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On the monotonicity of scalar curvature in classical and quantum information geometry


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On the monotonicity of scalar curvature in classical

and quantum information geometry

Paolo Gibiliscoa兲

Dipartimento di Studi Economico-Finanziari e Metodi Quantitativi, Facoltà di Economia, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata,” Via Columbia 2, Rome 00133, Italy and Centro “Vito Volterra,” Università di Roma “Tor Vergata,” Via Columbia 2, Rome 00133, Italy Tommaso Isolab兲

Dipartimento di Matematica, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata,” Via della Ricerca Scientifica, 00133 Rome, Italy

共Received 30 June 2004; accepted 5 October 2004; published online 18 January 2005兲 We study the monotonicity under mixing of the scalar curvature for the ␣-geometries on the simplex of probability vectors. From the results obtained and from numerical data, we are led to some conjectures about quantum␣-geometries and Wigner–Yanase–Dyson information. Finally, we show that this last conjecture implies the truth of the Petz conjecture about the monotonicity of the scalar curva-ture of the Bogoliubov–Kubo–Mori monotone metric. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.1834693兴


The Bogoliubov–Kubo–Mori共BKM兲 metric is a distinguished element among the monotone metrics which are the quantum analog of Fisher information on the quantum state space.35,36In a definite sense BKM metric is the geometry on the state space that is related to von Neumann entropy共say, Umegaki relative entropy兲. Other well-known elements of this family are the right logarithmic derivative共RLD兲 metric, the symmetric logarithmic derivative 共SLD or Bures兲 metric, and the Wigner–Yanase–Dyson共WYD兲 metrics. In Ref. 34 Petz made a conjecture on the scalar curvature of the BKM metric. Many arguments and numerical calculations suggest that the con-jecture is true; nevertheless, a complete proof is still missing共see Refs. 3, 4, 12, 24, and 32兲.

One can state this conjecture in the following way: the BKM scalar curvature is a quantitative measure of symmetry共like entropy兲, namely it is increasing under mixing. Let us emphasize that it is also possible to relate the conjecture to quantities with direct physical meaning. An equivalent formulation, still due to Petz,34 is that “…the scalar curvature is an increasing function of the temperature….” Moreover, the asymptotic relation between volume and curvature in Riemannian geometry and Jeffrey’s approach to priors in statistics induced Petz to interpret the scalar curvature as the average statistical uncertainty共that should increase under coarse graining; see Ref. 36兲.

The original motivations given by Petz for the conjecture rely on the truth of the 2⫻2 case and on some numerical results for the general case. Petz and Sudar observed in Ref. 38 that “…monotonicity of Kubo metric is not surprising because this result is a kind of reformulation of Lieb convexity theorem.30 However the monotonicity of the scalar curvature seems to be an inequality of new type 共provided the conjecture is really true兲….” A recent clear reference for Lieb’s result and related inequalities can be found in the paper by Ruskai.40

The goals of the present paper are the following.

共1兲 We want to look at “higher mathematics from an elementary point of view.” This means that we want to furnish an elementary motivation for the Petz conjecture. We do this by studying


Electronic-mail: gibilisco@voterra.mat.uniroma2.it b兲Electronic-mail: isola@mat.uniroma2.it

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the monotonicity of the curvature for␣-geometries in the plane. The results obtained in this case are very intuitive if one looks at the unit sphere of the Lpspaces. We conjecture that a similar behavior occurs for␣-geometries in higher dimensions and in the noncommutative case, too.

共2兲 On the basis of the results of point 共1兲 we make a conjecture about the monotonicity of scalar curvature for the WYD metrics. Further, we show that, using a continuity argument, this WYD conjecture would imply the Petz conjecture as a limit case共Theorem 8.1兲.

共3兲 We review what is known about monotonicity of scalar curvature for quantum Fisher infor-mation. In particular, we emphasize a result on the Bures metric, attributed to Dittmann, according to which the scalar curvature, in this case, is neither increasing nor Schur-decreasing共see Sec. II for precise definitions兲. This implies that an example of a monotone metric for which the scalar curvature共or its opposite兲 is strictly increasing under mixing does not exist yet. Note that Andai共using an integral decomposition of Ref. 15兲 proved that also in the 2⫻2 case there exist monotone metrics whose scalar curvature is not monotone.3 Finally, let us note that, related to this area, there exist other interesting papers. Some authors have suggested that, when statistical mechanics is geometrized, then the scalar curvature should have important physical meaning共for example, it should be proportional to the inverse of the free energy; see Refs. 8, 9, 25–27, and 39兲.


For the content of this section we refer to Refs. 1, 5–7, and 31.

A. Commutative case

We shall denote byPnthe manifold of positive vectors ofRn, and byPn1傺Pnthe submanifold

of density vectors, namely Definition 2.1:

Pn1: =

苸 Rn


␳i= 1, ␳i⬎ 0


We set e : =共1, ... ,1兲. The trace of a vector is Tr共v兲=兺i=1n vi. For an n⫻n real matrix, consider the following properties:

共I兲 tij艌0 i, j=1, ... ,n, 共II兲 兺i=1n tij= 1 j = 1 , . . . , n, 共III兲 兺j=1n t ij= 1 i = 1 , . . . , n. Definition 2.2:

共a兲 T is said to be stochastic if (I),(II) hold;

共b兲 T is said to be doubly stochastic if (I),(II),(III) hold.

When T is seen as an operator T :Rn→Rn共by 共Tv兲j=兺i=1n tjivi兲, then the properties 共I兲,共II兲,共III兲 can be written as

共I兲⬘ 共positivity preserving兲 Tv艌0 if v艌0; 共II兲⬘ 共trace-preserving兲 Tr共Tv兲=Tr共v兲v苸Rn; 共III兲⬘ 共unital兲 Te=e.

Let x苸Rnbe a vector. We define x↓ as a vector with the same components in a decreasing order so that

x1↓艌 x2¯ 艌 xn↓.


x1↓艋 y1,

x1↓+ x2↓艋 y1↓+ y2,

¯ ,

x1+ ¯ + xn−1↓ 艋 y1+ ¯ + yn−1↓ ,

x1+ ¯ + xn↓= y1+ ¯ + yn↓. For example, if 共␳1, . . . ,␳n兲 is a density vector then

1 n, 1 n, . . . , 1 n

Ɑ 共␳1, . . . ,␳n兲 Ɑ 共1,0, ... ,0,0兲.

The relation Ɑ is a preordering but not a partial ordering. If xⱭy and yⱭx then x=Ty for some permutation matrix T.

Theorem 2.1:

xⱭ yx = Ty where T is doubly stochastic.

Definition 2.4 (see Ref. 31 pp. 14 and 54): A real-valued function f defined on a setA傺Rnis said to be Schur-increasing onA if

xⱭ y on Af共x兲 艌 f共y兲.

If, in addition, f共x兲⬎ f共y兲 whenever xⱭy but x is not a permutation of y, then f is said to be strictly Schur-increasing. Similarly f is said to be Schur-decreasing onA if

xⱭ y on Af共x兲 艋 f共y兲,

and f is strictly Schur-decreasing if strict inequality f共x兲⬍ f共y兲 holds when x is not a permutation of y.

Of course, f is Schur-increasing if and only if −f is Schur-decreasing.

Remark 2.1 (see Ref. 31, p. 54):A傺Rnis symmetric if x苸A⌸x苸A for all permutations ⌸. A function f is symmetric on A if f共x兲= f共⌸x兲 for all permutations ⌸. Let D: =兵x兩x1艌¯

艌xn其. If f is symmetric on a symmetric set A and increasing on D艚A, then f is Schur-increasing onA.

Remark 2.2: Let us consider the following identification I :共0,␲/ 2兲→P21 defined by I共␪兲 : =共cos2␪, sin2␪兲. Evidently, if␪1,␪2艋␲/ 4, then

␪1艋␪2⇔I共␪1兲 Ɱ I共␪2兲.

Any function onP21can be seen as a function on共0,␲/ 2兲. By abuse of language we shall use the same symbols to denote the two functions. SinceP21is symmetric we have, because of Remark 2.1 Proposition 2.2: A symmetric function f onP21is Schur-increasing if and only if f is increas-ing as a function on共0,␲/ 4兲.

B. Noncommutative case

Let Mnbe the space of complex n⫻n matrices. We shall denote by Hn the real subspace of Hermitian matrices, byDnthe manifold of strictly positive elements of Mn, and byDn1傺Dnthe submanifold of density matrices, namely

Definition 2.5:



If A苸Mn, let␭共A兲 be the n-vector of its eigenvalues, arranged in any order with multiplicities counted. If A is Hermitian then␭共A兲 is a real n-vector. Let A,B be Hermitian.

Definition 2.6:

AⱭ B␭共A兲 Ɑ ␭共B兲.

Definition 2.7: A linear map ⌽ on Mn is doubly stochastic if it is positive-preserving, trace-preserving, and unital.

Theorem 2.3:

AⱭ BA =⌽共B兲,where ⌽ is doubly stochastic.

Definition 2.8: A real-valued function f defined on a setA傺Hnis said to be Schur-increasing onA if

AⱭ Bf共A兲 艌 f共B兲. Similarly, f is said to be Schur-decreasing onA if

AⱭ Bf共A兲 艋 f共B兲.

Of course, f is Schur-increasing if and only if −f is Schur-decreasing.


To make the paper self-contained, we recall some constructions from Ref. 18.

Let V , W be vector spaces overR 共or C兲. One can say that there is a duality pairing if there exists a separating bilinear form

具·, ·典:V ⫻ W → R. LetM,N,N˜ be differentiable manifolds.

Definition 3.1: Suppose we have a pair of immersions 共␸,␹兲, where ␸:M→N and ␹:M →N˜ , such that a duality pairing exists between T␸共␳兲N and T␹共␳兲N˜ for any苸M. Then, we may pull-back this pairing onM by defining

具u,v典␸,␹: =具D

␳␸共u兲,D␳␹共u兲典, u,v 苸 T␳M.

The most elementary example is given by the case where N=N˜ is a Riemannian manifold, ␸=␹, and the duality pairing is just given by the Riemannian scalar product on T␸共␳兲N 共this is the pull-back metric induced by the map␸兲.

A nontrivial example is the following. Let X be a uniformly convex Banach space such that the dual X˜ is uniformly convex. We denote by 具·,·典 the standard duality pairing between X and X˜. Let J : X→X˜ be the duality mapping, that is J is the differential of the map v→12储v储2. J共v兲 is the

unique element of the dual such that具v,J共v兲典=储v储2=储J共v兲储2.

Definition 3.2: LetM be a manifold. If we have a map␸:M→X we can consider a dualized pull-back that is a bilinear form defined on the tangent space ofM by

具A,B典␸: =具A,B典␸,Jⴰ␸=具D␸共A兲,D共J ⴰ␸兲共B兲典.

Example 3.1: For X a Hilbert space, J is the identity, and this is again the definition of pull-back metric induced by the map␸.

In what follows, if p苸R\兵0其 then p˜ is defined by 共1/p兲+共1/p˜兲=1. If p=1 then p˜= +⬁. Example 3.2: Let 共X,F,␮兲 be a measure space. If f is a measurable function and p苸共1, +⬁兲 then 储f储p: =共兰兩f兩pd␮兲1/p. Set


Lp= Lp共X,F,␮兲 = 兵f is measurable and 储f储p⬍ ⬁其. Define Np as Lpwith the norm

储f储Np: =储f储p

p . Obviously N˜ 共the dual of Np p兲 can be identified with N˜p.

Now, suppose that␳⬎0 is measurable and 兰␳= 1, namely␳is a strictly positive density. Then, v = p1/pis an element of the unit sphere of Npand it is easy to see that J共v兲=p˜␳1/p. The family of

maps␳→p␳1/pis known as Amari embeddings.

Let X =兵1, ... ,n其 and letbe the counting measure. In this case Npis justRnwith the norm 储·储p/ p.

Proposition 3.1: Consider the Amari embedding ␸:␳苸Pn1→p␳1/p苸Np for an arbitrary p 苸共1, +⬁兲. Then, the bilinear form

具A,B典␳␸: =具A,B典␸,Jⴰ␸=具D␳␸共A兲,D␳共J ⴰ␸兲共B兲典, A,B 苸 T␳Pn1, is just the Fisher information.


具D␸共A兲,D␳共J ⴰ␸兲共B兲典 =

共␳共1/p兲−1A兲共␳共1/p兲−1B兲 =


␳ .

䊐 The above result can be stated in much greater generality using the machinery of Refs. 19 and 14.


The ␣-geometries are one of the fundamental objects of information geometry 共see Refs. 2 and 20兲. The study of the monotonicity of their curvatures does not appear in the literature as far as we know. In this section we start such an investigation.

A. The plane case

Definition 4.1: The-geometry on P21 is the pull-back geometry induced by the map Ap共␳兲:P21→R2defined by

Ap共␳兲: =


1/p, p苸 R \



log共␳兲, p =⬁, where p = 2 /共1−␣兲.

Definition 4.2: We denote by cp共␳兲 the curvature of the-geometry关with p=2/共1−␣兲兴 at the point苸P21.

Remark 4.1: For the curvature cp共·兲 there are two easy cases: —if p = 1 then cp共·兲=const=0;

—if p = 2 then cp共·兲=const=21.

Taking a look at the unit sphere ofR2with respect to the Lp-norm, one can easily understand the following general result.

Theorem 4.1: For the function cp共·兲:P21→R one has the following properties:

—if p苸共1,2兲 then cp共·兲 is a strictly Schur-decreasing function; —if p苸共2, +⬁兴 then cp共·兲 is a strictly Schur-increasing function.

Proof: Let us first consider p苸共1,⬁兲. Then, the ␣-geometry, ␣=共p−2兲/p, on P21 is the geometry of the set


B: =

共x,y兲 苸 R2:

x p

p +

y p

p = 1, x⬎ 0, y ⬎ 0

. Let us introduce the parametrization

x = p共cos␽兲2/p, y = p共sin␽兲2/p, 0⬍␽⬍␲ 2. Then


= 2共cos␽兲共2/p兲−1共− sin␽兲, y

= 2共sin␽兲共2/p兲−1cos␽, x

= 2共cos␽兲共2/p兲−2



2− 1

, y

= 2共sin␽兲共2/p兲−2



2− 1


Let us parametrize density vectors as共cos2␪, sin2␽兲. In this way the curvature of␣-geometry at the point␳, namely cp共␳兲, is

cp共␽兲: = 兩x


− x





p − 1 p



= p − 1 p

1 2

2关1−共2/p兲兴 · 共sin 2␽兲 2关1−共2/p兲兴 关共cos␽兲4/p˜+共sin␽兲4/p˜3/2= Ap· gp共␽兲 fp共␽兲32 , where we set Ap: = p − 1 p

1 2

2关1−共2/p兲兴 , gp共␽兲: = 共sin 2␽兲2−共4/p兲, fp共␽兲: = 共cos␽兲4/p˜+共sin␽兲4/p˜.

We want to compute the monotonicity properties of cpwith respect to the preorderingⱭ. We have


共␽兲: = 4共sin 2␽兲1−共4/p兲·共cos+ sin␽兲

1 −2


共cos␽− sin␽兲; since 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 2, then

4共sin 2␽兲1−共4/p兲·共cos␽+ sin␽兲 ⬎ 0, and therefore gp

共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔

1 −2 p

共cos␽− sin␽兲 ⬎ 0. Moreover fp

共␽兲 =4 p


共2/p˜兲−1+共cos␽兲共2/p˜兲−1兲共共sin␽兲共2/p˜兲−1共cos␽兲共2/p˜兲−1兲; again, since 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 2, then

4 sin␽cos␽共共sin␽兲共2/p˜兲−1+共cos␽兲共2/p˜兲−1兲 ⬎ 0, and therefore



共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔1 p ˜共共sin␽兲

共2/p˜兲−1共cos␽兲共2/p˜兲−1兲 ⬎ 0.

cp共·兲 is evidently symmetric on P21and therefore共because of Proposition 2.2兲 the fact that the curvature is strictly Schur-increasing 共decreasing兲 is equivalent to the fact that cp共␽兲 is strictly increasing共decreasing兲 for 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 4.

We have the following cases: Case: 1⬍p⬍2.

This implies 1 −共2/p兲⬍0,共2/p˜兲−1⬍0, and therefore


p共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔cos␽⬍ sin␽⇔␲ 4 ⬍␽⬍

␲ 2,


共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔共sin␽兲共2/p˜兲−1⬎ 共cos␽兲共2/p˜兲−1⇔sin␽⬍ cos␽⇔0⬍␽⬍␲ 4.

Therefore, for 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 4, g is decreasing, f is increasing, and 1 / f3/2is decreasing. This implies


cp= Ap gp fp3/2 is strictly decreasing for 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 4.

Case: 2⬍p⬍⬁.

This implies 1 −共2/p兲⬎0,共2/p˜兲−1⬎0, and therefore


共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔cos␽⬎ sin␽⇔0⬍␽⬍␲ 4,


共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔共sin␽兲共2/p˜兲−1⬎ 共cos␽兲共2/p˜兲−1⇔sin␽⬎ cos␽⇔␲ 4 ⬍␽⬍

␲ 2.

Therefore, for 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 4, g is increasing, f is decreasing, and 1 / f3/2is increasing. This implies


cp= Ap gp fp3/2 is strictly increasing for 0⬍␽⬍␲/ 4.

Case: p =⬁.

Use now the following parametrization:

x = 2 log共cos␪兲, y = 2 log共sin␪兲, for the curve ex+ ey= 1.Then


= − 2sin␪ cos␪, y

= 2 cos␪ sin␪, x

= − 2 cos2 ␪, y

= − 2 sin2 ␪,


c共␽兲: = 兩x


− x




23/2= 共sin␪cos␪兲2 关共cos␪兲4+共sin␪兲43/2 = lim p→+⬁ p − 1 p

1 2

2关1−共2/p兲兴 · 共sin 2␽兲 2关1−共2/p兲兴 关共cos␽兲4/p˜ +共sin␽兲4/p˜兴3/2. Note that c共␽兲 = lim p→+⬁ cp共␪兲. If we set

g共␽兲: = 共sin␪cos␪兲2, f共␽兲: = 共cos␪兲4+共sin␪兲4, then


共␽兲 = 2 sin␽cos␽共cos␽+ sin␽兲共cos␽− sin␽兲, f

共␽兲 = 4 sin␽cos␽共cos␽+ sin␽兲共sin␽− cos␽兲. This implies


共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔cos␽⬎ sin␽, f

共␽兲 ⬎ 0⇔sin␽⬎ cos␽.

We have the same situation of the case 2⬍p⬍⬁ and therefore the same conclusion.

This ends the proof. 䊐

Note that we have also

Proposition 4.2: For the function cp共·兲:P21→R one has the following properties: if p 苸共−⬁,0兲 then cp共·兲 is strictly Schur-increasing.

Proof: Since 1 −2 p⬎ 0, 2 p ˜ − 1⬎ 1 ⬎ 0, 0 ⬍ p˜ ⬍ 1,

we have the same situation of the case 2⬍p⬍⬁ in the preceding Theorem 4.1 and therefore the

same conclusion. 䊐

If p苸共0,1兲 then cp共·兲 can have an arbitrary behavior 共Schur-increasing, Schur-decreasing, neither of the two兲.

B. The general case

Definition 4.3: The-geometry on Pn1 is the pull-back geometry induced by the map Ap共␳兲:Pn1→Rndefined by

Ap共␳兲: =


1/p, p苸 R \ 兵0其,

log共␳兲, p =⬁, where p = 2 /共1−␣兲.

Definition 4.4: We denote by Scalp共␳兲 the scalar curvature of the-geometry 关with p =共2/共1−␣兲兲兴 at the point␳苸Pn1.

Of course the cases p = 1共flat geometry兲 and p=2 共geometry of a 共n−1兲-dimensional sphere with radius 2兲 are easy to study. One has

—if p = 1 then Scalp共·兲=const=0;


Again taking a look at the unit sphere ofRnequipped with Lp-norm, one can easily understand the following conjecture.

Conjecture 4.1: Suppose n⬎2. For the function Scalp共·兲:Pn1→R one has the following prop-erties:

—if p苸共1,2兲 then Scalp共·兲 is a strictly Schur-decreasing function; —if p苸共2, +⬁兴 then Scalp共·兲 is a strictly Schur-increasing function.

C. Non-commutative case

Definition 4.5: The-geometry on Dn1 is the geometry induced by the pull-back of the map Ap共␳兲:Dn1→Mn defined by

Ap共␳兲: =


1/p, p苸 R \ 兵0其,

log共␳兲, p =⬁, where p = 2 /共1−␣兲.

Since the commutativity or noncommutativity of the context will always be clear, we perform a little abuse of language in the following definition.

Definition 4.6: We denote by Scalp共␳兲 the scalar curvature of the-geometry 关with p =共2/共1−␣兲兲兴 at the point␳苸Dn1.

Again, the case p = 1共flat geometry兲 is obvious. The case p=2 is known 共see Refs. 16 and 17 or Theorem 7.2 below兲, and we have

—if p = 1 then Scalp共·兲=const=0;

—if p = 2 then Scalp共·兲=const=14共n2− 1兲共n2− 2兲.

Motivated by the commutative plane case we formulate the following conjecture.

Conjecture 4.2: Suppose n艌2. For the function Scalp共·兲:Dn1→R one has the following prop-erties:

—if p苸共1,2兲 then Scalp共·兲 is a strictly Schur-decreasing function; —if p苸共2, +⬁兴 then Scalp共·兲 is a strictly Schur-increasing function.


A commutative Markov morphism T :Rn→Rmis a stochastic map. A noncommutative Mar-kov morphism is a linear map T : Mn→Mmthat is completely positive and trace-preserving共note that in the commutative case complete positivity is equivalent to positivity; see, for example, Ref. 41兲.

In the commutative case a monotone metric is a family of Riemannian metrics g =兵gn其 on 兵Pn1 其, n苸N such that gT共␳兲 m 共TX,TX兲 艋 gn共X,X兲

holds for every Markov morphism T :Rn→Rmand all␳苸Pn1 and X苸TPn.

In perfect analogy, a monotone metric in the noncommutative case is a family of Riemannian metrics g =兵gn其 on 兵Dn1其, n苸N such that

gTm共␳兲共TX,TX兲 艋 gn共X,X兲

holds for every Markov morphism T : Mn→Mmand all␳苸Dn1and X苸TDn1.

Let us recall that a function f :共0,⬁兲→R is called an operator monotone if for any n苸N, any A, B苸Mnsuch that 0艋A艋B, the inequalities 0艋 f共A兲艋 f共B兲 hold. An operator monotone func-tion is said to be symmetric if f共x兲=xf共x−1兲 and normalized if f共1兲=1. In what follows, by operator monotone we mean normalized symmetric operator monotone. With each operator mono-tone function f one associates also the so-called Chentsov–Morotzova function


cf共x,y兲: = 1 y f



for x,y⬎ 0.

Define L共A兲: =␳A, and R共A兲: =A␳. Since L, Rcommute we may define c共L, R兲. Now, we can state the fundamental theorems about monotone metrics共uniqueness and classification are up to scalars兲.

Theorem 5.1 (Ref. 10): There exists a unique monotone metric on Pn1 given by the Fisher


Theorem 5.2 (Ref. 35): There exists a bijective correspondence between monotone metrics on

Dn1and operator monotone functions given by the formula

具A,B典␳,f: = Tr共A · cf共L,R兲共B兲兲.

To state the general formula for the scalar curvature of a monotone metric we need some auxiliary functions. In what follows c

,共log c兲

denote derivatives with respect to the first vari-able, and c = cf. h1共x,y,z兲: = c共x,y兲 − zc共x,z兲c共y,z兲 共x − z兲共y − z兲c共x,z兲c共y,z兲, h2共x,y,z兲: = 共c共x,z兲 − c共y,z兲兲2 共x − y兲2c共x,y兲c共x,z兲c共y,z兲, h3共x,y,z兲: = z共ln c兲

共z,x兲 − 共ln c兲

共z,y兲 x − y , h4共x,y,z兲: = z共ln c兲

共z,x兲共ln c兲

共z,y兲, h: = h1− 1 2h2+ 2h3− h4. 共5.1兲

The functions hihave no essential singularities if arguments coincide.

Note that 具A,B典f: = Tr共A·cf共L, R兲共B兲兲 defines a Riemannian metric also over Dn 共Dn1 is a submanifold of codimension 1兲. Let Scalf共␳兲 be the scalar curvature of 共Dn,具·,·典f兲 at ␳ and Scalf1共␳兲 be the scalar curvature of 共Dn1,具·,·典f兲.

Theorem 5.3 (Ref. 12): Let␴共␳兲 be the spectrum of␳. Then

Scalf共␳兲 =

x,y,z苸␴共␳兲 h共x,y,z兲 −

x苸␴共␳兲 h共x,x,x兲, Scalf1共␳兲 = Scalf共␳兲 +14共n2− 1兲共n2− 2兲.

These results have the following form in the simplest case共2⫻2 matrices兲. From Theorem 5.3 it follows that共see Ref. 3兲

Corollary 5.4: If苸D2has eigenvalues ␭1,␭2, one has

Scal共␳兲 = h共␭1,␭1,␭2兲 + h共␭1,␭2,␭1兲 + h共␭2,␭1,␭1兲 + h共␭2,␭2,␭1+ h共␭2,␭1,␭2兲 + h共␭1,␭2,␭2兲 +

3 2.


rf共a兲: = Scalf共␳兲 = 14共a − 1兲


1 − a 1 + a

2 共1 + a兲3


1 − a 1 + a

2 + 2共a2+ 7a − 6兲f

1 − a 1 + a

共1 + a兲2af

1 − a 1 + a

+ 8共1 − a兲f

1 − a 1 + a

共1 + a兲3f

1 − a 1 + a

+ 2共1 + a兲f

1 − a 1 + a

a2 + 3a3+ 5a2+ 8a − 4 2共1 + a兲a2 .


We are going to study a particular class of monotone metrics. Definition 6.1: fp共x兲: = 1 pp˜ · 共x − 1兲2 共x1/p− 1兲共x1/p˜ − 1兲, p苸 R \ 兵0,1其, f1共x兲 = f共x兲: = x − 1 log共x兲, p = 1,⬁. Obviously fp= fp˜ and f1= lim p→1 fp= lim p→⬁ fp= f⬁.

Theorem 6.1 (Refs. 22 and 23): The function fp is operator monotone if and only if p苸A

: =共−⬁,−1兴艛

12, +⬁


Note that p苸A if and only if␣苸关−3,3兴.

Definition 6.2: The WYD共p兲 metric of parameter p is the monotone metric associated with fp (where p苸A).

We have that f−1is the function of the RLD-metric, f1= fis the function of the BKM-metric, and f2is the function of the Wigner–Yanase metric.

In what follows p苸共1, +⬁兲 and we use again the symbol Np to denote Mnwith the norm 储A储Np= p−1共Tr共兩A兩p兲兲1/p.

All the commutative construction of Example 3.2 goes through. The following Proposition is the noncommutative analogous of Proposition 3.1共see also Refs. 16, 21, 23, 28, and 37兲.

Proposition 6.2 (Ref. 18): Let ␸:␳苸Dn1→p␳1/p苸Np be the Amari embedding. The dualized


具A,B典␸: =具A,B典␸,Jⴰ␸=具D␳␸共A兲,D共J ⴰ␸兲共B兲典 coincides with the Wigner–Yanase–Dyson information.


In this short section we review what is known about monotonicity of scalar curvature for monotone metrics. This is useful to emphasize that, up to now, no examples exist of a monotone metrics with Schur-increasing共or Schur-decreasing兲 scalar curvature.

The Bures or SLD metric is the monotone metric associated with the function f =共1+x兲/2.

Theorem 7.1 (Refs. 11 and 13): The scalar curvature of SLD metric is neither

Schur-increasing nor Schur-decreasing.


the other hand共this is due to Ref. 13兲, if ␴= diag


and␳= diag


then␳Ɑ␴. Using Theorem 5.3 one can calculate Scal共␴兲=3078/25⬎3447/28=Scal共␳兲 and so the conclusion

fol-lows. 䊐

Theorem 7.2 (Ref. 17): The scalar curvature of WY metric is a constant equal to 14共n2− 1

⫻共n2− 2兲.


In this section we want to suggest that a whole family of monotone metrics with Schur-increasing scalar curvature may exist.

Conjecture 8.1: There exist ␧⬎0 such that for p in the interval I: =共1,1+␧兲 the scalar curvature of the WYD共p兲 metrics is a Schur-increasing function.

Conjecture 8.2 (Petz conjecture): The scalar curvature of BKM metric is a Schur-increasing function. This can be rephrased as

␳Ɑ␴⇒Scalf1共␳兲 艌 Scalf1共␴兲.

The motivations for Conjecture 8.1 are the following. The WYD共p兲 metrics come from the dualized pull-back of Proposition 6.2. This means that the WYD共p兲 metrics depend, indeed, on the pair 共p,p˜兲. Note that when p is in the Schur-decreasing region 共1,2兲 we have that p˜ is in the Schur-increasing region共2, +⬁兲 共Theorem 4.1, Conjectures 4.1, 4.2兲. When p approaches 1 then p

˜ goes to infinity. Near the boundary values兵1, +⬁其 the increasing–decreasing “symmetry” should be broken: in this case WYD共p兲 geometry comes from a geometry converging to a flat limit 共p →1兲 and a geometry converging to a 共conjectured兲 Schur-increasing scalar curvature 共p˜→⬁兲.

Theorem 8.1: If Conjecture 8.1 is true then Conjecture 8.2 (Petz conjecture) is true.

Proof: For an arbitrary manifold M let us denote by M共M兲 the manifold of Riemannian metrics of M. If苸M is fixed and g苸M共M兲 then the function F␳共·兲:M共M兲→R defined by F共g兲: =Scalg共␳兲 is a smooth function 共see Refs. 29 and 33兲. Identifying fp with the metric

具A,B典␳,fp: = Tr共Acfp共L,R兲共B兲兲,

we may consider the function p→ fp as a continuous curve in M共Dn1兲. This implies that, by composition, the function p→Scalf

p共␳兲 is a real, continuous function for each ␳苸Dn


. Suppose now that Conjecture 8.1 is true.

We have for arbitrary␳,␴苸Dn1, such that␳Ɑ␴ Scalf

1共␳兲 = limp→1Scalfp共␳兲 艌 limp→1Scalfp共␴兲 = Scalf1共␴兲.

But, this is precisely the Petz conjecture. 䊐


A. Numerical results

Conjecture 8.1 would have many consequences. An example is the following theorem.

Theorem 8.2: Conjecture 8.1 implies that there exists ␧⬎0 such that for p苸共1,1+␧兲 the

functions rp: = rf

pof Theorem 5.5 are concave and have their maximum at zero.

Proof: It follows immediately by Theorem 5.5.

UsingMATHEMATICA, one has the following graphs for the function rp: Case p = 1 + 10−1; see Fig. 1;

Case p = 1 + 10−6; see Fig. 2.

Let us emphasize what we said in the Introduction: a recent result of Andai3 shows the nontriviality of the above behavior. Indeed, also in the 2⫻2 case there exist many monotone metrics with nonincreasing scalar curvature.


It is a pleasure to thank J. Dittmann for discussions on the subject and especially for the proof of Theorem 7.1. We are indebted to P. Michor for some references and comments on scalar curvature.


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FIG. 1. Case p = 1 + 10 −1 .
FIG. 2. Case p = 1 + 10 −6 .


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