pool A and B; 8 months: pool C). The method shows good precision (CV r a n g i n g between 5-8%). Significant degradation of i m m u n o r e a c t i v e endogenous H S A was not observed in stored urine samples during the study. We found no reduction of m e a s u r e d a l b u m i n in sev- eral (n --- 4) freezing and t h a w i n g experiments per- formed in 10 urines over t h r e e weeks (Table 1), and no significant differences were found between eight urine samples assayed before (mean 11.1 +- 6.7 mg/L) and after centrifugation (mean 11.3 + 6.5 mg/L).

Clinical results

The distribution of A E R values in the 122 n o r m a l subjects is not G a u s s i a n (Figure 2A) (p < 0.013, test di S0mers) (18), and t h e log t r a n s f o r m a t i o n of d a t a did not

normalize the curve (p < 0.01, Figure 2B). A normal distribution was achieved after the square-root trans- formation of A E R values (Figure 2C).

The r a n g e of A E R in h e a l t h y control subjects was 0.6 to 10.6 ~ g / m i n ( l s t - 9 9 t h percentile) with a m e a n value of 4.42 +_ 1.99 ~ g / m i n (median 4.27) (Table 2).

In diabetic patients, the m e a n A E R was 12 ~g/min, (range 1-110) and about 70% were within normal limits (Figure 3). The m e a n A E R of both type I (12.5 ~g/min, r a n g e 1.3-110) and type II (10 ~g/min, r a n g e 1-39) diabetic patients was significantly higher t h a n the AER of normal subjects (p < 0.001).

In 92 n o r m o a l b u m i n u r i c type I diabetic patients, the A E R was 6.3 - 2.8 ~ g / m i n (range 1.3-13.6). In the 24 n o r m o a l b u m i n u r i c type II diabetics, the A E R was 5.2 + 3.3 ~ g / m i n (range 1-14). The A E R of normo- albuminuric type I and type II diabetic patients was significantly higher t h a n t h a t of the controls, (p < 0.01, one-way ANOVA), b u t the data from the two groups of diabetics did not differ (Table 2).


Clinical and Metabolic Characteristics of Subjects Studied Control Subjects (n = 122) Type I Normo- albuminuria (<15 ~g/min) (n = 92) Micro- albuminuria (>15 ~g/min) (n = 23) Diabetic Patients (n = 145) Type II Normo- albuminuria (<15 ~g/min) (n = 24) Micro- albuminuria (>15 ~g/min) (n = 6) Sex (M:F) 58/64 42/50 9/14 12/12 4/2 Age (years) 29.6(16-59) 29(9-66) 39(16-65) 50(27-72) 51(25-63) Duration of diabetes - - 10(1-28) 15(2-37) 9(1-39) 12(1-22) Albumin Excretion 4.42(0.6-10.6) 6.3(1.3-13.6) a 36.9(15-110) 5.2(1-14) a 26(18-39)

Rate (AER) (~g/min)

Creatinine Clearance 2.02(1.20-3.31) b 1.93(0.86-3.28) b 2.16(1.48-3.28) b 1.83(1.46-2.16) b 2.08(1.28-2.93) b


HbAlc (%) 5.2(4.5-5.9) 7.6(4.5-11) a 7.9(6.7-10.3) ~ 7.9(5.6-10.2) ~ 7.0(4.4-8.4) ~

NOTE: Results are expressed as means with ranges in parentheses. ap < 0.01 vs normal subjects.





4° l

3 5 3O .o N 2 0 - o '~ 1 5 - 1 0 -


Z 5 - O - 3 5 .£ 30 % > 25 20 ~o 15 1 0 E 0 0 1 2 3 4 { Mode ~ i ~ . i - . • -- . . . Median

LL L-Li22-Me~n

."..., "-.'-":"?'i'::'1.


"-2":.., ...'..'.'. L I .'.-. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 AER, #g/rain. Mode I . . . Median : - - - Mean 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Log AER (C) 3 0 - 2 5 - ~, 2 0 - • "~ 1 5 - . z o- Mode 1.2 1,6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 ,JAER

Figure 2--(A) Distribution of AER data in 122 normal sub- jects, (B) log-transformation, and (C) square-root transfor- mation of values. Only the last distribution was not signifi- cantly different from a normal one.

The m e a n A E R of m i c r o a l b u m i n u r i c type I p a t i e n t s (36.9 -- 28 ixg/min; r a n g e 15-110) also did not differ significantly from t h a t found in m i c r o a l b u m i n u r i c type II diabetics (26 --+ 7.4 txg/min; r a n g e 18-39) (Table 2). After t h e exclusion of the m i c r o a l b u m i n u r i c p a t i e n t s (AER > 15 I~g/min; n = 29), both log a n d square-root t r a n s f o r m a t i o n s n o r m a l i z e d the A E R distribution in di- abetic subjects. We found a w e a k (r = 0.25, p < 0.02; n = 115) correlation b e t w e e n the d u r a t i o n of diabetes and A E R in type I diabetic p a t i e n t s b u t no such rela- tionship b e t w e e n glycated hemoglobin and A E R v a l u e s in these patients.

In n o r m a l a n d in diabetic subjects, the m e a n coeffi- cient of v a r i a t i o n of t h e A E R w a s a b o u t 30% (range 2 9 - 33%), a n d t h a t of u r i n e v o l u m e s r a n g e d b e t w e e n 21 and 26%.


The RIA m e t h o d is rapid, sensitive, acceptably pre- cise, and h a s a wide l i n e a r d y n a m i c range. U r i n e sam- ples can be p r e s e r v e d w i t h o u t additives, w i t h no loss of i m m u n o r e a c t i v e u r i n a r y a l b u m i n concentration, and the a s s a y m a y be p e r f o r m e d on prefrozen urine samples. The best type of urine collection (e.g., 24 h or overnight collection, m o r n i n g or r a n d o m u r i n e samples, forced diuresis) h a s y e t to be decided (13-14,19-21). Day-to- d a y a n d i n t r a - d a y v a r i a t i o n of u r i n a r y protein excre- tion, including a l b u m i n , is a well-documented phenom- enon (22). In our study, the m e a n coefficient of variation of t h e A E R (29-33%) c o m p a r e s f a v o r a b l y w i t h t h a t re- ported in other studies e m p l o y i n g o v e r n i g h t collection (2,3,13,21,23), a n d in o u r opinion o v e r n i g h t urine col- lection is s u i t a b l e for the m e a s u r e m e n t of microalbu- m i n u r i a a n d we r e c o m m e n d the collection of a mini-

AER, pg/min


28" 26. 24 22 20 18, 16, 14 12 10


6 4 2' 0 m w I


normal subjects diabetic patients (n =122) ( n =145)

Figure 3--AER values in normal and diabetic subjects. Each bar represents the corresponding mean value.


ALBUMINURIA IN NORMAL AND DIABETIC SUBJECTS mum of three consecutive overnight urine samples

(13,14,19,24), in order to accurately assess the AER. AER values obtained in our n o r m a l subjects (4.42 --- 1.99 ~g/min) are similar to those found by others (Mo- gensen: 4.3 -+ 1.3 ~g/min, (1,5); H e m m i n g s e n and Skaa- rup: 4.31 ~g/min, ref. 22), b u t are lower t h a n those found from others (Viberti et al.: 6.6 -+ 3.2 ~g/min; (25); Brodows et al.: 6.5 +- 2.2 }xg/min, ref. 12). These dif- ferences confirm how i m p o r t a n t it is for each laboratory involved in an AER study (1,5,12,22,25,26) to have their own normal range calculated on a proper group of healthy controls. Data from our 122 h e a l t h y subjects confirm that the distribution of u r i n a r y a l b u m i n excretion is not Gaussian (23,24,26-28).

For statistical analysis of a l b u m i n u r i a values, it is advisable to employ n o n p a r a m e t r i c methods or, alter- natively, to t r y to normalize d a t a by log or square-root (as in our case) transformation.

Diabetics (type I and type II) showed a m e a n A E R significantly h i g h e r t h a n normals even after excluding the microalbuminuric subjects (Figure 3 and Table 2), because 27% of diabetics exceeded the upper n o r m a l limit (Figure 3). A w e a k correlation between the dia- betes duration and the A E R was found only in type I patients, in accordance with other authors (26,27,29). We observed no correlation between A E R and H b A l c in diabetics possibly due to their n a r r o w r a n g e of gly- cated hemoglobin. Most values ranged between 7 to 10%. In studies showing a correlation between A E R and gbA1 (27,30), patients with very high HbA1 levels had been included.

By our RIA, u r i n a r y albumin m e a s u r e m e n t is accu- rate and sensitive. Hence, the method m a y be used for transversal and longitudinal studies of diabetic ne- phropathy (31-35), if urines are collected by a stan- dardized procedure (27,36,37).


We are very grateful to Francesco Caricato for his technical assistance in performing albumin radioimmunoassay and to Mrs. Lia Russo for her excellent accuracy in preparing the manuscript.

This study was supported in part by a grant (84.02442.56) from the National Research Council and by a grant from the Ministero della Pubblica Istruzione (Ricerca Scientifica 1985).


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