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Academic year: 2021



Testo completo




Edizione delle opere

XU XI, Access: Thirteen Tales, Typhoon Media Ltd., Hong Kong, 2011.

Evanescent Isles: From My City-Village, Hong Kong University Press, Hong

Kong, 2008.

Overleaf Hong Kong: Stories & Essays of the Chinese Overseas, Chameleon

Press, Hong Kong, 2005.

Testi critici consultati

AA.VV. City Voices, in Xu X. e M. Ingham (a cura di), Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2003.

AA. VV., The Other Hong Kong Report, in Donald H. McMillen, Man Si-Wai (a cura di), The Chinese University Press, Hong Kong, 1994.

ABBAS ACKBAR, Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance, University of Minnesota Press, Minneapolis, 1997.

BACON-SHONE, JOHN, BOLTON, KINGSLEY, Charting Multilingualism:

Language Censuses and Language Surveys in Hong Kong, in M. C. Pennington (a

cura di), Language in Hong Kong at Century's End, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 43-90.



BASSO SUSANNA, Sul tradurre. Esperienze e divagazioni militanti, Mondadori, Torino, 2010.

ECO, UMBERTO, Riflessioni teorico-pratiche sulla traduzione, in S. Nergaard (a cura di), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Bompiani, Milano, 1995, pp. 121-146.

HAN, SUYIN, Plenary Lecture, in M. Chan, R. Harris (a cura di), Asian

Voices in English, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 1991, pp. 17-21.

HIAULT, DENIS, Hong Kong appuntamento con la Cina, tr. it. di G. Lomazzi, Electa/Gallimard, Trieste, 1998.

HUI, PO-KEUNG, Comprador Politics and Middleman Capitalism, in Ngo Tak-Wing (a cura di), Hong Kong's History. State and Society under Colonial

Rule, Routledge, London, 1999, pp. 30-45.

INGHAM, MIKE, Writing on the Margin: Hong Kong English Poetry, Fiction

and Creative Non-Fiction, in Xu X. e M. Ingham (a cura di), City Voices, Hong

Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 2003, pp. 1-15.

KACHRU, B. BRAJ, Standards, Codification and Sociolinguistic Realism:

the English Language in the Outer Circle, in K. Bolton, B. B. Kachru (a cura di),

«World Englishes: Critical Concepts in Linguistics», vol. 3, Routledge, Oxon, (2006), pp. 241-269.

KWONG, KEVIN, L'“aggiornamento” dei manuali, in D. Hiault, Hong Kong

appuntamento con la Cina, tr. it. di G. Lomazzi, sezione “Testimonianze e

documenti”, Electa/Gallimard, Trieste, 1998, pp. 114-115.

MOLINA, MARTÍNEZ LUCÍA, El otoño del pingüino: análisis descriptivo

de la traducción de los culturemas, Castellón de la Plana, Publicaciones de la

Universitat Jaume I, 2006.

NIDA, EUGÈNE ALBERT, Principi di traduzione esemplificati dalla



by Bible Translation, tr. it. di Bruno Bassi, in S. Nergaard (a cura di), Teorie contemporanee della traduzione, Bompiani, Milano, 1995, pp. 149-180.


Practice of Translation, With Special Reference to Bible Translating, Brill,

Leiden, 1969.

NORD, CHRISTIANE, What Do We Know About the Target-Text Receiver?, in A. Beeby, D. Ensinger, M. Presas (a cura di), Investigating Translation:

Selected Papers from the 4th International Congress on Translation, John

Benjamins Publishing, The Netherlands, 2000, pp. 195-212.

PENNINGTON, MARTHA C., Introduction: Perspectives on Language in

Hong Kong at Century's End, in M. C. Pennington (a cura di), Language in Hong Kong at Century's End, Hong Kong University Press, Hong Kong, 1998, pp. 3-40.


English, Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2010.

TAY, WILLIAM, Colonialism, the Cold War Era, and Marginal Space. The

Existential Conditions of Five Decades of Hong Kong Literature, in Pang-yuan

Chi, D. Wang (a cura di), Chinese Literature in the Second Half of a Modern

Century. A critical Survey, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2000, pp.


TSANG, STEVE, A Modern History of Hong Kong, I.B. Tauris, London, 2004.

WONG, CATHERINE, Home to Hong Kong: The Linguistic Displacement

and Imaginary Diaspora in Anglophone Hong Kong Literature, in L. De Pretto, G.

Macri, C. Wong (a cura di), Diasporas: Revisiting and Discovering, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Oxford, 2010, pp. 49-70.



Risorse elettroniche

ABBAS, ACKBAR, Hong Kong: Other Histories, Other Politics, in Esther M. K. Cheung, Chu Yiu-wai (a cura di), Between Home and World: A Reader in

Hong Kong Cinema, Oxford University Press, Hong Kong, (1997), pp. 273-296,

tratto da Public Culture, 1997, vol. 9 n° 3, pp. 293-313, http://hub.hku.hk/handle/10722/42653

BARBIERI, MARIO, Il cinema di Hong Kong e il 1997: ritorno al futuro, in «Asia», Cesmeo, Torino (1996/97), n° 8-9, pp. 80-89,

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BIRCH, ALAN, Il tiro alla fune imperiale, tr. it. di B. Ramaglia, in «Asia», Cesmeo, Torino (1996/97), n° 8-9, pp. 36-41,

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BOLTON, KINGSLEY, English in Asia, Asian Englishes, and the Issue of

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BOLTON, KINGSLEY, The Sociolinguistics of Hong Kong and the Space for

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p. 268, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1467-971X.00179/abstract BOLTON KINGSLEY, LIM SHIRLEY, Futures for Hong Kong English, in «World Englishes», vol. 19, n°. 3, 2000, pp. 429-443,


CHOW, CHI-SING JEFFREY, Postcoloniality in Hong Kong Literature: with



Hong Kong,1994, http://hdl.handle.net/10722/40361

CHOY, HOWARD Y. F., Schizophrenic Hong Kong: Postcolonial Identity

Crisis in the Infernal Affairs Trilogy, in «Transtext(e)s Transcultures 跨文本跨文化»

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CRISÀ, DANIÈLE, Hong Kong '97, tr. it. Maria Vittoria Reschia, in «Asia», Cesmeo, Torino (1996/97), n° 8-9, pp. 56-69, qui p. 64,

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GROVES, JULIE, Hong Kong English - Does it exist?, in «HKBU Papers in Applied Language Studies», vol. 13, 2009,


HO, ELAINE YEE LIN, Connecting Cultures: Hong Kong Literature in

English, the 1950s, in «New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies» (2003), vol. 5, n°

2, pp. 5-25, http://www.nzasia.org.nz/downloads/NZJAS-Dec03/5.2_2.pdf

HO, HING-KAY OSCAR, China: The Process of Decolonization in the Case

of Hong Kong, in Philipp Gasset and Martin Klimke (a cura di), 1968 Memories and Legacies of a Global Revolt (Bulletin Supplement 6), German Historic

Institution Washington DC, 2009, pp. 79-82,


HO, LOUISE, Hong Kong writing and writing Hong Kong, in K. Bolton, D. Davis (a cura di), «World Englishes», vol. 19, n° 3, (2000), pp. 381-386,

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HOA, LE MI, Trent'anni di immigrazione cinese a Hong Kong, Tesi di Laurea, Facoltà Lingue e Letterature Straniere, Università Ca' Foscari di Venezia,



KACHRU, YAMUNA; SMITH, LARRY, The Karmic Cycle of World

Englishes: some Futuristic Constructs, in «World Englishes», vol. 28, n° 1, pp. 1–

14, 2009, https://www.google.it/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=2&ved=0CE UQFjAB&url=http%3A%2F%2Fxa.yimg.com%2Fkq%2Fgroups%2F16022259% 2F1594265391%2Fname%2Fkarmic%252Bcycle%252Bof%252Bworld%252Ben glishes.pdf&ei=8Sr9UsziE- XhywPliYL4Aw&usg=AFQjCNGiHfC6xqeSlzbc_IAbrphNpxlpYw&sig2=tpoZ-mTqnF08tT0ze6nnbg

LAU, SIU-KAI, Hongkonghese or Chinese. The Problem of Identity on the

Eve of Resumption of Chinese Sovereignty over Hong Kong, Hong Kong Institute

of Asia-Pacific Studies, Hong Kong, 1997,


LAU, SIU-KAI, Decolonization without Independence and the Poverty of

Leaders in Hong Kong, Occasional Paper 1, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific

Studies, Chinese UP, Hong Kong, 1990,


LO, KWAI-CHEUNG, Crossing Boundaries: A Study of Modern Hong Kong

Fiction from the Fifties to the Eighties, Tesi di Laurea, The University of Hong

Kong, 1990, http://hdl.handle.net/10722/32491


Learning to Belong to a Nation, New York, Routledge Contemporary China

Series, Oxon, 2008, dal sito http://www.bniao.org/

MARTIN, MICHAEL F., Hong Kong: Ten Years After the Handover, CRS Report for Congress, http://www.fas.org/sgp/crs/row/RL34071.pdf

PAYNE, CHRISTOPHER, Linguistic-Cultural Schizophrenia: Reading Xu Xi

Writing Hong Kong, Tamkang Review, College of Foreign Languages and

Literatures, Tamkang University, Taiwan, 2010, Vol. 41, n° 1, pp. 39–73,



PLATT, KEVIN, In Post-Britain Hong Kong, History Gets a Beijing Spin, Christian Science Monitor, Vol. 89, n° 154, 199,

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SCHNEIDER, EDGAR W., The Dynamics of New Englishes: from Identity

Language Construction to Dialect Birth, in «Language», Linguistic Society of

America, vol. 79, n° 2, 2003, pp. 233-281,



Art through Hong Kong Culture, commissionato dall'“Education Bureau”,

Governo della Regione Amministrativa Speciale di Hong Kong, vol.1, 2013,

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WONG, WENDY SIUYI, Design Identity of Hong Kong: Colonization,

De-colonization, and Re-De-colonization, The 6th International Conference of the

European Academy of Design, University of the Arts, Bremen, Germany, 2005, http://www.yorku.ca/wsywong/homepage/articlespdf/proceedings/ead06_id117_fi nal.pdf

YOUNG, JOHN. D., Hong Kong cambia identità, tr. it. di B. Ramaglia, in «Asia», Cesmeo, Torino (1996/97), n° 8-9, pp. 14-27,

http://www.cesmeo.it/dettaglio_pubblicazione.asp?id_pubblicazione=27&id_testo _pubblicazione=28&id_menu=24&id_menu_padre=5&id_voce_menu=29&tipolo gia=periodica&livello_menu=2&anno=1997.

ZHANG, QI, The Emergence and development of Hong Kong English, in «Atlantic Provinces Linguistics Association», n° 30, 2006, pp. 93-109, http://research.ncl.ac.uk/ARECLS/vol3_documents/zhangqi.pdf




First City Magazine, New Delhi, 2012.

Time Out Hong Kong, Rubicon Communications Limited, Wanchai

Commercial Centre, 194-204 Johnston Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong http://www.timeout.com.hk/books/features/47617/tales-from-a-darker-side.html


CAGLIERO, ROBERTO; SPALLINO, CHIARA, Dizionario di Slang Americano, Mondadori, Milano, 1999.

CUMMINGS, PATRICK J.; WOLF, HANS-GEORG, A Dictionary of Hong Kong English: Words from the Fragrant Harbor, Hong Kong University Press,

Hong Kong, 2011.

DE MAURO, TULLIO, Il dizionario della lingua italiana, Paravia, Torino, 2000.

RAGAZZINI, GIUSEPPE, Dizionario di Inglese Il Ragazzini 2011, Zanichelli, Bologna, 2011

Dizionario di Italiano Garzanti, Garzanti Linguistica, Milano, 1999. Dizionario di Inglese-Italiano Hazon, Garzanti, Milano, 2007.

Dizionari online

Dizionario Cambridge, http://dictionary.cambridge.org/ Dizionario Collins, http://www.collinsdictionary.com

Dizionario The Free Dictionary, http://www.thefreedictionary.com Dizionario Garzanti, http://www.garzantilinguistica.it/



Dizionario Merriam Webster, http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary Dizionario Reference, http://dictionary.reference.com

Dizionario Sabatini Coletti, http://dizionari.corriere.it/dizionario_italiano Dizionario Wordreference, http://www.wordreference.com/

Enciclopedia Treccani Online, http://www.treccani.it/ Grande Dizionario Italiano online di Gabrielli Aldo, Hoepli, http://www.grandidizionari.it/dizionario_italiano.aspx

Siti web consultati

Hong Kong Journalists Association

http://www.hkja.org.hk/site/portal/Site.aspx?id=A1-1003&lang=en-US) Informazioni sulla Nuova Zelanda


Informazioni sulla composizione dei gruppi etnici a Hong Kong http://www.had.gov.hk/rru/english/info/info_dem.html

Informazioni sui dati relativi al commercio

http://www.tid.gov.hk/english/aboutus/publications/tradestat/tradestat_mainconten t.html

Informazioni di carattere generale http://it.wikipedia.org/


Pagine Ufficiali del Governo di Hong Kong http://www.gov.hk/en/about/abouthk/facts.htm


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