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I would also like to thank Prof. Agostino Monorchio for giving me his


Academic year: 2021

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The first person that I would like to thank is my wife Chiara Pelletti for supporting me with her love, for believing in me, and for walking next to me along these past three years.

Thanks also to my parents and to my brother Lorenzo who always helped me, telling me to never give up during hard times.

I would also like to thank Prof. Agostino Monorchio for giving me his

time, experience, help and for doing all it was possible for him to let me

grow with experiences abroad. Thanks to Prof. Raj Mittra, for his precious

and immeasurable mentoring, and who took care of me as soon as I arrived

in State College. During the years spent at the Electromagnetic

Communication Lab at Penn State University, he found himself in the

difficult task of growing me and guiding me in solving the electromagnetic

problems of and trying to pass me part of his endless knowledge. I would

like also to thank to Prof. Giuliano Manara for arranging this wonderful

group of persons working in the Microwave and Radiation Laboratory of

Pisa University.




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