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“Science, Ethics, and the Pandemic”


Academic year: 2021

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March 11-13, 2021

The Internet

Linked Program (03/10/2021)

Conference Page:


Accepted Papers and Proposals:



Registration Form:


Registration Desk & Help During Conference:


Thursday, March 11

10:00-11:15 AM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/82517254146?pwd =RVVMTUdCUE5yRUIwOXlDN3VUTTNTQT09

Panel Discussion (files)

The Deweyan Task Before Us: The New Global Paradigm for Philosophy, Education, and Democracy Emerging from the Pandemic

Chair: Paul Benjamin Cherlin (Minneapolis College, The College of St. Benedict / St. John’s University) Panelists:

Paul Benjamin Cherlin (Minneapolis College, The College of St. Benedict / St. John’s University): “Manibus Date Lilia Plenis: A Pragmatic Eulogy in the Time of The Pandemic”

Maura Striano (University of Naples “Federico II”): “Science, Ethics, and the Pandemic”

Eli Kramer (University of Wroclaw): “A Deweyan (Re)consolation of Philosophy: Valuing the Reverie of the Reflective Life in Hard Times and in the Times to Come”

Thursday, March 11

10:00-11:15 AM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/85473349850?pwd =eUNXdWxnUkhmMUE4cFVHZXZTcHZxUT09

Submitted Papers on Ethics (text)

Chair: Heather Keith (Radford University)

James Liszka (State University of New York, College at Plattsburgh): “Pragmatism as a Problem-Based Ethic”

Apurva Parikh (University of South Carolina): “Exploring Deweyan Ethics Through Narrative Literature”


Guiseppe Spadafora (University of Calabria): “Deweyan Educational Reconstruction for a New Contemporary Paradigm”

Thursday, March 11

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/88913146083?pwd =aE00T2UyZmMxZVV4U3RhWGltK1VFUT09

Author Meets Critics (files)

Basevich’sW.E.B. Du Bois: The Lost and the Found

Chair: Kevin Harrelson (Ball State University) Critics:

Kimberly Ann Harris (Marquette) Philip Yaure (Virginia Tech) Frank Kirkland (CUNY/ Hunter) Author: Elvira Basevich (University of Massachusetts, Lowell)

Thursday, March 11

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/85375289015?pwd =Z1lyc1lRUWNLMW5nd3lGOWk4YWt5UT09

Submitted Papers on Democracy (files)

Chair: John Ryder

David W. Woods: “Deep Democracy Matters for a Continuously Planning Cities: Pragmatist Insights from Dewey, Mead & Green”

Thomas Burke (University of South Carolina): “Peirce and the Problem of Securing Civic Virtue in a Democratic Republic”


Thursday, March 11

01:00-01:45 PM ET


https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81283366429?pwd =aW44Y1B2eExXUE13T05Vajd3T2E2UT09 Social Time

Thursday, March 11

01:00-01:45 PM ET


https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81283366429?pwd =aW44Y1B2eExXUE13T05Vajd3T2E2UT09 Social Time

Thursday, March 11

02:00-03:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/86471340927?pwd =aVdPckcvRlcxdktzT2JGYmdrL24zdz09 Invited Society

Philosophy Born of Struggle

Philosophy of the Black Experience as African American Philosophy

Chair: Anthony Sean Neal (Mississippi State University)

Stephen Ferguson (North Carolina State

University): "African American Philosophers and Philosophy"

Anthony Sean Neal (Mississippi State University): "The Modern Era of the African American Freedom Struggle (1896-1975)"

Thursday, March 11

02:00-03:15 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/85878790579?pwd =N2h5TGFncVRuTi91MmZoQ0tLRTNsdz09

Submitted Papers on Health and Pragmatism (files)

Chair: Maurice Hamington (Portland State University)

Marilyn Fischer (University of Dayton): “Addams on Pandemics, Public Health, Prostitution, and Democracy”

Manuela Fernández Pinto (Universidad de los Andes): “Pragmatic Progress and the Improvement of Medical Knowledge for Global Health”


Thursday, March 11

03:30-04:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/84174005188?pwd =WFlvRTRLaXRSZ1dhRzBaQ3JHZm9FZz09 Invited Society

Charles S. Peirce Society

Peirce and Political Philosophy

Chair: Richard Kenneth Atkins (Boston College) Daniel G. Campos (Brooklyn College - CUNY), “Poetic Musement”

Yael Levin Hungerford (Adam Smith Society): “Educating the Instincts: Charles S. Peirce on the Political Role of the University”

Henrik Rydenfelt, (University of Helsinki): “Finessing Environmental Pragmatism”

Rachel Herdy (National Faculty of Law, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro): “The Fixation of Belief in a Post-Truth World”

Thursday, March 11

03:30-04:45 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/85128451262?pwd =Z3AyaXlvN2N2S1JDQkV3N2NsbjZkUT09

Panel Discussion (files)

Pragmatist Perspectives on Shared Governance and Reform in Higher Education

Chair: Eli Kramer (University of Wroclaw) Panelists:

Kathleen Knight Abowitz (Miami University of Ohio)

Nicholas Burbules (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

Danielle Lake (Elon University) Aaron Stoller (Colorado College)


Thursday, March 11

05:00-06:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81497481934?pwd =TjhtN3JYaUt0Zit5ZjlVaWNKY3E0QT09

Author Meets Critics (files)

Saito’sAmerican Philosophy in Translation

Chair: Paul Standish (University College London Critics:

Jim Garrison (Virginia Tech)

Steven Fesmire (Radford University)

Vincent Colapietro (University of Rhode Island) Author: Naoko Saito (Kyoto University)

Thursday, March 11

05:00-06:15 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81179965499?pwd =QzczWUowUndoc0g1Ymd4UmxGWERhUT09

Submitted Papers on Feminism (files)

Chair: Sarah Woolwine (University of Central Oklahoma)

Judy Whipps (Grand Valley State University): “Validating Feminist Pragmatist Activism: Creating Space for New Iterations of Public Philosophy” Amanda Dubrule (MacEwan University): “Gender and Habit: Dewey and Young on Embodiment and Transformation”

Thursday, March 11

06:30-08:00 PM ET


https://spatial.chat/s/SAAP2021 Reception

Thursday, March 11

06:30-08:00 PM ET


https://spatial.chat/s/SAAP2021 Reception


Friday, March 12

10:00-11:15 AM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/86533088883?pwd =Yjd4UEFTU0lwYW1lSlFDUk1tR3Q1Zz09

Author Meets Critics (files)

Spencer’sAmerican Pragmatism: An Introduction

Chair: Nate Jackson (Capital University) Critics:

Lee McBride (College of Wooster) Nancy McHugh (Wittenberg University Nate Jackson (Capital University)

Author: Albert Spencer (Portland State University)

Friday, March 12

10:00-11:15 AM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/89020355860?pwd =TWg3S2RibXhGd3B2RzIzZ25XT0RvUT09

Submitted Papers on Philosophizing Indigenously (files)

Chair: Shay Welch (Spelman College) Rebekah Sinclair (University of Oregon): “Un-Settling Species Concepts”

Anna Cook (University of the Fraser Valley):

“Indigenizing Philosophy on Stolen Lands: A Worry about Settler Philosophical Guardianship”

Friday, March 12

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/86752494145?pwd =ZWlDa0pydnJhZGZmaEM3NHZSa3dEQT09

Friday, March 12

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/86752494145?pwd =ZWlDa0pydnJhZGZmaEM3NHZSa3dEQT09



Coss Dialogue Lecture

Chair: Danielle Lake (Elon University) Speaker:

Josina Vink, Oslo School of Architecture and Design

“Designing for Plurality in Democracy by Building Reflexivity” (text)

NB: This session will be recorded

Plenary in Room A

Coss Dialogue Lecture

Friday, March 12

01:00-01:45 PM ET


https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/86814741854?pwd =WktoMk5zdnRMQjh1TmtHTnk2UEJ1Zz09 Social Time

Executive Committee Meeting

Friday, March 12

01:00-01:45 PM ET


https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/86814741854?pwd =WktoMk5zdnRMQjh1TmtHTnk2UEJ1Zz09 Social Time

Executive Committee Meeting

Friday, March 12

02:00-03:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/88376851553?pwd =SVRpOHNna1IyVmtZSm9OdzVjQ2I4dz09

Friday, March 12

02:00-03:15 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/84334465739?pwd =WFlOdVlOYVpPTi8zQ21Xc2xmeG1SQT09


Panel Discussion

Coss Dialogue Response

Chair: Zachary Piso (University of Dayton) Panelists:

Celia Bardwell Jones (University of Hawai’i Hilo) Philipp Dorstewitz (American University of Ras Al Khaimah)

Shannon Sullivan (University of North Carolina Charlotte)

Submitted Papers on James (files)

Chair: Alexis Dianda (Xavier University)

E. Paul Colella (Xavier University): “Heaven on Earth: William James, Religious Pluralism, & the Democratic Ideal”

Andrew Garnar (University of Arizona): “James, Truth, and Post-Truth”

Friday, March 12

03:30-04:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/88032837727?pwd =MXljc1JIcXVRTDFhY3ozbnJRUWVtQT09

Author Meets Critics (files)

Harris’sA Philosophy of Struggle: The Leonard Harris Reader

Chair: Erin McKenna (University of Oregon) Critics:

Erin McKenna (University of Oregon)

Friday, March 12

03:30-04:45 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/83486990798?pwd =WjJMQ0tYeHdzb2IxTGNGcjZMSm1SZz09 Invited Society

Society for Mexican American Philosophy

Chair: Kim Diaz (University of Texas at El Paso) Speakers:


Dwayne Tunstall (Grand Valley State University) Scott Pratt (University of Oregon)

Denise James (University of Dayton)

Author: Leonard Harris (Purdue University)

Pablo Olivas (University of Texas at El Paso): “Limits and Borders: Rorty and Wittgenstein in the Juarez-El Paso Border”

Daniel Avitia (University of Texas at El Paso, New Mexico State University, & HOPE Border Institute): “Systematic Deterrence: Opacity vs Transparency within the U.S. Asylum Process in El Paso, Texas”

Friday, March 12

05:00-06:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/84807949545?pwd =bGRibU44bWloZUpGeDIwbWlVWHN3dz09 Invited Society

Association of Feminist Ethics and Social Theory (FEAST)

Chair: Asha Bhandary (University of Iowa) Shay Welch (Spelman College): “Using Choreography to Think about Social Justice”

Falguni Sheth (Emory University): “Technologies of Neocolonialism: Veiling, Anti-Blackness, and


Asha Bhandary (University of Iowa): “Autonomy and Care Skills: Counteracting Systemic Patterns of Entitlement and Deference”

Friday, March 12

05:00-06:15 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/83249366521?pwd =WEh2WWMwcURJcFpKOTV3OExjNVVmdz09

Panel Discussion (files)

Philosophy of Education and Democracy in the US and Latin America: Juxtaposing Perspectives Chair: Alvaro Sottil de Aguinaga (University of Michigan)


Patricia Cipollitti Rodríguez (CUNY-Graduate Center)

Sergio Gallegos Ordorica (John Jay College of Criminal Justice)


Friday, March 12

06:30-08:00 PM

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/83056511220?pwd =OGdoVG5jaUgwOUVpOWlwSE96S2xGdz09

Jane Collective Meeting/Happy Hour

Host: Barbara Lowe (St. John Fisher College)

Friday, March 12

06:30-08:00 PM

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/83056511220?pwd =OGdoVG5jaUgwOUVpOWlwSE96S2xGdz09

Jane Collective Meeting/Happy Hour


Saturday, March 13

10:00-11:15 AM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/87623414528?pwd =M2tTeXpUWDJyenVSdEphSUJ5c1A0Zz09 Invited Society

Society of Philosophers in America (SOPHIA)

Co-Chair: Eric Thomas Weber (The University of Kentucky)

Co-Chair: Anthony Cashio, (The University of Virginia's College at Wise)

Heidi Schmidt (The University of Kentucky): “The Role of the Public Library in Expanding

Enfranchisement and Democracy”

James William Lincoln (The University of

Louisville): “Inclusivity: A Necessary Condition for Democratic Life"

Jackie Kegley (California State University Bakersfield): “Democracy: Individual and Community - Not My Rights Only”

Saturday, March 13

10:00-11:15 AM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/87928232163?pwd =ZzBvZk4yQVRGVmI1eGErVW12L3EzZz09

Panel Discussion (files)

Contested Places and Spaces:

A Feminist Pragmatist Dialogue on Public Memory & Monument Reform

Chair: Danielle Lake (Elon University) Panelists:

Kara Barnette (Westminster College) Tess Varner (Concordia College)

Jennifer Fenton (Marquette University) Barbara Lowe (St. John Fisher College)


Saturday, March 13

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/85757099443?pwd =TnhRNU1rc3JwWjBMdklaczFnbXBxUT09

Submitted Papers on King and Royce (files)

Chair: Anthony Neal (Mississippi State University) J. Edward Hackett (Southern University and A&M College): “King’s Onto-Relationality of Persons as a Transcendental Norm for Democratic Praxis” Aaron Shepherd (University of Massachusetts, Lowell): “The Philosophy of Loyalty and

Engineering Ethics”

Saturday, March 13

11:30 AM - 12:45 PM ET

Room B:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81847903824?pwd =dm5mMlpab1lnM003eGVsQkVBb0dPUT09

Submitted Papers on Dewey (files)

Chair: John Min (College of Southern Nevada) Scott Stroud (University of Texas, Austin): “Recovering the Story of Pragmatism in India: Bhimrao Ambedkar, John Dewey, and the Demands of Social Democracy”

Parysa Mostajir (University of Chicago): “Conjoint Communicated Experience: Art as an Instrument of Democracy”

Saturday, March 13

01:00-01:45 PM ET


https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81242065604?pwd =MklxV1BEczVMZms5SmZiTkdESkN4Zz09 Social Time

Saturday, March 13

01:00-01:45 PM ET


https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81242065604?pwd =MklxV1BEczVMZms5SmZiTkdESkN4Zz09 Social Time


Saturday, March 13

02:00-03:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81830694685?pwd =TDErbklldGpOdlMvYmxkWE5sSWxwdz09

Graduate Student Panel

Chair: Daniel Westbrook (Emory University) Speakers:

Massimo Cisternino (University of Oregon): “Dewey Reader of Emerson: On Democratic Individualism and American Lifestyle”

Chris Shambaugh (University of Oregon): Hegel and Dewey’s Practical Philosophy”

Andrew Richmond (Columbia University): “A Pragmatic Approach to Representational Explanation”

Saturday, March 13

02:00-03:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81830694685?pwd =TDErbklldGpOdlMvYmxkWE5sSWxwdz09

Graduate Student Panel in Room ASAAP

Saturday, March 13

03:30-04:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/82519654702?pwd =YnJTZEF5Q1BQM01RTmYrNjRrTW5rQT09 Plenary Founder’s Address

Saturday, March 13

03:30-04:45 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/82519654702?pwd =YnJTZEF5Q1BQM01RTmYrNjRrTW5rQT09 Plenary in Room A Founder’s Address


Chair: David Hildebrand

Founder: Larry Hickman (Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Emeritus)

Shining Light on the "Eclipse Narrative": Some Notes on Pragmatism in the 20th Century NB: This session will be recorded

Saturday, March 13

05:00-06:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81495049599?pwd =S2ZHdnk0VmhWN25kNGphcmMvY2lsQT09 Plenary

Business Meeting and Awards

Saturday, March 13

05:00-06:15 PM ET

Room A:

https://morganstate.zoom.us/j/81495049599?pwd =S2ZHdnk0VmhWN25kNGphcmMvY2lsQT09 Plenary in Room A

Business Meeting and Awards

Saturday, March 13

06:30-08:00 PM


https://spatial.chat/s/SAAP2021 Reception

Saturday, March 13

06:30-08:00 PM


https://spatial.chat/s/SAAP2021 Reception


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