21 July 2021
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Twenty years of Business and Accounting research
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Twenty years of Business and Accounting research
This working paper aim at describing the work done in during the last twenty years as a scholar in business and accounting areas, working for several HEIs.
Armano, B., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2009). Does the Presence of Academic People in Companies’ Boards Influence Economic Performances? Evidence From Companies Grown in University Incubators (UIs). In Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation: ECIE (Vol. 3, p. 11). Academic Conferences Limited.
Armano, B., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2010). Does the Governance by Academics influence Firms’ Financial Performances? Evidence from New-Technology Based Firms (NTBFs). In 33rd Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship Conference (pp. 1–11). ISBE Institute for Small Business & Entrepreneurship.
Armano, B., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2012). Academic entrepreneurs’ role in science-based companies.
European Journal of Innovation Management, 15(2) 192-211.
Ciartano, C., Scagnelli, S. D., & Hellmann, A. (2012). The Effect of adopting cost or fair value measurements on financial statements: the case of IAS40-investment property.
Corazza, L., & Scagnelli, S. (2016). Cibo e inclusione sociale: evoluzioni e possibili soluzioni di un problema di sempre. Impresa Progetto - Electronic Journal of Management, 2016(2), 1–27.
Corazza, L., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2015). Legitimacy Reverbs of Mandatory Regulations on Sustainability Disclosure at a Worldwide Level. In 8th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business (pp. 2328–2330). EuroMed Press.
Corazza, L., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2016). Social and Environmental Risk disclosure in Sustainability reporting. What does preliminary evidence suggest?
Corazza, L., Cisi, M., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2018). Creation of Shared Value in Action: The Case of a Living Lab Using Transformative Learning. Journal of Business Ethics Education (Vol. 15).
Corazza, L., Scagnelli, S. D., & Mio, C. (2017). Simulacra and Sustainability Disclosure: Analysis of the Interpretative Models of Creating Shared Value. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 24(5), 414-434. https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.1417
Heidhues, E., Patel, C., Haller, A., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2011). The influence of culture on materiality judgments: A cross-cultural study of German and Italian professional accountants. In Working paper, Macquarie University.
Hellmann, A., Scagnelli, S. D., & Jörs, B. (2013). Information behavior of private investors in the age of the internet. Behavioral Accounting.
Scagnelli S. (2008). Verifiche degli aspetti organizzativi e strategici legati all’ICT. CONTABILITÀ FINANZA E CONTROLLO, 11, 908–918.
Scagnelli, S. (2007). Come calcolare il ritorno dagli investimenti ICT-ROI, NPV, IRR, Payback Period, e gli indicatori di performance.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2006). Information Technology projects, an integrated framework of evaluation. In EMERGING ISSUES IN INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTING & BUSINESS CONFERENCE 2006 (Vol. 2, pp. 751–777). Università degli Studi di Padova.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2007). Il sistema informativo di contabilità generale-Il ciclo dei finanziamenti. Scagnelli, S. D. (2008). Verifiche degli aspetti ICT organizzativi e strategici legati all’ICT”, straordinarie.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2008). Verifiche degli aspetti organizzativi e strategici legati all’ICT. Contabilità, Finanza e Controllo, 31(11), 908–918.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2012). Corporate governance e disclosure nell’era dei social network, evidenze empiriche dall’area Euro. Aracne.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2013). Business reporting for decision making: an integrated framework for information technology and information systems evaluation. International Journal of Science, Environment and Technology, 2(3), 328–350.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2014). The Open Access Model, Trends and Opportunities in Accounting Research. Open Journal of Accounting, 3(1–2), 1–2.
Scagnelli, S. D. (2018). Information Communication Technology (ICT) e azienda: analisi, valutazione e orientamento agli stakeholders. Torino: G Giappichelli Editore.
Scagnelli, S., Vasile, L., & Apostolov, M. (2018). Survival drivers of post-incubated start-ups: the effect of academic governance. International Journal of Innovation Management. https://doi.org/10.1142/s1363919619500622
Tsunogaya, N., Hellmann, A., & Scagnelli, S. D. (2015). Adoption of IFRS in Japan: challenges and consequences. Pacific Accounting Review, 27(1). https://doi.org/10.1108/PAR-11-2012-0056