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Vibration energy harvester, optimized by electronically emulated mechanical tuning technique


Academic year: 2021

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(51) International Patent Classification:

H02K 33/02 (2006.01) H02K 35/02 (2006.01) Published:

H02K 7/18(2006.01) H02N2/18 (2006.01)with international search report(Art. 21(3)) (21) International Application Number:


(22) International FilingDate:

15March 2019 (15.03.2019) (25) Filing Language: English

(26) Publication Language: English

(30) PriorityData:

102018000003632 15March 2018 (15.03.2018) IT

(71) Applicant: UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DELLA CAMPANIA "LUIGI VANVITELLI" [IT/IT];Viale A . Lincoln5,8 1100Caserta(CE) (IT).

(72) Inventors: VITELLI, Massimo; Universita degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Viale A . Lincoln 5, 8 1100 Caserta (CE) (IT). BALATO, Marco; Universita degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" VialeA .Lin¬ coln5,8 1100Caserta (CE)(IT).COSTANZO,Luigi; Uni¬

versity degli Studi della Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" Viale A .Lincoln 5,8 1100 Caserta (CE) (IT). LO SCHIAVO, Alessandro; Universita degli Studidella Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli" VialeA .Lincoln 5,8 1100Caserta (CE)(IT).

(74) Agent:CAPASSO, Olga etal.;Via Vincenzo Bellini, 20, 00198 Rome(IT).

(81) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated,for every kind of national protection available) :AE,AG, AL, AM, AO, AT, AU, AZ , BA, BB, BG, BH, BN, BR, BW, BY, BZ, CA, CH, CL, CN, CO, CR, CU, CZ,DE,DJ, DK, DM, DO, DZ, EC, EE, EG, ES, FI,GB,GD, GE, GH,GM, GT,HN, HR, HU,ID, IL, IN, IR, IS, JO, JP,KE, KG, KH, KN, KP, KR, KW, KZ, LA, LC, LK, LR,LS,LU, LY, MA, MD, ME, MG, MK, MN, MW, MX, MY, MZ, NA, NG,NI,NO, NZ, OM,PA, PE, PG, PH, PL, PT,QA,RO,RS,RU, RW,SA, SC,SD, SE, SG, SK, SL,SM, ST, SV, SY,TH, TJ, TM, TN, TR,TT,TZ,UA, UG, US, UZ,VC, VN,ZA, ZM, ZW.

(84) Designated States (unless otherwise indicated,for every kind of regional protection available) : ARIPO (BW,GH, GM,KE, LR, LS, MW, MZ, NA, RW,SD, SL,ST,SZ,TZ, UG, ZM, ZW), Eurasian (AM,AZ , BY, KG, KZ, RU,TJ, TM),European (AL,AT, BE, BG,CH, CY,CZ,DE, DK, EE,ES, FI, FR,GB, GR,HR, HU,IE, IS,IT, LT, LU, LV, MC, MK, MT, NL, NO,PL,PT, RO, RS, SE, SI,SK, SM, TR),OAPI (BF,BJ,CF,CG,Cl, CM, GA, GN, GQ,GW, KM, ML, MR, NE,SN,TD, TG).


(57)Abstract:Thepresent invention referstoa resonant vibration energy harvester (1)for optimizing the conversion of vibrational kinetic energy generated by an external source into electrical energy,toa system comprising such resonant vibration energy harvester and to a method for optimizing the conversion of vibrational kinetic energy generated by an external sourceintoelectrical energy.


Vibration energy harvester, optimized by electronically emulated mechanical tuning technique


The present invention relates t o a resonant vibration energy

harvester capable o f optimizing the conversion o f vibrational

kinetic energy generated b y a n external source into electrical

energy. Furthermore, the present invention relates t o a system

comprising said resonant vibration energy harvester. The

present invention further relates t o a method for optimizing

the operation o f said resonant harvester.


Resonant vibration energy harvesters (REVEHs) are devices

capable o f exploiting energy deriving from vibrations o f the

external environment that would otherwise remain unused.

Energy can b e extracted through transduction mechanisms that

belong mainly t o three broad categories: piezoelectric,

electromagnetic and electrostatic transduction.

In recent years, REVEHs have been proposed for a variety o f

applications, such a s industrial applications, medical

implants, sensors inside buildings o r other constructions

(bridges), wireless sensor networks, etc. The use o f energy

harvesters eliminates all the disadvantages o f using batteries

t o power sensors o r other devices (expensive maintenance,

insufficient o r unpredictable operational life cycle,

difficulty i n replacing batteries, disposal problems, etc.).

O n the other hand, however, the performance o f these energy

harvesters i s closely linked t o the vibration frequency a t

play. In other words, REVEHs are able t o operate efficiently

only when the vibration frequency o f the external source

corresponds t o the mechanical resonance frequency o f the

harvester itself. This means that i f the resonant vibration


resonance frequency, this should b e used for those applications

characterized b y a dominant frequency coinciding with the

resonance frequency. In practice, however, this i s difficult

t o achieve because the environmental vibrations show a variable

frequency pattern, wherein the energy content i s distributed

over a very wide frequency spectrum.

Various solutions have been proposed in the literature t o

increase the operating frequency range for resonant vibration

energy harvesters. For example, arrays o f resonant harvesters

a t different frequencies, non-linear harvesters and resonance

frequency adjustment methods or tuning methods have been

proposed .

Among the various tuning methods, the electric tuning method

(ETT) i s known which tends t o adapt the electric load o f the

harvester b y acting on the electronic parameters o f the system

and the mechanical tuning method (MTT) which instead tends t o

adjust the resonance frequency acting on the mechanical

parameters o f the system, such a s the value o f the oscillating

mass and / or the stiffness o f the spring.

Mechanical tuning methods can in turn b e divided into passive

methods, which d o not require external energy and therefore

are uncontrollable and not much accurate, and active methods

that are more accurate but require external energy instead. In

the latter case, closed-loop control schemes are used so a s t o

guarantee automatic and roughly accurate frequency tracking.

However, although energy harvesters using active mechanical

tuning systems are able t o achieve good results in terms o f

frequency tracking, in most cases the energy consumed t o

achieve this goal exceeds that produced b y the same harvester

thus making a system o f this kind not advantageous in terms o f


Therefore, it i s the object o f the present invention t o provide

a resonant vibration energy harvester wherein the energy

conversion i s optimized b y means o f a new active tuning method,

obtaining however a positive final energy balance.


These objects are achieved b y an energy harvester, b y a system

and b y a method according t o the claims a t the end o f the

present description.

The harvester according t o the present invention i s a resonant

device used t o optimize the conversion o f vibrational kinetic

energy generated b y an external source into electrical energy.

The harvester comprises a supporting housing capable o f

vibrating in response t o the external source and an

electromagnetic generator coupled t o the housing and having a

given resonance frequency. The harvester comprises elastic

means placed within the housing and fixed t o a wall o f said

housing, a t least one magnetic element having a mass and

coupled t o the housing b y said elastic means, wherein the

elastic means create a relative motion among the magnetic

element and the housing itself, wherein the magnetic element

i s a permanent magnet and the resonance frequency o f the

electromagnetic generator i s the mechanical resonance

frequency o f the magnetic element with respect t o the housing,

and a first conductive winding, magnetically coupled t o the

magnetic element and fixed t o the housing such that the

vibrational kinetic energy generated b y the external source

determines a relative displacement between the magnetic

element and the first winding causing a potential difference

t o b e generated a t the ends o f the first winding.

The harvester i s characterized in that it further comprises a

second winding, or coil, fixed t o a non-vibrating support and


from the housing, wherein the distance between the first

winding and the second winding i s such a s t o make a mutual

magnetic coupling between said first and second winding

negligible, a s well a s control means connected t o the ends o f

the second winding t o inject an electric current within the

second winding and regulate the intensity o f said electric

current so a s t o adapt the resonance frequency o f the

electromagnetic generator t o the vibration frequency

associated t o the vibrational kinetic energy generated b y the

external source.

In this way, a Mechanical Tuning Technique (MTT) i s determined

for REVEHs based on the emulation o f the desired

mass-spring-damper system. Such a technique can b e referred t o a s SMDE

(Spring-Mass-Damper Emulation-based) MTT. Furthermore, the

SMDE technique i s an active MTT that can achieve a positive

net energy balance.

The presence o f a fixed external coil, added t o a standard

REVEH, determines a system that can b e referred t o a s SMDE

REVEH. A suitable current i s circulated in such an outer coil

so a s t o emulate, at the same time, the effects o f the desired

stiffness, o f the desired mass and o f the desired damping

coefficient. Therefore, both the resonance frequency o f the

SMDE REVEH and its net power balance can (and must) b e modified

b y suitably controlling the current flowing in the outer coil

described above. In this way, the magnetic force that the

current passing through the external coil exerts on the movable

magnet o f the SMDE REVEH comes t o b e equal t o the mechanical

force that would b e exerted b y a "virtual" spring (with the

desired stiffness) on a "virtual" magnet (with the desired

mass) that vibrates in a "virtual" fluid (with the desired


It should b e noted that the two coils (or windings) d o not

necessarily have t o b e identical in shape and size. According

t o alternative embodiments, it i s possible t o use a second

coil different from the first one, however ensuring that it i s

fixed and that it i s a t a distance from the first coil such

that the mutual coupling between them can b e considered

negligible. In the same way, it i s possible t o consider any

configuration between the magnetic element and the two coils.

Specifically, the configuration between the magnetic element

and the two windings must simply comply with the condition

that the second winding i s fixed and that it i s a t such a

distance from the first winding that the mutual coupling

between the two windings can b e considered negligible.

The proposed technique i s applicable regardless o f the features

o f the magnet and o f the first winding (or internal coil) . A s

t o the size and features o f the second winding (external coil) ,

in the case o f two identical windings, these are dictated b y

the first winding (internal coil) and then defined a t the time

o f the identification o f the harvester t o b e optimized.

According t o an embodiment o f the harvester, the elastic means

may comprise a couple o f coil springs each having one end fixed

t o the housing and the other end fixed t o the magnetic element.

In this way, the magnetic element i s movable and free t o

vibrate inside the housing. The elastic means can b e any type

o f means able t o guarantee the relative movement between the

magnetic element and the housing in response t o the vibration

o f the generator. Depending on the particular configuration o f

the housing and / or the magnet, the elastic means may vary in

number .

According t o a further embodiment, in order t o extract the

electric current produced a s a result o f the vibration o f the


extraction electrical circuit and a storage circuit coupled t o

the ends o f the first winding.

In one embodiment o f the harvester according t o the present

description, the first and second windings can b e positioned

a t opposite sides with respect t o the magnetic element. In

this way, the electromagnetic coupling between the two coils

or windings can b e reduced.

In particular, the control means may comprise a control

electrical circuit for the generation o f electrical current

and the consequent emulation o f a mass-spring-damper system.

Furthermore, the control electrical circuit i s configured t o

determine an emulated resonance frequency with a value that i s

higher than the vibration frequency (of the external source)

and lower than the mechanical resonance frequency o f the

electromagnetic generator.

The system according t o the present invention comprises a

resonant vibration energy harvester according t o one o f the

preceding claims and an electronic device coupled t o said

harvester .

The method for optimizing the conversion o f vibrational kinetic

energy generated b y an external source into electrical energy

according t o the present invention comprises the step o f

providing a supporting housing capable o f vibrating in response

t o the external source and o f coupling t o the housing an

electromagnetic generator having a resonance frequency,

wherein the harvester comprises elastic means placed within

the housing and fixed t o a wall o f said housing, a t least one

magnetic element having a mass and coupled t o the housing b y

said elastic means, wherein the elastic means create a relative

motion among the magnetic element and the housing itself and

wherein the magnetic element i s a permanent magnet and the


mechanical resonance frequency o f the magnetic element with

respect t o the housing and a first conductive winding,

magnetically coupled t o the magnetic element and fixed t o the

housing such that the vibrational kinetic energy generated b y

the external source determines a relative displacement between

the magnetic element and the first winding causing a potential

difference t o b e generated a t the ends o f the first winding.

The method i s characterized b y providing a second winding,

fixed t o a non-vibrating support and being stationary with

respect t o said support and separated from the housing, wherein

the distance between the first winding and the second winding

i s such a s t o make a mutual magnetic coupling between said

first and second winding negligible, a s well a s connecting

control means t o the ends o f the second winding t o inject an

electric current within the second winding and regulate the

intensity o f said electric current so a s t o adapt the resonance

frequency o f the electromagnetic generator t o the frequency or

frequencies associated t o the vibrational kinetic energy

generated b y the external source.

This method i s used t o optimize the conversion o f vibrational

energy into electrical energy on the basis o f an energy

harvester a s previously described. Therefore, all the

advantages and features o f the harvester also apply t o the

associated optimization method.

According t o an embodiment, the step o f connecting the control

means t o the ends o f the second winding determines the

emulation o f a mass-spring-damper system.

These and other aspects o f the present invention will become

more apparent b y reading the following description o f some

preferred embodiments described below.

Fig. 1 shows a schematic representation o f a conventional


Figs. 2a-b show a single degree o f freedom model o f a

conventional REVEH (a) , a corresponding equivalent circuit (b)

and the qualitative pattern o f power a s a function o f frequency

(c) ;

Fig. 3 i s a schematic representation o f an energy harvester

according t o an embodiment o f the present invention;

Figs. 4a-b show the forces acting on the movable magnet o f

the harvester according t o an embodiment o f the present

invention (a) and the corresponding equivalent electrical

circuit (b) ;

Fig. 5 shows the architecture o f an SMDE MTT REVEH system

according t o an embodiment o f the present invention;

Fig. 6 shows in a graph the value o f ∆Ρ% a s a function o f

m*/m and ksVks; c*/c = -1.6 and f ib/f

o pt = 0.8;

Figs. 7a-d show in a graph the value o f ∆ ΜΑΧ% a s a function

o f c*/c a t

fvib/f 0p t = 0.8 (a), the value o f mBEsT*/m a s a function o f c*/c a t f

vib/f0pt = 0.8 (b) , the value o f k sBEsT*/ks a s a

function o f c*/c a t

f i / fopt = 0.8 (c) and the value o f

f*opt_BEST/fvib a s a function o f c*/c;

Fig. 8 shows the pattern o f ∆Ρ% a s a function o f m*/m and

ksVks; cVc = CBESTV C = -0.4 and f i /f

opt = 0.8;

Figs. 9a-c show the pattern, a s a function o f frequency,

o f the main powers taken into consideration, c*/c = C

B EST*/C = -0.4 and f i /fopt = 0.8 (a), the load voltages VLOAD SMDE and V ,

the output voltage o f the electronic power converter Vext c*/c

= CBESTVC = -0.4 and f i /fopt = 0.8 (b) and the load currents

ISMDE and I , current in the external coil Iext c*/c = -0.4 and

fvib/ fopt 0.8 (c);

Fig. 1 0 shows the pattern o f ∆Ρ% a s a function o f m*/m and

ksVks; cVc = CBESTV C = -0.2 and f i /f


Figs, lla-c show the pattern a s a function o f frequency o f

the main powers taken into consideration, c*/c = C

BEST V C = -0.2 and fvib/f0pt = 0.7 (a), the load voltages VLOAD SMDE and V , the

output voltage o f the electronic power converter Vext c*/c =

CBEST V C = -0.2 and fVib/fopt = 0.7 (b) and the load currents ISMDE

and I , current in the external coil Iext c*/c = C


*/ C = -0.2 and fvib/f0pt = 0.7 (c) .

A s highlighted earlier, the SMDE technique i s an active MTT.

This means that, obviously, it will only b e useful from the

practical point o f view in those operating conditions wherein

the power required for the implementation o f the technique

itself (PSMDE ) i s less than the power that SMDE REVEH provides

a t its optimal load (PLOAD SMDE ) · It should b e noted that the

requirement that the extracted net power PLOAD SMDE - PSMDE i s

positive i s not sufficient. In particular, due t o the fact

that a second coil i s added t o the starting REVEH, the

performance o f the resulting harvester (SMDE REVEH) cannot b e

compared only with those o f the ORIGINAL REVEH, i.e. the

conventional harvester without an external coil. In the

following, the REVEH obtained b y connecting in series the

original coil with the external coil will b e called SERIES

REVEH and the power it provides t o its optimal load will b e

referred t o a s PSERIES · The REVEH obtained b y replacing the

original coil with the external coil will b e called EXTERNAL

REVEH and the power it provides t o its optimal load will b e

referred t o a s PEXTERNAL · For a correct performance analysis, the

reference power PBENCHMARK must coincide with the maximum between

the powers PSERIES , PEXTERNAL and P0RIGINAL (power that the ORIGINAL

REVEH supplies t o its optimal load) . This means that the SMDE

technique will b e useful from a practical point o f view only

i f the extracted net power (PLOAD SMDE - PSMDE ) i s greater than


t o maximize the quantity P


vibration frequency f

ib-Figure 1 schematically shows the structure o f a conventional

REVEH energy harvester 11. A permanent magnet 1 3 having a mass

m i s connected t o a system o f springs 1 2 (the springs 1 2 are

positioned on the sides o f the magnet 13) and moves, in the

presence o f the vibrations, into the housing 1 0 o f the REVEH.

A coil 1 4 (or internal coil in Fig. 1 ) i s fixed to the housing

1 0 and a load 1 8 i s present on its ends. Following the

vibrations, a relative displacement x(t) i s created between

the magnet 1 3 and the coil 14. This relative displacement x(t)

allows the conversion o f mechanical energy into electrical

energy. y(t) represents the displacement o f the base o f the

housing 1 0 with respect t o a fixed reference.

The device in figure 1 can b e represented b y a Single Degree

o f Freedom (SDOF) model shown in Figure 2(a) where the forces

acting on the magnet are represented b y means o f appropriate

arrows. In particular, c-x(t) represents the viscous friction

force (wherein c i s the viscous friction coefficient), k


represents the elastic force exerted b y the spring system

(wherein k

s i s the equivalent elastic constant o f the spring

system in Fig. 1),

n t i(t) represents the electromagnetic

force due t o the coil (wherein d±nt the electromechanical

coupling coefficient o f the coil inside the harvester) .

The application o f the second law o f Newton, along the axis z ,

t o the SDOF system o f Fig. 2 leads t o the writing o f the

following equation which regulates the behaviour in time o f

the relative displacement x(t) :


wherein m represents the value o f the oscillating mass (mass

o f the magnet 13) and y (t) represents the acceleration t o which

the housing 1 0 o f the REVEH i s subjected. Since each addend o f

equation (1) i s an electrical current, it i s possible t o

identify the equivalent electrical circuit o f the REVEH a s

shown in figure 2(b) .

In particular, in figure 2(b) , L n t and Rc n t respectively

represent the inductance and resistance o f the internal coil

14, i (t) represents the current flowing into the load 1 8 and

ε (t) i s the electromotive force (emf) induced in the inner

coil 14. The expression o f this emf i s a s follows:

ε(ΐ)=χ(ΐι 1

Equation (2)

If w e consider a sinusoidal type acceleration o f the housing

1 0 y (t) with a pulsation ω (i.e. y (t) = a-cos(cot)), equations

(1) and (2) can b e rewritten in the domain o f frequency and

become equations (3) and (4), respectively:


- O'Χ(ω) +-^[jroX(ro)]+-^-X(ro)+I(ro)=-^-a

Θint J Θint Θint Θint

Equation (3)

Ε(ω) = ωΧ(ω) ·θ

Equation (4)

wherein Χ(ω) , I (ω) and E (ω) respectively represent the Fourier transform o f x (t) , i (t) and ε (t) and j i s the imaginary unit.

B y analysing the circuit o f figure 2(b) it i s possible t o

obtain : (co)+X int L(co))] Equation (5) where : int (®) ® c int




From equations (4) and (5) it i s possible t o writ the

following expression o f the relative displacement




) :

Χ(ω) =Ι(ω) ·

M im



Therefore, inserting the equation (7) in (3), we obtain:



Finally, the power transferred t o the load i s equal to:



The optimal load, i.e. the load that maximizes ioad(¾ /¾^) a t

a certain frequency is:




2 )

A s a consequence, the expression o f the maximum power

PORIGI L ( ) supplied b y the conventional REVEH t o the load i s

a s follows:


(cco)2 +c(co0 i t)2

Equation (11)

Figure 2c shows the typical P0RIGINAL pattern a s a function o f


power i s supplied t o the optimal load only a t the resonance

frequency fopt o f the mass-spring-damper system. The values o f

such resonance frequency (fopt = opt/(2n) ) and o f the maximum

extractable power PQRIGINAL-MAX = P

ORIGINAL ( opt) are a s follows:

Equation (13)

In practice, i f the vibration frequency f b varies with time,

any ETT technique ideally allows t o extract only the power

that i s given b y the curve shown in Fig. 2c a t the vibration

frequency fVib- On the contrary, since the SMDE technique i s an

MTT, when it i s coupled t o any ETT technique, it ideally allows

(i.e. when PSMDE i s null) t o extract the power peak PORIGINAL MAX

a t each frequency. In other words, it allows t o extract the

power peak o f the time-varying curve which i s obtained b y

moving the curve o f Fig. 2c, right or left, a s desired. In

practice, however, due t o the presence o f a non-zero PSMDE (ω), the net power extracted PLOAD sMDE (2nfVib) - PSMDE (2nfV i ) a t the frequency f b, i s less than P0RIGINAL MAX · However, this net power i s greater than P0RIGINAL (2nfv i ) . A s shown below, due t o the particular trends o f PLOAD-SMDE ( ), PSMDE ( ) and PBENCHMARK ( ), in

order t o obtain the maximum value o f PLOAD sMDE (2nfVib)

PSMDE (2nfvib) - PBENCHMARK (2n f i ) it i s necessary t o regulate

appropriately the values o f the equivalent stiffness, o f the

equivalent mass and o f the equivalent viscous friction

coefficient. Through this adjustment, an optimal mechanical

resonance frequency fopt* (greater than f

b) o f the SMDE REVEH

i s obtained. In other words, i f the vibration frequency f b


necessary in order t o fully optimize the performance o f a REVEH harvester .

According t o the present invention, a SMDE MTT technique i s

proposed. This technique i s based on the use o f an external

coil 1 5 through which an appropriate current passes with the

aim o f emulating adjustable stiffness, mass and viscous

friction coefficient values. In particular, the adjustable

stiffness will b e expressed a s ks + ks*, the adjustable mass a s

m + m* and the adjustable viscous friction coefficient a s c +

c*. It should b e noted that k

s*, m* and c* can b e greater than

or less than zero a s they represent suitable variations with

respect t o the corresponding original quantities (ks r m and

c ). The desired current which must flow into the external coil

1 5 can b e regulated b y the use o f an appropriate power

electronics circuit or electrical control circuit 17. It should

b e noted that the control o f the harvester according t o the

present invention, i.e. the SMDE REVEH (and its architecture)

i s certainly easier t o implement than the mechanical actuators

belonging t o the state o f the art. The parameters o f the

external coil 1 5 are a s follows: resistance Rc e t inductance

L ext and electromechanical coupling coefficient @ext· A

schematic representation o f the harvester according t o the

present invention (SMDE REVEH) i s shown in figure 3 . In

addition t o the elements present in a conventional harvester

shown in figure 1 , the harvester SMDE REVEH comprises a coil

1 5 outside the housing 10.

The substantial difference between the inner coil 1 4 and the

outer coil 1 5 i s represented b y the fact that the first i s

connected t o the housing 1 0 o f the REVEH and moves integral

with it, while the second i s anchored t o a fixed point. In

practice, this has repercussions on the emf induced in the two


will b e equal t o 0 int·XSMDE (t ) (the SMDE subscript i s used t o

indicate the fact that the SMDE MTT technique i s applied) ,

while that induced in the external coil 1 5 will b e given b y

ext·[ SMDE (t )+y (t )] . It should b e noted that in the following

the mutual electromagnetic coupling between the two coils will

b e considered negligible. This simplifying hypothesis i s

reasonable because the two coils are placed a t opposite sides

o f the magnet 1 3 which vibrates and therefore a t a relatively

large distance from each other (see Fig. 3 ). In fact, a s i s

well known, t o maximize the electromechanical coupling

coefficient Θ between each coil 14, 1 5 and the magnet 13, the

distance between each o f these and the magnet itself cannot b e

less than a certain optimal distance.

The injection o f current into the external coil 1 5 i s intended

t o emulate, through the electromagnetic force 0ext'iext (t)

exerted on the magnet 13, the sum o f three additional forces

a s shown in Fig. 4a. These forces are k *-x

SMDE (t) (elastic force), m*·[X

SMDE (t) +y(t) ] (inertial force) and c*-xSMDE (t)

(viscous friction force) .

The application along the axis z o f Newton's second law t o the

system o f Fig. 4a leads t o the writing o f the following

equation which regulates the pattern in time o f the relative

displacement XSMDE (t ) between the magnet 1 3 and the internal

coil 1 4:

Equation (14)

In the equation (14) the SMDE subscript was used t o underline

the fact that the SMDE MTT technique i s applied. In practice,

equation (14) was obtained from equation (1) substituting ks

with ks + ks*, m with m + m* and c with c + c*. The emf which



Equation (15)

So the new resonance frequency fopt* will be:

Equation (16)

In conclusion, the objective o f the SMDE MTT technique i s t o

apply a Lorentz force 0ext'iext (t) t o the magnet 1 3 in order t o

emulate the three desired additional forces (Fig. 4a). This

result can b e achieved b y regulating the current iext (t) in the

external coil 1 5 so that the electromagnetic force exerted b y

it on the magnet 0ext'iext (t) i s exactly equal t o the desired

force (equation (17)):


Equation (17)

The electrical circuit equivalent t o the equation (14) i s shown

in Fig. 4b. Note that the circuit in Fig. 4b coincides with

the circuit o f Fig. 2b provided that the inductance n t2/k i s

replaced with the inductance θ ηί2/ (k + k *), the capacity

m/din t2 replaced with the capacity (m + m*) /

n t2 and the

resistance θ ηί2/ i s replaced with the resistance θ

ηί2/ (c + c*). In the case where k * = 0 , m* = 0 and c* = 0 , X

SMDE (t ) = x

(t) i s obtained; otherwise, XSMDE (t ) ≠ x(t).

The current in the load in Fig. 4b takes the following

expression :

+m*)· 2 + jco(c+c*) + ωθ


Equation (18)

In practice, equation (18) was obtained from equation (8)


load impedance that maximizes the power supplied t o the load

a t a given frequency assumes the following expression:

X L opt S

Equation (19.1)

R L opt S

Equation (19.2)

In practice, equations (19.1 and 19.2) were obtained from

equations (10.1 and 10.2) b y replacing ks with ks + ks*, m with

m + m* and c with c + c*. The power

LOAD_SMDE ( L-opt_ sMDE (ω),XL-0pt_ sMDE (ω),ω) supplied t o this optimal

load i s equal to:

opt SMDE(ω) ,ω)=

m+m*)2ro 2


c int (ks+ k s*- (m +m *)ro2) + ((C+C*) D +(c+c*)(ro9i t)

Equation (20)

In practice, also equation (20) was obtained from equation

(11) replacing ks with ks + ks*, m with m + m* and c with c +

c*. Note that, a t the new resonance frequency f

opt*, we have:

r . _ a2 2t(m+m*)2


8 R t-(c+c*)2+(c+c*)-02


Equation (21)

B y using equation (17) it i s possible t o obtain the expression

o f the current which must b e injected into the external coil

1 5 in order t o obtain the emulation o f the desired additional

force :

_ ks ^SMDE ' kSMDEft) + m '(kSMDE + Ϋ -) ) ®ext


Obviously, in order t o implement the SMDE MTT technique, a

certain non-zero power PSMDE i s required. It i s therefore

necessary t o evaluate this power. In particular, using the <β>

symbol t o identify the average o f the time-varying quantity

β(t) (over a time interval o f 2π/ω) , it must be:

¾MDE _ < ext ν χί( >_< x R ext· iext(t) + ext




R ext


where vext (t) represents the voltage a t the output o f the power

electronics converter which regulates the current in the

external coil 1 5 (see Fig. 5 ). W e have:

Equation (24) Then :

¾MDE ext

Equation (25)

Since PSMDE depends on Iext (ω) and XSMDE (ω), it i s necessary t o

evaluate the final expression o f such quantities. The equations

(14) and (15) written in the frequency domain become:

Equation (27)

Furthermore, the loop equation represented b y the internal


Equation (28)

Then the following relation i s obtained:

Equation (29)

Using equations (26) and (29), the following expression o f

SMDE (ω) i s obtained:


) ·a



Equation (30)

A t this point Iext (ω) can b e evaluated b y rewriting the equation

(22) in the frequency domain:

Equation (31)

Equations (30) and (31) provide the desired expressions o f

Iext (ω) and X

SMDE (ω) that are necessary t o evaluate the power


SMDE (see equation (25) ) .

A s discussed above, the practical utility o f the proposed SMDE

MTT technique i s closely linked t o the values assumed b y

PLOAD-SMDE (2nfv i ) - PSMDE (2nf i ) (net mean power extracted b y

applying SMDE MTT) and b y PBENCHMARK (2nfVib) . PBENCHMARK (2nfvib)

represents the maximum among P

SERIES (2nfvib), PORIGINAL (2nfvib) and

PEXTERNAL (2nfvib) . In the following, for simplicity but without

any loss o f generality, an external coil 1 5 identical t o the

internal coil 1 4 (Rc_ext Rc_int r Rc_ext _ nt and Qext Qint)


the internal coil 1 4 then PORIGINAL (2nfVib) — PEXTERNAL (2nfvib) and

therefore PBENCHMARK (2nfv i ) will b e the maximum between

PSERIES (2nfv i ) and PORIGINAL (2nfv i ) only. In practice, the need t o consider PSERIES (2nfv i ), in addition t o PORIGINAL (2nfv i ), i s linked

t o the fact that, since the use o f an additional coil i s

intended for the implementation o f the SMDE MTT technique, it

i s also fair t o consider the possible improvement o f

performance that can b e obtained b y using also this external

coil 1 5 in the standard way. Note that, in the case o f the

SERIES REVEH, both the external and the internal coil, which

are connected in series, are anchored t o the housing o f the

harvester. This means that there i s n o relative displacement

between the two coils a s it happens in the case o f SMDE REVEH.

Obviously, the series connection o f the coils in the SERIES

REVEH involves the increase o f the electromechanical coupling

coefficient (desired effect) but also the increase o f

resistance (undesired effect) . On the basis o f the previous

discussion, the expression o f PSERIES (ω) can b e easily obtained

considering that the electromechanical coupling coefficient o f

SERIES REVEH i s equal t o d n t + e t the total inductance o f

its coil i s equal t o L n t + L ext and the total resistance o f

its coil i s R n - e t·

Then :

2 2

(®int + ®ext ) m co

int R ext) (ks-mco

2) +(cco)2 + (ωθ

ώι+ωθ χΐ)2

Equation (32)

Obviously, for the SERIES REVEH t o extract the power PSERIES (ω),

it i s necessary t o use the following optimal load RL opt series (ω)


( i„t + ext )2( m c2-k s) c

XL opt series(ω)= " int (®) cxt (“)) ks-m-co2 + (cco)2 Equation (33.1) + ext )2c -ω2 RL opt series -co2 + (cco)2 Equation

In conclusion, the SMDE MTT technique i s only useful if:

PBENCHMARK(2 fvib) Equation (34)

Furthermore, in order t o maximize the quantity PLOAD SMDE (2nfv i )

- PSMDE (2nfv i ) - PBENCHMARK (2nfv i ), in general it must b e fopt* +

fvib- other words, a s shown below, in order t o obtain the

optimal performance o f the SMDE MTT technique a t the frequency

fvib it i s necessary t o set the new mechanical resonance

frequency fopt* t o a different value with respect t o the

vibration frequency fVib

-Fig. 5 shows the architecture o f the entire SMDE MTT REVEH 2 0

system. Applications o f this type o f system include, for

example, the supply o f sensors for environmental monitoring,

the powering o f monitoring and industrial control and safety

systems, the feeding o f wireless sensor networks and the power

supply o f electronic devices for the Internet o f Things.

Moreover, the greater availability o f energy, which the

proposed system guarantees compared t o existing systems, makes

it possible t o extend the practical uses o f existing vibration

harvesters t o user systems that require higher levels o f

energy .

It i s worth noting that the components o f the architecture

shown in Figure 5 enclosed within the dotted box a t the bottom


into the second coil or external coil 1 5 so a s t o obtain the

emulation o f the mass-spring-damper system.

The system includes the ORIGINAL REVEH energy harvester a s

previously described, the equivalent circuit o f which i s

indicated b y the reference 2 4 in figure 5 and an external coil.

A battery 2 1 i s powered b y an internal active AC/DC converter

2 2 (the AC/DC converter connected t o the internal coil 14,

AC/DC Converter 1 ). The direction o f the energy flow through

this converter 2 2 i s from the internal coil 1 4 t o the battery

/ load (PLOAD SMDE > 0 ). Moreover, this battery 2 1 i s also

connected t o the external coil 1 5 b y means o f a second

electronic power converter 2 3 (AC/DC Converter 2 ). A s shown

successively, the direction o f the energy flow through this

converter 2 3 may b e from the battery 2 1 towards the external

coil 1 5 (PSMDE > 0 ) or from the external coil 1 5 towards the

battery / load (PSMDE < 0 ). Obviously, in order t o implement

the SMDE MTT technique, a s shown in Fig. 5 , it i s necessary to

know XSMDE (t), x sMDE (t), X sMDE (t) and y(t) (see equation (22)). In

practice, in order t o obtain such quantities, it i s sufficient

t o know XSMDE (t) and XSMDE (t) + y(t) . XSMDE (t) can b e obtained b y

measuring the open circuit voltage ( measure l sMDE (t)) o f a

sensing coil 1 operating in an open circuit and anchored t o

the SMDE REVEH housing 1 0 (like the internal coil 14) . 0measure

i s the electromechanical coupling coefficient o f this sensing

coil 1 . Instead, XSMDE (t ) + y(t) can b e obtained b y measuring

the open circuit voltage (0measure_ 2·[XSMDE (t) + y(t)]) o f a

sensing coil 2 operating in open circuit and anchored t o a

fixed point (like the outer coil 15) . 0measure 2 i s the

electromechanical coupling coefficient o f this sensing coil 2 .

What will b e analysed in detail later i s the energy balance o f

the system o f Fig. 5 . The results that are shown and discussed


internal active AC/DC converter and the one connected t o the

external coil 15. In other words, it will b e assumed that the

currents that circulate both in the external coil 1 5 and in

the internal coil 1 4 are perfectly sinusoidal.

With the help o f the results o f a series o f numerical

simulations it i s possible t o demonstrate the validity o f the

SMDE MTT technique. In particular, two REVEH harvesters are

considered. The first considered REVEH (REVEH 1 ) has the

following mechanical parameters: m = 0.022 kg, ks = 3371 N/m,

c = 0.345 N-s/m, θ η = 5.64 N/A, Rc-lnt = 1.6 , Lc-int = 250 µΗ.

Its resonance frequency i s fopt = 62 .3 H z. A t a = 1 g (peak

acceleration value) and a t the resonance frequency, REVEH 1 i s

able to supply t o its optimal load a power equal t o PMAX = 16.5

mW. In the following, the ∆Ρ% symbol will indicate the quantity

defined a s follows:

Equation (35)

∆Ρ% depends on c*, m *, k

s* and obviously on fv b For example,

in Fig. 6 , the pattern o f ∆Ρ% a s a function o f m* and k

s*, for a fixed value o f c* and f

v b i s reported. For reasons o f clarity

o f representation, in Fig. 6 the surface portion characterized

b y negative values o f ∆Ρ% has been replaced with a flat surface

o f zero value. This means that only the operating region has

been highlighted where the SMDE MTT technique i s o f practical

use. In Fig. 6 , the horizontal axes report the normalized

quantities ks*/k

s and m*/m, while the used fixed normalized

values o f c* and f

v b are: c*/c = -1.6 and fVib/fopt = 0.8. This

means that a vibration frequency that i s less (80%) than the

original resonance frequency fopt o f REVEH 1 was considered.

The maximum value ∆ ΡΜΑΧ% o f ∆Ρ% in Fig. 6 i s about 47% and i s obtained a t ks*/k


value o f




a pair o f values o f


s* and m* exists for which

∆Ρ% assumes its maximum value ∆ ΡΜΑΧ%. In the following, the

values o f


s* and


* which, for a given value o f


*, lead t o

the maximum value o f ∆Ρ% will b e indicated respectively a s


sBEST* and



* practice, since the identification o f the

best performances that can b e obtained when the SMDE MTT

technique i s applied t o REVEH 1 i s o f interest, the

identification o f the absolute maximum ∆ΡΜΑΧ OT % o f ∆ΡΜΑΧ% i s o f

interest. Thus, a number o f numerical simulations have been

performed with different values o f c*. For each value o f



the pair o f values


s BEST* and m

BEST* have been numerically

identified b y means o f appropriate scans o f each o f the two

parameters (k * and m*) . In Fig. 7a, the curve

ΡΜΑΧ% V S . C*



i s reported a t


Vi /f p


0.8. The value



/c =





( BEST* indicates the value o f


* which, for a given frequency




allows t o obtain the maximum value o f ∆Ρ% ) allows t o

obtain ∆ΡΜΑΧ TOT% = 79% (as shown in Fig. 7a) . The corresponding

values o f


BEST*/ and


sBEST*/ks are:





-0.51 (as shown

in Fig. 7b) and


s BEST*/k



-0.58 (as shown in Fig. 7c) .

Figure 7d also shows the pattern o f normalized frequency



opt BEST /


vib a function o f




a t


Vib/fopt = 0.8. The value

o f



opt BEST has been identified according t o equation (16) b y

using, for each value o f


*, the corresponding values o f


s BEST *

and E T*· practice, Fig. 7d clearly indicates that, for

each value o f


*, in order t o obtain the best performance, it

i s necessary t o set the



opt BEST resonance frequency o f the

system t o a value higher than the vibration frequency


v±b For

example, a t


Vib/fop = 0.8, in the optimal operating point o f












-0.51, ∆ Μ Χ-ΤΟΤ% = 79%, see Figures 7a-d) it i s f*οΡ -ΒΕετ





could intuitively expect that f*

opt BEST should b e chosen t o b e

coincident with fVib

-Figure 8 , on the other hand, shows the pattern o f m*/m and

ks*/ k

s (c*/ c = CBEST*/c = -0.4 and f ib/ fopt 0.8).

The curves shown in figure 9a, which refer t o the maximum o f

the case shown in Fig. 8 (c*/ c = CBEST*/C = -0.4, fvib/ f p = 0.8,

ks BEST*/ k

s =-0.58, mBEST*/ = -0.51), clearly indicate that ∆Ρ%

takes on its maximum value (∆ ΡΜΑΧ TOT% = 79%) a t f/f v = 1 when f*

opt-BEST / fv b = 1.18 and fopt/ fvib = 1/0.8 = 1.25. In other words,

the best performances are obtained with an emulated resonance

frequency f*

opt BEST which i s greater than fvib, but smaller than

the original mechanical resonance frequency fopt o f REVEH. Note

that, a t f = fVib, PLOAD SMDE i s positive and therefore represents

a power that i s supplied t o the load. In other words, the flow

direction o f PLOAD SMDE goes from the internal coil 1 4 o f the

SMDE REVEH 1 towards the battery. Moreover, a t f = fvib, PSMDE

i s negative. This means that the electronic power converter

that regulates the current in the external coil (Fig. 5 )

absorbs (and does not inject) power from this coil. Thus, the

direction o f the power flow o f PSMDE goes from the external coil

1 5 o f the SMDE REVEH 1 towards the battery. In conclusion,

under the considered operating conditions, the power i s

supplied t o the battery b y both coils.

For completeness, Fig. 9b shows the patterns (Fourier transform

module) , depending on the frequency, the load voltage (VLOAD SMDE)

o f the internal coil 1 4 o f the SMDE REVEH 1 and that (V) o f

the internal coil o f the ORIGINAL REVEH 1 , i.e. o f the

conventional harvester. The same figure also shows the pattern

a s a function o f the voltage frequency (Vext) t o the output o f

the electronic power converter which regulates the current in


Furthermore, Fig. 9c reports the patterns (Fourier transform module) a s a function o f the load current frequency (ISMDE) o f

the internal coil 1 4 o f the SMDE REVEH 1 and o f the load

current (I) o f the internal coil o f the ORIGINAL REVEH 1 , i.e.

o f the conventional harvester. The same figure also shows the

pattern a s a function o f the frequency o f the current (Iext)

injected b y the power electronics converter into the external

coil 1 5 o f the SMDE REVEH 1 .

A s for the second considered harvester (REVEH 2), this i s a

device with the following mechanical parameters: m = 0.83 kg,

ks = 296 kN/m, c = 1.882 N-s/m, ±n t = 552.25 N/A, Rc n t = 99.5

, L int = 4 H . Its mechanical resonance frequency i s fopt =

95.1 Hz. A t a = 100 m g (peak acceleration value) and a t its

resonance frequency, REVEH 2 i s able t o supply its maximum

load with a power MAX = 2.7 mW. In Fig. 10, the pattern o f ∆Ρ%

i s reported a s a function o f m*/m e k */k a t f

Vi /f p = 0.7 and c*/ c = CBEST*/ = -0.2 (which i s the optimal value o f c*/ c for SMDE REVEH 2 ). The corresponding maximum value ∆ ΡΜΑΧ TOT% in Fig.

1 0 i s equal t o 161% and i s obtained with ksBEST*/k

s = -0.656 and

BEST*/ = -0.625. In Fig. 11a, all the average powers o f

interest are reported (ksBEsT*/k

s = -0.656, mBEsT*/ = -0.625, c*/ c

= CBEST*/ = -0.2, fv /fopt = 0.7) . It i s possible t o make similar

considerations t o those that have already been discussed with

reference t o Fig. 9a and which are not repeated here for

conciseness. For completeness, Figures lib and 11c also report

the frequency patterns (Fourier transform module) o f the main

voltages and currents.

The comparison o f figures 9(c) and 11(c) shows that the order

o f magnitude o f the currents circulating in the two coils i s

almost the same.

In conclusion, the method t o optimize the conversion o f


into electrical energy, uses the SMDE MTT technique t o b e

applied t o a REVEH-type harvester. The aforementioned

technique i s based on the adoption o f an external coil t o b e

added t o the standard architecture o f a REVEH. The resulting

REVEH (SMDE REVEH) i s composed o f two coils: an external coil

1 5 anchored t o a fixed non-vibrating point and an internal

coil 1 4 anchored t o the REVEH casing 10. The current which

circulates in the external coil 1 5 must b e appropriately

adjusted b y means o f a specific power electronics converter 1 7

(or electrical control circuit) s o a s t o allow the emulation

o f the desired mass-spring-damper system. In this description

the guidelines for the identification o f operating conditions

have also been proposed, leading t o a positive net energy

balance for the SMDE REVEH. Two different REVEHs were analysed

numerically. The results o f the numerical simulations have

clearly shown that, in both cases, the proposed technique i s

efficient for vibration frequencies fv > that are lower than

the mechanical resonance frequency fopt originating from the

REVEH. In particular, in order t o optimize the performance o f

the SMDE REVEH, the new mechanical resonance frequency f*

opt BEST

must b e set lower than the frequency fopt but higher than the

vibration frequency fvi

The proposed method i s also applicable t o other types o f

harvesters such a s magnetostrictive or piezoelectric types. In

the case o f piezoelectric harvester applications, it i s

possible t o place a magnetic element a t the tip o f the

piezoelectric cantilever and use a fixed coil whose current,

appropriately controlled, allows t o apply t o the magnet a force

necessary t o vary the resonance frequency o f the harvester b y

emulating an appropriate mass-spring-damper system.

A person skilled in the art can perform several and further


described above, in order t o satisfy further and contingent

needs, all said modifications and variants being however

included within the scope o f protection o f the present



1 .Resonant vibration energy harvester (1) for optimizing the

conversion o f vibrational kinetic energy generated b y an

external source into electrical energy, the harvester

comprising :

a supporting housing (10) capable o f vibrating in response

t o the external source; and

an electromagnetic generator (11) coupled t o the housing

(10) and having a resonance frequency, wherein the generator

(11) comprises:

elastic means (12) placed within the housing (10) and fixed

t o a wall o f said housing (10);

a t least one magnetic element (13), having a mass (m) and

coupled t o the housing (10) b y said elastic means (12),

wherein said elastic means (12) create a relative motion

between the magnetic element (13) and the housing (10)

itself and wherein the magnetic element (13) i s a permanent

magnet and the resonance frequency o f the electromagnetic

generator (11) i s the mechanical resonance frequency o f the

magnetic element (13) with respect t o the housing (10); and

a first conductive winding (14) magnetically coupled t o the

magnetic element (13) and fixed t o the housing (10) such

that the vibrational kinetic energy generated b y the

external source determines a relative displacement (x)

between the magnetic element (13) and the first winding (14)

causing a potential difference t o b e generated a t the ends

o f the first winding (14),

characterized b y the fact that

the harvester (1) further comprises a second conductive

winding (15) fixed t o a non-vibrating support (16) and being


from the housing (10), wherein the distance between the

first winding (14) and the second winding (15) i s such a s

t o make a mutual magnetic coupling between said first and

second winding (14, 15) negligible; and

control means (17) connected t o the ends o f the second

winding (15) t o introduce an electric current within the

second winding (15) and regulate the intensity o f said

electric current so a s t o adapt the resonance frequency o f

the electromagnetic generator (11) t o the vibration

frequency associated t o the vibrational kinetic energy

generated b y the external source.

2 .Harvester (1) according t o claim 1 , wherein the elastic

means (12) comprise a couple o f coil springs each having

one end fixed t o the housing (10) and the other end fixed

t o the magnetic element (13) .

3 . Harvester (1) according t o one o f the preceding claims,

further comprising an extraction electrical circuit and a

storage circuit coupled t o the ends o f the first winding

(14) .

4 . Harvester (1) according t o one o f the preceding claims,

wherein the first and the second winding (14, 15) are

positioned on the opposite sides with respect t o the

magnetic element (13) .

5 . Harvester (1) according t o one o f the preceding claims,

wherein the control means (17) comprise a control electrical

circuit for the generation o f electrical current and the

consequent emulation o f a mass-spring-damper system.

6 . Harvester (1) according t o claim 5 , wherein the control

electrical circuit (17) i s configured t o determine an

emulated resonance frequency with a value that i s higher

than the vibration frequency and lower than the resonance


7 . Harvester (1) according t o one o f the preceding claims,

wherein the dimensions o f the first winding (14) are

different from those o f the second winding (15) .

8 .System comprising a resonant vibration energy harvester (1)

according t o one o f the claims from 1 t o 7 and an electronic

device coupled t o said harvester (1) .

9 .Method for optimizing the conversion o f vibrational kinetic

energy generated b y an external source into electrical

energy, wherein the method comprises:

providing a supporting housing (10) capable o f vibrating in

response t o the external source; and

coupling an electromagnetic generator (11) having a

resonance frequency t o the housing (10), wherein the

generator (11) comprises elastic means (12) placed within

the housing (10) and fixed t o a wall o f said housing (10),

a t least one magnetic element (13) having a mass (m) and

coupled t o the housing (10) b y said elastic means (12),

wherein said elastic means (12) create a relative motion

among the magnetic element (13) and the housing (10) itself

and wherein the magnetic element (13) i s a permanent magnet

and the resonance frequency o f the electromagnetic generator

(11) i s the mechanical resonance frequency o f the magnetic

element (13) with respect t o the housing (10) and a first

conductive winding (14), magnetically coupled t o the

magnetic element (13) and fixed t o the housing (10) such

that the vibrational kinetic energy generated b y the

external source determines a relative displacement (x)

between the magnetic element (13) and the first winding (14)

causing a potential difference t o b e generated a t the ends

o f the first winding (14),


providing a second conductive winding (15) fixed t o a non

vibrating support (16) and being stationary with respect t o

said support (16) and separated from the housing (10),

wherein the distance between the first winding (14) and the

second winding (15) i s such a s t o make a mutual magnetic

coupling between said first and second winding (14, 15)

negligible; and

connecting control means (17) t o the ends o f the second

winding (15), t o inject an electric current within the

second winding (15) and regulate the intensity o f said

electric current so a s t o adapt the resonance frequency o f

the electromagnetic generator (11) t o the frequency or t o

the frequencies associated t o the vibrational kinetic energy

generated b y the external source.

10. Method according t o claim 9 , further comprising emulating

a mass-spring-damper system a s a consequence o f the

introduction o f electric current within the second winding

(15) b y connecting the control means (17) t o the ends o f



International application No



INV. Η 2Κ33/ 2 H02K7/18 H02K35/02 H02N2/18


According to International Patent Classification (IPC) or tobothnationalclassification andIPC


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EPO-Internal , WPI Data

* Special categories of cited documents :

"T" later document published after the international filing date or priority

"A" document defining the general state of the art whichisnot considered dateand notinconflict with the application but cited to understand

to be of particular relevance the principle or theory underlying the invention

Έ" earlier application or patent but published on or after the international

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InternationalapplicationNo Information on patentfamily members


Patentdocument Publication Patentfamily Publication citedinsearch report date member(s) date

US 2010194117 A 1 05-08-2010 E P 2394355 A2 14-12-2011 US 2010194117 A 1 05-08-2010 WO 2010091156 A2 12-08-2010 D E 102009021556 A 1 16-12-2010 NONE WO 2017172012 A 1 05-10-2017 US 2017288443 A 1 05-10-2017 WO 2017172012 A 1 05-10-2017


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